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Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Molecules and Crystals. Volume 1 PDF

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NONLINEAR OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC MOLECULES AND CRYSTALS Volume 1 Edited by D. S. Chemla AT&T Bell Laboratories Crawford Hill Laboratory Holmdel, New Jersey J. Zyss Centre National d'Etudes des Télécommunications Laboratoire de Bagneux Bagneux, France 1987 AKT Published by arrangement ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. with AT&T Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Orlando San Diego New York Austin Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 1987 by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, all rights reserved. NO PART of this publication may be reproduced or TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS. ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING. OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM. WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Orlando, Florida 32887 United Kingdom Edition published bx ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road. London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Nonlinear optical properties of organic molecules and crystals. (Quantum electronics—principles and applications) Includes indexes. 1. Molecular crystals—Optical properties. 2. Chemistry, Physical organic. I. Chemla, D. S. II. Zyss, J. III. Series. QD941.N66 1986 547.Γ3 86-8070 ISBN 0-12-170611-7 (v. 1 : alk. paper) PRNITED IN THE UNTIED STATES OF AMERCI A 86 87 88 89 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface: New Materials for a New Age I. Concepts, Purpose, and Scope The postindustrial societies, sometimes referred to as information-based societies, urgent demand for an always increasing volume of information processing and communication is continuously challenging modern technology. To date most of the materials used for devices are minerals, i.e., metals or semiconductors. Yet in almost all the cases, the best performing and most reliable systems are living organisms, and the drive of science has always been, consciously or not, to imitate them as closely as possible. The latest step of the physical sciences in this direction is the idea of using artificial "neural networks" for massive parallel computation. On the other hand, the latest developments of molecular biology show that the concentration of microscopic responses at each structural level in a living organism results from the specific properties of organic molecules as such. This last remark leads us naturally to wonder why evolution has lead to the selection of this class of compounds. What particular features bestow them with such selective, sensitive, fast, and intense responses to all sort of exter- nal stimulations? In the wake of these interrogations, it is very tempting to envision a new technology that would exploit the remarkable properties of organic molecules. However, it is now clearly established that the development of a modern technology is necessarily rooted in a detailed understanding of the materials involved and thus requires surpassing a knowledge-base threshold. In the four centuries of development of modern science, we have only begun to understand even the simplest physical phenomena. Thus it is natural that technologies based on simple metals and, later, on simple semiconductors were implemented first. Considering the tremendous in- crease in complexity when moving from simple siliconlike structures to organics and further to biological systems, this knowledge-base threshold is certainly not around the corner for the more complex materials. However, it would be a naive and perhaps dangerous view to reject these two latter do- mains in an oversimplified, short-sighted, and linear vision of the development ix χ Preface of science and technology. This is particularly true since a closer look at organic science demonstrates that it is rooted in ancient and vast, although so far poorly exploited, layers of technological know-how. The approach toward material optimization in the field of organics runs surprisingly parallel with but in the opposite sense to that which currently leads semiconductor-based electrophotonics from bulk materials to quan- tum wells, quantum wires, quantum dots, or grade-gap microstructures. These new sophisticated semiconductor-based architectures are the up-to- date advances in the evolution from well-mastered bulk technologies of limited flexibility toward microscopically scaled technologies where optical and electronic properties can be manipulated and tailored for applications. This latter stage is backed by the considerable amount of know-how generated at earlier levels of development. We are forced to recognize that however interesting was the theoretical evidence that semiconductor band structure could be engineered at the microscopic scale, such predictions would not of themselves have spurred the development ex nihilo of the ap- propriate growth, fabrication, and preparation techniques. Moreover, manipulations of semiconductor properties are based on the control of composition or of impurity concentration. Thus they involve brutal 4'physical" methods for introducing these activating heteroatoms that tend to disturb the host lattices significantly (e.g., through ion implantation, reactive ion etching, or epitaxial growth). In contrast, the chemical methods used for predictive manipulation at the molecular level have developed into a variety of mild, well-mastered, industrially oriented techniques based on the virtually unlimited possibilities of organic synthesis. They are also more controllable and flexible than the injection of dopants or compositional changes in semiconductors. However, the development of devices requires the organization of the optimized molecules into larger structures meeting symmetry and shaping constraints imposed by macroscopic physical and operational requirements. The control of this coherent arrangement of microscopic building units is much less developed, and the rich possibilities of organic chemistry are just now starting to be mature enough to open promising avenues in this direction. For historical reasons a number of transistorlike electronic devices using electric charge transport have developed quite independently from photonic devices using absorption, emission, and modulation of light. It is evident that the two approaches, far from being opposed, are complementary and intimately related. In fact the ultimate goal of an information technology based on electromagnetic forces is a control of the electron state (source and detector of the electromagnetic field) and photon state (vector of the elec- tromagnetic field) limited only by quantum mechanics. At their common root stands the symmetric current field (J ·Α - ρ φ) interaction. The ultimate electromagnetic device will fuse both concepts at the microscopic Preface xi level in the conceptual and technological senses. In semiconductors the doping by impurities introduces a micrometer scale asymmetry that is responsible for the operation of all diodelike devices. By analogy an inter- or intramolecular charge transfer between the donor and acceptor ends of a conjugated molecule introduces a nanometer-scaled asymmetry already used in optical parametric amplifiers and soon to be extended to other functions. The artificial distinction between linear and nonlinear optics is now ob- solete. Optics is in essence nonlinear. Both absorption and emission processes were recognized and analyzed as such before the advent of lasers. Also consis- tent with this assertion is the early observation of such "nonlinear processes" as the Pockels, Kerr, and Faraday effects at the turn of the century or the theoretical evaluation of two-photon optical transitions at the very beginning of the development of quantum mechanics. It was nevertheless the spectacular observation of frequency-mixing processes in the visible and the further demonstration of sizable quantities of multiphoton processes following the in- vention of the laser that led pioneers to invent the term "nonlinear optics" in order to make room for new concepts against the mainstream of optics at the time. A quarter of a century afterward, the distinction between " nonlinear optics" and "optics" does not make any more sense than the previous one be- tween "optics" and "classical optics" or the similar one between "music" and "classical music." Furthermore, this usage wrongly induces the nonspecialist to consider this domain as a rather highly specialized if not obscure subfield of optics. Within this context, the need for a unified presentation of the nonlinear op- tical effects in organic molecules and crystals emerged quite naturally. The development of the subject matter covered in this book obviously results from a cross-fertilization among weakly related disciplines: chemistry, optics, crystallography, electronics, applied mathematics, system architecture, etc. Thus multidisciplinarity appears in the book because it is actually intrinsic to the subject. The book is meant to be self-consistent. For example, the chemist should find a clear treatment of the physics he lacks just as the physicist should fine the introduction to the chemistry he needs. Furthermore, the solid-state physicist with a previous background in, for example, band structure and the related description of opto-electronic processes in semiconductors should find the relevant material to make the link with the formalism used to describe the corresponding processes in organics. We have also purposely meant in our choice of contents to treat on equal footing technology and fundamental science, since it is well recognized that each benefits from the other to a point that such a distinction has become obsolete. II. Content Description The editors had to face a difficult choice between equally relevant organizations for this book either by classes of materials (polymers, xii Preface molecules, ordered or quasi-ordered phases, etc.) or by types of optical phenomena. The final choice was rather arbitrarily set on the classical distinc- tion between quadratic (i.e., three-wave mixing) and cubic (i.e., four-wave mixing) processes. We are aware of all sorts of limitations linked to this choice, such as the necessity for a nonperturbative and nonlocal description of (nonlinear) optical processes at high excitation levels in strongly delocalized systems. In practice, however, most of the subject matter covered in this book fits readily into such a classification. The materials, the symmetry constraints, and the experimental techniques differ considerably from one section to the other, leading to a natural diversification of working groups following this scheme. Professor Silbey introduces the book with a general overview of the basic properties of organic matter. The two following chapters by J. Zyss and D. S. Chemla and by J. F. Nicoud and R. L. Twieg are meant to serve a double pur- pose, bridging the gap between more chemically and more physically oriented readers and orienting them in both fields, from basic notions to state-of-the- art quadratic optics in molecules and molecular crystals. The first of these two chapters emphasizes the physical aspects of the subject, whereas the second concentrates on the chemical aspects. Although readers will understandably tend to consider first the chapter that best fits their own backgrounds, it is highly recommended to try to overcome natural inhibitions and discover a dif- ferent approach from the usual one so as to experiment with the idea that the benefits of stereoscopic vision originate from doubled vision, in science as well as in real life. Professor J. Morley and Dr. D. Pugh demonstrate in Chapter II-3 the benefits derived from quantum-chemistry-based models so as to pro- vide the synthetic chemist with cost- and timesaving guidelines, which help each chemist find the way within the unlimited but otherwise embarrassing jungle of organic molecules. Chapter II-4 by Drs. J. Badan, R. Hierle, A. Perigaud, and D. Vidakovic deals with the technologically crucial bottleneck of growth and characterization of high quality, bulk organic crystals and waveguided structures. By contrast, Chapter II-5 by A. Barraud and M. Vandevyver introduces the growth of thin films by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. A case study focusing on a specific material, namely urea, which exemplifies a situation in which transparency in the UV region has been pur- posely traded for nonlinear efficiency, is presented in Chapter II-6 by Pro- fessor C. L. Tang and Dr. J. M. Halbout. This chapter illustrates the suc- cessful strategy of a team concentrating all of its efforts on a single molecular crystal as the unique target, with efforts ranging from molecular solution measurements to the first demonstration of optical parametric oscillation in an organic material. In Chapter II-7, Dr. D. J. Williams discusses another type of trade off between the unpredictable orientation of molecules in crystalline media and the possibility of acting on the polarity of liquid-crystalline structures. In the final chapter of Part II, Drs. K. D. Singer, Preface xiii S. L. Lalama, J.E. Sohn, andR. D. Small introduce and link electro-optic to other effects second-order optical processes with special emphasis on organics. They show the dominant electronic contribution to the electro-optic effect in such media as opposed to inorganic compounds. Section III in Volume II is dedicated to third-order processes. Here the polydiacetylene family is singled out for the moment because of its many ap- pealing physicochemical features. Foremost among these is its unique topochemical polymerization potential. This family is introduced by Pro- fessors M. Schott and G. Wegner in Chapter III-l. Experimental studies of third-order processes in these compounds are presented and discussed in Chapters III-2 and III-3 by Drs. F. Kajzar and J. Messier and by Drs. G. M. Carter, Y. J. Chen, M. F. Rubner, M. K. Thakur, S. K. Tripathy, and D. J. Sandman, respectively. Related theoretical aspects are discussed in Chapters III-4 and III-5: Professor C. Flytzanis presents a general discussion of the essential relation between system dimensionality and optical response. In a complementary approach, Professors J. M. André and J. Delhalle present detailed computations on specific oligomeric systems and resulting trends, strongly suggesting that polymeric structures, beyond polydiacetylenes, can also be "engineered" in very much the same way as was previously established for molecular systems and quadratic effects. The important aspects of multiphoton spectroscopy as a tool to disentangle some of the previously nonaccessible features of molecular-matter-excited states is surveyed in Chapter III-6 by Dr. B. Dick and Professors R. Hochstrasser and H. P. Trommsdorff. The concluding comment by Professor J. M. Lehn points out one of the many avenues to be explored in the near future by applying previously reported, however unrelated, modern concepts of chemistry to op- tics. The up-to-date appendixes at the end of Volume II, expertly compiled by Drs. J. F. Nicoud and R. Twieg, will certainly provide a much needed and previously missing experimental data bank on powder SHG tests and molecular second-order hyperpolarizability of organics. It is the editors' hope, in view of the large amount of work that remains to be done in organics, that the publication of such data banks will avoid unnecessary and time-consuming duplications. We anticipate that in such a rapidly evolving field an update or extension of this book will be needed within the next few years. It is, however, our belief that most of the material covered herein will be at the root of these further developments, although unpredictable breakthroughs are also to be expected. We apologize to those research teams who rightfully consider that they should have appeared in the book, but time and space were severe constraints to which we had to yield. We hope that any future edition will correct any serious omission. NONLINEAR OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF ORGANIC MOLECULES AND CRYSTALS, VOL. 1 Chapter |-1 The Structure and Properties of the Organic Solid State ROBERT SILBEY Department of Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 I. INTRODUCTION In most textbooks on the solid state, molecular solids are given at most a few paragraphs, and organic solids are never mentioned at all (the solid noble gases being the "best example of molecular solids" [1]). This is unfortunate since organic solids have an enormous range of interesting properties that are almost continuously "tunable." For the last 15 years there has been increasing awareness of these systems as their more interesting properties have been uncovered: for example, superconductivity [2], spinless conductivity in "doped" conjugated polymers [3], and large nonlinear optical responses [4]. In this review, I discuss the structure and properties of organic solids in a general and, hence, incomplete way with examples taken from the recent literature. It is clearly impossible to cover this field adequately in a few pages; I hope only to give the flavor of its vastness and variations, and, since my own 3 Copyright © 1987 by AT&T Bell Laboratories, Incorporated. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 4 Robert Silbey field of research is the theory of optical properties, conductivity, and relaxation, the review is undoubtedly skewed in these directions. However, I hope the reader will come away with the feeling that understanding the properties of organic materials is an interesting and exciting challenge. II. STRUCTURE A. Crystal Structures Most organic solids are molecular solids; that is, the molecules retain their geometric shape and properties to a large degree upon condensation from the vapor. Thus, benzene, for example, is (almost) hexagonal in the crystal with only small changes from the gas-phase molecule. In addition, the infrared and low-energy optical spectra of the solid are very similar to those of the gas. To be sure, there are changes; these are, however, small compared to those occurring in typical ionic crystals or metals. Finally, organic solids have small cohesive energies. Therefore, most organic solids are collections of molecules held together by weak intermolecular interactions, usually described by van der Waals forces. Because the molecules are non-simply shaped and the forces are weak and anisotropic, organic solids (1) often have more complicated structures than solids normally studied in elementary books on solid state physics, (2) exhibit polymorphism and many phase transitions, and (3) often have many structural defects. Although a first-principles quantum-mechanical calculation of the equili- brium geometric structure of a typical organic crystal is impossible at present, phenomenological atom-atom two-body potentials to compute intermole- cular interactions are available and useful. That is, assuming the molecules have a certain geometry (given perhaps by the gas-phase data), we can com- pute intermolecular forces by adding atom-atom (central force) interactions. This gives a highly anisotropic molecule-molecule interaction. The atom- atom interactions are usually assumed to be [5,6] either Lennard-Jones or Buckingham potentials: (la) u(r) (lb) B where the parameters for carbon-carbon, carbon-hydrogen, and hyrdogen- hydrogen interactions are fixed by fitting a few model compounds (typically anthracene, naphthalene, etc.). Using these potentials, it is possible to compute 1-1. The Structure and Properties of the Organic Solid State 5 crystal structures, thermodynamic functions, phonon frequencies, and others in reasonable agreement with experimental data. Although various authors have chosen different atom-atom parameters [5,6], the final results of their calculations do not differ markedly. Since the mid 1970s, these methods have also been applied to the calculation of structural defects [7]. When Robertson [8] reviewed the organic crystals studied by X rays in the early 1950s, there were 102 structures known; when Dunitz [9] reviewed the field in the late 1970s, there were 10 4 structures known; in the late 1980s, the number is probably > 105. The ability to study complex crystals of complex molecules using automated equipment and sophisticated computer software and hardware has led to an explosion in our knowledge of the static structure of these systems. This does not mean, of course, that our understanding of the other properties of these systems has increased in the same proportion. Since 1960, the polyacenes have been the model organic molecular crystals for studies of static structure, optical spectra, dynamic studies, etc. Anthracene, naphthalene, and tetracene are relatively simple systems and exhibit many of the typical behaviors of organic crystals. Anthracene is a planar conjugated system with D symmetry in the gas phase. The normal crystal structure was 2h determined by Robertson [8] and Cruikshank [10], and the molecule in the solid is remarkably similar to the gas-phase structure (found by electron diffraction) [11]. The crystal structure is monoclinic (space group Pljd) with two molecules in the unit cell, related to each other by a screw axis (parallel to the b crystal axis). Naphthalene has an almost identical structure to anthracene, while tetracene and pentacene are very similar; however, the two molecules in the unit cell in the latter two cases are not related by screw axis symmetry as in naphthalene and anthracene. The crystal structures of pyrene and a-perylene are different from these by the fact that a dimer of pyrene takes the place of a single anthracene molecule [11]. This structure is quite interesting because the dimer then has considerable π-electron overlap, which is undoubtedly the reason for excimer formation [12] in these systems. As already mentioned, these crystals often have phase transitions to other, more closely packed structures. (In addition, metastable forms of anthracene crystals [13] have been found under high pressure.) Although the structure of the polyacenes is quite common in aromatic crystals, another structure is also often found. This is a linear stacked structure often found in halogenated aromatics, as in tetrachlorobenzene and 1,4- dibromonaphthalene. In this case, the closest molecules form a stack of aromatic planes tilted (i.e., nonperpendicular) in general to the stack axis. There may be one or more molecules in the unit cell, either crystallographi- cally equivalent or not. In contrast, the benzene crystal is orthorhombic with four molecules in the unit cell related by screw axes parallel to the three crystal axes.

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