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Northumberland County Court of Common Pleas Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Abdulin, Askhat CP-49-MD-0000388-2007 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 11/21/2007 49-BW-0000107-2007 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Fugitive Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e4a8r2513-3 Acevedo, Michael J. CP-49-CR-0000469-2015 Saylor, Charles H. 01/27/2016 49-BW-0000017-2016 Criminal Use Of Communication Facility Active Bench Warrant 171-21-84-7 Bench Warrant T 642119-2 failure to comply w/Prob & Parole req per Order dated 12/29/15 for intake upon release from NCP; whereabouts unknown Acevedo, Michael James CP-49-CR-0000843-2015 Saylor, Charles H. 01/27/2016 49-BW-0000018-2016 Stalking - Repeatedly Commit Acts To Cause Fear Active Bench Warrant 171-21-84-7 Bench Warrant T 669471-5 failure to comply w/Prob & Parole req per Order dated 12/29/15 for intake upon release from NCP; whereabouts unknown CP-49-CR-0001228-2015 Saylor, Charles H. 01/27/2016 49-BW-0000019-2016 Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Active Bench Warrant 171-21-84-7 Bench Warrant T 706543-5 failure to comply w/Prob & Parole req per Order dated 12/29/15 for intake upon release from NCP; whereabouts unknown Acosta, Nathaniel Ramon CP-49-CR-0000019-2009 Saylor, Charles H. 03/31/2009 49-BA-0000071-2009 Simple Assault Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e7a0r9010-1 failure to appear for Guilty Plea Acosta-Resto, Alberto Jose CP-49-CR-0000071-2011 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 10/27/2014 49-BP-0000957-2014 DUI: Controlled Substance - Schedule 1 - 1st Offense Active Bench Warrant 360-35-16-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 025433-2 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dtd 4/4/13 in that deft failed to make payments of $50./mth till paid in full or 5 days NCP. Total - $1,163.40 Acy, Derrick Joseph CP-49-CR-0000933-2008 Sacavage, Robert B. 02/23/2010 49-BA-0000048-2010 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off Active Bench Warrant 362-04-92-3 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a2r0524-2 failure to appear for ARD Revocation Adams, Samantha Jaye AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 1 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Adams, Samantha Jaye (Continued) CP-49-MD-0000089-2013 Saylor, Charles H. 03/14/2014 49-BP-0000228-2014 Fugitive 334-12-75-4 Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 6/1/10 to make payments as ordered Adams, Samuel Rafael CP-49-CR-0000959-2015 Jones, Hugh A. 02/02/2016 49-BA-0000027-2016 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Active Bench Warrant 347-97-95-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApLp e9a5r6171-6 failure to appear for status conf hrg Ahearn, Nicole Marie CP-49-CR-0001454-2008 Sacavage, Robert B. 04/06/2009 49-BA-0000083-2009 Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a9r4426-5 failure to appear for PTC on 4-3-09 CP-49-CR-0001455-2008 Sacavage, Robert B. 04/06/2009 49-BA-0000084-2009 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a9r4432-4 failure to appear for PTC on 4-3-09 Albertson, Cynthia Ann CP-49-MD-0000264-2012 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 08/15/2014 49-BP-0000601-2014 Fugitive 355-18-33-9 Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 11/14/12 to make payments as ordered Albertson, Dane Earl CP-49-MD-0000094-2014 Saylor, Charles H. 02/28/2014 49-BA-0000096-2014 Fugitive 224-76-03-3 Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear failure to appear for cost contempt hearing. Albertson, Dane Earl Jr. CP-49-CR-0000111-2016 Saylor, Charles H. 02/03/2016 49-BA-0000024-2016 Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer Active Bench Warrant 314-31-21-2 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e7a0r6360-4 Failure to appear at MDJ Apfelbaum's for Hrg. Albury, William Gerald CP-49-CR-0001014-2008 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 07/13/2009 49-BA-0000210-2009 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off Active Bench Warrant 307-02-61-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e5a9r7270-2 failure to appear for PTC Alcisto, Leilani L. CP-49-CR-0001193-2014 Saylor, Charles H. 12/08/2015 49-BA-0000668-2015 Retail Theft-Take Mdse Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e5a5r5533-6 failure to appear for Pretrial Conf Alicea, Jonathan AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 2 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Alicea, Jonathan (Continued) CP-49-CR-0000414-2015 Saylor, Charles H. 04/28/2015 49-BA-0000242-2015 Def Tres Posted Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e6a3r4403-0 failure to appear @ MDJ Apfelbaum's office for hearing CP-49-CR-0000415-2015 Saylor, Charles H. 04/28/2015 49-BA-0000243-2015 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e6a3r1829-2 failure to appear @ MDJ Apfelbaum's office for hearing Allen, Willard L. CP-49-MD-0000273-1969 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 03/19/2015 49-BP-0000216-2015 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 9/3/14 to pay balance due w/i 30 days or 5 days NCP - $88.20 CP-49-MD-0000081-1975 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 03/19/2015 49-BP-0000217-2015 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 9/3/14 to pay balance due w/i 30 days or 5 days NCP - $88.20 Allison, Brandon James CP-49-CR-0000764-2008 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/15/2014 49-BA-0000433-2014 Bad Checks Active Bench Warrant 326-38-54-6 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e5a3r9509-5 failure to appear for Revocation Hrg 9/6/12 CP-49-CR-0000765-2008 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/15/2014 49-BA-0000434-2014 Bad Checks Active Bench Warrant 326-38-54-6 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a7r9053-4 failure to appear for Revocation Hrg 9/6/12 CP-49-CR-0000395-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/15/2014 49-BA-0000435-2014 Bad Checks Active Bench Warrant 326-38-54-6 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a7r9245-0 failure to appear for Revocation Hrg 9/6/12 Alvarez, Mary Beth CP-49-CR-0000029-2010 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 08/05/2015 49-BP-0000673-2015 DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off Active Bench Warrant 260-63-53-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 811509-6 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dtd 4/15/14 in that deft failed to pay $50./mth. Total - $17,733.90 CP-49-CR-0000791-2010 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 08/05/2015 49-BP-0000674-2015 Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Active Bench Warrant 260-63-53-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaSy 004288-4 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dtd 4/15/14 in that deft failed to pay $50./mth. Total - $17,733.90 Alvirena, Carlos Alberto CP-49-CR-0001005-2001 Clark, Lawrence F. Jr. 04/16/2014 49-BA-0000158-2014 Aggravated Assault Active Bench Warrant 249-35-60-4 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApHp e1a9r4808-5 failure to appear for Cost Contempt Alvord, Adam M. AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 3 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Alvord, Adam M. (Continued) CP-49-CR-0000762-2003 Sacavage, Robert B. 04/29/2010 49-BA-0000117-2010 Unauth Use Motor/Other Vehicles Active Bench Warrant 311-03-39-8 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApHp e7a6r2175-1 failure to appear for cost contempt hearing Anderson, James K. CP-49-MD-0000624-1988 Sacavage, Robert B. 04/23/2008 49-BA-0000214-2010 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear Failure to appear for cost contempt. CP-49-MD-0000396-1989 Sacavage, Robert B. 04/23/2008 49-BP-0000039-2010 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay Failure to appear for cost contempt. CP-49-MD-0000936-1989 Sacavage, Robert B. 04/23/2008 49-BA-0000215-2010 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Appear Failure to appear for cost contempt. Anderson, Jeremiah Joshua CP-49-CR-0001173-2010 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 06/12/2015 49-BW-0000107-2015 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 1st Off Active Bench Warrant 382-66-74-8 Bench Warrant T 015486-2 failure to comply w/Probation & Parole requirement per Ct Order dated 5/15/15 - deft failed to reside @ address on record Anderson, Nathan Han CP-49-CR-0001099-2005 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 07/05/2007 49-BW-0000191-2007 Aggravated Assault Active Bench Warrant 244-11-48-6 Bench Warrant K 033294-2 Failure to comply w/Probation & Parole requirements per Court Order dated 1/12/07. Anecki, Brittany CP-49-CR-0001254-2012 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 10/16/2015 49-BP-0000902-2015 Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 252951-6 failure to comply w/Order dated 7/3/14 to pay $100/mth or 10 days NCP - $1,140.30 Angelo, Christopher Todd CP-49-CR-0000645-2004 Sacavage, Robert B. 06/17/2013 49-BP-0000219-2013 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant 299-41-49-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 814838-3 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/23/11 to make payments of $100/mth until paid in full - Total $2,700.65 CP-49-CR-0000646-2004 Sacavage, Robert B. 06/17/2013 49-BP-0000220-2013 Criminal Attempt - Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant 299-41-49-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 814839-4 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/23/11 to make payments of $100/mth until paid in full - Total $2,700.65 AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 4 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Angelo, Christopher Todd (Continued) CP-49-CR-0000647-2004 Sacavage, Robert B. 06/17/2013 49-BP-0000221-2013 Theft By Decep-False Impression Active Bench Warrant 299-41-49-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 814854-5 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/23/11 to make payments of $100/mth until paid in full - Total $2,700.65 CP-49-CR-0000648-2004 Sacavage, Robert B. 06/17/2013 49-BP-0000222-2013 Theft By Decep-False Impression Active Bench Warrant 299-41-49-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 814863-0 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/23/11 to make payments of $100/mth until paid in full - Total $2,700.65 CP-49-CR-0001250-2004 Sacavage, Robert B. 06/17/2013 49-BP-0000223-2013 Crim Tres-Enter Structure Active Bench Warrant 299-41-49-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 926183-6 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/23/11 to make payments of $100/mth until paid in full - Total $2,700.65 Anthony, Gail J. CP-49-CR-0000250-2014 Saylor, Charles H. 05/21/2014 49-BA-0000234-2014 Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing Active Bench Warrant 132-65-34-8 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e3a7r0608-0 failure to appear for guilty plea. Antil, Alice Marie CP-49-CR-0000627-2014 Saylor, Charles H. 03/05/2015 49-BW-0000032-2015 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant T 467323-3 failure to comply w/instructions on Ct Order dated 2/2/15 - deft failed to report to probation for intake - left the state - absconded supervision Armstrong, Alexander W. CP-49-CR-0000223-2012 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 03/16/2015 49-BP-0000205-2015 Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Active Bench Warrant 397-50-96-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 152553-2 failure to comply w/instructions on Ct Order dated 9/15/14 - deft failed to make payment $50/mth or 10 days NCP - $1,905.25 Arnold, William Patrick CP-49-CR-0000950-2005 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 02/11/2015 49-BP-0000073-2015 Crim'l Misch-Tamper W/Property Active Bench Warrant 255-21-32-3 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 166713-1 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dtd 6/30/10 in that deft failed to make payment of $25./mth till paid in full or 5 days NCP Arriaga, Edward CP-49-MD-0000438-1993 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 06/22/2012 49-BP-0000389-2012 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dated 4/23/08 - deft failed to pay $25/mth - $205.19 AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 5 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Arriaga, Edward (Continued) Arrigo, Joseph Anthony CP-49-CR-0000629-2015 Saylor, Charles H. 10/20/2015 49-BA-0000614-2015 DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense Active Bench Warrant 409-65-74-2 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e6a5r9959-6 failure to appear for Sentencing Aruz, Raul Martinez CP-49-CR-0001104-2009 Sacavage, Robert B. 10/06/2010 49-BA-0000273-2010 Theft Of Services-Acquis Of Service Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e7a7r8043-0 failure to appear for ARD Placement Hearing Ashcroft, Kenneth S. CP-49-CR-0000450-2005 Sacavage, Robert B. 10/27/2005 49-BW-0000040-2005 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant 329-93-90-7 Bench Warrant K 033097-1 Failure to comply with Probation and Parole requirements. Ashton-Bardo, Samantha Jeanette CP-49-CR-0001500-2011 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/19/2014 49-BP-0000802-2014 Bad Checks Active Bench Warrant 362-40-70-9 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 098133-0 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dtd 2/21/14 in that deft failed to make payments of $100./mth till paid in full or 10 days NCP. Total - $1,566.20 Aston, Vincent Lamont CP-49-CR-0000879-2009 Sacavage, Robert B. 07/27/2010 49-BA-0000212-2010 Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use Active Bench Warrant 171-50-57-0 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e8a7r7450-0 failure to appear for ARD Revocation Auman, Bryan Levi CP-49-CR-0001284-2015 Jones, Hugh A. 02/01/2016 49-BA-0000021-2016 Robbery-Threat Immed Ser Injury Active Bench Warrant 378-15-26-8 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e7a1r7202-3 failure to appear for Status Conf Bachorik, William Joseph CP-49-CR-0000942-2004 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 06/21/2012 49-BP-0000383-2012 Simple Assault Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 886718-0 failure to comply with Court Order dated 4/23/08 to make monthly payments of $50.00 - total $583.50 Bacon, Vernon AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 6 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Bacon, Vernon (Continued) CP-49-CR-0000657-1999 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/21/2005 49-BW-0000003-2005 Criminal Conspiracy Engaging - Theft Of Leased Property Active Bench Warrant 166-00-60-1 Bench Warrant F 334723-4 Failure to pay costs & fines & failure to complete 50 hours community service Bagushinski, Thomas Vladiamar CP-49-MD-0000628-2011 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/17/2015 49-BP-0000582-2015 Arrest For Violation of Order Active Bench Warrant 394-48-57-2 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 125644-1 failure to comply w/ORder dated 10/14/14 to pay $50 mth - total $1,765.00 Bagushinski, Thomas Vladimir CP-49-CR-0001138-2012 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/17/2015 49-BP-0000581-2015 Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Active Bench Warrant 394-48-57-2 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 224585-4 failure to comply w/ORder dated 10/14/14 to pay $50 mth - total $1,765.00 Bahajak, Laurie A. CP-49-CR-0001190-2008 Sacavage, Robert B. 06/29/2010 49-BA-0000164-2010 Fraud Alter/Forg/Counter Title Reg Ins Active Bench Warrant 362-23-29-4 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a9r4399-6 failure to appear for ARD Revocation Bailey, Lindsey Marie CP-49-CR-0001033-2011 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 05/31/2013 49-BA-0000205-2013 DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - .16) 1st Off Active Bench Warrant 392-78-10-3 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e0a7r9898-0 defendant failed to appear for ARD Revocation Bailey, Tad Randall CP-49-CR-0001104-2014 Saylor, Charles H. 10/16/2014 49-BA-0000494-2014 Retail Theft-Take Mdse Active Bench Warrant 319-46-74-3 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e5a6r7441-0 failure to appear for hearing @ MDJ Apfelbaum's office CP-49-CR-0000767-2012 Saylor, Charles H. 04/30/2015 49-BA-0000249-2015 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 2nd Off Active Bench Warrant 319-46-74-3 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApLp e7a0r9653-0 failure to appear for PreTrial Conf - April 10, 2015 Bair, Derrick Frankie CP-49-CR-0000687-2014 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/14/2015 49-BA-0000422-2015 Simple Assault Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e4a8r5955-1 failure to appear for PTC Baker, Danielle Marie CP-49-CR-0001439-2003 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 11/13/2015 49-BA-0000642-2015 Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Active Bench Warrant 240-63-83-6 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApHp e7a0r1430-2 failure to appear for Cost Contempt Hearing AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 7 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Baker, Danielle Marie (Continued) CP-49-CR-0000213-2013 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 11/13/2015 49-BA-0000643-2015 Forgery - Unauthorized Act In Writing Active Bench Warrant 240-63-83-6 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e2a8r6531-0 failure to appear for Cost Contempt Hearing Ball, James Michael CP-49-CR-0001399-2012 Sacavage, Robert B. 08/12/2013 49-BA-0000369-2013 Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to ApTp e2a5r5160-3 failure to appear for Status Conference Banks, Robert Antony CP-49-CR-0000486-2001 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 10/16/2015 49-BP-0000903-2015 Poss/Safe/Use Display Documents Active Bench Warrant 180-88-52-5 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 188356-0 failure to comply w/Order dated 9/9/14 to pay $30/mth or 5 days NCP - $1,743.95 CP-49-CR-0000049-2003 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 10/16/2015 49-BP-0000904-2015 Poss/Safe/Use Display Documents Active Bench Warrant 180-88-52-5 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 476545-6 failure to comply w/Order dated 9/9/14 to pay $30/mth or 5 days NCP - $1,743.95 CP-49-CR-0000604-2004 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 10/16/2015 49-BP-0000905-2015 Fraudulent Use/Removal Of Reg Plate Active Bench Warrant 180-88-52-5 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaHy 814824-3 failure to comply w/Order dated 9/9/14 to pay $30/mth or 5 days NCP - $1,743.95 Barbour, Robbie Daniel CP-49-CR-0001410-2008 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 03/16/2009 49-BA-0000069-2009 DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely - 4th Off & Sub Off Active Bench Warrant 363-44-78-4 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e6a3r9897-6 failure to appear for Plea per GP Order Barker, Michael Ramel CP-49-CR-0001040-2012 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/05/2014 49-BP-0000697-2014 Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph Active Bench Warrant Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 193469-3 failure to comply w/Order dated 9/5/13 to make payment $75/mth or 10 days in NCP - $1,295.50 Barlow, Melissa Ann CP-49-CR-0000788-1998 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 04/04/2013 49-BP-0000039-2013 Fraud Obt Foodstamps/Assistance Active Bench Warrant 276-86-41-9 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaFy 276695-6 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dated Sept 25, 2012 - deft failed to make mthly pymts until paid in full - $1,265.50 CP-49-CR-0001077-1998 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 04/04/2013 49-BP-0000040-2013 Bad Checks Active Bench Warrant 276-86-41-9 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaFy 156647-1 failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dated Sept 25, 2012 - deft failed to make mthly pymts until paid in full - $1,265.50 Barnes, Christine E. AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 8 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Barnes, Christine E. (Continued) CP-49-CR-0000828-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/17/2015 49-BP-0000585-2015 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant 198-25-28-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 877424-2 failure to comply w/Order dated 10/14/14 to pay $50 mth - total $4,069.50 CP-49-CR-0001416-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/17/2015 49-BP-0000586-2015 Manuf/Del/Poss/W Int Manuf Or Del Active Bench Warrant 198-25-28-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 937782-6 failure to comply w/Order dated 10/14/14 to pay $50 mth - total $4,069.50 CP-49-CR-0001418-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/17/2015 49-BP-0000587-2015 Sale Retail Of Drug Except Pharmacist Active Bench Warrant 198-25-28-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 937786-3 failure to comply w/Order dated 10/14/14 to pay $50 mth - total $4,069.50 CP-49-CR-0001419-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/17/2015 49-BP-0000588-2015 Manuf/Del/Poss/W Int Manuf Or Del Active Bench Warrant 198-25-28-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 937777-1 failure to comply w/Order dated 10/14/14 to pay $50 mth - total $4,069.50 Barnes, Christine Elizabeth CP-49-CR-0001417-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 10/02/2014 49-BA-0000472-2014 Manuf/Del/Poss/W Int Manuf Or Del Active Bench Warrant 198-25-28-1 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e9a3r7787-4 failure to appear for Probation/Parole Revocation Hearing Barnhart, Gerald Ryan CP-49-CR-0000288-2015 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 08/11/2015 49-BW-0000149-2015 Adulte Misbrand Any Controlled Subst Active Bench Warrant 223-54-55-8 Bench Warrant T 574014-0 failure to comply w/Order dated 2/4/15 to report to probation dept mthly, make whereabouts known, pay on fines & cost Barrett, Jeffery Dillon CP-49-CR-0001494-2009 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/20/2015 49-BP-0000589-2015 Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg Active Bench Warrant 362-56-88-5 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaKy 857803-2 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/18/14 to pay $50 wk - total $1,745.50 CP-49-CR-0001053-2010 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/20/2015 49-BP-0000590-2015 Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver Active Bench Warrant 362-56-88-5 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 013018-5 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/18/14 to pay $50 wk - total $1,745.50 CP-49-CR-0001196-2010 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 07/20/2015 49-BP-0000591-2015 Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use Active Bench Warrant 362-56-88-5 Bench Warrant - Failure to PaTy 015116-3 failure to comply w/Order dated 11/18/14 to pay $50 wk - total $1,745.50 Barrows, April Dee AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 9 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM Outstanding Bench Warrants - By Participant Name Docket Number Issuing Authority Date Warrant Issued Warrant Control No. Lead Offense Case Processing Status SID Warrant Type Lead Offense OTN Warrant Issue Reason Barrows, April Dee (Continued) CP-49-CR-0001285-2012 Rosini, Paige 02/01/2016 49-BW-0000023-2016 Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop Active Bench Warrant 381-42-32-1 Bench Warrant T 241881-3 failure to comply w/Probation & Parole req per Order dated 3-25-15 - deft absconded - whereabouts unknown Bartholomew, Brian T. CP-49-MD-0000074-2007 Wiest, Wm. Harvey 02/22/2007 49-BW-0000069-2007 Manuf/Del/Poss/W Int Manuf Or Del Fugitive Bench Warrant K 214677-1 Bartholomew, Jason A. CP-49-MD-0000220-1995 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/24/2014 49-BP-0000863-2014 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 4/14/14 to make payment $50/mth until paid in full or 10 days in NCP - $2,343.99 CP-49-MD-0000293-1996 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/24/2014 49-BP-0000864-2014 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 4/14/14 to make payment $50/mth until paid in full or 10 days in NCP - $2,343.99 Bartholomew, Jason Ames CP-49-MD-0000470-2011 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 08/15/2014 49-BP-0000604-2014 Fugitive Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/instructions on Court Order dtd 4/14/14 in that deft failed to make payments as ordered. CP-49-MD-0000756-1994 Wiest, W. M. Harvey 09/24/2014 49-BP-0000862-2014 Migrated Case Bench Warrant - Failure to Pay failure to comply w/Order dated 4/14/14 to make payment $50/mth until paid in full or 10 days in NCP - $2,343.99 Baser, Michael Gary CP-49-CR-0000854-2009 Rosini, Anthony 10/16/2014 49-BA-0000496-2014 DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 - .16) 1st Off Active Bench Warrant 311-58-41-9 Bench Warrant - Failure to ApKp e8a7r7421-6 failure to appear for Cost Contempt Hearing Bashus, Marcy E. CP-49-CR-0001173-2005 Saylor, Charles H. 08/21/2006 49-BW-0000205-2006 Theft By Fail To Make Req Disp Funds Awaiting Revocation Hearing 331-83-32-1 Bench Warrant K 066001-5 Bastian, Russell Leroy AOPC 1043 - REV. 08/31/2012 Page 10 of 219 Printed:02/22/2016 9:17 AM

Northumberland County Court of Common Pleas. Outstanding Bench Warrants - By .. Arrigo, Joseph Anthony. CP-49-CR-0000629-2015. 10/20/
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