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North European LNG Infrastructure Project Appendices PDF

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Appendices North European LNG Infrastructure Project A feasibility study for an LNG filling station infrastructure and test of recommendations List of Appendices Appendix 1 Green House Gas Emissions from the Maritime Sector Appendix 2 Shipping Activities in the SECA area based on AIS-data Compilations Appendix 3 Ship Cost Analysis Appendix 4 LNG Infrastructure in Northern Europe Appendix 5 LNG Terminal Cost Data and Calculations Appendix 6 Future Land-based Gas Demand in the Study Area and National Gas Policies Appendix 7 Port Descriptions Appendix 8 Overall Bunker Technology Appendix 9 Safety Aspects/Risk Assessment Appendix 10 Port and Terminal Aspects on LNG Bunkering Appendix 11 Examples of Operational Guidelines Appendix 12 Hazard Identification Workshop Appendix 13 Risk Control - Preventive and Mitigating Measures Appendix 14 Permit Process and Public Consultation 1 Appendix 1 Green House Gas Emissions from the Maritime Sector Table of Contents 1. Calculating Green House Gas Emissions ........................................... 3 2. Initiatives on Reducing Green House Gas Emissions ....................... 4 3. Studies made on Carbon Footprint in Maritime Freight Transport ... 5 4. The LCA Methology and Data Availability .......................................... 7 - 3 - Appendix 1 Green House Gas Emissions from the Maritime Sector This appendix gives an estimation of the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions from the current shipping activities in the sector based on the data on fuel consumption in the area given in Appendix 2 and data on CO emission factors based on Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) data for shipping fuels. The maritime sector is the 2 fifth largest contributor to air pollution and carbon emissions, and with an increasing global trade the need to address these emissions is of great importance1. Different initiatives are ongoing to reduce emissions through fuel switch, engine changes or end-of-pipe technologies. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) is working to implement both technological and operational measures, but also market based mechanisms to support increased energy efficiency and decreased GHG emissions from the shipping sector. The IMO has taken decisions on measures to improve energy efficiency trough the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) and the SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Mangement Plan) which will enter into force during 2013. So far there is no binding reporting system for emissions within the maritime sector, and the sector has not been involved in any scheme for green house gas emissions. Aviation is included in the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) from 2012 and a discussion is taking place within the EU whether the maritime sector should follow the same path. Within the IMO, there are on-going discussions, but differences between the ordinary IMO approach, where the same rules apply to all countries/ships, and GHG emissions reductions regulated within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where consideration is taken to the capacity of each individual country, makes the discussions difficult. 1. Calculating Green House Gas Emissions To be able to measure and show outcome of the regulations put on the maritime sector in the Baltic sea, the North Sea and the English Channel, a baseline scenario of the GHG emissions in the area in the near future, before regulations come into force is needed. In this appendix an estimation of the emissions from the shipping industry in the SECA has been made. Two sources of data are used;  Information on fuel consumption in the SECA calculated in Appendix 2;  Information on emission factor of CO for HFO stated in the comparative LCA study of four 2 different marine fuels by Bengtsson et. al.2 In Appendix 2, calculations are based on AIS-data compilations3 for the North Sea, the English Channel and the Baltic Sea. The total amount of bunker fuel consumed within the SECA (the specified sub-regions) is summed up to 12 million tonnes. The calculated 12.0 million tonnes of fuel consumed are consumed while the vessels are within the SECA, the fuel bunkered within the SECA but consumed elsewhere, is not included. The majority of the vessels spend less than half of their time within the SECA. It is assumed that 100 % of the fuel used in the area is HFO with 1 % sulphur content. 1 European Commission, 2010, EUR 24602 EN, Regulating Air Emissions from Ships – The State of the Art on Methodologies, Technologies and Policy Options. 2 Bengtsson et.al., 2011, A comparative life cycle assessment of marine fuels. 3 Compiled by IHS Fairplay for the SECA. - 4 - From Table 1, information is used on the lower heating value of HFO [MJ/kg]4 and the stated emission factor [g CO e/MJ]5 for HFO. 2 With these data, an estimation is made of the total emission of CO in the SECA area in 2010 to be 38 2 million tonnes of CO . 2 12 million tonnes of HFO * 40.40 MJ/kg (lower heating value) * 78 g per MJ (emission factor CO ) = 2 37,8 million tonnes of CO ≈ 38 million tonnes of CO 2 2. These calclulations are sensitive to different factors and the quality of the input data is crucial to obtain a high quality estimation of the carbon footprint. Several important factors will affect the development of GHG emissions in the area, most of them affecting the amount and type of fuel used in the area. Some of the factors are stated below;  The LNG supply chain characteristics;  the number of vessels;  time spent in the area;  the fuel consumption for different vessel types; o the vessel speed/velocity; o the vessel engine efficiency; o abatement technology choices and strategies;  the methane slip of the sector. Following up on the development of these factors makes it possible make updated measurements of the emission reductions in the sector. Updated emission factor data, for example following up on the technical developments within the field of reducing methane slip to zero, together with updated information on the shipping activities in the area and the developments of ship engine energy efficiency and fuel change serve as a basis for updated calclulations. The methodology can also be expanded to include important data on cargo to asses measures for emissions on tonne kilometers. The use of AIS6 data over time will facilitate to perform measurements of the development of the shipping in the area and to follow the trend of the GHG emissions reductions. To be able to follow the development of the GHG emissions reductions due to fuel change and change in traffic intensity as well as energy efficiency in the SECA, updated information of the type presented in Appendix 2 could be used and applied. In the following sections a review of initiatives on reducing GHG emissions in the sector is made as well as an overview of the LCA methodology that forms a basis for the above estimate. 2. Initiatives on Reducing Green House Gas Emissions Since no international binding agreements have been decided for the maritime sector to reduce the green house gas emissions, a number of voluntary initiatives have been started. These are mainly driven by consumers of fright services, to encourage ship owners to register their emissions. One such initiative is the 4 The lower heating value of fuels varies between different sources of litterature. The lower heating value used in Appendix 1 is taken from the publication published by Bengtsson et al. Although, in the Baseline report of this study a slightly different heating value for HFO was given; 42,686 MJ/kg. The heating value is dependent on the different compounds present in the fuel. 5 Value covers exploration, processing, transportation and refinery of HFO 6 Automatic Identification System - 5 - Clean Shipping Index Project7. This index is developed as an online tool for cargo owners so that they can get a picture of the environmental performance of different shipping companies. The shipowners answer questions about their ships and through an index they are compared to other shipowners’ ships as well as the current state of the art. The index is calculated from a vessels’ operational environment impact and scoring is obtained in five different areas; SO and PM emissions, NO emissions, X X CO emissions, chemicals, water and waste control. The scorings for the different areas are then added 2 to a total index for the ship concerned. Another initiative, aiming at integrating environmentally and socially responsible business principles into transportation management, is the Clean Cargo Working Group.8 The group consists of more than 25 multinational manufacturers (shippers), freight carriers and forwarders (carriers), accounting for more than 60 percent of the global container transport. Within the collaboration the members can access tools for measuring and reducing the environmental impact of goods transportation and benchmarking their own activities against industry performance. The Intermodal Emissions Calculator developed by the group calculates the emissions from moving goods and is developed consistent with the WRI9 GHG Protocol methodology. The IMO has developed the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) as a standard for measuring the carbon emissions for a broad range of cargo ships and is going to be used when building the ships. By setting a limit for the EEDI of a ship, the amount of fuel that it consumed is controlled and thereby the carbon emissions are limited. Also, the IMO has developed a Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), that incorporates best practices for the fuel efficient operation of ships, such as better speed management throughout a ships voyage. Such efficiency measures will significantly reduce fuel consumption and, consequently, CO emissions. 2 3. Studies made on Carbon Footprint in Maritime Freight Transport Several studies have been made on carbon footprint of maritime freight transport, usually with the aim to compare logistics options. Leonardi and Browne10 compare the GHG emissions of several international shipping lines for supply chains of chosen furniture and food products. The GHG efficiencies of the supply chains are expressed in gram CO equivalents per kilogram of product [g CO e/kg]. Leonardi and Browne 2 2 state that there is a data gap in the statistics of maritime fuel use data. One conclusion is that for both product groups in the different international supply chains, the relative importance of the maritime sector appears to be rather high, depending on the assumptions for the final consumer leg. In the method of Leonardi and Browne, an emission factor is used to convert heavy fuel oil (HFO) into carbon dioxide equivalents. In this factor some indirect effects of emissions generated for bringing the fuel to the filling station is included, which is about 13 % of the combustion emission factor. 7 http://www.cleanshippingproject.se 8 http://www.bsr.org 9 World Resources Institute, www.ghgprotocol.org 10 Leonardi, Jacques and Browne Michael, University of Westminster, Department of Transport Studies; ”Method for Assessing the Carbon Footprint of Maritime Freight Transport: European Case Study and Results”, abstract to 14th Annual Logistics research Network Conference 9th-11th September 2009, Cardiff. - 6 - Another study11, by Bengtsson et al., compares LNG to three other fossil marine fuels. The fuels are compared regarding the life cycle emissions and assess the environmental performance of the fuels from Well-To-Propeller using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The fuels are HFO (heavy fuel oil), MGO (marine gas oil), Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). In the study, two exhaust abatement techniques are studied as well, open-loop scrubber and selective catalytic reduction (SCR).The study states that LNG and other alternatives that comply with SECA 2015 and Tier III NOx requirement decrease the acidification and eutrophication potential with 78-90 % in a life cycle perspective compared to HFO. According to Bengtsson et. al, the global warming potential the use of LNG does not decrease the impact more than 8-20 %, depending mainly on the magnitude of the methane slip from the gas engine. Bengtsson et al. refers to other studies claiming that LNG reduces the direct combustion emissions of CO 2 with 25 % due to higher hydrogen-to-carbon ratio than diesel oils, but the effect on GHG emissions is counteracted by a possible methane (CH ) slip. 4 The studied system included extraction of raw materials, production and transportation, bunkering, storage and combustion of fuels for the transportation of cargo, i.e. from well-to-propeller. The compared unit was the transportation of one tonne cargo one km with a Roll-on/Roll-off (RoRo) vessel. The CH emissions were substantially higher for the two gas fuelled alternatives in the study, about 4 times 4 than the other investigated alternatives. This is primarily due to the CH slip from the gas engine, which is a 4 technical problem where improvements are developed trough for example engine design. One of the recommendations in this study (Recommendation no. 16), is to minimize methane slip in all LNG handling to as low as reasonably practicable. Some of the conclusions of Bengtsson et al.’s study are that the tank-to-propeller phase of marine transportation has the highest impact on the total life cycle performance, representing 50-99 % depending on impact category and fuel alternative. Another result was that the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of LNG when considering the whole life cycle emissions of CO , CH and N O is of the same order of magnitude as 2 4 2 for the fuels used today in the shipping industry. Emission factors used in the study as well as a summary of the results is given in Chapter 4 below. In a report supported by the Dutch Maritime Innovation Programme (MIP)12 a case study is carried out to investigate the environmental aspects of using LNG as a fuel for three different types of ships. The GHG emission comparison included three LNG chains and three diesel fuel chains. The report states that the green house gas emissions primarily are dependent on the carbon content of the fuel and the efficiency of the engine. However, for the three studied cases the engine efficiency for the LNG is only about 1 % lower than for diesel, consequently the green house gas emissions are expressed in the study in g/MJ fuel energy. The results of the MIP-report shows Well-to-Propeller greenhouse gas emissions for one of the LNG chains 10 % lower than the diesel fuel chains. Further improvement is possible, says the report, by lowering the relatively high methane emissions of the engines. A conclusion in this report is also that further greenhouse gas emission reductions are possible by biofuels. LNG can be replaced by bio-LNG or LBG (Liquefied Bio Gas) without any impact on maintenance. Diesel can be replaced by biodiesel, Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), Pure Plant Oil (PPO) or possibly pyrolysis liquid, but these fuels may require engine adaptations and increase maintenance. 11Bengtsson et al; “Life cycle assessment of marine fuels - A comparative study of four fossil fuels for marine propulsion”, Göteborgs universitet, 2011 12 Verbeek, Ruud et al., ”Environmental and Economic aspects of using LNG as a fuel for shipping in The Netherlands”, TNO-RPT- 2011-00166, 2011 - 7 - 4. The LCA Methology and Data Availability LCA is a tool for environmental assessment of products and services that addresses the potential impact in a cradle-to-grave perspective. There are two types of LCA, “attributional” and “consequential”. ”Attributional” strives to be as complete as possible accounting for all environmental impacts of a product, while “Consequential” LCAs strive to describe the environmental consequences of alternative courses of action. The most commonly used is the Consequential and it only includes the parts of the life cycle that differs between the alternatives. The European Commission Joint Research centre on LCA Tools, Services and Data has published a life cycle inventory database, the ELCD core database, where life cycle inventory data for European heavy fuel oil and light fuel oil production are available. These data sets represent Cradle-To-Gate, which covers exploration, processing, transportation and refinery of HFO and MGO. Distribution from refinery to harbor is not included in these data sets. The allocation in the ELCD core database is based on energy content (i.e. mass and lower heating value) and allocation is made after each sub-process in the refinery. LNG life cycle data for extraction, processing and pipeline transportation of natural gas are available in the CPM database. The data are representative for natural gas from the North Sea in 1991. In the study by Bengtsson et al. the data are chosen despite their age, because they are assessed to be representative for the region and extensive. The distribution scenarios in Bengtsson et al.’s study are transportation from the North Sea or from Qatar as representative for transportation of LNG from North Africa. The data in Table 1, partly used in the calculations in Chapter 1 of this appendix, shows emission factors, lower heating values and specific fuel consumptions for different marine fules, with or without an abatement solution such as a scrubber.

List of Appendices. Appendix 1 Green House Gas Emissions from the Maritime Sector. Appendix 2 Shipping Activities in the SECA area based on
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