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Index to North Carolina Libraries Volume 52, 1994 compiled by Michael Cotter Cross-reference to pages and issues: pp. 1-36: Spring, 1994; pp. 41-92: Summer, 1994; pp. 95-148: Fall-Winter, 1994 About the Authors. Leadership. 10-12 Brennan, Anne, reviewer. See Wet-Wall (Biographical Information). 33, 42- Arndt, Rudolf G. See Rohde, Fred C. Tattoos: Ben Long and the Art of Fresco. 43, 129 ASIS Professional Guidelines. 67 Brite, Poppy Z. Missing Mile. Book review Avery, Laurence G., ed. A Southern Life: by Samantha Hunt. 24 Academic Libraries. Letters of Paul Green, 1916-1981. Bruce, J. Boyd, III, reviewer. See Triumph Morrissett, Linda A. Leisure Reading Book review by Robert G. Anthony, at Kitty Hawk: The Wright Brothers Collections in Academic Libraries. Jr. 135 and Powered Flight. 122-125 Baker, Paul B. The Internet Connection: Build It and They Will Come: Libraries Olson, David. North Carolina and An Interview with Gopher Guru Eric and Disaster Preparedness, by Harlan Paper Preservation: Ninety Years of Lease Morgan. 102-106 Greene. 6-7 Leadership. 10-12 Beasley, Augie E. Report of NCASL to Burgin, Robert. Electronic Journals: Are NCLA Executive Board. 32 We There Yet? 107-110 Acid-Free Paper. Belled Buzzards, Hucksters & Grieving Burgwyn, William H. S$. A Captain’s War: Olson, David. North Carolina and Specters, by Gary Carden and Nina The Letters and Diaries of William H. S. Paper Preservation: Ninety Years of Anderson. Book review by Judy Burgwyn, 1861-1865. Book review by Leadership. 10-12 Stoddard. 131 Mary Boccaccio. 82 Adams, Kevin. North Carolina Waterfalls: Betts, Doris. Souls Raised From the Dead. Burke, David L., and Maurice C. York. Where to Find Them, How to Photo- Review. 136 North Carolina Periodicals Index. graph Them. Book review by Barbara 138-139 Miller. 84-85 Bibliographies. Cady, Jack. Inagehi. Review. 136 Along Freedom Road: Hyde County, North Christian, Elaine J., and Marilyn Canada, Waltrene M., reviewer. See Along Carolina, and the Fate of Black Schools Hastings. The Virtual Library: A Freedom Road: Hyde County, North in the South. Book review by Selective Bibliography for Explora- Carolina, and the Fate of Black Schools Waltrene M. Canada. 131 tion. 117-121 in the South. Amelang, Jean Swift, reviewer. See Who A Preservation Primer and Resource Cannell, Jeffrey, reviewer. See High Seas Killed What’s-Her-Name? Guide for North Carolina Librarians. Confederate: The Life and Times of John [17-20] Newland Maffitt. American Society for Information Cape Fear Rising, by Philip Gerard. Book Science. Biographical Information. review by Maurice C. York. 81 ASIS Professional Guidelines. 67 About the Authors. 33, 42-43, 129 Carden, Gary, and Nina Anderson. Belled SELA Representative Candidates. 89 Buzzards, Hucksters & Grieving Specters. And In Edition. . . . (column) Bittersweet Legacy: The Black and White Book review by Judy Stoddard. 131 Morrissett, Linda A. Leisure Reading “Better Classes” in Charlotte, 1850- A Captain’s War: The Letters and Diaries of Collections in Academic Libraries. 1910, by Janette Thomas Greenwood. William H. S. Burgwyn, 1861-1865, by 122-125 Book review by William Fietzer. 132 William H. S. Burgwyn. Book review Sigmon, Joel. Prepare for the Ride of Boccaccio, Mary, reviewer. See A by Mary Boccaccio. 82 Your Life on the Information Captain’s War: The Letters and Diaries Superhighway. 68-71 of William H. S. Burgwyn, 1861-1865. Carteret Community College. Anderson, Nina. See Carden, Gary. Shearin, Edward T., Jr. The Library’s Anthony, Robert G., Jr., reviewer. See A Book Reviews. Commodity for Economic Devel- Southern Life: Letters of Paul Green, Hodder, Dorothy, comp. North opment. 48-51 1916-1981. Carolina Books (column). 22-28, Causey, Michael. See Pfaff, Eugene E., Jr. 76-85, 130-137 Cecelski, David S. Along Freedom Road: Archives. See also Reviews Hyde County, North Carolina, and the Olson, David. North Carolina and Bradburn, Frances Bryant. Letter from the Fate of Black Schools in the South. Book Paper Preservation: Ninety Years of Editor. 96 review by Waltrene M. Canada. 131 North Carolina Libraries Fall-Winter 1994 — 149 Index The Challenge of Measuring the Eco- Deepwater: A Novel of the Carolinas, by Gentile, Gary. Ironclad Legacy: Battles of nomic Impact of Public Library Pamela Jekel. Book review by the USS Monitor. Review. 28 Services, by Kem B. Ellis. 52-55 Christine L. Thomson. 78 The Geographical Cure: Novellas and Stories, Chappell, Fred. Plow Naked: Selected Demonstrating Value: School Library by Michael Parker. Book review by Writings on Poetry. Review. 136 Media Centers Still Worth Their Rose Simon. 132 The Christ-Haunted Landscape: Faith and Keep, by Marilyn L. Shontz. 57-62 Gerard, Philip. Cape Fear Rising. Book Doubt in Southern Fiction, ed. by Susan Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, review by Maurice C. York. 81 Ketchin. Book review by Joan Sherif. vol. 5 (P-S), by William S. Powell. 133 Review. 85 Gopher. Christian, ElaineJ. , reviewer. See Culture Baker, Paul B. The Internet Connec- Town: Life In Raleigh’s African Disaster Preparedness. tion: An Interview with Gopher American Communities. Greene, Harlan. Build It and They Guru Eric Lease Morgan. 102-106 Christian, ElaineJ .,a nd Marilyn Hastings. Will Come: Libraries and Disaster Scott, Ralph. Wired to the World The Virtual Library: A Selective Preparedness. 6-7 (column). 128-129 Bibliography for Exploration. 117-121 Earley, Tony. Here We Are in Paradise. See also Internet. Clover, Frank. Virtual Public Libraries: Book review by Dorothy Hodder. 83 Issues and Challenges. 111-112 Edmisten, Linda Harris. See Simmons- Great Adventures in the Southern Appala- Henry, Linda. chians, by G. Forest. Review. 137 Collection Management. Green, Paul. A Southern Life: Letters of Paul Miles, Margaret. Where Have All the Electronic Journals. Green, 1916-1981, ed. by Laurence G. Thirkells Gone? 14 Electronic Journals: Are We There Avery. Book review by Robert G. Tuchmayer, Harry. Why Let the Dust Yet? by Robert Burgin. 107-110 Anthony, Jr. 135 Settle? 15 Electronic Journals: Are We There Yet? by Greene, Harlan F. Build It and They Will See also Preservation. Robert Burgin. 107-110 Come: Libraries and Disaster Pre- Elliot, Robert G. Ironclad of the Roanoke: paredness. 6-7 College and University Libraries. Gilbert Elliott’s Albemarle. Review. 137 Greenwood, Janette Thomas. Bittersweet See Academic Libraries. Ellis, Kem B. The Challenge of Measuring Legacy: The Black and White “Better See also Community Colleges. the Economic Impact of Public Classes” in Charlotte, 1850-1910. library Services. 52-55 Book review by William Fietzer. 132 Community Colleges. Grendler, Marcella, ed. Theme issue, Shearin, Edward T., Jr. The Library’s Ethics. Preservation (Spring, 1994). Commodity for Economic Devel- ASIS Professional Guidelines. 67 Guilford County: A Brief History, by opment. 48-51 Smith, Martha M. Survival and Alexander R. Stoesen. Book review Cook, Eleanor I., reviewer. See Death by Service: The Ethics of Research on by Doug Kerr. 80 Suicidal Means: The Killing of Wardell the Uses of Information. 64-67 Guilford County Genealogical Society. Burge. Eubanks, Betsy, reviewer. See On the 7th See Population Schedules Guilford Day, God Created the Chevrolet. County, N.C., 1790, 1800, 1810, and Copyright. Fergusson, David. Biennial report, Govern- The History of Guilford County, North Scott, Ralph Lee. Wired to the World mental Relations Committee. 32 Carolina. (column). 74-75 . Report of Southeastern Library Cordle, Alan D., reviewer. See Plankhouse. Association representative to NCLA Harden, Gary. Networking Glossary. 98 Cotter, Michael. Report of the Docu- Executive Board. 32 . The Virtual Library: What Is It ments Section to NCLA Executive Fietzer, William, reviewer. See Bittersweet and Where Are We Headed? 99-101 Board. 13 Legacy: The Black and White “Better Harden, Gary, ed. Theme Issue, The County Salaries in North Carolina, by the Classes” in Charlotte, 1850-1910. Virtual Library (Fall-Winter, 1994). Institute of Government, University , reviewer. See Looking Homeward: Harden, Gary, and Joel Sigmon. State of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. A Thomas Wolfe Photo Album. Library of North Carolina Internet Review. 28 Finley, Lori. Mountain Biking the Appala- Information Project. 86-87 Cruising Guide to Coastal North Carolina, chians: Northwest North Carolina/ by Claiborne S. Young. Book review Southwest Virginia. Review. 137 Hastings, Marilyn. See Christian, ElaineJ . by Barbara Miller. 84-85 The Hat of My Mother, by Max Steele. Culture Town: Life In Raleigh’s African Fogarty, Nancy Clark. Review. 28 American Communities, by Linda SELA Representative Candidate. 89 Hawthorne, Ann. The Picture Man: Simmons-Henry and Linda Harris Forest, G. Great Adventures in the Southern Photographs by Paul Buchanan. Book Edmisten. Book review by Elaine J. Appalachians. Review. .137 review by Sarah S. Robinson. 24-25 Christian. 76-77 Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Henderson, Walter. Death by Suicidal Davis, Donald. Thirteen Miles from Maryland, and Delaware, by Fred C. Means: The Killing of Wardell Burge. Suncrest. Book review by Ann B. Rohde, Rudolf G. Arndt, David G. Book review by Eleanor I. Cook. 82 Sullivan. 135 Lindquist, and James F. Parnell. Here We Are in Paradise, by Tony Earley. Death by Suicidal Means: The Killing of Review. 137 Book review by Dorothy Hodder. 83 Wardell Burge, by Walter Henderson. Book review by Eleanor I. Cook. 82 From the President, by Gwen Jackson. 2, 42-43, 97 150 — Fall-Winter 1994 North Carolina Libraries Index High Point Public Library. Kerr, Doug, reviewer. See Guilford County: Lindquist, David G. See Rohde, Fred C. Ellis, Kem B. The Challenge of A Brief History. Looking Homeward: A Thomas Wolfe Measuring the Economic Impact of Ketchin, Susan, ed. The Christ-Haunted Photo Album, by Morton I. Teicher. Public Library Services. 52-55 Landscape: Faith and Doubt in Southern Book review by William Fietzer. 25 High Seas Confederate: The Life and Times of Fiction. Book review by Joan Sherif. The Lumbee Indians: An Annotated Bibliog- John Newland Maffitt, by Royce 133 raphy, with Chronology and Index, by Shingleton. Book review by Jeffrey Kirkman, Ruth Hackney. Population Glenn Ellen Starr. Review. 85 Cannell. 134 Schedules Guilford County, N.C., 1790, Making Sense of Our Dollars, by John T. The History of Guilford County, North 1800, 1810. Review. 85 Welch. 44-47 Carolina, by Sallie W. Stockard. Manley, Roger. See Stephenson, Shelby. Review. 85 Klett, Rex. Maron, Margaret. Shooting at Loons. Hodder, Dorothy, comp. North Carolina SELA Representative Candidate. 89 Review. 136 Books (column). 22-28, 76-85, 130-137 Maschal, Richard. Wet-Wall Tattoos: Ben , reviewer. See Here We Are in Lagniappe/North Caroliniana (column Long and the Art of Fresco. Book Paradise. edited by Plummer Alston Jones, Jr). review by Anne Brennan. 23 Holloway, Betsy. Unfinished Heaven: Durham, Burke, David L., and Maurice C. York. McCrann, Grace Ellen, reviewer. See North Carolina, a Story of Two Schools. North Carolina Periodicals Index. Ripshin. Book review by Lana Taylor. 134 138-139 McFee, Michael, ed. The Language They How About Some Dollars and “Sense”! by Harden, Gary, and Joel Sigmon. State Speak is Things to Eat: Poems by Fifteen Harry Tuchmayer. 73 Library of North Carolina Internet Contemporary North Carolina Poets. Hunt, Samantha, reviewer. See Missing Information Project. 86-87 Review. 136 Mile. Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. A McInvaill, Dwight. What About a Little . See The Importance of Pot Liquor. Sumptuous Salmagundi: The North Profitability! 72 The Importance of Pot Liquor, by Jackie Carolina Literary Review. 29 Miles, Margaret. Where Have All the Torrence. Book review by Samantha Thirkells Gone? 14 Hunt. 78 The Language They Speak is Things to Eat: Miller, Barbara, reviewer. See North Inagehi, by Jack Cady. Review. 136 Poems by Fifteen Contemporary North Carolina Waterfalls: Where to Find Inshore Fishing the Carolinas’ Coasts, by Carolina Poets, ed. by Michael McFee. Them, How to Photograph Them; Bob Newman. Review. 137 Review. 136 Cruising Guide to Coastal North LeCroy, Judy. See North Carolina Library Carolina; and North Carolina Traveler: Internet. Association. Executive Board. Minutes. A Vacationer’s Guide to the Mountains, Baker, Paul B. The Internet Connec- . See North Carolina Library Piedmont, and Coast. tion: An Interview with Gopher Association. Executive Committee. Minutes of the Executive Board. See Guru Eric Lease Morgan. 102-106 Minutes. North Carolina Library Association. Harden, Gary, and Joel Sigmon. State Leisure Reading Collections in Academic Executive Board. Library of North Carolina Internet Libraries, by Linda A. Morrissett. Minutes of the Executive Committee. See Information Project. 86-87 122-125 North Carolina Library Association. Scott, Ralph. Wired to the World. Executive Committee 16, 74-75, 128-129 Libraries and the Economy. Missing Mile, by Poppy Z. Brite. Book Sigmon, Joel. Prepare for the Ride of Ellis, Kem B. The Challenge of review by Samantha Hunt. 24 Your Life on the Information Measuring the Economic Impact of Mobley, Joe. Ship Ashore! The U.S. Superhighway. 68-71 Public Library Services. 52-55 Lifesavers of Coastal North Carolina. The Internet Connection: An Interview Shearin, Edward T., Jr. The Library’s Review. 137 with Gopher Guru Eric Lease Commodity for Economic Devel- Moore, Tom. Sleeping with the Enemy? 127 Morgan, by Paul B. Baker. 102-106 opment. 48-51 Shontz, Marilyr L. Demonstrating Morgan, Eric Lease. Ironclad Legacy: Battles of the USS Monitor, Value: School Library Media Centers Baker, Paul B. The Internet Connec- by Gary Gentile. Review. 28 Still Worth Their Keep. 57-62 tion: An Interview with Gopher Ironclad of the Roanoke: Gilbert Elliott’s Smith, Martha M. Survival and Guru Eric Lease Morgan. 102-106 Albemarle, by Robert G. Elliot. Service: The Ethics of Research on Morrissett, Linda A. Leisure Reading Col- Review. 137 the Uses of Information. 64-67 lections in Academic Libraries. 122-125 Jackson, Gwen. From the President. 2, Theme Issue. Summer, 1994. 44-67, Mountain Biking the Appalachians: North- 42-43, 97 72-73 west North Carolina/ Southwest Jekel, Pamela. Deepwater: A Novel of the Welch, John T. Making Sense of Our Virginia, by Lori Finley. Review. 137 Carolinas. Book review by Christine Dollars. 44-47 Networking Glossary, by Gary Harden. 98 L. Thomson. 78 , Guest Editor. Libraries and Newman, Bob. Inshore Fishing the Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr., comp. the Economy. 44-67, 72-73 Carolinas’ Coasts. Review. 137 Lagniappe/North Caroliniana The Library’s Commodity for Economic (column). 29, 86-87, 138-139 Development, by Edward T. Shearin, North Carolina. Division of State Jordan, Weymoth, T., Jr., comp. North Jr. 48-51 Library. Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, Harden, Gary, and Joel Sigmon. State Volume XIII. Review. 27 Library of North Carolina Internet Information Project. 86-87 North Carolina Libraries Fall-Winter 1994 — 151 Index North Carolina and Paper Preservation: North Carolina Library Association. Powered Flight. Book review by J. Ninety Years of Leadership, by Technology and Trends Round Table. Boyd Bruce III. 26 David Olson. 10-12 Established. 97 Payne, David. Ruin Creek. Book review by North Carolina Literary Guide, 1993-94, by Eileen McCluskey Papile. 22 North Carolina Books (column edited North Carolina Writers’ Network. by Dorothy Hodder). 22-28, 76-85, Review. 27 Periodicals. 130-137 Bradburn, Frances Bryant. Letter North Carolina Collection Sesquicenten- North Carolina Literary Review. from the Editor. 96 nial to be Celebrated (notice). 13 Reviewed by Plummer Alston Jones, Burgin, Robert. Electronic Journals: Jr. 29 Are We There Yet? 107-110 North Carolina Competency-Based North Carolina Periodicals Index, by Burke, David L., and Maurice C. York. Curriculum. David L. Burke and Maurice C. York. North Carolina Periodicals Index. Pantelidis, Veronica S. Virtual Reality 138-139 138-139 and the School Library/Media Skills Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. A Curriculum. 114-116 North Carolina Preservation Consortium. Sumptuous Salmagundi: The North Speller, Benjamin F., Jr. Reconcept- Carolina Literary Review. 29 North Carolina Information Highway. ualizing Preservation. 3-5 Harden, Gary, and Joel Sigmon. State Pfaff, Eugene E., Jr., and Michael Library of North Carolina Internet North Carolina Standard Course of Causey. Uwharrie. Review. 28 Information Project. 86-87 Study. Pfeiffer, Lee. The Official Andy Griffith Scott, Ralph Lee. Wired to the World Pantelidis, Veronica S. Virtual Reality Show Scrapbook. Review. 85 (column). 16 and the School Library/Media Skills The Picture Man: Photographs by Paul Sigmon, Joel. Prepare for the Ride of Curriculum. 114-116 Buchanan, by Ann Hawthorne. Book Your Life on the Information North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster, review by Sarah S. Robinson. 24-25 Superhighway. 68-71 Volume XIII, comp. Weymouth T. Plankhouse, by Shelby Stephenson and Jordan, Jr. Review. 27 Roger Manley. Book review by Alan North Carolina Libraries. North Carolina Waterfalls: Where to Find D. Cordle. 23 Bradburn, Frances Bryant. Letter Them, How to Photograph Them, by Plow Naked: Selected Writings on Poetry, by from the Editor. 96 Kevin Adams. Book review by Fred Chappell. Review. 136 Barbara Miller. 84-85 North Carolina Library Association. North Carolina Writers’ Network. North Point/Counter Point (column edited by Long-Range Strategic Plan. 42-43. Carolina Literary Guide, 1993-94. Harry Tuchmayer). Review. 27 McInvaill, Dwight. What About a North Carolina Library Association. Little Profitability! 72 Documents Section. North Caroliniana. Miles, Margaret. Where Have All the Cotter, Michael. Report to NCLA Burke, David L., and Maurice C. York. Thirkells Gone? 14 Executive Board. 13 North Carolina Periodicals Index. Moore, Tom. Sleeping with the North Carolina Library Association. Ex- 138-139 Enemy? 127 ecutive Board. Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. A Tuchmayer, Harry. How About Some Long-Range Fiscal Planning Task Sumptuous Salmagundi: The North Dollars and “Sense”! 73 Force. 30-31 Carolina Literary Review. 29 . Say Goodbye to the Book Minutes of the Executive Board. 1/ ... the Future is Virtual. 126 28/94, 30-32; 7/15/94, 141-144 Nye, Kemp Battle. Ripshin. Book review . Why Let the Dust Settle? 15 North Carolina Library Association. Ex- by Grace Ellen McCrann. 136 ecutive Committee. The Official Andy Griffith Show Scrapbook, Population Schedules Guilford County, N.C., Minutes of the Executive Committee. by Lee Pfeiffer. Review. 85 1790, 1800, 1810, comp. by Ruth 1/28/94, 32 Olson, David. North Carolina and Paper Hackney Kirkman. Review. 85 Preservation: Ninety Years of Powell, William S. Dictionary of North North Carolina Library Association. Leadership. 10-12 Carolina Biography, vol. 5 (P-S). Governmental Relations Committee. On the 7th Day, God Created the Chevrolet, Review. 85 Fergusson, David. Biennial report, by Sylvia Wilkinson. Book review by Prepare for the Ride of Your Life on the Governmental Relations Commit- Betsy Eubanks. 26-27 Information Superhighway, by Joel tee. 32 Pantelidis, Veronica S. Virtual Reality and Sigmon. 68-71 Southerland, Carol. Report to NCLA the School Library/Media Skills Executive Board. 31 32 Curriculum. 114-116 Preservation of Library Materials. Papile, Eileen McCluskey, reviewer. See Greene, Harlan. Build It and They North Carolina Library Association. Ruin Creek. Will Come: Libraries and Disaster North Carolina Association of School Parker, Michael. The Geographical Cure: Preparedness. 6-7 Librarians. Novellas and Stories. Book review by Grendler, Marcella, Guest Editor. Beasley, Augie E. Report of NCASL to Rose Simon. 132 Preservation. 2-15, [17-20] NCLA Executive Board. 32 Parnell, James F. See Rohde, Fred C. Miles, Margaret. Where Have All the Parramore, Thomas C. Triumph at Thirkells Gone? 14 Kitty Hawk: The Wright Brothers and 152 — Fall-Winter 1994 North Carolina Libraries Index Olson, David. North Carolina and Robinson, Sarah S., reviewer. The Picture Sleeping with the Enemy? by Tom Moore. Paper Preservation: Ninety Years of Man: Photographs by Paul Buchanan. 127. Leadership. 10-12 Ruin Creek, by David Payne. Book review Smith, Deborah. Silk and Stone. Review. 136 A Preservation Primer and Resource by Eileen McCluskey Papile. 22 Smith, Martha M. Survival and Service: Guide for North Carolina Librarians. Ryckman, Pat. Taming the Chimera: The Ethics of Research on the Uses of [17-20] Preservation in a Public Library. 8-9 Information. 64-67 Ryckman, Pat. Taming the Chimera: Sara Aull Student Paper Award Competi- Souls Raised From the Dead, by Doris Betts. Preservation in a Public Library. 8-9 tion (notice). 145 Review. 136 Speller, Benjamin F., Jr. Reconcept- Say Goodbye to the Book ... the Future is ualizing Preservation. 3-5 Virtual, by Harry Tuchmayer. 126 Southeastern Library Association. Theme Issue. Spring, 1994. 2-15, Fergusson, David. Report to NCLA [17-20] School Libraries. Executive Board. 32 Tuchmayer, Harry. Why Let the Dust Pantelidis, Veronica S. Virtual Reality SELA Representative Candidates. 89 Settle? 15 and the School Library/Media Skills Southerland, Carol. Report of the NCLA A Preservation Primer and Resource Guide Curriculum. 114-116 Governmental Relations Committee for North Carolina Librarians. [17-20] Shontz, Marilyn L. Demonstrating to NCLA Executive Board. 31 Value: School Library Media Centers Southern Book Trade. Review. 137 Price, Reynolds. A Whole New Life: An Still Worth Their Keep. 57-62 A Southern Life: Letters of Paul Green, 1916- Illness and a Healing. Review. 136 Scott, Ralph Lee. Wired to the World 1981, ed. by Laurence G. Avery. Book (column). 16, 74-75, 128-129 review by Robert G. Anthony, Jr. 135 Public Libraries. Separating the Men from the Boys: The First Speller, Benjamin F., Jr. Reconceptualizing Clover, Frank. Virtual Public Librar- Half-Century of the Carolina League, by Preservation. 3-5 ies: Issues and Challenges. 111-112 Jim L. Summer. Book review by Squire, Elizabeth Daniels. Who Killed Ellis, Kem B. The Challenge of Suzanne Wise. 79 What’s-Her-Name? Book review by Measuring the Economic Impact of Shearin, Edward T., Jr. The Library’s Jean Swift Amelang. 77 Public Library Services. 52-55 Commodity for Economic Develop- Star Flight, by Phyllis A. Whitney. Book Miles, Margaret. Where Have All the ment. 48-51 review by Janet Sinder. 22 Thirkells Gone? 14 Sherif, Joan, reviewer. See The Christ- Starr, Glenn Ellen. The Lumbee Indians: Ryckman, Pat. Taming the Chimera: Haunted Landscape: Faith and Doubt in An Annotated Bibliography, with Preservation in a Public Library. 8-9 Southern Fiction. Chronology and Index. Review. 85 Tuchmayer, Harry. Why Let the Dust Shingleton, Royce. High Seas Confederate: State Library of North Carolina Internet Settle? 15 The Life and Times of John Newland Information Project, by Gary Harden Maffitt. Book review by Jeffrey and Joel Sigmon. 86-87 Public Library of Charlotte and Cannell. 134 Steele, Max. The Hat of My Mother. Mecklenburg County. Ship Ashore! The U.S. Lifesavers of Coastal Review. 28 Ryckman, Pat. Taming the Chimera: North Carolina, by Joe Mobley. Stephenson, Shelby, and Roger Manley. Preservation in a Public Library. 8-9 Review. 137 Plankhouse. Book review by Alan D. Shontz, Marilyn L. Demonstrating Value: Cordle. 23 Reading. School Library Media Centers Still Stockard, Sallie W. The History of Guilford Morrissett, Linda A. Leisure Reading Worth Their Keep. 57-62 County, North Carolina. Review. 85 Collections in Academic Libraries. Shooting at Loons, by Margaret Maron. Stoddard, Judy, reviewer. See Belled 122-125 Review. 136 Buzzards, Hucksters & Grieving Specters. Reconceptualizing Preservation, by Siegel, David and Susan. The Used Book Stoesen, Alexander R. Guilford County: A Benjamin F. Speller, Jr. 3-5 Lover’s Guide to the South Atlantic Brief History. Book review by Doug States. Review. 85 Kerr. 80 Research. Sullivan, Ann B., reviewer. See Thirteen Smith, Martha M. Survival and Sigmon, Joel. Cover illustration, Fall- Miles from Suncrest. Service: The Ethics of Research on Winter, 1994. Summer, Jim L. Separating the Men from the Uses of Information. 64-67 . Prepare for the Ride of Your the Boys: The First Half-Century of the Life on the Information Superhighway. Carolina League. Book review by Reviews. 68-71 Suzanne Wise. 79 Hodder, Dorothy, comp. North . See Harden, Gary. A Sumptuous Salmagundi: The North Carolina Books. 22-28, 76-85, Carolina Literary Review. Plummer 130-137 Silk and Stone, by Deborah Stone. Alston Jones, Jr. 29 Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr., comp. Review. 136 Survival and Service: The Ethics of Lagniappe/North Caroliniana. 29 Simmons-Henry, Linda, and Linda Harris Research on the Uses of Information, Ripshin, by Kemp Battle Nye. Book re- Edmisten. Culture Town: Life In by Martha M. Smith. 64-67 view by Grace Ellen McCrann. 136 Raleigh’s African American Communi- Swartout, Dan, reviewer. See Winston- Rohde, Fred C., Rudolf G. Arndt, David G. ties. Review. 76-77 Salem: A History. Lindquist, and James F. Parnell. Simon, Rose, reviewer. See The Geographical Taming the Chimera: Preservation in a Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Cure: Novellas and Stories. Public Library, by Pat Ryckman. 8-9 Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. Sinder, Janet, reviewer. See Star Flight. Review. 137 North Carolina Libraries Fall-Winter 1994 — 153 Index Taylor, Lana, reviewer. See Unfinished University of North Carolina at Chapel Virtual Reality. Heaven: Durham, North Carolina, a Hill. Library. Pantelidis, Veronica S. Virtual Reality Story of Two Schools. North Carolina Collection Sesquicen- and the School Library/Media Skills Teicher, Morton I. Looking Homeward: A tennial to be Celebrated (notice). 13 Curriculum. 114-116 Thomas Wolfe Photo Album. Book The Used Book Lover’s Guide to the South Virtual Reality and the School Library/ review by William Fietzer. 25 Atlantic States, by David and Susan Media Skills Curriculum, by Veronica Siegel. Review. 85 Pantelidis. 114-116 Theme issues. Uwharrie, by Eugene E. Pfaff, Jr. and Welch, John T. Making Sense of Our Libraries and the Economy (Summer, Michael Causey. Review. 28 Dollars. 44-47 1994) 44-67, 72-73 ,ed. Theme issue, Libraries and Preservation (Spring, 1994) 2-15, Virtual Libraries. the Economy (Summer, 1994). [17-20] Baker, Paul B. The Internet Connec- Wet-Wall Tattoos: Ben Long and the Art of Virtual Libraries (Fall-Winter, 1994) tion: An Interview with Gopher Fresco, by Richard Maschal. Book 98-121, 126-127 Guru Eric Lease Morgan. 102-106 review by Anne Brennan. 23 Burgin, Robert. Electronic Journals: What About a Little Profitability! by Thirteen Miles from Suncrest, by Donald Are We There Yet? 107-110 Dwight MclInvaill. 72 Davis. Book review by Ann B. Christian, Elaine J., and Marilyn Where Have All the Thirkells Gone? by Sullivan. 135 Hastings. The Virtual Library: A Margaret Miles. 14 Thomson, Christine L., reviewer. See Selective Bibliography for Explora- Whitney, Phyllis A. Star Flight. Book Deepwater: A Novel of the Carolinas. tion. 117-121 review by Janet Sinder. 22 Torrence, Jackie. The Importance of Pot Liquor. Clover, Frank. Virtual Public Libraries: Who Killed What’s-Her-Name? by Elizabeth Book review by Samantha Hunt. 78 Issues and Challenges. 111-112 Daniels Squire. Book review by Jean Triumph at Kitty Hawk: The Wright Harden, Gary. Networking Glossary. Swift Amelang. 77 Brothers and Powered Flight, by 98 A Whole New Life: An Illness and a Healing, Thomas C. Parramore. Book review . The Virtual Library: What by Reynolds Price. Review. 136 by J. Boyd Bruce III. 26 Is It and Where Are We Headed? Why Let the Dust Settle? by Harry 99-101 Tuchmayer. 15 Tuchmayer, Harry. How About Some , Guest Editor. The Virtual Wilkinson, Sylvia. On the 7th Day, God Dollars and “Sense”! 73 Library. 98-121, 126-127 Created the Chevrolet. Book review by . Say Goodbye to the Book... Moore, Tom. Sleeping with the Betsy Eubanks. 26-27 the Future is Virtual. 126 Enemy? 127 Williams, A. Hope. “Independent . Why Let the Dust Settle? 15 Pantelidis, Veronica S. Virtual Reality Colleges Contribute Billions to N.C. Tuchmayer, Harry, ed. Point/Counter and the School Library/Media Skills Economy.” (reprint). 45 point (column). 14-15, 72-73, 126-127 Curriculum. 114-116 Winston-Salem: A History, by Frank V.Tursi. Theme Issue, Fall-Winter, 1994. 98- Book review by Dan Swartout. 130 Turner, Ginny, ed. North Carolina 121, 126-127 Traveler: A Vacationer’s Guide to the Tuchmayer, Harry. Say Goodbye to Wired to the World (column by Ralph Mountains, Piedmont, and Coast. Book the Book ... the Future is Virtual. Lee Scott). 16, 74-75, 128-129 review by Barbara Miller. 84-85 126 Wise, Suzanne L., reviewer. See Separating Tursi, Frank V. Winston-Salem: A History. The Virtual Library: A Selective Bibliography the Men from the Boys: The First Half- Book review by Dan Swartout. 130 for Exploration, ElaineJ .C hristian and Century of the Carolina League. Unfinished Heaven: Durham, North Carolina, Marilyn Hastings. 117-121 York, Maurice C., reviewer. See Cape Fear aStory of Two Schools, by Betsy Holloway. The Virtual Library: What Is It and Where Rising. Book review by Lana Taylor. 134 Are We Headed? by Gary Harden. York, Maurice C. See Burke, David L. 99-101 Young, Claiborne S. Cruising Guide to University and College Libraries. Virtual Public Libraries: Issues and Coastal North Carolina. Book review See Academic Libraries. Challenges, by Frank Clover. 111-112 by Barbara Miller. 84-85 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Institute of Government. County Salaries in North Carolina. Review. 28 Guidelines for Using the Index to North Carolina Libraries . The index is alphabetized letter by letter. Numbers and dates are filed at the end of the alphabetical sequence. All acronyms are filed in alphabetical order, not at the beginning of each letter. 2. Articles are indexed by title, subject, and first-named author, with cross-references from coauthors. 3. Book reviews are indexed by the title and first-named author, with cross-references from reviewers. 4. All library organizations are entered under their full names. Material on the substructures of these organizations, such as committees, round tables, etc., is listed alphabetically under the organization name. (For example, for material on the activities, officers, reports, committees, and round tables of NCLA, see North Carolina Library Association.) . The abbreviations “comp.,” “ed.,” “ill,” and “pic.,” are used to identify compilers, editors, illustrators, and pictures. 154 — Fall-Winter 1994 North Carolina Libraries

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