Nonlinear atomic vibrations and structural phase transitions in strained carbon chains G.M. Chechin∗ and D.A. Sizintsev, O.A. Usoltsev South Federal University, Department of physics, Russia (Dated: January 18, 2017) We consider longitudinal nonlinear atomic vibrations in uniformly strained carbon chains with the cumulene structure (=C =C =) . With the aid of ab initio simulations, based on the density n functional theory, we have revealed the phenomenon of the π-mode softening in a certain range of its amplitude for the strain above the critical value η ≈ 11%. Condensation of this soft mode c inducesthestructuraltransformationofthecarbonchainwithdoublingofitsunitcell. Thisisthe Peierlsphasetransitioninthestrainedcumulene,whichwaspreviouslyrevealedin[NanoLett. 14, 4224(2014)]. ThePeierlstransitionleadstoappearanceoftheenergygapintheelectronspectrum of the strained carbyne, and this material transforms from the conducting state to semiconducting orinsulatingstates. Theauthorsoftheabovepaperemphasizethatsuchphenomenoncanbeused for construction of various nanodevices. The π-mode softening occurs because the old equilibrium 7 positions(EQPs),aroundwhichcarbonatomsvibrateatsmallstrains,losetheirstabilityandthese 1 atomsbegintovibrateinthenewpotentialwellslocatednearoldEQPs. Weintroducedthesimple 0 classical model representing a chain whose particles interact via the Lennard-Jones potential that 2 allows us to describe quite well properties of the π-mode softening. Using this model without any n adjustable parameters, we were able to obtain the value of the critical strain η , which coincides c a with that found by the ab initio calculations within their accuracy. We also study the stability of J thenewEQPs,aswellasstabilityofvibrationsintheirvicinity. Inpreviouspaper[PhysicaD203, 7 121(2005)],weprovedthatonlythreesymmetry-determinedRosenbergnonlinearnormalmodescan 1 exist in monoatomic chains with arbitrary interparticle interactions. They are the above-discussed π-mode and two other modes, which we call σ-mode and τ-mode. These modes correspond to the ] multiplicationoftheunitcellofthevibrationalstatebytwo,threeorfourtimescomparedtothatof S theequilibriumstate. Westudypropertiesofπ-,σ-andτ-modesinthechainmodelwitharbitrary P pair potential of interparticle interactions and prove that the critical value η corresponds to the . c n inflectionpointofthispairpotential. Thesimilarstudyintheframeworkoftheabinitioapproach i isdifficultbynecessitytohaveasufficientlyacceptabledescriptionofthevanderWaalsinteractions l n for atomic vibrations with large amplitudes. The analysis of the possible condensation of σ- and [ τ-modesallowsustosupposethattwonewtypesofcarbonchains(besidescumuleneandpolyyne) can exist with bond lengths alternation different from that of polyyne. 1 v PACSnumbers: 81.05.U-,63.20.Ry,,64.60.A- 3 4 5 I. INTRODUCTION important role for prediction of its properties and for 4 treating different physical phenomena, which are possi- 0 . Monoatomic carbon chains can exist in two different bleinthismaterial. Manyinterestingresultsonstrained 1 0 modifications. The first one is polyyne, or carbyne- carbyne chains were obtained with DFT computer sim- 7 α, representing the chain with alternating single and ulations. In the paper [5], DFT ab initio methods allow 1 triple bonds [chemical structure (−C ≡ C−) ]. The to reveal that distribution of bond length and magnetic n : second modification is cumulene, or carbyne-β, repre- moments at atomic sites exhibit even-odd disparity de- v i senting the chain with double bonds [chemical structure pendingonthenumberofcarbonatomsinthechainand X (= C = C =) ]. Carbyne chains was claimed to be on the type of saturation of these atoms at both ends. n r the strongest material known at the present time. The It was also found that a local perturbation created by a a synthesis of linear carbon chains up to 6000 atoms was small displacement of the single carbon atom at the cen- reported in 2016. Because of many unique mechanical, ter of a long chain induces oscillations of atomic forces physical and chemical properties, which were studied or and charge density, which are carried to long distances only predicted, carbyne is considered as perspective ma- over the chain. terial for various nanodevices, for hydrogen storage, etc. In the paper [1], the structural transformation of cu- (see [1–5] and papers cited therein). mulene under a certain strain was revealed. This is the Chemical synthesis of pure carbyne chains and their Peierlsphasetransition,whichleadstotheradicalchange experimental study are very difficult and, therefore, the- of carbyne electron spectrum. As a result of this transi- oreticalabinitioinvestigations,inparticularthosebased tion,anenergygapintheelectronspectrumappearsand on the density functional theory (DFT), play a rather the conductive cumulene transforms into polyyne which is semiconductor or insulator. This phenomenon opens perspectives to control electrical behavior of carbyne by mechanical strain [1]. ∗ [email protected] Duringthestudyofdifferenttypesofnonlinearatomic 2 vibrations in strained cumulene chains, under periodic two new types of carbon chains, besides cumulene and boundary conditions, we revealed an unexpected phe- polyyne. They both possess alternation of bond lengths, nomenon of softening of the longitudinal π-mode vibra- but with different alternating schemes compared to that tions above a certain critical value of the strain. Some of the polyyne. resultsofthisstudywerepublishedinthebriefpaper[6]. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we con- They can be summarized as follows1. sider the π-mode atomic vibrations in the strained cu- For strains lower than η = 11% cumulene demon- mulene in the framework of the DFT model and discuss strates monotonic hard type of nonlinearity (the fre- the properties of these vibrations near new EQPs. The quency increases with increasing the π-mode amplitude simple model of the monoatomic chain whose particle a). However, for η > 11% there is a certain range of interact via the Lennard-Jones potential (L-J chain) is amplitudes a in which soft nonlinearity occurs, namely, introduced in Sec. III and the appearance of the new thefrequencyoftheπ-modeabruptlydecreasesandthen EQPsisexplained. InSec.IV,wediscussthestabilityof again begins to increase. these equilibrium positions. In Sec. V, the notion of the Thephenomenonofvibrationalmodessofteningiswell symmetry-determined Rosenberg NNMs in monoatomic known in the theory of structural phase transitions [7] chains is considered. In Sec. VI, we discuss the proper- where by condensation (“freezing”) of such modes one ties of these modes in the framework of the L-J model triestoexplainthenatureofthedisplacement-typephase andresultsoftheircondensationinthecumulenechains. transitions. This is the so-called concept of soft modes. Sec. VII contains some conclusion remarks on nonlinear It is essential that in the majority of the papers on this dynamics of the strained carbon chains. subject, soft modes are treated in purely phenomenolog- ical manner with some vague arguments about changing of electron-phonon interactions in crystal under change II. π-MODE VIBRATIONS WITHIN DFT ofsuchexternalparametersastemperatureandpressure. MODEL Unlike these works, in our study a soft vibrational mode in cumulene appears as a direct result of the ab initio We investigate longitudinal atomic vibrations of uni- simulation without any additional assumptions. formly strained carbon chains in the π-mode dynamical In [6], the phenomenon of the π-mode softening has regime. This strain is modeled by an artificial increase been explained by the fact that above the critical value of the unit cell size (R) with respect to that of the chain ofthestraintheoldatomicequilibriumpositions(EQPs) without strain (R ). Thus, speaking about the strain of 0 becomeunstableandtwonewEQPsappearneareachof the chain by η per cent, we mean that R=R (1+η). 0 them. Namely, vibrations in the vicinity of these new The set of atomic displacements X(t) = EQPs correspond to the softening of the π-mode. In [x (t), x (t)...x (t)] of the N-particle carbon chain 1 2 N turn, condensation of the π-mode leads to a new atomic for such vibrational regime at a fixed time t=t can be 0 equilibriumconfigurationthatcorrespondstothePeierls written as follows: phasetransition. Afterthistransition,theunitcellturns out to be twice as large than that of cumulene, and the carbon chain transforms into another carbyne form, X(t )=[a(t ),−a(t )|a(t ),−a(t )|... 0 0 0 0 0 polyyne, with bond lengths alternation. Themainabinitioresultsobtainedinourworkandin ...|a(t ),−a(t )]. (1) the paper [1] are sufficiently close to each other. Some 0 0 discrepancy can be explained by different approxima- In this pattern, all x (t) with odd numbers are equal tions used in the framework of DFT approach (differ- i to a(t ), while those with even numbers are equal to ent exchange-correlation functionals, different sets of ba- 0 −a(t ). Thus,allneighboringatomsvibrateoutofphase sis functions for solving Kohn-Sham equations, differ- 0 with equal amplitudes. The unit cell for describing π- ent realization of the numerical methods in the packages modevibrationsofthechainwithperiodicboundarycon- ABINIT and VASP, etc.). Nevertheless, our results and ditions is twice larger than that of the equilibrium state. those from [1] are identical qualitatively (detailed com- Since two carbon atoms in this unit cell possess, at any parison will be presented elsewhere). timet,displacementsx(t)and−x(t),onecandiscussthe In the present paper, we discuss in detail the conden- timeevolutionofonlyoneofthemchoosingtheoriginat sation of the π-mode as well as the condensation of two itsequilibriumposition. Toexcitetheπ-modevibrations other symmetry-determined nonlinear normal modes, in the chain we assume x(0)=a, x˙(0)=0. which are possible in cumulene chains. With the aid The π-mode nonlinear oscillations in the strained cu- of our approach combined with some group-theoretical mulene we study with the aid of DFT theory [9] using methods [8], we predict the possibility of existence of for this propose the software package ABINIT [10, 11]. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation was used to separate fast motion of electrons and slow motion of 1 Unfortunately,wewerenotawareofthepaper[1]whenprepared nuclei. At each time step for fixed positions of nuclei, ourownpaper[6]. self-consistent electron density distribution is calculated 3 by solving Kohn-Sham quantum-mechanical equations. Thenforcesactingonthenucleiarecomputed,andtheir new configuration is found by using one step of solution of classical dynamical equations. For this new configu- ration, the procedure of self-consistency for the electron subsystem is repeated. Allcalculationsareperformedintheframeworkofthe localdensityapproximation(LDA).Pseudo-potentialsby Troullier-Martins was used to describe the field of the carbon atoms inner shells in the process of the Kohn- Sham equations solving with the aid of the plane waves basis(energycutoffisequalto1360eV).Theconvergence for energy is chosen as 10−8 eV between two steps. Hereafter, considering ab initio simulations, we speak aboutthestudyofnonlinearoscillationsintheframework oftheDFT modelemphasizingthatourcalculationspro- vide only an approximation to the real physical picture. Animportantfeatureofnonlinearvibrationsisthede- FIG. 2. Dependence of the frequency (ω) of the π-mode on pendence ω(a) of the frequency (ω) on the amplitude its amplitude (a) for 15% strain of the carbyne chain. (a). To find this dependence, we carried out a series of ab initio calculations. For each computational run, with fixed values of the strain and the amplitude (parameter) for the chain strained by 15% (detail discussion of these a of the π-mode, the frequency ω(a) was calculated. In oscillations is given below in Sec. IV). Fig. 1, we present the function ω(a) for chains with 5%, 7,5%and10%strain. Thisfiguredemonstratesthathard type of nonlinearity appears at relatively small strains (increase of amplitude results in increase of frequency). FIG. 3. Oscillations of the carbon atom for different π-mode amplitudes: (a) oscillations in the small potential well near the new equilibrium position; (b) oscillations before the es- capefromthesmallpotentialwell;(c)oscillationsinthelarge FIG. 1. Dependence of the frequency (ω) of the π-mode on potential well with respect to the old equilibrium position. its amplitude (a) for small strains of the carbyne chain. Toexplaintheabovebehaviorofthefunctionω(a)one However, we have revealed unexpected behavior of can study the potential energy2 of the π-mode U(a) as a the function ω(a) for the strain above the critical value functionofitsparameterafordifferentstrainsofthecar- η = 11%. For example, one can see in Fig. 2 that this c bon chain. For this purpose, we fix the configuration of function for η =15% turns out to be nonmonotonic and softening of the π-mode, at a certain interval of the pa- rameter (a), takes place. It is essential that for the π-mode parameter a be- 2 Weexcitetheπ-modevibrationsbyassigningtoallcarbonatoms longing to the interval [A, B] (Fig 2) the carbon atom the same displacements (a) and zero velocities at initial time. oscillatesaboutanew equilibrium position differentfrom Thus,thetotalenergyE(a)ofthecarbynechainatthisinstant the old one at x = 0. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 3 isequaltoitspotentialenergyU(a). 4 carbonnucleichoosingaconcretevalueoftheparameter a, andthenfind thepotentialenergy U(a)of thisconfig- uration with the aid of the software package ABINIT. TheenergyprofilesU(a)fordifferentstrainsofcarbon chains are shown in Fig. 4. From this figure, one can see that with increase of the strain, the energy profiles U(a) becomeflatterneartheorigin(a=0)andtheircurvature changes sign after passing through zero. As a result, the old equilibrium position (a = 0) becomes unstable, and two new minima appear at equal distances on both sides oftheorigin. Thisspecificbehaviorofpotentialenergyof strained carbon chains helps us to explain the properties of the amplitude-frequency dependence ω(a) shown in Fig. 2. Let us consider this question in more detail. FIG. 5. The π-mode energy profile for the strain η = 15%. The points A and B (B(cid:48)) correspond to the old and new equilibrium positions of carbon atom, respectively. The solid curveshowstheabinitioresults,whiletheappropriatefitting intheframeworkoftheLennard-Jonesmodelisshownbythe dashed curve. FIG. 4. Profiles of the potential energy of cumulene chains for different strains (color online). In Fig. 5, one can see the π-mode potential energy FIG.6. Thepotentialenergyprofileofthecarbynechainun- profile for the strain η =15%, as well as some fitting of der 15% strain and the π-mode oscillations of carbon atom thisprofileintheframeworkoftheLennard-Jonesmodel, with respect to the new (point B) and old (point A) equilib- rium positions. which is discussed in the next section. The points A and B (B(cid:48)) in this figure correspond to the old and new equilibrium positions, respectively. Next, we study the atomic vibrations in the potential Thus,thephenomenonoftheπ-modesofteningcanbe wells depicted in Figs. 5 and 6. explained by the atomic vibrations near the new equi- Let us consider the π-mode energy E = u(a ) that librium positions in small potential wells of the strained 0 0 corresponds to the new equilibrium position a = a , i.e. chain. This phenomenon will be considered in more de- 0 tothebottomBoftherightpotentialwellinFig.5. The tail in the framework of the Lennard-Jones model in the frequency ω(a) of the atomic oscillations near the point next section. B (for example, between returning points d and d(cid:48) in Comparing the above described behavior of the fre- Fig. 6) decreases with increasing of the energy E from quencyω(a)withthatdepictedinFig.2,onehastotake E up to the value E which is determined by the top of intoaccountthattheamplitudeoftheatomicoscillations 0 c thepotentialhillata=0. Thusvibrationsinthe“small” neartheoldequilibriumpositionsata=0coincideswith potential well demonstrate the soft type of nonlinearity. theπ-modeparametera,whilethevibrationalamplitude There is a certain gap in the function ω(a) for further inthesmallpotentialwellnearnewequilibriumpositions increaseofE,becausethecarbonatombegintooscillate is equal to (a−a0). This is the reason why we prefer to inthe“large”potentialwell(forexample,betweenpoints call a by the term “π-mode parameter” rather than “π- eande(cid:48) inFig.6)aroundtheoldequilibriumpositionat mode amplitude”. a = 0. The increasing of the energy E of the π-mode in The condensation of the π-mode leads to appearance this well leads to increasing of the frequency ω(a). Such of two domains of the structural phase transition of the behavior of the frequency corresponds to the hard type displacement type. If all carbon atoms of the chain are of nonlinearity. located in the right potential wells, we have one domain, 5 while another domain corresponds to the localization of III. THE LENNARD-JONES MODEL the atoms in the left wells. In both domains, there is a bond length alternation (BLA) which can be seen in Now we consider the Lennard-Jones model, which is Fig. 7, where l1 =l0−a0 and l2 =l0+a0 are short and associated with the molecular dynamics approach. The long interparticle distances (bond length) for a0 >0 and main idea of the molecular dynamics can be formulated vice versa for a0 <0. From Fig. 7, we find the following asfollows. Molecules(atoms)arereplacedbymasspoints BLA for the π-mode condensation: whose interactions are described with the aid of some BLAπ =[l1, l2|l1, l2|...|l1, l2]. phenomenological potentials. For the obtained dynami- This BLA corresponds to the polyyne structure of the cal system, equations of classical mechanics are solved. carbon chain. In the framework of quantum mechanics, such approach cannot be considered as sufficiently adequate, because it isdifficultorimpossibletofindpotentialswhicharegood enough to take into account the influence of atomic elec- tron shells on dynamical properties of the original physi- cal system. That is why one has to use very complicated FIG. 7. Bond lengths alternation in strained carbyne for the many-particlepotentialswhichpossessdifferentformsfor pattern (1) with a(t0) = a. Here, for a > 0 values l1 and different geometry of the interacting atoms and contain l are short and long bonds, respectively, and vice versa for 2 phenomenological constants defined by huge tables (see, a<0 (color online). for example, [12]). However, in some cases, reasonable results can be ob- The transformation from cumulenne to polyyne struc- tained even with the aid of simple pair potentials, such ture can be observed as a result of the appropriate in- as those by Morse, Lennard-Jones, etc. For example, creasing of the magnitude η of the strain above the crit- one can refer to the paper [13] devoted to study discrete ical value η when the old equilibrium positions lose sta- breathers in 2D and 3D Morse crystals. Below, we try c bility and two new ones appear near each of them. In to explain the above-discussed results, obtained by ab Fig. 8, we present the dependence a (η) of the position initio calculations for the π-mode dynamics in carbyne, 0 a of the new equilibrium state on the strain η. The using the model of a chain whose particles interact via 0 bifurcation takes place approximately at η =11%. the Lennard-Jones potential (L-J chain). c Let us remind some well-known properties of this po- tential which can be written in the form A B ϕ(r)= − . (2) r12 r6 Here the first term describes repulsion between two par- ticles that are at distance r from each other, while the secondtermdescribestheirattraction. Thespacedepen- dence of this attraction can be explained in the frame- work of quantum mechanics as a result of the induced dipole-dipole (van der Waals) interaction, while the 12- th degree of the distance r in repulsive term of Eq.(2) is FIG.8. Dependenceoftheπ-modeparametera onthestrain introduced only for computational convenience. An im- 0 η,whichcorrespondstotheminimumofthepotentialenergy portantfeatureoftheLennard-Jonespotentialisthatits (point B in Fig. 5.). both constants, A and B, can be chosen equal to unity (A = B = 1) without loss of generality, if we make an appropriatescalingofspaceandtimevariablesindynam- ical equations constructed with the aid of this potential. The dependence of the π-mode energy on the parame- terawasshowninFig.5,wherethesolidlinecorresponds to the results of ab initio calculations, while the dashed lineisusedfortheL-Jmodel. Weusethesimplestfitting for the energy profile corresponding to the L-J model. It was obtained by such choice of two Lennard-Jones pa- rameters, A and B from Eq.(2), that the energy at the points A and B (see Fig. 5) coincides with the energy of the profile found by ab initio calculations. Note that Fig.5correspondstothestrainη =15%andforthiscase a is equal to 0,075˚A. 0 InFig.5,onecanseeconsiderablediscrepancybetween 6 theenergyprofileu(a), whichwasfoundbyabinitiocal- the left and right neighbors must be equal: culationsanditsLennard-Jonesfittinginthecaseoflarge f(R+x)=f(R−x), (3) values of the π–mode parameter a. The fitting based on the Morse potential is slightly better, but the above dis- where crepancy also turns out to be considerable. Certainly, one can set a goal to find such pair potential that pro- dϕ 1 1 f(r)=− = − . (4) vides more satisfactory fitting, but this goal is not too dr r12 r7 important. The matter is that the function u(a), in the Eq.(3) represents a nonlinear equation with respect to x frameworkoftheABINITmodel,canbefoundonlywith that may have several real roots. We depict this situa- low accuracy for large values of the π–mode parameter tion in Fig. 10 where intersection points of the functions a. Indeed, such values correspond to large amplitudes of f(R+x) and f(R−x) at x = 0 and at x = 0,065 take atomic vibrations and one has to apply a rather accu- place. Here R = 1,291 corresponds to the 15% strain rate expression for the van der Waals interactions. On of the carbyne chain. The root x = 0 is associated with the other hand, these interactions are essentially nonlo- oldequilibriumpositionthatbecomesunstable,whilethe cal and cannot be described correctly in the framework roots x=0,065 are associated with the new ones. Thus, of the conventional DFT theory, at least with the aid the cause of the appearance of the new equilibrium posi- of the approximations used in such software packages as tions becomes obvious. ABINIT,VASP,etc.. Wediscussthisprobleminthelast It is also easy to verify that the curvature of the po- section of the present paper. tential energy of the considered system is negative for We verified that dynamical properties of the π-mode R = 1,20 (stable equilibrium), while it becomes positive obtained by the ab initio study (see Fig. 2) and those for R = 1,25 (unstable equilibrium). Note that one can obtained by molecular dynamics for the L-J chain are in revealthesimilarbehaviorofthepotentialenergyforL-J qualitative agreement. The above facts seem to be im- chains with arbitrary number of atoms. portant since computer experiments, based on the den- sity functional theory, require very long time in contrast to those based on the methods of molecular dynamics. Therefore,onecanusetheL-Jchainmodelingtopredict some dynamical properties of the carbyne, which then may be verified by ab initio calculations. Itisveryinterestingtoclearupthenatureofevolution of the carbyne properties with increasing of the strain. Why old equilibrium positions lose their stability and new stable equilibrium positions appear? This problem can be understood with the aid of the following simple L-J model. Letusconsiderasystemofthreecarbonatomslocated atadistanceRfromeachothersymmetricallyaboutthe FIG. 10. Appearance of the new equilibrium positions in the origin x=0 (see Fig. 9). Positions of the atoms 1 and 3 simple model of three particles interacting via the Lennard- arefixed,whilethe“inner”atom2canbedisplacedbya Jones potential. certainvaluexfromitsoldequilibriumpositionatorigin. We assume that atoms interact via the Lennard-Jones It is interesting to study nonlinear atomic vibrations potential ϕ(x) from Eq.(2) with A = B = 1 (hereafter, in the potential well corresponding to the standard L-J it will be called the standard L-J potential). model (this well is similar to that depicted in Fig.6 for the ABINIT model). In Fig. 11, we show some arbitrary chosen energy levels in the small right well near the new equilibriumposition,aswellaslevelsabovethepotential hill which correspond to vibrations in the large potential well around the old equilibrium position (a = 0). The frequenciescorrespondingtotheselevelsarepresentedin Table 1. From this table one can see the soft nonlinear- ity of vibrations near the new EQPs in the small right potential well (the frequency decreases with increasing FIG. 9. Simple model of three atoms interacting via the of the energy) and the hard nonlinearity above potential Lennard-Jones potential. Atoms 1, 3 are fixed, while atom hill in the large well (the frequency increases with in- 2isdisplacedbyxfromitsoldequilibriumpositionatorigin. creasing of the energy). Naturally, there is a certain gap in the frequency spectrum near the top of the potential Ifthecoordinatexcorrespondstotheequilibriumstate hill. According to Table 1, this gap takes place between of the atom #2, then the forces f(r) acting on it from energy levels E and E . 5 6 7 analyze the type of a given extremum point X (it de- 0 termines the equilibrium position) can be carried out for the L-J model by the following procedure. Let us expand the function U(X) near the point X 0 into many-dimensional Taylor series and restrict it by quadratic terms only (this procedure corresponds to an- alyzing the harmonic approximation in the framework of the dynamical approach). The obtained quadratic form is then transformed by a certain linear transformation of variablestothecanonicalform,whichrepresentsasuper- position only of squares of new variables with some coef- FIG. 11. Some energy levels in the potential well for the ficients λ (j =1..N). These coefficients can be found by j Lennard-Jones model, which correspond to the values shown diagonalization of the matrix of the original quadratic in Table I. form as its eigenvalues. The extremum X will be a 0 minimum only if λ ≥ 0 for all j = 1..N. If a cer- j tain eigenvalue turns out to be negative (λ < 0), then TABLEI.Dependenceofthefrequencyω ontheenergylevel j0 j any infinitesimal shift by γ from the point X along the E for the Lennard-Jones model. 0 j line X = X +γξ , where ξ is the eigenvector corre- j E ω 0 j0 j0 j j sponding to λ , leads to decrease of the function U(X) 1 -0,3430 2,7070 j0 and, therefore, X is a saddle point (or maximum, if all 2 -0,3430 2,5711 0 λ ≤0). 3 -0,3410 2,4011 j Withtheaidoftheaboveprocedure,wehaveobtained 4 -0,3400 2,1610 for the standart L-J model the following results for the 5 -0,3390 1,5942 6 -0,3385 0,9243 eight-particlechainunderuniformstrainη =15%:λ1 = 7 -0,3374 1,1551 0, λ2 = +88,4, λ3 = λ4 = +100,6, λ5 = +110,6, λ6 = 8 -0,3363 1,2867 λ7 = −12,2, λ8 = −22,2 (these values were rounded up 9 -0,3352 1,3872 to 1 figures after decimal point). The obtained result is 10 -0,3341 1,4710 disappointingsincethenewEQPturnsouttobeasaddle point(threeλ <0)and,therefore,thisequilibriumstate j is unstable. IV. STABILITY OF THE π-MODE VIBRATIONS Now we can analyze the energy profiles U(X) along NEAR THE NEW EQUILIBRIUM POSITIONS eight lines X = X + γξ (j = 1..8) in the eight- 0 j0 dimensional space. Here γ is a sufficiently small number because we want to compare the corresponding results In previous sections, we have solved the problem of with those obtained for energy function considered as a existence of the new equilibrium positions for strained quadraticform. TheenergyprofilesU(X)=u (γ)forall carbon chains in the framework of the DFT ab initio ap- j basis directions ξ are depicted in Fig. 12. We exclude proach, as well as for the Lennard-Jones model. Now j the vector ξ from our consideration because it deter- let us consider the problem of their stability. This prob- 2 mines the direction along the π-mode and, therefore, it lem can be formulated as follows. We must verify if a has no relation to the stability of this mode. given new equilibrium position corresponds to a min- imum of the potential energy U(X), which is a func- tion of N-dimensional vector X = [x , x ,...,x ] of all 1 2 N degrees of freedom of our chain. Note, that the mini- mum in Fig.5 corresponds to the one-dimensional func- tionu(a),whereaistheπ-modeamplitude,andthevec- torX(t)=[a,−a|a,−a|...|a,−a]determinestheposition of this minimum in the N-dimensional space. Forexample,belowwestudystabilityofthenewequi- librium positions for the carbon chain of N = 8 atoms. Let us again consider the point B at the bottom of the right potential well in Fig. 5. If B represents a min- imum of the potential energy U(X) in the full eight- dimensional space of all possible displacements, then in- finitesimal shift from this point in any direction leads FIG. 12. Energy profiles for the L-J chain with N =8 parti- cles for all basis directions ξ (j =1..8) except ξ . to increase of the function U(X). It is well known j 2 that the local extremum of the function U(X) in many- dimensional space can be of different type (minimum, Thegraphsfromthisfigurefullyconfirmthepreviously maximum or a saddle point). The most effective way to discussed results on stability properties of the new equi- 8 librium position X . Indeed, we see decrease of energy 0 for λ < 0 (λ = λ , λ ), increase of energy for λ > 0 j 6 7 8 j (λ =λ , λ ) and constant energy for λ =0. Thus, the 3 4 5 1 newEQPincarbynewith15%strain,whichcorresponds tothevectorX =[a ,−a |a ,−a |a ,−a |a ,−a ]with 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a =0,075,occurstobeunstableintheframeworkofthe 0 Lennard-Jones model. It can be proved that this conclu- sionistrueforarbitrarynumberN ofparticlesintheL-J chain. FIG. 14. Time-evolution of the π-mode initial profile (5) in The above described method can be easily applied to DFTandL-Jmodelsfortheeight-particlecarbynechainun- the study of stability properties of new equilibrium po- der 15% strain. sitions in strained carbyne in the framework of the ab initio DFT approach. In Fig. 13, we present potential energy profiles calculated by ABINIT software package negative eigenvalue with maximal absolute value (λ = 8 [10,11]for15%strainedcumulenechainofN =8atoms 22,2). ItisobviousfromFig.14thatsolutionoftheNew- for the above discussed basis directions. ton ordinary differential equations, corresponding to the L-J model, demonstrates hard instability (dashed line) already at ten oscillation periods (t ≈ 10T). In contrast to this result, we have found that the DFT solution for the same initial conditions (dotted line) demonstrates a fine stability, at least up to the time interval t ≈ 100T. The small modulation of the periodic oscillations in the DFTmodelisinducedbytheabovementionedperturba- tionγξ (γ =10−3)artificiallyaddedtoexactlyperiodic 8 initial π-mode profile (5). Thus, we can conclude that the π-mode atomic vibra- tions in the L-J model are unstable, while they demon- strate stability in the DFT model (at least, by visual FIG. 13. Energy profiles for the carbyne chain of N = 8 inspection). Remember, that the analogical discrepancy particles for basis directions ξj, which are obtained in the between static properties of the L-J model and the DFT framework of the ab initio DFT model. model was discussed in the previous section. Because of importance of this conclusion, we verify by The obtained results turn out to be unexpected, the rigorous Floquet method that periodic atomic vibra- because the energy profiles in Fig. 13, unlike those tions in the L-J chain are indeed unstable. The similar in Fig. 12, demonstrate minima for all basis direc- stability analysis for DFT model is yet not carried out tions.Thus, the new equilibrium position, at point B in because of some computational difficulties. Fig. 5, being unstable in the L-J model, occurs to be stable in the framework of the DFT model. Why such discrepancydoestakeplace? Wediscussthisissueinthe V. ROSENBERG NONLINEAR NORMAL last section of the present paper. MODES Let us now consider the problem of stability of atomic vibrations near the new equilibrium positions in strained Nonlinear normal mode by Rosenberg (NNM) repre- carbon chains. In Fig. 14, we represent for η = 15% sents a periodic vibrational regime for which all degrees strain the time-evolution of the carbon atom oscillations of freedom x (t), at any time t, are proportional to each in the right potential well (see Fig. 5) approximately at i other [14, 15]. This definition can be written in the form the middle of its depth. The dashed line corresponds to the DFT model, while the dotted line demonstrates x (t)=a f(t) (i=1..N), (6) i i oscillations for the L-J model. To analyze the stability of these oscillations we add to where a are constant coefficients, while f(t) is the same i the initial π-mode profile time-dependentfunctionforalldegreesoffreedom. Ifthe explicit form of dynamical equations is known, the sub- stitutionoftheansatz(6)intotheseequationsleadstoa X(0)=[a(0),−a(0)|a(0),−a(0)|a(0),−a(0)a(0),−a(0)], systemof(N−1)nonlinearalgebraic(ortranscendental) equationsforcoefficientsa andasingledifferentialequa- i a(0)=0, 075 (5) tion for the function f(t). Note that the conventional linear normal modes represent a special case of Rosen- a small perturbation in the form γξ with γ = 10−3, berg modes. In this case, f(t) = cos(ωt+ϕ ) where ω 8 0 where ξ is the basis vector, which corresponds to the and ϕ are frequency and initial phase, while coefficients 8 0 9 {a |i=1..N}fromEq.(6)areamplitudesofthedifferent asaring(see, forexample, Fig.15)withthepointgroup i degrees of freedom. D . In [8], we proved that only following three Rosen- N In contrast to the case of linear normal modes, the berg NNMs can exist in such chains depending on the number of Rosenberg modes has no relation to the di- number N of their particles: mension of the system. It is essential that Rosenberg NNMs can exist only in very specific dynamical systems, π−mode: X(t)=[a(t),−a(t) | a(t),−a(t) | ... inparticular,inthose,whosepotentialenergyisahomo- geneousfunctionofallitsarguments. Ontheotherhand, ... | a(t),−a(t) | ] for even N (Nmod 2=0), itwasshownin[8,16]thattherecanbesomesymmetry- related reasons for existence of NNMs in systems with arbitraryinterparticleinteractions. Thesedynamicalob- σ−mode: X(t)=[a(t),0,−a(t) | a(t),0,−a(t) | ... jects we call Rosenberg symmetry-determined nonlin- ear normal modes (below the specification “symmetry- determined” is omitted because we consider only such ... | a(t),0,−a(t) | ] for N mod 3=0, type of modes). Let us consider N-particle monoatomic chain with pe- riodicboundaryconditionsandarbitraryinterparticlein- τ −mode: X(t)=[a(t),0,−a(t),0 | a(t),0,−a(t),0 | ... teractions. The group theoretical method for obtaining allnonlinearnormalmodesinsuchchaincanbeoutlined as follows (see details in [8]). ... | a(t),0,−a(t),0 | ] for N mod 4=0. (7) All dynamical regimes in the physical system with discrete symmetry group G in its equilibrium state ThesemodescorrespondtothesubgroupsG =D , 0 2 N/2 can be classified by subgroups G of this group (G ⊂ G =D andG =D ofthepointgroupG =D , j j 3 N/3 4 N/4 0 N G ). One can obtain the general form of the dynam- respectively. Theunitcellsofthevibrationalregimes(7) 0 ical regime corresponding to the subgroup G by solv- are larger 2, 3 and 4 times, respectively, than that of j ing the equation GˆjX = X, where the vector X(t) = the equilibrium state (l0). In other words, the transla- [x (t),x (t),...,x (t)] describes displacements of all de- tional symmetry of the original chain decreases by two, 1 2 N grees of freedom x (t) at arbitrary fixed time t. In other three or four times if we pass from the chain equilibrium i words, X(t) must be an invariant vector of the opera- state to its vibrational states corresponding to the π-, σ- tor group Gˆ acting in the N-dimensional space which is or τ-modes. Obviously, in the case of small amplitudes j theaboveconsideredRosenbergmodestendtothelinear induced by the group G . j normalmodeswithwavevectors(wavenumbers)k =b/2 (π-mode), k =b/3 (σ-mode), k =b/4 (τ-mode), where b is the period of the reciprocal lattice of the chain. Indynamicalsimulations,aboveRosenbergmodescan be excited by the following initial conditions: π−mode: X(0)=[a,−a | a,−a | ... | a,−a], σ−mode: X(0)=[a,0,−a | a,0,−a | ...|a,0,−a], τ −mode: X(0)=[a,0,−a,0 | a,0,−a,0 | ... ... | a,0,−a,0], where a is an arbitrary value that determines the mode amplitudes, while the initial velocities of all particles of the chain are equal to zero X˙(0) = [0,0,0,...,0]. Note that π-, σ- and τ-modes represent periodic dynamical regimes determined by only one parameter a. The above presented displacement patterns (7) of π-, σ- and τ-modes can be derived by demanding invari- ance of the general pattern X(t) according to the groups FIG. 15. Displacement pattern of the π-mode for the chain D , D and D which are subgroups G of the N/2 N/3 N/4 j with N =8 particles (color online). group G = D for the appropriate N. If we demand 0 N such invariance according to the group of less symmetry This chain in the equilibrium state can be represented than the above listed subgroups D , D and D N/2 N/3 N/4 10 (for example, for D , D , etc.) the displacement insuchchainallthreeRosenbergmodes, π, σ andτ, can N/5 N/6 pattern found from the condition Gˆ X =X will depend be exited by the appropriate initial conditions used in j notonlyononeparametera,butontwoormore(m>1) the computer simulations (periodic boundary conditions arbitrary parameters. As a result, we obtain in such a are assumed). way(seedetailsin[8])dynamicalobjectthatdetermines InFig.16,wedepictpotentialenergyprofilesforπ-,σ- quasiperiodicmotionwithmdifferentbasisfrequenciesof andτ-modesintheL-Jchainstrainedby15%. Theyare theFourierspectrum. Suchpatternscanbeexpressedas calculated for the “standard” Lennard-Jones potential, a superposition of m different NNMs and they represent i.e. for the case where both phenomenological constants bushes of nonlinear normal modes [16, 17] with dimen- of the potential (4) are equal to unity (A=B =1). All sion m > 1. This is a reason why only three symmetry- our results are given in the corresponding dimensionless determined Rosenberg NNMs can exist in monoatomic units. chains with arbitrary interatomic interactions. It is obvious from Fig. 16 that new equilibrium po- Letusnotethatalltypesofsymmetry-determinedpe- sitions near the old one appear for all three Rosenberg riodic and quasiperiodic vibrations in physical systems modes. The points Bπ, Bσ, Bτ correspond to a > 0, withdiscretesymmetriescanbeobtainedwiththeaidof whileB(cid:48),B(cid:48),B(cid:48) correspondtoa<0. Theprofileofthe π σ τ specific group-theoretical methods developed in the the- σ-mode is asymmetrical according to the origin a = 0, ory of bushes of nonlinear normal modes [16, 17]. The while profiles of π- and τ-modes are symmetrical and application of this theory to various mechanical systems their minima are equal to each other. As a consequence, can be found in [18–24]. the equal height of potential barriers corresponds to π- Hereafter, we write π-, σ- and τ-modes in the brief and τ-modes (∆uπ = ∆uτ = 0.005). The height of the form potentialbarrieroftheσ-modefortherightwellisequal to 0,015 that approximately thrice larger than that for π−mode: X =[a, −a], π- and τ-modes. The new equilibrium position (a ) for 0τ τ-mode are twice more distant from the origin (a = 0) thanthat(a )fortheπ-mode(seepointsB andB in σ−mode: X =[a, 0, −a], 0π τ π Fig. 16). We can explain the above properties of the potential τ −mode: X =[a, 0, −a, 0], profilesoftheconsideredRosenbergmodesinthefollow- ing manner. pointingatomicdisplacementsonlyinoneunitcellofthe vibrational state. FIG. 16. Energy profiles of π-, σ- and τ-modes for 15% strained carbon chain with N = 12 particles in the frame- work of the Lennard-Jones model. VI. PROPERTIES OF NONLINEAR NORMAL MODES IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LENNARD-JONES MODEL It was shown in Sec.3 for the case of the π-mode that FIG. 17. Bond lengths alternation for the π-mode structure theL-Jmodelallowsonetodescribedynamicalandstatic in the Lennard-Jones chain with N =12 particles. Here l1 = propertiesofstrainedcarbynequitewell. Letusconsider l0−2a, l2 =l0+2a. applicabilityofthismodelforstudyingtwootherRosen- berg modes in the carbon chain with N atoms. Below, LetusconsiderFigs.17-19. WedepictthereL-Jchains we present detailed analysis for the case N =12 because as rings of N =12 particles for a fixed parameter a (am-