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Preview Non-volatile, reversible metal-insulator transition in oxide interfaces controlled by gate voltage and light

Non-volatile, reversible metal-insulator transition in oxide interfaces controlled by gate voltage and light Mian Akif Safeen,1,2,3,∗ Musa Mutlu Can,4,2,∗ Amit Khare,5,2 Emiliano Di Gennaro,3,2 Alessia Sambri,6,2 Antonio Leo,7 N. Scopigno,8 Umberto Scotti di Uccio,3,2 and Fabio Miletto Granozio2,3,† 1Department of Physics, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan 23200, Pakistan 2CNR-SPIN UOS Napoli 3Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini”, Universita´ di Napoli “Federico II”, Compl. Univ. di Monte S. Angelo, Via Cintia, I-80126 Napoli, Italy 4Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Istanbul University, Vezneciler, 34314, Istanbul, Tu¨rkiye 7 5Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal - 462 066 (India). 1 6NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR, Piazza San Silvestro 12, 56127 Pisa 0 7Dipartimento di Fisica “E. R. Caianiello” Universita´ di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy 2 8Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Roma “La Sapienza”, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy n (Dated: January 16, 2017) a J The field-effect-induced modulation of transport properties of 2-dimensional electron gases re- 3 siding at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 and LaGaO3/SrTiO3 interfaces has been investigated in a back-gate 1 configuration. Both samples with crystalline and with amorphous overlayers havebeen considered. We show that the “na¨ıve” standard scenario, in which the back electrode and the 2-dimensional ] electron gas are simply modeled as capacitor plates, dramatically fails in describing the observed l phenomenology. Anomalies appearing after the first low-temperature application of a positive gate e - bias, and causing a non-volatile perturbation of sample properties, are observed in all our sam- r ples. Suchanomaliesareshowntodrivelow-carrierdensitysamplestoapersistentinsulatingstate. t s Recovery of the pristine metallic state can be either obtained by a long room-temperature field . t annealing, or, instantaneously, by a relatively modest dose of visible-range photons. Illumination a causesasuddencollapse oftheelectron system backtothemetallic groundstate,witharesistivity m dropexceedingfourordersofmagnitude. Thedataarediscussedandinterpretedonthebaseofthe - analogywithfloating-gateMOSFETdevices,whichshedsanewlightontheeffectsofback-gatingon d oxide-based2-dimensionalelectrongases. Amoreformalapproach,allowingforasemi-quantitative n estimate oftherelevant surface carrier densitiesfor differentsamples and underdifferentback-gate o voltages, is proposed in theAppendix. c [ PACSnumbers: 73.40.c,73.21.Ac,73.40.c,73.20.At,74.25.F,78.66.w 1 Keywords: Polaroxides,twodimensionalelectrongas,backgatevoltage v 0 6 I. INTRODUCTION during and after the application of a positive back-gate 6 (BG) voltage. Such BG bias perturbs in fact the prop- 3 erties of the 2DEG, bringing it into a metastable state The electron density in 2-dimensional electron gases 0 with a conductivity reduction up to about a factor two. (2DEGs)atoxide interfacescanbe veryeffectively mod- . 1 ulated by electric field effect [1]. Such possibility has The effect is qualitatively interpreted in [7] in terms of 0 charges flowing away from the quantum well during a been successfully exploited to tune the properties of the 7 positive gate polarization. Beyond this, no attempt of LaAlO /SrTiO (LAO/STO)system and of its variants, 1 3 3 microscopicandelectrostaticanalysishas beenproposed e.g. for spanning the superconducting [2] magnetic [3], : v and spin-orbital [4, 5] phase diagrams. The effect of an sofarandnomethodtoswitchthesystembackfromthe i metastable to the pristine state has been found. X appliedelectricfieldonthetransportpropertieshasbeen r typically interpreted in terms of a standard field effect In this paper, the persistent effect of the first posi- a transistor model, in which charge is transferred between tivepolarizationisonthreesuitablychosencharacteristic the 2D electron gas (2DEG) and the gate electrode as samples with different initial carrier density is analyzed in a capacitor charge/discharge process. Further mea- and discussed. We show that a “colossal” switch with surements highlighted a quite complex response of the a resistive ratio ROFF/RON > 104 can be obtained in transport properties of the 2DEG as a function of gate a specific class of oxide interfaces (represented by sam- voltage. Bell et al., [6] and more recently Biscaras et al. ple C in Table I). The nature of the metastable highly [7]demonstratedthatanomalouseffects,wellbeyondthe resistive state is addressed in detail, exploiting a strong capacitive charge-dischargeof a field-effect device, occur analogy with the retention state of floating-gate (FG) MOSFET device. We argue that the formation of such insulating retention state is related to a negative space charge region formed by electrons that are localized in ∗ Theseauthorsequallycontributed tothework shallow traps in proximity of the interface, that electro- † Correspondingauthor: [email protected] statically gate the quantum well. We show that, in full 2 analogy with the case of the semiconducting FG-based EPROM devices, exposure to light can be employed to 5 detrap the electrons destabilizing the metastable reten- 10 tionstate. Illuminationcausestheinstantaneouscollapse of the electronsystemback to the metallic groundstate, witharesistivitydropexceedinginSampleCfourorders ) of magnitude. (1heet 04 RS II. METHODS AND SAMPLES. A Our experiments have been performed on several het- 3 10 B erostructures,including “standard” (001) oriented, crys- C tallineLAO/STOinterfaces,asfirstreportedbyOhtomo and Hwang [8], (110) oriented crystalline LAO/STO in- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 terfaces as first reported by Herranz et al. [9], and LaGaO /SrTiO (LGO/STO)interfaces,firststudiedby Temperature (K) 3 3 some of the authors[10]. For LGO/STO interfaces, also FIG. 1. RSheet(T) curves for the three samples described in the “amorphous” variant, following the results reported Table I in [11] using different amorphous overlayers,was investi- gated. All films were grown by RHEED-assisted pulsed as checked in similar samples, is typical of this specific laser deposition on TiO -terminated STO substrates. 2 heterostructure in the given growth conditions. Relatively high-pressure growth conditions, ranging be- Data presentation will proceed as follows. We will tween 10−3 and 10−2 mbar O , were employed for the 2 start by analyzing sample A, showing a back-gate volt- growth. Crystalline samples were grown at 730◦C and age response similar to the one reported in [7] and will hence slowly cooledinthe process gas. Amorphoussam- show that such previously observed behavior can be un- ples were grown at room temperature. The electrical derstood by resorting to an analogy with a class of cur- transport measurements were performed in a close-cycle rent semiconductor devices. The sample response is pre- refrigerating system. The gate voltage was applied on sented within each step of the back-gate voltage wave- the back side of a 0.5 mm thick STO substrate. Sam- ples were kept in dark for at least 12 hours before the form, VG(t), and discussed in the light of the analogy above. The same concepts are then adopted to present first measurement. All the transport characterization the more anomalousresponsesofsample B,whose inter- was carefully performed in dark conditions, except for mediate behavior “bridges” sample A to C. Finally, the the measurements that were specifically designed to be colossalswitchof Cisaddressedandtheeffectoflightas made under light. Four-contact Van der Pauw measure- a resetting tool, able to abruptly drive the system back mentswereperformedwithatypicalpolarizationcurrent to the pristine state, is presented. Further details about of 10 µA. the properties of our samples are reported in [12]. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Sample A Data from three representative samples of our over- The plot shown in Fig. 2 describes the effect of the all batch are reported and discussed in the following. first gate voltage cycle on the pristine sample A at 20K. SamplesAandBarecrystallineLAO/STOheterostruc- We intend here by “pristine” a sample that was never tures grown on (001) TiO -terminated STO. Both are employed in a field-effect experiment before. The slow 2 referred to as c-LAO/STO interfaces, where c stands for square back-gate voltage waveform VG(t) shown in Fig. crystalline. Sample C is a LGO/STO interface having 2a, lower panel, with a period of 4 min, was applied. an amorphous LGO overlayer. It is referred to as a- The measured response differs by several features from LGO/STO interface, where a stands for amorphous. All the one expected within the typical capacitive model of samples were metallic. This is the first report, to our a field-effect device. Such features include: knowledge, of a metallic a-LGO/STO interface. i) an anomalous first cycle; AllR(T)curvesarereportedinFig.1. Themaintrans- port properties of the three samples are summarized in ii) the presence of slow dynamics with time constants Table I. Interestingly, the a-LGO/STO sample has a well beyond typical RC constants; lower carrier density, a higher room temperature resis- tivity and a higher resistive ratio with respect to the c- iii) a hysteretic behavior, evident in the fact that the LAO/STOsamplesreportedinthiswork. Suchbehavior, zero-bias sheet resistance value is different after a 3 STO Thickness PO2 RSheet@290K R290K/ nSheet@290K Name System Orientation (nm) (mbar) (kΩ/(cid:3)) R10K (cm−2) A c-LAO/STO (001) 4 10−3 10 18 1.1x1014 B c-LAO/STO (001) 4 10−2 14 25 8.2x1013 C a-LGO/STO (001) 4 10−2 68 168 2.1x1013 TABLEI. Samples fabrication details and transport properties. thattheresistancedropobtainedduringtheFPPisrela- 2.25 (a) tively small, compared to the RSheet variations obtained 2.00 during the subsequentpositive ornegativevoltagesteps. 1.75 A partial and slow recovery of the resistance takes place T=20K ) while the +200 V gate voltage is applied. More impor- 1.50 tantly,when the gatevoltageis reducedto zeroafter the 1k .25 1R (Sheet.00 FwPitPh,rtehsepseacmt tpoletrheesipstriivsittiyneinscarmeapslees.bDyuorvienrgatfhaectfoorlltowwo- 0.75 ing cycles, the initial resistance value is never recovered. WhenmeasurementssimilartotheonereportedinFig. 2 0.50 arerepeatedatdifferenttemperaturesanddifferentvolt- 0.25 age values, the resistivity grossly scales with the STO 200 dielectric constant ǫ and with the applied electric field, V (V)G 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 pshroowduincgt.aNtehgrleigshibolledebffeehctasviaorreaosbtaaifnuendctaiobnovoef5t0hKe ǫfoEr -200 the givenvalues ofthe appliedelectricfields. Abehavior 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 similar to the one reported in Fig.2 was observed in the Time (min) paperby Biscarasetal., whichshowedthat the sheetre- sistance change was directly related to a carrier density (b) 0.60 change and attributed such effect to a flow of electrons creeping over the edge and simply “disappearing” from ) the quantum well. 0.50 k Onthebaseofthemeasurementsreportedinourwork, R (Sheet we will show that the electrons pouring out of the quan- 0.40 tum well should not simply regarded as “lost carriers”. While lost to conduction, the localized electrons effec- tively reshape the interface potential profile with their 0.30 0 1 2 spacecharge. Asaconsequence,thebehaviorofoursam- Time (min) ples is dominated by the electrostatic interplay between FIG.2. (a)TemporalevolutionofRSheetforsampleAat20K twodistinct“electronreservoirs”,mobilecarriersandlo- (upper panel) modulated by the applied gate voltage (VG) calized charges, that interact electrostatically, while dy- (lower panel). Dashed vertical linesseparate thethreediffer- namically exchanging electrons under the external elec- entmeasured periodsofoursquarewaveform. Theunshaded tric field and light. areaindicatesthefirstperiod. Thefirstsixquarter-cycles,or Generally speaking, the most straightforwardpossible phases, of the waveform are labeled with blue circles. (b) A detailed view of the FPP effect obtained by magnifying the explanation for the presence of a hysteresis in a R-VG region circled in redintheupperpanelof(a),i.e. phasen. 1 cycle is a ferroelectric behavior of the gate barrier. The and 2 (a). analysis of the first cycle in Fig. 2a (divided in the four quarter-cycles named 1, 2, 3, 4) shows nevertheless that this explanation can not be applied to this specific case. positive and a negative bias; After the first positive polarization (2nd quarter-cycle), which increases the electron density in the 2DEG, the The discussion of the last two features, visible in the presence of a remnant polarization, alone, would main- shaded portion of Fig. 2a, is postponed to future tain the sample in a high-carrier-density, low-resistivity works. We will focus here our attention on the effect on state. This is in contrast with the fact that the RSheet the 2DEG properties of the “first positive polarization” during the 3rd quarter-cycle is higher than in the pris- (FPP), i.e. on the phenomena taking place during the tine state (1st quarter-cycle). In order to understand transitionbetweenthe firstand the secondquarter-cycle suchpeculiarbehavior,amoreaccuratelookattheband of the square waveform, as indicated in the lower panel diagram of our system is needed. An accurate experi- of Fig. 2a. The plot of the sheet resistance recorded vs. mental analysis of the irreversible behavior taking place time duringthe FPPismagnifiedinFig. 2b. Itisshown under positive polarizationhas beenreportedby [7]. We 4 will show that an intuitive understanding of the whole phenomenology can be achieved by comparing the band diagram of our system to the one of conventional semi- conductor devices. A more formal approach is reported in Appendix A. Let’s start by considering as a first possible analogous of our system one of the main building blocks of current semiconductor technology, i.e., a MOS capacitor with a SiO barrier, shown in Fig. 3a. The barrier height, i.e. 2 the energy difference between the conduction band min- imum withinSiO andwithin the doped-Si electrodes,is 2 of the order of 3.2 eV. Although such value is influenced by the gate voltage, it’s relative variation is small. The oxide regionremains therefore practically inaccessible to the carries present in the channel and the current losses through the barrier are mainly related to tunneling. We now observe that in a back-gated oxide 2DEG, the band diagram at the channel/barrier interface (i.e. the 2DEG/STOinterface)is substantiallydifferent. The sketch reported in Fig. 3b has been taken from [13]. A small and smooth potential step separates the 2DEG Fermi level from the lowest empty states of bulk STO. Estimates of the depth of the quantum well of the order of 0.3 - 0.6 V have been reported [14, 15]. The main effect of the application of a back-gatevolt- age is to modify the energy landscape in the proximity of the 2DEG, through a combination of the Fermi level variation related to the increased filling and the added slope related to the external field [16]. Fora positive gatevoltage,the surfacechargeinduced byfieldeffectcaneasilyfillthefewemptyconfinedstates presentinthequantumwell,inducingafluxoffreeextra electronstocreepoutandmigrate,followingtheweakpo- tential gradient. Our experiment tells that such charges causeanon-volatilememoryeffect,pushingthedeviceto- wardsa high-resistancestate. This suggeststhat, as will be shown in the following, the correct analogous of our system in semiconductor technology has to be searched, FIG. 3. Energy band diagrams for a SiO2-MOS capacitor ratherthaninaMOScapacitor,inamorecomplex,non- (a) and a back-gated LAO/STO interface (b). The height w volatile, memory device. of the small and smooth potential step separating the 2DEG In order to describe the observed behavior under the Fermi Level from the lowest states of the bulk STO conduc- square potential backgate form VG(t), we will address tion band is shown, together with the2DEG spatial width t. the sample responsebothataqualitativelevel,basedon The presence of a possible band-bending within the insulat- theanalogywithcommercialsemiconductordevices,and ingfilm,asinthepolarcatastrophescenario, isirrelevantfor our arguments and is hence ignored. The presence of ionized at a semi-quantitative level, resorting to a surprisingly donor states in the film above the Fermi level is represented simple electrostatic approach. Lets briefly describe the byagreenverticalline. Notethatallhorizontaldistancesare basic concepts of our model. not in scale, being D≫d and D≫t. Following[16],weimposeachargeneutralitycondition for our samples by assuming that a positive charge dis- tribution σ ofionizeddonorsis locatedoutside STO, DON across the interface on the right, on the layer side. This senceofaback-gatevoltage. Theelectrostaticattraction assumptionisinagreementwithastandardERelectronic createsaQW,hostinganumberofboundstatesequalto reconstructionscenario[8, 17],with adefect-assistedER σ /e [16]. In agreement with established experimen- DON scenario[18, 19] and with other scenarios in which, even talevidences,showingthattheelectrondensities depend inabsenceofpolarity,thedonorstatesintheamorphous drastically on deposition conditions, the σ density is DON overlayerdopethequantumwell[20]. Theσ distribu- not fixed to 0.5 electrons per in-plane unit cell, but is DON tionisdepictedinFig. 3b. Anequalnumberofelectronic a specific sample-dependent property. In the proximity charges dopes the interface at the STO side, in the ab- of the interface, localized acceptor states (LAS), able to 5 trap electrons are present [16, 21]. Lets now define the In Appendix A we describe the behavior of each sam- following surface charge densities (SCD): ple during the quarter-cycles, within the general frame- worksetabove,resortingto anumber ofveryreasonable σ the fixed positive SCD due to charges localized and straightforward assumptions. Furthermore, a semi- DON in the layer (in our case LAO or LGO) on the quantitative evaluation of all the above described SCDs rightsideoftheinterface,shownintherightside willbeprovidedforeachsampleineachstepoftheVG(t) of Fig. 3b, guaranteeing the the overall charge waveform. neutrality of thesystem [16]. As shown in Fig. 4a,c the functioning mechanism of σ the total SCD that can be hosted in the QW, QW FGMOSFETsisbasedonthepossibilitytotransfercar- sum of the states depicted in blue and in gray riersfromthechanneltotheFGstates(Fig. 4c)through in Fig. 3b: σ =σ +σ . σ depends QW 2DEG EMPTY QW the thin separating oxide barrier d , under positive bias. onVG,similarlytotheotherSCDsdefinedbelow, 2 The electric field caused by the negatively charged FG becauseoftheadditionalconstantpotentialslope introducedbyVG ,thatperturbstheQWprofile. keepstheMOSFETinanOFFstate,theso-calledreten- σ thenegativeSCDofmobileelectronsinthequan- tion state, even when the control gate is unbiased (Fig. 2DEG tum well, depicted in bluein Fig. 3b. 4e). It is easily anticipated that carriers bubbling out σ the negative SCD corresponding to states avail- of the 2DEG can have the same effect, if they can accu- EMPTY ableformobileelectronsconfinedinthequantum mulate in localized acceptor states (LAS) present in the well, depicted in gray in Fig. 3b, that are empty STO barrier, such to create a space-charge region. We in the pristine state, i.e. before application of a postulatethepresenceofsuchLASnow(theiroriginwill gate voltage. be discussed later) and depict them graphically in Figs. σ the negative SCD of trapped electrons in the lo- LAS 4b,d,f as a seriesofshallowpotentialwells. Theirenergy calized acceptorstates. Herewearefocusing our depthcanbeestimatedoftheorderof10−1eV.Letsnow attentiononstatesthatareexternaltothequan- exploitthe analogywithFGdevicestoaddressourdata. tum well and are totally or partially empty in equilibrium conditions. Such states are shown Figs. 4b,dandf. Statesofthesamechemicalori- Phase 1 gin,i.e. producedbythesamekindofdefects,but During phase 1, no bias is applied. The sheet resistance located closer to the interface, will have a lower value is 550Ω/(cid:3). energy due to the bending of the energy profile and will therefore be full in equilibrium condi- Phase 2 tions. Suchfilledstatesplaynoroleinthefollow- ing arguments and are, for the sake of graphical As soon as VG is increased to 200V, this FPP pushes clarity, omitted in Fig. 4b,d and f. an extra sheet density of capacitively induced charges σ the negative SCD induced in the interface by a σ , adding to the native sheet density of the 2DEG IND IND positive 200V bias. An opposite, positive SCD σ , towardsthe QW throughthe controlelectronics. 2DEG (-σ ) will be induced at the same time at the σ can be estimated of the order of 2-3 x 1013 cm−2 gatIeN.DThesignofσ willbereversedforaneg- aItN2D00V, 20K[22]. The flow of σ towards the QW ative bias. σ isINthDe only quantity that is not during the positive ramp causesItNhDe resistance of the IND sample-dependent, assuming that all STO sub- sample first to decrease and then to saturate quickly, strates are identical. as soon as, at a critical gate bias, the sheet density of states in the QW (σ ) is filled. All extra charges QW On the base of the self-consistent calculation of the induced above such bias, not finding available states electrostaticpotentialreportedin[16],itwasshownthat in the QW, are pulled away from the interface by the the energy defined as w in Fig. 3b should be zero in ab- electric field present in the barrier. Fig. 4d shows that sence of a population of localized charges σ near the such excess electrons, trapped in the LAS, act similarly LAS interface. Thisobservationisaquitestraightforwardcon- to the trapped electrons in a FG device, persistently sequence of the one-dimensional Poisson equation. This changing the resistance of the sample. In the course is readily recognized by observing that the CB profile of this second step, at constant positive VG, a small in STO, outside the 2DEG (i.e. in absence of a space damped upturn of the resistance of about 5% takes charge), can only have a constant slope, fixed by the ex- place. As previouslyobservedin [7], the QW,previously ternal gating VG. broughtto complete filling by the FPP (Fig. 4d), slowly We will show in the following that σ is pretty loosestheelectronslying,energywise,inproximityofthe EMPTY smallin the pristine samples with respectto the amount QW edge, for a “thickness” of the order of kBT. Such of charge σ that is transferred by field effect. We electronsdriftalongthe potentialgradientandareeven- IND willalsoshowthat,duetotheabovedescribeddifference tually also trapped in the LAS. When a similar analysis between the band diagrams reportedin Fig. 3a and Fig. as the one performed in [7] was applied, similar val- 3b, and to the presence of localized acceptor states near uesforthecharacteristicescapetimetE ≈1swerefound. theinterface,thecorrectanalogousofoursystemisgiven not by the MOS capacitor shown in Fig. 3a, but by the Phase 3 floating-gate MOSFET device described in Fig. 4a, c, e. When the BG bias is set back to zero, our interface 6 FIG. 4. Comparison between the band diagram of a FG MOSFET device and a back-gated oxide 2DEG. (a) and (b) Pristine state of both the semiconductor and oxide devices with short-circuited control gate and channel; (c) and (d) positive control gate polarization inducing the retention state; (e) and (f): retention state at zero external bias. The presence of localized acceptorstates(LAS)in STO,invicinityofthe2DEG,ispostulated andwillbediscussedin thefollowing. Thebluearrowin (d) represents thecreeping out mechanism. Notethat all horizontal distances are not in scale and in particular D≫d1≫d2 is left in a high resistive retention state, in analogy bias. During the following steps, the electrons are re- to a FG MOSFET device (Fig. 4e). Such state is versiblytransferredbetweenthebackgateandthe2DEG metastable, since at VG=0 the empty quantum well through the control electronics without further transfer states lye again below the trap states filled during to/from the LAS. Lets now analyze one by one the four the FPP. The sample is unable to recover the pristine quarter-cycles of the BG square wave on Samples B and ground state, unless special procedures are applied, as C, and in particular the FPP effect. discussed later in this work. The sample resistance is increased by about a factor two. The trapped electrons perturb the electrostatics of the system. Trapped 2. Sample B electrons effectively gate the 2DEG by inducing in it an opposite positive surface charge density, as can be During Phase 1, at 20K, the sample has an RSheet = inferred by charge conservation. The semi-quantitative 580Ω/(cid:3). The decrease of sheet resistance taking place model reported in Appendix A provides, for sample during Phase 2 (Fig. 5) is pretty small. This suggests Ainthethirdstep,theestimate,σ =−σ −σ . 2DEG DON IND that the QW is, as in the previous case, very close to complete filling in the virgin state. Once again, the sec- Phase 4 ond zero-bias state , in retention mode (Phase 3), has a The sample resistance is further increased by about an resistance that is about a factor 2 higher than the virgin extra factor two. In this configuration, the electrostatic state. A quantitative difference with the case of Sam- effect of the negatively charged FG and BG add to each ple A is found in the negative polarization state (Phase other, doubling the effect of the a single negative gate. 4). The negative BG bias here completely depletes the Hence we have: σ =−σ −2σ . QW well of mobile charges, bringing the sample to an 2DEG DON IND Again, this result will be more formally derived in insulating state. Appendix A. During the successivecycles,nofurther irreversibleef- 3. Sample C fect takes place. Once the excess electrons have been “trimmed”duringtheFPP,infact,theFermilevelnever This is under many aspects the most interesting sam- exceeds again the edge of the QW, even under positive ple (Fig. 6). Even for this low-carrier density sample, 7 8000 8000 6000 (a) 6000 (a) ) ) 1.75 T=20K 1.75 T=20K k1.50 k1.50 R (Sheet11..0205 R (Sheet1.25 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.25 0.50 V) 200 V) 200 V (G 0 V (G 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 -200 -200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Time (min) Time (min) 0.65 0.80 (b) (b) ) ) 0.60 0.75 k k R (Sheet0.55 R (Sheet0.70 0.50 0.65 0 1 2 0 1 2 Time (min) Time (min) FIG. 5. (a) Temporal evolution of RSheet for sample B at FIG. 6. (a) Temporal evolution of RSheet for sample C at 20K (upper panel) modulated by the applied gate voltage 20K (upper panel) modulated by the applied gate voltage (VG)(lower panel). The dark-gray area indicates the instru- (VG)(lower panel). The dark-gray area indicates the instru- ment compliance limit. The dark-gray area indicates the in- ment compliance limit. The dark-gray area indicates the in- strument compliance limit. The brighter area indicates the strument compliance limit. The brighter area indicates the temporal region underanalysis in this work, for sake of clar- temporal region underanalysis in this work, for sake of clar- ity split in four phases according with the VG modulation ity split in four phases according with the VG modulation and labeled with the blue circles. (b) A detailed view of the and labeled with the blue circles. (b) A detailed view of the temporalbehaviorintheregion indicatedbytheredcirclein temporalbehaviorintheregion indicatedbytheredcirclein theupperpanel of (a). theupperpanel of (a). trons with surface density σ is provided. the QW is close to complete filling before the FPP, as IND shown by the very minor resistance decrease at positive bias. This suggests a general statement, that samples with lower carrier densities are not characterized by an 4. Erasing procedure emptier QW with respect to higher carrier density sam- ples, but by a “smaller” QW, hosting a smaller number Lets now switch to the second part of this paper, by of bound states. We observe that in the retention state, addressing the issue of how can the retention state be the systemisinsulatingbothatzeroandatnegativeVG. erased. This is not only crucial for future hypotheti- This means that the FPP persistently changes a highly cal applications. It is a condition for performing fur- metallic sample into an insulator, which can only tem- ther experimental work, since a phenomenon that can porarily recover its pristine metallic character during a be seen only once in the life of a sample would certainly positive bias. not allow one any systematic investigation. Biscaras et As a peculiar feature of sample C, at difference to al.[7] reported a full recovery of the pristine state dur- other samples, at every successive positive pulse of the inga warm-upofthe sampletowardsroomtemperature. waveform (“Phase 2”), the same peculiar exponentially Our experiments lead to slightly different results, sug- damped resistivity increase typical of the FPP takes gesting that the behavior reported in [7], at least, does place. This implies that the QW is filled until the edge, not represent the general case. A number of subsequent andabove,eachtimeapulseofcapacitivelyinducedelec- experiments are summarized in Fig. 7a for sample C. 8 4 10 Sample in VG= +200 V (a) (cid:141))103 (cid:141)) 103 R(kSheet (k 102 Pristine Resistance et102 0 10 20 30 he Time (min) S R 101 FPP FIG.8. Comparisonbetweenthelight-inducederasingmech- R (T): Virgin anism for (a) a FG MOSFET device with UV radiation and 100 R(T): Post field effect measurements (b) a BG oxide 2DEG with visible radiation. R (T): Post +200 V treatment 4 10 ergy, induces a slow creep of trapped charges from the (b) FG states into the control gate, across the whole thick- (cid:141))103 ness of the substrate. This procedure is reminiscent of the reset procedure of current electrically erasable pro- k (et102 FPP Light grammableread-onlymemories(E2PROM)devices,also he based on FG MOSFET technology. At difference to our S R 1 samples,characterizedbyamacroscopicallythickcontrol 10 gatebarrier,E2PROMscanberesetinstantaneouslybya controlgatepolarizationcycle,thankstotheirultra-thin 0 R (T): Virgin 10 oxide gate layer. R (T): Post light illumination Insulating State An instantaneous resetting method for our samples was finally mutuated from previous FG EPROM tech- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 nology(Fig. 7b). For EPROMs, which did not allow for Temperature (K) an instantaneous electrical reset, UV light was used to FIG. 7. Comparison of subsequent RSheet(T) curves for the bring the device out of the metastable retention state sample C in different conditions: pristine state, retention and back to the pristine state. The high energy of UV state and during theerasing procedure. (a) The erasing pro- cedure is performed applying a positive BG voltage of 200V photons was necessary for the electrons in the FG to ex- and heating up the system to room temperature. In the in- ceedthe oxide barrierenergy,as sketchedin Fig. 8. Due set thetemporal evolution oftheRSheet onceat 300K. (b)A to the small energy barriers confining our trapped elec- different erasing procedure is carried out by illuminating for tronsintheir localizedstates,assuggestedbyoursketch few seconds thesample with a625 nm LED at VG =0 . The reported in Fig. 8b, visible red light (625 nm) was em- system is then warmed up to room temperature. ployed in our experiment at VG = 0. The sample was first switched to the highly resistive state by a positive polarizationpulseandthenswitchedbackbyatotalpho- The sample was first cooled to 20K (black R(T) curve). ton dose of about 5×1014 photons/cm2 delivered by a The FPP performed at 20K brought the sample into its LED source in about 3-5 seconds (Fig. 8b). This colos- immeasurably resistive retention state, as shown by the sal and unprecedented, light-induced insulator-to-metal blue R(T)curve. During thewarm-upphase,the sample transition results in a sudden switch with a resistive ra- “attempted”torecoverthepristineresistance,througha tio ROFF/RON > 104 at 20K. The physics of with phe- number of steps taking place at specific activation tem- nomenon and the intensity of the effect are totally new peratures. In spite of such partial recovery, it preserved with respect to standard photoconductivity effects, [23– a room temperature resistance an order of magnitude 25] as demonstrated in detail in [12]. higher than the pristine value. In order to recover the After illumination, a R(T) curve was taken during pristine state, we attempted a field-annealingprocedure, warm-up. The sample reproduced the curve of the pris- by keeping the sample under positive voltage for about tine samples,exceptfor twominor features: a photocon- 30 minutes at room temperature. A slow resistance de- ductivityeffectinthefirstpartofthewarm-upcurve,and creasewasobtained,asshownintheinset. Attheendof atypicalfeatureatabout200K,oftenseeninLAO/STO such procedure, the samples indeed recovered the pris- warm-up plots [26, 27]. tine properties, as shown by the red R(T) curve. The The reported data and their interpretation in terms same procedure successfully applied to all samples, al- of band diagrams pose strong limits to our capability to though a much longer time (above 10 h) was needed to truly probe the enrichedportionofthe LAO/STOphase reset sample A and sample B, as shown in [12]. diagrams by a back-gate bias. Data collected on three On the base of the above-described model of the ox- differentsamplesshowthatthe sheetconductanceinthe ide interface retentionstate, we assumethatthe positive nominal “carrier-enriched” state is equal (sample C) or voltage, coupled to the room temperature thermal en- smaller (samples A, B) than in the pristine state, for all 9 cycles of our BG square waveform, except for the first. der external perturbations. We provided evidence that Even during the first cycle, i.e. soon after the FPP, the the colossal resistive switching taking place under field sheet conductivity exceeds the pristine one by no more effectcanbeunderstoodintermsoftheformationofare- that 10% (sample A) or by much less (samples B and tentionstatethatmimicstheanalogousstateoffloating- C). This is related to the fact that the available, empty, gate MOSFET devices. By suggesting the use of light confined 2DEG states, marked in gray in Fig. 3b, are as a resetting technique, this analogy finally lead us to veryfewinpristinesampleswithrespecttotheoccupied the fabricationof a non-volatile 3-terminaldevice proto- ones. Asshownin[16]anddiscussedinAppendixA,such type,wherea4-order-of-magnituderesistanceswitchcan states should not exist at all in an “ideal” system where be induced by a voltage pulse and erased by a pulse of no localized states are present. The presence of a space light. charge accumulated in the LAS will allow instead for a non-null second derivative of the potential profile, thus effectively increasingthe quantumwelledgeW shownin Appendix A: Fig. 3b. The space charge in the LAS, induced during the FPP, plays therefore an essential role in making the 1. Assumptions 2DEG tunable in enrichment mode during the following cycles. These considerations also suggest that a limited The behavior of the three different samples in each of occupancy of the LAS might be present also in pristine thesuccessivevoltagestepscanbeproperlydescribedby samples and play a role, by inducing the formation of a asimpleelectrostaticmodel,whichpartiallyneglectsthe weak space charge,in determining the actual LAO/STO quantum effects of the backgating potential on the con- band diagram and thus in confining the 2DEG. fining QW (as shown by Scopigno et al. [16]) but still Ourdatasupportascenarioinwhichshallowlocalized provides a clear and reliable understanding of the physi- acceptorstates are presentin proximityof the 2DEG,as cal system, consistent with the results already found by theoretically suggested in [16], and in which a dynami- Biscarasetal. [7]. Themodelisbasedonfewreasonable cal exchange of carriers between the mobile and trapped and straightforwardassumptions: statescontrollablytakesplaceunderfieldeffectandlight. Any experiment trying to identify the chemical origin I In agreement with the qualitative analysis re- of the trap states would go beyond the scope of this ported above, the charge-neutrality conditions work. Our presentdata only allowto state that the trap for our samples should be written as σ = - QW states lie in the STO gap and that their depth is in- σ =σ +σ =σ +σ . Such equation DON 2DEG EMPTY 2DEG LAS between several times room temperature kT values (i.e. implies, in particular, that in case all localized ac- about 0.1 eV) and our red light photon energy (i.e. 2 ceptorstateswereempty,allthe boundstatesinthe eV). Interestingly, the presence of trap states with en- quantum well would be occupied, realizing the con- ergylyingabout0.3eVbelow the STO conductionband dition σ =σ =-σ . In case a nonzero +σ 2DEG QW DON LAS has been demonstratedin STO single crystalsby optical density due the occupation of the localized states is spectroscopy[28]. Theoriginofsuchtrapstatesmightbe present,anequivalentamountofemptyboundstates possiblyrelatedtothepresenceofcationvacancies,orof σ =σ , is also present at the interface. EMPTY LAS interstitial hydrogen[29]. II No field-effect-induced p doping of the interface is possible. Therefore the SCDs σ and σ can 2DEG LAS never become positive. IV. CONCLUSIONS III As already first observed by [7], the FPP effect, i.e. We have investigated the low-temperature transport thelossofcarriersfromtheQWcarrierstakingplace properties ofback-gated2DEGs atoxide interfaces. Our for a high enough positive VG is an irreversible pro- batch of analyzed samples included metallic amorphous- cess at the low temperatures (20K) of our exper- LGO/STO interfaces, a system for which the formation iment. Reformulated in the language of this pa- of an interfacial 2DEG was never proved before. per,this meansthatthesystemisunabletotransfer Weshowthatoursamplescanbebroughtbyapositive chargebackfromσ toσ ,evenwhenbackgate- LAS 2DEG polarizationpulse into a persistent insulating state. The induced changes of the potential profile would make magnitude of the effect is analyzed as a function of the this situation energetically more favorable; An ex- initial carrier density. In low-carrier-density samples, a ception to the former assumption takes place, nev- non-volatile four-order-of-magnitude resistive switching ertheless, if the system, during a backgate voltage to the insulating state is obtained. step, has no way to satisfy charge neutrality condi- This work introduces a new element of complexity to tionsbykeepingσ constant. Inthiscaseonly,due LAS our understanding of LAO/STO-like interfaces, address- to the large electrostatic monopole energy involved, ing themas systemsin whichtwodistinct electronreser- carrierswillbedetrapped. σ willbeconsequently LAS voirs,mobilecarriersandlocalizedcharges,interactelec- decreasedtosuchalevelthatallowsthesampleneu- trostatically,whiledynamicallyexchangingelectronsun- tralityconditiontobesatisfied. Thisassumptionwill 10 be crucial in understanding the response of sample the three samples to the successive phases of the voltage C, as shown in the following; cycle. σ canbe estimatedbyfirstmeasuringthe maxi- IV The parallel-plate capacitor model, used to describe EMPTY mumpositiveVGvalueleadingtoareversibleR(VG)plot, the variationsofSCD,breaksdownwhenthe 2DEG similarlytotheanalysismadein[7],andthenestimating iscompletelydepleted. Insuchacase,infact,nopo- theinducedSCDaccordingto[22]. Inthecaseofsample tential can be defined on the upper face of the STO A, the filling of the QW took place for VG=40V, simi- substrate. The system “misses one plate” and can larlytothesampleanalyzedby[7]. Inthecaseofsample simplynotbemodeledanymoreasacapacitor. Dur- C, the filling of the QW took place at about VG=15V. inganyattempttopushthesampleinfurtherdeple- This allows us making the order of magnitude estimates tion by an extra negative voltage, the sample reacts tothenegativepulseasanopencircuit,andremains σA,1 ≃8·1012e cm−2 (A6a) EMPTY basicallyunperturbed, withno furtherchargetrans- σC,1 ≃3·1012e cm−2 (A6b) fer taking place. EMPTY Finally, basedonananalytic expressionfor the fieldand Inordertodescribe thedifferentSCDs ofourdifferent temperature dependence of the SrTiO dielectric con- 3 samples (A, B, C) in the relevant quarter-cycles (1, ..., stant [22], a direct estimate we can estimate of σ can IND 6)wewilladoptacoupleofindexes. We startbywriting be made: thechargeneutralityconditionsoftheoverallsystem(in- σ =2.5·1013e cm−2 @200V cludingdonorstates,interface,LASandback-gate)that, IND for a generic sample X = A, B or C, in each of the four quarter-cycles of the VG(t) period, read: 3. Analysis of the sample behavior under field effect σX,1 +σX,1 +σX =0 (A1) 2DEG LAS DON Onthebaseoftheformerassumptionsanddefinitions, σX,2 +σX,2 +σX −σX =0 (A2) lets now address the response of all the samples in all 2DEG LAS DON IND the first 6 steps, or quarter-cycles. The response of the system is determined, for any sample X and any step σX,3 +σX,3 +σX =0 (A3) 2DEG LAS DON n, by the occupation of the QW, σX,n and of the LAS, 2DEG σX,n. LAS σX,4 +σX,4 +σX +σX =0 (A4) 2DEG LAS DON IND a. 1st quarter-cycle 2. Some numbers We can generically write that, before any backgate The sample is initially in a pristine state, which de- voltage is applied: pends both on the deposition conditions and, possibly, σX,1 =σX,P (A8a) on previous interaction with the environment (e.g., ex- 2DEG 2DEG posure to light). Field-effect measurement estimates of σX,1 =σX,P (A8b) LAS LAS the low-temperature carrierdensities of our sample were σX,1 =σX,1 (A8c) employed [30]. As shown in [31] on La0.33Sr0.67FeO3, EMPTY LAS field-effect carrier density measurements can yield good where the index P indicated that the sample is in the agreement with Hall measurement also in oxides. We pristine condition. estimate : σA,P ≃6·1013e cm−2 (A5a) b. 2nd quarter-cycle 2DEG σB,P ≃4·1013e cm−2 (A5b) 2DEG When a positive back-gate voltage is applied, a SCD σC,P ≃1·1013e cm−2 (A5c) 2DEG = σIND will be induced at the interface. The electrons will first fill the empty states, adding a SCD = σ wherethePindexstayforpristine. Thelow-temperature EMPTY into the quantum well and will then populate the LAS. HallcarrierdensityofsampleC,ourmostimportantsam- The new SCD will be: ple, was directly measured as a double-check [12], yield- inganindependentlyestimationσC,P ≃1.1·1013ecm−2 σX,2 =σX,1 +σX,1 =σ =−σ (A9a) 2DEG 2DEG 2DEG EMPTY QW DON in perfect agreement with previous data. The numerical σX,2 =σX,1 +(cid:0)σ −σX,1 (cid:1)=σ (A9b) considerations reported below should not be intended as LAS LAS IND EMPTY IND a claim of realquantitive estimationof the carrierdensi- The relative amount of resistance decrease at the begin- ties of the different samples during the cycle. Still, they ning of phase 2 depends thus, grossly, on the relative clearlyallowtocapturethephenomenologicalresponseof amount of empty states above the Fermi level.

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