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Mahlon M. Day Normed Linear Spaces Third Edition Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 1973 Mahlon M. Day University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.SA. AMS Subject Classifications (1970): Primary 46Bxx· Secondary 46Axx ISBN 3-540-06148-7 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-06148-7 Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin ISBN 3·540-02811-0 Second edition Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-387-02811-0 Second edition Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks Under § 54 of the German Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use, a fee is payable to the publisher, the amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1958, 1962, 1973 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 72-96940 Printed in Germany Monophoto typesetting and offset printing Zechnersche Buch druckerei, Speyer Bookbinding Konrad TriItsch, Wurzburg Foreword to the First Edition This book contains a compressed introduction to the study of normed linear spaces and to that part of the theory of linear topological spaces without which the main discussion could not well proceed. Definitions of many terms which are required in passing can be found in the alphabetical index. Symbols which are used throughout all, or a significant part, of this book are indexed on page 132*. Each reference to the bibliography is made by means of the author's name, supplemented when necessary by a number in square brackets. The bibliography does not completely cover the available literature, even the most recent; each PFlper in it is the subject of a specific reference at some point in the text. 1 The writer takes this opportunity to express thanks to the University of Illinois, the National Science Foundation, and the University of Washington, each of which has contributed in some degree to the cultural, financial, or physical support of the writer, and to Mr. R .. R. Phelps, who eradicated many of the errors with which the manuscript was infested. Urbana, Illinois (USA), September 1957 Mahlon M. Day Foreword to the Third Edition The major changes in this edition are: Corrections and additions to II, § 5, and III, § 1, on hw* and ew* topologies; enlargement of III, § 2, on weak compactness, V, § 1, on extreme and exposed points, V, § 2, on fixed points, and VII, § 2, on rotundity and smoothness; added sections III, § 5, on weak compactness and structure of normed spaces, and VII, § 4, on isomorphism to improve the norm, and Index of Citations. Urbana, September 1972 M.M.D. * In the 3rd edition page 201. Contents Chapter I. Linear Spaces . . . . . . . . . . 1 § 1. Linear Spaces and Linear Dependence . 1 § 2. Linear Functions and Conjugate Spaces. 4 § 3. The Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem 9 § 4. Linear Topological Spaces. . . . 12 § 5. Conjugate Spaces . . . . . . . 18 § 6. Cones, Wedges, Order Relations. 22 Chapter II. Normed Linear Spaces. . . 27 § 1. Elementary Definitions and Properties 27 § 2. Examples of Normed Spaces; Constructions of New Spaces from Old. . . . . . . . . . 32 § 3. Category Proofs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 § 4. Geometry and Approximation. . . . . . . . 43 § 5. Comparison of Topologies in a Normed Space. 45 Chapter III. Completeness, Compactness, and Reflexivity 53 § 1. Completeness in a Linear Topological Space. 53 § 2. Compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 § 3. Completely Continuous Linear Operators. . 65 § 4. Reflexivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 § 5. Weak Compactness and Structure in Normed Spaces 72 Chapter IV. Unconditional Convergence and Bases. 78 § 1. Series and Unconditional Convergence . . 78 § 2. Tensor Products of Locally Convex Spaces 83 § 3. Schauder Bases in Separable Spaces. 87 § 4. Unconditional Bases . . . . . . . . . . 95 Chapter V. Compact Convex Sets and Continuous Function Spaces 101 § 1. Extreme Points of Compact Convex Sets . . 101 § 2. Fixed-point Theorems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 VIII Contents § 3. Some Properties of Continuous Function Spaces . . . 113 § 4. Characterizations of Continuous Function Spaces among Banach Spaces. . . . 116 Chapter VI. Norm and Order 126 § 1. Vector Lattices and Normed Lattices 126 § 2. Linear Sublattices of Continuous Function Spaces 131 § 3. Monotone Projections and Extensions . . 135 § 4. Special Properties of (AL)-Spaces . . . . 137 Chapter VII. Metric Geometry in Normed Spaces 142 § 1. Isometry and the Linear Structure . . . . 142 § 2. Rotundity and Smoothness . . . . . . . 144 § 3. Characterizations of Inner-Product Spaces 151 § 4. Isomorphisms to Improve the Norm . . . 159 A. Rotundity, smoothness, and convex functions. 159 B. Superreflexive spaces 168 Chapter VIII. Reader's Guide 175 Bibliography . . 184 Index of Citations 197 Index of Symbols 201 Subject Index . . 205 Chapter I. Linear Spaces § 1. Linear Spaces and Linear Dependence The axioms of a linear or vector space have been chosen to display some of the algebraic properties common to many classes of functions appearing frequently in analysis. Of these examples there is no doubt that the most fundamental, and earliest, examples are furnished by the n-dimensional Euclidean spaces and their vector algebras. Nearly as important, and the basic examples for most of this book, are many function spaces; for example, C[O, 1], the space of real-valued conti nuous functions on the closed unit interval, B V [0, 1], the space of functions of bounded variation on the same interval, I! [0, 1], the space of those Lebesgue measurable functions on the same interval which have summable plh powers, and A(D), the space of all complexvalued functions analytic in a domain D of the complex plane. Though all these examples have further noteworthy properties, all share a common algebraic pattern which is axiomatized as follows: (Banach, p. 26; Jacobson). Definition 1. A linear space L over a field A is a set of elements satisfying the following conditions: (A) The set L is an Abelian group under an operation +; that is, + is defined from L x L into L such that, for every x, y, z in L, (a) x+y=y+x, (commutativity) (b) x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z, (associativity) (c) there is a w dependent on x and y such that x+w=y. (B) There is an operation defined from A x L into L, symbolized by juxtaposition, such that, for A, f1 in A and x, y in L, (d) A(X + y) = Ax + Ay , (distributivity) (e) (A+f1)X=AX+f1X, (distributivity) (1) A(f1 x) = (A f1) x , (g) 1 x = x (where 1 is the identity element of the field). 2 Chapter I. Linear Spaces In this and the next section any field not of characteristic 2 will do; in the rest of the book order and distance are important, so the real field R is used throughout, with remarks about the complex case when that field can be used instead. (1) If L is a linear space, then (a) there is a unique element 0 in L such that x+O=O+x=x and ,uO=Ox=O for all ,u in A and x in L; (b) ,ux=O if and only if ,u=O or x=O; (c) for each x in L there is a unique y in L such that x+y=y+x=O and (-1)x=y; (then for z,xinLdefine z-x=z+(-1)x and -x=O-x). (2) It can be shown by induction on the number of terms that the commutative, associative and distributive laws hold for arbitrarily large L finite sets of elements; for example, Xi' which is defined to be i::;n Xl + (X2 + (. .. + xn)···), is independent of the order or grouping of terms in the process of addition. Definition 2. A non-empty subset £, is called a linear subspace of L if £, is itself a linear space when the operations used in £, are those induced by the operations in L. If X =!= y, the line through x and y is the set {,ux+(1-,u)y: ,uEA}. A non-empty subset E of L isjlat if with each pair x =!= y of its points E also contains the line through x and y. (3) £, is a linear subspace of L if and only if for each x, y in £, and each A in A, x + y and Ax are in £'. Definition 3. If E, F ~ Land z E L, define E+F={x+y:XEE and YEF}. -E={-X:XEE}, E+z={X+Z:XEE}, E-z=E+(-z), E-F=E+(-F). (4) (a) E is flat if and only if for each x in E the set E - x is a linear subspace of L. (b) The intersection of any family of linear [flat] subsets of L is linear [either empty or flat J. (c) Hence each non-empty subset E of L is contained in a smallest linear [flat] subset of L, called the linear [jlat} hull of E. Definition 4. If L is a linear space and Xl' ... , Xn are points of L, a point x is a linear combination of these Xi if there exist Al ' ... , An in A such L that x = Ai Xi. A set of points E ~ L is called linearly independent i::;n if E is not-0 or {O} andl no point of E is a linear combination of any finite subset of the other points of E. A vector basis (or Hamel basis) in L is a maximal linearly independent set. (5) (a) The set of all linear combinations of all finite subsets of a set E in L is the linear hull of E. (b) E is linearly independent if and 1 0 is the empty set; {x} is the set containing the single element x. § 1. Linear Spaces and Linear Dependence 3 only if for Xl' ... , Xn distinct elements of E and ,11' ... , An in A the con L dition Aixi=O implies that A =A2=···=An=0. 1 i~n Theorem 1. If E is a linearly independent set in L, then there is a vector basis B of L such that B"ii?,E. Proof. Let 6 be the set of all linearly independent subsets S of L such that E~S; let Sl~S2 mean that Sl"ii?,S2. Then if60 isa simply ordered subsystem of 6 and So is the union of all S in 60, So is also. a linearly independent set; indeed, Xl' ... , Xn in So imply that there exist Si in 6 with Xi in Si. Since 6 is simply ordered by inclusion, all Xi 0 0 belong to the largest Sj and are, therefore, linearly independent. Hence SoE 6 and is an upper bound for 60. Zorn's lemma now applies to assert that E is contained in a maximal element B of 6. This B is the desired vector basis, for it is a linearly independent set and no linearly independent set is larger. Corollary 1. If Lo is a linear subspace of Land Bo is a vector basis for Lo, then L has a vector basis B"ii?,Bo. (6) If B = {xs: s E S} is a vector basis in L, each X in L has a repre L L sentation X= AsXs' where (J is a finite subset of S. If X= AsXs L SEa SEUl = JlsX" then As=Jls for all s in (Jl (l(J2 and As=O for all other s SEa2 in (Jl and Jls=O for all other s in (J2. Hence each X=FO has a unique representation in which all coefficients are non-zero, and 0 has no re presentation in which any coefficient is non-zero. [Also see §2, (2c).] This property characterizes bases among subsets of L. Theorem 2. Any two vector bases Sand T of a linear space L have the same cardinal number. Proof. Symmetry of our assumptions and the Schroeder-Bernstein theorem on comparability of cardinals (Kelley, p. 28) show that it suffices to prove that S can be matched with a subset of T. Consider the transitively ordered system of functions ([> consisting of those func tions cP such that (a) the domain Dep~S and the range Rep~ T. (b) cP is one-to-one between Dep and Rep. (c) Rep u (S\Dep) is a linearly indepen dent set. Order ([> by: cP ~ cp' means that cp is an extension of cp'. Every simply ordered subsystem ([>0 of ([> has an upper bound CPo: Define Depo= U Dep and CPo(s)= cp(s) if sEDep and CPE([>o· This CPo epetPo is defined and is in ([>; it is an upper bound for ([>0. By Zorn's lemma there is a maximal cp in ([>. We wish to show that Dep=S. 4 Chapter I. Linear Spaces If not, then Rq> =!= T, for each s in the complement of Dq> is depen dent on T but not on Rq>. If to is in T\Rq> , either to is linearly independent of Rq> U (S\Dq» or is dependent on it. In the former case, for arbitrary So in S\Dq> the extension cp' of cp for which cp' (so) = to has the properties (a), (b), and (c), so cp is not maximal. In the latter case, by (c) and (6) L L to= Att+ IlsS' tER.. s$D. . where at least one Ilso is not zero, because to is independent of Rq>' If cp' is the extension of cp for which cp'(so)=to, then cp' obviously satisfies (a) and (b); also Rq>' U (S\Dq>') is linearly independent, because other wise to would depend on Rq> U (S\Dq>')' a possibility prevented by the choice of So, and again cp cannot be maximal. This shows that if cp is maximal in ([>, then Dq>=S; then the cardinal number of S is not greater than that of T. The Schroeder-Bernstein theorem completes the proof of the theorem. Definition 5. The cardinal number of a vector basis of L is called the dimension of L. The linear space with no element but 0 is the only linear space with an empty vector basis; it is the unique linear space of dimension O. (7) (a) If K is the complex field and if L is a vector space over K, then L is also a vector space, which we shall call L(r)' over the real field R. (b) The dimension of L(r) is twice that of L, for x and ix are linearly independent in L(r)' § 2. Linear Functions and Conjugate Spaces In this section again the nature of the field of scalars is unimportant as long as it is not of characteristic 2. Definition 1. If Land r. are linear spaces over the same field A, a function F (sometimes to be called an operator) from L into r. is called additive if F(x+y)=F(x)+F(y) for all x,y in L; homogeneous if F(A x) = A F(x) for all A in A and x in L; linear if both additive and homo geneous. A one-to-one linear F carrying L onto r. is an isomorphism of Land r.. (1) (a) Let B be a vector basis of L and for each b in B let Yb be a point of the linear space r.. Then there is a unique linear function F from L into r. such that F(b) = Yb for all bin B; precisely, using §1, (6), (L L F Abb) = AbYb' bEI1 bEI1 (b) If To is a linear function defined from a linear subspace Lo of L into a linear space r., there is an extension T of To defined from L into r..

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