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NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS G. BOHME Hochschule der Bundeswehr Hamburg Hamburg, F.R.G. 1987 NORTH-HOLLAND-AMSTERDAM NEW YORK OXFORD · TOKYO ©ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V., 1987 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. ISBN: 0 444 70186 9 Translation of: Stromungsmechanik nicht-newtonscher Fluide ©Teubner, Stuttgart, 1981 Translated by J .C. Harvey Publishers: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. P.O. Box 1991 1000 BZ Amsterdam The Netherlands Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada: ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bohme, G. (Gert), 19^2- Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. (North-Holland series in applied mathematics and mechanics ; v. 31) Translation of: Stromungsmechanik nicht-newtonscher Fluide. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Non-Newtonian fluids. 2. Fluid mechanics. I. Title. II. Series. QA929.5.B61H3 198T 532 86-32937 ISBN 0-M*l*-70l86-9 (U.S.) PRINTED IN THE NETHERLANDS ν PREFACE This book is a translation of the German textbook 1Stromungsmechanik nicht-Newtonscher Fluide' published by B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1981. Because of its friendly reception by readers I was encouraged to bring out an English edition in order to reach a wider range of readers. Dr. J.C. Harvey of Yelverton, Devon, England has contributed to this project not only by translating the text, but also by producing the camera-ready copy, for which I am very grateful. The book has its origin in lectures which I have several times given to engineering students after their intermediate diploma examination, and to co-workers in Hamburg who are interested in this subject. The book is intended for use in technical universities, and as a help to practising engineers who are involved with flow problems of non-Newtonian fluids. The treatment of the subject is based throughout on continuum mechan­ ics model concepts and methods. Because in non-Newtonian fluids the material properties operating depend critically on the kinematics of the flow, special attention is paid to the deriving and explanation of the adequate constitutive equations used. Thus I avoid as much as possible formal arguments, but instead use obvious arguments and I give detailed comment on the Theological law concerned, before a flow is analysed thoroughly, and the study of the chosen Theological process is brought up to definite results. In order to ensure that the book can be read without reference to other sources it is necessary initially to consider some general prin­ ciples of continuum mechanics. After this I begin with the study of simple motions, namely steady and unsteady shear flows, and I then pro­ ceed by degrees to kinematically more complex motions. Thus at the start I deal with the topic in greater detail and later I treat the topics rather more briefly. Problems of various degrees of difficulty at the end of each chapter invite active participation by the reader. Numerous stimulating topics from the literature are considered in the book. I have however not allowed myself to present the problems dealt with in a more or less disconnected sequence, but have always been concerned to work out what is essential from a didactic viewpoint, vi Preface to omit unnecessary ancillary details, and to bring the individual parts together into a unified whole. Hence many times merely the formulation of a problem and the result of a contribution were useful for my purpose. The solution method has always been harmonised with the methods desc­ ribed in the book. Therefore I have refrained from quoting the many journal articles which refer to the material being described and which I have found useful. It is impossible to give a complete reference list. 'Everything' cannot be included in a textbook, i.e. the author has to make a careful choice of his material. Thus I have considered only laminar flows throughout, and I have in the actual applications mostly assumed the fluid to be incompressible. This means no significant limitation when dealing with the highly viscous substances such as occur in plastics technology and processing techniques. It is rather differ­ ent in the case of the strict limitation to one-phase flows. Multi­ phase flows with participation of a non-Newtonian fluid could not be considered for lack of space. Thermal effects had to be treated relat­ ively briefly. The reader who has read the book thoroughly should however immediately be able to apply himself to a study of these and other topics in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. Hamburg, October 1986 G. Bohme χ LIST OF THE MOST IMPORTANT SYMBOLS Symbol Dimension1 Meaning -2 a LT Acceleration vector 2 A L Area A T~n nth Rivlin-Ericksen tensor (n = integer) η b L Width, semi-axis of ellipse Br - Brinkman number c L^"^"1 Specific heat c LT 1 Wave speed c L Semi-axis of ellipse C - Relative right-Cauchy-Green tensor fc d L Diameter D Τ 1 Strain rate tensor 2 -2 e L Τ Specific internal energy e - Unit vector Ε - Unit tensor f - Normalised flow function -2 -2 f ML Τ Force per unit volume F MLT"2 Force F - Relative deformation gradient -2 g LT Acceleration caused by gravity -1 -2 G ML Τ Linear viseoelastic influence function h L Height -1 -2 Gi*i=G,'i+iG" ML Τ ICnovmaprlieaxn tssh eoafr amo sdyumlmuest rical tensor r 2 3 -2 -2 k ML Τ Pressure drop per unit length Κ - Dimensionless pressure parameter I L Length L τ"1 Velocity gradient tensor 2 -2 Μ ML Τ Torque Μ - Mean molecular weight -1 -2 Ν,Η Normal stress functions χ 2 ML Τ -1 -2 Ρ ML Τ Pressure 1 Mass [M], length [L], time [T] and temperature [Θ] are basic quantities in the International System of units. List of the most important symbols xi Ρ Laplace transform variable 2 -3 Power Ρ ML Τ3 Heat flux density vector q ΜΤ"3 Dimensionless discharge Q Cylindrical coordinate, radius r L Spherical coordinate R L Reynolds number Re Time delay s Τ Dimensionless velocity parameter S Stress tensor -1 -2 S ML Τ Sommerfeld number So Stokes number St Time t Τ -1 -2 Extra-stress tensor ML Τ Τ -1 Cartesian components of velocity u,v,w LT Mean velocity ΰ LT"1 Constant reference velocity U LT"1 Velocity vector Volume LT'1 Volume flux V L3 3 -1 Vorticity tensor V L^T Weissenberg number W τ"1 Cartesian coordinates We Second order material coefficients x,y,z L Angle ot,a ML Second flow function 1 2 Third order material coefficients 3 β ML"1 Angle of shear Shear rate e,3,3 ML_1T 1 2 3 Ύ Boundary layer displacement thickness -1 Dimensionless displacement thickness γ Τ Laplace operator δ* L Elongation rate Δ Shear viscosity Δ L-2 Lower Newtonian limiting viscosity, zero-shear έ Τ"1 viscosity η ML~1T"1 n ML"1!"1 0 xii List of the most important symbols -1 -1 Upper Newtonian limiting viscosity ML Τ Reference value for viscosity, in general = η* ML"1!'1 η*=η'-ίη" Complex viscosity -1 -1 η - Pumping efficiency ΗΕ'ΗΕΒ'ΗΕΡ MMLL" Τ1? "1 Elongational viscosities θ - Dimensionless temperature difference α Spherical coordinate, angle Θ Θ Absolute temperature λ MLT"3e~ Thermal conductivity λ Τ Relaxation time, material specific time scale VV2 ML"1 Normal stress coefficients π - Dimensionless power parameter Ρ ML"3 Density σ - Normalised shear stress = τ/τ -1 -2 σ. . ML Τ Total stresses, elements of S -1 -2 τ ML Τ Shear stress -1 -2 τ Stress reference value * ML Τ Extra-stresses, elements of Τ τ. . -1 -2 φ 1J Cylindrical coordinate, angle Φ ML- 1Τ -3 Dissipation function ML Τ Φ - Reduced discharge in a pipe flow ψ Λ"1 Stream function for plane flows ψ LV1 Stream function for rotational symmetric flows ω Τ"1 Angular velocity -1 -3 2 Potential of the extra-stresses of generalised ML ΤJ Newtonian fluids 1 / PRINCIPLES OF CONTINUUM MECHANICS 1.1 Basic concepts Fluid mechanics is a field theory in the broad sense. It describes the observed phenomena by considering the material as a continuum. The true atomic structure of the material is not considered. This modelling assumes that the molecular dimensions are negligible when compared with the global dimensions of the flow field. Applications for which this assumption is not valid, for example in the case of the dynamics of highly rarefied gases, are not considered here. The points from which the continuum is assembled are called material points. It is expedient in the representation of a material point to start out from a small particle of finite extent, an element of fluid which one may think of as being coloured. The smaller the spot of colour, i.e. the smaller the particle of fluid is chosen, the better is its approximation to a material point. The path of the coloured spot for any motion of the fluid which can be detected with the eye there­ fore approximates to the path travelled by a material point. We understand by the term field a function of space and time. It may thus be assumed that a characterising condition for this point can be assigned to each point in a space filled by a liquid or a gas. There occur in continuum mechanics scalar functions of state like pressure and temperature, vector functions of state like velocity and acceleration, and second order tensor fields, particularly the stress tensor. Because the processes which concern us here occur in the three dimens­ ional space of the observation, we require three space coordinates for their description. In general we take as a basis a fixed reference system composed of Cartesian coordinates. It may however be more app­ ropriate for certain applications to use other forms of spatial coord­ inates, especially cylindrical or spherical coordinates. We shall decide on this as the case may be in the treatment of actual examples. It is of course advantageous for the derivation of general statements to start from the Cartesian coordinates x, y, z. We shall generally designate the Cartesian coordinates of a vector η by subscripts x, y, ζ and enclose them in a column matrix which repres­ ents the vector n, e.g. 2 1 Principles of continuum mechanics η = We make an exception for the position vector r, whose components we shall designate x, y, z, and for the frequently occurring velocity vec­ tor v. In order to simplify the writing we shall not designate the Cart­ esian velocity components by indices, but by various letters, u,v,w: A direction is assigned to each material point by the vector field of the flow velocity, which may possibly vary with time. The integral curves which make up this direction field at a certain time are called stream lines. The following applies for advance along a stream line dx:dy:dz = u:v:w (t constant). The stream lines consequently satisfy the following system of the ordinary differential equations ( σ is the curve parameter for the stream lines; the time t remains constant): dx / *\ dy / .\ dz — = u(x,y,z,t); ^ = v(x,y,z,t); — = w (x, y, z, t) (1.1) Simultaneous integration of this system of equations yields a stream line for time t. The three constants of integration which arise can be considered as the space coordinates of a point through which the stream line will pass. Different stream lines are distinguished by various values of the constant of integration. A surface made up of stream lines only is called a stream surface. One understands by the word path line the path traversed by a material point. One can determine the path lines for a given velocity field by integrating the set of equations dx , Ax dy , x dz — = u (x, y, z, t); -jL = ν (χ, y, ζ, t); — = w (x, y, z, t) (1.2) Note that time plays the part of the parameter of the function. The constants of integration can be identified with the coordinates of that point which defines the position of the fluid particle singled out at a certain time (say t = t). n 1.1 Basic concepts 3 A flow is called steady when it has a time independent velocity field (3v/3t =0); otherwise it is described as unsteady. In the case of steady flows it is evident that according to equation (1.1) there is at all times the same stream line picture, and at the same time each stream line is simultaneously a path line. The following example shows that this can also occur with unsteady flows. However in general the stream line structure of an unsteady flow varies with time, and the stream lines and path lines no longer coincide. For an example we now consider an unsteady flow with the velocity field u = a(t)x; - v = -a(t)y; w = 0 (j ) 3 Integrating equation (1.1) we obtain the parameter representation for the stream line passing through the point χ = x^, y = y^, ζ = z^ x = xe»w«'; y = yoe-»<*><'; z = z 0 0 ( M) This is a planar curve (in the plane ζ = ZQ)« The curve parameterσ can obviously be easily eliminated. Hence the time dependent factor a(t) also does not apply. The result xy = xoy (L 5) 0 in all cases no longer contains time as a parameter, so that the stream lines according to equation (1.5) are rectangular hyperbolas, unchanging with time. The same holds for the path lines. One then obtains directly from equation (1.2) the representation for the path line which passes through the point χ = XQ, y = y^, ζ = z at time t = t^: Q t t / a(r)dr -/ a(r)dr x = xoet0 ; y = ye t0 ; z = zo (1.6) 0 Here also the function parameter (that is to say t) can be easily eliminated. Hence the relationship (1.5) again follows. Stream lines and path lines therefore coincide and form a system of rectangular hyper­ bolas. The flow field under discussion has in the origin of the coord­ inates a stagnation point, where all the velocity components vanish. This therefore describes the events in the vicinity of a free stagnation point and hence is described as a plane stagnation point flow. The expression (1.5) could also have been derived thus. Because w = 0 the stream and path lines are two-dimensional curves. The follow­ ing applies for the two groups of curves

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