NORTHEAST Foraging 120 wild and flavorful edibles from beach plums to wineberries LEDA MEREDITH TIMBER PRESS Portland·London To my great-grandmother Yia-yia Lopi, who was my first foraging teacher Contents Preface: Confessions of a Lifelong Forager Foraging Well: An Introduction Wild Harvests Season by Season Wild Edible Plants of the Northeast Amaranth American Hazelnut, Filbert American Persimmon Apple Asiatic Dayflower Asparagus Basswood, Linden Beach Plum Beebalm, Bergamot Birch Blackberry Black Cherry Black Nightshade Black Raspberry Black Walnut Blueberry Burdock Butternut Cattail Chickweed Chicory Common Mallow Cornelian Cherry Cow Parsnip Crabapple Cranberry Curly Dock Currant Dandelion Daylily Eastern Redbud Elderberry Epazote Evening Primrose False Solomon’s Seal Field Garlic Fragrant Sumac Garlic Mustard Ginkgo Glasswort, Samphire, Sea Bean Goldenrod Goutweed, Bishop’s Elder Grape Greenbrier Hawthorn Henbit Hickory Highbush Cranberry Honewort Hopniss, Groundnut Japanese Knotweed Jerusalem Artichoke, Sunchoke Jewelweed Juneberry, Serviceberry Juniper Lady’s Thumb Lamb’s Quarters Lotus Maple Mayapple Melilot, Sweet Clover Milkweed Mint Mugwort, Cronewort Mulberry Mustard Nettle New England Aster Northern Bayberry Oak Ostrich Fern Oxeye Daisy, Marguerite Parsnip Pawpaw Peach Pear Peppergrass Pickerelweed Pineappleweed Plantain Pokeweed Purple-Flowering Raspberry Purslane Quickweed Ramps, Wild Leek Red Clover Red Raspberry Rose Salsify, Oyster Plant Saltbush, Orache Sassafras Sheep Sorrel Shepherd’s Purse Shiso, Beefsteak Plant Siberian Elm Silverberry, Autumn Olive, Autumnberry Solomon’s Seal Sow Thistle Spicebush Sumac Sweet Fern Thistle Trout Lily, Fawn Lily, Dog Tooth Violet Violet Wapato, Arrowhead, Katniss Watercress White Clover Wild Carrot, Queen Anne’s Lace Wild Ginger Wild Lettuce Wild Plum Wild Strawberry Wineberry Wintercress Wintergreen