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Nonlinear clustering during the cosmic Dark Ages and its effect on the 21-cm background from minihalos PDF

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Preview Nonlinear clustering during the cosmic Dark Ages and its effect on the 21-cm background from minihalos

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Nonlinear clustering during the cosmic Dark Ages and its effect on the 21-cm background from minihalos Ilian T. Iliev,1 Evan Scannapieco,1 Hugo Martel,2 and Paul R. Shapiro2 1 Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Largo Enrico Fermi 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy 2 Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1083 3 0 0 2 2February2008 n a J ABSTRACT 8 Hydrogen atoms inside virialized minihalos (with Tvir 6 104K) generate a radia- 2 tionbackgroundfromredshifted21-cmlineemissionwhoseangularfluctuationsreflect v clustering during before and during reionization. We have shown elsewhere that this 6 1 emission may be detectable with the planned Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) and 2 Square Kilometer Array (SKA) in a flat Cold Dark Matter Universe with a cosmo- 9 logicalconstant (ΛCDM). This is a direct probe of structure during the “Dark Ages” 0 at redshifts z &6 and down to smaller scales than have previously been constrained. 2 In our original calculation, we used a standard approximation known as the “linear 0 / bias”[e.g. Mo & White (1996)].Here we improve upon that treatmentby considering h the effect of nonlinear clustering. To accomplish this, we develop a new analytical p methodforcalculatingthenonlinearEulerianbiasofhalos,whichshouldbeusefulfor - o otherapplicationsaswell.Predictionsofthismethodarecomparedwiththeresultsof r ΛCDMN-bodysimulations,showingsignificantlybetteragreementthanthestandard t s linearbiasapproximation.Whenappliedtothe21-cmbackgroundfromminihalos,our a : formalismpredicts fluctuations that differ from our originalpredictions by up to 30% v at low frequencies (high-z)and small scales.However,within the range of frequencies i X and angular scales at which the signal could be observable by LOFAR and SKA as r currentlyplanned, the differences are smalland our originalpredictions proverobust. a Our results indicate that while a smaller frequency bandwidth of observationleads to ahighersignalthatismoresensitivetononlineareffects,thiseffectiscounteractedby theloweredsensitivityoftheradioarrays.Wecalculatethebestfrequencybandwidth forthese observationsto be ∆νobs ∼2MHz.Finally we combineoursimulations with ourpreviouscalculationsofthe21-cmemissionfromindividualminihalostoconstruct illustrative radio maps at z =9. Key words: cosmology:theory—diffuseradiation—intergalacticmedium—large- scale structure of universe — galaxies: formation — radio lines: galaxies 1 INTRODUCTION Despite striking progress over the past decade, cosmologists have still failed to see into the “Dark Ages” of cosmic time. Although the details of this epoch between recombination at redshift z ∼ 103 and reionization at z & 6 are crucial for understanding issues ranging from early structure formation to the process of reionization itself, no direct observations of anykindhavebeenmadein thisredshift range. Recently,we madethefirst proposal for such direct observations(Iliev et al. 2002, from hereafter Paper I) based on collisional excitation of the hydrogen 21-cm line in the warm, dense, neutral gas in virializedminihalos(haloswithvirialtemperatureT 6104K),thefirstbaryonicstructurestoemergeinthestandardCDM vir universe.Weshowedthatcollisionalexcitationissufficienttoincreasethespintemperatureofhydrogenatomsinsideminihalos abovethetemperaturethecosmicmicrowavebackground(CMB).Minihalosshouldgenerallyappearinemissionwithrespect to the CMB, producing a background “21-cm forest” of redshifted emission lines, well-separated in frequency. Unlike all previousworks(Hogan & Rees1979;Scott & Rees1990;Subramanian & Padmanabhan1993;Madau, Meiksen & Rees1997; 2 I. T. Iliev et al. Shaveret al.1999;Tozzi et al.2000),thismechanismdoesnotrequiresourcesofLyαradiationfor“pumping”the21-cmline and decoupling it from the CMB. InPaperIwecalculatedthe21-cmemission propertiesofindividualminihalosindetail,alongwiththetotalbackground and its large-scale fluctuations due to clustering. Although individual lines and the overall background are too weak to be readily detected, the background fluctuations should be measurable on ∼10′−100′ scales with the currently-planned radio arraysLOFARand SKA.Wedemonstrated that suchobservations can beusedtoprobethedetails ofreionization aswell as measure thepower spectrum of densityfluctuations at far smaller scales than havebeen constrained previously. In the current paper we extend these results to smaller scales. Our previous calculations showed that the fluctuation signalincreases asthebeam sizeandfrequencybandwidthdecrease, whichcorresponds tosampling the21-cmemission from minihalos within smaller volumes. As these volumes correspond in turn to length scales that are more nonlinear, nonlinear effects havethegreatest impact on theangular scales and frequency bandwidthsat which thesignal is thestrongest. This issue is of particular importance as our previous investigations relied on the standard, simplified nonlinear bias of Mo & White (1996), which breaks down at many of the relevant redshifts and length scales. For example, an rms density fluctuationinaColdDarkMatteruniversewithacosmologicalconstant(ΛCDM)atz =6(8),isstronglynonlinear(σ(M)>1) for M 6 109M⊙ (6.2×107M⊙), which roughly corresponds to the region sampled by beam sizes 9” (3”), for frequency bandwidths12kHz(3kHz),respectively.Nonlineareffectscaninfluencethepredictedbackgroundfluctuationsonevenlarger scales, up to few comoving Mpc (corresponding to few hundredkHzfrequency bandwidthsand 1-10 arc min beams), even if these scales are still not strongly nonlinear. Additionally, rare halos are always more strongly clustered than the underlying density distribution (i.e. thebias is >1), again bringing nonlinear issues to thefore. Inordertoaddresstheseimportantissues wehavecarried out aseriesofhigh-redshift N-bodysimulations ofsmall scale structureformation,whichweusetoconstruct21-cmlineradiomapsthatillustratetheexpectedfluctuationsintheemission. Asnocurrentsimulations areabletospanthefulldynamicrangerelevantto21-cm emission, however,weextendourresults by developing a new formalism for calculating the nonlinear Eulerian bias of halos, which is based on the Lagrangian bias formalism of Scannapieco & Barkana (2002, hereafter SB02). We describe this approach in detail in this paper, verify it by comparingitwiththeresultsofourN-bodysimulations,andapplyittotocalculateimprovedpredictionsforthefluctuations in the 21-cm emission. These are then compared to the predictions given in Paper I, quantifying the impact of nonlinear effects on minihalo emission. Thestructureofthisworkisasfollows. In§2wedescribeaset ofsimulations ofminihaloemission at highredshift,and usethesetoconstructsimulatedmapsatsmallangularscales.In§3wepresentourimprovedcalculation oftheEulerianbias andverifyitbycomparison withthenumericalsimulationspresentedin§2.In§4wemodifythecalculation oftheradiation backgroundfromminihalostoincorporatethecontributionduetononlinearclusteringofsources,accordingtotheformalism described in § 3, and describe theresults of ournonlinear formalism. Conclusions are given in § 5. 2 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS AND SIMULATED 21-CM RADIO MAPS Wesimulatedtheformationofminihalosinthreecubiccomputationalvolumesofcomovingsize1Mpc,0.5Mpc,and0.25Mpc, respectively. We used a standard Particle-Particle/Particle-Mesh (P3M) algorithm (Hockney & Eastwood 1981), with 1283 equal-massparticles,a2563 PMgrid,andasofteninglengthof0.3gridspacing.Hereandthroughoutthispaperweconsidera flatΛCDMmodelwithdensityparameterΩ =0.3,cosmological constantλ =0.7,Hubbleconstant H =70kms−1Mpc−1, 0 0 0 baryondensityparameterΩ =0.02h−2 (whereh=H /100kms−1Mpc−1),andnotilt.Theinitialconditionswheregenerated b 0 using the transfer function of Bardeen et al. (1986) with the normalization of Bunn & White (1997) (for details, see Martel & Matzner 2000, §2). All simulations started at redshift z =50 and terminated at redshift z =9. To identify minihalos, we used astandard friends-of-friends algorithm with a linkinglength equal to0.25 timesthemean particle spacing. Werejected halos composed of 20 particles or less. Table 1 lists the comoving size L of the box, the comoving value of the softening box length η, the total mass M inside thebox, and the particle mass M . tot part Oncethehalosareidentified,wecanusetheirpropertiesanddistributiontocomputethecorrespondingradiomaps.We assign to each halo a 21-cm flux based on its mass and redshift of formation by modeling thehalos as Truncated Isothermal Spheres (Shapiro, Iliev & Raga 1999; Iliev & Shapiro 2001). The 21-cm fluxes from individual minihalos are obtained by solving the radiative transfer equation self-consistently through each halo to obtain the line-integrated flux, as described in Paper I. Let us consider a cylindrical volume with radius R = ∆θ (1+z)D (z)/2, and length L , where D (z) is beam A box A the angular diameter distance, ∆θ is the beam size of the observation. Then the beam-averaged differential antenna beam temperatureδT is calculated using equation 6 of Paper I, which can be discretized as follows: b δT (x)= c(1+z)4 1 (∆ν ) (δT ) A e−(x−xi)2/2R2, (1) b 2ν H(z) πR2L eff i b,ν0 i i 0 box i X where H(z) is the Hubble constant at redshift z, ν is the rest-frame line frequency, πR2L is the comoving volume of 0 box Nonlinear clustering of minihalos 3 Table 1.ParametersoftheN-bodysimulations Lbox (Mpc) η (kpc) Mtot(M⊙) Mpart(M⊙) 1.0 1.172 4.079×1010 1.945×104 0.5 0.586 5.099×109 2.431×103 0.25 0.293 6.374×108 3.039×102 the beam (∆ν ) , (δT ) , and A are the effective line width, the line-center differential brightness temperature, and the eff i b,ν0 i i geometriccross-sectionofhaloi,respectively,andweuseGaussianfilterinordertoensurethatthecontributionofaparticular minihalo to a particular pixelvaries smoothly with thelocation of theminihalo. The resulting maps are shown in Figure 1. Due to the small box sizes that are required to resolve the minihalos, the beamsusedtoproducethemapsarealsoverysmall,rangingfrom4”to0.25”.Thefluxesfromsuchsmallbeamsizesarewell below thesensitivity limits of thecurrently planned radio arrays LOFARand SKA.Additionally,thelarger-box (1 Mpcand 0.5 Mpc) simulations donot havesufficient massresolution toresolve thesmallest halos, while thelarger-mass minihalos are notpresentinthesmallerboxsimulations. Thereforethefluxlevelsaresomewhat underestimatedinallcases, andshouldbe considered only as illustrative of fluctuationson very small scales. 3 NONLINEAR CLUSTERING REGIME AND COMPARISON TO SIMULATIONS 3.1 An analytic approach to nonlinear clustering As our simulations are unable to span a sufficient range of scales to both resolve all minihalos and reproduce the physical scales accessible to observations, we adopt instead an alternate technique to estimate the full nonlinear signal. We apply an approximate formalism that is an extension of the one developed in SB02. A more complete discussion of this method, refinement of the basic formalism, and detailed comparisons with simulations will be presented in a separate paper. In this section we summarize the basic features of this approach and show that it is sufficient for our purposes in this investigation. For an alternative approach see Catelan, Matarese, & Porciani (1998). In SB02 the authors extended the Press-Schechter formalism as reinterpreted by Bond et al. (1991) to calculate the numberdensityofcollapsed objects intworegions ofspaceinitially separated byafixedcomovingdistance.Inthisapproach virialized halos are associated with linear density peaks that fall above a critical value usually taken to be δ =1.686. Here c the linear overdensity field is defined as δ(x)D−1(z) ≡ ρ(x,z)/ρ¯(z)−1, where ρ(x) is the linear mass density as a function of position and and ρ¯is the mean mass density. Note that here the linear overdensity field δ(x) is described in terms of its value extrapolated to z =0, and its evolution with time is subsumed by the “linear growth factor” D(z)=δ(0)/δ(z). Other choices for δ and its evolution have been explored in the literature, by fitting to simulations (Sheth,Mo, & Tormen 2001; c Jenkinset al. 2001)orincorporatingtheZel’dovichoradhesionapproximations(Lee & Shandarin1999;Menci2001).While thesemethodsimprovetheaccuracyofthePress-Schechtertechnique,theyprovidenoinformationaboutnonlinearclustering. Herewe strive to develop a formalism that is applicable to nonlinear clustering regardless of therecipe chosen for δ . c Once δ determined, the presence of a halo can be associated with a random walk procedure. At a given redshift we c consider the smoothed density in a region around a point in space. We begin by averaging over a large mass scale M, or equivalently, by including only small comoving wavenumbers k. We then lower M, adding k modes, and adjusting δ(M) accordingly. This amounts to arandom walk in which the“time variable” is thevariance associated with thefilter mass and the “spatial variable” is the overdensity itself. This walk continues until the averaged overdensity crosses δ D−1(z) and we c assume that thepoint belongs to a halo with a mass M corresponding to this filterscale. Theproblemofhalocollapseattwopositionsinspacecanbesimilarlyassociatedwithtworandomwalksinthepresence of a barrier of height δ D−1(z). These random walks are extremely correlated at large scales, and become less and less so as c themodesofsmallerandsmallerscalesareadded.InSB02thisprocesswasapproximatedbyacompletelycorrelatedrandom walkdowntoanoverallvarianceS =ξ,whereξ isthecorrelation functionthataccountsfortheexcessprobabilityoffinding a second halo at a fixed distance from a given halo. This correlated random walk was then followed by uncorrelated walks down to the finalvariances associated with themasses of theobjects, S =σ2(M ) and σ2(M ). 1 2 This procedure lends itself directly to calculating the overall increase in numberdensity due to infall. The fact that the overdensity on large scales will contract the distances between halos provides an additional contribution at the length scale x such that σ2(x)=ξ, the scale down to which the evolution of the two points is completely correlated. Let δ be the linear 0 overdensity at redshift zero at that scale. The probability distribution of δ , Q is then simply given by a Gaussian, with a 0 0 barrier imposed at ν(z)≡δ D−1(z): c Q (ν,δ ,ξ)=[G(δ ,ξ)−G(2ν−δ ,ξ)]θ(ν−δ ), (2) 0 0 0 0 0 4 I. T. Iliev et al. Figure 1. (upper panels) Differential brightness temperature radio map of the 21-cm emission from minihalos at z =9, produced as describedinthetextfromΛCDMN-bodysimulationof:(upperleftpanel)boxsize1Mpcandbeamsize∆θbeam=4′′,and(upperright panel) box size 0.5 Mpc and beam size ∆θbeam =2′′. (lower left panel) box size 0.25 Mpc and ∆θbeam =1′′, and (lower right panel) boxsize0.25Mpcand∆θbeam=0.25′′. Nonlinear clustering of minihalos 5 where G(δ,ξ)≡(2πξ)−1/2e−δ2/2ξ, and θ is theHeaviside step function. Wenowconsiderf (ν(z),σ2,σ2,δ ,ξ)dσ2dσ2,thejoint probabilityofhavingpointAinahalowith masscorresponding 2 1 2 0 1 2 totherangeσ2 toσ2+dσ2 andpointB inahalowithmasscorrespondingtotherangeσ2 toσ2+dσ2,whoserandomwalks 1 1 1 2 2 2 pass though a value of δ at the σ2(M)=ξ scale. In this case we obtain an expression analogous to equation (37) of SB02 0 ∂ ∂ ν(z) ∞ ν(z) ∞ f (ν(z),δ ,σ2,σ2,ξ(r)) = 2 dδ − dδ 2 dδ − dδ Q (ν,δ ,δ ,σ2,σ2,ξ(r)), (3) 2 0 1 2 ∂σ2∂σ2 1 1 2 2 12 1 2 1 2 1 2 (cid:20) Z−∞ Z−∞ (cid:21)(cid:20) Z−∞ Z−∞ (cid:21) wherenowQ ≡G(δ −δ ,σ2−ξ)G(δ −δ ,σ2−ξ),andthereaderis referred to SB02for amore detailed derivation of f 12 1 0 1 2 0 2 2 from the underlyingprobability distribution. Averaging equation (3) over the probability distribution for δ as given in equation (2) and carrying out the partial 0 derivativesweobtaintheEulerian“bivariate”numberdensity,thejointprobabilityofhavingpointAlieinahalointhemass rangeM toM +dM andpointB atacomovingdistancer lieinahalointhemassrangeM toM +dM ataredshiftz: 1 1 1 2 2 2 d2n2 ρ¯ dσ2 ρ¯ dσ2 ∂ξ ∂ξ 12,E (r,z)= 1 2 1− 1− f (ν(z),σ2,σ2,ξ(r)), (4) dM dM M dM M dM ∂σ2 ∂σ2 2,E 1 2 1 2 1 (cid:12) 1(cid:12) 2 (cid:12) 2(cid:12)(cid:18) 1(cid:19)(cid:18) 2(cid:19) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ν f (ν,σ2,σ2,ξ)≡ dδ Q (δ ,ξ)g(D−1δ )f(ν−δ ,ξ−σ2)g(D−1δ )f(ν−δ ,ξ−σ2), (5) 2,E 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 Z−∞ and f(ν,σ2) ≡ (2π)−1/2(ν/σ3)e−ν2/2σ2. Here g(D−1δ ) is ρ/ρ¯ at the scale at which the points A and B are completely 0 correlated. This can be thought of as the contraction of a large spherical perturbation that surrounds both points and contains a total mass M of material, where σ2(M)=ξ. This contribution is then just (1+D−1δ ) in the linear regime, and 0 for our purposes herewe assume g(D−1δ )=(1+D−1δ ) for all values as this reproduces well theresults from simulations. 0 0 Finally we definethe Eulerian bias as d2n2 dn dn −1 b2ξD−2 ≡ 12,E 1,E 2,E −1 (6) E dM dM dM dM 1 2 1 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) wherewedividebydn /dM,asinglepointnumberdensitythataccountsfortheselfcorrelationsbetweenthecollapsedpeaks E andtheoverdensesphere,whichareover-countedinequation(4).Tocomputethisprobabilityweagain carryoutanaverage over the probability distribution (2), but in this case we consider f (ν,δ ,σ2)dσ2 = f(ν−δ ,σ2−ξ)dσ2, the probability of 1 0 1 1 0 1 havinga single point in ahalo with amass corresponding totherangeσ2 toσ2+dσ2 whose random walk passes throughδ 1 1 1 0 at theσ2(M)=ξ scale. This gives dn /dM =(ρ¯/M)|dσ2/dM|(1+∂ξ/∂σ2)f (ν,σ2) where E E ν f (ν,σ2,ξ)≡ dδ Q (δ ,ν,ξ)g(δ D−1)f(ν−δ ,ξ−σ2). (7) E 0 0 0 0 0 Z−∞ Combining these expressions yields our final expression for thebias f (ν,σ2,σ2,ξ) b2ξD−2 = 2,E 1 2 −1. (8) E f (ν,σ2,ξ)f (ν ,σ2,ξ) E 1 E 2 2 Note that at large distances we can work to order δ2 to determinethe asymptotic limit as ξ/σ2−→0. In thislimit 0 ν2 1 g(δ D−1)f(ν−δ ,σ2−ξ)−→ 1−D−1δ − +1 +O(δ2) f(ν,σ2−ξ), (9) 0 0 0 δ σ2 δ 0 c c (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) and the only surviving term in equation (8) is the cross term between terms of order δ . All other terms cancel out between 0 thenumerator and thedenominator, giving ν/σ2−1 ν/σ2−1 b2 = 1+ 1 1+ 2 , (10) E δ δ c c (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) Thusour formalism reproduces theusual bias as in Mo & White(1996) at large distance, as was used in Paper I. Finally, we definethe flux-averagedcorrelation between objects as dM dM F(M )(dn/dM )F(M )(dn/dM )b2ξD−2 ¯b2ξD−2 = 1 2 1 1 2 2 E , (11) E 2 R R dMF(M)(dn/dM) where F(M) is the line-inte(cid:2)gRrated fluxof a miniha(cid:3)lo of mass M. 3.2 Nonlinear properties and comparisons with simulations In Fig. 2 we plot b2ξD−2 as calculated from equation (8) and the standard expression, equation (10), using the fit to the E density fluctuation power spectrum given by Eisenstein & Hu (1999). In each panel we show the behavior of 107M⊙ and 6 I. T. Iliev et al. Figure 2. Comparisonof standard and nonlinear bias. In all panels, the solidcurves give b2D−2ξ as calculated inequation (8) while E the dotted linesgive the standard bias expressions as used inPaper I. For each case, the upper curves assume afixed mass of107M⊙, correspondingtoasphericalperturbationwithacomovingradiusofapproximately38kpc,whilethelowercurvesassume afixedmass of106M⊙,correspondingtoacomovingradiusof18kpc. 106M⊙ objects at four different redshifts, which span the detectable range. At large distances, the clustering expressions approacheachotherasymptotically,asexpectedfromequation(10).Ontheotherhand,thesolidlinesshootupdramatically atthesmallestdistances.Thisisbecausetheseparationbetweenthehalosiscomparabletotheirradii,andthusthelikelihood offindingasecondcollapsedhaloatthesamepointbecomesinfiniteasr−→0.Atintermediatedistancesthebehaviorismore complex. For relatively rare objects, corresponding to high redshifts, the nonlinear values consistently exceed the standard ones.Forexample,atadistanceof 0.1comovingMpc, thenonlinear107M⊙ valueisalmost twicethat ofthestandard result at z=20, while it is only about 70% of the standard result at z=6. To compare this behavior to numerical results, we calculated the correlations between halos for each of our simulations. Inthiscaseb2ξD−2 isdirectlycomparable tothehalocorrelation function ξ (r),theexcessprobabilityof findingaparticle E i,j within a mass bin m and a particle within a mass bin m separated by a distance r. This expression is symmetric, so that i j ξ (r)=ξ (r).WedefinehN (r)iasthemeannumberofparticlesinamassbinm ,located withinaradiusr ofaparticle i,j j,i i,j j in amass binm ,averaged overall particles in amass bin M .This isis obtained bydividingthetotal numberof pairs with i i separation r′<r, bythe numberN of i particles, i 4πN r hN (r)i= j r3+3 ξ (r′)r′2dr′ , (12) i,j 3V i,j box (cid:20) Z0 (cid:21) whereN isthenumberof particles ofmass m and V is thevolume.Finally,wedifferentiateequation(12)toget ξ (r). j j box i,j Usingthesedefinitionsweexaminedthedistributionofhalosineachofoursimulationsatz =15andz =9.Ineachcase wedividedthehalosintomassbinscontainingroughly thesamenumber(∼600) ofobjects andcompared theircorrelations to those given by equation (8).In the left panels of Fig. 3 we compare themass averaged correlation between halos, −1 dn dn dn dn ξ¯ = b2ξD−2 , (13) i,j dM dM E dM dM Zmi i Zmj j ! Zmi i Zmj j! to the numerical value, ξ , for objects in three mass bins in our 1 Mpc3 simulation at z =15 (Fig. 3). For all mass ranges, i,j there is a good match between the numerical ξ and our analytic expression, with both values equaling or exceeding the i,i linear predictions at most distances. The only case in which the predictions of the simulations fall below equation (10), is at large distances, where the separations between halos begin to approach the simulation box size, and some damping is to be expected. Comparisons with our smaller box simulations yielded comparable results, but with larger damping at these distances, indicating that the analytic and simulated correlations are a good match at all reliable separations. On the other hand, the cross-correlation functions are a poorer match, particularly if the mass bins are very different. For all correlations however, our nonlinear estimate falls between the standard and simulated results, indicating that the correlations between halos exceed those predicted by equation (10), and that ourapproach gives a conservative estimate of this excess. IntherightpanelsofFig.3,werepeatthiscomparison withour1Mpc3 simulationatz=9.Inthiscase,wedividedour halosintofivemassbins,threeofwhichareshowninthisfigure.Inthiscasethereisgoodagreementbetweenthecorrelations and cross-correlations obtained from the simulations and our nonlinear estimates, for all mass scales considered. In fact the analyticalestimatesareconsistentwiththeresultsofthesimulationsforalldistancesthataresmallrelativetothebox,apart from the dip at small distances in the m m case, which is most likely due to small-number statistics. Note that unlike the 1 1 Nonlinear clustering of minihalos 7 Figure 3. Comparisonbetweennonlinearanalyticexpressionsforthebiasandsimulationsattwodifferentredshifts.Intheleftpanels z = 15 and the halos are divided into three mass bins: 4.1×105M⊙ 6m1 65.5×105M⊙, 5.6×105M⊙ 6m2 61.0×106M⊙, and 1.1×106M⊙ 6m3 67.7×107M⊙. In the right panels z = 9 and halos are divided into five mass bins, three of which are shown: 4.1×105M⊙6m164.7×105M⊙,6.2×105M⊙6m368.2×105M⊙,and1.3×106M⊙6m563.4×106M⊙.Inbothcases,thepoints arethecorrelationfunctionascalculatedfromthesimulations,whilethesolidlinesgiveouranalyticestimatesasgivenbyequation(8). The error bars are 2-σ estimates of the statistical noise given by 2ξi,i(r)/ Ni,i(<r). Finally, the dashed lines give correlations as estimatedfromthestandardapproach, equation(10). p higher redshift case, our nonlinear estimates now fall below the standard analytic approach at larger distances, as we saw in thelower redshift cases in Fig. 2. 4 FLUCTUATIONS OF THE 21-CM EMISSION FROM MINIHALOS: EFFECTS OF THE NONLINEAR BIAS The amplitude of q-σ (i.e. q times the rms value) angular fluctuations in the differential brightness temperature δT (or, b equivalently,of theflux)in thelinear regime are given by hδT2i1/2 =qb(z)σ δT (14) b p b (Paper I),where b(z) is themean flux-weightedbias, and 8D−2(z) ∞ 1 sin2(kLx/2)J2[kR(1−x2)1/2] P(k) σ2= dk dx 1 (1+fx2)2 , (15) p π2L2R2 x2(1−x2) k2 Z0 Z0 where P(k) is the linear power spectrum at z = 0, and the factor (1+fx2)2, where f ≈ [Ω(z)]0.6 is the correction to the cylinder length for the departure from Hubble expansion due to peculiar velocities (Kaiser 1987). In order to apply the formalismdevelopedin§3,weusethatthepowerspectrumistheFouriertransformofthecorrelationfunctionξ(r),obtaining 32D−2(z) ∞ σ2= drr2ξ(r)f(r,R,L), (16) p πL2R2 Z0 where 1 ∞ sin(kr)sin2(kLx/2)J2[kR(1−x2)1/2] f(r,R,L)≡ dx(1+fx2)2 dk 1 . (17) kr x2 k2(1−x2) Z0 Z0 8 I. T. Iliev et al. Figure4.Predicted3-σdifferentialantennatemperaturefluctuationsatz=7andz=8.5vs.observerfrequencybandwidth∆νobs for standardΛCDMmodelusingMo&Whitebias(long-dashedcurves)atangularscales(a)(left)∆θ=9′,and(b)(right)∆θ=25′.Also indicatedisthepredictedsensitivityofLOFARandSKAradioarraysforintegrationtimes100h(dashed)and1000h(dotted)(forright panelssensitivitycurvesforLOFARandSKAareidentical)assumingrmssensitivity∝ν−2.4 (seehttp://www.lofar.org/science). Figure 5. Predicted 3-σ differential antenna temperature fluctuations at z = 8.5 and z = 20 vs. angular scale ∆θbeam for standard ΛCDM model for observer frequency bandwidth ∆νobs = 2 MHz : using Mo & White bias (long-dashed curves) and current results (solidcurves). Alsoindicated is the predicted sensitivity of LOFAR and SKA integration times of 100 h (short-dashed lines) and 1000 h(dotted lines),withcompactsubaperture(horizontal lines)andextended configurationneededtoachievehigherresolution(diagonal lines)(seehttp://www.lofar.org/scienceandPaperIfordetails). Using equations (14) and (16) themean squared angular fluctuations become 32 2 ∞ hδT2i= drr2 D−2b2(z)ξ(r)(δT )2 f(r,R,L). (18) b πL2R2 b (cid:16) (cid:17) Z0 (cid:2) (cid:3) Weapplytheformalismdevelopedin§3bysimplyreplacing D−2b2(z)ξ(r)(δT )2 withthecorrespondingquantityD−2b2ξ(r)(δT )2 b E b forthemeanEulerianflux-weightedbiascalculatedin§3.Asweshowed,atlargedistancesthetwoexpressionsareequivalent, (cid:2) (cid:3) while at smaller distances thenew formalism betterreproduces thenumerical results. We start with deriving the optimal frequency bandwidth for observing the 21-cm emission from minihalos. As long as ∆ν and the beam size ∆θ are large enough to provide a fair sample of the halo distribution, the mean 21-cm flux is obs beam Nonlinear clustering of minihalos 9 Figure6.(a)(leftpanels)Predicted3-σdifferentialantennatemperaturefluctuationsatz=8.5andz=20atsmallangularscalesvs. observer frequency bandwidth ∆νobs for standard ΛCDM model and for angular scale ∆θ = 1′, using Mo & White bias (long-dashed curves)andcurrentresults(solidcurves).(b)(rightpanels)Predicted3-σdifferentialantennatemperaturefluctuationsat∆θbeam=25′ vs.redshiftzforΛCDMmodel,samenotationasina).Thepredictedsensitivityforintegrationtimes100h(dashed)and1000h(dotted) of both LOFAR (“L”) and SKA (“S”), are plotted (for bottom panel, sensitivity curves for LOFAR and SKA are identical) assuming rmssensitivity∝ν−2.4 (seehttp://www.lofar.org/science). independentof ∆ν , while thefluctuations grow as ∆ν decreases. Howeverthesensitivity of theradio array deteriorates obs obs for smaller bandwidths as ∆ν−1/2 (e.g. Shaver et al. 1999; Tozzi et al. 2000). The results for 3−σ fluctuations at redshifts obs z = 7 and z = 8.5 vs. observed frequency bandwidth ∆ν for beam sizes ∆θ = 9′ and 25’ are shown in Fig. 4, along obs beam with the results obtained using the linear bias in order to facilitate comparison. As the bandwidth increases, the integration time required to detect the signal decreases, reaching minimum at about ∆ν =2 MHz and remaining roughly unchanged obs thereafter. The fluctuations decrease with increasing bandwidth, however,hence the optimal bandwidth is about ∆ν ∼ 2 obs MHz. We see that at large scales the current results are largely indistinguishable from the linear results, as expected, since at such large scales the bias calculated in §3 reduces tothe linear expression in equation (10). For small valuesof ∆ν the obs differences between the two results grow to ∼10%. However, in theobservable range the two results hardly differ. Illustrative results for 3−σ fluctuations at redshifts z = 8.5 and z = 20 vs. the beam size ∆θ for fixed observed beam frequencybandwidth∆ν =2MHzareshowninFig.5.TheapproximatesensitivitiesfortheLOFARandSKAradioarrays obs are also shown where appropriate (see Paper I for details), but from here on we concentrate on the differences between the resultsfrom thetwoapproaches andtherobustnessofouroriginal predictionsratherthanobservability,which was discussed in Paper I. At redshifts z . 15 using the linear bias gives an overestimate, although a small one compared to the various uncertaintiesofthecalculation, whileathigherredshiftsusingthelinearbiasgivesasmallunderestimateofthefluctuations. InFig.6(leftpanels)weplotthe3−σ fluctuationsatredshiftsz=8.5andz =20vs.theobserverfrequencybandwidth ∆ν for fixed beam size ∆θ =1′. Wehave chosen such a small beam size in order to investigate theupper limit of the obs beam deviation of the results due to the nonlinear clustering of halos. For small values of both ∆ν and ∆θ the differences obs beam areas large as 20-30%. In Fig. 6(right panels) weplot the3−σ fluctuationsfor beam sizes ∆θ =9′ and25′ vs. redshift beam z (i. e. the spectrum of fluctuations) for observer frequency bandwidth ∆ν = 2 MHz. Again, the same patterns emerge, obs where the linear bias approach overestimates the fluctuations at the lower end of the range of considered redshifts by up to 10 %, while underestimating thefluctuations at the higher redshifts, although by a smaller fraction. 5 CONCLUSIONS Wehavedevelopedanewanalyticalmethodforestimatingthenonlinearbiasofhalosandusedittocalculatethefluctuations of the 21-cm emission from the clustering of high-z minihalos. This method is likely to be useful in tackling a much wider range of problems that lie beyond the capabilities of current numerical simulations, and will be refined and further verified in a future publication. The minihalo bias predicted by our method at large scales reproduces the linear bias, as derived in Mo & White (1996), and is much larger at small scales, confirming naive expectations. At intermediate scales, however, its behaviorismorecomplexandbothmass-andredshift-dependent.Forveryrarehalosathigh-z(roughlyz>15),thestandard 10 I. T. Iliev et al. linearbiasislowerthanournonlinearpredictionatalllengthscales.Atthelowerendoftheredshiftrangeweconsider(down toz =6)thelinearbiasishigheratintermediatescales (fewhundredkpctofew Mpccomoving) andlower atsmaller scales. We have also compared the predictions of our new method with the results of N-body numerical simulations, which we used both toverify our approach and toproducesample radio maps.Dueto thelimited dynamical range of oursimulations, however, these maps are only illustrative of thebehavior of thefluctuations on verysmall scales, below thesensitivity limits of LOFAR and SKA. On the scales at which the simulations are reliable, we find excellent agreement between these results andouranalytical approach.Themost significant discrepancies occurinthecalculation of cross-correlation functionsofvery differentmassbinsathigherredshifts.However,thesedeparturesarerelativelymodest,andinallcasesourmethodreproduces thesimulation results significantly better than thelinear bias. Despite these differences, we find our original linear bias predictions for the fluctuations of the 21-cm emission from minihalos to be robust at the scales and frequencies corresponding to observable signals. The prediction using the flux- weightednonlinearbiasneverdepartsfromthelinearpredictionbymorethanfewpercentinthatrange,wellwithintheother uncertaintiesof thecalculation. Thisrobustness ispartly accidental, however,andis duetothenonlinearbias varyingabove andbelowthelinearonedependingonthelengthscale, leadingtopartialcancellation ofthedifferenceswhenthecorrelation function is integrated over the length scales. For small observational bandwidths, ∆ν , there is less cancellation and the obs differences in the two predictions grow at all beam sizes, ∆θ . Similarly, if ∆θ is small, there is little cancellation, beam beam and thediscrepancies are larger at all bandwidths.In these cases thelinear bias gives an overestimate of the 21-cm emission fluctuationsfromminihalosatthelowendoftheredshiftrange,andanunderestimateathigh-z,evenatlargevaluesof∆ν . obs However,whenboththebeamsizeandthefrequencybandwidtharelargethedifferencesinthetwoapproachesatsmallscales are diluted, and the resulting 21-cm emission fluctuations become identical. Finally, we predict that the best observational frequency bandwidth for improving the chances for detection is ∆ν ∼ 2 MHz. Thus it may be through a such frequency obs window that astronomers get theirfirst glimpses of the cosmological Dark Ages. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wewould liketo thankAndreaFerrara and RennanBarkana for usefulcomments and discussions. This work was supported inpartbytheResearchandTrainingNetwork“ThePhysicsoftheIntergalacticMedium”setupbytheEuropeanCommunity underthe contract HPRN-CT2000-00126 RG29185, NASA grants NAG5-10825 to PRS and NAG5-10826 to HM, and Texas AdvancedResearchProgram3658-0624-1999toPRSandHM.EShasbeensupportedinpartbyanNSFMPS-DRFfellowship. REFERENCES Bardeen, J. M., Bond, J. R., Kaiser, N., & Szalay, A.S. 1986, ApJ, 304, 15 Bond, J. R.,Cole, S., Efstathiou, G., & Kaiser, N. 1991, ApJ, 379, 440 Bunn,E. F., & White, M. 1997, ApJ, 480, 6 Catelan, P. Matarrese, S., & Porciani, C. 1998, ApJ, 502, L1 Eisenstein, D. J., & Hu,W. 1999, ApJ, 511, 5 Hockney,R.W., & Eastwood, J. W. 1981, Computer Simulation Using Particles (New York:McGraw Hill) Hogan, C. J., & Rees, M. J. 1979, MNRAS, 188, 791 Iliev, I. T., & Shapiro, P. R.2001, MNRAS,325, 468 Iliev, I. 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