NONCOMMUTATIVE DIFFERENTIALGEOMETRY AND ITSAPPLICATIONSTO PHYSICS MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS STUDIES EditorialBoard: MaximKontsevich, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France MassimoPorrati, NewYork University, New York, US.A. Jacques Simon, UniversiteBourgogne, Dijon, France Daniel Sternheimer, UniversiteBourgogne, Dijon, France VOLUME 23 Noncommutative Differential Geometry and Its Applications to Physics Proceedings of the Workshop at Shonan, Japan, June 1999 Edited by Yoshiaki Maeda Keio UniversilY, Yokohama, Japan Hitoshi Moriyoshi Keio Universily, Yokohama, Japan Hideki Omori Science Universily of Tokyo, Noda, Japan Daniel Stemheimer CNRS and Universill? de Bourgogne, Dijon, France Tatsuya Tate Keio UniversilY, Yokohama, Japan and Satoshi Watamura Tohoku UniversilY, Sendai, Japan Springer-Science+Business Media, B.V. A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-94-010-3829-4 ISBN 978-94-010-0704-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-010-0704-7 Printed on acid-free paper AII Rights Reserved © 2001 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2001 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover Ist edition 2001 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, incIuding photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permis sion from the copyright owner. TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE vii METIIODSOFEQUIVARIANTQUANTIZATION Christian Duval, PierreB.A. LecomteandValentin Ovsienko APPLICATIONOFNONCOMMUTATIVEDIFFERENTIAL 13 GEOMETRYONLATI1CETOANOMALYANALYSIS INABELIANLATI1CEGAUGETHEORY TakanoriFujiwara, HiroshiSuzukiandKe Wu GEOMETRICALSTRUCTURESONNONCOMMUTATIVESPACES 31 OlivierGrandjean ARELATIONBETWEENCOMMUTATIVEAND 49 NONCOMMUTATIVEDESCRIPTIONSOFD-BRANES NobuyukiIshibashi INTERSECTIONNUMBERSONTHEMODULISPACESOFSTABLE 63 MAPSINGENUS0 AlexandreKabanovandTakashiKimura D-BRANEACTIONS ONKAHLERMANIFOLDS 99 AkishiKato ON TIlE PROJECTIVE CLASSIFICATION OF THE MODULES OF 123 DIFFERENTIALOPERATORSONIRm PierreB. A. Lecomte ANINTERPRETATIONOFSCHOUTEN-NIJENHUIS BRACKET 131 KentaroMikami v Vi NONCOMMUTATIVEDIFFERENTIALGEOMETRY REMARKS ON THE CHARACTERISTIC CLASSES ASSOCIATED 145 WITHTHEGROUPOFFOURIERINTEGRALOPERATORS NaoyaMiyazaki C*-ALGEBRAICDEFORMATIONANDINDEXTHEORY 155 ToshikazuNatsume SINGULARSYSTEMSOFEXPONENTIALFUNCTIONS 169 HidekiOmori, YoshiakiMaeda, NaoyaMiyazakiandAkira Yoshioka DETERMINANTSOFELLIPTICBOUNDARYPROBLEMSIN 187 QUANTUMFIELDTHEORY Simon G. ScottandKrzysztovP. Wojciechowski ONGEOMETRYOFNON-ABELIANDUALITY 217 PavolSevera WEYLCALCULUS ANDWIGNERTRANSFORM 227 ONTHEPOINCAREDISK Tatsuya Tate LECTURESONGRADEDDIFFERENTIALALGEBRAS AND 245 NONCOMMUTATIVEGEOMETRY MichelDubois-Violette PREFACE A workshopon "noncommutativedifferentialgeometryanditsapplications to physics" was held at Shonan International Village at Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, from May 31 through June 4, 1999. The aim of the workshop was to enhance international cooperation in various aspects of this field between mathematiciansand physicists. Noncommutative differential geometry is a novel approach to geometry, whichpromisestobeapplicabletounsolvedgeometricphenomenaandphysical observations. It was founded in the early eighties by 1982 Fields Medalist Alain Connes on the basis of his fundamental works in operator algebras, a subject well developedin Japan, and relies extensively onhis notion ofcyclic cohomology. It gave, in particular, striking extensions ofthe Atiyah-Singer index theory, has several common points with deformation quantization, and was applied toa varietyofmathematicaland physicalproblems. A 1994book by Alain Connes takes stock of many developments up to that time. More recentlynewapplicationshaveappeared,including,inphysics,tostringtheory andM-theory. Nevertheless, noncommutative differential geometry is not sufficiently un derstood among both mathematicians and physicists. To address this issue, the abovementioned topical workshop was organized. The topics covered included: deformation problems; Poissongroupoids; theory ofoperads; quan tization problems; moduli spaces; D-branesand otherapplications to quantum fieldtheory. Itwasattendedbyamixtureofmathematiciansandphysicists,and produced interesting discussions on these problems. As hoped, the meeting was extremelyfruitful forall participants. This volume contains papers presented at the workshop. All papers were submitted by conference speakers and participants, and were refereed. The papers are devoted to presentations of new results which have not appeared previously in professionaljournals orto comprehensivereviews (including an originalpart)ofrecentdevelopmentsinthosetopics. The volumeisaccessible toresearchersandgraduatestudentsinterestedinthemandintheinterfacewith modem theoretical physics. vii viii NONCOMMUTATIVEDIFFERENTIALGEOMETRY The workshop was held in cooperation with Keio University and the Mit subishi foundation. Theeditors andconferenceorganizers wish to thankthese institutions for their generous financial support, and for help and encourage ment in the planning phase. The Kluwer Publishing company has been very helpfulintheproductionofthisvolume. Wearepleasedtorecordourgratitude. Special thanks go to Dr. Paul Roos and Mrs. Betty van Herk for their kind help. Lastbutnotleast,thanksareduetotheparticipantsandspeakersformaking the meetingfruitful. Y. MAEDA,H.MORIYOSHI,H. OMORI D.STERNHEIMER,T.TATEANDS.WATAMURA METHODS OF EQUIVARIANT QUANTIZATION ChristianDuval UniversitedeLaMediterraneeandCPT-CNRS LuminyCase907, F-13288Marseille, Cedex9, FRANCE duval< PierreB. A. Lecomte InstitutdeMathematiques, UniversitedeLiege SartTilman, Gde, Traverse, 12(B37), B-40ooLiege, BELGIUM [email protected] ValentinOvsienko CNRS, CentredePhysiqueTheorique, CPT-CNRS LuminyCase907, F-13288Marseille, Cedex9, FRANCE ovsienko< Abstract Thisarticleisasurveyofrecentwork[15,6,7, 13]developinganewapproach to quantization based on the equivariance with respect to some Lie group of symmetries. Examples are provided by conformal and projective differential geometry: givenasmoothmanifoldM endowedwithafiatconformaVprojective structure,weestablishacanonicalisomorphismbetweenthespaceofsymmetric contravariant tensor fields on M and the spaceofdifferential operatorson M. Thisleadstoanotionofconformally/projectivelyinvariantstarproductonT*M. MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000): 58B99, 17B56,17B65,47E05 Keywords: Quantization,Liealgebrasofvectorfields, hypergeometricfunctions starprod ucts. Y.Maeda,etal.(eds.),NoncommutativeDifferentialGeometryandItsApplicationstoPhysics, 1-12. ©2001 KluwerAcademicPublishers. 2 Proceedings ofthe workshop"NoncommutativeDifferentialGeometryand its Applications toPhysics", Shonan-Kokusaimura,Japan, May 31-June4, 1999. 1. Introduction Thispaperisasurveyofrecentarticles[15,6,7,13](seealso[3])developing anew viewpointonquantization. 1.1 Let'D(M) be the space ofdifferential operators on a smooth manifold M and S(M)(= Pol(T*M)) the space of symbols, that is, ofsmooth functions onT*M polynomial on fibers. Note thatS(M) is naturally isomorphic to the spacer(STM) ofsymmetric contravarianttensorfields on M. Aquantizationmap(inverseto asymbolmap) is alinearmap Q:S(M) ---+ 'D(M) (1.1) satisfying thefollowing natural condition: for every P E S(M) the principal symbolofQ(P) coincides with thehomogeneoushigher-orderpartofP. We will be considering a Lie group G acting on M and impose the G equivariance condition; we will then seek a map (1.1) commuting with the G-action. We shall be, furthermore, interested in the situation where the equivarianceconditiondetermines thequantization map ina uniquefashion. 1.2Ourmainexamples ofsymmetry groups will be: G = SL(n+ 1,JR) andG = SO(p+ l,q+ 1), p+q = n (= dimM) (1.2) actinginthestandardwayonsn (---+ JlU>n) andonSP x sq (---+ (SP x sq)jZ2) (respectively). Thesetwo cases are related toprojective and conformaldiffer entialgeometry. Ourmainpurposeistointroducetheprojectively/conformally equivariantquantization and proveits uniqueness. 1.3 The crucial property common to these two cases is maximality in the following sense. ThecorrespondingLiealgebras: 9 =sl(n+1,JR) and 9 = o(p+1,q+1), p+q 2 3, (1.3) can both be viewed as maximal subalgebras of the Lie algebra Vectpol(JRn) ofall polynomial vector fields on JRn (cf. [15, 2]). We believe (although this remains unproven) that the uniqueness ofthe equivariantquantization map is due to themaximality ofthealgebras ofsymmetry. 1.4Considerthegroupofalldiffeomorphisms Diff(M) andtheLiealgebraof all smooth vectorfields Vect(M). An important aspectofourapproach is the study ofDiff(M)- and Vect(M)-module structureon thespaceofdifferential operators.