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Preview Noncommutative Plurisubharmonic Polynomials Part II: Local Assumptions

NONCOMMUTATIVE PLURISUBHARMONIC POLYNOMIALS PART II: LOCAL ASSUMPTIONS JEREMY M. GREENE1† 1 1 0 2 n Abstract. We say that a symmetric noncommutative (nc) polynomial is nc plurisubhar- a monic (or nc plush) on an nc open set if it has an nc complex hessian that is positive J semidefinite when evaluated on open sets of matrix tuples of sufficiently large size. In this 4 paper, we show that if an nc polynomialis nc plurisubharmonic onan nc open set then the 1 polynomial is actually nc plurisubharmonic everywhere and has the form ] (0.1) p= fTf + k kT +F +FT A j j j j O where the sums are finite and fjX, kj, F areXall nc analytic. In [GHV], it is shown that if p is nc plurisubharmonic everywhere then p has the form . h in Equation (0.1). In other words, [GHV] makes a global assumption while the current t a paper makes a local assumption, but both reach the same conclusion. We show that if p m is nc plurisubharmonic on an nc “open set” (local) then p is, in fact, nc plurisubharmonic [ everywhere (global) and has the form expressed in Equation (0.1). This paper requires a technique that is not used in [GHV]. We use a Gram-like vector 2 and matrix representation (called the border vector and middle matrix) for homogeneous v 1 degree 2 nc polynomials. We then analyze this representation for the nc complex hessian 1 on an nc open set and positive semidefiniteness forces a very rigid structure on the border 1 vectorandmiddle matrix. This rigidstructureplus the theorems in[GHV]ultimately force 0 the form in Equation (0.1). . 1 0 1 1 1. Introduction : v i In [GHV], it is shown that if p is nc plush everywhere then p has the form in Equation X (0.1). In this paper, we prove a stronger result on a “local implies global” level. We show r a that if p is nc plush on an nc “open set” (local) then p is, in fact, nc plush everywhere (global) and has the form expressed in Equation (0.1). Since this paper is a close companion of [GHV], we refer the reader there for background. This paper requires a technique that is not used in [GHV]. We use a Gram-like vector and matrix representation (called the border vector and middle matrix) for homogeneous degree 2 nc polynomials. We then analyze this representation for the nc complex hessian on an nc open set and positive semidefiniteness forces a very rigid structure on the border 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 47A56, 46L07,32H99, 32A99, 46L89. Key words and phrases. noncommutative analytic function, noncommutative analytic maps, noncommu- tative plurisubharmonic polynomial, noncommutative open set. 1Research supported by NSF grants DMS-0700758,DMS-0757212,and the Ford Motor Co. †The material in this paper is part of the Ph.D. thesis of Jeremy M. Greene at UCSD. 1 2 GREENE vector and middle matrix. This rigid structure plus the theorems in [GHV] ultimately force the form in Equation (0.1). 1.1. NC Polynomials, Their Derivatives, and Plurisubharmonicity. This subsection and the next (Subsection 1.2) are contained in Section 1 of [GHV]. 1.1.1. NC Variables and Monomials. We consider the free semi-group on the 2g noncom- muting formal variables x ,...,x ,xT,...,xT. The variables xT are the formal transposes 1 g 1 g j of the variables x . The free semi-group in these 2g variables generates monomials in all of j these variables x ,...,x ,xT,...,xT, often called monomials in x, xT. 1 g 1 g If m is a monomial, then mT denotes the transpose of the monomial m. For exam- ple, given the monomial (in the x ’s) xw = x x ...x , the involution applied to xw is j j1 j2 jn (xw)T = xT ...xT xT . jn j2 j1 1.1.2. The Ring of NC Polynomials. Let Rhx ,...,x ,xT,...,xTi denote the ring of non- 1 g 1 g commutative polynomials over R in the noncommuting variables x ,...,x ,xT,...,xT. We 1 g 1 g often abbreviate Rhx ,...,x ,xT,...,xTi by Rhx,xTi. 1 g 1 g Note that Rhx,xTi maps to itself under the involution T. We call a polynomial nc analytic if it contains only the variables x and none of the j transposed variables xT. Similarly, we call a polynomial nc antianalytic if it contains only i the variables xT and none of the variables x . j i We call an nc polynomial, p, symmetric if pT = p. For example, p = x xT + xTx is 1 1 2 2 symmetric. The polynomial p˜ = x x x + x x is nc analytic but not symmetric. Finally, 1 2 4 3 1 the polynomial pˆ= xTxT +4xT is nc antianalytic but not symmetric. 2 1 3 1.1.3. Substituting Matrices for NC Variables. If p is an nc polynomial in the variables x ,...,x ,xT,...,xT and 1 g 1 g X = (X ,X ,...,X ) ∈ (Rn×n)g, 1 2 g the evaluation p(X,XT) is defined by simply replacing x by X and xT by XT. Note that, j j j j forZ = (0 ,0 ,...,0 ) ∈ (Rn×n)2g whereeach0 isthen×nzeromatrix, p(0 ) = I ⊗p(0 ). n n n n n n n 1 Because of this simple relationship, we often simply write p(0) with the size n unspecified. The involution, T, is compatible with matrix transposition, i.e., pT(X,XT) = p(X,XT)T. 1.1.4. Matrix Positivity. We say that an nc symmetric polynomial, p, in the 2g variables x ,...,x ,xT,...,xT, is matrix positive if p(X,XT) is a positive semidefinite matrix when 1 g 1 g evaluated on every X ∈ (Rn×n)g for every size n ≥ 1; i.e., p(X,XT) (cid:23) 0 for all X ∈ (Rn×n)g and all n ≥ 1. NONCOMMUTATIVE PLURISUBHARMONIC POLYNOMIALS: PART II 3 1.2. NC Differentiation. First we make some definitions and state some properties about nc differentiation. 1.2.1. Definition of Directional Derivative. Let p be an nc polynomial in the nc variables x = (x ,...,x ) and xT = (xT,...,xT). In order to define a directional derivative, we first 1 g 1 g replace all xT by y . Then the directional derivative of p with respect to x in the i i j direction h is j ∂p dp (1.1) p [h ] := (x,xT)[h ] = (x ,...,x +th ,...,x ,y ,...,y )| | . xj j ∂x j dt 1 j j g 1 g t=0 yi=xTi j The directional derivative of p with respect to xT in the direction k is j j ∂p dp (1.2) p [k ] := (x,xT)[k ] = (x ,...,x ,y ,...,y +tk ,...,y )| | . xTj j ∂xT j dt 1 g 1 j j g t=0 yi=xTi j Often, we take k = hT in Equation (1.2) and we define j j g ∂p dp ∂p p [h] := (x,xT)[h] = (x+th,y)| | = (x,xT)[h ] x ∂x dt t=0 y=xT ∂x i i i=1 X g ∂p dp ∂p p [hT] := (x,xT)[hT] = (x,y +tk)| | = (x,xT)[hT]. xT ∂xT dt t=0 y=xT,k=hT ∂xT i i=1 i X Then, we (abusively1) define the ℓth directional derivative of p in the direction h as dℓp p(ℓ)(x)[h] := (x+th,y +tk)| | dtℓ t=0 y=xT,k=hT so the first directional derivative of p in the direction h is ∂p ∂p (1.3) p′(x)]h] = (x,xT)[h]+ (x,xT)[hT] ∂x ∂xT (1.4) = p [h]+p [hT]. x xT Itisimportanttonotethatthedirectionalderivativeisanncpolynomialthatishomogeneous degree 1 in h, hT. If p is symmetric, so is p′. Example 1.1. Given a general monomial, with c ∈ R, m = cxi1xi2 ···xin j1 j2 jn where each i is either 1 or T, we get that k m′ = chi1xi2 ···xin +cxi1hi2xi3 ···xin +···+cxi1 ···xin−1hin. j1 j2 jn j1 j2 j3 jn j1 jn−1 jn 1For moredetail, see [GHV]. The idea for computing p(ℓ)(x)[h] is thatwe firstnoncommutativelyexpand p(x+th). Then, p(ℓ)(x)[h] is the coefficient of tℓ multiplied by ℓ!; i.e., p(ℓ)(x)[h]=(ℓ!)(coefficient of tℓ). 4 GREENE 1.2.2. Hessian and Complex Hessian. Often, one is most interested in the hessian of a poly- nomial and its positivity, as this determines convexity. However, in this paper, we are most concerned with the complex hessian, since it turns out to be related to “nc analytic” changes of variables. We define the nc complex hessian , q(x,xT)[h,hT], of an nc polynomial p as the nc polynomial in the 4g variables x = (x ,...,x ), xT = (xT,...,xT), h = (h ,...,h ), and 1 g 1 g 1 g hT = (hT,...,hT) 1 g ∂2p (1.5) q(x,xT)[h,hT] := (x+th,y +sk)| | . ∂s∂t t,s=0 y=xT,k=hT The nc complex hessian is actually a piece of the full nc hessian which is ∂2p ∂2p p′′(x)[h] = (x+th,y)| | + (x+th,y +sk)| | ∂t2 t=0 y=xT ∂t∂s t,s=0 y=xT,k=hT ∂2p ∂2p + (x+th,y +sk)| | + (x,y +sk)| | ∂s∂t t,s=0 y=xT,k=hT ∂s2 s=0 y=xT,k=hT ∂2p ∂2p = 2q(x,xT)[h,hT]+ (x+th,y)| | + (x,y +sk)| | . ∂t2 t=0 y=xT ∂s2 s=0 y=xT,k=hT We call a symmetric nc polynomial, p, nc plurisubharmonic (or nc plush) if the nc complex hessian, q, of p is matrix positive. In other words, we require that q be positive semidefinite when evaluated on all tuples of n×n matrices for every size n; i.e., q(X,XT)[H,HT] (cid:23) 0 for all X,H ∈ (Rn×n)g for every n ≥ 1. 1.3. Direct Sums. Our definition of the direct sum is the usual one, which for two matrices X and X is given by 1 2 X 0 X ⊕X := 1 . 1 2 0 X 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Given a finite set of matrix tuples {X1,...,Xt} with Xj = {X ,X ,...,X } ∈ (Rnj×nj)g j1 j2 jg for j = 1,...,t, we define t t t t Xj := X , X ,..., X . j1 j2 jg ( ) j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1 M M M M For example, if X1 = {X ,...,X }, X2 = {X ,...,X }, and X3 = {X ,...,X }, we 11 1g 21 2g 31 3g get X1 ⊕X2 ⊕X3 = {X ⊕X ⊕X ,...,X ⊕X ⊕X }. 11 21 31 1g 2g 3g Now let ∞ B = B n n=1 [ NONCOMMUTATIVE PLURISUBHARMONIC POLYNOMIALS: PART II 5 where B ⊆ (Rn×n)g for n = 1,2,... be given. The graded set B respects direct sums if n for each finite set t {X1,...,Xt} with Xj ∈ B and n = n , nj j j=1 X with repetitions allowed, ⊕t Xj ∈ B . j=1 n 1.4. Noncommutative Open Set. A set G ⊆ ∪ (Rn×n)g is an nc open set if G satisfies n≥1 the following two conditions: (i) G respects direct sums and (ii) there exists a positive integer n such that if n > n , the set G := G∩(Rn×n)g is an 0 0 n open set of matrix tuples. We say that an nc polynomial, p, is nc plush on an nc open set, G, if the nc complex hessian, q, of p satisfies (1.6) q(X,XT)[H,HT] (cid:23) 0 for all X ∈ G and all H ∈ (Rn×n)g for all n ≥ 1. 1.5. Main Results. Aswewillsee, inSection4, thenccomplexhessian, q,ifmatrixpositive on an nc open set, can be factored as (1.7) q = V(x,xT)[h,hT]TL(x,xT)D(x,xT)L(x,xT)TV(x,xT)[h,hT] where D(x,xT) is a diagonal matrix, L(x,xT) is a lower triangular matrix with ones on the diagonal (we call this a unit lower triangular matrix), and V(x,xT)[h,hT] is a vector of monomials in x,xT,h,hT. The next theorem shows the surprising result that the diagonal matrix, D(x,xT), in Equation (1.7) does not depend on x,xT and that L(x,xT) has nc polynomial entries. Theorem 1.2. If p is an nc symmetric polynomial that is nc plurisubharmonic on an nc open set, then q, the nc complex hessian of p, can be written as q = V(x,xT)[h,hT]TL(x,xT)DL(x,xT)TV(x,xT)[h,hT] where V(x,xT)[h,hT] is a vector of monomials in x,xT,h,hT, D = diag(d ,d ,...,d ) is 1 2 N a positive semidefinite constant real matrix, and L(x,xT) is a unit lower triangular matrix with nc polynomial entries. Proof. The proof of this theorem requires the rest of this paper and culminates in Subsection (cid:3) 4.5. This gives rise to an extension of the main theorem from [GHV]. In [GHV], it is shown that an nc polynomial which is nc plush everywhere has the specific form given in Equation (1.8) below. In this paper, Theorem 1.3, below, is a stronger, “local implies global”, result in that an nc polynomial that is nc plush just on an nc open set is actually nc plush everywhere (and has the form in Equation (1.8)). 6 GREENE Theorem 1.3. If an nc symmetric polynomial, p, is nc plurisubharmonic on an nc open set, then p is, in fact, nc plurisubharmonic everywhere and has the form expressed in [GHV] (1.8) p = fTf + k kT +F +FT j j j j where the sums are finite and eacXh f , k , anXd F is nc analytic. j j Proof. That D = D(x,xT), in Theorem 1.2, is a positive semidefinite constant real matrix immediately implies q(X,XT)[H,HT] (cid:23) 0 forallX,H ∈ ∪ (Rn×n)g; thatis, pisncplushatall X ∈ (Rn×n)g. Consequently, Theorem n≥1 1.7 in [GHV] gives that p is of the desired form p = fTf + k kT +F +FT j j j j where the sums are finite and f ,Xk , F are nXc analytic. (cid:3) j j Note that with an nc polynomial, p, as in Equation (1.8), the nc complex hessian, q, of p is (1.9) q = (fT) [hT](f ) [h]+ (k ) [h](kT) [hT] , j xT j x j x j xT which is obviously matrXix positive as it is a sumXof squares. From Equation (1.9), we see that the nc complex hessian for an nc polynomial that is nc plush on an nc open set has even degree. 1.6. Guide to the Paper. In Section 2, we introduce a Gram-like representation of nc quadratics. In Section 3, we study this Gram-like representation for the nc complex hessian and prove some properties for this representation. In Section 4, we introduce the LDLT decomposition of the nc complex hessian and conclude that D is constant. The author would like to thank J. William Helton and Victor Vinnikov for many plush discussions on noncommutative plurisubharmonic polynomials. Now we define the Gram-like representation of an nc quadratic. It will be called the middle matrix representation (MMR). 2. Middle Matrix Representation For A General NC Quadratic In this section, we turn to a special representation for nc symmetric quadratic polyno- mials. We represent nc quadratics in a factored form, vTMv. This representation greatly facilitates the study of the positivity of nc quadratics by letting us study the positivity of M. Now we give details. Anynoncommutativesymmetricpolynomial,f(x,xT,h,hT),inthevariablesx = (x ,...,x ), 1 g xT = (xT,...,xT), h = (h ,...,h ), and hT = (hT,...,hT) that is degree s in x,xT and 1 g 1 g 1 g homogeneous of degree two in h,hT admits a representation of the form (2.1) f(x,xT,h,hT) = V(x,xT)[h,hT]TM(x,xT)V(x,xT)[h,hT] NONCOMMUTATIVE PLURISUBHARMONIC POLYNOMIALS: PART II 7 where M(x,xT), called the middle matrix, is a symmetric matrix of nc polynomials in x,xT and V(x,xT)[h,hT], called the border vector, is given by V (x,xT)[h] s . . .   V (x,xT)[h] (2.2) V(x,xT)[h,hT] = 0 .  V (x,xT)[hT]   s   .  .  .     V (x,xT)[hT]   0    The V (x,xT)[h] (resp. V (x,xT)[hT]) are vectors of nc monomials of the form h m(x,xT) k k j (resp. hTm(x,xT))where m(x,xT)runsthroughtheset of(2g)k monomialsinx,xT oflength j k for j = 1,...,g. Note that the degree of the monomials in V is k +1. k We note that the vector of monomials, V(x,xT)[h,hT], might contain monomials that are not required in the representation of the nc quadratic, f. Therefore, we can omit all monomials from the border vector that are not required. This gives us a minimal length border vector and prevents extraneous zeros from occurring in the middle matrix. The next lemma, Lemma 2.1, says that a minimal length border vector contains distinct monomials. Lemma 2.1. If f(x,xT,h,hT) is an nc symmetric polynomial that has a middle matrix representation, then there is a middle matrix representation for f such that the border vector contains distinct monomials. Here, distinct precludes one monomial being a scalar multiple of another. Proof. Suppose we have f with the representation T m p p p m 11 12 13 f(x,xT,h,hT) = αm p p p αm 21 22 23      n p p p n 31 32 33      with α a real number and m and n distinct monomials. Write f as f = mT(p +α2p +αp +αp )m 11 22 21 12 + mT(p +αp )n+nT(p +αp )m+nTp n 13 23 31 32 33 which leads to the representation m p +α2p +αp +αp p +αp m f(x,xT,h,hT) = 11 22 21 12 13 23 n p +αp p n 31 32 33 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:3) which has distinct monomials in the border vector. To aid us in the following sections, we cite a theorem (Theorem 8.3 in [CHSY03] and Theorem 6.1 in [HM04]). Note that in [CHSY03], the following theorem is stated for a positivity domain but the proof only uses the fact that positivity domains are nc open sets (satisfy the two conditions in Subsection 1.4). Hence, we slightly generalize the statement of the theorem to work on a more general nc open set as defined in Subsection 1.4. 8 GREENE Theorem 2.2. Consider a noncommutative polynomial Q(x,xT)[h,hT] which is quadratic in the variables h,hT that is defined on G ⊆ ∪ (Rn×n)g. Write Q(x,xT)[h,hT] in the form n≥1 Q(x,xT)[h,hT] = V(x,xT)[h,hT]TM(x,xT)V(x,xT)[h,hT]. Suppose that the following two conditions hold: (i) the set G is an nc open set as defined in Subsection 1.4; (ii) the border vector V(x,xT)[h,hT] of the quadratic function Q(x,xT)[h,hT] has distinct monomials. Then, the following statements are equivalent: (a) Q(X,XT)[H,HT] is a positive semidefinite matrix for each pair of tuples of matrices X and H for which X ∈ G; (b) M(X,XT) (cid:23) 0 for all X ∈ G. We will also need the following well known lemma (c.f. [HM04]). Just for notational purposes of stating the lemma, let B(H)g denote all g-tuples of operators on H, where H is a Hilbert space. Lemma 2.3. Given d, there exists a Hilbert space K of dimension 2d(2g)j such that if G 0 is an open subset of B(K)g, if p has degree at most d, and if p(X) = 0 for all X ∈ G, then P p = 0. Now we proceed to study this middle matrix representation for the nc complex hessian. 3. Middle Matrix Representation For The NC Complex Hessian In Section 2, we introduced the middle matrix representation for a general nc quadratic polynomial, and this section specializes it to the nc complex hessian. The requirement that the nc complex hessian be positive on an nc open set forces rigid structure to the border vector and middle matrix. 3.1. Border Vector for a Complex Hessian: Choosing an Order for Monomials. Let p be an nc symmetric polynomial in g variables such that the degree of its nc complex hessian is d. Then the complex hessian will be homogeneous of degree two in h,hT. Forafixeddegreek,therearegk ncanalyticmonomialsandgk ncantianalyticmonomials in x,xT. That means there are (2g)k−gk−gk = (2g)k−2gk ‘mixed’ monomials of degree k (i.e., monomials that are not nc analytic nor nc antianalytic). 3.1.1. Analytic Border Vector. For 0 ≤ k ≤ d − 2, let A = A (x)[h] be the vector of nc k k analytic monomials with entries h m(x) where m(x) runs through the set of gk nc analytic j monomials of length k for j = 1,...,g. The order we impose on the monomials in this vector is lexicographic order. Thus, the length of A = A (x)[h] is gk+1 and the vector k k (3.1) A(x)[h] = col(A ,...,A ,A ) d−2 1 0 has length gd−1 +···+g2 +g = gν where ν = gd−2 +···+g2 +g +1. NONCOMMUTATIVE PLURISUBHARMONIC POLYNOMIALS: PART II 9 3.1.2. Antianalytic Border Vector. Let At = A (xT)[hT] be the same as A = A (x)[h] ex- k k k k cept replace each h with hT and replace each x by xT. So At is the vector of nc antianalytic j j i i k monomials with entries hTm(xT) where m(xT) runs through the set of gk nc antianalytic j monomials of length k for j = 1,...,g (again, the order is lexicographic). Thus, the length of At = A (xT)[hT] is gk+1 and the vector k k (3.2) A(xT)[hT] = col(At ,...,At,At) d−2 1 0 also has length gν. 3.1.3. Mixed Term Border Vector. Next, we define notation to handle all nonanalytic and nonantianalytic monomials. Let B = B (x,xT)[h] be the vector of monomials with entries 1 1 h xT for i = 1,...,g and j = 1,...,g. The length of B is g2. For 2 ≤ k ≤ d − 2, j i 1 let B = B (x,xT)[h] be the vector of monomials with entries h m(x,xT) where m(x,xT) k k j runs through the set of (2g)k − 2gk monomials of length k that are not nc analytic nor nc antianalytic for j = 1,...,g. Again, we put the same lexicographic order on the monomials. Thus, the length of B = B (x,xT)[h] is g((2g)k −2gk) and the vector k k B(x,xT)[h] = col(B ,...,B ,B ) d−2 2 1 has length g2 + d−2g((2g)k −2gk). Then we can also define Bt = Bt(x,xT)[hT] to be the k=2 1 1 vector of monomials with entries hTx for i = 1,...,g and j = 1,...,g. This also has length j i P g2. Then we define, for 2 ≤ k ≤ d − 2, the vector Bt = B (x,xT)[hT] to be the same as k k B except h is replaced by hT. In other words, each entry looks like hTm(x,xT). Then the k j j j vector B(x,xT)[hT] = col(Bt ,...,Bt,Bt) d−2 2 1 has the same length as B(x,xT)[h]. Note that the degree of the monomials in A ,At,B ,Bt is k +1. k k k k 3.2. The Middle Matrix of a Complex Hessian. Now we can represent the nc complex hessian, q, of a symmetric nc polynomial p as T A(x)[h] Q Q 0 0 A(x)[h] 1 2 B(x,xT)[h] QT Q 0 0 B(x,xT)[h] (3.3) q(x,xT)[h,hT] =    2 4   A(xT)[hT] 0 0 Q Q A(xT)[hT] 5 6  B(x,xT)[hT]   0 0 QT Q  B(x,xT)[hT]     6 8        where Q = Q (x,xT) are matrices with nc polynomial entries in the variables x ,...,x , i i 1 g xT,...,xT. 1 g Again,wewishtostressthatthevectorsA(x)[h], A(xT)[hT],B(x,xT)[h], andB(x,xT)[hT] may contain monomials that are not required in the representation of the complex hessian, q. Therefore, we omit all monomials from the border vector that are not required. This gives us a minimal length border vector and prevents extraneous zeros from occurring in the middle matrix. Lemma 2.1 says that a minimal length border vector contains only distinct monomials. The next subsection provides some necessary background on nc differentiation. 10 GREENE 3.3. Levi-differentially Wed Monomials. An extremely important fact about the nc complexhessian, q(x,xT)[h,hT], isthatitisquadraticinh,hT andthateach term contains some h and some hT. If a certain monomial m is in q, then any monomial obtained j k by exchanging h with some x in m and/or exchanging some hT with some xT in m is j ℓ k j also in q. We say two such monomials are Levi-differentially wed. Indeed, being Levi- differentially wed is an equivalence relation on the monomials in q with the coefficients of all Levi-differentially wed monomials in q being the same. Example 3.1. ThemonomialshThxTx,hTxxTh,xThhTx,andxTxhThareallLevi-differentially wed to each other. Example 3.2. None of the monomials hThxTx, hTxhTx, xThxTh are Levi-differentially wed to each other. The next theorem gives necessary and sufficient conditions as to when an nc polynomial is an nc complex hessian. This theorem is proved in [GHV] but gets used extensively in this paper. Theorem 3.3. An nc polynomial q in x,xT,h,hT is an nc complex hessian if and only if the following two conditions hold: (P1) Each monomial in q contains exactly one h and one hT for some j,k. j k (P2) If a certain monomial m is contained in q, any monomial m˜ that is Levi-differentially wed to m is also contained in q. (cid:3) Proof. The proof is provided in [GHV]. Theorem 3.3 (P1) shows that every term in the complex hessian, q, has an h and hT for j k some j and k. This structure forces the zeros in the middle matrix in Equation (3.3) above. 3.4. Structure of the Middle Matrix. Inthissubsection, weprovesomepropertiesabout the structure of the middle matrix in the MMR for a matrix positive nc complex hessian. Lemma 3.4. Let p be an nc symmetric polynomial that is nc plush on an nc open set, G. Then, the MMR in Equation (3.3) for its nc complex hessian, q, of p has Q = Q = Q = 2 4 6 Q = 0. Thus, 8 A(x)[h] T Q (x,xT) 0 A(x)[h] (3.4) q = 1 . A(xT)[hT] 0 Q (x,xT) A(xT)[hT] 5 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) Proof. We consider the upper left block of the middle matrix in Equation (3.3) A(x)[h] T Q (x,xT) Q (x,xT) A(x)[h] 1 2 B(x,xT)[h] Q (x,xT)T Q (x,xT) B(x,xT)[h] 2 4 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) with the goal of showing Q = 0 and Q = 0. Thus, suppose the border vector contains a 2 4 nonzero monomial which is an entry in the vector of mixed monomials, B(x,xT)[h]; i.e., the border vector contains a term (3.5) h m (x,xT)xTm (x,xT) k 1 j 2

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