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Editors Steven Duplij and Julius Wess Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics Proceedingsofthe NATOAdvancedResearchWorkshop “NONCOMMUTATIVESTRUCTURESIN MATHEMATICSANDPHYSICS” Kiev,Ukraine September24-28,2000 kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.1 v Editors Steven Duplij TheoryGroup NuclearPhysicsLaboratory KharkovNationalUniversity Kharkov61077 Ukraine Julius Wess SektionPhysik Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t Theresienstr.37 D-80333Mu¨nchen Germany Compilingandmaking-upbyStevenDuplij. kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.2 CONTENTS PREFACE viii J.Wess GaugeTheoriesBeyondGaugeTheory 1 D.Leites,V.Serganova SymmetriesWiderThanSupersymmetry 13 K.Stelle TensionsinSupergravityBraneworlds 31 P.Grozman,D.Leites AnUnconventionalSupergravity 41 E. Bergshoeff, R. Kallosh, A. Van Proeyen Supersymmetry Of RS BulkAndBrane 49 D.Galtsov,V.Dyadichev D-branesAndVacuumPeriodicity 61 P. Kosin´ski, J. Lukierski, P. Mas´lanka Quantum Deformations Of Space-TimeSUSYAndNoncommutativeSuperfieldTheory 79 D.Leites,I.Shchepochkina TheHoweDualityAndLieSuperalgebras 93 A.Sergeev EnvelopingAlgebraOfGL(3)AndOrthogonalPolynomials 113 S. Duplij, W. Marcinek Noninvertibility, Semisupermanifolds And CategoriesRegularization 125 F.Brandt AnOverviewOfNewSupersymmetricGaugeTheoriesWith 2-FormGaugePotentials 141 K. Peeters, P. Vanhove, A. Westerberg Supersymmetric R4 Actions AndQuantumCorrectionsToSuperspaceTorsionConstraints 153 S.Fedoruk,V.G.Zima MassiveSuperparticleWithSpinorialCentral Charges 161 A.Burinskii RotatingSuperBlackHoleasSpinningParticle 181 F.Toppan ClassifyingN-extended1-dimensionalSuperSystems 195 C. Quesne Para, Pseudo, And Orthosupersymmetric Quantum MechanicsAndTheirBosonization 203 A.Frydryszak SupersymmetricOddMechanicalSystemsAndHilbert Q-moduleQuantization 215 S. Vacaru, I. Chiosa, N. Vicol Locally Anisotropic Supergravity And GaugeGravityOnNoncommutativeSpaces 229 T. Kobayashi, J. Kubo, M. Mondrago´n, G. Zoupanos Finiteness In ConventionalN = 1GUTs 245 kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.3 CONTENTS vii J.Simon WorldVolumeRealizationOfAutomorphisms 259 G.Fiore,M.Maceda,J.Madore SomeMetricsOnTheManinPlane 271 V.Lyubashenko CoherenceIsomorphismsForAHopfCategory 283 A.Ganchev FusionRingsAndTensorCategories 295 V.Mazorchuk OnCategoriesOfGelfand-ZetlinModules 299 D. Shklyarov, S. Sinel’shchikov, L. Vaksman Hidden Symmetry Of SomeAlgebrasOfq-differentialOperators 309 P. Jorgensen, D. Proskurin, Y. Samoilenko A Family Of ∗-Algebras Allowing Wick Ordering: Fock Representations And Universal EnvelopingC∗-Algebras 321 A. U. Klimyk Nonstandard Quantization Of The Enevloping Algebra U(so(n))AndItsApplications 331 A.Gavrilik CantheCabibbomixingoriginatefrom noncommutative extradimensions? 343 N. Iorgov Nonclassical Type Representations Of Nonstandard Quantization Of Enveloping Algebras U(so(n)), U(so(n,1)) and U(iso(n)) 357 K.Landsteiner QuasiparticlesInNon-commutativeFieldTheory 369 A. Sergyeyev Time Dependence And (Non)Commutativity Of SymmetriesOfEvolutionEquations 379 B.Dragovich,I.V.Volovich p-AdicStringsAndNoncommutativity 391 G. Djordjevic´, B. Dragovich, L. Nesˇic´ Adelic Quantum Mechanics: NonarchimedeanAndNoncommutativeAspects 401 Y.Kozitsky GibbsStatesOfALatticeSystemOfQuantumAnharmonic Oscillators 415 D.Vassiliev AMetric-AffineFieldModelForTheNeutrino 427 M. Visinescu Generalized Taub-NUT Metrics And Killing-Yano Tensors 441 V.Dzhunushaliev AnEffectiveModelOfTheSpacetimeFoam 453 A. Higuchi Possible Constraints On String Theory In Closed Space WithSymmetries 465 A.Alscher,H.Grabert SemiclassicalDynamicsOfSU(2)Models 475 LIST OF SPEAKERS AND THEIR E-PRINTS 481 kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.4 PREFACE Theconceptsofnoncommutativespace-timeandquantumgroupshavefound growing attention in quantum field theory and string theory. The mathematical concepts of quantum groups have been far developed by mathematicians and physicists of the Eastern European countries. Especially, V. G. Drinfeld from Ukraine, S. Woronowicz from Poland and L. D. Faddeev from Russia have been pioneering the field. It seems to be natural to bring together these scientists with researchers in string theory and quantum field theory of the Western European countries. From another side, supersymmetry, as one of examples of noncom- mutative structure, was discovered in early 70’s in the West by J. Wess (one of the co-Directors) and B. Zumino and in the East by physicists from Ukraine V.P.AkulovandD.V.Volkov.Therefore,Ukraineseemstobeanaturalplaceto meet. Supersymmetry is a very important and intriguing mathematical concept which has become a basic ingredient in many branches of modern theoretical physics. In spite of its still lacking physical evidence, its far-reaching theoret- ical implications uphold the belief that supersymmetry plays a prominent role in the fundamental laws of nature. At present the most promising hope for a truly supersymmetric unified and finite description of quantum field theory and general relativity is superstring theory and its latest formulation, Witten’s M- theory.Superstringspossessbyfarthelargestsetofgaugesymmetrieseverfound in physics, perhaps even large enough to eliminate all divergences in quantum gravity.Notonlydoessuperstring’ssymmetryincludethatofEinstein’stheoryof generalrelativityandtheYang-Millstheory,italsoincludessupergravityandthe GrandUnifiedTheories. Oneoftheexcitingnewapproachestononperturbativestringtheoryinvolves M-theoryandduality,which,infact,forcetheoreticalphysiciststoreconsiderthe central role played by strings in supersymmetry. In this revised new picture all five superstring theories, which on first glance have entirely different properties and spectra, are now seen as different vacua of a same theory, M-theory. This unificationcannot,however,occurattheperturbativelevel,becauseitisprecisely the perturbative analysis which singles out the five different string theories. The hopeisthatwhenonegoesbeyondthisperturbativelimit,andtakesintoaccount all non-perturbative effects, the five string theories turn out to be five different descriptions of the same physics. In this context a duality is a particular relation applying to string theories, which can map for instance the strong coupling re- gion of a theory to the weak coupling region of the same theory or of another kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.5 PREFACE ix one, and vice versa, thus being an intrinsically non-perturbative relation. In the recent years, the structure of M-theory has begun to be uncovered, with the es- sential tool provided by supersymmetry. Its most striking characteristic is that it indicates that space-time should be eleven dimensional. Because of the intrinsic non-perturbative nature of any approach to M-theory, the study of the p-brane solitons,ormoresimply‘branes’,isanaturalsteptotake.Thebranesareextended objectspresentinM-theoryorinstringtheories,generallyassociatedtoclassical solutionsoftherespectivesupergravities. Quantum groups arise as the abstract structure underlying the symmetries of integrable systems. Then the theory of quantum inverse scattering gives rise to some deformed algebraic structures which were first explained by Drinfeld as deformationsoftheenveloppingalgebrasoftheclassicalLiealgebras.Ananalo- gous structure was obtained by Woronowicz in the context of noncommutative C∗-algebras. There is a third approach, due to Yu. I. Manin, where quantum groupsareinterpretedastheendomorphismsofcertainnoncommutativealgebraic varieties defined by quadratic algebras, called quantum linear spaces. L. D. Fad- deevandhiscollaboratorshadalsointerpretedthequantumgroupsfromthepoint of view of corepresentations and quantum spaces, furnishing a connection with the quantum deformations of the universal enveloping algebras and the quantum double of Hopf algebras. From the algebraic point of view, quantum groups are Hopfalgebrasandtherelationwiththeendomorphismalgebraofquantumlinear spaces comes from their corepresentations on tensor product spaces. The usual constructionofthecoactiononthetensorproductspaceinvolvestheflipoperator interchangingfactorsofthetensorproductofthequantumlinearspaceswiththe bialgebra. This fact implies the commutativity between the matrix elements of a representation of the endomorphism and the coordinates of the quantum lin- ear spaces. Moreover, the flip operator for the tensor product is also involved in many steps of the construction of quantum groups. In the braided approach to q-deformations the flip operator is replaced with a braiding giving rise to the quasi-tensorcategoryofk-modules,whereanaturalbraidedcoactionappears. The study of differential geometry and differential calculus on quantum groupsthatWoronowiczinitiatedisalsoveryimportantandworthwiletoinvesti- gate.Nextstepinthisdirectionisconsiderationofnoncommutativespace-timeas apossiblerealisticpictureofhowspace-timebehavesatshortdistances.Starting from such a noncommutative space as configuration space, one can generalize it to a phase space where noncommutativity is already intrinsic for a quantum mechanicalsystem.Thedefinitionofthisnoncommutativephasespaceisderived from the noncommutative differential structure on the configuration space. The noncommutativephasespaceisaq-deformationofthequantummechanicalphase space and one can apply all the machinery learned from quantum mechanics. If one demands that space-time variables are modules or co-modules of the q- deformedLorentzgroup,thentheysatisfycommutationrelationsthatmakethem kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.6 x PREFACE elements of a non-commutative space. The action of momenta on this space is non-commutative as well. The full structure is determined by the (co-)module property. It can serve as an explicit example of a non-commutative structure for space-time. This has the advantages that the q-deformed Lorentz group plays the role of a kinematical group and thus determines many of the properties of this space and allows explicit calculations. One can explicitly construct Hilbert spacerepresentationsofthealgebraandfindthatthevectorsintheHilbertspace can be determined by measuring the time, the three-dimensional distance, the q- deformed angular momentum and its third component. The eigenvalues of these observablesformaq-latticewithaccumulationpointsonthelight-cone.Inaway physics on the light-cone is best approximated by this q-deformation. One can consider the simplest version of a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra as an example ofanoncommutativestructure,firstderiveacalculusentirelybasedonthealgebra andthenformulatelawsofphysicsbasedonthiscalculus. Bringingtogetherscientistsfromquantumfieldtheory,stringtheoryandquan- tum gravity with researchers in noncommutative geometry, Hopf algebras and quantum groups as well as experts on representation theory of these algebras had a stimulating effect on each side and will lead to new developments. In each field there is a highly developed knowledge by experts which can only be transformed to another field only by having close personal contact through dis- cussions,talksandreports.Wehopethatcommonprojectscanbefoundsuchthat workingintheseprojectsthedetailedtechniquescanbelearnedfromeachother. The Workshop has promoted the development of new directions in the field of modern theoretical and mathematical physics combining the efforts of scientists fromNATO,EastEuropeancountriesandNIS. WearegreatlyindebtedtotheNATODivisionofScientificAffairsforfunding ofourmeetingandtotheNationalAcademyofSciencesofUkraineforhelpinits localorganizing.Itisalsoagreatpleasuretothankallthepeoplewhocontributed tothesuccessfulorganizationoftheWorkshop,especiallymembersoftheLocal Organizing Committee Profs. N. Chashchyn and P. Smalko. Finally, we would liketothankalltheparticipantsforcreatinganexcellentworkingatmosphereand foroutstandingcontributionstothisvolume. Editors kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.7 GAUGETHEORIESBEYONDGAUGETHEORY JULIUSWESS Sektion Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t Theresienstr. 37,D-80333Mu¨nchen,Germany and Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) Fo¨hringerRing6,D-80805Mu¨nchen,Germany 1. Algebraicpreliminaries In gauge theories we consider differentiable manifolds as base manifolds and fi- bresthatcarryarepresentationofaLiegroup.Inthefollowingweshallshowthat itispossibletoreplacethedifferentiablemanifoldbyanon-commutativealgebra, ref.[1].Forthispurposewefirstfocusourattentiononalgebraicproperties.The coordinatesxi x1,...,xn ∈ R, (1) areconsideredaselementsofanalgebraoverCsubjecttotherelations: R : xixj −xjxi = 0. (2) This characterizes Rn as a commutative space. The relations generate a 2-sided ideal IR. From the algebraic point of view, we deal with the algebra freely generatedbytheelementsxi anddividedbytheidealIR: (cid:2) (cid:3) C [x1,...,xn] Ax = I . (3) R Formal power series are accepted, this is indicated by the double bracket. The elements of the algebra are the functions in Rn that have a formal power series expansionattheorigin: f(x1,...,xn) ∈ Ax, (4) X∞ f(x1,...,xn) = f (x1)r1 ·····(xn)rn. r1...rn r =0 i kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.8 2 J.WESS Multiplicationisthepointwisemultiplicationofthesefunctions. Themonomialsoffixeddegreeformafinite-dimensionalsubspaceofthealge- bra.Thisalgebraicconceptcanbeeasilygeneralizedtonon-commutativespaces. Weconsideralgebrasfreelygeneratedbyelementsxˆ1,...xˆn,againcallingthem coordinates.Butnowwechangetherelationstoarriveatnon-commutativespaces: Rxˆ,xˆ : [xˆi,xˆj] = iθij(xˆ). (5) Following L.Landau, non-commutativity carries a hat. Now we deal with the algebra: C << xˆ1,...,xˆn >> Axˆ = I , (6) R xˆ,xˆ fˆ ∈ A . xˆ Inthefollowingweimposeonemoreconditiononthealgebra:thedimension of the subspace of homogeneous polynomials should be the same as for com- mutingcoordinates.ThisisthesocalledPoincare-Birkhof-Wittproperty(PBW). Onlyalgebraswiththispropertywillbeconsidered,amongthemarethealgebras whereθij isaconstant: Canonicalstructure,ref.[2]: [xˆi,xˆj] = iθij, (7) whereθij islinearinxˆ: Liestructure,ref.[3]: [xˆi,xˆj] = iθijxˆk, (8) k whereθij isquadraticinxˆ: Quantumspacestructure,ref.[4]: [xˆi,xˆj] = iθijxˆkxˆl, (9) kl The constants θij and θij are subject to conditions to guarantee PBW. For k kl LiestructuresthiswillbetheJacobiidentity,forthequantumspacestructurethe Yang-Baxter equation. There is a natural vector space isomorphism between Ax and Axˆ. It is based on the isomorphism of the vector spaces of homogeneous polynomialsthathavethesamedegreeduetothePBWproperty. Inordertoestablishtheisomorphismwechooseaparticularbasisinthevec- tor space of homogeneous polynomials in the non-commuting variables xˆ and characterize the elements of Axˆ by the coefficient functions in this basis. The corresponding element in the algebra Ax of commuting variables is supposed kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.9 GAUGETHEORIESBEYONDGAUGETHEORY 3 to have the same coefficient function. The particular form of this isomorphism depends on the basis chosen. The vector space isomorphism can be extended to analgebraisomorphism.Toestablishitwecomputethecoefficientfunctionofthe productoftwoelementsinAxˆ andmapittoAx.ThisdefinesaproductinA§ that we denote as diamond product (♦ product). The algebra with this ♦ product we call♦Ax.Thereisanaturalisomorphism: Axˆ ←→ ♦Ax. (10) The three structures that we have mentioned above have an even stronger property than PBW. It turns out that monomials in any well-defined ordering of the coordinates form a basis. Among them is an ordering as we have used it before or the completely symmetrized ordering of monomials as well. For such structures we shall denote the ♦ product as * product (star product), ref. [5]. For the canonicalstructure we obtain the Moyal-Weyl * product, ref. [6], if we start fromthebasisofcompletelysymmetrizedmonomials: (cid:12) i ∂ θij ∂ (cid:12) (f ∗g)(x) = e2∂xi ∂yjf(x)g(y)(cid:12) (11) y⇒x Z = dny δn(x−y)e2i∂∂xiθij∂∂yjf(x)g(y). FortheLiestructurewecanusetheBaker-Campbell-Hausdorfformula: eik·xˆeip·xˆ = ei(k+p+12g(k,p))·xˆ. (12) Thisdefinesg(k,p). (cid:12) (f ∗g)(x) = e2ix·g(i∂∂y,i∂∂z)f(y)g(z)(cid:12)(cid:12)y→x. (13) z→x ForthequantumplaneweconsidertheexampleoftheManinplane xˆyˆ = qyˆxˆ, (14) (cid:12) (f ∗g)(x) = q−x0∂∂x0y∂∂yf(x,y)g(x0,y0)(cid:12)(cid:12)x0→x. y0→y Itisnaturaltousetheelementsof♦Ax asobjectsinphysics.Fieldsofafield theorywillbesuchobjects. φ(x) ∈ ♦Ax. (15) The product of fields will always be the * product. To formulate field equations weintroducederivatives.OnthealgebraAxˆ thiscanbedoneonpurelyalgebraic grounds. We have to extend the algebra Axˆ by algebraic elements ∂ˆi, ref. [7]. A kievarwe.tex; 12/03/2001; 3:49; p.10

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