OperatorTheory Advances and Applications Vol. 104 Editor: I. Gohberg Editorial Office: T. Kailath (Stanford) School of Mathematical H.G. Kaper (Argonne) Sciences S.T. Kuroda (Tokyo) Tel Aviv University P. Lancaster (Calgary) Ramat Aviv, Israel L.E. Lerer (Haifa) E. Meister (Darmstadt) Editorial Board: B. Mityagin (Columbus) J. Arazy (Haifa) V. V. Peller (Manhattan, Kansas) A. Atzmon (Tel Aviv) J. D. Pincus (Stony Brook) J. A. Ball (Blacksburg) M. Rosenblum (Charlottesville) A. Ben-Artzi (Tel Aviv) J. Rovnyak (Charlottesville) H. Bercovici (Bloomington) D. E. Sarason (Berkeley) A. Bottcher (Chemnitz) H. Upmeier (Marburg) L. de Branges (West Lafayette) S. M. Verduyn-Lunel (Amsterdam) K. Clancey (Athens, USA) D. Voiculescu (Berkeley) L. A. Coburn (Buffalo) H. Widom (Santa Cruz) K. R. Davidson (Waterloo, Ontario) D. Xia (Nashville) R. G. Douglas (Stony Brook) D. Yafaev (Rennes) H. Dym (Rehovot) A. Dynin (Columbus) P. A. Fillmore (Halifax) Honorary and Advisory C. Foias (Bloomington) Editorial Board: P.A.Fuhrmann(BeerShev~ P. R. Halmos (Santa Clara) S. Goldberg (College Park) T. Kato (Berkeley) B. Gramsch (Mainz) P. D. Lax (New York) G. Heinig (Chemnitz) M. S. Livsic (Beer Sheva) J. A. Helton (La Jolla) R. Phillips (Stanford) M.A. Kaashoek (Amsterdam) B. Sz.-Nagy (Szeged) NNoonnsseellffaaddjjooiinntt OOppeerraattoorr AAiiggeebbrraass,, OOppeerraattoorr TThheeoorryy,, aanndd RReellaatteedd TTooppiiccss TThhee CCaarrli MM.. PPeeaarrccyy AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy VVoolluummee HHaarrii BBeerrccoovviiccii CCiipprriiaann FFooiiaass EEddiittoorrss SSpprriinnggeerr BBaasseell AAGG Editors: Hari Bercovici and Ciprian L Foias Department of Mathematics Indiana University Bloomington, IN 47405-4301 USA 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 47-xx, 46L05, 46L30 A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Deutsche Bibliothek Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nonselfadjoint operator algebras, operator theory, and related topics : the Cari M. Pearcy anniversary volume / Hari Bercovici ; Ciprian Foias ed. - Basel ; Boston; Berlin: Birkhiiuser, 1998 (Operator theory ; VoI. 104) ISBN 978-3-0348-9771-6 ISBN 978-3-0348-8779-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-8779-3 This work is subject to copyright. AII rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of ilIustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. © 1998 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkh!luser Verlag Basel Switzerland in 1998 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 1998 Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp. TCF 00 Cover design: Heinz Hiltbrunner, Basel ISBN 978-3-0348-9771-6 987654321 CONTENTS EDITORIAL PREFACE VII PORTRAIT OF CARL PEARCy........................................ viii CARL M. PEARCY: A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH ix PUBLICATIONS OF CARL M. PEARCY xiii E. A. AZOFF f3 L. DING, A good side to non-reflexive transformations 1 H. BERCOVICI, C. FOIAS, f3 A. TANNENBAUM, On skew Toeplitz operators, 'II ,.......... 23 H. BERCOVICI f3 D. VOICULESCU, Regularity questions for free convolution 37 S. W. BROWN f3 E. KO, Operators ofPutinar type 49 R. E. CURTO f3 L. A. FIALKOW, Flat extensions ofpositive moment matrices: Relations in analytic or conjugate terms 59 R. G. DOUGLAS f3 G. MISRA, Geometric invariants for resolutions ofHilbert modules 83 G. R. EXNER f3I. B. JUNG, Some multplicities for contractions with Hilbert-Schmidt defect 113 D W. HADWIN f3 D. R. LARSON, Strong limits ofsimilarities......... 139 A. LAMBERT, LP multipliers and nested Sigma-algebras 147 W. S. LI f3 D. TIMOTIN, On isometric intertwining liftings 155 M. MARSALLI, The predual ofa type I Von Neumann algebra. .......... 169 M. MARTIN f3 N. SALINAS, The canonical complex structure of flag manifolds in aC*-algebra 173 P. S. MUHLY f3 B. SOLEL, An algebraic chamcterization ofboundary representations. ........... 189 A. OCTAVIO f3 S. PETROVIC, Joint spectrum and nonisometric functional calculus 197 EDITORIAL PREFACE This volume is dedicated to Carl Pearcy on his 60th birthday. It collects recent contributions to operator theory, nonselfadjoint operator algebras, measure the ory, and the theory ofmoments by several ofthe lead ingspecialists in thoseareas. Manyofthe contributors are collaborators or former students of Carl Pearcy, and the variety ofthe topics bears witness to the wide range of his work and interests. The editors were helped by many in the compi lation of this volume. Srdjan Petrovic helped com pile Carl's list ofpublications, while Arlen Brown and George Exner helped in writing the biographical and mathematical sketch. The work ofmany referees, who must remain anonymous, was very valuable. Israel Gohberg suggested that we publish this volume in the distinguished series Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. The whole volume was expertly typeset by Elena Fraboschi. Wewishtoextendto allofthese peopleour heartfelt thanks. CARL M. PEARCY Carl M. Pearcy: A Biographical Sketch H. BERCOVICI fj C. FOIAS Carl Mark Pearcy, Jr. was born on August 23, 1935 in Beaumont, Texas. He was theeldest oftwosonsofCarl Mark Pearcy, Sr., and CarrieEdith (Tilbury) Pearcy. His family moved to Galveston in 1940, and that is where Carl resided until he left home to attend the university. Carl entered Texas A.&M. University in 1951 at age sixteen. He graduated (B.S.) in 1954 and, again (M.S.) in 1956. Carl entered Rice Institute (later Rice University) as a candidate for the Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1956. The degree was conferred in 1960 under the direction of Arlen Brown. In 1957-58 Carl was a fellow in the mathematics department at the University of Chicago, and in 1959-60 he held an appointment as Assistant Professor at Texas A.&M. He was then appointed a post-doctoral fellow at Rice for the year 1960-61. From1961to 1963CarlwasemployedattheHoustonresearchcenterofHumbleOil Co. In 1963hewasappointed Assistant ProfessorofMathematicsat the University ofMichigan, where heremained untilhis "retirement" inthe rank ofFullProfessor in 1990, at which time he accepted reappointment in the mathematics department of Texas A.&M. Carl was an A.P. Sloan foundation fellow from 1966 to 1968, and was the main speaker at two conferences sposored by the Conference Board of Mathematical Sciences of the National Science Foundation. These conferences were at Bucknell University in 1975, and Arizona State University in 1984. While Carl appreciates good mathematics regardless of the field, most of his mathematical career was closely intertwined with the development of modern operatortheory. Thereis practicallyno areaofoperatortheory whereCarl did not contribute. Manyofthese contributionswerefundamental ortrendsetting. We will highlight just some ofthe most influential ofthese contributions. The numbers in brackets refer to Carl's publication list. The characterization ofcommutators, i.e., operators ofthe form T = AB BA on a Hilbert space was posed as a problem by P. Halmos. It was known that operators ofthe form zI+C, with z a scalar and C a compact operator, are not commutators. CarlPearcyand Arlen Brownprovedin [15] that allotheroperators are in fact commutators. This is one of the earliest deep results pertaining to arbitraryoperators on a Hilbert space. The methods used in the proofcontain the germs of the development of the general approximation theory of Hilbert space operators. In a difft~ent direction, this work led to developments in the theory of operator algebras. Indeed, it became possible to characterize commutators in various kinds ofC* andvon Neumannalgebras, andthis also yielded results about the radical structure ofsuch algebras. IX