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Non-Universal Gaugino Masses, CDMS, and the LHC Michael Holmes and Brent D. Nelson Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02130, USA (Dated: January 8, 2010) We consider thepossibility that therecently reported eventsat theCDMS-II direct dark matter detection experiment are the result of coherent scattering of supersymmetric neutralinos. In such a scenario we argue that non-universal soft supersymmetry breaking gaugino masses are favored with aresulting lightest neutralino with significant Higgsino andwino components. Wediscuss the accompanyingsignalswhichmustbeseenatliquid-xenondirectdetectionexperimentsandindirect detection experiments if such a supersymmetric interpretation is to be maintained. We illustrate the possible consequences for early discovery channels at the LHC via a set of benchmark points 0 designed togive rise to an observed eventrate comparable to thereported CDMS-II data. 1 0 2 Introduction. It has been widely held for some time of a supersymmetric neutralino from the germanium n thatoneofthemostattractivevirtuesofsupersymmetry components in the CDMS detector a number of very a as a theory relevant at the electroweak scale is the pos- exciting corollaries may follow. The implications of J sible presence of a stable, massive, neutral state in the these events has already been studied in a number of 8 superpartner spectrum capable of explaining the miss- interesting model contexts [6, 7, 8, 9]. In this work ] ing non-baryonic matter in the cosmos [1]. An excellent we will outline some of the possible implications of the h candidateforthisdarkmatterparticleisthelightestneu- CDMS data on the nature of supersymmetric models p tralinoofsupersymmetry[2,3]. Thediagramswhichgive generally. To illustrate these features we will consider - p rise to annihilation among relic neutralinos are among a number of benchmark points – all of which could e the same diagrams which determine the interaction rate generate signals of the sort reported by the CDMS h of relic neutralinos in our local halo with terrestrial de- experiment. One of the most important conclusions is [ tectors. Therefore, supersymmetric models whose light- that some amount of non-universality in the gaugino 2 est supersymmetric particle (LSP) has the appropriate soft supersymmetry-breaking masses may need to be v properties to account for the needed non-baryonic dark present. We will discuss the crucial cross-checks and 7 0 matter are often also models which could give rise to an corroborating observations that must be seen in the 5 observablesignalindirectdetectionexperiments. Estab- next round of data-taking in both germanium- and 4 lishing the existence of sucha dark matter candidate via xenon-based detectors for these conclusions to hold. We . 2 theobservationofelasticscatteringofthestateoffoftar- will alsoconsider the prospects for indirect detection via 1 getnucleihasbeenthepursuitofavarietyofexperiments the observation of the decay products from neutralino 9 for some period of time [4]. pair-annihilation at gamma-ray observatories and the 0 Recently, the CDMS-II collaborationhas reported the neutrino observatory at IceCube. We will comment on : v observation of 2 nuclear recoil events consistent with the compatibility of any supersymmetric interpretation Xi the scattering of a weakly-interacting massive particle of the CDMS data with recent measurements of cosmic (WIMP) from germanium nuclei in a total exposure of anti-matter fluxes from the PAMELA experiment and r a 612 kg-days [5]. The measured recoil energies for these with thermal calculations of the relic density of stable two events were 12.3 keV and 15.5 keV, near the low neutralinos. Finally, we will briefly comment on what end of the recoil energies considered. In this energy we may expect from the LHC at center-of-mass energies range the CDMS collaboration estimates their signal ef- of 7, 10 and 14 TeV for our candidate models. ficiency to be no less than 25%, reaching a maximum of 32% at 20 keV recoil energies. The expected number Direct Detection of Neutralino Recoils in Germanium. of background events from mis-identified electron scat- tering events or neutron scattering events generated by We beginwiththe methodologyemployedtotranslate radioactive decays and/or cosmic ray events was esti- the parameters of supersymmetric models into predic- mated to be ∆N = 0.6 0.1(stat) prior to unblind- tions of event rates at the CDMS-II in a given amount ± ing. This estimate was subsequently estimated to be of exposure (fiducial volume time of data collection). × ∆N =0.8 0.1(stat) 0.2(syst) after investigating the To compute the interactionrate ofrelic neutralinos with ± ± signal events in greater detail. It is therefore quite pos- the nucleiofthe targetmaterialoneconsidersbothspin- sible that these events are simply mis-identified back- dependent (SD) and spin-independent (SI) interactions. ground events. Taken as a signal they imply a coherent Fortargetnucleiwithlargeatomicnumbersthe SIinter- scattering cross-section for a WIMP in the local halo at action,whichiscoherentacrossallofthenucleonsinthe roughly the few 10−44 cm2 level. nucleus, tends to dominate. The SI cross section σSI is × If these events are interpreted as the scattering computedinDarkSUSY[10]onanarbitrarynucleartarget 2 via The sensitivity of the CDMS-II experiment, when translated into the size of the SI cross section σSI, is µ2 χp σSI = iχ ZGp+(A Z)Gn 2, (1) dependent on the mass of the LSP neutralino. For LSP where i labelχsithe nπuc(cid:12)(cid:12)learsspecie−s in thse(cid:12)(cid:12)detector with mteactsasebsleinevtehnetrraantgeea1t0C0DGMeVS-I<∼I mimχp01li<∼es 3a00crGosesV-seactdioen- cnlueculse/anreumtarasslinMois,yµstieχmisµthe=remducMed/(mmass+ofMth),e annud- σciχSeIpnc>∼y ifsew30×%1fo0r−4t4hcemC2D. MIfS-wIIeeaxspsuermimeetnhtewseighnaavleeffian- iχ χ i χ i AandZ arethe targetnucleus massnumber andatomic effective exposure of 184 kg-days. For comparison to number, respectively. The quantities Gps and Gns rep- the data we note that a cross-section σχSIp = 10−44cm2 resent scalar four-fermion couplings of the neutralino to for mχ01 ≃ 150 GeV implies approximately 0.5 expected point-like protons and neutrons. They can be described events in this effective exposure. schematically as Ascalar-scalarcross-sectionthislargeisnotgenericin supersymmetricmodels,particularlythosewithuniversal GN = N q¯q N (SUSY parameters) , (2) gaugino masses that tend to give rise to an overwhelm- s q=u,Xd,s,c,b,th | | i× ingly bino-like LSP [16, 17]. Values of σχSIp in the range forwhichCDMS-IIissensitivetendtoinvolveLSPswith where the quantity in parenthesis is calculable once the a sizable mixture of non-bino components, particularly details of the supersymmetric model are specified. The Higgsino components [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. This is initial nuclear matrix elements, however, are at present because the SI cross-section is dominated by t-channel not calculable from first principles. Their values must Higgs exchange diagrams, the size of which are deter- be inferred from pion-nucleon scattering data. Depend- mined by the Higgsino component of the LSP. An ob- ing on the methodology employed in this analysis, dif- servablesignalatCDMS-IIthereforealsofavorsarelative ferent values for this important set of parameters can light CP-even Higgs mass. be extracted – particularly for the case of the πN Σ- In Table I we presentfive benchmark points which ex- term [11, 12, 13]. The importance of the resulting hibit event rates comparable to those recently reported uncertainty in this parameter on predictions for dark by the CDMS-II collaboration, computed by integrat- matter interactioncross-sectionswasrecentlyconsidered ing (3) over the range (4). We arrived at these points in[14,15,16],whereitwasshowntobepotentiallyquite byconsideringasimpleunifiedmodelwithuniversalsca- large. We will return to this issue at the very end of lar soft mass m0 and trilinear coupling A0 at a high- this section. For what follows we will simply use the energy scale, here taken to be the grand unified scale default values in DarkSUSY 5.0.4 for all nuclear matrix Λuv = 2 1016 GeV. We then introduced non-universal elements. gaugino s×oft masses M1, M2 and M3 via The differential rate of neutralino-nucleon scattering events (in units of events/kg/day) can be computed Mi =m1/2(1+δi) (5) from (1) according to where m represents the typical scale of the soft gau- 1/2 ddER = ciρχσ2χmi|Fµi(2qi)|2 Z ∞ f(~vv,t)d3v, (3) gaipnporomacahssheassabnedenwsehwowillnctoongsiivdeersuopnelrysyδm2,mδ3et6=ric0m. oTdheilss Xi χ iχ vmin compatible with all direct and indirect constraints, but with relatively large spin-independent cross-sections for where we sum over all nuclear species present, with c i the LSP neutralino [27, 28]. This approach is similar in being the mass fraction of species i in the detector. The quantityf(~v,t)d3vistheneutralinovelocitydistribution spirit to the exploration conducted in [20, 21]. Thegluinomassplaysanimportantroleinthesemod- (presumedtobe Maxwellian)withv = ~v theneutralino velocity relative to the detector [2]. F|in|ally F (q )2 is els, albeit an indirect one. As is well known, the gluino i i the nuclear form factor for species i, with q |= √2M| E soft mass M3 at the high scale influences the eventual i i value of the µ parameter (as determined by solving the being the momentum transfer for a nuclear recoil with electroweaksymmetrybreakingconditionsatthelowen- energy E. For the purpose of this analysis we will use ergy scale) via renormalizationgroup effects on the run- the output differential rates from DarkSUSY, calculated ning of the Higgs scalar soft masses [29, 30, 31]. The via (3), over a range of recoil energies relevant to the desired experiment. For the CDMS experiment the re- consistent choice of δ3 < 0 is therefore preferred as this tendstodecreasethevalueoftheµparameterandhence ported energy range considered was an increase in the Higgsino content of the eventual LSP. 10keV Erecoil 100keV. (4) The relevant information for connecting these models ≤ ≤ to the reported signal at CDMS-II is collected in Ta- We therefore perform a numerical integration of (3) by ble II, where we give the mass of the LSP neutralino, constructinganinterpolatingfunctionforthedifferential the spin-independent cross-section for elastic scattering rate sampled in 1 keV intervals. onasingleproton,andthenumberofeventsexpectedat 3 TABLE I: Soft term parameters for selected points for com- TABLE III: Predictions of the benchmark models in Table I parison to reported CDMS signal. All soft mass parameters for other dark matter search experiments and the thermal aregiveninunitsofGeVandallpointswereselectedtohave relic density of neutralinos. All calculations were performed µ>0. using DarkSUSY 5.0.4. Point A B C D E Point A B C D E m0 750 500 350 350 350 RXe (kg−1-yr−1) 1.32 3.64 3.66 4.63 5.15 m1/2 750 500 575 575 575 NXe (Xenon10) 1.14 3.16 3.17 4.01 4.47 A0 370 270 150 150 150 NXe (Xenon100) 17.4 47.9 48.1 60.9 67.7 tanβ 25 15 30 30 30 (Φint/J¯) 1015 (cm−2 s−1) 196.8 9.27 1020.4 243.8 164.1 × δ2 0.65 0.62 -0.6 0.82 -0.47 Φγγ/ΦγZ 0.52 0.20 0.33 0.57 0.31 δ3 -0.35 -0.3 -0.3 -0.35 -0.3 Φµ (km−2 yr−1) 114.0 171.3 63.4 130.7 123.5 σv 1025 (cm2) 1.9 0.1 23.8 2.0 4.5 h iWW × Ωh2 therm 0.005 0.112 0.001 0.006 0.003 | TABLE II:Properties of theLSP and resulting CDMS-II re- coil ratefor examples in Table I. Masses and LSP properties were computed using SuSpect 2.41, while scattering cross- neutralino scatters [36]. Of course accumulating more sections and the expected number of events were computed statistics may allow for a crude measurement of the usingdefaultvaluesinDarkSUSY 5.0.4. Thesenumberscarry uncertaintiesassociatedwithcertainnuclearmatrixelements, recoil energy spectrum and thus shed more light on the as mentioned in the text. Event rates on germanium nuclei nature of the scattering particle. assume an effective exposureof 183.6 kg-days. Implications for Other Dark Matter Search Experi- Point A B C D E ments. mχ01 (GeV) 138 190 175 112 230 Aswesawintheprevioussection,avarietyofLSPcon- B% 3.0% 70.2% 0.3% 5.4% 40.9% figurations can give rise to the signal seen at CDMS-II. W% 0.4% 0.4% 95.8% 0.5% 53.0% Given the low statistics in the reported data it is not al- H% 96.6% 29.4% 3.9% 94.1% 6.1% together clear whether the events seen truly indicate the σSI 1045 (cm2) 11.9 44.4 41.3 35.3 74.8 presenceofnew physics. Additionaldata collectionis,of χp× course,imperativetoafirmdeterminationthatwearein- NGe (184 kg-days) 0.51 1.36 1.30 1.65 1.90 deed seeing evidence of dark matter elastic scatters with an effective cross-sectionof the order σ 10−44cm2. ≃ One crucial cross-check will be the next round of CDMS-II over the energy range in (4) with an effective results reported at xenon-based detectors. The spin- exposure of 0.3 612=183.6 kg-days. We have deliber- × independent interaction rates of neutralinos on germa- ately chosen examples with a variety of neutralino mass nium and on xenon are highly correlated. Interestingly, matrices, as evidenced by the eigenvector of the lowest the implied rate for neutralinos scattering on xenon in- mass state. This LSP wavefunction composition is indi- ferred from the CDMS-II results implies something on catedbytheentriesB%,W%andH%whichgivetheper- theorderofonetofiveeventsinanexposureof316.4kg- centage of bino eigenstate, wino eignesate and Higgsino days at Xenon10. Ten events were in fact observed in eigenstate,respectively. Thesequantitieswerecomputed the region where the signal was expected, but this was using SuSpect 2.41 [32] and DarkSUSY. consistentwith their backgroundestimation[37]. Acon- Given the low statistics in the reported CDMS firming signal from a liquid-xenon based detector in the data we believe that any one of these models could near future is therefore imperative for the supersymmet- conceivably be giving rise to the observed recoils. As ric interpretation of the CDMS events. mentioned above, these interaction rates are sensitive To compute the rate of elastic scattering on xenon- to still uncertain input numbers associated with certain based targets we modify the procedure of the previous nuclear matrix elements. For example, the package section and use an integration range for (3) that better MicrOMEGAs [34] uses a different default value for the reflects the sensitivities of the Xenon10 apparatus: πN Σ-term and consequently predicts an event rate on germanium roughly twice as large as the values give 5keV Erecoil 25keV. (6) in Table II. We have therefore chosen examples with ≤ ≤ 0.5 NGe 2.0 to be conservative in our estimates. The event rates for our benchmark points in units of re- ≤ ≤ It should also be noted that recent calculations of the coils/kg/yearare given in the first entry of Table III. In matrix element nss¯n [35] may imply a much lower the second entry we give the expected number of signal effective value fhor| σ|SIi, implying a more challenging events in 316.4 kg-days at Xenon10. These points are χp environment for interpreting the CDMS-II events as clearly in a region where the liquid-xenon experiments 4 shouldbesensitivetoasignal. Inthethirdentrywegive measurement of these high-energy photons. theexpectedeventrateattheXenon100upgradeassum- More promising signals may come from the search ing an exposure of 80 kg 60 days = 13.15 kg-years. for neutrinos arising from the annihilation of LSP neu- × Assuming adequate rejection of backgroundevents all of tralinos in a location closer to the earth, such as the thesecandidatemodelsshouldgivecleardarkmattersig- center of the sun, where issues of the galactic halo do nals in the earliest stages of running at Xenon100. not come into play. Again we expect relatively large Observation of a clear signal above background in liq- differences in the flux of neutrinos between wino-like uidxenon-baseddetectorswould(a)providesomeassur- and Higgsino-like LSPs. Some fraction of the neutrinos ance that the effect seen at CDMS-II is truly the result can eventually exit the sun and be detected in experi- ofdarkmatterscattering,and(b)givesomefurthersup- ments such as IceCube [43] via conversion of muon neu- porttotheconjecturethatthisinvolveselasticscattering trinos into muons. To calculate this rate we integrate of supersymmetric neutralinos. Even within the super- the differential flux of conversionmuons from solar-born symmetric framework, however, it is unlikely that such as well as earth-born neutrinos over the energy range an observation alone can distinguish between the vari- 50 GeV E 300 GeV, assuming an angular resolu- µ ≤ ≤ ous models represented by the benchmarks in Table I. tion of 3 degrees. The nominal target area for IceCube Several indirect detection experiments, however, may be is 1 km2, but the effective area for detection of neutri- sensitive to the differences in the LSP wavefunctionthat nos via muon conversion is smaller and can be cast as distinguish these models. a function of the muon energy [44, 45, 46]. Previous The Fermi-GLAST satellite is currently surveying the observations based on a limited set of 22 strings of pho- fluxofgammarayphotonsfromthelocationofthegalac- tomultipliertubesputalimitonthesizeofthemuonflux tic center. If some component of this flux comes from at approximately 300-400 muons/km2/year. The fluxes the annihilation of LSP neutralinos it may be possible for these benchmark models all fallwellbelow these lim- to observe an increase in the flux over estimated astro- its, as shown in Table III, though well within reach of physical backgrounds. The calculation of the flux de- the next data run at IceCube. Even with an exposure pends on the microscopic physics of the neutralino and of only 0.2 km2-years all of these models will produce at itsinteractions,butalsoverystronglyonthemacroscopic least 10 signal events at IceCube. physics of the halo profile assumed for the galaxy. The Finally, we mention the implications for the observed latter is conveniently summarized by a single parame- excess in positrons in the energy range 10-100 GeV re- ter J¯(∆Ω) where ∆Ω represents the solid angle reso- cently measured by the PAMELA experiment [47]. It is lution of the observatory. We consider the commonly bynowwellestablishedthatstandardMSSMmodelscan adoptedprofileofNavarro,FrankandWhite(NFW)[38] fit the signal from PAMELA only with some difficulty. whichgivesavalueofJ¯(∆Ω)=1.2644 104andassume For models with a significant wino or Higgsino content, an angular resolution of ∆Ω = 10−5 ×sr. The value of the observed rate implies a thermally-averagedannihila- the estimated gamma ray flux for photons in the energy tion cross-section in to W+W− final states on the order range 1 GeV ≤ Eγ ≤ 200 GeV is given in Table III. of hσviWW ∼ 10−24 cm3/s [48, 49]. Such rates can be The expected flux is generally quite large, suggesting achieved for some of the models in Table III though not that a signal should be expected above background at forall.1 Modelswhichachievethishighannihilationrate Fermi/GLAST in the near future. But we emphasize tendtoalsobecasesinwhichneutralinosannihilatevery that these estimates can vary over many orders of mag- effectivelyintheearlyuniverse,resultinginadiminished nitude if different assumptions aboutthe halo profileare thermal relic density. We chose one model (Point B) employed. which gives a thermal relic density, as computed using In addition to the diffuse gamma rays coming from DarkSUSY, which fits the measurement as inferred from neutralinoannihilationsonealsoexpectsmonochromatic the WMAP three-year[51] and five-yeardata [52] which signals from loop-induced diagrams in which two neu- we take to be tralinos annihilate into a pair of photons (γγ line) or into a photon and a Z-boson (γZ line) [39, 40, 41]. It 0.0855 Ω h2 0.1189, (7) χ ≤ ≤ has been noted that the ratio of the observed gamma rayfluxesfromthesetwoprocessesiscorrelatedwiththe atthe 2σ level. For the othercases itwill clearlybe nec- wave-functioncompositionoftheLSP[42]. Furthermore, essary to invoke non-thermal production [53, 54, 55, 56] takingtheratioofthefluxeseliminatesmuchofthehalo- to achieve the appropriate relic density. model dependence from the analysis of the signal. The ratio of the fluxes Φγγ/ΦγZ is given in Table III for our Implications for Observation of SUSY at the LHC. various benchmark points. They differ by as much as a factor of two. Observing these ratios, however, at at- mospheric Chernekov telescopes will require a favorable halomodel profileandexcellentenergyresolutiononthe 1 Seealsothebenchmarkcasesgivenin[50] 5 TABLE IV: Relevant SUSY mass spectra and total produc- TABLE V: Number of signal events for standard discovery tion cross sections at the LHC, for the benchmark models in channels at the LHC for √s = 10 TeV for the benchmark Table I. All masses are in GeV. models of Table I. Point A B C D E Numbersof Events mχ01 138 190 175 112 230 Point A B C D E mχ02 152 254 235 130 239 Multijets 16 68 72 114 57 mχ03 326 261 505 252 504 1ℓ + jets 17 78 61 70 19 OS 2ℓ + jets 0 14 2 12 1 mχ04 1008 663 513 846 515 SS 2ℓ + jets 0 1 2 4 0 m ± 146 243 175 123 234 χ1 3ℓ + jets 0 4 0 4 0 mχ±2 1008 663 514 846 515 Significance S/√B mg˜ 1156 847 952 890 951 Point A B C D E mt˜1 826 607 719 544 709 Multijets 2.0 8.4 8.9 14.0 7.0 mt˜2 1284 925 862 964 865 1ℓ + jets 1.1 5.2 4.1 4.7 1.7 m˜b1 1155 853 809 766 812 OS 2ℓ + jets NA 4.4 0.6 3.8 0.3 m˜b2 1271 903 874 943 871 SS 2ℓ + jets NA 1.0 2.0 4.0 NA mτ˜1 740 520 344 338 352 3ℓ + jets NA 2.9 NA 2.9 NA mτ˜2 1079 724 414 752 424 m 115 112 113 114 113 h σs7uTsyeV (pb) 1.3 0.3 1.2 2.7 0.4 σs1u0sTyeV (pb) 2.3 1.2 2.5 5.1 1.3 Given the relatively low cross-sections and reduction in σs1u4sTyeV (pb) 4.0 4.1 5.7 10.0 3.7 leptonicsignatures(aswedescribebelow)itishighlyun- likely that these models will give significant event rates above the Standard Model background in 500 pb−1 or less integratedluminosity for √s=7 TeV. However,the A common feature of the models listed in Table I is a prospects brighten considerably at higher energies, par- general compression of the gaugino mass spectrum rela- ticularlyifoneassumesthatmeasurementsofjet p and T tive to unified models such as mSUGRA. This is partic- E are reasonably reliable. T ularly true of the mass gap ∆± ≡ mχ±1 −mχ01 which is 6 We begin with standard SUSY discovery modes [59], crucial to many of the standard supersymmetric search slightly modified to maximize the signal significance for strategiesattheLHC,aswellashavingalargeimpacton these models. These five signatures are collected in Ta- the triggeringefficiencies forsupersymmetric events. We bleVfor1fb−1 ofintegratedluminosityat√s=10TeV. givecertainkeyphysicalmassesforthemodelsofTableI InallcaseswerequiretransversesphericityS 0.2and T in Table IV in units of GeV. All masses are computed at least 250 GeV of E except for the trilept≥on signa- T from the high-scale boundary conditions after renormal- ture,whereonlyE 6 200GeVisrequired. Themultijet T ization group evolution using SuSpect 2.41. channel includes6a ve≥to on isolated leptons and requires To analyze the signatures of these models at the LHC at least four jets with the transverse momenta of the we generated events using PYTHIA followed by a de- four leading jets satisfying p (200,150,50,50) GeV, T ≥ tector simulation using PGS4 [57]. Sparticle decays are respectively. For the leptonic signatures we include only calculated using SUSY-HIT [33]. Data sets represent- e± andµ± finalstatesanddemandatleasttwojets with ing 1 fb−1 were generated for center of mass energies the leading jets satisfying p (100,50) GeV, respec- T √s=10TeV and√s=14TeV foreachmodel. Inaddi- tively. We also display results≥in Table VI for 1 fb−1 of tion we considered a suitably-weighted sample of 1 fb−1 integrated luminosity at √s=14 TeV. Standard Model background events, consisting of Drell- The multijet channel is promising already at 1 fb−1 Yan, QCD dijet, tt¯, b¯b, W/Z+jets and diboson produc- at √s = 10 TeV for all models with the exception of tion at each √s value. Events were analyzed using level point A, which has the largest gluino mass. Points one (L1) triggers in PGS4, designed to mimic the CMS which give a mass difference ∆± > 10 GeV are capable trigger tables [58]. Object-level post-trigger cuts were of giving hard enough leptons to∼produce a reasonable also imposed. We require all photons, electrons, muons signalsignificanceintheone-,andeventwo-leptonchan- andtaustohavetransversemomentumpT 10GeVand nels. The compressed spectrum tends to result in fewer ≥ η <2.4 and we require hadronic jets to satisfy η <3. leptonic events due to the inability to trigger effectively | | | | The last entries of Table IV gives the totalSUSY pro- onleptonswhentheirtransversemomentumdropsmuch duction cross-section at the LHC for center of mass en- below 10 GeV. The reduction in leptonic signal is likely ergies of 7, 10 and 14 TeV for our benchmark points. to be a generic property of supersymmetric models that 6 TABLE VI: Number of signal events for standard discovery channels at the LHC for √s = 14 TeV for the benchmark models of Table I. [1] H.Goldberg,Phys.Rev.Lett.50,1419(1983)[Erratum- ibid. 103, 099905 (2009)]. Numbersof Events [2] G. Jungman, M. Kamionkowski and K. Griest, Phys. Point A B C D E Rept. 267, 195 (1996). Multijets 99 321 402 436 298 [3] G.Bertone,D.HooperandJ.Silk,Phys.Rept.405,279 (2005). 1ℓ + jets 62 336 202 310 111 [4] R.J.Gaitskell,Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.54,315(2004). 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