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NONUNIFORM SAMPLING AND RECOVERY OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL BANDLIMITED FUNCTIONS BY GAUSSIAN RADIAL-BASIS FUNCTIONS 0 B. A.BAILEY, TH. SCHLUMPRECHT, ANDN. SIVAKUMAR 1 0 2 n a Abstract. Let S Rd be a bounded subset with positive Lebesgue measure. The Paley- J Wienerspaceassoci⊂atedtoS,PWS,isdefinedtobethesetofallsquare-integrablefunctions 2 onRd whoseFouriertransformsvanishoutsideS. Asequence(xj :j N)inRd issaidtobe 2 aRiesz-basis sequenceforL2(S) (equivalently,acompleteinterpolati∈ng sequencefor PWS) ifthesequence(e−ihxj,·i :j N)of exponentialfunctionsforms aRiesz basisfor L2(S). Let A] (xj : j N) be a Riesz-bas∈is sequence for L2(S). Given λ > 0 and f PWS, there is a ∈ ∈ C uniquesequence (aj) in ℓ2 such that the function . Iλ(f)(x):=Xaje−λkx−xjk22, x Rd, h ∈ j∈N t ma fisorcoevnetirnyunousNa.ndThsqisuapraepeinrtsetgurdabielsetohneRcodn,vaenrgdensacteisofifetshtehientceornpdoiltainont IIλ((ff))(axsnλ) =tenfd(sxnto) λ ∈ [ zero, i.e., as the variance of the underlyingGaussian tendsto infinity. The following result 5v3 iL(sx2jo(bR:tjda)i∈naenNdd):ubLneeitfaoδrRm∈ielsy(zpobn2a/Rs3isd,1.s]eIfqanuδde=n0c1e<,ftoβhre<Ln2o√(nZ3eδ).m2I−afyf2t.a∈SkPuepβWptoβosBe2b,teht1hateansδBwf2e=l⊂l,liaZmnλd⊂→tBh0+i2s,Irλaen(dfdu)cleienst 0 to a known theorem in the univariate case. However, if d 2, it is not known whether ≥ 1 L2(B2)admitsaRiesz-basissequence. Ontheotherhand,inthecasewhenδ<1,theredo 2 exist bodies Z satisfying the hypothesesof the theorem (in any space dimension). . 6 0 9 1. Introduction 0 : Thetheoretical study of interpolation has long played a prominentrole in the development v i of the theory of approximation, whilst the computational aspects of the subject have found X a natural outlet in numerical analysis. Given the inherent naturalness of the subject, and r the variety of interesting questions it generates, it is not surprising that interpolation theory a continues to be an active area of research. Among the diverse issues associated to interpolation, the theory of ‘cardinal interpolation’ has been a well-studied theme over many years. The term refers to the interpolation of data on a regular, usually infinite, grid. When the interpolation at such a grid is done via spline functions, in particular, one encounters ‘cardinal spline interpolation’. Rooted in Isaac Schoenberg’s seminal work, this subject was furtherdeveloped by a numberof his successors. Key words and phrases. Scattered Data, Gaussian interpolation, Multidimensional Bandlimited functions. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 41A05, Secondary 42C30. The research of the second authorwas supported by theNational Science Foundation. 1 2 B.A.BAILEY,TH.SCHLUMPRECHT,ANDN.SIVAKUMAR The last century has witnessed enormous advances in the state of the art of electrical engineering and telecommunication theory. Included among the myriad branches of this discipline is the theory of ‘sampling’, which is an integral part of signal analysis. By their verynature,thetheoriesofsamplingandinterpolationareintertwined; indeed,atabasiclevel both are in essence one and the same. Philosophical considerations apart, there are also solid and captivating mathematical connections between the subjects. Connections of this nature, in the context of cardinal spline interpolation, were brought out by Schoenberg himself; see, for instance [13], especially his remarks on page 228 there. In this paper Schoenberg showed, among other things, how bandlimited functions can be recovered as limits of their cardinal- spline interpolants, as the degree of the underlying spline tends to infinity. Substantial extensions of this theme have since been carried out by many, both in the univariate and multivariate settings. More recently, it was also discovered that the theory of cardinal spline interpolation, anditsconnectionstosampling,haveastrongresonanceinthetheoryofradial- basisfunctions,especially involving Gaussians. Oneconsequenceof thesedevelopments isthe factthatbandlimitedfunctionscanalsoberecovered viatheirGaussiancardinalinterpolants, in a suitable limiting sense. Moving away from the realm of gridded data, it is natural to look for comparable connec- tions between interpolation at irregularly spaced points – often referred to as scattered-data interpolation – via splines and radial-basis functions, and the now classical theory of nonuni- form sampling. In the case of splines, the analogue of Schoenberg’s theorem to which we alluded above was obtained in [7], and a counterpart of this result for Gaussians was given later in [12]. The focus in [12] is on the one-dimensional case, although it does include a relatively straightforward extension to higher dimensions in terms of tensor products. The purpose of the present article is to present a general multidimensional result. Here we overcome our earlier obstacles by extending the techniques of [7] and [12] in such a way that the radial symmetry of the multidimensional Gaussian can be exploited fully. As in [7] and [12], our setting for the interpolation problem also involves Riesz-basis sequences. However, we are forced to settle for less in the multivariate situation, because the existence of suitable Riesz- basis sequences in higher dimensions is a subtle matter depending on the geometry of the underlying domain. A more detailed discussion of this issue is the subject of the concluding remarks in Section 3. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we lay out some back- ground material of a general nature. More specific preliminaries are given in the subsequent section, which concludes with the statement of the main result. The proof of the latter is detailed in the final section. 2. Preliminaries Let d N. For 1 p < and a measurable set S Rd with positive Lebesgue measure ∈ ≤ ∞ ⊂ m(S), we denote by L (S) the space of complex-valued functions which are p-integrable on p S (with respect to the Lebesgue measure). For f L (S), we denote its standard L -norm p p ∈ by f , or by f , when the context is clear. We also denote by , the ℓ -norm, k kLp(S) k kp k·kp p 1 p , on the space of (finite and infinite) sequences. The space of continuous functions ≤ ≤ ∞ NONUNIFORM SAMPLING AND RECOVERY VIA GAUSSIAN RBFS 3 on Rd is denoted by C(Rd), and C (Rd) := f C(Rd) : lim f(x)= 0 . 0 (cid:8) ∈ kxk2→∞ (cid:9) If f L (Rd), then the Fourier transform of f, fˆ, is defined as follows: 1 ∈ (1) fˆ(x) := f(u)e−ihx,uidu, x Rd. ZRd ∈ The Fourier transform of g L (Rd) is denoted by [g]. The assignment g [g] is the 2 ∈ F 7→ F unique extension of the map () :L (Rd) L (Rd) L (Rd) 1 2 2 · ∩ → to a boundedlinear operator oncL (Rd), satisfyingthe following Plancherel-Parseval relation: 2 (2) [g] 2 = (2π)d g 2 for all g L (Rd). kF k2 k k2 ∈ 2 If g L (Rd) C(Rd) and [g] L (Rd), then the following inverse formula holds: 2 1 ∈ ∩ F ∈ 1 (3) g(x) = [g](u)eihu,xidu, for all x Rd. (2π)d ZRdF ∈ For λ > 0 we define the Gaussian function g :Rd R by λ → g (x) = e−λkxk22, for all x Rd, λ ∈ and recall that (4) gˆ (u) = π d/2e−kuk22/(4λ), for all u Rd. λ (cid:16)λ(cid:17) ∈ The functions we wish to interpolate are the so called bandlimited or Paley-Wiener func- tions on Rd. Specifically, for a bounded and measurable S Rd with m(S)> 0, we define ⊂ PW = g L (Rd): [g] = 0 almost everywhere outside S . S 2 ∈ F (cid:8) (cid:9) If S is as above and g PW , then the Fourier inversion formula implies the relations S ∈ 1 1 (5) g(u) = [g](x)eihx,uidx = [g](x)eihx,uidx, (2π)d ZRdF (2π)d ZAF for almost all u Rd. As L (S) L (S) and [g] = 0 almost everywhere outside S, it 2 1 follows that [g]∈L (Rd), so the R⊂iemann-LebesFgue Lemma asserts that the last expression 1 in (5), as a fuFncti∈on of u, belongs to C (Rd). So we may assume that (5) holds for all u Rd. 0 ∈ Moreover, theBunyakovskii–Cauchy–Schwarz (BCS)Inequalityand(5)combinetoshowthat m1/2(S) m1/2(S) (6) g(u) [g] = g , u Rd. | | ≤ (2π)d kF kL2(S) (2π)d/2 k kL2(Rd) ∈ 4 B.A.BAILEY,TH.SCHLUMPRECHT,ANDN.SIVAKUMAR 3. Gaussian interpolants associated to Riesz-basis sequences We begin by assembling some basic facts about bases in Hilbert spaces (cf. [16]). Let ( , , ) be a separable (complex) infinite dimensional Hilbert space. We say that (h : j H j NH) ihs·a·iRiesz basis for if every element h in admits a unique representation of the form∈ H H (7) h = a h , with a 2 < . j j j | | ∞ Xj∈N Xj∈N One can then show that there exists a unique bounded sequence (h∗ : j N) so that j ∈ ⊂ H a = h,h∗ , for all j N. We call theh∗’s thecoordinate functionals for (h ). Thesequence j h jiH ∈ j j (h∗) is also a Riesz basis for , and its coordinate functionals are the h ’s. Moreover there j H j exists a positive constant R so that b 1 1/2 1/2 (8) c c h R c j j j b j Rb(cid:16)Xj∈N| |(cid:17) ≤ (cid:13)(cid:13)Xj∈N (cid:13)(cid:13) ≤ (cid:16)Xj∈N| |(cid:17) (cid:13) (cid:13) for every square-summable sequence (c : j N). j ∈ Let S be a bounded subset of Rd with positive Lebesgue measure. We say that a sequence (x : j N) Rd is a Riesz-basis sequence for L (S) if the sequence (e−ihxj,·i : j N) is a j 2 ∈ ⊂ ∈ Riesz basis for L (S). The following pair of observations will be useful. 2 Proposition 3.1. Let S be as above and let (x ) be a Riesz-basis sequence for L (S). k 2 (1) (a) There is a q > 0 so that x x q for k = ℓ. k ℓ k − k ≥ 6 (2) (b) There is a constant C >0 so that 1/2 f(x )2 C f , for every f PW . (cid:16)kX∈N| k | (cid:17) ≤ k kL2(Rd) ∈ S Proof. If(a)werenottrue,therewouldbetwosubsequences(k )and(ℓ )suchthatlim x j j j→∞k kj− xℓjk = 0, whence the Dominated Convergence Theorem implies that limj→∞ke−ihxkj,·i − e−ihxℓj,·i = 0. Let (e∗ : j N) be the coordinate functionals for (e−ihxj,·i : j N). kL2(S) j ∈ ∈ Since he−ihxn,·i,e∗mi = δmn, for m,n ∈ N, we have (with h·,·iS = h·,·iL2(S)) he−ihxkj,·i − e−ihxℓj,·i,e∗ℓjiS = 1, for j ∈ N. But this contradicts the boundedness of the sequence ( e∗ : j N). k jk ∈ (b) Let f PW . Considering [f] as a function in L (S) and recalling that (e∗) is also a ∈ S F 2 j Riesz basis for L (S), we may write 2 [f] = [f],e−ihxj,·i e∗ = (2π)d f(x )e∗, F hF iS j j j Xj∈N Xj∈N wherethesecondequalitystemsfrom(5). Theassertedresultfollowsfrom(7)and(8)applied to the Riesz basis (e∗). (cid:3) j We now begin our discussion of Gaussian interpolants associated to to Riesz-basis se- quences. As the first step we state the following result which can be deduced from [10, Lemma 2.1] and the M. Riesz Convexity Theorem. NONUNIFORM SAMPLING AND RECOVERY VIA GAUSSIAN RBFS 5 Proposition 3.2. Let q > 0 and suppose that (x ) is a q-separated sequence in Rd, i.e. j inf x x q. k ℓ k6=ℓk − k ≥ If λ > 0, and if (a ) is a bounded sequence of complex numbers, then the function Rd x j ∋ 7→ a g (x x ) is continuous and bounded. Moreover, the infinite matrix g (x x ) j λ − j λ j − k j,k∈N aPcts as a bounded operator on ℓ , for all 1 p . (cid:0) (cid:1) p ≤ ≤ ∞ This next theorem is an important discovery in the quantitative theory of radial-basis functions. Theorem 3.3. [9,Theorem2.3] Let λ and q be fixed positive numbers. There exists a number θ, depending only on d, λ, and q, such that the following holds: if (x ) is any q-separated j sequence in Rd, then ξ ξ g ( x x ) θ ξ 2, for every sequence of complex j,k j k λ k j − kk2 ≥ j| j| numbers (ξ ). P P j Corollary 3.4. Suppose that λ is a fixed positive number. Let (x : j N) Rd be q- j ∈ ⊂ separated for some q > 0. Then the matrix (gλ(xk xj))k,j∈N is boundedly invertible on ℓ . In particular, given a square-summable sequence−(d : k N), there exists a unique 2 k ∈ square-summable sequence (a(λ) : j N) such that j ∈ a(λ)g (x x ) = d , k N. j λ k − j k ∈ Xj∈N The interpolation operators, whose study will occupy the rest of the paper, are introduced in the following theorem, which is a necessary prelude to the main result; its proof will be given in the next section. Proposition 3.5. Let d N and let Z Rd be convex, symmetric about the origin and bounded with m(Z)> 0. L∈et λ be a fixed po⊂sitive number, and let (x :j N) Rd be a Riesz j ∈ ⊂ -basis sequence for L (Z). 2 For any f PW , there exists a unique square-summable sequence (a(λ) :j N) such that ∈ Z j ∈ (9) a(λ)g (x x ) = f(x ), k N. j λ k − j k ∈ Xj∈N The Gaussian Interpolation Operator I :PW L (Rd), defined by λ Z 2 → (λ) (10) I (f)() = a g (() x ), λ · j λ · − j Xj∈N where (a(λ) : j N) satisfies (9), is a well-defined, bounded linear operator from PW to j ∈ Z L (Rd). Moreover, I (f) C (Rd). 2 λ 0 ∈ We now state the main result of the paper. Theorem 3.6. Let δ ( 2/3,1] and 0 < β < √3δ2 2. Assume that Z Rd is convex and symmetric about th∈e oprigin, such that δB Z B−, and and let (x :j ⊂N) be a Riesz 2 2 j ⊂ ⊂ ∈ basis sequence for L (Z). Let I be the associated Gaussian Interpolation Operator. Then 2 λ for every f PW we have f = lim I (f) in L (Rd) and uniformly on Rd. ∈ βB2 λ→0+ λ 2 6 B.A.BAILEY,TH.SCHLUMPRECHT,ANDN.SIVAKUMAR Remarks. The statement of Theorem 3.6 includes the case δ = 1, i.e., Z = B . Moreover, 2 in this case, the proof allows one to take β = 1. However, unless d = 1 (in which case one obtains Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 in [12]), this result may well be vacuous, for it is not known if L (B ) admits a Riesz-basis sequence for d 2. In fact, Kristian Seip and Joaquim Ortega- 2 2 ≥ Cerd`a have informed us that the prevailing belief is that, when d 2, there is no Riesz ≥ basis for L (B ) consisting of exponentials; the latter has also demonstrated this to be the 2 2 case for certain allied spaces [11]. This interesting problem is closely related to interpolatory properties of the associated Paley-Wiener space. It is also connected to Fuglede’s work [2] and his conjecture, and to the recent studies reported in [4], [5], and [15]. On the other hand, there do exist bodies Z satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 3.6 (in any space dimension); specifically these are zonotopes. Firstly, given any δ (0,1), there ∈ exist zonotopes Z such that δB Z B ; this fact, well known to convex geometers, 2 2 ⊂ ⊂ may be deduced, for instance, as a consequence of [3, Theorem 4.1.10]. As to the existence of Riesz-basis sequences for L (Z), this is proved in [8] for d = 2; the higher dimensional 2 version of this theorem – to which [8] alludes – was communicated to us by Yuri Lyubarskii (private correspondence). It is also known that Riesz-basis sequences exist for L (Td), where Td is a symmetric 2 cube centred at the origin. Furthermore, in this case, one can provide sufficient conditions under which a set of distinct points in Rd forms a Riesz-basis sequence for L (Td); see, for 2 example,[14]and[1]. Theseconditionsleadtomultivariategeneralizations ofKadec’sfamous “1/4-theorem” [6]. However, cubes do not quite serve our purpose here; our argument makes essential use of the additional flexibility offered by zonotopes. 4. Proof of the main result For m N we define a linear bounded operator A on L (Z) as follows: Let (e∗) L (Z) ∈ m 2 k ⊂ 2 be the coordinate functionals for (e−ihxk,·i : k N), i.e., for every h L2(Z), ∈ ∈ (11) h = h,e∗ e−ih·,xki = h(ξ)e∗(ξ)dξe−ih·,xki. h kiZ Z k kX∈N kX∈N Z Note that for a = (a ,a ...,a ) Rd we have 1 2 d ∈ (12) h,e∗ e−ih·,xki = h,e∗ e−ih·+a,xki (cid:13)(cid:13)kX∈Nh kiZ (cid:13)(cid:13)L2(a+Z) (cid:13)(cid:13)kX∈Nh kiZ (cid:13)(cid:13)L2(Z) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) = e−iha,xki h,e∗ e−ih·,xki R2 h , (cid:13)(cid:13)kX∈N h kiZ (cid:13)(cid:13)L2(Z) ≤ bk kL2(Z) (cid:13) (cid:13) where R is the constant satisfying (8). Thus the following extension E(h) of h is locally b square integrable, hence defined almost everyhwere on Rd. (13) E(h)(x) = h,e∗ e−ihx,xki, x Rd. h kiZ ∈ kX∈N Let m N, and define A : L (Z) L (Z) by m 2 2 ∈ → (14) A (h)(ξ) = E(h)(2m(ξ))χ (ξ) m Z\(1/2)Z NONUNIFORM SAMPLING AND RECOVERY VIA GAUSSIAN RBFS 7 For h L (Z) it follows from (12) that 2 ∈ (15) A (h) 2 = E(h)(2mu)2du k m kL2(Z) Z | | Z\(1/2)Z =2−dm E(h)(v)2dv 2−dmCmR4 h 2 , Z2mZ\2m−1Z| | ≤ bk kL2(Z) where C is the number of translates of Z which are needed to cover 2Z. The constant C can be bounded by a number which only depends on d, and an induction argument shows that at most Cm translates of Z are needed to cover 2mZ. Proof of Proposition 3.5. Let λ > 0. By Proposition 3.1 and Corollary 3.4, there is a positive (λ) constant κ so that, for each f PW , there is a sequence (a ) ℓ satisfying (9) and the ∈ Z j ∈ 2 estimate (λ) (16) (a ) κ f . k j k2 ≤ k k2 Proposition 3.2 ensures that the function I (f), as defined in (9), is continuous and bounded λ whenever f PW . Z ∈ Next we show that I is a bounded operator on L (Rd). Let f PW and let (a(λ)) ℓ λ 2 ∈ Z j ∈ 2 bethesequencegiven above. By (8), thefunctionQ := k∈Nak(λ)e−ih·,xki issquareintegrable on Z, so (12) ensures that Q R2 Q wPhenever a Rd. In particular, Q is k kL2(a+Z) ≤ bk kL2(Z) ∈ locally square integrable, hence locally integrable, on Rd. Combining these facts with the exponential decay of gˆ, we find, via a standard periodization argument, that the function λ w :Rd x π d/2e−kxk2/(4λ) a(λ)e−ihx,xki, ∋ 7→ (cid:16)λ(cid:17) kX∈N k belongs to L (Rd) L (Rd). Moreover, using (8), (12), and (16), we arrive at the estimate 2 1 ∩ (17) w C′ f , k kL2(Rd) ≤ k kL2(Rd) where C′ depends only on λ and R . As w is in L (Rd) L (Rd) and I (f) is continuous, b 1 2 λ ∩ it follows from general principles that w is the Fourier transform of I (f). Thus I (f) λ λ ∈ C (Rd) L (Rd) and I (f) C′(2π)−d/2 f , by (17) and (2). (cid:3) 0 ∩ 2 k λ kL2(Rd) ≤ k kL2(Rd) Proof of Theorem 3.6. Now fix f PW and write I (f) as Z λ ∈ (λ) I (f)() = a g (() x ). λ · j λ · − j Xj∈N Recall from the preceding paragraph that the Fourier transform of I (f) is given by λ (18) I (f) (u) = π d/2e−kuk22/(4λ) a(λ)e−ihxj,ui, u Rd. F(cid:2) λ (cid:3) (cid:16)λ(cid:17) Xj∈N j ∈ The proof of Theorem 3.6 proceeds in three steps. Step 1. We claim that there is a constant D < and λ > 0, only depending on (x ), so 1 0 j ∞ that [I (f)] D e(1−δ2)/(4λ) (f) , λ (0,λ ]. λ 2 1 2 0 kF k ≤ kF k ∈ 8 B.A.BAILEY,TH.SCHLUMPRECHT,ANDN.SIVAKUMAR We start by defining H (u) = π d/2 a(λ)e−ihxj,ui = ekuk22/(4λ) [I (f)](u), u Rd, λ (cid:16)λ(cid:17) Xj∈N j F λ ∈ and let h = H L (Z) (thus H = E(h )). λ λ Z 2 λ λ Suppose that |k ∈N. Equation (3) implies that ∈ (19) (2π)df(x )= [f](u)eihxk,uidu = [f],e−ihxk,·i . k Z F F Z Z (cid:10) (cid:11) On the other hand, equations (9) and (10) assert that (20) (2π)df(x ) = (2π)dI (f)(x ) k λ k = [I (f)](u)eihxk,uidu (by (3)) ZRdF λ = e−kuk22/(4λ)H (u)eihxk,uidu Z λ Rd = e−kuk22/(4λ)H (u)eihxk,uidu Z λ Z ∞ + e−kuk22/(4λ)H (u)eihxk,uidu Z λ mX=1 2mZ\2m−1Z = e−kuk2/2(4λ)H (u)eihxk,uidu Z λ Z ∞ + 2dmZ e−k2mvk22/(4λ)Hλ(2mv)eihxk,2mvidv X Z\2−1Z m=1 = e−kuk22/(4λ)h (u)eihxk,uidu Z λ Z ∞ + 2dmZ e−k2mvk22/(4λ)Am(hλ)(v)Am(e−ihxk,·i)(v)dv X Z\2−1Z m=1 = e−k·k22/(4λ)h ,e−ihxk,·i λ Z (cid:10) ∞ (cid:11) + 2dm e−k2m(·)k22/(4λ)Am(hλ),Am(e−ihxk,·)i) Z mX=1 (cid:10) (cid:11) = [I (f)],e−ihxk,·i F λ Z (cid:10) ∞ (cid:11) + 2dmA∗m e−k2m(·)k22/4(λ)Am(hλ) ,e−ihxk,·i Z mX=1(cid:10) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:11) ∞ = F[Iλ(f)]+ 2dmA∗m e−k2m(·)k22/4(λ)Am(hλ) ,e−ihxk,·i Z. (cid:10) mX=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:11) NONUNIFORM SAMPLING AND RECOVERY VIA GAUSSIAN RBFS 9 As (e−ihxk,·i : k N) is a Riesz basis for L2(Z) (in particular a complete system), equations ∈ (19) and (20) lead to the identity ∞ (21) F[f] = F[Iλ(f)]+ 2dmA∗m e−k2m(·)k22/4(λ)Am(hλ) a.e. on Z. mX=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) Suppose now that h L (Z) and m N. We deduce from (15) that 2 ∈ ∈ k2mdA∗m e−k2m(·)k22/(4λ)Am(h) k2L2(Z) (cid:0) (cid:1) ≤ CmRb42mdke−k2m(·)k22/(4λ)Am(h) k2L2(Z) (cid:1) 1 δ CmR42md e−22m−2δ2/(4λ)A (h) 2 (since suppA (h) Z Z Z B ) ≤ b k m kL2(Z) m ⊂ \ 2 ⊂ \ 2 2 (cid:1) CmR4 2e−22m−2δ2/(2λ) h 2 , ≤ b k kL2(Z) (cid:0) (cid:1) whence k2mdA∗m e−k2m(·)k22/(4λ)Am kL2(Z) ≤ CmRb4e−22m−2δ2/(4λ). (cid:0) (cid:1) Therefore the linear operator τλ :L2(Z)→ L2(Z), h 7→ 2mdA∗m e−k2m(·)k22/(4λ)Am(h) mX∈N (cid:0) (cid:1) is bounded. In fact, as there are numbers λ > 0 and D, which depend only on C (which 0 only depends on d), such that (22) Cme−22m−2δ2/(4λ) De−δ2/(4λ), λ (0,λ ], 0 ≤ ∈ mX∈N the operator norm of τ obeys the following estimate: λ (23) τ R4De−δ2/(4λ) whenever λ < λ . k λk≤ b 0 As the operator τ is positive, (21) yields λ kF[f]k2khλk2 ≥ hF[f],hλiZ ≥ he−k·k22/(4λ)hλ,hλiZ ≥ e−1/(4λ)khλk22. Consequently, (24) h e1/(4λ) [f] . λ 2 2 k k ≤ kF k Thus, from (21) and(23) we get (25) [I (f)] [f] + τ (h ) 1+R4De(1−δ2)/(4λ) [f] . kF λ |Zk2 ≤ kF k2 k λ λ k2 ≤ b kF k2 (cid:0) (cid:1) Our next step is to estimate [I (f)] . Equation (18) implies that kF λ |Rd\Zk2 (26) [I (f)] 2 kF λ |Rd\Zk2 = e−kuk22/(2λ) H (u)2du ZRd\Z | λ | ∞ = e−kuk22/(2λ) H (u)2du X Z2mZ\2m−1Z | λ | m=1 10 B.A.BAILEY,TH.SCHLUMPRECHT,ANDN.SIVAKUMAR ∞ = X 2dmZZ\2−1Ze−22mkvk22/(2λ)|Am(hλ)(v)|2dv m=1 ∞ 2dme−22mδ2/(8λ) A (h ) 2 (as suppA (h) Z 2−1Z) ≤ k m λ k2 m ⊂ \ X m=1 ∞ R4 h 2 Cme−22mδ2/(8λ) (by (15)) ≤ bk λk2 X m=1 ∞ e1/(2λ)R4 [f] 2 e−22mδ2/(8λ)Cm (by (24)). ≤ bkF k2 X m=1 By changing λ and D, if need be, one obtains, as in (22), 0 ∞ (27) e−22mδ2/(8λ)Cm De−δ2/(2λ), λ (0,λ ]. 0 ≤ ∈ X m=1 Combining (25) and (26) proves our claim. Step 2. Let f PW . There is a positive constant D such that ∈ βB2 2 (28) f I (f) D e(β2−3δ2+2)/(4λ) f , λ 2 2 2 k − k ≤ k k for all 0 < λ < λ . 0 Remark. Note that (28) implies that lim I (f)= f in L (Rd). λ→0+ λ 2 To prove (28) we define τ˜ = e1/(4λ)τ , λ λ Mλ : L2(Z) L2(Z), h e−(1−k·k22)/(4λ)h, and → 7→ L : L (Z) L (Z), h R I −1(h), λ 2 2 λ → 7→ ◦F ◦ ◦F where R :L (Rd) L (Z) is the restriction map. 2 2 → Proposition 4.1. The map Id+τ˜ M is an invertible operator on L (Z), and (Id+τ˜ λ λ 2 λ ◦ ◦ M )−1 = L . λ λ Proof. Let h PW . From (21) we obtain (a.e. on Z) Z ∈ [h] = [I (h)]+τ ek·k2/(4λ) [I (h)] λ λ λ F F F | (cid:0) (cid:1) = [I (h)]+τ˜ M [I (h)] = Id+τ˜ M L ( [h]). λ λ λ λ λ λ λ F ◦ F ◦ F (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) This implies that Id+τ˜ M is surjective and is a left inverse of the bounded operator L . λ λ λ ◦ Next we show that Id+τ˜ M is also injective. To that end, let (Id+τ˜ M )(h) = 0 for λ λ λ λ ◦ ◦ some h L (Z). Then 2 ∈ 0 = (Id+τ˜ M )(h),M (h) = h,M (h) + τ˜ (M (h)),M (h) h,M (h) 0, λ◦ λ λ Z λ Z λ λ λ Z ≥ λ Z ≥ (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) the firstinequality above beinga consequence of the positivity of τ˜ . Hence h,M (h) = 0, λ λ Z h i which implies that h = 0, because M is a strictly positive operator. The injectivity of λ Id+τ˜ M follows. Thus Id+τ˜ M is invertible, and its inverse is L . (cid:3) λ λ λ λ λ ◦ ◦

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