Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 365 Editors:M.Thoma,M.Morari Declan Bates, Martin Hagström (Eds.) Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control ABC SeriesAdvisoryBoard F.Allgöwer,P.Fleming,P.Kokotovic, A.B.Kurzhanski,H.Kwakernaak, A.Rantzer,J.N.Tsitsiklis Editors DeclanBates ControlandInstrumentationResearchGroup DepartmentofEngineering UniversityofLeicester U.K. Email:[email protected] MartinHagström Dept.ofAutonomousSystems SwedishDefenceResearchAgency 16490Stockholm Sweden Email:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007931119 ISSNprintedition:0170-8643 ISSNelectronicedition:1610-7411 ISBN-10 3-540-73718-9 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork ISBN-13 978-3-540-73718-6 SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationor partsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,in itscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliablefor prosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springer.com (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2007 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:bytheauthorsandSPSusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:11946915 89/SPS 543210 Preface Despite many significant advances in the theory of nonlinear control in recent years, the majority of control laws implemented in the European aerospace in- dustry are still designed and analysed using predominantly linear techniques applied to linearised models of the aircrafts’ dynamics. Given the continuous increase in the complexity of aircraft control laws, and the corresponding in- crease in the demands on their performance and reliability, industrial control law designers are highly motivated to explore the applicability of new and more powerful methods for design and analysis. The successful application of fully nonlinear control techniques to aircraft control problems offers the prospect of improvements in several different areas. Firstly, there is the possibility of im- provingdesign and analysis criteria to more fully reflect the nonlinear nature of the dynamics of the aircraft. Secondly, the time and effort required on the part of designers to meet demanding specifications on aircraft performance and han- dling could be reduced. Thirdly, nonlinear analysis techniques could potentially reduce the time and resources required to clear flight control laws, and help to bridge the gap between design, analysis and final flight clearance. Theaboveconsiderationsmotivatedtheresearchpresentedinthisbook,which is the result of a three-yearresearcheffortorganisedby the Group for Aeronau- tical Research and Technology in Europe (GARTEUR). In September 2004, GARTEUR Flight Mechanics Action Group 17 (FM-AG17) was established to conduct research on ”New Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control”. The group comprised representatives from the European aerospace industry (EADS Military Aircraft, Airbus and Saab), research establishments (ONERA France, FOI Sweden, DLR Germany, NLR Netherlands) and univer- sities (Bristol, DeMontfort, Liverpool and Leicester). FM-AG17 was initially chaired by Dr. Markus Ho¨gberg of FOI Sweden, and subsequently by Dr. Mar- tin Hagstr¨om, also of FOI. TheoverallobjectiveoftheActionGroupwastoexplorenewnonlineardesign andanalysismethodsthathavethepotentialtoreducethetimeandcostinvolved with control law development for new aerospace vehicles, while simultaneously increasingtheperformance,reliabilityandsafetyoftheresultingcontroller.This VI Preface objective was to be achieved by investigating the full potential of nonlinear design and analysis methods on demanding benchmarks developed within the project, in order to focus the research effort on the issues of most relevance to industry.Sincenonlinearmethodsgenerallymakemoredemandsonthedesigner in terms of theoretical backgroundand understanding, a secondary objective of the group was to present the results obtained in such a way as to clarify the benefits, limitations and effort required to implement the various techniques in anindustrialcontext.Overthe courseofthe ActionGroup,twoworkshopshave been organised to present the results obtained within the project: the first by FOI in Sweden (2006) and the second by ONERA in Toulouse (2007). Two industrial benchmarks were developed within the Action Group to pro- vide challenging and industrially relevant applications for the various nonlinear controllawdesignandanalysistechniquestobe investigatedinthe project.The ADMIRE(AerodynamicModelinaResearchEnvironment)benchmarkprovides a realistic platform for the evaluation of flight control laws for highly manoeu- vrable aircraft and includes a complete description of the closed-loop dynamics of a delta-canard aircraft over a wide flight envelope. The Airbus On-Ground transport aircraft benchmark provides a highly detailed simulation model of thecomplexdynamicsofalargetransportaircraftduringrollingontherunway. Foreachofthesebenchmarks,designandanalysischallengeswereformulatedby theindustrialmembersoftheActionGroup,comprisingadetailedlistofcontrol problems and specifications which were to be addressed by the various nonlin- ear techniques explored in the project. Complete details of the two industrial benchmarks, together with their associatedresearchchallenges are contained in Part I of this book. Parts II and III of the book describe the application of ad- vanced nonlinear control techniques to the Airbus and ADMIRE benchmarks, respectively.Finally,PartIVofthebookcontainsanindustrialevaluationofthe results of the project, and provides some concluding remarks. This book is the result of a huge amount of effort on the part of all of the participants in FM-AG17. The editors are extremely grateful to the academics who workedthroughgapsinresearchgrantfunding, to the membersof national researchlaboratorieswhoworkedthroughincreasinglystringentbudgetarylimi- tationsandtotheindustrialparticipantswhoworkedthroughtheirweekendsto ensure the timely completion of this book. All of the participants in the Action Group would also like to express their thanks to the industrial and academic evaluators from outside the group who have contributed to this work through their constructive comments and reviews. May 2007 Declan G. Bates Martin Hagstro¨m Contents PartI: BenchmarksandDesignandAnalysisChallenges 1 TheAIRBUSOn-GroundTransportAircraftBenchmark MatthieuJeanneau ................................................. 3 2 On-GroundTransport AircraftNonlinear ControlDesign and AnalysisChallenges MatthieuJeanneau ................................................. 25 3 TheADMIREBenchmarkAircraftModel MartinHagstro¨m .................................................. 35 4 NonlinearFlightControlDesignandAnalysisChallenge FredrikKarlsson................................................... 55 PartII: ApplicationstotheAirbusBenchmark 5 NonlinearSymbolicLFTToolsforModelling,AnalysisandDesign AndresMarcos,DeclanG.Bates,IanPostlethwaite ....................... 69 6 NonlinearLFTModellingforOn-GroundTransportAircraft Jean-Marc Biannic, Andres Marcos, Declan G. Bates, andIanPostlethwaite ............................................... 93 7 On-GroundAircraftControlDesignUsing anLPV Anti-windup Approach Clement Roos, Jean-Marc Biannic, Sophie Tarbouriech, andChristophePrieur .............................................. 117 8 Rapid Prototyping Using Inversion-Based Control and Object-OrientedModelling GertjanLooye..................................................... 147 VIII Contents 9 Robustness Analysis Versus Mixed LTI/LTV Uncertainties for On-GroundAircraft ClementRoos,Jean-MarcBiannic..................................... 175 PartIII: ApplicationstotheADMIREBenchmark 10 An LPV ControlLaw DesignandEvaluationforthe ADMIRE Model Maria E. Sidoryuk, Mikhail G. Goman, Stephen Kendrick, DanielJ.Walker,andPhilipPerfect.................................... 197 11 BlockBacksteppingforNonlinearFlightControlLawDesign JohnW.C.Robinson ................................................ 231 12 Optimisation-BasedFlightControlLawClearance PrathyushP.Menon,DeclanG.Bates,IanPostlethwaite ................... 259 13 Investigationofthe ADMIRE ManoeuvringCapabilitiesUsing QualitativeMethods MikhailG.Goman,AndrewV.Khramtsovsky,EvgenyN.Kolesnikov .......... 301 PartIV: IndustrialEvaluationandConcludingRemarks 14 IndustrialEvaluation MatthieuJeanneau,FredrikKarlsson,UdoKorte ......................... 327 15 ConcludingRemarks DeclanG.Bates,MartinHagstro¨m .................................... 341 References ....................................................... 343 Index............................................................ 357 Part I Benchmarks and Design and Analysis Challenges 1 The AIRBUS On-Ground Transport Aircraft Benchmark MatthieuJeanneau Airbus-France,DepartmentofStabilityandControl,Toulouse,France [email protected] 1.1 Introduction This chapter describes the behaviour of a transport aircraft and its systems during rolling. Notations and conventionsare given first, followed by the main equations of motion.Loadsaffectingaircraftmotionare thendescribedand theirmodellinggiven. Finallyashortaircraftbehaviouranalysisisprovided.Thischapteraimsatofferingthe readeraclearunderstandingofthecontrolapplicationanditsrequirements. 1.2 Notationsand Conventions Beforediscussingthephysicsgoverningthedynamicsoftheaircraftontheground,we will give the notations, the conventionsand the main coordinatesystems used in this chapter. D.Batesetal.(Eds.):Nonlin.Anal.&Syn.Tech.forAircraftCtrl.,LNCIS365,pp.3–24,2007. springerlink.com (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2007 4 M.Jeanneau 1.2.1 Body-FixedCoordinateSystem Thiscoordinatesystem,alsocalledthe”aircraftcoordinatesystem”,isamobilecoor- dinate system (c.g.;X ,Y , Z ), see Fig. 1.1. Its originis the centre of gravity of AC AC AC theaircraftanditsthreelongitudinal,lateralandverticalaxescorrespondrespectively tothethreelongitudinal,lateralandverticalaxesassociatedwiththeaircraftsymmetry characteristics. The translations and rotations of this coordinate system are therefore directlylinkedtothemotionoftheaircraft. Fig.1.1.Aircraftcoordinatesystem 1.2.2 Earth’sCoordinateSystem Thiscoordinatesystem(O;X ,Y ,Z )isaGalileancoordinatesystemwheretheorigin E E E isafixedrandomreferencepointinspace.Ingeneral,thispointistakenasbeingequal totheinitialpositionofthecentreofgravity.Itwouldalsobepossibletochoosearefer- encepointasanairportortheintersectionoftheGreenwichmeridianandtheequator. Such modifications only impact the initial value of the centre of gravity coordinates. Thethreeaxes(X ,Y ,Z )ofthiscoordinatesystemareorientedrespectivelytowards E E E thenorth,the eastanddownward.Thetransformationmatrixto gofromthe aircraft’s totheearth’scoordinatesystem-seeFig.1.2and1.3-is: ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞ cosΨ −sinΨ 0 cosθ 0 sinθ 1 0 0 MAC→E =⎝sinΨ cosΨ0⎠⎝ 0 1 0 ⎠⎝0 cosϕ −sinϕ⎠ (1.1) 0 0 1 −sinθ 0 cosθ 0 sinϕ cosϕ