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Non-stability of Paneitz-Branson type equations in arbitrary dimensions. 4 Laurent Bakri Jean-Baptiste Casteras § ∗† ‡ 1 0 2 n Abstract a J Let (M,g) be a compact riemannian manifold of dimension n 5. 8 ≥ We consider a Paneitz-Branson type equation with general coefficients 1 ∆2u div (A du)+hu = u2∗−2−εu on M, (E) ] g g g − | | P A 2n whereA isasmoothsymmetric(2,0)-tensor,h C∞(M),2∗ = g . ∈ n 4 h and ε is a small positive parameter. Assuming that there exists a p−os- t a itive nondegenerate solution of (E) when ε = 0 and under suitable m conditions, we construct solutions u of type (u BBl ) to (E) which ε 0 ε [ blow up at one point of the manifold when ε tend−s to 0 for all dimen- 1 sions n 5. v ≥ 9 4 Keywords: Paneitz-Branson type equations, blow up solutions, Liapunov- 5 Schmidt reduction procedure. 4 . 1 0 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35J30,35J60,35B33,35B35 4 1 : v 1 Introduction and statements of the results i X r Let (M,g) be a compact riemannian manifold of dimension n 5. We will a ≥ be interested in solutions u C4,θ(M), θ (0,1), of the following equation ∈ ∈ P u := ∆2u div (A du)+hu = u 2∗−2u, (1.1) g g − g g | | ∗Departamento de Matemática, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, 1680 Av. españa Valparaíso,Chile. E-mail :[email protected]. †The first author was supported by PROYECTO BASAL PFB03 CMM, Universidad de Chile, Santiago (Chile). ‡UFRGS,InstitutodeMatemática,Av. BentoGoncalves9500,91540-000PortoAlegre- RS, Brasil Phone : (55) 51 3308-6208. E-mail [email protected] §The second author was supported by the CNPq (Brazil) project 501559/2012-4. 1 2n where A is a smooth symmetric (2,0)-tensor, h C∞(M) and 2∗ = . g ∈ n 4 Followingtheterminologyintroducedin[3], theoperatorP hasbeenrefe−rred g to as a Paneitz-Branson type operator with general coefficients. When A is g given by (n 2)2 +4 4 A = A := − R g Ric , (1.2) g paneitz g g 2(n 1)(n 2) − n 2 − − − where R (resp. Ric ) stands for the scalar curvature (resp. Ricci curvature) g g n 4 with respect to the metric g, and h = − Q where Q is the Q-curvature g g 2 with respect to the metric g which is defined by 1 n3 4n2 +16n 16 2 Q = ∆ R + − − R2 Ric 2, g 2(n 1) g g 8(n 1)2(n 2)2 g − (n 2)2| g|g − − − − then P is the so-called Paneitz-Branson operator and equation (1.1) is re- g ferred to as the Paneitz-Branson equation. It is well known that the Paneitz 4 operator is conformally invariant, i.e. if g˜ = ϕn−4g then, for all u C∞(M), ∈ we have Pn(uϕ) = ϕnn−+44Pn(u). g g˜ We also point out that if (M,g) is Einstein (Ric = λg, λ R), then the g ∈ Paneitz-Branson operator takes the form P u = ∆2u+b∆ u+cu, (1.3) g g g n2 2n 4 n(n 4)(n2 4) where b = − − λ and c = − − λ. More generally, when 2(n 1) 16(n 1)2 − − b and c are two real numbers, the operator P defined in (1.3) is referred g to as a Paneitz-Branson type operator with constant coefficients. Existence, compactness and stability of solutions to (1.1) when P is a Paneitz-Branson g type operator with constant coefficients, have been widely investigated this last decade (see for example [5, 7, 8, 16, 19] and the references therein). However, less isknown for solutions of (1.1) inthecase where P is aPaneitz- g Branson type operator with general coefficients. Esposito and Robert [4] proved the existence of a non trivial solution to (1.1) under the hypothesis that n 8 and minTr (A A ) < 0. In [18], Sandeep studied the g g paneitz ≥ M − stability of equation (1.1) in the following sense : he considered sequences of positive solutions (u ) of α α ∆2u div (A du )+a u = u2∗−1, u C4,θ, g α − g α α α α α α ∈ 2 where A are smooth (2,0) symmetric tensors and a are smooth functions. α α Sandeep proved that if A converges in C1(M) to a smooth symetric tensor α A , a converges in C0(M) to a smooth positive function a and u converges g α α weakly in H2(M) to a function u , then u is nontrivial provided that A 0 0 g − A is either positive or negative definite (generalizing a result of [9]). paneitz Recently, Pistoia and Vaira [15] studied the stability of (1.1) when it is the Paneitz-Branson equation, namely they considered the following equation ∆2u div ((A +εB)du)+Q u = u 2∗−2u, (1.4) g − g paneitz g | | where ε is a small positive parameter and B is a smooth symmetric (2,0) tensor. They proved that if (M,g) is not conformally flat, n 9 and there ≥ exists ξ M a C1 stable critical point (see below for the definition) of the 0 ∈ Tr B(ξ) g function ξ , such that Tr B(ξ ) > 0, then equation (1.4) is g 0 → Weyl (ξ) g g | | not stable, i.e. there exists ε > 0 such that, for any ε (0,ε ), equation 0 0 ∈ (1.4) admits a solution u such that u (ξ ) + . ε ε 0 ε−→→0+ ∞ The aim of this paper is to investigate the stability in the sense of Deng- Pistoia of (1.1). We say that (1.1) is stable if, for any sequences of real positive numbers (ε ) such that ε 0 and for any sequences of solutions α α α α−→→∞ (u ) C4,θ(M), θ (0,1), of α α ∈ ∈ ∆2u div (A du )+hu = u 2∗−2−εαu , (1.5) g α − g g α α | α| α bounded in H2(M), then up to a subsequence, u converges in C4(M) to α some smooth function u solution of (1.1). Deng and Pistoia [2] proved that (1.1) is not stable if a. n 7,Tr (A A )isnotconstantandminTr (A A ) > 0, g g paneitz g g paneitz ≥ − M − b. or n 8 and ξ M a C1 stable critical point of Tr (A A ) 0 g g paneitz ≥ ∈ − such that Tr (A A )(ξ ) > 0. g g paneitz 0 − Our main result shows that under suitable assumptions, equation (1.1) is not stable for any n 5. In fact, inspired by the recent result of Robert and ≥ Vétois [17] on scalar curvature type equations, we investigate the existence of families (u ) C4,θ(M) of blow-up solutions to (1.5) of type (u BBl ). ε ε 0 ε ∈ − Following the terminology of Robert and Vétois, we say that a blow-up se- quence (u ) is of type (u BBl ) if there exists u C4,θ(M) and a bubble ε ε 0 ε 0 − n−∈4 BBlε(x) = [n(n 4)(n2 4)]n−84 µε 2 , where x,xε M and − − µ +d (x,x )2 ∈ (cid:18) ε g ε (cid:19) µ R+ is such that µ 0, such that ε ε ∈ −ε→→0 u = u BBl +o(1), ε 0 ε − 3 where o(1) 0. Before stating more precisely the results, we would like −ε→→0 to recall that a solution of (1.5) is called nondegenerate if the kernel of the linearization of the equation is trivial (see (2.3)). Let φ C1(M), we also ∈ recall that a critical point ξ of φ is said C1 stable if there exists an open 0 neighborhood Ω of ξ such that, for any point ξ Ω¯, there holds φ(ξ) = 0 0 g ∈ ∇ if and only if ξ = ξ and such that the Brower degree deg( φ,Ω,0) = 0. 0 g ∇ 6 We obtain : Theorem 1.1. Let (M,g) be a compact riemannian manifold of dimension n, A and h be such that P is coercive. Let u C4,θ, θ (0,1), be a g g 0 ∈ ∈ positive nondegenerate solution of (1.1). Assume in addition that one of the following condition holds: a. 5 n < 7, ≤ b. 8 n 13 and there exists ξ M a C1 stable critical point of 0 ≤ ≤ ∈ (n 1) ϕ(ξ) = − (Tr (A A ))(ξ) g g paneitz (n 6)(n2 4) − − − (1.6) 2nu (ξ)ω 0 n−1 + 1 , ξ M, (n+2)(n(n 4)(n2 4))n−84ωn n=8 ∈ − − such that ϕ(ξ ) > 0, 0 c. n > 13 and minTr (A A ) > 0, g g paneitz M − then, for any ε > 0, there exists a solution u of type u BBl to (1.5). In ε 0 ε − particular, (1.5) is not stable. Let us notice that in the geometric case i.e. when A = A , the pre- g paneitz vious theorem only applies if 5 n 8. However, with a small modification ≤ ≤ of the proof, we can construct a solution of type u BBl to (1.5) when 0 ε − 5 n 11 and A = A . More precisely, we prove the following result : g paneitz ≤ ≤ Theorem 1.2. Let (M,g) be a compact riemannian manifold of dimension n, A and h be such that P is coercive. Let u C4,θ, θ (0,1), be a positive g g 0 ∈ ∈ nondegenerate solution of (1.1). Assume that A = A . Then, for any g paneitz 5 n 11 and any ε > 0, there exists a solution u of type u BBl to ε 0 ε ≤ ≤ − (1.5). In particular, (1.5) is not stable. The proof of the theorems relies on a well known Lyapunov-Schmidt re- duction procedure which permits to reduce the problem to a finite dimen- sional one for which we defined a reduced energy. The solutions to (1.5) will 4 then be obtained as critical points of this reduced energy. We refer to [1] and the references therein for more information on the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction procedure. We would like to emphasize that the proof of Theorem 1.1 is inspired by the previous work of Robert and Vétois [17]. Thus we will keep their notations. We also want to point out that we use without proof computations done in Deng and Pistoia [2] (for more details on these compu- tations, see their paper). The plan of the paper is the following : in section 2 we introduce notations and perform the finite dimensional reduction. In section 3 we study the reduced problem and prove Theorem 1.1. The error estimate and the C1 uniform asymptotic expansion of the reduced energy are done in the appendix. Acknowledgements : The authors would like to thank F. Robert for his comments and suggestions on a preliminary version of this paper. 2 Finite dimensional reduction. Let (ξ ) be a sequence of points of M. In all the following, we will suppose α α up to extracting a subsequence that, for α large enough, all the points ξ α belong to a small open set Ω of M in which there exists a smooth orthogonal frame. Thus, we will identify the tangent spaces T M with Rn for all ξ Ω. ξ ∈ We recall that we suppose that P is coercive. g In all the following, we will denote by .,. , the scalar product, for h iPg u,v H2(M), ∈ u,v = ∆ u∆ vdV + A ( u, v)dV + huvdV, h iPg g g g ∇g ∇g ZM ZM ZM where here and in the following dV stands for the volume element with respect to the metric g, and . , for the associated norm which is then k kPg equivalent to the standard norm of H2(M). We denote by i∗ : Ln2+n4(M) → H2(M) the adjoint operator of the embedding i : H2(M) Ln2−n4(M), i.e. → for all ϕ Ln2+n4(M), the function u = i∗(ϕ) H2(M) is the unique solution ∈ ∈ of ∆2u div (A du) + hu = ϕ. Using this notation, we see that equation g − g g (1.5) can be rewritten as, for u H2(M), ∈ u = i∗(f (u)), ε where f (u) = u 2∗−2−εu. Before proceeding we recall some basic facts. It is ε | | well known (see [11]) that all solutions u H2(Rn) of the equation ∈ ∆2 u = u2∗−1 = unn−+44 in Rn eucl 5 are given by Uδ,y(x) = δ4−2nU(x−y), δ > 0, y Rn δ ∈ where n−4 n−4 U(x) = [n(n 4)(n2 4)]n−84 1 2 = αn 1 2 . (2.1) − − 1+ x 2 1+ x 2 (cid:18) | | (cid:19) (cid:18) | | (cid:19) It is also well known (see [12]) that all solutions v H2(Rn) of ∈ ∆2 v = (2∗ 1)U2∗−2v eucl − are linear combinations of n 4 x 2 1 V (x) = α − | | − 0 n 2 (1+ x 2)n−22 | | and x i V (x) = α (n 4) , i = 1,...,n. i n − (1+ x 2)n−22 | | Let χ : R R be a smooth cutoff function such that 0 χ 1, χ(x) = 1 r→r ≤ ≤ if x [ 0, 0] and χ(x) = 0 if x R ( r ,r ). We define, for any real δ 0 0 ∈ − 2 2 ∈ \ − strictly positive, ξ M and x M, ∈ ∈ Wδ,ξ(x) = χ(dg(x,ξ))δ4−2nU(δ−1exp−ξ1(x)), where d (x,ξ) stands for the distance from x to ξ with respect to the metric g g and exp is the exponential map with respect to the metric g. We also ξ define, for any real δ strictly positive, ξ M and x M, ∈ ∈ n−4 d(x,ξ)2 δ2 Zδ,ξ(x) = χ(dg(x,ξ))δ 2 − n−2, (δ2 +d(x,ξ)2) 2 and, for ω T M, ξ ∈ exp−1x,ω n−2 ξ g Zδ,ξ,ω(x) = χ(dg(x,ξ))δ 2 n−2. (δ2(cid:10)+d(x,ξ)2)(cid:11) 2 We denote by Π respectively Π⊥ the projection of H2(M) onto δ,ξ δ,ξ K = span Z ,(Z ) δ,ξ { δ,ξ δ,ξ,ei i=1..n} 6 respectively K⊥ = φ H2(M)/ φ,Z = 0 and φ,Z = 0, ω T M . δ,ξ ∈ h δ,ξiPg h δ,ξ,ωiPg ∀ ∈ ξ n o(2.2) We recall that a solution u of (1.5) is nondegenerate if the linearization of 0 the equation has trivial kernel, that is K = ϕ C4,θ(M)/P ϕ = (2∗ 1) u 2∗−2ϕ = 0 . (2.3) g 0 ∈ − | | { } (cid:8) (cid:9) We are looking for solution u to (1.5) of the form u = u W +φ , 0 − δε(tε),ξε δε(tε),ξε where u is a nondegenerate positive solution of (1.5), φ K⊥ 0 δε(tε),ξε ∈ δε(tε),ξε and √t ε if n 8 ε δ (t ) = ≥ , t > 0. (2.4) ε ε 2 ε (cid:26) (tεε)n−4 if 5 ≤ n ≤ 8 It is easy to see that equation (1.5) is equivalent to the following system Π (u W +φ i∗(f (u W +φ ))) = 0, (2.5) δε(t),ξ 0 − δε(t),ξ δε(t),ξ − ε 0 − δε(t),ξ δε(t),ξ and Π⊥ (u W +φ i∗(f (u W +φ ))) = 0. (2.6) δε(t),ξ 0 − δε(t),ξ δε(t),ξ − ε 0 − δε(t),ξ δε(t),ξ We begin by solving (2.6). Proposition 2.1. Let u C4,θ(M) be a nondegenerate positive solution of 0 ∈ (1.5). Given two real numbers a < b, there exists a positive constant C a,b such that for ε small, for any t [a,b] and any ξ M, there exists a unique ∈ ∈ function φ K⊥ which solves equation (2.6) and satisfies δε(t),ξ ∈ δε(t),ξ φ C ε lnε . (2.7) δε(t),ξ Pg ≤ a,b | | (cid:13) (cid:13) Moreover, φ is cont(cid:13)inuously(cid:13)differentiable with respect to t and ξ. δε(t),ξ In order to prove the previous proposition, we set, for ε small, for any positive real number δ and ξ M, the map L : K⊥ K⊥ defined by, ∈ ε,δ,ξ δ,ε → δ,ε for φ K⊥, ∈ δ,ε L (φ) = Π⊥ (φ i∗(f′(u W )φ)). ε,δ,ξ δ,ξ − ε 0 − δ,ξ We will first prove that this map is inversible for δ and ε small. 7 Lemma 2.1. There exists a positive constant C such that for ε small, for a,b any t [a,b], any ξ M and any φ K⊥, we have ∈ ∈ ∈ δ,ε L (φ) C φ . εα,δεα(tα),ξα Pg ≥ a,bk kPg (cid:13) (cid:13) Proof. Assumebycontradictionthatthereexisttwosequencesofpositivereal (cid:13) (cid:13) numbers (ε ) and (t ) such that ε 0 and a t b, a sequence of α α α α α α α−→→+∞ ≤ ≤ points (ξ )) of M and a sequence of functions (φ ) such that α α α α φ K⊥ , φ = 1 and L (φ ) 0. (2.8) α ∈ δεα(tα),ξα k αkPg εα,δεα(tα),ξα α Pg α−→→∞ (cid:13) (cid:13) To simplify notations, we set Lα = Lε(cid:13)α,δεα(tα),ξα, Wα =(cid:13)Wδεα(tα),ξα, Z0,α = Z and Z = Z for i = 1,...,n where e is the i-th vector δεα(tα),ξα i,α δεα(tα),ξα,ei i in the canonical basis of Rn. By definition of L , there exist real numbers α λ , i = 0,...,n such that i,α n φ i∗(f′ (u W )φ ) L (φ ) = λ Z . (2.9) α − εα 0 − α α − α α i,α i,α i=0 X Standard computations give Z ,Z ∆ V 2 δ , (2.10) h i,α j,αiPg α−→→∞ k eucl ikL2(Rn) ij where δ stands for the Kronecker symbol. Therefore, taking the scalar ij product of (2.9) with Z , using the previous limit and recalling that φ and i,α α L (φ ) belong to K⊥ , we deduce that α α δεα(tα),ξα n f′ (u W )φ Z dV = λ ∆ V 2 + λ o(1), εα 0 − α α i,α − i,αk eucl ikL2(Rn) | i,α| ZM i=0 ! X (2.11) where, here and in the following, o(1) 0. It is easy to see using the α−→→+∞ definition of W and Z and a change of variables that, for α large enough, α i,α f′ (u W )φ Z dV εα 0 − α α i,α ZM = f′ (W )φ Z dV +o(1) (2.12) εα α α i,α ZM = (2∗ −1−εα)δεα(tα)εαn+24 χα2∗−2−εαU2∗−2−εαViφ˜αdVg˜α +o(1), Rn Z ˜ n−4 where χα = χ(δεα(tα)|x|), φα(x) = δεα(tα) 2 χαφα(expξα(δεα(tα)x)) and g˜ (x) = exp∗ g(δ (t )x). Since (φ ) is bounded in H2(M), passing to α ξα εα α α α 8 ˜ a subsequence if necessary, we can assume that (φ ) converges weakly to a α α function φ˜ H2(Rn). Letting α + in (2.12), we deduce that ∈ → ∞ f′ (u W )φ Z dV (2∗ 1) U2∗−2V φ˜dV = 0, (2.13) ZM εα 0 − α α i,α α−→→∞ − ZRn i geucl n+4 where we used that V is solution of ∆2 V = U2∗−2V in Rn and i eucl i n 4 i φ K⊥ to obtain the last equality. Therefore,−from(2.11) and (2.13), α ∈ δεα(tα),ξα we have n λ = o(1)+o( λ ). i,α i,α | | i=0 X From (2.9), this implies φ i∗(f′ (u W )φ ) L (φ ) 0. α − εα 0 − α α − α α α−→→∞ Since by assumption L (φ ) 0, we finally obtain that εα,δεα(tα),ξα α Pg α−→→∞ (cid:13) (cid:13) φ(cid:13) i∗(f′ (u W(cid:13) )φ ) 0. (2.14) α − εα 0 − α α Pg α−→→∞ (cid:13) (cid:13) Since (φ ) isbound(cid:13)edinH2(M), uptotaking(cid:13)asubsequence, wecanassume α α that φ converges weakly in H2(M) to a function φ H2(M). Then, using α ∈ (2.14), we get, for any ϕ H2(M), ∈ ϕ,φ f′ (u W )ϕφ dV = ϕ,φ i∗(f′ (u W )φ ) h αiPg − εα 0 − α α α− εα 0 − α α Pg (cid:12) ZM (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:10)ϕ φ i∗(f′ (u W )φ(cid:11) )(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) ≤ (cid:12)k kPg α − εα 0 − α α (cid:12)Pg = o( ϕ (cid:13)). (2.(cid:13)15) k kP(cid:13)g (cid:13) We deduce from this that φ is a weak solution of P φ = (2∗ 1)u2∗−2φ. Since g − 0 u is a nondegenerate solution of (1.5), we obtain that φ = 0. Therefore, 0 φ ⇀ 0 weakly in H2(M). Now we will show that φ˜ ⇀ 0 weakly in α α α→∞ α→∞ H2(Rn). Let ϕ˜ be a smooth function with compact support in Rn, we will use (2.15) with, for x M, ∈ ϕ(x) = χ(dgξα(x,ξα))δεα(tα)4−2nϕ˜(δεα(tα)−1exp−ξα1(x)). Thus, applying (2.15) to the previous ϕ and using a change of variable, we 9 have, ∆ φ˜ ∆ ϕ˜dV +δ (t )2 A ( φ˜ , ϕ˜)dV g˜α α g˜α g˜α εα α g˜α ∇g˜α α ∇g˜α g˜α Rn Rn Z Z + δ (t )4 h(exp (δ (t )x))φ˜ ϕ˜dV (2.16) εα α ξα εα α α g˜α Rn Z = δ (t )4 f′ (u W (exp (δ (t )x)))φ˜ ϕdV +o(1), εα α εα 0,α − α ξα εα α α g˜α Rn Z where u (.) = u (exp (δ (t ).)). Nowit is easy tosee that, letting α 0,α 0 ξα εα α → ∞ in (2.16), ∆ φ˜∆ ϕ˜dV = (2∗ 1) U2∗−2φ˜ϕ˜dV . eucl eucl g g eucl − eucl Rn Rn Z Z n+4 Thus φ˜ is a weak solution of ∆2 φ˜ = U2∗−2φ˜. So, from [12], we eucl n 4 know that there exists λ R, i = 0,...,n, −such that φ˜ = n λ V . Since i ∈ i=0 i i φ K⊥ , using the same argument as in (2.13), we deduce that φ˜ 0. α ∈ δεα(tα),ξα P ≡ Using one more time (2.15) with ϕ = φ , a change of variables and since α φ ⇀ 0 weakly in H2(M) and φ˜ ⇀ 0 weakly in H2(Rn), we get α α α→∞ α→∞ φ 2 = (2∗ 1 ε ) u W 2∗−2−εαφ2dV +o(1) k αkPg − − α | 0− α| α ZM C φ2dV +C W 2∗−2−εαφ2dV +o(1) ≤ α | α| α ZM ZM C φ2dV +C U 2∗−2−εαφ˜2dV +o(1) 0. ≤ α | | α g˜α α−→→∞ ZM ZM This yields to a contradiction with (2.8). Proof of Proposition 2.1. It is easy to see that equation (2.6) is equivalent to L (φ) = N (φ)+R , ε,δε(t),ξ ε,δε(t),ξ ε,δε(t),ξ where N (φ) = Π⊥ (i∗(f (u W +φ)) f (u W ) ε,δε(t),ξ δε(t),ξ ε 0 − δε(t),ξ − ε 0 − δε(t),ξ f′(u W )φ), − ε 0 − δε(t),ξ and R = Π⊥ (i∗(f (u W )) u +W ). ε,δε(t),ξ δε(t),ξ ε ε 0 − δε(t),ξ − 0 δε(t),ξ 10

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