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Non-Newtonian flow and applied rheology PDF

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Preface to First Edition Non-Newtonian fl ow and rheology are subjects which are essentially interdisciplinary in their nature and which are also wide in their areas of application. Indeed non-Newtonian fl uid behaviour is encountered in almost all the chemical and allied processing indus- tries. The factors which determine the rheological characteristics of a material are highly complex, and their full understanding necessitates a contribution from physicists, chem- ists and applied mathematicians, amongst others, few of whom may have regarded the subject as central to their disciplines. Furthermore, the areas of application are also extremely broad and diverse, and require an important input from engineers with a wide range of backgrounds, though chemical and process engineers, by virtue of their role in the handling and processing of complex materials (such as foams, slurries, emulsions, polymer melts and solutions, etc.), have a dominant interest. Furthermore, the subject is of interest both to highly theoretical mathematicians and scientists and to practising engineers with very different cultural backgrounds. O wing to this inter-disciplinary nature of the subject, communication across subject boundaries has been poor and continues to pose diffi culties, and therefore, much of the literature, including books, is directed to a relatively narrow readership with the result that the engineer faced with the problem of processing such rheological complex fl uids, or of designing a material with rheological properties appropriate to its end use, is not well served by the available literature. Nor does he have access to information presented in a form which is readily intelligible to the non-specialist. This book is intended to bridge this gap but, at the same time, is written in such a way as to provide an entrée to the specialist literature for the benefi t of scientists and engineers with a wide range of backgrounds. Non-Newtonian fl ow and rheology is an area with many pitfalls for the unwary, and it is hoped that this book will not only forewarn readers but also equip them to avoid some of the hazards. C overage of topics is extensive and this book offers a unique selection of material. There are eight chapters in all. The introductory material, Chapter 1, introduces the reader to the range of non- Newtonian characteristics displayed by materials encountered in every day life as well as in technology. A selection of simple fl uid models which are used extensively in proc- ess design calculations is included here. Chapter 2 deals with the characterization of materials and the measurement of their rheological properties using a range of commercially available instruments. The impor- tance of adequate rheological characterization of a material under conditions as close as possible to that in the envisaged application cannot be overemphasized here. Stress is laid on the dangers of extrapolation beyond the range of variables covered in the experi- mental characterization. Dr. P.R. Williams (Reader, Department of Chemical Biological Process Engineering, Swansea, University of Wales, UK) who has contributed this chap- ter is in the forefront of the development of novel instrumentations in the fi eld. The fl ow of non-Newtonian fl uids in circular and non-circular ducts encompass- ing both laminar and turbulent regimes is presented in C hapter 3 . Issues relating to the PPRREE11--HH88553322..iinndddd xxiiiiii 66//1100//22000088 44::2299::3322 PPMM xiv Preface to First Edition transition from laminar to turbulent fl ow, minor losses in fi ttings and fl ow in pumps, as well as metering of fl ow, are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4 deals with the highly complex but industrially important topic of mul- tiphase systems – gas/non-Newtonian liquid and solid/non-Newtonian liquids – in pipes. A thorough treatment of particulate systems ranging from the behaviour of particles and drops in non-Newtonian liquids to the fl ow in packed and fl uidized beds is presented in Chapter 5 . The heating or cooling of process streams is frequently required. C hapter 6 discusses the fundamentals of convective heat transfer to non-Newtonian fl uids in circular and non- circular tubes under a range of boundary and fl ow conditions. Limited information on heat transfer from variously shaped objects – plates, cylinders and spheres – immersed in non-Newtonian fl uids is also included here. The basics of the boundary layer fl ow are introduced in C hapter 7 . Heat and mass transfer in boundary layers and practical correlations for the estimation of transfer coef- fi cients are included. The fi nal Chapter 8 deals with the mixing of highly viscous and/or non-Newtonian substances, with particular emphasis on the estimation of power consumption and mix- ing time, and on equipment selection. A t each stage, considerable effort has been made to present the most reliable and generally accepted methods for calculations, as the contemporary literature is inundated with confl icting information. This applies especially in regard to the estimation of pres- sure gradients for turbulent fl ow in pipes. In addition, a list of specialist and/or advanced sources of information has been provided in each chapter as “ Further reading ” . In each chapter a number of worked examples have been presented, which, we believe, are essential to a proper understanding of the methods of treatment given in the text. It is desirable for both a student and a practising engineer to understand an appropriate illustrative example before tackling fresh practical problems themself. Engineering problems require a numerical answer and it is thus essential for the reader to become familiar with the various techniques so that the most appropriate answer can be obtained by systematic methods rather than by intuition. Further exercises which the reader may wish to tackle are given at the end of the book . Incompressibility of the fl uid has generally been assumed throughout the book, albeit this is not always stated explicitly. This is a satisfactory approximation for most non-Newtonian substances, notable exceptions being the cases of foams and froths. Likewise, the assumption of isotropy is also reasonable in most cases except perhaps for liquid crystals and for fi bre-fi lled polymer matrices. Finally, although the slip effects are known to be important in some multiphase systems (suspensions, emulsions, etc.) and in narrow channels, the usual no-slip boundary condition is regarded as a good approxima- tion in the type of engineering fl ow situations dealt with in this book. In part, the writing of this book was inspired by the work of W.L. Wilkinson N on- Newtonian Fluids, published by Pergamon Press in 1960, and now long out-of-print, and it is hoped that readers will fi nd it to be a welcome successor. R.P. Chhabra J.F. Richardson PPRREE11--HH88553322..iinndddd xxiivv 66//1100//22000088 44::2299::3322 PPMM Preface to Second Edition In presenting this new edition, we would like to thank the many individuals from all over the world who have pointed out errors, and, more importantly, have made suggestions for improvement in the text. Bearing in mind these ideas together with the points raised in independent reviews of the fi rst edition, the entire text has been reviewed. Therefore where the need was recognized, the presentation has been improved by re-organizing, or by expanding the existing material, or by adding new text and/or illustrative examples throughout the whole book to facilitate comprehension of the material covered here. Apart from the overall general updating to include state-of-the-art information, the spe- cifi c changes made to the fi rst edition are summarized here. The discussion in Chapter 1 has been sharpened to highlight the wide occurrence of, and the effects arising from, non-Newtonian fl ow behaviour in diverse industrial settings including food, pharma- ceutical, personal care and household products, as well as in biomedical and biologi- cal process engineering applications. Included here is also a new section to emphasize the importance of the intimate link between the micro-structure and rheology of a fl uid which is used widely to formulate new products, especially in food and personal-care product sectors to meet ever increasing expectations of the consumers. Chapter 2 has been completely re-vamped to highlight the importance of proper rheological charac- terization of complex fl uids, together with a discussion on the relative merits and de- merits of various rheological techniques in current use. Conversely, online rheological measurements are increasingly used to monitor product quality continuously. This topic is addressed in a new section on online viscometry in this chapter. While very little new material has been added to C hapter 3 , the existing coverage has been expanded signifi - cantly by providing detailed derivations of important relationships in order to improve clarity and several new illustrative examples have been introduced here. The role of non-Newtonian characteristics in continuous thermal treatment of foods is highlighted in a new section on the residence time distributions of the two phases in Chapter 4 . In addition, this chapter provides a short introduction to the two-phase fl ow of gas and drag reducing polymer solutions in pipes, as practised in the oil industry. In Chapter 5 , the existing discussion on the estimation of drag or the terminal falling velocity of non- spherical (isometric) particles settling in non-Newtonian media has been expanded to refl ect the recent developments in this fi eld. Chapters 6 and 7, which have been accepted in their existing form, have remain largely unchanged. Finally, the discussion on liquid mixing in Chapter 8 has been strengthened in general by adding several new examples and by adding more detailed discussions on static mixers, novel impeller designs and the prediction of mixing times in particular. Lastly, several new exercises have been added at the end of the book for the benefi t of the student. W ith the rapid advances occurring in this vast interdisciplinary fi eld, both the selec- tion of material and its arrangement are becoming increasingly diffi cult, and must be to a great extent a matter of personal choice, but we hope that this new edition will continue to provide a sound basis for a study of the fundamentals of the subject and will also be pprree--hh88553322..iinndddd xxii 66//1100//22000088 1111::2277::4411 AAMM xii Preface to Second Edition of some value to practising professionals who must deal with such diffi cult materials on a day-to-day basis. In closing, we very much hope that our readers will continue to make suggestions for further improvements in this work. R.P. Chhabra J.F. Richardson March 2008 pprree--hh88553322..iinndddd xxiiii 66//1100//22000088 1111::2277::4411 AAMM Acknowledgements (First Edition) The inspiration for this book originated in two works which have long been out-of-print and which have been of great value to those working and studying in the fi eld of non-newtonian technology. They are W.L. Wilkinson’ s excellent introductory book, Non-Newtonian Flow (Pergamon Press, 1959), and J.M. Smith’ s chapter in the fi rst two ed itions of Coulson and Richardson ’ s Chemical Engineering, Volume 3 (Pergamon Press, 1970 and 1978). The original intention was that R.P. Chhabra would join with the above two authors in the preparation of a successor but, unfortunately, neither of them had the necessary time available to devote to the task, and Raj Chhabra agreed to proceed on his own with my assistance. We would like to thank Bill Wilkinson and John Smith for their encouragement and support. The chapter on Rheological Measurements has been prepared by Dr. P.R. Williams, Reader in the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering at the University of Wales, Swansea – an expert in the fi eld. Thanks are due also to Dr. D.G. Peacock, formerly of the School of Phamacy, University of London, for work on the compilation and processing of the Index. J.F. Richardson January 1999 aacckk--hh88553322..iinndddd xxvv 66//1100//22000088 1111::1199::0044 AAMM Chapter 1 Non-Newtonian fl uid behaviour 1.1 Introduction One may classify fl uids in two different ways; either according to their response to the exter- nally applied pressure or according to the effects produced under the action of a shear stress. The fi rst scheme of classifi cation leads to the so called ‘ compressible ’ and ‘ incompressible ’ fl uids, depending upon whether or not the volume of an element of fl uid is dependent on its pressure. While compressibility infl uences the fl ow characteristics of gases, liquids can nor- mally be regarded as incompressible and it is their response to shearing which is of greater importance. In this chapter, the fl ow characteristics of single-phase liquids, solutions and pseudo-homogeneous mixtures (such as slurries, emulsions, gas–liquid dispersions) which may be treated as a continuum if they are stable in the absence of turbulent eddies are con- sidered depending upon their response to externally imposed shearing action. 1.2 Classifi cation of fl uid behaviour 1.2.1 Defi nition of a Newtonian fl uid Consider a thin layer of a fl uid contained between two parallel planes a distance d y apart, as shown in F igure 1.1. Now, if under steady state conditions, the fl uid is subjected to a shear by the application of a force F as shown, this will be balanced by an equal and opposite internal frictional force in the fl uid. For an incompressible Newtonian fl uid in laminar fl ow, the resulting shear stress is equal to the product of the shear rate and the viscosity of the fl uid medium. In this simple case, the shear rate may be expressed as the velocity gradient in the direction perpendicular to that of the shear force, i.e., ⎛ ⎞ FA (cid:2) τyx (cid:2) μ⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜(cid:3)ddVyx⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟(cid:2) μγ(cid:2)yx ( 1.1) Surface area A F dVx y dy x Figure 1.1 Schematic representation of unidirectional shearing fl ow CCHH000011--HH88553322..iinndddd 11 66//99//22000088 77::0055::4477 PPMM 2 Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied Rheology: Engineering Applications Note that the fi rst subscript on both τ and γ(cid:2) indicates the direction normal to that of shearing surface, while the second subscript refers to the direction of the force and the fl ow. By considering the equilibrium of a fl uid layer, it can readily be seen that at any shear plane there are two equal and opposite shear stresses – a positive one on the slower moving fl uid and a negative one on the faster moving fl uid layer. The negative sign on the right hand side of equation (1.1) indicates that τ is a measure of the resist- yx ance to motion. One can also view the situation from a different standpoint as: for an incompressible fl uid of density ρ , equation (1.1) can be written as: μ d τ (cid:2)(cid:3) (ρV ) ( 1.2) yx ρ dy x The quantity ‘ ρ V ’ is the linear momentum in the x -direction per unit volume of the x fl uid and hence τ represents the momentum fl ux in the y- direction and the negative yx sign indicates that the momentum transfer occurs in the direction of decreasing velocity which is also in line with the Fourier’s law of heat transfer and Fick’s law of diffusive mass transfer. The constant of proportionality, μ (or the ratio of the shear stress to the rate of shear) γ(cid:2) which is called the Newtonian viscosity is, by defi nition, independent of shear rate ( yx ) or shear stress ( τ ) and depends only on the material and its temperature and pressure. The plot of shear ysxtress ( τ yx) against shear rate ( γ(cid:2)yx) for a Newtonian fl uid, the so-called ‘ fl ow curve ’ or ‘ r heogram’ , is therefore a straight line of slope, μ , and passing through the origin; the single constant, μ , thus completely characterizes the fl ow behaviour of a Newtonian fl uid at a fi xed temperature and pressure. Gases, simple organic liquids, solu- tions of low molecular weight inorganic salts, molten metals and salts are all Newtonian fl uids. The shear stress–shear rate data shown in Figure 1.2 demonstrate the Newtonian fl uid behaviour of a cooking oil and a corn syrup; the values of the viscosity for some substances encountered in everyday life are given in Table 1.1 . Figure 1.1 and equation (1.1) represent the simplest case wherein the velocity vector which has only one component, in the x- direction and it varies only in the y -direction. Such a fl ow confi guration is known as simple shear fl ow. For the more complex case of three-dimensional fl ow, it is necessary to set up the appropriate partial differential equa- tions. For instance, the more general case of an incompressible Newtonian fl uid may be expressed – for the x -plane (area oriented normal to the x -direction) – as follows ( Bird et al ., 1987, 2002 ): τxx (cid:2)(cid:3)2μ∂∂Vxx (cid:4) 23μ⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜∂∂Vxx (cid:4) ∂∂Vyy (cid:4) ∂∂Vzz⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟ ( 1.3) τxy (cid:2)(cid:3)μ⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜∂∂Vyx (cid:4) ∂∂Vxy⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟⎟ ( 1.4) τxz (cid:2)(cid:3)μ⎛⎝⎜⎜⎜⎜∂∂Vzx (cid:4) ∂∂Vxz⎞⎠⎟⎟⎟⎟ ( 1.5) S imilar sets of equations can be drawn up for the forces acting on the y- and z -planes; in each case, there are two (in-plane) shearing components and a normal component. CCHH000011--HH88553322..iinndddd 22 66//99//22000088 77::0055::4488 PPMM Non-Newtonian fl uid behaviour 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 550 Cooking oil (T = 294 K) 100 Corn syrup (T = 297 K) 500 90 450 80 400 Slope = m = 11.6 Pa s 70 350 a) P s ( 60 300 s e str ar 50 250 e h S 40 200 30 150 20 Slope= m = 0.064 Pa s 100 10 50 0 0 0 400 800 1200 Shear rate (s−1) Figure 1.2 Typical shear stress–shear rate data for a cooking oil and a corn syrup Figure 1.3 shows the nine stress components schematically in an element of fl uid. By considering the equilibrium of a fl uid element, it can be shown that τ (cid:2) τ ; τ (cid:2) τ yx xy xz zx and τ (cid:2) τ . The normal stresses can be visualized as being made up of two compo- yz zy nents: isotropic pressure and a contribution due to fl ow, i.e., P (cid:2)(cid:3)p(cid:4)τ ( 1.6a) xx xx P (cid:2)(cid:3)p(cid:4)τ ( 1.6b) yy yy P (cid:2)(cid:3)p(cid:4)τ ( 1.6c) zz zz where τ , τ , τ contributions arising from fl ow are known as deviatoric normal xx yy zz stresses for Newtonian fl uids and as extra stresses for non-Newtonian fl uids. For an incompressible Newtonian fl uid, the isotropic pressure is given by: p (cid:2)(cid:3)1(P (cid:4)P (cid:4)P ) (1.7) 3 xx yy zz CCHH000011--HH88553322..iinndddd 33 66//99//22000088 77::0055::4488 PPMM 4 Non-Newtonian Flow and Applied Rheology: Engineering Applications Table 1.1 Typical viscosity values at room temperature Substance μ (mPa s) Air 10 (cid:3) 2 Benzene 0.65 Water 1 Molten sodium chloride (1173 K) 1.01 Ethyl alcohol 1.20 Mercury (293 K) 1.55 Molten lead (673 K) 2.33 Ethylene glycol 20 Olive oil 100 Castor oil 600 100% Glycerine (293 K) 1500 Honey 104 Corn syrup 10 5 Bitumen 10 11 Molten glass 10 15 y P yy τ τ yz yxτ xy τ zy P Flow τ xx τ xz zx P zz x z Figure 1.3 Stress components in three-dimensional fl ow From equations (1.6) and (1.7) it follows that: τ (cid:4)τ (cid:4)τ (cid:2) 0 (1.8) xx yy zz For a Newtonian fl uid in simple shearing motion, the deviatoric normal stress compo- nents are identically zero, i.e., τ (cid:2) τ (cid:2) τ (cid:2) 0 (1.9) xx yy zz Thus, the complete defi nition of a Newtonian fl uid is that it not only possesses a con- stant viscosity but it also satisfi es the condition of equation (1.9), or simply that it satisfi es the complete Navier–Stokes equations. Thus, for instance, the so-called constant viscosity Boger fl uids ( Boger, 1976 ; Prilutski et al., 1983) which display constant shear viscosity but do not conform to equation (1.9) must be classed as non-Newtonian fl uids. A cursory CCHH000011--HH88553322..iinndddd 44 66//99//22000088 77::0055::4499 PPMM

This book bridges the gap between the theoretical work of the rheologist, and the practical needs of those who have to design and operate the systems in which these materials are handled or processed. It is an established and important reference for senior level mechanical engineers, chemical and pr
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