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GeophysMiocnaolg raSpehr ies Including IUGG Volumes MauricEew ingV olumes MineraPlh ysiVcosl umes GEOPHYSICALM ONOGRAPH SERIES GeophysiMcoanlo grapVho lumes 21Q uantitaMtoidveel inogfM agnetospheric ProcessWe.sP .O lso(nE d). 1 Antarctiintc hae I nternational Geophysica22l DerivatioMne,a ninagn,d U seo fG eomagnetic YearA .P .C raryL,. M . GouldE,.O .H ulburt, IndicePs.N .M ayaud HughO dishaawn,dW aldEo. S mit(hE d)s . 23 The Tectoniancd GeologEivco lutioofnS outheast 2G eophysiacnsdt heI GY Hugh Odishaw and AsianS eaasn dI slandDesn niEs .H aye(sE d). StanlReyu tten(bEedr)sg . 24M echanical BehavioofCr ru staRlo cksT:h eH andin 3 AtmospheCrhiecm istorfyC hlorianned S ulfur Volume N.L .C artMer.,F riedmanJ,.M .L ogaann,d CompoundsJ amePs.L odgJer,(. E d). D.W .S tearns( Ed)s . 4 ContemporGaeroyd esyC harlAe.Ws h ittaennd 25 PhysiocfsA uroraAlr cF ormation S.-IAka.so fu and KenneHt.hD rummon(dE d)s . J.R .Ka n (Ed)s . 5 PhysiocfsP recipitaHteilomnu t Weic(kEmd)a. nn 26H eterogenAetmooussp heriCch emistry 6 TheC rusto ft heP acifiBca sin DavidR .S chrye(rE d). GordoAn.M acdonaalnddH isasKhuin o( Ed)s . 27Th e TectonaincdG eologEivco lutioofnS outheast 7 AntarctRiecsae arTchhe:M attheFwo ntaine AsianS eaasn dI slanPdasr:2t DennisE .H ayes( Ed). MauryM emoriaSly mposiumH .W exleMr.,J . 28 Magnetospheric enCtursrTJw mas A.P otem(raE d). Rubiann,d ]E.. C askeyJ,r( .E d)s . 29C limatPer ocesansde sC limaSteen sitivity 8T errestHreiaatFl l ow WilliHa.mK .L ee( Ed). (MauricEew ingVo lume5 )J amesE .H anseann d 9 GraviAtnyo maliUenss:u rveyeAdr easH yman TarToa kahas(hEid) s . Orli(nE d). 30 MagneticR econnectiino nS pacaned Laboratory 10T heE artBhe neatthh eC ontinenAt sV:o lumoef PlasmaEsd wardW .H ones,J r(.E d). GeophysiSctauld iiensH onor of MAe.r le 31P oint DeifneM citnse ra(lMsi nerPahly sics Tuve JohSn. S teinhaanrdTt .J efferSsmoint (hE d)s . Volume1 )R oberNt. S choc(kE d). 11I sotoTpeec hniquients h eH ydroloCgyiccl e 32Th e CarboCny claen dA tmospherCiOc2 :N atural GlenEn. S tou(tE d). VariationAsr cheant oP resenEt. T .S undquisatn d 12T heC rusta ndU pper Manotflt eh eP acific Area W.S .B roecke(rE d)s . Leon Knopoff,L .DC rhaakralene,ds 33G reenlanIdc Ceo reG:e ophysiGcesoc,h emistry, PembroJk.He a r(tE d)s . and the EnvironmenCt. LaCn.gwa y, Jr,. 13T heE arthC'russ ta ndU pperM antle H.O eschgearn,dW .D ansgaa(rEdds ). PembroJk.He a r(tE d). 34 CollisioSnlheoscski snt heH eliosphAe Treu:t orial 14T heS tructuarned P hysicParlo pertoifte hse ReviewR obertG .S tonaen dB rucTe.T suruta(nEid) s . EarthC'russ t JohGn. H eaco(cEkd) . 35C ollisioSnhloecsksis nt heH eliosphReervei:e wosf 15T heU seo fA rtificial SaftoerGl eloidteessy CurrentR esearcBhr uceT .T surutaanndi SoreWn. H enrickAsremna,n dMoa ncinain,d RoberGt. S ton(eE d)s . BernaHr.dC hovi(tEzd )s . 36M ineranadl RockD eformatiLona:b oratSotruyd ies 16F lowa ndF ractuorfRe o cksH .C .H eard, -The PatersVoonl umeB .E .H obbsa nd I.Y .B orgN,.L .C artearn,dC .B .R alei(gEhd) s . H.C .H eard( Ed)s . 17M an-MadLea kes: TPhreoibrl eamnsd 37E arthquaSkoeur ceM echanic(sM auriEcwei ng EnvironmenEtffaelc tsW illiCa.mA ckermann, Volume6 )S hamiDtaas J,o hBnoa twrigahntd, GilbFe.rW th itaen,d E .B .W orthin(gEtdo)sn . ChristopHhe.Sr c ho(lEzd )s . 18T heU pperA tmospheirneM otion:S eAl ection 38I onA cceleraitinto hneM agnetospheanrde ofP aperWsi thA nnotatiCo.nO .H ineasn d IonospheTroem C han(gE d). Colleagues 39H ighP ressuRree searcihnM inerPahly sics 19T heG eophysiocfts h eP acifiOcc eanB asiann d (MinerPalh ysiVcosl um2e )M urlHi. M anghnani ItMsa rginA: V olumei nH onoro fG eorgPe. andY asuhSiykoo n(oE d)s . WoollarGde orHg.eS uttoMnu,r lHi. M anghnani, 40 GondwanaS ixS:tru cturTee ctoniancds G,e ophysics andR alpMho ber(lEyd )s . GaryD .M cKenzi(eE d). 20T heE arth's CIrtuNssa tt:u raen dP hysical 41G ondwanaS ixS:tr atigraphy, Sedimeanntdo logy, PropertiJeoshC n. H eaco(cEkd) . PaleontolGoagryry D .M cKenzie( Ed). 42 Flowa ndT ranspTohrrto ughU nsaturaFtreadc tured 64 MagnetospheSruibcs tormsJ osepRh. Ka n, Rock DaniDe.lE vansa ndTh 011UlS J.N ichols(oEnd s.) Tho11UlS A.P otemSrau,s umKuo kubuann,d 43 Seamounts, IsalnanddA st,o llBsa rbarHa.Kea ting, TakesIii ji(11UlE ds.) PatricFiary er,R odey Batizaa,n dG eorWg.eB oehl(eErdts .) 65 ExplosSioounr cPeh enomenoloSgtyeven R.T aylor, 44 ModeliMnaggn etosphePrilca smaT .E .M ooraen d HowarJd.P attoann,dP auGl. R icha(rEddss .) J.H .W aitJer,(. E ds.) 66 Venusa ndM ars: AtmosphereIso,n osphearneds , 45 PerovskAi tSetr:u ctuorfeG reaItn terteos t SolarW indI nteractiJoannsGe .tL uh11UlnnMa,r iella Geophysanidc sM ateriSaclise nce TatralalnydaR yo,be rOt. P epin( Eds.) AlexandNraa vrotasnkydD onaJl.dW eidne(rE ds.) 67H igh-PresRseusreea rAcphp:l icatitooEn art h and 46 Structure andD ynamicosfE arth'sD eepI nterior PlanetSacryi enc(eMsi nerPahly siVcosl um3e ) (IUGGV olume1 )D .E .S mylained YasuhSiykoo no andH .MM uarnlgih na(nEid s.) RaymonHdid e( Eds.) 68 MicrowavRee motSee nsionfgS eaI ce 47H ydrologicRaelgi mesa ndT heiSru bsurface FranCka rseyR,o gerB arryJ,o sefi.nCoo mis oD,. A ndrew ThermalE ffect(sI UGGV olume2 )A lanE .B eck, RothroRcokb,eS rhtu ch11UlWn,.T erry TuckerW,i lford GranGta rven,a ndlil joSst ege(nEad s.) Weeksa,n dD alWei nebrenner 48 Origin andE volutioofnS edimentBaarsyi ns 69S eaL eveClh angesD:e terminatiaonnd E ffects and TheiErn ergya ndM ineral Resources (IUGGV olum1e 1)P .L .W oodworthD,. T .P ugh, (IUGGV olum3e )R aymonAd.P ri(ceE d.) J.G .D eRondRe.G, . W arricakn,dJ .H annah 49S lowD eformatiaonnd T ransmissioofSn tr ess 70S yntheosfiR se sulftrso mS cientifiDcr illiinnt gh e int heE arth( IUGGV olum4e )S tevenC .C ohena nd IndiaOnc ean RoberAt. D uncanD,a vidK .R ea,R obert PetVra nlc(eEkd s.) B.K idd,Ul richv onRad , andJ effreyK .W eiss(eEld s.) 50 DeepS tructuraen dP asKti nematiocfsA ccreted 71 Mantle Flowa ndM eltG eneratiaotnM id-Ocean Terrane(sI UGGV olume5 )J ohWn. H illho(uEsde. ) RidgesJ asonP hippMso rgaDno,n nKa. B lack111iln, 51P ropertieasn dP rocesosfeE sa rth'sL oweCrru st andJ ohMn. Sint(oEnd s.) (IUGGV olume6 )R oberFt.M ereu,S tephaMnu eller, 72D ynamicosfE arth'Dse epI nteriaonrd E arth andD avidM .F ount(aEidns .) Rotati(oInU GGV olume1 2)Jea n-LouLei sM oue/, 52U nderstandCinlgi maCthea ng(eI UGGV olum7e ) D.ES.m yliaen,dTh o11UlS Herrin(gE ds.) Andre BLe.r gRero,ber tE .D ickinasnodJn .,K idson 73E nvironmentEaffle ctso nS pacecrPaofsti tioannidn g (Eds.) Trajecto(riIeUsG GV olum1e 3A). V allanJcoen es( Ed.) 53P lasmWaa vesa ndI stabilaitCt oimeest asn di n 74E volutoifot nh eE arth andP lanets( IUGG MagnetospherBersu ceT .T surutaannidH irosOyhai Volume1 4)E .T akahasRayhmio,n d Jeanloazn,d (Eds.) DavidR ubi(eE ds.) 54 SolarS ystePml asmPah ysicJs.H .W aitJer,. , 75 InteractiBoentsw eeGnl obaCll imaStueb systems: J.L .B urcahn,dR .L .M oore( Eds.) TheL egacoyfH ann (IUGGV olume1 5) 55A spectso fC limatVea riabiliintt yh eP acifiacn d G.A .M cBeana ndM .H ant(eE/d s.) WesternA mericasD avidH .P eters(oEnd .) 76R elatiGnego physiSctruaclt ureasn dP rocessTehse: 56Th e Brittle-DucTtrianlsei tiionRn o cksA .G .D uba, JeffreVyosl ume (IUGGV olum1e 6)K .A kia nd W.B .D urhaJm.,W .H andiann,dH .F .W ang( Eds.) R.D mowska (Eds.) 57E volutoifoM ni dO ceanR idge(sI UGGV olum8e ) 77 TheM esozoPiacc ificG:e ologTye,c tonaincds JohMn. S inton (Ed.) Volcam-n-iAs Volumien M emory ofS yS chlanger 58Ph ysicosf M agnetiFcl uxR opesC .T .R ussell, MalcolmS .P ringWliel,l iaWm. S ageWri,l liaVm.S liter, E.R .P riesatn,dL .C .L e(eE ds.) andS etSht e(iEnd s.) 59V aritiaonsi nE arth Rotatio(nI UGGV olume9 ) 78C limaCthean gei nC ontinenItsaolt oRpeicco rds DenniDs. M cCarthayn dW illiaEm.sCa rter( Eds.) P.K .S wartK,. C .L oh11UlnnJ,.M cKenziea,n dS .S avin 60 QuoV adimuGse ophysfiocrths e NextG eneration (Eds.) (IUGG Volum1e0 )G eorgDe. G arlanadn d 79 TheT ornado:I tSstru ctureD,y namicPsr,e diction, JohRn. A pel( Eds.) and Hazards C.C hurcDh.,B urgesCs.,D oswell, 61C ometaryP lasmParoc esseAsla nD .J ohnst(oEnde. ) R.D avi-esJon(eEsd s.) 62M odeliMnaggn etosphePrilca smPar ocesses 80 AurorPalla smDay namicsR .L .L ysa(kE d.) GordonK .W ils(oEnd .) 81S olarW indS ourcoefsM agnetospheUrlitcr a-Low 63 Marine ParticlAensa lysanids C haracterization FrequenWcayv es M.J .E ngebreKt.sT oanka,h ashi, DavidC .H urda ndD ereWk. S pencer (Eds.) and M. Scho(lEerd s.) 82G ravimetry andS pacTee chniqAupepsl ietdo 6P ropertieansd ProcesosfeE sarth 's LoweCrru st GeodynamiacnsdO ceanD ynamicsB obE .S chutz, RoberF.t M ereSut,ep haMnu ellaenrd, DaMv.idF ountain AlleAnnderso n, C1£zudeF roideuauxa,n dM ichaePla rke (Eds.) (Eds.) 7U nderstandinOgi matCeh angeA ndrLe. B erger, RoberEt.D ickinsoann,dJ . K idso(nE ds.) 8E volutoifoM ni dO ceanR idgeJso hMn. S int(oEnd .) 9V ariatiionEn sa rtRho tatioDne nniDs.M cCarthy MauriceE winVgo lumes andW illiaEm.C art(eErd s.) 1I slanArcsd, DeepS eaT renchaensd,B ack-Arc 10Q uoV adimuGse ophysifcosrt heN extG eneration BasinMasn ikT alwanain dW altCe.rP itmanII I( Eds.) GeorDg.eG ar1£zannddJ ohRn. A pe(lE ds.) 2D eepD rilling Resulitsn t heA tlantOicce an: 11S eaL eveClh angeDse:t erminatiaonndEs ff ects OceanC rust Manik TalwanCih,r istoGp.Hh aerrr ison, PhilLi.Wp o odworth, T.DP auvgidhJ ,o hGn. andD ennisE .H aye(sE ds.) DeRondRei,c haGr.Wd a rriacnkdJ, o hHna nna(hE ds.) 3D eepD rilling Resultisn t heA tlantiOcc ean: 12D ynamicosfE arthD'ese pI nterainodEr a rth ContinentaMlargins andP aleoenvironment RotatiJoeann- LouiLseM ouelD,. ES.m yliaen,d Manik TalwanWii,l liaHmay ,a ndW illiaBm.F .R yan ThomasH errin(gE ds.) (Eds.) 13E nvironmeEnffteaclt osn S pacecrPaofsti tioning 4 EarthquakPer edictin-o-An InternatioRneavli ew andT rajectoAr.iV easla lncJeo ne(sE d.) David W.S impsoann dP auGl. R ichard(sE ds.) 14E volutoifot nh eE artahn dP lanetEs. T akahashi, 5O imatPer ocesansde sC limatSee nsitivity RaymonJde anlaonzdD, a viRdu bi(eE ds.) JamesE .Ha nsen andT arToakizhas hi (Eds.) 15I nteractions Between Global Climate Subsystems: 6E arthquake Source MechSahnaimcsiD taas J,o hn TheL egacoyfH ann G.A .M cBeaann d Boatwrighatn,dC hristoHp.Sh cehro (lEzd s.) M. Hant(eEld s.) 16R elatiGnego physiSctarlu ctuarnedPs r ocesses: TheJ effreVyosl ume K.A kia ndR .D mowska( Ed.s) IUGG Volumes 17G ravimeatnryd S pacTee chniquAepsp lietdo 1 Structurea ndD ynamicosfE arth's DeepI nterior GeodynamiacnsdO cean DynamBiocbsE .S chutz, D.E .S mylainedR aymonHdid e( Eds.) AlleAnn dersCo1£nz,u Fdreo idevaaunxdM, i chaePla rke 2H ydrological ReaginmdeT sh eiSru bsurface (Eds.) Thermal EffectsA 1£znE .B eckG,r anGta rvena,nd LljoSst egen(aE ds.) 3O rigin and EvolutioofnS edimentaBrays inansd MineraPlh ysiVcosl umes TheirE nergy andM ineraRle sources 1P oinDte fecitnsM ineralRso beNr.tS cho(cEkd .) Raymond A.P ri(ceE d.) 2H ighP ressure ReisneM airncehr aPlh ysics 4S lowD eformatioann dT ransmissioofSn tr ess MurlHi. M anghnaannidY asuhSiykoon (aE ds.) int heE arth Steven C.C oheann dP etVra nfte(kE ds.) 3H ighP ressuRrees earcAhp:p licattioEo anr tahn d 5D eepS tructuraned PasKinte maticso fA ccreted PlanetSacriye nceYsa suhSiykoon aon d TerranceJso hWn. H illhou(seE d.) MurlHi. M anghna(nEid s.) GeophysMiocnaolgr ap8h3 IUGGV olume 18 NonlineDayrn aInicasn d Predictaboifl ity GeophysiPchaeln oInena WilliaIm.N ewman AndreGia brielov Donald TLu.r cotte Editors � AmeriGceaonp hyUsniicoanl � InternaUtniiooonnfGa elo deasnydG eophysics Publiusnhdeetdrh a ee goifts h AeG UB ooBkso ard LibroafCr oyn gCraetsasi oging-Diant-aPu blication Nonlinedayrn amiacnsd p redictaboifgl eiotpyh ysipchaeln omen/a WilliIa.mN ewman,A ndreGia brielDoovn,a lLd. T urcotetdei,t ors. p.c m.- (Geophysimcoanlo gra;p 8h3)( IUGG; v.1 8) Includbeisb liograprehfiecraeln ces. ISBN0 -87590-469-6 1.G eodynamics2.. C haotbiech aviionrs ystems.3 .N onlinear theoriesI.. N ewman,W illiIa.m II.G abrielAo.vM ,. IIIT.u rcotDtoen,a lLda wson. IV.S eries.V . SerieIsU:G G (Series) ; v.1 8. QE501.3.N6169 94 55O--dc20 94-20388 CIP ISSN00:6 5-8448 ISBN0 -87590-469-6 Copyrigh1t99 4 byt heI nternatioUnnailo onf G eodesayn dG eophysaincdst heA merican GeophysiUcnailo n2,00 0F loriAdvae nueNW,, WashingtonDC, 20009,U .S.A. Figurest,a bleasn,ds horetx cerpmtasybe reprinitnes dci entificb ooksa ndj ournalifs t he sourisce p roperly cited. Authorizationt op hotocopyi temsf oirn ternal orpe rsonal use,o rth ei nternal orpe rsonal use of specific clients, is granted by the American GeophysicalU niofno rlibrari es and otheru sers registered witht hCe opyrighOtearan ce Cent(eCrc qT ransa ctionalR eportingServi ce, provided that thebase feeo f$ 1.00per copyp lus$0 .10pe r pagise paidirectldy toC CC,22 2R osew ood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923.0065-8448;1941$01.00+0. 20. This consentd oes note xtendto otherkin ds ofc opying,s ucha scopying focreartin g new collective workso rf oresarl e.Th e reproduction ofm ultiplcoep ieasn dth euse offul la rticleosr t he use ofe xtracts, includifinggure s andta blesf,o corm mercial purposes requires permissi onfro m AGU. Printedi nth e UnitedS tateso fA merica. CONTENTS Preface WilliIa.mN ewman,A ndreGia brielDoovn,a lLd. T urcottei x Foreword HelmuMto ritz xi 1.C haosA: H istoriPcearls pective SirJ amesL ighthil1l 2.S eismicMiotdye linagn dE arthquaPkree dictAi oRne:v iew AndreGia brielaonvdW illiIa.mN ewman 7 3.N onlineDayrn amicosft heT ransitfiroonmS tablSel iditnogC ycliSct ick-SilnRi opc k YaojuGnu andT eng-foWnogn g 15 4.I st heD ynamicosft heL ithosphCehraeo tic? Q.L ia ndE .N yland 37 5.D ynamicosfa SeismRiecg imeV:r ancea-CAa seH istory Cezar-IoTarnif ua ndM irceRaa dulian4 3 6.T heP recursoofIr n stabifloirNt oyn lineSayrs temasn dI tAsp plicattioEo anr thquake Predicn-t--itoheL oad-UnloRaeds ponRsaet iToh eory Xiang-cYhiun C,a nY ina,n dX ue-zhoCnhge n 55 7.S tranAgtet ractionNr o nlineFalru ctuatoifoL nesn gtohf t heD ay( LOD)T imeS e�ies R.K .T iwarJi.,G .N egia,n dK .N .N .R ao 61 8.S elf-OrganCirzietdi caClointsye:q uenfcoerSs t atisatnidcP sr edictaboifEl aitryt hquakes PerB ak,K imC hristenasnednZ ,e evO lami 69 9.P eriod-DoubBliifnugr catainodCn h aotiPch enomeniana SinglDee greoef F reedoEml astic Systewmi tha Two-StaVtaer iabFlrei ctiLoawn NiuZ hireann dC henD angmin 75 10.N onlineDayrn amiMco delinogfE arthquaPkree diction YaoliSnh iL,u minG enga,n dG uominZh ang 81 11.M ethodfso rI mprovitnhgeP redictoifoD ny namicParlo ceswsietsh S peciRaelf erentcote h e AtmospherCiicr culation JohanG rasmaann dP eteHro utekamer9 1 12.T heN onlineAasry mptotSitca goef t heR ayleigh-TaIynlsotra biwliitthWy i deB ubbleasn d NarrowiSnpgi kes V.M . CherniavasnkdiY u.M . Shtemler9 7 13.C orrelatDiiomne nsioofnt heS tranAgtet ractfoorrG eomagnetFiice lVda riations Yu.S .T yupkiann dA . Ya.F eldstein1 03 PREFACE Theg oaolf t hivso lumies t oe stablainsu hn derstandinTgh en exste to fa rticplreess ednatt wah icdhe monstrate and interdiscicpoloipnearrayta imoonn gg eophysiacnisdt st hee xisteonfcn eo nlineairnit thyes oliEda rthL.i and nonlineadry namicisWthsi.le t hel astth iryteya rhsa s Nylanedm plocya taloguseedi smdiacta f orw esteCrna nada brougshutb stantiparlo greisnts h es tudoyft hea tmospherteo s howth e presenocfel ow-dimenscihoanoasTl.r ifua nd and oceaans w elals o fc onvectiinot nh eE arthm'asn tle Radulieaxnp lotrheei ntermediates-ediespmrtiehcg imien and coret,h en onlinreaerv olutiisoo nnl bye ginntionh ga ve time, spaancdee n,e rgfyo rV ranceRao,m anisau,g gesting an impacotn thei nvestigoaftt ihoens oliEda rthT.h e possiblper ecursorYsi.ne ta l.e xplotrhee p ossibiolfi ty probleomf p redictabiilnci htayo tniocn linseyasrt emiss usinlgo adirnagt eassan empiripcraelc urfsoorrC hinese oneo ft hem osti mportaanntdd ifficsuulbtj eicntm so dem seismicanidt eym plotyh ipsr operttopy r edicat n umbeorf nonlinesacri encIen.i tsa pplicattoig oeno physaincds, earthquakeTsh.e l asotf t hep apertsoi nvestigate observa­ especialelayr,t hquakper edictiiotnp ,r esenbtost ha tiondaalta i sd evotteodm oreg lobal isTsiuweasrie: ta l. profouinndt ellecptuarlo bleanmd ani ssuwei tihm portant identais ftyr anagtet racantdo nro nlinfleuacrtua tioinnst he socieitmapll ications. lengotfhd ay. Thec ontributtioto hnisvs o lumhea veb een organized Thed evelopmoefnt th eoretmiocdaelli sng eophyshiacss accorditnogi ntellecatrueaaalsn dm ethodologaipc­alp rovidvedi tanle wi nsigihnttsno o nlinpehaern omeannda, proacheMso.s to ft hep aperdse awli tht hes oliEda rth, especiaealrltyh,q uapkree dictBiako ne.t a l.d eveloap whiloet hefrosc uosn fl uidansd plasmaTsh.ep aperrsan ge self-organiczedr itica(lSiOtCy) m odelf ore arthquake fromt hosdee aliwnigt he xperimenatanldo bservationaelv enantds explotrheec onsequenocfie tsss t atisatnidtc hse treatmenotfrs ea lm ateriaanldss y steamsn dt heiarn alysisp,r edictaboifl eairttyh quakesW.hi leS OC hasb ecome oftenb y modem nonlinteeacrh niquteots h,e t heoreticaslo mewhcaotn troveirnst ihanelo nlinceoamrm unitZyh,i ren and computationmaold elinogf differegneto physicaanld Dangmicno nsidienrs teaad o ned egreeo ff reedom systemInsd.e edt,h ivso lumeen compasnsoetso nlmyan y elastiscy stewmi tha two-stfartiec tliaownan d showt hat disciplbiuntea sl sos patianadl tempordaolm aintsh at itcan bed escribbyeda familiFaeri genbasuemq uenecne extenodv erm any orderosfm agnitude. routteoc haosF.i nalSlhyi,e ta la.l scoo nsidae crl assical An outlinoef t heh istordiecvaell opmoefnt th ep roblem seto fm odelbsa seodn block-spring-ddaesshipgaonnt d ofp redictabiispl rietsye nitnet dh efi rsotf t hea rticilne s showt heirre levatnoct eh et emporal, sapnadmt aiganli,­ thisv olumnea,m ely "ChAa Hoiss:t orPiecraslp ectbivye ,t"u ddei striboufts ieoins micity. SirJ amesL ighthiWlhli.l et hiasr ticle focuses Ianlth meo sfmta lp arotf t hivso lumen,o nlineairnifl tuyi d exclusiovnep lryo blehmasv inang u nderlyHianmigl toniane nvironmeinstc so nsiderGerda.s maann dH outekamer characttehre,a ssemblaogfe p roblemcso nfrontbeyd presean vta rieotfym ethodfso ra ssessainndgr educing geophysicarse r arelHya miltonainadnd isplaany e ven erroirnse stablishtihneig n itsitaatloe fa n onlinseyasrt em, richaerrr aoyf p henomena. methodwsh oseu tileixttye nfdasrb eyontdh ea tmospheric Gabrielanodv N ewman thesnh itfth ef ocutso t hes olid contexcto nsiderbedy thea uthorCsh.e miavskayn d Eartehn vironmaenndtr evieswe ismicmiotdye linagn d Shtemlceorn sidtheer r oloef t heR ayleigh-Tianysltaobri li­ earthquakep redictitohni:sa rticplreo vidae sb ridge ty,a ndt hepo tentifaolr n umericpaalt hologiinet sh,e between thev arioduiss cipltihnaehtsa ves hedl ighutp on simulatoifot nh eR ayleigh-Taiynlsotra bileiftfye'ocSnt thee arthquakper edictpiroonb lemG.i vent heo verallman tle convectiFoinn.a lTlyyu,p kiannd Feldstceoinns ider importanocfer heologanyd materpiraolp erttiheissse, c tiont hec orrelatdiiomne nsioofn t hes tranagtet racantdo r continwuiethsan articblyGe u andW ong,i nw hicthh ey geomagnetifice lvda riatieovnisd,e nfcoerc haotbiech avior investiignat theel aborattohreny o nlindeyanra micosf t he inth e magnetosphere. transiftrioomsn t absllei ditnocg y clic stibcekh-asvliiionpr This volumper ovidae rse presentsaettoi fvp ea per(sa s rocks. wella ss omei nvitceodn tributbiaosnesod)n theU nion IX Symposiu"mN onlineDayrn amicasn dP redictaboifl ittuyn atelthiys, a lsaor guefso rt hel acokf r eliapbrleed iction CritiGceoaplh ysicPahle nomenap,a"r to ft het wentietdhu rincge rtain stagessu,c ahs i ntermediatfeo-rtecearms ting GeneraAls sembloyft heI nternatiUonniaolno fG eodesy in the atmosphesrciice nancde ss hort-tperremd ictiinto hne and Geophysichse,l idn V iennAau,g us1t9 9w1h,i chhe lp soliEda rtshc iences. definet her olteh anto nlinearaintdyp redictabhialviet y Thirdth,e keyi ngrediiennp tr edictiiosan n a dequate cometo occupyi nt heE artshc iencThees .p roductoifo n physicmaold elT.h em ajosru cceesnsj oyienda tmospheric thivso lumef acemadn y challengIens a.d dititoont he scienicesl argedluye t ot hed evelopmeonft g eneral nonlinreeavro luttihoanit s s weepimnugc ho fc ontempo­circulamtoidoenl sH.o weverb,ec ausoef t hem ultitoufd e rarys ciencaen,o therre volutionr-e-vtihtea lizaotfi oni nteracmtecihnangi smsa ndt hea bsencoeffu ndamental EasternE urope--adtdote hde c hallenTghei.sv olumies constituetqiuvaet iotnhse,rr ee mainnso a dequagteen eral extraordidniavreirlisyne b otiht isn telleacntdui anlt erna­modelo fth e processients h el ithosphIenrt eh.eE arth tioncaoln tent. scienctehsep, r incitphaelo retaidcvaaln caersec onnected The editohrosp et hatth ivso lumwei lhle lpe stabliswhi tthh ed etaislteudd oyfn onlinrehaero loogffy a uzlotn es someo ft het hemefso rfu rtheirn vestigianttinooo nn ­ and witht heun derstandionfgt her oleo fh ierarchical lineariantdy, especially, prediinct thaegb eiolpihtyys icasle lf-organidzauteit oont hei nteracotfi loint hospheric sciencTehse.S ymposiuwmh icwha st hes timulfuosrt his blockWsh.i lteh ep ractiocuatlc omoefw orki ne arthquake volumeg eneratsedo mec onclusitohnasth aveb road predictiroenma inesm piricbaalsleytd h,ie d eaosfn onlinear applicabtoi litthyeg eneraslu bjeancdt may provides cienacreee mployiendth e searfcohr p recursoprhye nom­ importanitn sigihntt ot hes electoifo funt urer esearche naa ndf ora ssesstihnerg e liaboifls iutcyhm ethods. topics. We hopeth att hei nsigghatisn efdr omt hivso lumwei ll Firstth,e a pplicaotfim oent hodosf n onlineasrc iences ervaes a sourcoefn ewr esearpcrho blefmosrg eophysi­ providaep so werfutlo oflo rt hes tudoyfp redictabboitlhi tcyi satnsd t heinro nlindeyanra micciosltl eagues. in thea tmospheanrdi cs oliEda rths cienceCsh.a otic behavioofnr o nlinseyasrt edmose nso te xclupdree dictabili­ Willia1.mN ewman ty,b uti ntroduacneu sp pebro undo n thea bilittomay k e UniversoiftC ya lifornia predictanido rnesn ders predictionsI npdreoebanda ,b ilistic. LosA ngeleCsa,l ifornia importanqtu estiwohni cehm ergeisst haotfe stablitshhei ng "predictabiolfi ptrye dictabilietsyt"i-matthieoo fn the AndreiG abrielov time-scoavleerw hichf orecaasrtesr eliabgliev etnh e UniversoiftT yo ronto currenstt atoeft hes ystem. TorontCoa,n ada Second,a commonf eatuorfema ny atmospheanrdi c soliEda rthp henomenias an essentihailelrya rchical DonalLd. T urcotte structuThirse,. int um,ma y imposae b oundo n predict­ CornelUln iversity abildietpye ndionntg h esc aloefs patio-temapvoerraalg ing. IthacNae,w York Thusd,i fferteynpteo sf m ethodasr er equirefdo rm aking predictiaotnd si ffersecnatl weist hitnh eh ierarcUhnyf.o r- Editors x FOREWORD Thes cientwiofircko fth e InternatiUonniaolon f G eodesya ndG eophysi(cIsU GG) isp rimariclayr rioedu tt hrouigthses v en assoc iatiolnAsG:( brieflGye,o desyl)A,S PEl (SeismololgAyV)C,E l( VolcanololgAyG)A,( GeomagnetislmAM)A,P ( Meteorology), lAPSO( Oceanographanyd )l,A HS( HydrologTyh)ew .o rko ft hesaes sociatiiso ns documented inv ariowuasy s. NonliDynneaamria csndP redictaobfGei olpihytys iPchaeln oimsoe nneo afa group ofv olumepsu blisjhoedi nbtylI yU ooan d AGU thatare baseodn w orkp resenattet dh e Inter-AssocSiyampotsiioan a sp arotf t hel UGG GeneraAls semblyh elid nV ienna, AustriinaA ,u gus1t9 91E.a chs ymposiwuams o rganizedb ys everoafIlU GG'mse mber associatanido ncso mpristeodp iocfsi nterdiscirpellineavryan cThee. s ubjecatr easo ft he symposiaw erec hosesnu cthh atth ewyo ulbed ofw idei nterAelssot,.t hes peakers were selecteadc cordinangdl yi,n m any casesi,n vitpeadp erosf r eviecwh aracwteerre soliciTthede.s erioefss ymposiwae red esignteodg ivea pictuorfec ontemporary geophysicaaclt ivirteys,u latnsd,p robletmoss cienthiasvtisn ag g enerianlt eriens t geodeasnyd g eophysics. Inv iewo fth e importanocfet hesien terdiscispylmpionsairaly,U GGi sg ratetfuol AGU forh avinpgu ti tsu nique resoiungr eocpehsy sicpaulb lisheixnpegr tise and experienactte h ed ispoosfal lU GG.T hienss ures accuratew oerdkii,nt corliuadthlie n g useo fpe er reviewiSnog t.h er eadecra ne xpectt ofi nde xpertpluyb lisshceide ntific materioaflg enerianlt eraensdgt e nerraell evance. HelmuMto ritz PresidelnUtG,G Xl

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