Nonlinearly-enhanced energy transport in many dimensional quantum chaos D. S. Brambila1,2 and A. Fratalocchi1∗ 1PRIMALIGHT, Faculty of Electrical Engineering; Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia 2Max-Born Institute, Max-Born-Straβe 2 A, 12489, Berlin, Germany (Dated: January 23, 2013) By employinga nonlinearquantumkickedrotormodel, we investigatethetransport of energy in multidimensional quantum chaos. Parallel numerical simulations and analytic theory demonstrate that the interplay between nonlinearity and Anderson localization establishes a perfectly classi- 3 cal correspondence in the system, neglecting any quantum time reversal. The resulting dynamics 1 exhibitsa nonlinearly-induced,enhanced transport of energy through soliton waveparticles. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 05.45.Mt,05.45.Yv,03.75.-b n a J Anderson localization is a fundamental concept that, tion, is only possible at the quantum level [18, 19] and 2 originally introduced in solid-state physics to describe sustained by Anderson localization, which breaks diffu- 2 conduction-insulator transitions in disordered crystals, sivetransportandsuppressesthe mixing ability of chaos has permeated several research areas and has become [21]. However, when more dimensions are considered, ] n the subject of great research interest [1–11]. Theories numerical simulations predict that ergodicity is fully re- n and subsequent experiments demonstrated that disorder stored and diffusive transport settles is again, thus re- - s favors the formation of spatially localized states, which establishing the classical features of chaos and prevent- di sustain diffusion breakdown and exponentially attenu- ingquantumtime reversal[19]. Nevertheless,theoretical . ated transmission in random media [1]. Although many workreportedtodateconsideredonlynoninteractingsys- t a properties of wave localization are now well understood, tems, characterized by linear equations of motion. The m several fundamental questions remains. Perhaps one of Loschmidtparadox,conversely,involvedthe useofinter- - themostintriguingproblemisrelatedtothetransportof acting atoms, whose interplay in the mean field regime d energy. Intuitively,onecanexpectthatdisorder—byfa- is accounted by short and/or long ranged nonlinear re- n o voringexponentiallylocalizedstated—arrestsingeneral sponses [22–24]. Besides that, as pointed out in the lit- c any propagation inside a noncrystalline medium. How- erature[18],atomsinteractionsareofcrucialimportance [ ever, the interplay between localization and disorder is in quantum localization and diffusion. A key question 1 nontrivial [5, 12] and under specific conditions random- thereforelies inunderstandingthe roleofnonlinearityin v ness can significantly enhance energy transport. In par- transportingenergyinmultidimensionalquantumchaos. 8 ticular,ithasbeenobservedthatquasi-crystalswithmul- In this Letter, we theoretically investigate this problem 9 tifractaleigenstatesand/ormaterialsystemswithtempo- by employing both numerical simulations and analytic 0 ralfluctuationsofthepotential(orrefractiveindex),lead techniques. Topursue a generaltheory,we hereconsider 5 . to anomalous diffusion in the phase space [13–16]. This the following two dimensional model: 1 originates counterintuitive dynamics including ultralow 0 ∂ψ 3 conductivities [13], as well as the formation of mobility i + 2ψ+ drR(r′ r)ψ(r′)+UψδT(t)=0, (1) 1 edges even in one dimensional systems [16]. All these ∂t ∇ Z − : studies focused on specific geometries and linear mate- v with r = (x,y), 2 = ∂2/∂x2+∂2/∂y2, δ = δ(t i rials, while nothing is practically known about the role ∇ T n − X nT) a periodic delta-function of period T, RPa gen- of nonlinearity in enhancing (or depleting) the transport eral nonlinear response and U(x,y) = γ(cosx+cosy)+ r of energy in disordered media. This problem acquires a a ǫcos(x + y) a two dimensional periodic potential with strong fundamental character when refereed to the field strength defined by ǫ and γ. Equation (1) defines a of quantum localization. In this area, quantum-classical two dimensional, nonlinear quantum kicked rotor: for correspondencesmediated by Andersonlocalizationpos- R = 0 it reduces to the linear quantum kicked rotator sessmanyimplicationsintheirreversiblebehavioroftime [19] while for U = 0 it corresponds to the 2D nonlinear reversiblesystems,whichareatthebasisofalongstand- Schr¨odingerequation(NLS),whichrepresentsauniversal ingphysicaldispute—i.e.,the Loschmidtparadox[17]— modelofnonlinearwavesindispersivemedia[24]. Inone as well as many fascinating quantum phenomena such dimension, conversely, Eq. (1) generalizes the nonlinear as the time reversal of classical irreversible systems and model investigated in [21] with classical chaos parame- the quantum echo effect [18, 19]. It has been argued, ter K = 2γT. Despite its deterministic nature, Eq. (1) in particular, that microscopic chaos is at the basis of can be precisely mapped to the Anderson model with a the irreversible entropy growth observedin classicalsys- random potential [25], and therefore furnishes a funda- tems [20]. Time reversal, according to this interpreta- mental model for studying energy transport in random 2 2π (a) 12000 (a) 0.14(b) π nonlinear linearε=1.2 (b) 1 0.12 y 0 10000 εε==00.8 λ 0.1 v 0.8 -2-ππ t-0 P> 68000000 Lyapuno0.6 000...000468 2π (c)< 0.4 0.02 π 4000 0 1 2 3 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 y 0 2000 ε ε -π -2π t-100T 0 FIG. 2. (Color Online). Positive Lyapunov exponent λ -2π -π x0 π 2π 0 20 T40ime [T60] 80 100 versuscouplingǫ,calculatedfor(a)Eqs. (4)and(b)Eq. (5). In thesimulation we set K =5. FIG. 1. (Color Online). (a)-(b) spatial density |ψ|2 dis- tribution at (a) t = 0 and at (b) t = 100T; (c) momentum ics shows an erratic, random-like behavior that does not diffusion hPi versus time in linear (dashed lines) and nonlin- ear (solid lines) conditions and for increasing coupling ǫ. In manifest any simple monotonic increase for growing val- thesimulationswesetσ=0.2,ω0 =0.3,A=4andK =1.8. uesofǫ. Theseresultsarealsosignificantlydifferentfrom the nonlinear kicked rotor in one dimension [21], where nonlinearity was observed to induce localization effects. Totheoreticallyunderstandthisdynamics,wereducethe systems. The nonlinear response n= drR(r′ r)ψ(r′) system to a nonlinear map modeling the nonlinear evo- − is modeled as a nonlocal term followinRg a general diffu- lution of the ground state of Eq. (1). This analysis is sive nonlinearity (1 σ2 2)n = ψ 2, with nonlocality justified by the observation that the spatial field profile, − ∇ | | controlled by σ. When σ = 0, the system response is despite the chaotic motion, is not significantly altered in local with n = ψ 2. For σ = 0, conversely, the system time (Fig. 1a,c). Due to the nonintegrability of the 2D | | 6 nonlinearity becomes long ranged with kernel given by NLSequation,wefoundanalyticalexpressionsbyavari- R(r)= 21πK0(σr), being K0 the modified Bessel function ationalanalysis[28,29]. Inparticular,webeginfromthe of second kind. Diffusive nonlinearities are particularly Lagrangiandensity of Eq. (1): interestinginthecontextofnonlinearoptics,astheycan L ∗ be easily accessed in liquids [26, 27], as well as in Bose- =i ψ∗∂ψ ψ∂ψ ψ 2 Einstein Condensates (BEC), where they generalize pre- L 2(cid:18) ∂t − ∂t (cid:19)−| | viously investigated models [28, 29]. 1 Webeginourtheoreticalanalysisbycalculatingthemo- UδT + dr′K(r r′)ψ(r′)2 + ψ 2, (2) ×(cid:20) 2Z − | | (cid:21) |∇ | mentum diffusion P = ψ pˆ2 ψ versus time, with pˆ= /i the momentuhmioperhat|or2 |anid ψ f ψ = drf ψ 2 and study the ground state for U = 0 by the following ∇the quantumaverage. Parallelnumehric|a|lsiimulaRtions|ar|e Gaussianansatz: ψ = 2P e−r2/a2,definedbythepower π a performed by a direct solution of (1) with an uncondi- q P = ψ ψ and waist a(t). By substituting the ansatz in tionally stable algorithm. In order for the field ψ to ex- h | i (2), after performing a variational derivative over a, we plore the periodic potential U, we here consider wave obtain a classical dynamics described by the following packetswhosespatialextension∆r 2π. Figure1sum- ≪ Hamiltonian : marizes our results obtained for σ = 0.2, by launching H at the input a gaussian beam ψ = Ae−x2/ω02 with waist 1 ∂a 2 8 P = + , = Z(a), (3) ω0 = 0.3 and amplitude A = 4 (Fig. 1a). The stochas- H 2(cid:18)∂t(cid:19) V V a2 − 2πσ2 ∗ tic parameter K has been set to K = 1.8 > K , above the stochastization threshold K∗ 0.97 where the lin- with Z(x) = exΓ(0, x) and acting as a potential for ≈ − V ear classical uncoupled rotor exhibits diffusive transport the one dimensional motion of a. The potential has a V in momentum space [19]. For comparison, we also cal- bell shape profile that possesses a unique absolute mini- ∗ culated the linear dynamics resulting from R = 0 (Fig. mumV(a )foreverycombinationofP andσ. Thefixed ∗ 1b dotted line). As seen from Fig. 1b, the 2D nonlinear point a(0) = a corresponds to a soliton wave of the rotor behaves dramatically different with respect to its system, which propagatesin a translationalfashion with ∗ linear counterpart, demonstrating the strong role played fixedwaista(t)=a ,whiledifferentinitialvaluesleadto by nonlinearity in the process. In particular, the linear abreather[30]characterizedbyaperiodicoscillationofa system exhibits Anderson localizationand diffusion sup- intime. Whenthekicksareturnedon,forU =0,thedy- 6 pressionfor ǫ=0 (uncoupled condition), while for grow- namicsofthegroundstateisperturbedbyanadditionof ing ǫ it shows a monotonically increasing sub-diffusion momentump=(p ,p ),withaconsequenttranslationof x y (Fig. 1b). In the nonlinear regime, conversely,Anderson its center of mass. In order to model this dynamics, we localizationissuppressedevenforǫ=0,andthedynam- considered the following general ansatz for the ground 3 10000Eq. (1)Maplinearε=1.2 (a) quadratic fit (b) ated as follows: <P>468000000000 εε==00.8 diffusion D345 computation from Eq. (1) D =si(cid:28)n(∆x02p+2n(cid:29)y0=)2K2=2hKsin2xe20−iahe2n−/8a2n+/8iǫ2+T22ǫe2T−a22nhe/4−a,2n/4(i6) 2000 2 ×h i 4 h i h i 00 20 40 60 80 100 10 0.5 1 To evaluate the averages e−a2n/8 and e−a2n/4 , we can Time [T] ε consideraasarandomvarhiable(diuetoithschaotiicmotion in the phase-space), uniformly distributed between its FIG.3. (Color Online). (a)MomentumdiffusionhP¯iversus oscillation extrema a and a : time calculated from Eq. (1) (solid lines), Eqs. (4)-(5) (dia- min max mond markers) and Eq. (1) in linear regime (dashed lines); √πτ (b) diffusion coefficient D versus coupling ǫ. In the simula- e−a2n/τ2 = h i 2∆ tions we set σ=0.2 and K =5. a a erf max erf min =1+O(a3 /τ3) (7) ×(cid:20) (cid:18) τ (cid:19)− (cid:18) τ (cid:19)(cid:21) max state evolution: ψ = 2P e−(r−r0)2/a2+ip(r−r0)/2T, with p(t), a(t) and r0(t) = [qx0(πt),y0(t)] Lagarangian variables bfuenincgtio∆ns=upamtaoxs−ecaomnidn oarndderh,advuinegteoxpthanedsemdatlhlneeessrroorf whose equations of motion, after anintegrationfromnT their arguments a/τ < 1. By substituting (7) into (6), to (n+1)T, are found to be: weobtainthediffusioncoefficient,whichreadsasfollows: pn+1 =pn−[γng+ǫnusin(x0+y0)], D = K2 +ǫ2T2 (8) rn+1 =rn+pn+1, (4) 4 Equation (8) allows to derive interesting properties for with γn = Ke−a82n, ǫn = 2ǫTe−a42n, g = [sinx0,siny0], the nonlinear dynamics of Eq. (1). In particular, the u = [1,1], fn ≡ f(nT) and an+1 calculated from the quantum average hPi results from an hyperchaotic sys- integration of the following equation: tem described by a four dimensional standard map with random coefficients, and each realization manifests itself ∂2a ∂ −a2 as a random walk in Fig. 1b. The map diffusion rate ∂t2 =− ∂Va +δTe 8 is identical to the momentum diffusion of the classical −a2 linear rotor [19], hence, an additional average (in time [γ(cosx0+cosy0)+2e 8 ǫcos(x0+y0)]. (5) × or over an ensemble of input conditions) re-establishes a Equations(4)canberegardedasavariantofthefourdi- perfectclassicalcorrespondenceforeverycouplingǫ 0. ≥ mensional standard map, which is randomized by time It is worthwhile observing that the classical correspon- dependent coupling parameters γ and ǫ . The lat- dence in the multidimensional linear quantum rotor is n n ter depend on Eq. (5), which represents the motion manifested only for very high coupling ǫ, and in general of a two dimensional nonlinear kicked rotor. The sys- the quantum diffusion P follows a fractional behavior tem possessesana dependent chaosparameter,givenby with P tβ<1 (see e.hg.,i[19] or Fig. 1b dashed lines). h i ∝ K = e−a2/8γT. For K > K∗, Eq. (5) is fully chaotic As a result, the linear quantum rotor sub-diffuses at a a and can be regarded as an external noise source to Eqs. slower rate than its classical counterpart. Conversely, (4), increasing the mixing of the overall system [31]. To Eq. (8) predicts a perfect classical correspondence for highlightsuchadynamics,weplotinFig. 2aandFig. 2b every coupling ǫ, which is re-established thanks to non- thepositiveLyapunovexponentλ[32]calculatedforEqs. lineareffects. In orderto demonstratethis dynamics, we (4)andEq. (5),respectively. AsseeninFig. 2a,Eqs. (4) performed extensive numerical simulations from Eq. (1) show a strong hyperchaotic behavior, with two positive and calculated the average diffusion through a quantum Lyapunov exponents whose largest value grows linearly average followed by an average over different input con- with ǫ. Fig. 2b, conversely, displays the chaotic nature ditions P¯ = Dψ ψ pˆ2 ψ . Figure 3a summarizes our h i 2 ofwavepacketextensiona,whoseLyapunovcoefficientλ resultsobtaineRdforK(cid:10) (cid:12)=5(cid:12),σ(cid:11)=0.2andbyconsideringan (cid:12) (cid:12) increasessignificantly fast(quadratically)with coupling. initial wave packet composed by a Gaussian beam with We investigate the diffusion in momentum p by observ- waist ω0 =0.3 and amplitude A=4. In complete agree- ∗ ing that above the stochastization threshold K > K , ment with Eqs. (4)-(8), we observe a diffusive behavior thechangeinmomentum∆p=pn+1 pn K becomes P¯ t for every ǫ 0 (Fig. 3a solid lines and diamond − ∝ h i∝ ≥ large compared to π. 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