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Non-Minimal Higgs Sectors: The Decoupling Limit and its Phenomenological Implications, PDF

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Non-Minimal Higgs Sectors: The Decoupling Limit and its Phenomenological Implications⋆ Howard E. Haber SCIPP 5 9 9 Abstract 1 n In models with a non-minimal Higgs sector, a decoupling limit a canbedefined. Inthislimit, themassesofallthephysicalHiggsstates J 7 are large (compared to the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking) 1 except for one neutral CP-even Higgs scalar, whose properties are in- 1 distinguishable from the Higgs boson of the minimal Standard Model. v The decoupling limit of the most general CP-conserving two-Higgs 0 2 doublet model is formulated. Detection of evidence for a non-minimal 3 Higgs sector at future colliders in the decoupling limit may present a 1 0 formidable challenge for future Higgs searches. 5 9 / h p - p e h : v i X r Invited Talk presented at the a Workshop on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, E¨otv¨os University Budapest, Hungary, 11–13 July 1994, and at the Workshop on Physics from the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale, University of Warsaw, Poland, 21–24 September, 1994. ⋆ Work supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy. 1. Introduction With the recent “discovery” of the top quark, the only missing piece of the Standard Model is the Higgs boson. The Standard Model posits the existence of one complex weak doublet (with hypercharge Y = 1) of elementary scalar (Higgs) fields. The dynamics of these fields is assumed to trigger electroweak symmetry breaking. Three GoldstonebosonsareabsorbedbytheW± andZ leaving oneCP-even neutral Higgs scalar to be discovered. Despite the enormous success of the Standard Model, the existing data sheds little light on the spectrum and dynamics of the electroweak symmetry breaking sector. The scalar spectrum could be minimal (as in the Standard Model) or non- minimal, with a rich spectrum of scalar states (including perhaps bound states of higher spin). The dynamics could involve either weakly interacting or strongly interacting forces. Many examples displaying each of the above features have been studied in the literature; comprehensive reviews can be foundis refs. 1 and 2. Inthis paper, I will assume that electroweak symmetry breaking is a result of the dynamics of a weakly-coupled Higgs sector. Such a theory may be technically natural if embedded in a theory of low-energy supersymmetry. However, the results obtained in this work do not necessarily require the existence of low-energy supersymmetry. In this paper, I shall pose the following questions. Assume that a scalar state (i.e., a candidate for the Higgs boson) is discovered in a future collider experiment. What are the expectations for its properties? Will it resemble the Higgs boson of the minimal Standard Model or will it possess some distinguishing trait? If the properties of this scalar state are difficult to distinguish from the Standard Model Higgs boson, what are the requirements of future collider experiments for detecting the existence (or non-existence) of a non-minimal Higgs sector? Some of these questions have also been addressed by other authors; see e.g., refs. 3 and 4. These questions would be moot if the experiment that first discovers the lightest Higgs scalar also discovers a second scalar state. For example, in a theory 0 0 with a light CP-even scalar (h ) and a light CP-odd scalar (A ), both states would be produced in e+e− collisions via s-channel Z-exchange (e+e− Z h0A0) → → 0 0 if kinematically allowed. The simultaneous discovery of h and A would clearly indicate the existence of a non-minimal Higgs sector. In this paper, I shall not consider such a scenario. As we shall see, the case where only one light scalar state is initially discovered may present a formidable challenge to unraveling the underlying structure of the electroweak symmetry breaking sector. Forsimplicity, Ifocusinthispaperonthe(CP-conserving)two-Higgsdoublet model. Inthismodel, thephysical scalarstatesconsist ofachargedHiggspair(H±), 0 0 0 two CP-even scalars (h and H , with mh0 mH0) and one CP-odd scalar (A ). ≤ The ultimate conclusions of this paper will survive in models with more complicated scalar sectors. Following the discussion above, the working hypothesis of this paper 2 0 is that h , assumed to be the lightest scalar state, will be the first Higgs boson to be 0 discovered. Moreover, the mass gap between h and the heavier scalars is assumed 0 to be sufficiently large so that the initial experiments which can detect h will not have sufficient energy and luminosity to initially discover any of the heavier scalar states. 0 5 How will h be discovered and where? Present LEP bounds imply that mh0 > 60 GeV. This bound will be improved by LEP-II,6 which will be sensitive ∼ to Higgs masses up to roughly √s m 10 GeV. The LEP search is based on − Z − e+e− Z Zh0 where one of the two Z’s is on-shell and the other is off-shell. At → → hadron colliders, an upgraded Tevatron with anintegrated luminosity of 10 fb−1 can begin to explore the intermediate-mass Higgs regime7 (80 < mh0 < 130 GeV). The ∼ ∼ 8 Higgs search at the LHC will significantly extend the Higgs search to higher masses (although the intermediate mass regime still presents some significant difficulties for the LHC detector collaborations). The dominant mechanism for Higgs production at hadron colliders is via gg-fusion through a top-quark loop. If mh0 > 2mZ, the 0 “gold-plated” detection mode is h ZZ; each Z subsequently decays leptonically, → Z ℓ+ℓ− (for mh0 > 130 GeV, h0 ZZ∗, where Z∗ is off-shell, provides a viable → ∼ → signature). Other decay modes are required in the case of the intermediate mass Higgs (for recent reviews, see ref. 9). At a future e+e− linear collider (NLC), the 10 Higgs mass reach of LEP-II will be extended. In addition, with increasing √s, Higgs boson production via W+W− fusion begins to be the dominant production process. Finally, one novel possibility is to run the NLC in a γγ-collider mode. In this mode, Higgs production via γγ-fusion (which is typically dominated by a ℘W− and/or a tt¯loop) may be detectable, depending on the particular Higgs final state decay.11,12 Note that almost all of the Higgs search techniques outlined above involve the h0ZZ (and in some cases the h0℘W−) vertex. In a few cases, it is the h0tt¯vertex(andpossiblytheh0b¯bvertex) thatplaysthekeyrole. Theseobservations are relevant for the phenomenological considerations of this paper. In section 2, I review the Higgs sector of the minimal supersymmetric ex- tension of the Standard Model (MSSM). In this context, I discuss why one might 0 expect that h is the lightest scalar whose properties are nearly identical to that of the Standard Model Higgs boson. In section 3, I place the results of section 2 in a more general context. I define the “decoupling limit” of the general two-Higgs 0 doublet model; in this limit, h is indistinguishable from the Standard Model Higgs boson. In section 4, I discuss the phenomenological challenges of the decoupling limit for the Higgs search at future colliders. After briefly mentioning the prospects for non-minimal Higgs detection at the LHC, I consider in more detail the prospects for the discovery of the non-minimal Higgs sector at the NLC. Conclusions are presented in section 5. 3 2. The Higgs Sector of the MSSM—A Brief Review Inthissection, Iprovideavery briefreview oftheHiggssector oftheminimal 13 supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM). let us consider the MSSM Higgs potential at tree-level which depends on two complex doublet scalar fields H1 and H2 of hypercharge 1 and +1, respectively : − = m211 H1 2 +m222 H2 2 m212(ǫijH1iH2j +h.c.) V | | | | − (2.1) + 81(g2 +g′2) H1 2 H2 2 2 + 21g2 H1∗H2 2, | | −| | | | (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 2 2 2 2 2 where m µ + m (i = 1,2). The parameters m , m and m are soft- ii ≡ | | i 1 2 12 supersymmetry-breaking parameters, µ is the Higgs superfield mass parameter, and g and g′ are the SU(2) U(1) gauge couplings. × 2 2 2 The three parameters m , m and m of the Higgs potential can re- 11 22 12 expressed in terms of the two Higgs vacuum expectation values, H0 v /√2 i ≡ i and one physical Higgs mass. One is free to choose the phases of the Higgs fields (cid:10) (cid:11) 2 such that v1 and v2 are positive. Then, m12 must be positive, in which case it follows from eq. (2.1) that 2 m 2 12 m = . (2.2) A0 sinβcosβ 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Notethatm = g (v +v ),whichfixesthemagnitudev +v = (246GeV) . This W 4 1 2 1 2 leaves two parameters which determine all the Higgs sector masses and couplings: mA0 and tanβ v2/v1. The charged Higgs mass is given by ≡ 2 2 2 m = m +m . (2.3) H± W A0 0 0 The neutral CP-even Higgs bosons, H and h , are obtained by diagonalizing a 2 2 × mass matrix. The eigenstates are H0 = (√2ReH10 v1)cosα+(√2ReH20 v2)sinα − − (2.4) h0 = (√2ReH10 v1)sinα+(√2ReH20 v2)cosα − − − which defines the CP-even Higgs mixing angle α. The corresponding CP-even Higgs mass eigenvalues are m2 = 1 m2 +m2 (m2 +m2)2 4m2m2 cos22β , (2.5) H0,h0 2 A0 Z ± A0 Z − Z A0 (cid:18) q (cid:19) where by definition, mh0 mH0. Explicit formulae for α can also be derived. Here, ≤ 4 I shall note one particularly useful relation 2 2 2 m (m m ) cos2(β α) = h0 Z − h0 . (2.6) 2 2 2 − m (m m ) A0 H0 − h0 Consider the limit where mA0 mZ. Then, from the above formulae, ≫ 2 2 2 m m cos 2β, h0 ≃ Z 2 2 2 2 m m +m sin 2β, H0 ≃ A0 Z m2 = m2 +m2 , (2.7) H± A0 W 4 2 m sin 4β cos2(β α) Z . 4 − ≃ 4m A0 Two consequences are immediately apparent. First, mA0 mH0 mH±, up to 2 ≃ ≃ 2 2 correctionsofO(mZ/mA0). Second, cos(β−α) = 0uptocorrectionsofO(mZ/mA0). It is known that one-loop radiative corrections have a significant impact on 14 theMSSMHiggssector. Nevertheless, theconclusions just statedarenotmodified. For example, in the limit where mA0 ≫ mZ a15nd mZ ≪ mt ≪ Mt˜, the one-loop radiatively corrected Higgs squared masses are m2 m2 cos22β + 3g2 m4 + 1m2m2 cos2β ln Mt˜2 , h0 ≃ Z 8π2m2 t 2 t Z m2 W t ! (cid:2) (cid:3) m2 m2 +m2 sin22β + 3g2cos2β m4t m2m2 ln Mt˜2 , H0 ≃ A0 Z 8π2m2W (cid:20)sin2β − t Z(cid:21) m2t ! m2 m2 +m2 + 3g2 2m2tm2b m2t m2b ln Mt˜2 . H± ≃ A0 W 32π2 "m2W sin2βcos2β − sin2β − cos2β# m2t ! (2.8) 2 The formula for m exhibits the importance of the one-loop radiative corrections. h0 The tree-level upper bound, mh0 mZ is significantly modified by terms that are ≤ enhanced for large values of mt and Mt˜. Nevertheless, the numerical value of the 2 radiative corrections to the squared masses is never greater than (m ). Thus, in O Z the limit of mA0 mZ, one again finds that mA0 mH0 mH±, up to corrections 2 ≫ ≃ ≃2 2 of O(mZ/mA0). One can also show that cos(β −α) = O(mZ/mA0) as before. The phenomenological implications of these results may be discerned by re- viewing the coupling strengths of the Higgs bosons to Standard Model particles (gauge bosons, quarks and leptons) in the two-Higgs doublet model. The coupling 0 0 of h and H to vector boson pairs or vector-scalar boson final states is proportional to either sin(β α) or cos(β α) as indicated below.1,13 − − 5 cos(β α) sin(β α) − − H0℘W− h0℘W− 0 0 H ZZ h ZZ 0 0 0 0 ZA h ZA H W±H∓h0 W±H∓H0 ZW±H∓h0 ZW±H∓H0 γW±H∓h0 γW±H∓H0 Note in particular that all vertices in the theory that contain at least one vector boson and exactly one heavy Higgs boson state (H0, A0 or H±) is proportional to cos(β α). This can be understood as a consequence of unitarity sum rules which − 16 must be satisfied by the tree-level amplitudes of the theory. In models with non-minimal Higgs sectors, the Higgs couplings to quarks and leptons are model-dependent. Typically, one imposes constraints on the Higgs- fermion interaction in order to avoid Higgs mediated tree-level flavor changing neu- tral currents. For example, in the MSSM, one Higgs doublet couples exclusively to down-type fermions and the second Higgs doublet couples exclusively to up-type ¯ fermions. In this model, the couplings of the neutral CP-even Higgs bosons to ff relative to the Standard Model value are given by (using 3rd family notation) sinα 0 ¯ h bb : = sin(β α) tanβcos(β α), −cosβ − − − cosα h0tt¯: = sin(β α)+cotβcos(β α), sinβ − − (2.9) cosα 0 ¯ H bb : = cos(β α)+tanβsin(β α), cosβ − − sinα H0tt¯: = cos(β α) cotβsin(β α). sinβ − − − Incontrast tothe Higgscouplings tovector bosons, none ofthe couplings ineq.(2.9) vanish when cos(β α) = 0. This is a model-independent feature of the Higgs − couplings to fermions. One finds a similar behavior for the Higgs self-couplings. Namely, the various Higgs self-couplings are model-dependent since they depend on the form of the scalar potential. Nevertheless, one can show that the Higgs self-couplings do not vanish when cos(β α) = 0. − The significance of cos(β α) = 0 is now evident: in this limit, couplings of − 0 h to gauge boson pairs and fermion pairs are identical to the couplings of the Higgs 6 ⋆ boson in the minimal Standard Model. More precisely, in the limit of mA0 mZ, ≫ the effects of the heavy Higgs states (H±, H0 and A0) decouple, and the low-energy effective scalar sector is indistinguishable from that of the minimal Standard Model. Inthe MSSM, thedecoupling regime (mA0 ≫ mZ) sets inrather quickly once mA0 is taken above mZ. Although mA0 is a free parameter of the MSSM, its origin is intimately connected to the scale of supersymmetry breaking. From eq. (2.2), 2 we see that m is proportional to the soft-supersymmetry breaking parameter A0 2 m12. Generically, one would expect that mA0 is of the same order as a typical soft- 2 supersymmetry-breaking massparameter. Insupergravitybasedmodels,m Bµ, 12 ≡ where B is a soft-supersymmetry-breaking parameter. Models of this type with universal soft-supersymmetry-breaking scalar masses at the Planck scale tend to 17 yield values of mA0 that typically lie above mZ. In such approaches, one would 0 expect the couplings of h to be nearly identical to those of the Standard Model Higgs boson. 3. Decoupling Properties of the Two-Higgs Doublet Model18 The decoupling properties of the MSSM Higgs sector are not special to su- 19 persymmetry. Rather, they are a generic feature of non-minimal Higgs sectors. In this section, I demonstrate this assertion in the case of the most general CP- conserving two-Higgs doublet model. Let Φ1 and Φ2 denote two complex Y = 1, † SU(2) doublet scalar fields. The most general gauge invariant scalar potential is L ‡ given by 2 † 2 † 2 † = m11Φ1Φ1 +m22Φ2Φ2 [m12Φ1Φ2 +h.c.] V − 1 † 2 1 † 2 † † † † + 2λ1(Φ1Φ1) + 2λ2(Φ2Φ2) +λ3(Φ1Φ1)(Φ2Φ2)+λ4(Φ1Φ2)(Φ2Φ1) (3.1) 1 † 2 † † † + 2λ5(Φ1Φ2) + λ6(Φ1Φ1)+λ7(Φ2Φ2) Φ1Φ2 +h.c. . n o (cid:2) (cid:3) 2 In principle, m12, λ5, λ6 and λ7 can be complex. However, I shall ignore the possibility of CP-violating effects in the Higgs sector by choosing all coefficients in ⋆ Likewise, the h0h0h0 and h0h0h0h0 couplings also reduce to their Standard Model values when cos(β α)=0. In terms of −the Y = 1 fields of the previous section, H1i =ǫijΦj1⋆ and H2 =Φ2. † ± In most discussions of two-Higgs-doublet models, the terms proportional to λ6 and λ7 are ‡ absent at tree-level. This can be achieved by imposing a discrete symmetry Φ1 Φ1 on → − the model. Such a symmetry would also require m12 = 0 unless we allow a soft violation of this discrete symmetry by dimension-two terms. This latter requirement is sufficient to guarantee the absence of Higgs-mediated tree-level flavor changing neutral currents. 7 eq. (3.1) to be real. The scalar fields will develop non-zero vacuum expectation 2 values if the mass matrix m has at least one negative eigenvalue. Imposing CP ij invariance and U(1) gauge symmetry, the minimum of the potential is EM 1 0 1 0 Φ1 = , Φ2 = , (3.2) h i √2 v1! h i √2 v2! where the v can be chosen to be real and positive. It is convenient to introduce the i following notation: 2 v2 v2 +v2 = 4mW , t tanβ v2 . (3.3) ≡ 1 2 g2 β ≡ ≡ v1 2 2 The mass parameters m and m can be eliminated by minimizing the scalar 11 22 potential. The resulting squared masses for the CP-odd and charged Higgs states are 2 m m2A0 = s 1c2 − 21v2 2λ5 +λ6t−β1 +λ7tβ , (3.4) β β (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 2 1 2 mH± = mA0 + 2v (λ5 −λ4), (3.5) where s sinβ and c cosβ. The two CP-even Higgs states mix according to β β ≡ ≡ the following squared mass matrix: 2 2 2 s s c 2 = m2 β − β β +v2 M11 M12 , (3.6) M A0 −sβcβ c2β ! M212 M222! where 2 2 2 2 211 212 λ1cβ +2λ6sβcβ +λ5sβ (λ3 +λ4)sβcβ +λ6cβ +λ7sβ M M M212 M222! ≡ (λ3 +λ4)sβcβ +λ6c2β +λ7s2β λ2s2β +2λ7sβcβ +λ5c2β   (3.7) It is convenient to define four squared mass combinations: 2 2 2 2 2 2 m cos β + sin β + sin2β, L ≡ M11 M22 M12 2 2 2 4 1/2 m , D ≡ M11M22 −M12 (3.8) 2 (cid:0) 2 2 (cid:1) m + , T ≡ M11 M22 2 2 2 m m +m . S ≡ A0 T 8 In terms of these quantities, 2 1 2 4 2 2 4 m = m m 4m m 4m , (3.9) H0,h0 2 S ± S − A0 L − D (cid:20) q (cid:21) and 2 2 m m cos2(β α) = L − h0 . (3.10) 2 2 − m m H0 − h0 Suppose that all the Higgs self-coupling constants λ are held fixed such that i λ < 1, while taking m2 λ v2. Then the 2 (v2), and it follows that: i ∼ A0 ≫ i Mij ∼ O mh0 ≃ mL, mH0 ≃ mA0 ≃ mH± , (3.11) and 2 2 2 4 m (m m ) m cos2(β α) L T − L − D . (3.12) 4 − ≃ m A0 Comparing these results with those of eq. (2.7), one sees that the MSSM results are simply a special case of the more general two-Higgs doublet model results just obtained. The limit m2 λ v2 (subject to λ < 1) will be called the decoupling limit A0 ≫ i i ∼ 2 2 of the model. From eq. (3.4), it follows that m λ v (assuming that neither 12 i t nor t−1 is close to 0). This condition clearly de≫pends on the original choice of β β scalar field basis Φ1 and Φ2. For example, I can diagonalize the squared mass terms of the scalar potential [eq. (3.1)] thereby setting m12 = 0. In the decoupling limit in the new basis, eq. (3.4) would then imply that β must be near 0 or near π/2. A basis independent characterization of the decoupling limit is simple to formulate. 2 Startingfromthescalar potentialinanarbitrarybasis, formthematrixm . Denote ij 2 2 the eigenvalues of this matrix by m and m respectively; note that the eigenvalues a b 2 2 are real but can be of either sign. By convention, I shall take m m . Then, | a| ≤ | b| 2 2 2 2 the decoupling limit corresponds to m < 0, m > 0 such that m m ,v (with a b b ≫ | a| λ < 1). i ∼ We arenow ready to consider the questions posed insection 1. Let us assume that mh0 mH0,mA0,mH±. From eq. (3.9), it follows that ≪ 2 2 4 4 0 < m m +m m . (3.13) A0 L D ≪ S 2 2 Eq. (3.12) implies that in the decoupling limit, cos(β α) = (m /m ), which − O Z A0 0 means that the h couplings to Standard Model particles match precisely those of the Standard Model Higgs boson. However, in the following, I shall not impose the decoupling limit. Rather, I shall only require eq. (3.13), which reflects my 0 basic assumption that one scalar state, h , is lighter than the other Higgs bosons. Eq. (3.13) is satisfied in one of two cases: 9 2 2 4 2 2 2 (i) m , m , m /m m , m . That is, each term on the left-hand side of Z L D A0 ≪ A0 S 4 eq. (3.13) is separately smaller in magnitude than m , or S 2 2 4 4 (ii) m m and m are both of (m ), but due to cancelation of the leading A0 L D O S behavior of each term, the sum satisfies eq. (3.13). In case (i), one finds that 2 2 4 4 4 4 m m m m m m m2 A0 L + D + A0 L + L , (3.14) h0 ≃ m2 m2 m6 O m4 S S S S! 2 2 and m (m ). In the same approximation, H0 ∼ O S 2 2 2 4 m m 1 2m 3m cos2(β α) L 1 A0 + m4 A0 A0 m4 . (3.15) − ≃ m2 − m2 m4 L m2 − m4 − D S (cid:18) S (cid:19) S (cid:20) (cid:18) S S (cid:19) (cid:21) 2 2 The behavior of cos(β α) depends crucially on how close m /m is to 1. If − A0 S 2 2 m m [see eq. (3.8)], we recover the results of the decoupling limit [eqs. (3.11) T ≪ S 2 2 and (3.12)]. On the other hand, if m (m ), then eq. (3.15) implies that T ∼ O S cos(β−α) ∼ O(mZ/mA0). This is a particular region of the parameter space where 0 some of the λ are substantially larger than 1, and yet the h couplings do not i significantly deviate from those of the Standard Model. Nevertheless, the onset 2 2 of decoupling is slower than the cos(β α) (m /m ) behavior found in the − ∼ O Z A0 decoupling regime. In order to find a parameter regime which exhibits complete non-decoupling, one must consider case (ii) above. In this case, despite the fact that mh0 mH0,mA0,mH±, one nevertheless finds that cos(β α) (1), which ≪ 0 − ∼ O implies that the couplings of h deviate significantly from those of the Standard Model Higgs boson. Although it might appear that case (ii) requires an unnatural cancelation, it is easy to construct a simple model of non-decoupling. Consider a modelwhere: m212 = λ6 = λ7 = 0, λ3+λ4+λ5 = 0, λ2 < (1), andλ1,λ3, λ5 1. 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∼2 O 2 2 − 1 ≫ 2 This model yields: mh0 = λ2v sβ, mH0 = λ1v cβ, mA0 = −λ5v , mH± = 2λ3v , 2 2 and cos (β α) = c . Note that in this model, the heavy Higgs states are not − β approximately degenerate (as required in the decoupling limit). 4. Phenomenological Challenges of the Decoupling Limit 0 We have seen that in the decoupling limit, the couplings of h to Standard Model gauge bosons and fermions approach those of the Standard Model Higgs boson. Suppose that a future experiment has already discovered and studied the 0 properties of h . What are the requirements of experiments at future colliders 10

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