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New Mexico Tech (October 27, 2008) 8 0 0 2 t c Non-perturbative Heat Kernel Asymptotics O 8 2 on Homogeneous Abelian Bundles ] h p - Ivan G. Avramidi and Guglielmo Fucci h t a m New Mexico Instituteof MiningandTechnology [ Socorro,NM 87801,USA 2 E-mail: [email protected],[email protected] v 9 8 8 WestudytheheatkernelforaLaplacetypepartialdifferentialoperator 4 acting on smooth sections of a complex vector bundle with the structure . 0 groupG×U(1)overaRiemannianmanifoldMwithoutboundary. Thetotal 1 8 connectionon thevectorbundlenaturallysplitsinto aG-connectionand a 0 U(1)-connection,whichisassumedtohaveaparallelcurvatureF. Wefind : v anewlocalshorttimeasymptoticexpansionoftheoff-diagonalheatkernel i X U(t|x,x′) close to the diagonal of M × M assuming the curvature F to be r ofordert−1. Thecoefficientsofthisexpansionarepolynomialfunctionsin a theRiemann curvaturetensor(and thecurvatureoftheG-connection)and its derivatives with universal coefficients depending in a non-polynomial but analytic way on the curvature F, more precisely, on tF. These func- tionsgenerateall termsquadraticand linearintheRiemann curvatureand of arbitrary order in F in the usual heat kernel coefficients. In that sense, we effectively sum up the usual short time heat kernel asymptotic expan- siontoallordersofthecurvatureF. Wecomputethefirstthreecoefficients (bothdiagonaland off-diagonal)ofthisnewasymptoticexpansion. nphkahab01.tex;October28,2008;21:50 I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 1 1 Introduction The heat kernel is one of the most powerful tools in quantum field theory and quantum gravity as well as mathematical physics and differential geometry (see for example [18, 23, 11, 12, 10, 20, 22, 19] and further references therein). It is of particular importance because the heat kernel methods give a framework for manifestlycovariantcalculationofawiderangeofrelevantquantitiesinquantum field theory like one-loop effective action, Green’s functions, effective potential etc. Unfortunately the exact computation of the heat kernel can be carried out only for exceptional highly symmetric cases when the spectrum of the operator isknownexactly,(see[17,19,20]andthereferencesin[8,15,14,13]). Although these special cases are very important, in quantum field theory we need the ef- fective action, and, therefore, the heat kernel for general background fields. For thisreason various approximationschemes havebeen developed. One of theold- estmethodsistheMinackshisundaram-Pleijelshort-timeasymptoticexpansionof theheat kernel as t → 0 (seethereferences in[18, 2,23]). Despite its enormous importance, this method is essentially perturbative. It is an expansion in powers of the curvatures R and their derivatives and, hence, is inadequate for large curvatures when tR ∼ 1. To be able to describe the situa- tion when at least some of the curvatures are large one needs an essentially non- perturbative approach, which effectively sums up in the short time asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel an infinite series of terms of certain structure that contain large curvatures (for a detailed analysis see [4, 9] and reviews [10, 12]). For example, the partial summation of higher derivatives enables one to obtain a non-local expansion of the heat kernel in powers of curvatures (high-energy approximation in physical terminology). This is still an essentially perturbative approach since the curvatures (but not their derivatives) are assumed to be small and oneexpandsin powersofcurvatures. On another hand to study the situation when curvatures (but not their deriva- tives) are large (low energy approximation) one needs an essentially non-pertur- bativeapproach. A promisingapproach to the calculation of the low-energy heat kernelexpansionwasdevelopedinnon-Abeliangaugetheoriesandquantumgrav- ityin[3,4,5,6,7,8,13,14,15]. Whilethepapers[3,4,6,7]dealtwiththeparal- lelU(1)-curvature(thatis,constantelectromagneticfield)inflatspace,thepapers [5, 8, 13] dealt with symmetric spaces (pure gravitational field in absence of an electromagnetic field). The difficulty of combining the gauge fields and gravity was finally overcome in the papers [14, 15], where homogeneous bundles with I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 2 parallelcurvatureon symmetricspaces was studied. In this paper we compute the heat kernel for the covariant Laplacian with a large parallel U(1) curvature F in a Riemannian manifold (that is, strong covari- antlyconstantelectromagneticfield inanarbitrarygravitationalfield). Ouraimis to evaluate the first three coefficients of the heat kernel asymptotic expansion in powers of Riemann curvature R but in all orders of the U(1) curvature F. This is equivalenttoapartialsummationintheheatkernelasymptoticexpansionast → 0 of all powers of F in terms which are linear and quadratic in Riemann curvature R. 2 Setup of the Problem Let M be a n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold without boundary and S be a complex vector bundle over M realizing a representation of the group G⊗U(1). Letϕ beasectionofthebundleSand ∇bethetotalconnectiononthe bundle S (including the G-connection as well as the U(1)-connection). Then the commutatorofcovariantderivativesdefines thecurvatures [∇ ,∇ ]ϕ = (R +iF )ϕ , (2.1) µ ν µν µν where R is the curvature of the G-connection and F is the curvature of the µν µν U(1)-connection (whichwillbealso called theelectromagneticfield). In thepresent paperwe considera second-orderLaplacetypepartial differen- tialoperator, L = −∆, ∆ = gµν∇ ∇ . (2.2) µ ν Theheatkernel fortheoperatorL isdefined asthesolutionoftheheat equation (∂ +L)U(t|x,x′) = 0 , (2.3) t withtheinitialcondition U(0|x,x′) = P(x,x′)δ(x,x′) . (2.4) where δ(x,x′) is the covariant scalar delta function and P(x,x′) is the operator of paralleltransportofthesectionsofthebundleSalongthegeodesicfromthepoint x′ to thepoint x. ThespectralpropertiesoftheoperatorL aredescribedintermsofthespectral functions, defined in terms of the L2 traces of some functions of the operator L, I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 3 suchas thezeta-functionζ(s) = Tr L−s, andtheheat trace Tr exp(−tL) = dvol tr Udiag(t), (2.5) Z M where dvol = g1/2dx is the Riemannian volume element with g = detg and tr µν denotesthefibertrace. Hereandeverywherebelowthediagonalvalueofanytwo pointquantity f(x,x′)denotesthecoincidencelimitas x → x′,that is, fdiag = f(x,x). (2.6) It is well known [18] that the heat kernel has the asymptotic expansion as t → 0(see also[2, 10,11, 23]) σ(x,x′) ∞ U(t|x,x′) ∼ (4πt)−n/2P(x,x′)∆1/2(x,x′)exp − tka (x,x′) , (2.7) k " 2t # Xk=0 where σ(x,x′) is the geodesic interval (or the world function) defined as one half the square of the geodesic distance between the points x and x′ and ∆(x,x′) is the Van Vleck-Morette determinant. The coefficients a (x,x′) are called the off- k diagonalheat kernel coefficients. The heat kernel diagonal and the heat trace have the asymptoticexpansion as t → 0[2, 23] ∞ Udiag(t) ∼ (4πt)−n/2 tkadiag , (2.8) k Xk=0 ∞ Tr exp(−tL) ∼ (4πt)−n/2 tkA , (2.9) k Xk=0 where adiag = a (x,x) (2.10) k k and A = dvol tr adiag . (2.11) k Z k M Thecoefficients A are called the globalheat kernel coefficients; they are spectral k invariantsoftheoperatorL. I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 4 The diagonal heat kernel coefficients adiag are polynomials in the jets of the k metric, theG- connection and the U(1)-connection; in other words, in the curva- turetensorsandtheirderivatives. Letussymbolicallydenotethejetsofthemetric and theG-connectionby R = ∇ ···∇ Ra b , ∇ ···∇ Ra , (2.12) (n) (µ1 µn µn+1 µn+2) (µ1 µn µn+1) n o and thejetsoftheU(1) connectionby F = ∇ ···∇ Fa . (2.13) (n) (µ1 µn µn+1) Here and everywhere below the parenthesis indicate complete symmetrization overallindicesincluded. By counting the dimension it is easy to describe the general structure of the coefficients adiag. Let usintroducethemulti-indicesofnonnegativeintegers k i = (i ,...,i ), j = (j ,..., j). (2.14) 1 m 1 l Letus alsodenote |i| = i +···+i , |j| = j +···+ j . (2.15) 1 m 1 l Thensymbolically k N N−l adiag = C F ···F R ···R , (2.16) k (k,l,m),i,j (j1) (jl) (i1) (im) XN=1Xl=0 Xm=0 Xi,j≥0 |i|+|j|+2N=2k whereC aresomeuniversalconstants. (k,l,m),i,j Thelowerorderdiagonalheat kernel coefficients are wellknown[18,2, 11] adiag = 1, (2.17) 0 1 adiag = R, (2.18) 1 6 1 1 1 1 adiag = ∆R+ R2 − R Rµν + R Rαβµν 2 30 72 180 µν 180 αβµν 1 1 1 + R Rµν + R iFµν − F Fµν. (2.19) µν µν µν 12 6 12 To avoid confusion we should stress that the normalization of the coefficients a k differsfrom thepapers [2, 10, 11]. I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 5 InthepresentpaperwestudythecaseofaparallelU(1)curvature(covariantly constantelectromagneticfield), i.e. ∇ F = 0 . (2.20) µ αβ That is, all jets F are set to zero except the one of order zero, which is F itself. (n) In thiscaseeq. (2.16)takes theform k N N−l adiag = C Fl R ···R , (2.21) k (k,l,m),i (i1) (im) XN=1Xl=0 Xm=0 Xi≥0 |i|+2N=2k whereC are nowsome(other)numericalcoefficients. (k,l,m),i Thus,by summingup allpowersof F intheasymptoticexpansionoftheheat kernel diagonalweobtainanew(non-perturbative)asymptoticexpansion ∞ Udiag(t) ∼ (4πt)−n/2 tka˜diag(t) , (2.22) k Xk=0 wherethecoefficients a˜diag(t)arepolynomialsinthejetsR k (n) k N a˜diag(t) = f(k) (t) R ···R , (2.23) k (m,i) (i1) (im) XN=1Xm=0 Xi≥0 |i|+2N=2k and f(k) (t)aresomeuniversaldimensionlesstensor-valuedanalyticfunctionsthat (m,i) dependon F onlyin thedimensionlesscombinationtF. Fortheheattrace weobtainthena newasymptoticexpansionoftheform ∞ Tr exp(−tL) ∼ (4πt)−n/2 tkA˜ (t) , (2.24) k Xk=0 where A˜ (t) = dvol tra˜diag(t) . (2.25) k Z k M This expansion can be described more rigorously as follows. We rescale the U(1)-curvature F by F 7→ F(t) = t−1F˜, (2.26) I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 6 sothat tF(t) = F˜ is independentoft. Then theoperatorL(t)becomesdependent on t (in a singular way!). However, the heat trace still has a nice asymptotic expansionas t → 0 ∞ Tr exp[−tL(t)] ∼ (4πt)−n/2 tkA˜ , (2.27) k Xk=0 where the coefficients A˜ are expressed in terms of F˜ = tF(t), and, therefore, are k independentoft. Thus,whatwearedoingistheasymptoticexpansionoftheheat traceforaparticularcaseofasingular(ast → 0)time-dependentoperatorL(t). Letusstressonceagainthattheeq. (2.23)shouldnotbetakenliterally;itonly represents thegeneral structureof the coefficients a˜diag(t). To avoid confusionwe k listbelowthegeneral structureofthelow-ordercoefficients in moredetail a˜diag(t) = f(0)(t), (2.28) 0 a˜diag(t) = f(1) αβµν(t)R + f(1) µν(t)R , (2.29) 1 (1,1) αβµν (1,2) µν a˜diag(t) = f(2) αβµνσρ(t)∇ ∇ R + f(2) αβµν(t)∇ ∇ R 2 (1,1) (α β) µνσρ (1,2) (α β) µν +f(2) αβγδµνσρ(t)R R + f(2) αβµν(t)R R (2,1) αβγδ µνσρ (2,2) αβ µν +f(2) αβµνσρ(t)R R (2.30) (2,3) αβ µνσρ with obvious enumeration of the functions. It is the universal tensor functions f(i) (t) that are of prime interest in this paper. Our main goal is to compute the (l,m) functions f(i) (t)forthecoefficients a˜diag(t), a˜diag(t)and a˜diag(t). (l,m) 0 1 2 Of course, for t = 0 (or F = 0) the coefficients a˜ (t) are equal to the usual k diagonalheat kernel coefficients a˜diag(0) = adiag. (2.31) k k Therefore, by using the explicit form of the coefficients adiag given by (2.19) we k obtain the initial values for the functions f(i) . Moreover, by analyzing the corre- (j,k) sponding terms in the coefficients adiag and adiag (which are known, [18, 2, 22]), 3 4 one can obtain partial information about some lower order Taylor coefficients of I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 7 thefunctions f(i) (t): (j,k) 1 f(0)(t) = 1− t2F Fµν +O(t3), (2.32) µν 12 1 f(1) αβ (t) = δαδβ +O(t), (2.33) (1,1) µν 6 [µ ν] 1 f(1) µν(t) = tiFµν +O(t2), (2.34) (1,2) 6 1 f(2) αβµν (t) = gαβδµ δν +O(t), (2.35) (1,1) σρ 30 [σ ρ] 1 f(2) αβ (t) = − tiF(α δβ) +O(t2), (2.36) (1,2) µν 15 [ν µ] 1 1 f(2) γδ σρ(t) = g g gσ[γgδ]ρ − δ[γg gδ][ρδσ] (2,1)αβ µν 180 µ[α β]ν 180 [α β][ν µ] 1 + δγ δδ δσδρ +O(t), 72 [α β] [µ ν] (2.37) 1 f(2) αβ (t) = δαδβ +O(t), (2.38) (2,2) µν 12 [µ ν] 1 1 1 f(2) αβµν (0) = − tiFαβδµ δν − tiFµνδα δβ + δ[µtiFν][αδβ] +O(t2). (2,3) σρ 36 [σ ρ] 30 [σ ρ] 9 [σ ρ] (2.39) Thisinformationcan beused tocheck ourfinal results. NoticethattheglobalcoefficientsA˜ (t)haveexactlythesameformasthelocal k ones;theonlydifferenceisthatthetermswiththederivativesoftheRiemanncur- vaturedonotcontributetotheintegratedcoefficientssincetheycanbeeliminated byintegratingby parts andtakingintoaccount that F is covariantlyconstant. Moreover,westudyevenmoregeneralnon-perturbativeasymptoticexpansion for the off-diagonal heat kernel and compute the coefficients of zero, first and second order in the Riemann curvature. We will show that there is a new non- perturbative asymptotic expansion of the off-diagonal heat kernel as t → 0 (and I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 8 F = t−1F˜, sothat tF is fixed)oftheform ∞ U(t|x,x′) ∼ P(x,x′)∆1/2(x,x′)U (t|x,x′) tk/2b (t|x,x′) (2.40) 0 k Xk=0 whereU isan analyticfunctionof F such thatfor F = 0 0 σ(x,x′) U (t|x,x′) = (4πt)−n/2exp − . (2.41) 0 (cid:12) " 2t # (cid:12)(cid:12)F=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) Hereb (t|x,x′)areanalyticfu(cid:12)nctionsoftthatdependon F onlyinthedimension- k less combination tF. Of course, for t = 0 they are equal to the usual heat kernel coefficients, thatis, b (0|x,x′) = a (x,x′), b (0|x,x′) = 0. (2.42) 2k k 2k+1 Moreover, we will show below that the odd-ordercoefficients vanishnot only for t = 0 andany x , x′ butalsoforany t and x = x′,that is,on thediagonal, bdiag (t) = 0. (2.43) 2k+1 Thus,theheatkernel diagonalhas theasymptoticexpansion(2.22)as t → 0with a˜diag(t) = (4πt)n/2Udiag(t)bdiag(t). (2.44) k 0 2k 3 Geometric Framework Ourgoal isto studytheheat kernel U(t|x,x′)in theneighborhoodof thediagonal as x → x′. Therefore, we will expand all relevant quantities in covariant Taylor seriesnearthediagonalfollowingthemethodsdevelopedin[2,11,10,12]. Wefix apoint,say x′, onthemanifold M andconsiderasufficientlysmallneighborhood of x′, say a geodesic ball with a radius smaller than the injectivity radius of the manifold. Then, there exists a unique geodesic that connects every point x to the point x′. In order to avoid a cumbersome notation, we will denote by Latin letters tensor indices associated to the point x and by Greek letters tensor indices associatedtothepoint x′. Ofcourse,theindicesassociatedwiththepoint x(resp. x′) are raised and lowered with themetricat x (resp. x′). Also, wewill denoteby ∇ (resp. ∇′)covariantderivativewithrespect to x(resp. x′). a µ I. G. Avramidiand G.Fucci : Non-perturbativeHeatKernel Asymptotics 9 We remind below the definition of some of the two-point functions that we willneed inouranalysis. Firstofall,theworldfunctionσ(x,x′)isdefined as one half of the square of the length of the geodesic between the points x and x′. It satisfiestheequation 1 σ = uau = u uµ, (3.1) a µ 2 where u = ∇ σ, u = ∇′σ . (3.2) a a µ µ Thevariablesuµ are nothingbutthenormalcoordinatesat thepoint x′. TheVan Vleck-Morettedeterminantisdefined by ∆(x,x′) = g−21(x)det[−∇a∇′νσ(x,x′)]g−12(x′) . (3.3) This quantity should not be confused with the Laplacian ∆ = gµν∇ ∇ . Usually, µ ν themeaningof∆willbeclearfrom thecontext. Wefind itconvenienttoparame- terizeitby ∆(x,x′) = exp[2ζ(x,x′)] . (3.4) Next,wedefinethetensor ηµ = ∇ ∇′µσ , (3.5) b b and thetensorγa inversetoηµ by µ a γa ηµ = δa, ηµ γb = δµ. (3.6) µ b b b ν ν Thisenables usto definenew derivativeoperatorsby ∇¯ = γa ∇ . (3.7) µ µ a These operators commute when acting on objects that have been parallel trans- ported to the point x′ (in other words the objects that do not have Latin indices). In fact, when acting on such objects these operators are just partial derivatives withrespect tonormalcoordinateu ∂ ∇¯ = . (3.8) µ ∂uµ Wealsodefine theoperators 1 D = ∇¯ − iF uα . (3.9) µ µ µα 2

a new local short time asymptotic expansion of the off-diagonal heat kernel I. G. Avramidi and G. Fucci : Non-perturbative Heat Kernel Asymptotics. 1.
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