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Index to North Carolina Libraries Volume 62, 2004 compiled by Michael Cotter Cross-reference to pages and issues: Pp. 4-77: Spring 2004; pp.78-126: Summer 2004; pp. 128-179: Fall 2004; pp.180-244: Winter 2004 About the Authors. 29, 100, 165, 234 Big Sharks of the Carolina Coast, by Access to Information. Baker, Perry L. See North Carolina: John Hairr. Review. 239 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: People and Environments. Biggs, Walter C., |r. See Mammals of More Than a Web Portal: A Com- Baradell, Lang, ed. See The Papers of the Carolinas, Virginia, & Maryland. prehensive Access to Special Col- James Iredell, Volume Ill, 1784-1789. Biographical Information. lections and Digitization Pro- Barbee, Annis. About the Authors. 29, 100, 165, grams. 225-234 With Bill Thompson at NCLPA pro- 234 Acronyms of [Technological] Skills Re- gram at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Bluestein, Frayda S. A Legal Guide to quired (table). 85-87 ence (pic.). 188 Purchasing and Contracting for North Addie Clawson, Appalachian Mail Car- Barber, Peggy. Carolina Local Governments, 2™ ed. rier, by Julia Taylor Ebel. Review. 119 A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Review. 240 Addison, Marcia. event at NCLA/SELA Joint Boogers and Boo-Daddies: The Best of A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Conference (pic.). 191 Blair’s Ghost Stories. Review. 119 event at NCLA/SELA Joint Barden, Mary Moulton, ed. Live Your Book Reviews. Conference (pic.). 191 Own Life: The Family Papers of Mary Hennessey, Christina L. Tar Heel After Anais: A Second-Hand Memoir, by Bayard Clarke, 1854-1886. Book re- Hoops: A Review of Books about Mildred Harris. Review. 240 view by Maurice C. York. 69 College Basketball in North Caro- Annexation Law in North Carolina, Vol- Bath, Charles. lina. 101 ume Il, Voluntary Annexation, by Musician at the reception for the Hodder, Dorothy, comp. North David M. Lawrence. Review. 121 digital exhibit of Alice Person’s Carolina Books (column). 64-72, Annual v. Biennial Conferences: A music (pic.). 83 119-121, 172-174, 237-240 Perennial Debate, by Al Jones. 128 Bath, joanne. Books and Beyond: Evolving Libraries Anti-virus Software, by Ralph Lee Musician at the reception for the and Media, by Walt Crawford. 6-15 Scott. 63 digital exhibit of Alice Person’s Books. Are We There Yet?, by Sandra Taylor- music (pic.). 83 Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Reads To- Miller. Review. 239 Baughman, Judith S., ed. See The gether: A Panel Discussion on the Arrest, Search and Investigation in Sons of Maxwell Perkins: The Letters Future of the Book. 16-22 North Carolina, by Robert L. Farb. of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Astle, Deana, and Elizabeth Skinner, Review of third ed. 121 Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, and Guest Editors. Commission on the Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Reads To- Their Editor. Future of Libraries and the Book. gether: A Panel Discussion on the Beam, Jeffery. What We Have Lost: 4 Future of the Book. 16-22 New & Selected Poems 1977-2001. Burgin, Robert. The Future of Li- Astle, Deana, and Elizabeth Skinner, Book review by L. Teresa Church. 72 braries: What North Carolina Li- Guest Editors. Commission on the Bednarek, Janet R. Daly. See Reconsid- brarians Think. 40-49 Future of Libraries and the Book. 4 ering a Century of Flight. Crawford, Walt. Books and Beyond: Awards. Bending the Twigs in Jamestown: A His- Evolving Libraries and Media. 6-15 Linda Stone receives the Marilyn L. tory of Education in Jamestown, Fergusson, David G. If Libraries Miller Award for Professional North Carolina, 1755-1945, by Don’t Change, They Won't Be the Commitment. 190 Mary A. Browning. Review. 239 Place to Get the Books. 27-29 North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 249 Moore, Thomas L. The Future of the ceremony as Vice President/Presi- Hoops: A Review of Books about Book in the Public Library. 23-26 dent Elect (pic.). 77. College Basketball in North Caro- Boughman, Arvis Locklear, and Business Librarians in North lina. 101 Loretta O. Oxendine. Herbal Rem- Carolina. Colonial Club, Charlotte, N. C. edies of the Lumbee Indians. Review. Petition to join NCLA as a section Cover illustration, annual issue 120 approved by NCLA Executive (pic.). [Site of first conference of Bracy, Pauletta Brown. From the Presi- Board. 126 North Carolina Library Associa- dent (column). 5, 79, 129, 181 By Dauntless Resolution and Uncon- tion, 1904] . Milestones and Memories: querable Faith: Selected Anniversary Comic Books. The Centennial Celebration. 181 Celebrations at the Site of the Wright Lewis, Megan. Comics Go to Col- . Productive Engagement in Brothers’ First Flight, 1928-1978, by lege: The Murray Collection at Professional Commitment. 5 Stephen E. Massengill. Review. 119 Duke University. 166-170 . Productive Engagement in Computer Files. Salary Equity. 79 Carolina Journeys: Exploring the Trails Scott, Ralph Lee. Finding Lost Files. . Productive Engagement: of the Carolinas—Both Real and 17] Perceiving and Improving the Li- Imagined, by Tom Fowler. Review. Computer Security. brary Profession and Image. 129 239-240 Scott, Ralph Lee. Anti-virus Soft- Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Chamberlain, Diane. Her Mother’s ware. 63 With Juan Williams at NCLA/SELA Shadow. Review. 120 . Physical Security. 118 Joint Conference (pic.). 183 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: Computer Skills. With Past-Past President Al Jones, at More Than a Web Portal: A Com- Exner, Nina. An Informal Examina- the NCLA Executive Board induc- prehensive Access to Special Collec- tion of Technological Skills in tion ceremony for David Paynter, tions and Digitization Programs. Library Jobs. 84-90 Director at Large, and Robert 225-234 Cover illustration, annual issue. Burgin, Vice President/President . The North Carolina Libraries Photograph of City Hall and Colo- Elect (pic.). 77. Centennial Oral History Project. nial Club, Charlotte, N. C. (pic.). Brand Names/Technological Terms 130-139 Crane, Carol. T is for Tar Heel: A North (table). 88 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. At NCLA’s Carolina Alphabet. Book review by Bristol, Joann. Wrightsville Beach. Re- Centennial Conference History Linda Haynes. 66 view. 238 Committee meeting (pic.). 187 Crawford, Walt. Books and Beyond: Broad Categories of [Technological] Church, L. Teresa, reviewer. See What Evolving Libraries and Media. 6-15 Skills Required (table). 89 We Have Lost: New & Selected Poems Crow, Terrell Armistead, and Mary Brown, Paula. 1977-2001. Moulton Barden, eds. Live Your Own At NCLA’s Centennial Conference City Hall, Charlotte, N. C. Life: The Family Papers of Mary History Committee meeting Cover illustration, annual issue Bayard Clarke, 1854-1886. Book re- (pic.). 187 (pic.). view by Maurice C. York. 69 Brown-Graham, Anita. Locally Initiated Civil Rights Unionism: Tobacco Workers Inclusionary Zoning Programs: A and the Struggle for Democracy in Davis, Allyson. Guide for Local Governments in North the Mid-Twentieth-Century South, by At NCLA/SELA Joint Conference Carolina and Beyond. Review. 240 Robert Rodgers Korstad. Book re- (pic.). 192 Browning, Mary A. Bending the Twigs view by Patrick M. Valentine. 71 Davis, Martha. See North Carolina Li- in Jamestown: A History of Education Cieanup Law of North Carolina, by Ri- brary Association. Executive Board. in Jamestown, North Carolina, 1755- chard B. Whisnant. Review. 121 Minutes. 1945. Review. 239 Coffin, Sonia. Photograph of Winners Dellinger, Robert. Mitchell’s Peak: A Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Judith S. of the NCLA/SELA PR event NCLA/ Novel of Discovery. Book review by Baughman, eds. The Sons of Maxwell SELA Joint Conference (pic.). 191 Barbara A. Gushrowski. 64 Perkins: The Letters of F. Scott Coffin, Sonia. Depository Libraries. Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Durant, David. The Federal Deposi- Wolfe, and Their Editor. Review. 239 event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- tory Library Program: Anachro- Burgin, Robert. The Future of Librar- ence (pic.). 191 nism or Necessity? 30-39 ies: What North Carolina Librarians A Collection of Popular Airs and Planta- Detective comic book. Think. 40-49 tion Melodies, by Mrs. joe Person. Cover illustration (pic.). 169 . See Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Photograph of digitized image of Digital Collections. Reads Together: A Panel Discussion the cover of the sheet music in the Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: on the Future of the Book. 16-22 ECU Library (pic.). 82 More Than a Web Portal: A Com- Burgin, Robert. College Basketball—North Carolina. prehensive Access to Special Col- At NCLA Executive Board induction Hennessey, Christina L. Tar Heel lections and Digitization Pro- 246 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries grams. 225-234 braries and the Book, by Deana Hursh. 80-83 Digital Texts. Astle and Elizabeth Skinner, Guest Gore, Emily, reviewer. See Hugh Hursh, David. Good Medicine and Editors. 4 Morton’s North Carolina. Good Music: The Virtual Life of Honoring NCLA’s Past Presidents. Government Publications. Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina 180 Durant, David. The Federal Deposi- University. 80-83 From the President (column by tory Library Program: Anachro- Duke University. Rare Book, Manu- Pauletta Brown Bracy). nism or Necessity? 30-39 script, and Special Collections Li- Milestones and Memories: The Cen- Gresko, Amy. brary. Edwin and Terry Murray tennial Celebration. 181 A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Collection of Pulp Culture. Productive Engagement in Profes- event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Lewis, Megan. Comics Go to Col- sional Commitment. 5 ence (pic.). 191 lege: The Murray Collection at Productive Engagement in Salary Grey, Libby. Volunteering in Libraries: Duke University. 166-170 Equity. 79 An Insider’s View, An E-mail Conver- Durant, David. The Federal Deposi- Productive Engagement: Perceiving sation with Elizabeth J. Laney. 59-62 tory Library Program: Anachronism and Improving the Library Profes- Gushrowski, Barbara A., reviewer. See or Necessity? 30-39 sion and Image. 129 Mitchell’s Peak: A Novel of Discovery. Fryar, Jack E., Jr. A History Lover’s Guide Gushrowski, Barbara. East Carolina University. Music to Wilmington and the Lower Cape At NCLA’s Centennial Conference Library. Fear: Southeastern North Carolina’s History Committee meeting Hursh, David. Good Medicine and Best Historical Tourism Attractions, (pic.). 187 Good Music: The Virtual Life of How to Get There, When They’re Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina Open and What Makes Them Worth Hairr, John. Big Sharks of the Carolina University. 80-83 Your Time. Book Review by Beth Coast. Review. 239 Ebel, Julia Taylor. Addie Clawson, Appa- Kaylor. 172 Hamilton, Brandy. lachian Mail Carrier. Review. 119 Frye, Jackie. Photograph of Bill Th- A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Electronic Mail. ompson and Annis Barbee at NCLA/ event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Scott, Ralph Lee. Anti-virus Soft- SELA Joint Conference (pic.). 188 ence (pic.). 191 ware. 63 The Future of Libraries: What North Hardaway Origins and Adaptations, ed. Ewen, Charles R., ed. See Searching Carolina Librarians Think, by Robert by Rodney M. Peck. 120-121 for the Roanoke Colonies: An Interdis- Burgin. 40-49 Harris, Mildred. After Anais: A Second- ciplinary Collection. The Future of the Book in the Public Hand Memoir. Review. 240 Exner, Nina. An Informal Examination Library, by Thomas L. Moore. 23-26 Haynes, Linda, reviewer. See Ti s for of Technological Skills in Library Tar Heel: A North Carolina Alphabet. Jobs. 84-90 Gade, Ole, Arthur B. Rex, and James Hennessey, Christina L. Tar Heel E. Young, with L. Baker Perry. North Hoops: A Review of Books about Farb, Robert L. Arrest, Search and In- Carolina: People and Environments. College Basketball in North Caro- vestigation in North Carolina. Review Book review by Glenn Ellen Starr lina. 101 of third ed. 121 Stilling. 68 Her Mother's Shadow, by Diane Cham- . North Carolina Capital Case Gilster, Paul A. See Ashburn, Frannie. berlain. Review. 120 Law Handbook, 2" ed. Review. 240 Wake Reads Together: A Panel Dis- Herbal Remedies of the Lumbee Indians, The Federal Depository Library Pro- cussion on the Future of the Book. by Arvis Locklear Boughman and gram: Anachronism or Necessity? 16-22 Loretta O. Oxendine. Review. 120 by David Durant. 30-39 Goble, David. A History Lover’s Guide to Wilmington Fergusson, David G. If Libraries Don’t A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR and the Lower Cape Fear: Southeast- Change, They Won't Be the Place to event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- ern North Carolina’s Best Historical Get the Books. 27-29 ence (pic.). 191 Tourism Attractions, How to Get Finding Lost Files, by Ralph Lee Scott. Godfrey, Russell. There, When They’re Open and What 171 A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Makes Them Worth Your Time, by Fowler, Tom. Carolina Journeys: Explor- event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Jack E. Fryar, Jr. Book Review by ing the Trails of the Carolinas—Both ence (pic.). 191 Beth Kaylor. 172 Real and Imagined. Review. 239-240 Goertzen, Chris. History of North Carolina Libraries From the Editor (column by Lecturer at the reception for the and Librarianship: A Bibliography, Plummer Alston “Al” Jones, Jr.). digital exhibit of Alice Person’s Part |, compiled by Wiley J. Will- Annual v. Biennial Conferences: A music (pic.). 83 iams. 50-58 Perennial Debate. 128 Good Medicine and Good Music: The History of North Carolina Libraries A Call to Lead, A Call to Serve. 78 Virtual Life of Mrs. Joe Person at and Librarianship: A Bibliography, Commission on the Future of Li- East Carolina University, by David Part Il, compiled by Wiley J. Will- North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 247 iams. 91-100 Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina Kelly, Donna, and Lang Baradell, eds. History of North Carolina Libraries University. 80-83 The Papers of James Iredell, Volume and Librarianship: A Bibliography, Scott, Ralph Lee. Anti-virus Soft- lll, 1784-1789. Review. 119 Part Ill, compiled by Wiley J. Will- ware. 63 Kester, Diane. Photographs from iams. 140-160 . Physical Security. 118 NCLA/SELA Joint Conference (pics.). History of North Carolina Libraries . Two New Search Engines. 183, 185 and Librarianship: A Bibliography, 235-236 Korstad, Robert Rodgers. Civil Rights Part IV, compiled by Wiley J. Will- See also World Wide Web. Unionism: Tobacco Workers and the iams. 194-215 Irwin, Robert. Robert F. Irwin: 40 Years. Struggle for Democracy in the Mid- Hodder, Dorothy, comp. North Caro- Book review by Justine Roach. 174 Twentieth-Century South. Book re- lina Books (column). 64-72, 119- view by Patrick M. Valentine. 71 121, 172-174, 237-240 Jacques, Cole. Kovacs, Bea. Hogue, Cyrus D. The Tangled Mass. At NCLA/SELA Joint Conference At NCLA/SELA Joint Conference Review. 120 (pic.). 192 (pic.). 192 Honoring NCLA’s Past Presidents, by Job Descriptions. Lagniappe/North Caroliniana Plummer Alston “Al” Jones, jr. 180 Exner, Nina. An Informal Examina- (column compiled by Suzanne How to Read a North Carolina Beach, tion of Technological Skills in Wise). by Orrin H. Pilkey, Tracy Monegan Library Jobs. 84-90 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: Rice, and William |. Neal. Review. Johnson, Dianne. More Than a Web Portal: A 121 At NCLA’s Centennial Conference Comprehensive Access to Special How to Read a North Carolina Beach: History Committee meeting Collections and Digitization Bubble Holes, Barking Sands, and (pic.). 187 Programs. 225-234 Rippled Runnels, by Orrin H. Pilkey, Jones, Al. See Jones, Plummer Alston Grey, Libby. Volunteering in Librar- Tracy Monegan Rice, and William }. “ke. ies: An Insider’s View, An E-mail Neal. Book review by Marsha Proc- Jones, Plummer Alston “Al,” Jr. Annual Conversation with Elizabeth J. tor. 173 v. Biennial Conferences: A Perennial Laney. 59-62 Hugh Morton’s North Carolina, by Debate. 128 Hennessey, Christina L. Tar Heel Hugh M. Morton. Book review by ______. A Call to Lead, A Call to Hoops: A Review of Books about Emily Gore. 67 Serve. 78 College Basketball in North Hunter, Ellen Elizabeth. Murder at the . From the Editor (column). Carolina. 101 Azalea Festival. Review. 120 78, 128, 180 Lewis, Megan. Comics Go to Hursh, David. Good Medicine and _____. Honoring NCLA’s Past Presi- College: The Murray Collection at Good Music: The Virtual Life of Mrs. dents. 180 Duke University. 166-170 Joe Person at East Carolina Univer- . Remembrances of a Confer- Laney, Elizabeth J. Volunteering in sity. 80-83 ence Past: The NCLA Centennial Libraries: An Insider’s View, An E- Hursh, David. Conference (1904-2004) and the _ mail Conversation with Elizabeth J. At the reception for the digital ex- 2004 SELA Biennial Conference. , Laney. 59-62 hibit of Alice Person’s music 182-193 Launius, Roger D., and Janet R. Daly (pic.). 83 Jones, Plummer Alston “Al,” Jr. Bednarek. Reconsidering a Century of Performs NCLA Executive Board in- Flight. Book review by Barbara if Libraries Don’t Change, They Won't duction ceremony for David MacLean. 70-71 Be the Place to Get the Books, by Paynter, Director at Large, and Lawrence, David M. Annexation Law David G. Fergusson. 27-29 Robert Burgin, Vice President/ in North Carolina, Volume II, Volun- An Informal Examination of Techno- President Elect (pic.). 77. tary Annexation. Review. 121 logical Skills in Library Jobs, by Nina . Public Records Law for North Exner. 84-90 Karriker, Wanda. Morning, Come Carolina Local Governments, 1997- Internet. Quickly. Review. 120 2003 Supplement. Review. 240 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: Kaylor, Beth, reviewer. See A History Lawrence, David M., comp. The Local More Than a Web Portal: A Com- Lover’s Guide to Wilmington and the Government Budget & Fiscal Control prehensive Access to Special Col- Lower Cape Fear: Southeastern North Act. Review of fifth edition. 121 lections and Digitization Pro- Carolina’s Best Historical Tourism At- Lewis, Megan. Comics Go to College: grams. 225-234 tractions, How to Get There, When The Murray Collection at Duke Exner, Nina. An Informal Examina- They’re Open and What Makes Them University. 166-170 tion of Technological Skills in Li- Worth Your Time. Librarianship. brary Jobs. 84-90 Keller, Connie. See North Carolina Li- Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Productive Hursh, David. Good Medicine and brary Association. Executive Board. Engagement in Professional Good Music: The Virtual Life of Minutes. Commitment. 5 248 - Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries . Productive Engagement: More Than a Web Portal: A Histories: Lumbee and Tuscarora Perceiving and Improving the Comprehensive Access to Special People in North Carolina, by Gerald Library Profession and Image. 129 Collections and Digitization Sider. Review. 120 Librarianship—North Carolina. Programs. 225-234 Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Milestones Library History. MacLean, Barbara, reviewer. See and Memories: The Centennial Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. The North Reconsidering a Century of Flight. Celebration. 181 Carolina Libraries Centennial Oral Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, & Burgin, Robert. The Future of History Project. 130-139 Maryland, by William David Libraries: What North Carolina Library History—Bibliographies. Webster, James F. Parnell, and Librarians Think. 40-49 Williams, Wiley }. History of North Walter C. Biggs, Jr. Review of new Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. The North Carolina Libraries and paperback edition. 121 Carolina Libraries Centennial Oral Librarianship: A Bibliography, Part Marilyn L. Miller Award for Profes- History Project. 130-139 |. 50-58 sional Commitment. Jones, Plummer Alston “Al,” Jr. . History of North Carolina Linda Stone receives award spon- Honoring NCLA’s Past Presidents. Libraries and Librarianship: A sored by the Round Table on the 180 Bibliography, Part ll. 91-100 Status of Women in Librarianship. Librarianship—North Carolina— . History of North Carolina 190 Bibliographies. Libraries and Librarianship: A Massengill, Stephen E. By Dauntless Library and Information Science Bibliography, Part Ill. 140-160 Resolution and Unconquerable Faith: Research 2002-2003: A Bibliogra- . History of North Carolina Selected Anniversary Celebrations at phy of Master’s Papers from the Libraries and Librarianship: A the Site of the Wright Brothers’ First University of North Carolina Bibliography, Part IV. 194-215 Flight, 1928-1978. Review. 119 School of Information and Library Library Profession. Master’s Papers—Bibliographies. Science. 161-165 Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Productive Library and Information Science Library and Information Science Engagement in Salary Equity. 79 Research 2002-2003: A Bibliogra- Research 2003-2004: A Bibliogra- Library Security. phy of Master’s Papers from the phy of Master’s Papers from the Scott, Ralph Lee. Physical Security. University of North Carolina University of North Carolina 118 School of Information and Library School of Information and Library Library Volunteers. Science. 161-165 Science. 216-224 Grey, Libby. Volunteering in Librar- Library and Information Science Williams, Wiley J. History of North ies: An Insider’s View, An E-mail Research 2003-2004: A Bibliogra- Carolina Libraries and Conversation with Elizabeth }. phy of Master’s Papers from the Librarianship: A Bibliography, Part Laney. 59-62 University of North Carolina 1. 50-58 Live Your Own Life: The Family Papers School of Information and Library . History of North Carolina of Mary Bayard Clarke, 1854-1886, Science. 216-224 Libraries and Librarianship: A ed. by Terrell Armistead Crow and McGrath, Eileen. Bibliography, Part Il. 91-100 Mary Moulton Barden. Book review At NCLA’s Centennial Conference . History of North Carolina by Maurice C. York. 69 History Committee meeting Libraries and Librarianship: A Living Indian Histories: Lumbee and (pic.). 187 Bibliography, Part Ill. 140-160 Tuscarora People in North Carolina, McLean, Cheryl. . History of North Carolina by Gerald Sider. New edition of At NCLA’s Centennial Conference Libraries and Librarianship: A Lumbee Indian Histories (1993). History Committee meeting Bibliography, Part IV. 194-215 Review. 120 (pic.). 187 Library and Information Science The Local Government Budget & Fiscal Milestones and Memories: The Research 2002-2003: A Bibliogra- Control Act, comp. by David M. Centennial Celebration, by Pauletta phy of Master’s Papers from the Lawrence. Review of fifth edition. Brown Bracy. 181 University of North Carolina School 121 Mitchell’s Peak: A Novel of Discovery, of Information and Library Science. Local Government for Environmental by Robert Dellinger. Book review by 161-165 Policymakers, comp. by Richard Barbara A. Gushrowski. 64 Library and Information Science Whisnant. Review of third ed. 121 Mobley, Joe A., editor. The Way We Research 2003-2004: A Bibliogra- Locally Initiated inclusionary Zoning Lived in North Carolina. Book review phy of Master’s Papers from the Programs: A Guide for Local Govern- by Shannon Tennant. 65 University of North Carolina School ments in North Carolina and Beyond, Moore, Gena. of Information and Library Science. by Anita Brown-Graham. Review. A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR 216-224 240 event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Library Cooperation. Lumbee Indian Histories (1993). New ence (pic.). 191 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: edition published as Living Indian Moore, Thomas L. The Future of the North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 249 Book in the Public Library. 23-26 NCLA President Pauletta Brown Association. Government Re- Morning, Come Quickly, by Wanda Bracy, with Past-Past President Al sources Section. Karriker. Review. 120 Jones, at the NCLA Executive North Carolina Library Association. Morton, Hugh M. Hugh Morton’s Board induction ceremony for Executive Board. Minutes. 73-77, North Carolina. Book review by David Paynter, Director at Large, 122-126, 175-179, 241-244 Emily Gore. 67 and Robert Burgin, Vice Presi- North Carolina Library Association. Murder at the Azalea Festival, by Ellen dent/President Elect (pic.). 77 Government Resources Section. Elizabeth Hunter. Review. 120 North Carolina Library Association. Members approve change of name Mystery in Space comic book. Biennial Conference, 2003. from Documents Section. 185 Cover illustration (pic.). 167 Ogilvie Lecture. See also North Carolina Library Crawford, Walt. Books and Beyond: Association. Documents Section. NC ECHO: More Than a Web Portal: Evolving Libraries and Media. 6- North Carolina Library Association. A Comprehensive Access to Special 15 Literacy Round Table. Collections and Digitization Pro- North Carolina Library Association. NCLA Executive Board approves grams, by Thomas Kevin B. Cherry. Centennial Conference, 2004. changing the name of Literacy 225-234 Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Milestones Committee to Literacy Round NCLA Executive Board Minutes. 73- and Memories: The Centennial Table. 74 77, 122-126, 175-179, 241-244 Celebration. 181 North Carolina Library Association. Neal, William. See How to Read a Conference plans discussed by Round Table on the Status of North Carolina Beach: Bubble Holes, NCLA Executive Board. 75, 124, Women in Librarianship. Barking Sands, and Rippled Runnels. 175-176, 241 Linda Stone receives Marilyn L. Neerman, Sandra M. Jones, Plummer Alston “Al,” Jr. Miller Award for Professional Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Productive Honoring NCLA’s Past Presidents. Commitment. 190 Engagement in Professional 180 North Carolina Library Association Commitment. 5 See also North Carolina Libraries, —History. North Carolina Books (column Winter 2004 issue, pp. 180-193 Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Milestones compiled by Dorothy Hodder). 64- for summary of programs. and Memories: The Centennial 72, 119-121, 172-174, 237-240 North Carolina Library Association. Celebration. 181 North Carolina Child Support Statutes, Centennial Observation. North Carolina—Libraries. by John L. Saxon. Review of 20th Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. The North Burgin, Robert. The Future of ed. 121 Carolina Libraries Centennial Oral Libraries: What North Carolina North Carolina Capital Case Law History Project. 130-139 Librarians Think. 40-49 Handbook, 2” ed., by Robert L Farb. See also North Carolina Library North Carolina—Libraries—Bibliog- Review. 240 Association. Centennial Confer- raphies. North Carolina ECHO (i.e., Explor- ence, 2004. Williams, Wiley J. History of North ing Cultural Heritage Online). North Carolina Library Association. Carolina Libraries and Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: Commission on the Future of Librarianship: A Bibliography, Part More Than a Web Portal: A Libraries and the Book. |. 50-58 Comprehensive Access to Special Astle, Deana, and Elizabeth Skinner, . History of North Carolina Collections and Digitization Guest Editors. Commission on the Libraries and Librarianship: A Programs. 225-234 Future of Libraries and the Book. 4 Bibliography, Part Il. 91-100 North Carolina Libraries Centennial Names of commission members. 4 . History of North Carolina Oral History Project, by Thomas Preparation of survey reported to Libraries and Librarianship: A Kevin B. Cherry. 130-139 NCLA Executive Board. 75 Bibliography, Part Ill. 140-160 North Carolina Libraries Centennial Report to NCLA Executive Board . History of North Carolina Oral History Project. posted on the NCLA Web site. Libraries and Librarianship: A Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. The North 124 Bibliography, Part IV. 194-215 Carolina Libraries Centennial Oral [Report of commission.] See Burgin, History Project. 130-139 Robert. The Future of Libraries: Ogilvie Lecture, North Carolina North Carolina Library Association What North Carolina Librarians Library Association. Biennial Oral History Agreement. 139 Think. 40-49 Conference, 2003. North Carolina Library Association. North Carolina Library Association. Crawford, Walt. Books and Beyond: Jones, Plummer Alston “Al,” Jr. Documents Section. Evolving Libraries and Media. 6- Annual v. Biennial Conferences: A NCLA Executive Board approves 15 Perennial Debate. 128 change of name to Government Oral History. . A Call to Lead, A Call to Resources Section. 179 Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. The North Serve. 78 See also North Carolina Library Carolina Libraries Centennial Oral 250 = Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries History Project. 130-139 Pilkey, Orrin H., Tracy Monegan Rice, the Future of the Book. 16-22 Overall ranking of future challenges and William |. Neal. How to Read a Reading Programs. facing libraries over the next few North Carolina Beach: Bubble Holes, Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Reads years (table). 41 Barking Sands, and Rippled Runnels. Together: A Panel Discussion on Overall ranking of future issues facing Book review by Marsha Proctor. 173 the Future of the Book. 16-22 libraries over the next few years Pilkey, Orrin H., Tracy Monegan Rice, Reconsidering a Century of Flight, by (table). 44 and William |. Neal. How to Read a Roger D. Launius and Janet R. Daly Oxendine, Loretta O. See Herbal North Carolina Beach. Review. 121 Bednarek. Book review by Barbara Remedies of the Lumbee Indians. Pirates, Ghosts, and Coastal Lore: The MacLean. 70-71 Best of Judge Whedbee, by Charles Registration tables at NCLA/SELA Joint Pankey, Henry J. Standing in the Harry Whedbee. Review. 119-120 Conference (pic.). 185 Shadows of Greatness. Review. 239 Point/Counterpoint (column). Remembrances of a Conference Past: Paper FDLP Documents Processed by Fergusson, David G. If Libraries The NCLA Centennial Conference Joyner Library per Year (table). 33 Don’t Change, They Won't Be the (1904-2004) and the 2004 SELA Paper FDLP Shipments Received by Place to Get the Books. 27-29 Biennial Conference, by Plummer Joyner Library per Year (table). 33 Moore, Thomas L. The Future of the Alston Jones, jr. 182-193 The Papers of James Iredell, Volume Ill, Book in the Public Library. 23-26 Respondents to survey of North 1784-1789, ed. by Donna Kelly and Powe, Lucia Peel. Roanoke Rock Carolina librarians about the Lang Baradell. Review. 119 Muddle. Book review by Cheryl M. challenges facing libraries over the Parnell, James F. See Mammals of the Saba. 237-238 next few years (table). 40 Carolinas, Virginia, & Maryland. Powers, June. Reviews. Parrish, Susan. At NCLA/SELA Joint Conference Hennessey, Christina L. Tar Heel A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR (pic.). 192 Hoops: A Review of Books about event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Proctor, Marsha, reviewer. See How to College Basketball in North ence (pic.). 191 Read a North Carolina Beach: Bubble Carolina. 101 Patent Medicine. Holes, Barking Sands, and Rippled Hodder, Dorothy, comp. North Hursh, David. Good Medicine and Runnels. Carolina Books (column). 64-72, Good Music: The Virtual Life of Productive Engagement in Profes- 119-121, 172-174, 237-240 Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina sional Commitment, by Pauletta Rex, Arthur B. See North Carolina: University. 80-83 Brown Bracy. 5 People and Environments. Paving Tobacco Road: A Century of Productive Engagement in Salary Rice, Scott, reviewer. See Paving Progress by the North Carolina Equity, by Pauletta Brown Bracy. 79 Tobacco Road: A Century of Progress Department of Transportation, by Productive Engagement: Perceiving by the North Carolina Department of Walter R. Turner. Book review by and Improving the Library Profes- Transportation. Scott Rice. 66-67 sion and Image, by Pauletta Brown Rice, Tracy Monegan. See How to Paynter, David. Bracy. 129 Read a North Carolina Beach: Bubble At NCLA Executive Board induction Public Libraries. Holes, Barking Sands, and Rippled ceremony as Director at Large Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Reads Runnels. (pic.). 77 Together: A Panel Discussion on Roach, Justine, reviewer. See Robert F. Peck, Rodney M., ed. Hardaway the Future of the Book. 16-22 Irwin: 40 Years. Origins and Adaptations. 120-121 Fergusson, David G. If Libraries Roanoke Rock Muddle, by Lucia Peel Person, Mrs. Joe (i.e. Alice). A Collec- Don’t Change, They Won't Be the Powe. Book review by Cheryl M. tion of Popular Airs and Plantation Place to Get the Books. 27-29 Saba. 237-238 Melodies. Photograph of digitized Moore, Thomas L. The Future of the Robert F. Irwin: 40 Years, by Robert image of the cover of the sheet Book in the Public Library. 23-26 Irwin. Book review by Justine Roach. music in the ECU Library (pic.). 82 Public Records Law for North Carolina 174 Person, Mrs. Joe (i.e. Alice). Local Governments, 1997-2003 Hursh, David. Good Medicine and Supplement, by David M. Lawrence. Saba, Cheryl M., reviewer. See Good Music: The Virtual Life of Review. 240 Roanoke Rock Muddle. Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina Purcell, Laura. Salary Equity. University. 80-83 A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Bracy, Pauletta Brown. Productive Photograph of Alice Person (pic.). event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Engagement in Salary Equity. 79 81 ence (pic.). 191 Saxon, John L. North Carolina Child Phantom Pain: North Carolina’s Support Statutes. Review of 20th ed. Artificial-Limbs Program for Confeder- Reading. 121 ate Veterans, by Ansley Herring Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Reads Scott, Ralph Lee. Anti-virus Software. Wegner. Review. 238 Together: A Panel Discussion on 63 North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 25] _. Finding Lost Files. 171 Comprehensive Access to Special Volume II, Voluntary Annexation. . Physical Security. 118 Collections and Digitization . See Arrest, Search and . Two New Search Engines. Programs. 225-234 Investigation in North Carolina. 235-236 Standing in the Shadows of Greatness, . See Cleanup Law of North . Wired to the World (col- by Henry J. Pankey. Review. 239 Carolina. umn). 63, 118, 171, 235-236 Stilling, Glenn Ellen Starr, reviewer. . See A Legal Guide to See also Internet. See North Carolina: People and Purchasing and Contracting for North Search Engines. Environments. Carolina Local Governments, 2"? ed. Scott, Ralph Lee. Two New Search Stone, Linda. . See The Local Government Engines. 235-236 Receives Marilyn L. Miller Award for Budget & Fiscal Control Act. Searching for the Roanoke Colonies: An Professional Commitment from . See Local Government for Interdisciplinary Collection, ed. by E. the NCLA Round Table on the Environmental Policymakers. Thomson Shields, jr., and Charles R. Status of Women in Librarianship. . See Locally Initiated Ewen. Reviews. 119, 238-239 190 Inclusionary Zoning Programs: A Security Issues. Superman comic book. Guide for Local Governments in North Scott, Ralph Lee. Anti-virus Soft- Cover illustration (pic.). 168 Carolina and Beyond. ware. 63 . See North Carolina Capital . Physical Security. 118 T is for Tar Heel: A North Carolina Case Law Handbook, 2" ed. Sherif, Joan. Alphabet, by Carol Crane. Book . See North Carolina Child At NCLA’s Centennial Conference review by Linda Haynes. 66 Support Statutes History Committee meeting The Tangled Mass, by Cyrus D. Hogue. . See Public Records Law for (pic.). 187 Review. 120 North Carolina Local Governments, Shields, E. Thomson, Jr., and Charles Tar Heel Hoops: A Review of Books 1997-2003 Supplement. R. Ewen, eds. Searching for the about College Basketball in North University of North Carolina at Roanoke Colonies. Reviews. 119, Carolina, by Christina L. Hennessey. Chapel Hill. School of Information 238-239 101 and Library Science. Sider, Gerald. Living Indian Histories: Taylor-Miller, Sandra. Are We There Library and Information Science Lumbee and Tuscarora People in Yet? Review. 239 Research 2002-2003: A Bibliogra- North Carolina; new edition of Technological Skills. phy of Master’s Papers from the Lumbee Indian Histories (1993). Exner, Nina. An Informal Examina- University of North Carolina Review. 120 tion of Technological Skills in School of Information and Library Skinner, Elizabeth. See Astle, Deana. Library Jobs. 84-90 Science. 161-165 The Sons of Maxwell Perkins: The Tennant, Shannon, reviewer. See The Library and Information Science Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Way We Lived in North Carolina. Research 2003-2004: A Bibliogra- Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, and Terwilliger, Cynthia. phy of Master’s Papers from the Their Editor, ed. by Matthew | A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR University of North Carolina Bruccoli, and Judith $. Baughman. event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- School of Information and Library Review. 239 ence (pic.). 191 Science. 216-224 Southeastern Library Association. Thompson, Bill. USA PATRIOT Act. Biennial Conference, 2004. With Annis Barbee at NCLPA Resolution by the City of Raleigh Jones, Plummer Alston “Al,” jr. program at NCLA/SELA Joint discussed at NCLA Executive Remembrances of a Conference Conference (pic.). 188 Board meeting. 123 Past: The NCLA Centennial Turner, Walter R.. Paving Tobacco Conference (1904-2004) and the Road: A Century of Progress by the Valentine, Patrick. Photograph of 2004 SELA Biennial Conference. North Carolina Department of NCLA’s Centennial Conference 182-193 Transportation. Book review by History Committee at NCLA/SELA See also North Carolina Libraries, Scott Rice. 66-67 Joint Conference (pic.). 187 Winter 2004 issue, pp. 180-193 Two New Search Engines, by Ralph Valentine, Patrick M., reviewer. See for summary of programs. Lee Scott. 235-236 Civil Rights Unionism: Tobacco Southern Folk Music. Workers and the Struggle for Democ- Hursh, David. Good Medicine and University of North Carolina at Chapel racy in the Mid-Twentieth-Century Good Music: The Virtual Life of Hill. Institute of Government. South. Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina See University of North Carolina at Via, John. University. 80-83 Chapel Hill. School of Government At NCLA’s Centennial Conference Special Collections. University of North Carolina at Chapel History Committee meeting Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: Hill. School of Government. See (pic.). 187 More Than a Web Portal: A Annexation Law in North Carolina, 252 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Volunteering in Libraries: An Insider’s History Committee meeting Lewis, Megan. Comics Go to View, An E-mail Conversation with (pic.). 187 College: The Murray Collection at Elizabeth J. Laney. 59-62 Williams, Juan. Duke University. 166-170 With Pauletta Bracy at NCLA/SELA Women in Business. Wake Reads Together Program. Joint Conference (pic.). 183 Hursh, David. Good Medicine and Ashburn, Frannie. Wake Reads Williams, Wiley |. History of North Good Music: The Virtual Life of Together: A Panel Discussion on Carolina Libraries and Librarianship: Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina the Future of the Book. 16-22 A Bibliography, Part |. 50-58 University. 80-83 Walters, Carol. . History of North Carolina World Wide Web. A winner of the NCLA/SELA PR Libraries and Librarianship: A Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: event at NCLA/SELA Joint Confer- Bibliography, Part Il. 91-100 More Than a Web Portal: A ence (pic.). 191 . History of North Carolina Comprehensive Access to Special The Way We Lived in North Carolina, Libraries and Librarianship: A Collections and Digitization ed. by Joe A. Mobley. Book review Bibliography, Part Ill. 140-160 Programs. 225-234 by Shannon Tennant. 65 . History of North Carolina Exner, Nina. An Informal Examina- Webster, William David, James F. Libraries and Librarianship: A tion of Technological Skills in Parnell, and Walter C. Biggs, Jr. Bibliography, Part IV. 194-215 Library Jobs. 84-90 Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, Wired to the World (column by Hursh, David. Good Medicine and & Maryland. Review of new paper- Ralph Lee Scott). Good Music: The Virtual Life of back edition. 121 Anti-virus Software. 63 Mrs. Joe Person at East Carolina Wegner, Ansley Herring. Phantom Finding Lost Files. 171 University. 80-83 Pain: North Carolina’s Artificial-Limbs Physical Security. 118 Scott, Ralph Lee. Two New Search Program for Confederate Veterans. Two New Search Engines. 235-236 Engines. 235-236 Review. 238 Wise, Suzanne, comp. Lagniappe/ See also Internet. What We Have Lost: New & Selected North Caroliniana (column). Wrightsville Beach, by Joann Bristol. Poems 1977-2001, by jeffery Beam. Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. NC ECHO: Review. 238 Book review by L. Teresa Church. More Than a Web Portal: A 72 Comprehensive Access to Special York, Maurice C., reviewer. See Live Whedbee, Charles Harry. Pirates, Collections and Digitization Your Own Life: The Family Papers of Ghosts, and Coastal Lore: The Best of Programs. 225-234 Mary Bayard Clarke, 1854-1886. Judge Whedbee. Review. 119-120 Grey, Libby. Volunteering in Librar- Young, James E. See North Carolina: Whisnant, Richard. Cleanup Law of ies: An Insider’s View, An E-mail People and Environments. North Carolina. Review. 121 Conversation with Elizabeth J. Whisnant, Richard, ed. Local Govern- Laney. 59-62 Zane, |. Peder. See Ashburn, Frannie. ment for Environmental Policymakers. Hennessey, Christina L. Tar Heel Wake Reads Together: A Panel Review of third ed. 121 Hoops: A Review of Books about Discussion on the Future of the Williams, Georgia. College Basketball in North Book. 16-22 At NCLA’s Centennial Conference Carolina. 101 Guidelines for Using the Index to North Carolina Libraries . Articles are indexed by title, subject, and first-named author, with cross-references from co-authors. . Reviews are indexed by the titie and first-named author, with cross-references from reviewers and co-authors. . All library organizations are entered under their full names. Information on the substructures of these organizations, such as committees, sections, etc., is listed alphabetically under the organization name, such as North Carolina Library Association. Round Table on... . Some revisions to the quarterly indexes have been made in this annual index so that coverage of the earlier issues of North Carolina Libraries is consistent throughout the year. North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 253

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