Nondissipative Drag Conductance as a Topological Quantum Number Kun Yang National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32310∗ and Condensed Matter Physics 114-36, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125 1 A. H. MacDonald 0 Physics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47405 0 (February 1, 2008) 2 n a We show in this paper that the boundary condition averaged nondissipative drag conductance of J twocoupledmesoscopic ringswithnotunneling,evaluatedinaparticularmany-particleeigenstate, 4 isatopological invariantcharacterizedbyaCherninteger. Physicalimplicationsofthisobservation 2 are discussed. ] Pacs: 73.40.H, 73.61.G l l a The interplay between electron-electron interactions induced dependence of the persistent current [5] flowing h and a randomdisorder potential gives rise to fascinating inoneringonthemagneticfluxthreadingtheotherring. - s new physics in low-dimensional electron systems. Ordi- Inmostprevioustheoreticalstudiesofdrag(dissipative e nary transport measurements continue to be one of the or nondissipative), inter-layer/wire electron-electron in- m most important experimental probe of low-dimensional teractionsaretreatedasaweakperturbation[10]. While t. electronsystems,butareusuallymoresensitiveto disor- such an approach has yielded results that are mostly in a der than to interactions. (The fractional quantum Hall good qualitative agreements with experiments thus far m effectisoneexception.) Recently,technologicaladvances [2], it is also known that there exists cases in which - have made a new class of transport experiments, “drag strong inter-layer/wireelectron-electroninteractions can d n measurements”, possible. These probe electron-electron give rise to non-perturbative drag effects impossible to o interactiondirectly,andthusbringtheinterplaybetween address using perturbation theory [11]. It would thus be c disorderandinteractionsintosharpfocus [1,2]andstim- very useful to develop theoretical methods in studies of [ ulatedextensiveexperimental[3]andtheoretical[4]stud- drag that are non-perturbative in nature. In this paper, 2 ies. we use the topological approach to transport theory to v Inadragmeasurement[1],separateelectricalcontacts establishsomeexactresultsaboutnondissipativedragin 1 are made to electron gases in 2D layers or 1D wires coupled mesoscopic rings. Specifically, we show that the 6 or rings coupled only by electron-electron Coulomb or boundary condition averaged nondissipative drag con- 0 4 phonon-mediatedinteractions. Ina dragexperimentone ductance gD of any non-degenerate many-particle state 0 studies the charge response of one layer/wire to elec- is a measure of a topological property of this state, and 9 tric fields in a different layer/wire. This response may is quantized in units of e2/h. 9 be parametrized by a differential drag conductance g , In the following, we first present a formal proof of the / D t which is defined as the current change in one layer/wire quantizationofg incoupledrings. Thisanalysisfollows a D m due to a change in the voltage drop across the second the topological path blazed by Thouless and co-workers layer/wire: [12,13]whichhasprovidedvaluableinsightintothequan- - d tum Hall effect. We then discuss the physical implica- n g = dI1. (1) tions of our results. D o dV2 Consider two coupled rings described by the following c : Clearly,gD =0intheabsenceofinterlayer/wireelectron- Hamiltonian: v i electron interaction; thus drag measurements probe the ¯h2 ∂ 2 1 X effects of electron-electron interactions directly. H = −i + U (xa)+ V (xa,xb), 2m (cid:18) ∂xa(cid:19) a i 2 ab i j r In macroscopic systems at finite temperature (T), the Xi,a e i Xi,a Xijab a dragresponse is dominatedby dissipative processes,and (2) typically vanishes in the limit T → 0. Very recently the so called “nondissipative drag”, which does not involve where m is the mass of the electron, a=1,2 is the ring e dissipative processes and can survive the T → 0 limit, index, xa is the x coordinate of the ith electron in ring has attracted much attention [6–9,2]. This nondissipa- i a, and U and V are some generic ring-dependent one- tive drag effect is often discussed in the context of cou- and two-body potentials. The Kubo formula for the real pled mesoscopic rings, in which the finite-size nature of part of the nondissipative drag conductance along the xˆ the system gives rise to phase coherence and to discrete direction when the system is in eigenstate ψ is [13,14] m energylevels. Nondissipativedragreflectstheinteraction 1 2 1 2 gm = ie ¯h hψm|vx|ψnihψn|vx|ψmi−c.c., (3) A few technical comments are in order. i) While we D L1L2 nX6=m (En−Em)2 have been discussing coupled mesoscopic rings with no transverse cross sections, the above analysis can be ap- where L1 and L2 are the length of the two rings, c.c. plied to 2D systems or rings with finite cross sections as stands for complex conjugation, and well. In the 2D case the conclusion is that the boundary condition averagednondissipative drag conductance of a va = ¯h (−i ∂ ) (4) given eigenstate is quantized, not the drag conductivity. x Xi me ∂xai These two quantities have the same dimensionality in 2D, but differ by a non-universal geometric factor. This is the velocity operator along xˆ direction in layer a. To is somewhat counter intuitive, since one usually views proceedfurther,weimposeperiodicboundaryconditions the conductivity as an intrinsic property of the system, withtwistanglesϕ1andϕ2,forrings1and2respectively and the conductance as geometry dependent. ii) In the [15]: precedingderivationwehavesimplifiedthediscussionby using a kinetic energy term in the Hamiltonian that is ψn(···,x1i +L1,···)=eiϕ1ψn(···,x1i,···), Galilean invariant and has no magnetic field. It is read- ψn(···,x2i +L2,···)=eiϕ2ψn(···,x2i,···). (5) ily shown, however, that the result holds for any band structureandanymagneticfieldstrength. iii)Inthetwo- gDm of course depends on ϕ1 and ϕ2. We now make the dimensionalcase,thesameanalysiscanbemadeandthe following unitary transformation: same conclusion reached for the Hall drag conductance. iv)Our analysisbreaksdownwhen electronsare allowed i to tunnel from one ring/layer to the other [16]. This is φn =exp−L ϕaxaiψn, (6) becauseinthepresenceoftunneling,theelectronsdonot a Xi,a have a well defined ring/layer index, and it is no longer possible to assigndifferent boundary condition angles to sothatφ isalwaysperiodicwithnotwistangles. Trans- n different rings/layers. v) In the derivation we need to forming the Hamiltonian accordingly using assume the state m under study is not degenerate with ∂ ∂ ϕa any other state for any ϕ1 and ϕ2. This is the generic −i →−i + , (7) ∂xa ∂xa L situation in the presence of randomness, since one needs i i a to tune three parametersin a Hermitian matrix to make one obtains two states degenerate. However,in certain cases there is a global degeneracy in the thermodynamic limit, which L ∂H˜ v˜a = a , (8) is of topological origin [17]. In such cases the drag con- x ¯h ∂ϕ a ductance is specified by the the average of the Chern numbers of the degenerate ground states [18], and can where H˜ is the transformed,ϕa dependent Hamiltonian, beafractionalmultipleofe2/h. Thisisthewayinwhich and v˜ is the transformed velocity operator. Thus fractional quantizations of ordinary and Hall drag [11] ˜ ˜ conductances occur. gDm(ϕ1,ϕ2)= i¯he2 nX6=mhφm|∂∂ϕH1|φ(nEinhφ−n|E∂∂mϕH2)|2φmi−c.c. catWioensnoowf otuurrnretsoultas.disIcnustshioenqoufantthuemphHyaslilcacloinmtepxlti-, ie2 ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ the identification of Hall conductance with a topological m m m m = − . (9) quantumnumberhasleadto veryimportantandfruitful ¯h (cid:20)(cid:28)∂ϕ1 (cid:12)(cid:12)∂ϕ2(cid:29) (cid:28)∂ϕ2(cid:12)(cid:12) ∂ϕ1(cid:29)(cid:21) insightintothebasicphysics[12,13]. Hereweattemptto (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus the boundary con(cid:12)dition averaged(cid:12)nondissipative analyzethe physicsofnondissipativedraginlightofthis formally rather similar identification. In the quantum drag conductance is Hall case, such an identification leads to the quantiza- ie2 2π ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ ∂φ tion of the Hall conductance when the ground state of gDm = 2πhZ Z0 dϕ1dϕ2(cid:20)(cid:28)∂ϕm1 (cid:12)(cid:12)∂ϕm2(cid:29)−(cid:28)∂ϕm2(cid:12)(cid:12) ∂ϕm1(cid:29)(cid:21)t.he system is separated from excited states by a real or (cid:12) (cid:12) mobilitygap,asinthepresenceofsuchagap,(i)thesys- (cid:12) (cid:12)(10) tem (and therefore the quantum number) is very stable against perturbations, an essential ingredient for quan- This is of precisely the same form as the boundary tization; (ii) the boundary effect becomes very weak for condition averaged expression for the Hall conductance sufficiently large system size and thus the Hall conduc- [13]. As in the quantum Hall case we can conclude that tance becomes independent of boundary condition, lead- gm =C(m)e2/h is quantized in units of e2/h, as long as D ingtoquantizationofHallconductancewithoutboundary statemisnotdegenerate. TheintegerC(m)isknownas condition averaging. Drag measurements, on the other the Chern integer or Chern number of state m. hand, are usually performed in metallic systems with no 2 gapinthethermodynamiclimit;formesoscopicrings,the other measures of localization (like longitudinal conduc- energy spacing between discrete levels are very sensitive tivity) in finite size systems. This is related to the fact to system size and other perturbations. Thus we expect that Chern numbers are quantized, while other quanti- the drag Chern number C(m) to fluctuate from state to ties can change continuously with disorder. It would be state, and gm to be sensitive to boundary conditions in interestingifthe samephenomenaoccursfordragChern D spite of the quantization of its boundary condition aver- numbers; if so this would suggest that disorder will sup- aged value. Indeed, in the absence of an external field, pressg morestronglythantheordinaryconductancein D it follows from time-reversal invariance that g = 0 at mesoscopic rings. D φ1 = φ2 = 0 so that a non-zero value of gD requires Quantizeddragincoupledringsystemshasaninterest- strong sensitivity of the drag to flux phases. ing physical interpretation. Consider the additional cur- We do, however, know one case in which the the drag rent induced in the first ring by a time-dependent mag- conductance is quantized. This is the case where there netic flux threading a second ring. The electric field in is no interlayer interaction (V12 = 0), and gDm or C(m) ring2,E2,isrelatedtothetime-derivativeofthethread- is identically zero. Now let us turn on V12 adiabatically, ing flux by E2 = φ˙2/(cL2) where L2 is the perimeter of and focus on the ground state and its Chern number ring 2. The additional current induced in ring 1 is then C(0). Since C(0) is quantized, it cannotchangecontinu- δI1 = C(m)(e2/h)(φ˙2/c). It follows that the additional ouslywithV12;itcanonlychangewhenthegroundstate numberofelectronsflowingpastareferencepointinring becomes degenerate with some other state at a particu- is C(m) for eachquantum of flux threading ring 2 which lar boundary condition and strength of V12, a situation must be an integer. This is, of course, very similar in whichwillbecalledlevelcrossingfromnowon[19]. Thus spirit to Laughlin’s original explanation of Hall conduc- g must remain zero at T = 0 even when the inter-ring tance quantization based on gauge invariance [22]. D interaction is turned on, as long as it does not induce In summary, we have demonstrated that boundary a level crossing of the ground state. Also from numer- condition averaged nondissipative drag conductance of ical studies of Chern numbers in the quantum Hall [20] individualeigenstatesinacoupledbi-ringorbi-layersys- and other [21] contexts, we expect g to be very close tem is characterized by a topological quantum number. D to 0 with fluctuations small compared to e2/h, unless This quantization, and the resultant quantum numbers, the system is very close to a level crossing. We refer to provide a new way to view the physics of nondissipative this regime as the “weak drag” regime. In this regime drag. We expect that, as in the quantum Hall [20] and 2 the magnitude of g is small compared to e /h, and the other contexts [21], numerical studies of these topologi- D ground state of the system is perturbatively connected cal quantum numbers can shed considerable light on the the decoupled ring ground state, thus the inter-ring in- physics of nondissipative drag. teraction can be treated perturbatively. We would like to thank Jim Eisenstein, Yong Baek Strongerinter-ringinteraction,onthe otherhand, can Kim, Ed Rezayi,and GiovanniVignale for useful discus- induce a groundstate levelcrossing,by whichmeansthe sions and correspondence. This work was supported by ground state can acquire a nonzero Chern number C(0). NSF grant No. DMR 99-71541, and the Fairchild and Inthiscaseweexpectthemagnitudeofg tobeoforder Sloan Foundations (KY), and by NSF grant No. DMR D 2 e /h, and refer this to be the “strong drag” regime. In 97-14055(AHM).PartoftheworkwasperformedatITP thiscasethegroundstateisnotperturbativelyconnected at Santa Barbara during the program on Disorder and the decoupled ring ground state, and one can no longer Interactions in Quantum Hall and Mesoscopic Systems, treat inter-ring interaction as a perturbation. We also which was supported by NSF PHY 94-07194. expectstrongfluctuationsofg inthis regime,asanon- D zeroChernnumberisusuallydominatedbycontributions in a small region in the boundary condition space where two neighboring states come close together in energy, in the boundary condition averaging process [20,21]. In the topological approach adopted here, one relates ∗ Present address. Email: [email protected] g to the response of the wave function of the system to D [1] T. J. Gramila, J. P. Eisenstein, A. H. MacDonald, L. the change of boundary conditions. For such a response Pfeiffer and K.West, Phys. Rev.Lett. 66, 1216 (1991). to be significant, the wave function must be delocalized. [2] For a review, see A. G. Rojo, J. Phys. Condens. Matter Disorder, on the other hand, tends to localize the wave 11, R31 (1999). function and thus suppress such response and therefore [3] See, e.g., U. Sivan, P. M. Solomon, and H. Shtrikman, gD. 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