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Preview Northern India according to the Shui-ching Chu

NORTHERN INDIA ACCORDING TO THE SHUI"'CHING".CHU ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENTE SERLE ORIENTALE ROMA SOTTO LA DIREZIONE DI GIUSEPPE TUCCI VOLUME II ROMA Is. M. E. O. r 9 50 SERlE ORIENTALE ROMA II L. PETECH NORTHERN INDIA ACCORDING TO THE SHUI/CHING/CHU ROMA Is. M. E. O. 195 0 TUrTI I DIRInl RISERVATI Printed In Italy - Stampato In 1tafta CONTENTS PREFACE .... vn LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VIII INTRODUCTION 1 SECTION A (tRANSLATION AND COMMENTARY) II SECTION B (TRANSLATION AND COMMENTA.RY) . ". 57 APPENDIX: Cm'PIN. 63 INDEXES ..... 81 [v] PREFACE I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Giuseppe Trmi for the loatl of books, for discussing with me several dotJbifHI points and for some valuable suggestiotls; to Professor J. ]. L. Dtlyvendak jar help itl two d{fjicult passages,' to Professor Paul Demitville for baving proCHred for me the microJilm reprodtlctions oj sOl1Je Cbinese texts and articles not available itt Rome; and to Professor H. W. Bailey for advice on Celltral AsiaJj data relevant to my subject. L. PETECH ( 'In] LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ASIAH = ArchaeologIcal Survey of IndHl Annual Reports. BErEO ~'" Bulletin de l' Ecole Fran~a.ise d' Extreme Onent. BSOS = Bulletin of the School of Orlenta! Studies. HJAS = Harvard Jouwal of Astatic StudIes = IHQ IndIan HIStorIcal Quartcily. J. As. = Jo Ulnal Asiauque. = JASB Jou£nal of tbe ASIatic Society of Bengal. ]RAS = Journal of the Royal ASIatic Society MASI = MemOIrs of the ArchaeologICal Survey of Indta. MDAFA = Memoires de 1a D6Mg'ltion Archeologlque FJanqaise en Afghanistan. 5S = Shlli,chins,ehtl, ediuOll of Shell Ping,hsun } ST = Shlli,ehmg,ehtl, edition of Tat Chen for partIculars SW = SIJllj"hillgdhtl, edmon of Wang HsIen'ch'len see p. 2 SY = Sblfi,cbillg,ebll. editJon of Yang Hsi,tnin TaJ$bo = T aisho Issaikyo edition of the Chinese BuddhIst Canon. TP = T'oung Pao. ZDMC = Zeitschrift der Deutschen MorgenIandischen GeseUschaft. [vm]

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