Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in Symmetric Coset Spaces Wei Li 8 Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138, USA 0 [email protected] 0 2 n 1 Introduction a J The attractor mechanism for supersymmetric (BPS) black holes was discov- 7 eredin1995[1]:atthehorizonofasupersymmetricblackhole,themoduliare 1 completely determined by the charges of the black hole, independent of their ] asymptoticvalues.In2005,Senshowedthatallextremalblackholes,bothsu- h persymmetricandnon-supersymmetric(non-BPS),exhibitattractorbehavior t - [2]: it is a result of the near-horizon geometry of extremal black holes, rather p than supersymmetry. Since then, non-BPS attractors have been a very active e h field of research (see for instance [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]). [ In particular, a microstate counting for certain non-BPS black holes was pro- posed in [16]. Moreover, a new extension of topological string theory was 2 v suggested to generalize the Ooguri-Strominger-Vafa (OSV) formula so that it 6 also applies to non-supersymmetric black holes [17]. 3 Both BPS and non-BPS attractor points are simply determined as the 5 critical points of the black hole potential V [18, 7]. However, it is much 2 BH easier to solve the full BPS attractor flow equations than to solve the non- . 1 BPS ones: the supersymmetry condition reduces the second-order equations 0 of motion to first-order ones. Once the BPS attractor moduli are known in 8 0 terms of D-brane charges, the full BPS attractor flow can be generated via : a harmonic function procedure, i.e., by replacing the charges in the attractor v moduli with corresponding harmonic functions: i X r tBPS(x)=t∗BPS(pI →HI(x),qI →HI(x)) (1) a Inparticular,whentheharmonicfunctions(HI(x),H (x))aremulti-centered, I this procedure generates multi-centered BPS solutions [19]. The existence of multi-centered BPS bound states is crucial in under- standing the microscopic entropy counting of BPS black holes and the exact formulation of OSV formula [20]. One can imagine that a similarly important role could be played by multi-centered non-BPS solutions in understanding 2 Wei Li non-BPS black holes microscopically. However, the multi-centered non-BPS attractor solutions have not been constructed until [21], on which this talk is based. In fact, even their existence has been in question. In the BPS case, the construction of multi-centered attractor solutions is a simple generalization of the full attractor flows of single-centered black holes: one needs simply to replace the single-centered harmonic functions in a single-centered BPS flow with multi-centered harmonic functions. However, thefullattractorflowofagenericsingle-centerednon-BPSblackholehasnot beensolvedanalytically,duetothedifficultyofsolvingsecond-orderequations of motion. Ceresole et al. obtained an equivalent first-order equation for non- BPSattractorsintermsofa“fakesuperpotential,”butthefakesuperpotential can only be explicitly constructed for special charges and asymptotic moduli [22, 23]. Similarly, the harmonic function procedure was only shown to apply to a special subclass of non-BPS black holes, but has not been proven for generic cases [11]. In this talk, we will develop a method of constructing generic black hole attractor solutions, both BPS and non-BPS, single-centered as well as multi- centered, in a large class of 4D N = 2 supergravities coupled to vector- multiplets with cubic prepotentials. The method is applicable to models for which the 3D moduli spaces obtained via c∗-map are symmetric coset spaces. All attractor solutions in such a 3D moduli space can be constructed alge- braically in a unified way. Then the 3D attractor solutions are mapped back into four dimensions to give 4D extremal black holes. The outline of the talk is as follows. Section 2 lays out the framework and presents our solution generating procedures; section 3 focuses on the theory of 4D N = 2 supergravity coupled to one vector-multiplet, and shows in detail how to determine the attractor flow generators; section 4 then uses these generators to construct single-centered attractors, both BPS and non- BPS, and proves that generic non-BPS solutions cannot be generated via the harmonic function procedure; section 5 constructs multi-centered solutions, and shows the great contrasts between BPS and non-BPS ones. We end with a discussion on various future directions. 2 Framework 2.1 3D Moduli Space M 3D The technique of studying stationary configurations of 4D supergravities by dimensionally reducing the 4D theories to 3D non-linear σ-models coupled to gravity was described in the pioneering work [24]. The 3D moduli space for 4D N = 2 supergravity coupled to n vector-multiplets is well-studied, for V example in [25, 26, 27, 28]. Here we briefly review the essential points. The bosonic part of the 4D action is: Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in Symmetric Coset Spaces 3 S =−161π (cid:90) d4x(cid:112)−g(4)(cid:104)R−2Gi¯jdti∧∗4dt¯¯j −FI ∧GI(cid:105) (2) where I = 0,1...n , and G = (ReN) FJ +(ImN) ∗FJ. For a theory V I IJ IJ endowed with a prepotential F(X), N = F +2i(ImF·X)I(ImF·X)J where IJ IJ X·ImF·X F =∂ ∂ F(X) [28]. We will consider generic stationary solutions, allowing IJ I J non-zero angular momentum. The ansatz for the metric and gauge fields are: ds2 =−e2U(dt+ω)2+e−2Ug dxadxb (3) ab AI =AI(dt+ω)+AI (4) 0 where g is the 3D space metric and bold fonts denote three-dimensional ab fields and operators. The variables are 3n + 2 scalars {U,ti,t¯¯i,AI}, and V 0 n +2 vectors {ω,AI}. V The existence of a time-like isometry allows us to reduce the 4D theory to a 3D non-linear σ-model on this isometry. Dualizing the vectors {ω,AI} to the scalars {σ,B }, and renaming AI as AI, we arrive at the 3D Lagrangian, I 0 which is a non-linear σ-model minimally coupled to 3D gravity:1 1√ 1 L= g(− R+∂ φm∂aφng ) (5) 2 κ a mn where φn are the 4(n +1) moduli fields {U,ti,t¯¯i,σ,AI,B }, and g is the V I mn metric of the 3D moduli space M , whose line element is: 3D 1 ds2 =dU2+ 4e−4U(dσ+AIdBI −BIdAI)2+gi¯j(t,t¯)dti·dt¯¯j 1 + e−2U[(ImN−1)IJ(dB +N dAK)·(dB +N dAL)] (6) 2 I IK J JL The resulting M is a para-quaternionic-K¨ahler manifold, with special 3D holonomySp(2,R)×Sp(2n +2,R)[29].Itistheanalyticalcontinuationofthe V quaternionic-K¨ahlermanifoldwithspecialholonomyUSp(2,R)×USp(2n + V 2,R)studiedin[26].Thusthevielbeinhastwoindices(α,A),transformingun- derSp(2,R)andSp(2n +2,R),respectively.Thepara-quaternionicvielbein V is the analytical continuation of the quaternionic vielbein computed in [26]. This procedure is called the c∗-map [29], as it is the analytical continuation of the c-map in [25, 26] TheisometriesoftheM descendsfromthesymmetryofthe4Dsystem. 3D In particular, the gauge symmetries in 4D give the shift isometries of M , 3D whose associated conserved charges are: q dτ =J =P −B P , pIdτ =J =P +AIP , adτ =J =P I AI AI I σ BI BI σ σ σ (7) 1 Notethattheblackholepotentialtermin4Dbreaksdownintokinetictermsof the 3D moduli, thus there is no potential term for the 3D moduli. 4 Wei Li where the {P ,P ,P } are the momenta. Here τ is the affine parameter σ AI BI defined as dτ ≡ −∗ sinθdθdφ. (pI,q ) are the D-brane charges, and a the 3 I NUT charge. A non-zero a gives rise to closed time-like curves, so we will set a=0 from now on. 2.2 Attractor Flow Equations The E.O.M. of 3D gravity is Einstein’s equation: 1 1 R − g R=κT =κ(∂ φm∂ φng − g ∂ φm∂cφng ) (8) ab 2 ab ab a b mn 2 ab c mn and the E.O.M. of the 3D moduli are the geodesic equations in M : 3D ∇ ∇aφn+Γn ∂ φm∂aφp =0 (9) a mp a It is not easy to solve a non-linear σ-model that couples to gravity. How- ever, the theory greatly simplifies when the 3D spatial slice is flat: the dy- namics of the moduli are decoupled from that of 3D gravity: T =0=∂ φm∂ φng and ∂ ∂aφn+Γn ∂ φm∂aφp =0 (10) ab a b mn a mp a In particular, a single-centered attractor flow then corresponds to a null geodesics in M : ds2 =dφmdφng =0. 3D mn The condition of the 3D spatial slice being flat is guaranteed for BPS attractors, both single-centered and multi-centered, by supersymmetry. Fur- thermore, for single-centered attractors, both BPS and non-BPS, extremality condition ensures the flatness of the 3D spatial slice. In this paper, we will impose this flat 3D spatial slice condition on all multi-centered non-BPS at- tractors we are looking for. They correspond to the multi-centered solutions that are directly “assembled” by single-centered attractors, and have prop- erties similar to their single-centered constituents: they live in certain null totally geodesic sub-manifolds of M . We will discuss the relaxation of this 3D condition at the end of the paper. Tosummarize,theproblemoffinding4Dsingle-centeredblackholeattrac- tors can be translated into finding appropriate null geodesics in M , and 3D that of finding 4D multi-centered black hole bound states into finding cor- responding 3D multi-centered solutions living in certain null totally geodesic sub-manifold of M . 3D Thenullgeodesicthatcorrespondstoa4Dblackholeattractorisonethat terminates at a point on the U → −∞ boundary and in the interior region with respect to all other coordinates of the moduli space M . However, it 3D is difficult to find such geodesics since a generic null geodesic flows to the boundary of M . For BPS attractors, the termination of the null geodesic 3D at its attractor point is guaranteed by the constraints imposed by supersym- metry. For non-BPS attractor, one need to find the constraints without the aid of supersymmetry. We will show that this can be done for models with M that are symmetric coset spaces. Moreover, the method can be easily 3D generalized to find the multi-centered non-BPS attractor solutions. Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in Symmetric Coset Spaces 5 2.3 Models with M Being Symmetric Coset Spaces 3D A homogeneous space M is a manifold on which its isometry group G acts transitively. It is isomorphic to the coset space G/H, with G being the isom- etry group and H the isotropy group. For M = G/H, H is the maximal 3D compact subgroup of G when one compactifies on a spatial isometry down to (1,2) space, or the analytical continuation of the maximal compact subgroup when one compactifies on the time isometry down to (0,3) space. The Lie algebra g has Cartan decomposition: g=h⊕k where [h,h]=h [h,k]=k (11) When G is semi-simple, the coset space G/H is symmetric, meaning: [k,k]=h (12) The building block of the non-linear σ-model with symmetric coset space M as target space is the coset representative M, from which the left- 3D invariant current is constructed: J =M−1dM =J +J (13) k h where J is the projection of J onto the coset algebra k. The lagrangian k density of the σ-model with target space G/H is then given by J as: k L=Tr(J ∧∗ J ) (14) k 3 k The symmetric coset space has the nice property that its geodesics M(τ) are simply generated by exponentiation of the coset algebra k: M(τ)=M ekτ/2 with k ∈k (15) 0 where M parameterizes the initial point of the geodesic, and the factor 1 in 0 2 theexponentisforlaterconvenience.Anullgeodesiccorrespondsto|k|2 =0. Therefore, in the symmetric coset space M , the problem of finding the 3D nullgeodesicsthatterminateatattractorpointsistranslatedintofindingthe appropriate constraints on the null elements of the coset algebra k. Thetheorieswith3DmodulispacesM thataresymmetriccosetspaces 3D include:D-dimensionalgravitytoroidallycompactifiedtofourdimensions,all 4D N > 2 extended supergravities, and certain 4D N = 2 supergravities coupled to vector-multiplets with cubic prepotentials. The entropies in the last two classes are U-duality invariant. In this talk, we will focus on the last class. The discussion on the first class can be found in [21]. Parametrization of M 3D The symmetric coset space M =G/H can be parameterized by exponenti- 3D ation of the solvable subalgebra solv of g: 6 Wei Li M =G/H=esolv with g=h⊕solv (16) 3D The solvable subalgebra solv is determined via Iwasawa decomposition of g. Being semi-simple, g has Iwasawa decomposition: g = h⊕a⊕n, where a is the maximal abelian subspace of k, and n the nilpotent subspace of the positiverootspaceΣ+ ofa.Thesolvablesubalgebrasolv =a⊕n.Eachpoint φn in M corresponds to a solvable element Σ(φ)=esolv, thus the solvable 3D elements can serve as coset representatives. We briefly explain how to extract the values of moduli from the coset representative M. Since M is defined up to the action of the isotropy group H, we need to construct from M an entity that encodes the values of moduli in an H-independent way. The symmetric matrix S defined as: S ≡MS MT (17) 0 has such a property, where S is the signature matrix.2 Moreover, as the 0 isometrygroupGactstransitivelyonthespaceofmatriceswithsignatureS , 0 thespaceofpossibleSisthesameasthesymmetriccosetspaceM =G/H. 3D Therefore, we can read off the values of moduli from S in an H-independent way. The non-linear σ-model with target space M can also be described in 3D terms of S instead of M. First, the left-invariant current of S is J =S−1dS, S which is related to J by: k J =S−1dS =2(S MT)−1J (S MT) (18) S 0 k 0 ThelagrangiandensityintermsofS isthusL= 1Tr(J ∧∗ J ).Theequation 4 S 3 S of motion is the conservation of current: ∇·J =∇·(S−1∇S)=0 (19) where we have dropped the subscript S in J , since we will only be dealing S with this current from now on. 2.4 Example: n = 1 V In this talk, we will perform the explicit computation only for the simplest case:4DN =2supergravitycoupledtoonevector-multiplet.Thegeneraliza- tion to generic n is straightforward. The 3D moduli space M for n =1 V 3D V is an eight-dimensional quaternionic k¨ahler manifold, with special holonomy Sp(2,R)×Sp(4,R). Computing the killing symmetries of the metric (6) with n =1 shows that it is a coset space G /(SL(2,R)×SL(2,R)) 3. Figure 1 V 2(2) showstherootdiagramofG initsCartandecomposition.Thesixrootson 2(2) 2 Inallsystemsconsideredinthepresentwork,theisotropygroupHisthemaximal orthogonalsubgroupofG:HS HT =S ,foranyH ∈H.Therefore,Sisinvariant 0 0 under the H-action M →MH. 3 Other work on this coset space has appeared recently, including [31, 32, 33]. Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in Symmetric Coset Spaces 7 a a 21 11 + L v a a 22 12 L3 v L- L3 L+ h h h a a 23 13 - L v a a 24 14 Fig. 1. Root Diagram of G in Cartan Decomposition. 2(2) the horizontal and vertical axes {L±,L3,L±,L3} generate the isotropy sub- h h v v groupH=SL(2,R) ×SL(2,R) .Thetwoverticalcolumnsofeightrootsa h v αA generate the coset algebra k, with index α labeling a spin-1/2 representation of SL(2,R) and index A a spin-3/2 representation of SL(2,R) . h v The Iwasawa decomposition, g = h ⊕ solv with solv = a ⊕ n, is shown in Figure 2. The two Cartan generators {u,y} form a, while n is spanned by {x,σ,A0,A1,B ,B }. {u,y} generates the rescaling of {u,y}, 1 0 where u ≡ e2U, and {x,σ,A0,A1,B ,B } generates the translation of 1 0 {x,σ,A0,A1,B ,B } [27]. 1 0 The moduli space M can be parameterized by solvable elements: 3D Σ(φ)=e(lnu)u/2+(lny)yexx+AIAI+BIBI+σσ (20) The symmetric matrix S can then be expressed in terms of the eight moduli φn: S(φ)=Σ(φ)S Σ(φ)T (21) 0 which shows how to extract the values of moduli from S even when S is not constructed from the solvable elements, since it is invariant under H-action. 8 Wei Li ` A0 B0 x ` A1 B1 y ` a u a ` B A1 1 ` x ` B A0 0 Fig. 2. Root Diagram of G in Iwasawa Decomposition. 2(2) {u,y,x,σ,A0,A1,B ,B } generates the solvable subgroup Solv. 1 0 3 Generators of Attractor Flows In this section, we will solve 3D attractor flow generators k as in (15). We willprovethatextremalityconditionensuresthattheyarenilpotentelements of the coset algebra k. In particular, for n = 1, both BPS and non-BPS V generators are third-degree nilpotent. However, despite this common feature, k and k differ in many aspects. BPS NB 3.1 Construction of Attractor Flow Generators Construction of k BPS Sincethe4DBPSattractorsolutionsarealreadyknown,onecaneasilyobtain the BPS flow generator k in the 3D moduli space M . BPS 3D The generator k can be expanded by coset elements a as k = BPS αA BPS a CαA, where CαA are conserved along the flow. On the other hand, since αA the conserved currents in the homogeneous space are constructed by project- ingtheone-formvaluedLiealgebrag−1·dgontok,aprocedurethatalsogives the vielbein: J = g−1dg| = a VαA, the vielbein VαA are also conserved k k αA (cid:16) (cid:17) along the flow: d VαAφ˙n = 0. Since both the expansion coefficients CαA dτ n Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in Symmetric Coset Spaces 9 and the vielbein VαA transform as (2,4) of SL(2,R) ×(SL(2,R) and are h v conserved along the flow, they are related by: CαA =VαAφ˙n (22) n up to an overall scaling factor. In terms of the vielbein VαA, the supersymmetry condition that gives the BPSattractorsis:VαA =zαVA [29,30,33].Using(22),weconcludethatthe 3D BPS flow generator k has the expansion BPS k =a zαCA (23) BPS αA A 4D supersymmetric black hole is labeled by four D-brane charges (p0,p1,q ,q ).A3Dattractorflowgeneratork hasfiveparameters{CA,z}. 1 0 BPS Aswillbeshownlater,z dropsoffinthefinalsolutionsofBPSattractorflows, under the zero NUT charge condition. Thus the geodesics generated by k BPS are indeed in a four-parameter family. k can be obtained by a twisting procedure as follows. First, define BPS a k0 which is spanned by the four coset generators with positive charges BPS under SL(2,R) : h k0 ≡a CA (24) BPS 1A then, conjugate k0 with lowering operator L−: BPS h kBPS =e−zL−hkB0PSezL−h (25) Using properties of k0 , it is easy to check that k is null: BPS BPS |k |2 =0 (26) BPS More importantly, k is found to be third-degree nilpotent: BPS k3 =0 (27) BPS Anaturalquestionthenarises:Isthenilpotencyconditionofk aresultof BPS supersymmetry or extremality? If latter, we can use the nilpotency condition as a constraint to solve for the non-BPS attractor generators k . We will NB prove that this is indeed the case. Extremality implies nilpotency of flow generators Wewillnowprovethatallattractorflowgenerators,bothBPSandNon-BPS, arenilpotentelementsinthecosetalgebrak.Itisaresultofthenear-horizon geometry of extremal black holes. The near-horizon geometry of a 4D attractor is AdS ×S2, i.e. 2 (cid:112) e−U → V | τ as τ →∞ (28) BH ∗ 10 Wei Li Astheflowgoestothenear-horizon,i.e.,asu=e2U →0,thesolvableelement M =e(lnu)u/2+··· is a polynomial function of τ: M(τ)∼u−(cid:96)/2 ∼τ(cid:96) (29) where −(cid:96) is the lowest eigenvalue of u. On the other hand, since the geodesic flow is generated by k ∈ k via M(τ)=M ekτ/2, M(τ) is an exponential function of τ. To reconcile the two 0 statements, the attractor flow generator k must be nilpotent: k(cid:96)+1 =0 (30) where the value of (cid:96) depends on the particular moduli space under consid- eration. In G /SL(2,R)2, by looking at the weights of the fundamental 2(2) representation, we see that (cid:96)=2, thus k3 =0 (31) The nilpotency condition of the flow generators also automatically guar- antees that they are null: k3 =0 =⇒ (k2)2 =0 =⇒ Tr(k2)=0 (32) Construction of k NB Toconstructnon-BPSattractorflows,oneneedstofindthird-degreenilpotent elements in the coset algebra k that are distinct from the BPS ones. In the real G /SL(2,R)2, there are two third-degree nilpotent orbits in total [35]. 2(2) We have shown that kBPS = e−zL−hkB0PSezL−h, with kB0PS spanned by the four generators with positive charge under SL(2,R) . h Since there are only two SL(2,R)’s inside H, a natural guess for k is NB that it can be constructed by the same twisting procedure with SL(2,R) h replaced by SL(2,R) : v kNB =e−zL−vkN0BezL−v with kN0B ≡aαaCαa, α,a=1,2 (33) where k0 is spanned by the four generators with positive charge under NB SL(2,R) . v Using properties of k0 , one can easily show that k defined above is NB NB indeed third-degree nilpotent: k3 =0 (34) NB That is, k defined in (33) generates non-BPS attractor flows in M . NB 3D A 4D non-BPS extremal black hole is labeled by four D-brane charges (p0,p1,q ,q ). Similar to the BPS case, the 3D attractor flow generator k 1 0 NB has five parameters {Cαa,z}. As will be shown later, z can be determined in terms of {Cαa} using the zero NUT charge condition, thus the geodesics generated by k are also in a four-parameter family. NB