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Nonequilibrium wetting transitions with short range forces F. de los Santos,1,2 M.M. Telo da Gama,2 and M.A. Mun˜oz3 1Center for Polymer Studies and Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 USA 2Departamento de F´ısica da Faculdade de Ciˆencias e Centro de F´ısica da Mat´eria Condensada da Universidade de Lisboa, Avenida Professor Gama Pinto, 2, P-1643-003 Lisboa Codex, Portugal 3 3Departamento de Electromagnetismo y F´ısica de la Materia, Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain 0 0 Weanalyzewithinmean-fieldtheoryaswellasnumericallyaKPZequationthatdescribesnonequi- 2 librium wetting. Both complete and critical wettitng transitions were found and characterized in detail. Forone-dimensionalsubstratesthecriticalwettingtemperatureisdepressedbyfluctuations. n a In addition, we have investigated a region in the space of parameters (temperature and chemical J potential) where the wet and nonwet phases coexist. Finite-size scaling analysis of the interfacial detaching times indicates that the finite coexistence region survives in the thermodynamic limit. 9 Withinthisregionwehaveobserved(stableorverylong-lived)structuresrelatedtospatio-temporal ] intermittencyinothersystems. Intheinterfacialrepresentationthesestructuresexhibitperfecttri- h angular(pyramidal)patternsinone(twodimensions),thatarecharacterizedbytheirslopeandsize c distribution. e m PACSnumbers: 5.10.-a,64.60.-i,68.08.Bc - t a I. INTRODUCTION This is always a continuous transition and it is known t s as complete wetting [1]. A study of complete wetting . t requiresadding a linear termµh to the Hamiltonian(1). a Whenabulkphaseαisplacedintocontactwithasub- m strate,alayerofasecond,coexisting,phaseβmayformif A dynamic model for the growthof wetting layers has thesubstratepreferentiallyadsorbsit. Atawettingtran- been proposed through the Langevin equation [6] - d sition, the thickness of the β layerdiverges. Equilibrium n wetting has been experimentally observed and theoreti- o cally investigated using, among many other techniques, ∂ h(x,t)=−δH +η =ν∇2h− ∂V +η, (3) c t δh ∂h [ interface displacement models [1, 2, 3]. Within this ap- proachone considers the local height of the αβ interface where η is Gaussianwhite noise with meanand variance 1 measuredfromthe substrate,h(x),andconstructsanef- v fective interface Hamiltonian, H(h) [4]. In equilibrium hη(x,t)i = 0, 0 3 situations, one typically has hη(x,t)η(x′,t′)i = 2Dδ(t−t′)δ(x−x′). (4) 1 01 H(h)= ∞dx 1ν(∇h)2+V(h) . (1) Equation (3) is an Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) growth 3 Z0 "2 # equation[7,8]inthepresenceofaneffectiveinterfacepo- tentialV(h). Itdescribestherelaxationoftheinterfacial 0 / where ν is the interfacial tension of the αβ interface (or heighthtowardsits equilibriumvalue,i.e. the valueofh t a the interfacialstiffness if the medium is anisotropic)and that minimizes H. Within this context µ can be viewed m V(h) accounts for the interaction between the substrate as an external driving force acting on the interface. Re- - and the αβ interface. call that in the absence of the wall, the corresponding d Ifallthemicroscopicinteractionsareshort-ranged,one equilibrium states for µ < 0 and µ > 0 are the α and β n may take for sufficiently large h at bulk coexistence [3] phases,respectively,whereasphasecoexistenceoccursat o µ=0. c : V(h)=b(T)e−h+ce−2h, (2) Equilibrium models, however, are not sufficient to v study wetting in Nature, since in a wide range of phe- i X where T is the temperature, b(T) vanishes linearly as nomena (e.g., growth of thin films, spreading of liquids T −T , T being the wetting temperature, and c > 0 onsolidsorcrystalgrowth)thermalequilibriummaynot r W W a [5]. By minimizing (1) one finds [1, 3] a critical wet- hold. Nonequilibrium wetting transitions have been re- ting transition at b = 0, i.e. the interface height (or cently studied by Hinrichsen et al. [9] in a lattice (re- equivalently, the wetting layer thickness), hhi, diverges stricted solid-on-solid)model with dynamics that do not continuously as b ∼ T −T → b = 0−. Equilibrium obey detailed balance. The continuum nonequilibrium W W critical wetting has been studied for decades and a rich counterpart of this discrete model, is a Kardar-Parisi- (non-classical) behavior predicted [1, 2]. Zhang(KPZ)equationinthepresenceofaboundingpo- Wettingtransitionsmayalsobedrivenbythechemical tential, whose properties have been analyzed extensively potential difference between the β and α phases, µ. In by one of the authors and collaborators[11, 13]. Clearly this case wetting occurs at any temperature above T this isthe mostnaturalextensionofthe EWequilibrium W (i.e. forb>b )asµ=0isapproachedfromtheαphase. growth model to non-equilibrium situations. In fact, in W 2 theabsenceofasubstratetheKPZnon-linearity,λ(∇h)2, pulledawayfromthe wall. Thusthe behaviorofthe sys- is generically the most relevant nonequilibrium pertur- tem is determined by the sign of λ [20]. In this paper bation to the equilibrium EW equation [8]. The KPZ we will consider λ < 0 only (which corresponds to the nonlinearity is related to lateral growth, and although case studied using microscopic models [18]). Results for thismechanismisunlikelytoberelevantinsimplefluids, positive values of λ will be published elsewhere. it may determine the wetting behavior of systems with It is our purpose to study the effects of a substrate anisotropicinteractionsforwhichthegrowthoftiltedin- that adsorbs preferentially one of the two phases on the terfaces depends on their orientation [14]. For instance, stationary properties of the interface. This is achieved ithasbeenshownthatcrystalgrowthfromatomicbeams by considering b to be negative in equation (5). is described by the KPZ equation [15]. From a theoret- This same equation, (5), has been recently studied by ical point of view a key and ambitious task is that of Giada et al. [17] as a generic nonequilibrium continuum developinggeneralcriteriatoestablishwhether the KPZ model for interfacial growth. However, their choice of non-linear term should be included in a given interfacial controlparameters[17] privilegesthe roleof the noise as model. the driving force of the nonequilibrium transitions. By RelatedworkspublishedrecentlybyMu¨lleretal. [16], contrast, motivated by the role of the chemical poten- Giada and Marsili [17], Hinrichsen et al. [18], and our- tial and temperature in equilibrium wetting, we fix the selves[10],considersimilarnon-equilibriummodelsinthe noise intensity and choose a and b as controlparameters presence of various types of walls. that are the fields driving critical and complete wetting In this paper, we further study the KPZ interfacial transitions. equation in the presence of different types of potentials, attractive and repulsive. We focus on the connection Toestablishtheanalogywithequilibrium,letusstress of the associated phenomenology with non-equilibrium that just like in equilibrium complete wetting, nonequi- wetting and depinning transitions. In particular, we librium complete wetting occurs when the attractive po- will stress that the transitions called “first-order non- tential V(h) is not capable of binding the interface, at equilibrium wetting” in [18] are not wetting transitions temperatures above the wetting transition temperature, but,rather,depinningtransitions. Also,westudyforthe b > b , as the chemical potential approaches that of W firsttime the two-dimensionalversionof this model, and ‘bulk coexistence’, µ → µ . At this transition the in- c report on new phenomenology. terface begins to move and hhi diverges. On the other The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. hand,thenonequilibriumanalogueofcritical wettingcor- In the next section we introduce our KPZ-like model. A responds to the unbinding of a bound interface at ‘bulk mean-field picture is provided in section III, and its pre- coexistence’, µ=µ , as b→b−. c W dictionsnumericallytestedinsectionIV.Theconclusions Inordertoanalyzeequation(5)itisconvenienttoper- are summarized in the final section. formaCole-Hopfchangeofvariableh(x,t)=−lnn(x,t), leading to II. THE MODEL ∂V(n) ∂ n=ν∇2n− +nη, (6) t The model under study is defined by the Langevin ∂n equation with V(n)= an2/2+bn3/3+cn4/4. This describes the ∂V(h) ∂ h(x,t)=ν∇2h+λ(∇h)2− +η, (5) interface problem as a diffusion-like equation with mul- t ∂h tiplicative noise [11, 21]. In this representation, the un- whereV(h)=−(a+1)h+be−h+ce−2h/2,c>0,η obeys bindingfromthewall(hhi→∞)correspondstoatransi- tioninto anabsorbing state hni→0. In the following we (4) and a+1=µ is a chemical potential. will use both languages, h and n, indistinctly although In the absence of the exponential terms (the limiting the natural description of wetting is in terms of h. The wall) the interface moves with a nonzero positive (nega- case b > 0 was studied in [9, 11], while b < 0 is the case tive) mean velocity for µ larger (smaller) than a certain studied in [10, 16, 17, 18, 22]. critical value µ . In one dimension µ can be found an- c c alytically since both the KPZ and EW equations have Note that we have made use of Ito calculus, and the same Gaussian steady-state height distribution [8]. thus equation (6) should be interpreted in the Ito sense Thus µ = λh(∇h)2i, which for discrete lattices can be [23]. In general, potentials of the form bnp+2/(p+2)+ c approximated by [19] µ = −(Dλ)/(2νΛ), Λ being the cn2p+2/(2p+2) with p > 0 result in equivalent effective c lattice cutoff. Note that for λ 6= 0 a nonzero chemical Hamiltonians since, when expressed in terms of h, p can potential is required to balance the force exerted by the be eliminated by redefining the height scale. The case nonlineartermonthetiltedinterfacialregions. Forλ=0 p = 2 (with fixed b < 0) has been studied in [22] in the model reduces to the equilibrium one and µ = 0 as the context of stochastic spatio-temporal intermittency c usual. For negative values of λ the interface is (on av- (STI). The unsuspected connections between these two erage) pushed against the wall, while for positive λ it is problems are illustrated in the following sections. 3 III. MEAN FIELD stable solution at hni= 0 (dash-dotted line); one unsta- ble solutionathni=0 anda stable one at hni=6 0 (solid In this section we analyze equation (6) at the mean line); two stable solutions and an unstable one (dashed field level. We begin by discretizing (6) on a regular d- line). Stable solutions can be identified by a negative dimensional lattice slope of F(hni)−hni at the intersection point [25]. A nonzero solution emerging continuously from hni = 0 as ν ∂V(ni) a function of a and b, signals a second order transition. ∂ n = (n −n )− +n η , (7) t i j i i i 2d ∂n This is the case for the dash-dotted and the solid lines i j X in the inset of Fig. 1. By contrast, when the nontrivial where n = n(x ,t) and the sum over j runs over the solution appears discontinuously as a function of a and i i nearest neighbors of i. The Fokker-Planck equation for b, the transition is first-order (dash-dotted and dashed the one-site stationary probability P(n ) can be easily lines). The corresponding phase diagram is depicted in i worked-out. In mean-fieldapproximation(i.e. substitut- Fig. 1. The solid line is a second-order phase boundary ing the values of the nearest neighbors by the average n fromnon-wetto wetsubstrates. Betweenthe two dotted value), the stationary Fokker-Planck equation for D =1 lines, the wet and non-wet phases coexist as stationary is solutionsofthe dynamicalequation. The threelines join at the tricritical point at a=b=0. ∂ ∂V(n) ∂2 +ν(n−hni)P (n) + n2P (n) =0 (8) In order to determine the order parameter critical ex- ∂n ∂n t ∂n2 t ponent in mean field approximation, we proceed as in (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:16) (cid:17) [13]. First, we rewrite (10) as and its associated solution 1 n V′(n)+ν(n−hni) ∞ b t2p P(n,hni)=N exp− dn, (9) hni−1 =−∂ ln dttaexp − tp− e−hnit. n2 n2 hni p 2p Z0 Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (12) wheretheintegrationconstantN isdeterminedbyanor- Next, we introduce a Gaussian transformation and ex- malization condition and hni is obtained from the self- pand the resulting integrals for small hni. We find consistency requirement hni∼|a|1/p, and thus a =0 and β =1/p. c ∞ dn nP(n,hni) hni= 0 =F(hni). (10) ∞ dn P(n,hni) R0 IV. BEYOND MEAN-FIELD THEORY Let us consider tRwo limiting cases where analytic so- lutions of Eq.(10) can be worked out. In the zero- Inthissectionweexplorewhetherthemean-fieldphase dimensional case, or equivalently ν = 0, the solution of diagram structure survives when the effects of fluctua- (8) reads tions are taken into account. Mean-field exponents are expected to hold above the upper critical dimension d , exp− bnp+ c n2p c p 2p which in the present case, equation (6), is known to be P(n)=N , (11) (cid:16) na+2 (cid:17) dc = 2, (corresponding to 3 bulk dimensions and in the weak coupling regime of the KPZ) [11]. For positive val- that, in terms of heights, is P(h) ∼ exp[(a + 1)h − uesofbandd>2,thesecondtermn2p+2 intheeffective be−h/p − ce−2h/2p] and yields the effective potential potential is irrelevant [11] and the we are left with V (h) = −lnP(h) = −(a+1)h+be−h/p+ce−2h/2p. eff Clearly this coincides with the potential in (5). A com- ∂ n=ν∇2n−an−bnp+1+nη, (13) plete wettingtransitionoccurswhenapproachinga=−1 t with b > 0 and critical wetting is found at a = −1 with b=0. defining the multiplicative-noise (MN) universality class For spatially extended systems, in the ν = ∞ limit, [11]. a saddle-point expansion in ν yields V′(n) = 0 [17, 24]. Wehavesolved(6)numericallyfordifferentsystemdi- Thus, the dynamical behavior in this limit is that of the mensions. In particular, for a one-dimensional substrate deterministic mean-field version of (8): for any p > 0, we have considered a system size L = 1000, ν = p = 2, thereisalineofsecondorderwettingtransitionsata=0 D =1andc=1.5. Thetimestepandthemeshsizewere and b > 0, and a line of first-order transitions at a > 0 setto0.001and1,respectively. We startedbydetermin- and b = −(p + 2) ac/(p+1). These lines meet at a ingthechemicalpotentialforwhichthefreeinterfacehas tricritical point at the origin. zeroaveragevelocity. Fortheparametersgivenabovewe p For values of ν other than zero or ∞, the self- found a ≈ −0.064. Then we fix a = a and calculate c c consistency equation hni = F(hni) has to be solved nu- hn(t)i for different values of b and large t. Length and merically. Withoutlossofgenerality,wesetp=2,c=1, time units arein lattice spacingsandMonteCarlosteps, and illustrate in Fig. 1 the three different regimes: one respectively. 4 A. Critical wetting Since the Cole-Hopf transform of the MN equation is the same as KPZ with an additional exponential term, the MN exponents are those of KPZ iff the extra term To study critical wetting we set a = a and consider c is an irrelevant term of the KPZ renormalization group smallvaluesofbforwhichaninitiallypinnedinterfacere- flow. Note that the Cole-Hopf transform fixes the value mainspinned, andincreaseprogressivelybuntilthe non- of λ/ν and thus the λ = 0 limit can not be considered wet phase becomes unstable at b . The critical point is W when this transformationis used. In additionthe poten- estimatedasthevalueb thatmaximizesthelinearcor- W tial V(h) is a relevant term of the EW equation. In this relationcoefficientofloghniversuslog|b−b |; the criti- W regimeaddinganon-linearpotentialisarelevantpertur- cal exponent is then determined from the corresponding bation and it does indeed change/determine the wetting slope (Fig. 2). It is found that the critical “tempera- exponents (cf. with the literature on equilibium wetting ture” is depressed from its mean-field value b = 0 to W [1]). Thus EW plus a (non-linear) wetting potential is b = −0.70 ± 0.01, with an associated critical expo- W not equivalent to KPZ in the weak coupling regime plus nent β = 1.20±0.01 (the error in the exponent comes the same wetting potential. from a least-squares fit). Below (above) that value we find first (second) order depinning transitions, by vary- ing a. Therefore, as in mean field, there is a “tricritical” point, joining a line of secondorder transitions (b>bW) C. Depinning transition at b<bW with one of first order transitions (b < b ). The criti- W calexponentsand universality ofthis multiplicative-noise As expected, no transition is found as a → a when c tricritical point has not been investigated before. equation (6) is solved numerically for b < b . Of W Thefinitecoexistenceregionallowsustodefinecritical course, the system undergoes a pinning/depinning tran- wettingalongarangeofdifferentpaths,delimitedbythe sition when crossing the a = 0 boundary line, but this c dashedlinesinthemean-fielddiagramofFig. 1. Wehave transition is driven by the chemical potential difference checked that the value of β does not change when the ratherthanbythesubstratepotentialandthusitisunre- critical point is approached along different paths within latedto wetting, where phasecoexistence ofthe “liquid” this region. Further numerical and analytical studies of and “gas” phases is required (i.e. a = a ). A very rich c this new universality class will be left for future work. phenomenology associated with these transitions. have been found, however. For b = −4 we find that the non- wet phase becomes unstable at a∗ ≈ 1.3 and that the B. Complete Wetting, b>bW case wet phase becomes unstable at a ≈−0.064 (as before). c Consequently, in the range a < a < a∗ both phases co- c Weconsideraone-dimensionalsubstrate,withb=1> exist. Thismeansthatifthe interfaceisinitially closeto b ,letthesystemevolvetothestationarystateandthen the wall (n>1) it remains pinned, while if it is initially W computetheorderparameterhnifordifferentvaluesofa far from the wall (n <∼ 1) it detaches and moves away nearits criticalvalue. As a→a acontinuoustransition with a constant velocity. Therefore, the system under- c into an absorbing state n = 0 is observed; it is the non- goes a first-order transition as a function of a. In order equilibrium counterpart of complete-wetting. The asso- to establish the phase boundaries we have used the fol- ciated critical exponent is found to be β = 1.65±0.05 lowing criteria. The stability of the pinned phase may in good agreement with the prediction for the MN class, be characterized by the time τ taken by the interface β =1.5±0.1[13]. Otherpositivevaluesofbyieldsimilar to depin in the limit L → ∞. τ can be defined as the results. In addition, we have simulated systems above time taken by the last site of the interface to detach, the upper critical dimension, in d = 3, with L = 25, h(x) > 0 or n(x) < 1 ∀x. Similarly, we may define b = 5 and other parameters as in the one-dimensional τ as the time characterizing the asymptotic exponential case. Our best estimate for β is β = 0.96±0.05, indi- decay of hn(t)i, where the angular brackets denote av- cating that this transition is governedby the weak noise erages of independent runs ( typically 105 −106 in our fixed point of the MN class [11]. For larger values of the simulations). Wehaveverifiedthatbothdefinitionsyield noise amplitude we find a strong coupling transition, in analogous results. As shown in Fig. 3A, for a > a∗, τ agreement with the theoretical predictions [11, 13]. Fi- saturates with increasing system size and thus the inter- nally, we note that both numerical and renormalization face detaches in a finite time. Within the coexistence group arguments lead to β = 1 in the weak coupling region we have found two different regimes: close to the regime, independently of the value of p [11]. This is at stability threshold of the pinned phase there is a narrow odds with the mean-field prediction β = 1/p. Birner et stripe 1.22 <∼ a <∼ 1.3 where the detaching time grows al. [? ] haverecentlysuggestedatransitionfrom1/ptoa approximately as a power-law. For ac <∼ a <∼ 1.22 τ nonuniversalbehaviordependingontheratioofthenoise grows exponentially with L. In both cases τ diverges to the strength of the spatial coupling. However, this as L → ∞, implying that the pinned phase is stable in discrepancyappearstobe genericsincedifferenttypesof the thermodynamic limit. Due to the very large charac- mean-field approaches yield the same (incorrect) result teristic times, we cannot discard the possibility that the and the origin of the discrepancy remains unclear [13]. power-laws are also (asymptotically) exponentials. The 5 study of the asymptotic behavior of the detaching times thepower-lawregime. Ourresultscorrespondtoν =p= requireslongersimulations,beyondourcurrentcomputer D = 1, λ=−1, L =500, b =−4, and the following val- capabilities. Finally, the non-monotonic behavior of the uesofa: 2.12,2.14,2.15,and2.16,andaresummarizedin characteristic times, as well as the step in the curve for Fig. 6. a≈2.10 is the boundary between the power-law a=1.28,maybeaccountedforbythepresenceoftwodif- and exponential regimes and the pinned phase is unsta- ferentcompetingmechanismsasdescribedin[10]: oncea ble for a∗ ≈ 2.18. The maximum size of the depinned site is detached it pulls out its neighbors which, in turn, regions increases as this instability is approached. Our pullouttheirneighborsinacascadeeffectuntilthewhole data suggests an exponential dependence on the size of interface is depinned in a time which growslinearly with the triangular base. This indicates that there is a max- L. This is more likely for small systems, but the proba- imum size for the depinned regions and thus rigorous bility that asite getsdetachedincreaseswiththe system scale invariance (typical of growth driven by a coarsen- size. ing mechanism) of the STI region is ruled out. More ex- Another way to characterize the power-law regime is plicitly, the distribution of triangle sizes, l, is described to analyze the single-site stationary probability density very well by the function exp[3.44(a−2.176)l],implying function (ss-pdf), defined as the average of n(t) over that the exponential slopes in Fig. 6 are proportionalto pinned states rather than over all runs. Figure 3 shows a−a∗. Clearly, triangles with a base less than ∼ 2,3 the unnormalized ss-pdf for different values of a. In the cannot be visualized due to the discretization of equa- exponential-regime (a < 1.22) the histogram exhibits a tion (6). A simple extrapolation indicates that the tri- maximum at a pinned state with hni>0. In the power- angles become imperceptibly small for a≈2.05, in good law-regime,however,thehistogramdevelopsasecondary agreement with the value obtained for the boundary be- maximumnearn=0,indicatingthatafractionofthein- tweenthepower-lawandexponentialregimes. Therefore, terface depins. As a increases, the secondary maximum, we cannot rule out the possibility that the triangles are at zero n, increases while the maximum, at finite n, de- ubiquitous throughout the coexistence region (although creases. At the stability edge (a∗ ≈ 1.3) the histogram not always visible in a discrete numerical simulation) in changes abruptly into a delta function at n = 0 and the which case the power-law dettaching times should turn pinned phase becomes unstable. intoexponentialsforlargeenoughtimesandsystemsizes. Thedifferencesbetweentheexponentialandpower-law Inthiscasetheforceexertedbythenon-linearKPZterm regimes are also observed in a space-time snapshot of a on the triangular facets against the direction of growth, numericalsolutionof(6). InFig. 4weplotthestationary atlatetimes,guaranteesthestabilityofthepinnedphase field n, for a=1.28,exhibiting patterns characteristicof [18] throughout the finite coexistence region. STI [22]. The main feature of these patterns is the ap- Finally, we study the phase-coexistence regime in a pearance of depinned patches (absent for values of a in two-dimensional system to check whether the triangular the exponential regime) with a wide range of sizes and patterns survive in higher dimensionalities. In particu- life-times within the pinned phase. This regime, over- lar, we consider a system size 100×100 and take a=2, looked in previous studies of nonequilibrium depinning b = −4, well within the coexistence region. We find transitions [17, 18], seems to correspond to the power- structuresasthoseshowninFig. 7: thetrianglesbecom- law regime described earlier. It is therefore restricted ing pyramids. Note that the edges of the pyramid bases to a narrow range between the exponential and the de- areparallelto the axesof the discretization-lattice. This pinned regimes. This finding is at odds with results of suggests that the pyramids are lattice artefacts and that previous workclaiming that STI is genericin the coexis- a continuum system may exhibit conical structures. tence region [22]. A typical profile in terms of h is shown in Fig. 5. The depinned interfacialregionsformtriangleswith constant V. CONCLUSIONS average slope s. These triangular droplets are similar to those described in the discrete model of [18]. By taking We have investigated a continuum model for nonequi- averages of (5), the typical slope, s, of the triangular libriumwettingtransitions. ThemodelconsistsofaKPZ facets is determined through equation in the presence of a short-rangedsubstrate po- |λ |s2 =a+1, (14) tential, and is the most natural non-equilibrium exten- R sion of the interface displacement models used in equi- whereλ istherenormalizednon-linearcoefficientofthe librium wetting. It can be mapped into a multiplicative R KPZ equation. In order to verify equation (14) we have noiseproblem,enablingsimpletheoreticalcalculationsat fixed ν = p = D = 1, λ = −1 and a = 2.16. Averag- the mean-field level. Numerical simulations reproduce a ing over 250.000 different triangles, we find an average phase diagram analogous to that obtained within mean- slope s = 1.781, while the value of λ calculated from field, including first as well as second-order phase tran- R the tilt-dependent velocity of the depinned interface [8] sitions. In particular, we have found complete wetting yields λ = −0.9934 from which s = 1.784, in excellent andcriticalwettingtransitions,aswellasafinite areain R agreement with the previously measured value. thetemperature-chemicalpotentialphasediagramwhere Wealsostudiedthesizedistributionoftriangleswithin pinned and depinned phases coexist. This finite coexis- 6 tence region allows us to define critical wetting along a investigated. range of paths that are, however, characterized by the Finally it would be extremely interesting to develop same critical exponents. Within this area we identified experimentsinordertoexploretherich,non-equilibrium tworegimes. Inthefirst,thelifetimeofthepinnedphase phenomenologydescribedintheprevioussections;liquid- grows exponentially with increasing system size and its crystals are in our opinion good candidates for this. It ss-pdf is bell-shaped. The second one exhibits STI, life- is our hope that this work will stimulate experimental times consistent with a power-law, and a double-peaked studies in this direction. ss-pdf. The mainfeature ofthe latter regime is the pres- enceoftriangularstructuresthathavebeencharacterized by their slopes and size distributions. Aninterestingopenproblemis thatofthe equilibrium VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS limit of non-equilibrium wetting. 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FIG. 4: Configuration in the n-representation for a = 1.18 and b = −4. Depinned regions (n < 1) are colored in dark- grey and pinned ones (n > 1) in light-gray. 1000 time slices are depicted at intervals of 50 time uints. The system size is L=500. 10 29 24 19 ) x ( 14 h 9 4 −1 0 100 200 300 400 500 x FIG. 5: Instantaneous configuration of the interface for time slice400(markedwithalineinFig. 4). ParametersasinFig. 4. 1 a = 2.12 a = 2.14 a = 2.15 a = 2.16 -2 10 -4 10 -6 10 0 50 100 150 200 Base size FIG. 6: Distribution of triangles as a function of the size of thetriangular base, for a=2.12,2.14,2.15 and 2.16.

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