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PE&RS October 2014 Volume 80, Number 10 y g o ol n h c e d t n a e c n e ci s n o ati m or nf al i ati p s o e g d n a g n gi a m or i al f n ur o al j ci offi e h T G N SI N E S E T O M E R & G N RI E E N GI N E C RI T E M M A R G O T O H P INTRODUCING THE ASPRS SMARTPHONE APP The American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) has launched an association and conference focused smartphone app for use by ASPRS members and those interested in the Society. The app keeps ASPRS competitive and continues to provide members with the tools they find essential, such as real-time access to association news, member directories, information on ASPRS webinars and conferences, and critical industry alerts all from their iPhone or Android smartphone. The app is available on both iPhone and Android platforms. Now everyone can have the association The Conference side of the app allows Downloading the new ASPRS app is experience right at their fingertips. The attendees to connect with the conference simple! iPhone users can visit the Apple technology available through the smart- web page, access a dynamic electronic App Store and download the ASPRS phone app includes accessing the ASPRS final program, create a personalized App free of charge. Android users may mobile website, direct access to “My calendar of events during the conference access via the Google Plays Store to ASPRS” portals with editing and log-in week, view a map of activities, restau- download the new version, also free of capability, a student information tab rants and attractions surrounding the charge. Individuals may also find the with focused activities and information, conference location, post personal experi- links to download the smartphone app publications tab for browsing the ASPRS ences and leave live real-time comments on the ASPRS website. Download the Bookstore and online publications, an for other attendees on the “Fan Wall”, a ASPRS App today! upcoming webinar and events calendar “Socialize” tab for access to ASPRS social and membership “Join Now” material. media pages, and an “FAQ” tab with the most important questions and answers In addition, the ASPRS smartphone app asked during the conference. includes a second screen dedicated to conference activities. The latest confer- ASPRS is continuously working to im- ence information is uploaded to the app prove communications with our members about a month prior to the upcoming and stakeholders, and expanding the mo- conference and then requires the well- bile app beyond its initial conference- known “shake to update” for the latest focused purpose in order to address a wid- app information. er range of ASPRS programs and infor- mation sources was a natural transition. PECORA 19 Sustaining Land Imaging... UAS to Satellites in conjunction with the Joint Symposium of ISPRS Technical Commission I and IAG Commission 4 November 17-20 The 19th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium – Sustaining Land Imaging: UAS to Satellites will be held in conjunction with the Joint 2014 Symposium of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Technical Commission I and International Association of Geodesy (IAG) Commission 4. The Pecora 19 Symposium will be held November Renaissance 17-20, 2014 at the Renaissance Denver Hotel, Denver, Colorado and will be Denver Hotel combining various general sessions and special technical sessions throughout Denver, Colorado the week with the ISPRS/IAG Symposium. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING October 2014 913 The ASPRS Student Advisory Council (SAC) … …ensuring Student Member representation in ASPRS and more. SAC is a group of students committed to serving all of the student members of ASPRS. Our goal is to ensure that ASPRS is a Society that both benefits from student involvement and creates opportunities for those students. SAC is led by a Council of seven students who meet monthly to discuss issues pertaining to ASPRS Student Members. What do they do? • Organize special sessions of interest to students at ASPRS Annual and fall conferences. http://www.asprs.org/Annual-Conferences/ Program/ • Create networking opportunities during those conferences and bring together students looking for employment after graduation with potential employers in the industry. • Inaugurate new programs within ASPRS. • Design activities such as the GeoLeague Competition where students compete in teams using geospatial technology applications to solve a problem. http://www.asprs.org/Students/GeoLeague-Challenge-2014.html. Promote student involvement in humanitarian projects such as crowdsourcing the manual interpretation of imagery in Somalia to identify shelters that are being used as homes by refugees. http://irevolution.net/ tag/tomnod/. All ASPRS Student Members are encouraged to become involved with SAC. Check out the SAC Social Networking sites and keep up with ongoing news. Student Newsletter: http://asprssignature.blogspot.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ASPRS-Student-Advisory-Council/117943608233122 LinkedIn Group: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2487675&trk=anet_ug_hm Email: [email protected] STUDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL THE IMAGING & GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION SOCIETY PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING The official journal for imaging and geospatial information science and technology October 2014 Volume 80 Number 10 COLUMNS HIGHLIGHT ARTICLE 918 Detection of North American Land Cover Change Letter from Chandra P. Giri, USGS 916 Industry Insight—Letter to the Editor 917 Between 2005 and 2010with 250m MODIS Data Grids and Datums—Republic of Armenia 927 René R Colditz, Darren Pouliot, Ricardo M. Llamas, Collin Homer, Rasim Latifovic, Rainer Mapping Matters 929 A. Ressl, Carmen Meneses Tovar, Arturo Victoria Hernández, and Karen Richardson Behind the Scenes 931 PROFESSIONAL INSIGHT In Memoriam—Joel Nevin O’Neal 932 Book Review—Remote Sensing of Energy 933 925 An Interview with Clifford J. Mugnier Fluxes and Soil Moisture Content ANNOUNCEMENTS 918 925 Pecora 19 & ISPRS Commission I Symposium 913 ASPRS Scholarships 936 ASPRS Seeks New Book Review Editor 937 Call for Papers 994 DEPARTMENTS Certification 930 Region News 935 ASPRS News 936 New Members 937 Classifieds 937 Member Champions 938 Ad Index 938 Calendar 962 Forthcoming Articles 962 Who’s Who in ASPRS 995 Sustaining Members 996 Instructions for Authors 998 PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES Membership Application 1000 939 A Semiautomatic Extraction of Antarctic Lake Features Using Worldview-2 Imagery Shridhar D. Jawak and Alvarinho J. Luis This month’s cover image shows the land The design and implementation of a novel semiautomatic method to extract lake cover change of North features in cryospheric environments from remotely-sensed images. America between the years 2005 and 2010 as 953 Integration of Lidar and Landsat to Estimate Forest Canopy Cover in Coastal British Columbia mapped with 19 classes Oumer S. Ahmed, Steven E. Franklin, and Michael A. Wulder by the North American Land Change Monitoring The potential of Landsat imagery to accurately estimate forest canopy cover measured System (NALCMS). The from small-footprint airborne lidar data was examined in order to expand the lidar background shows the measurements to a larger area. land cover map of 2010 draped over the globe, 963 Object-Based Hyperspectral Classification of Urban Areas by Using Marker-Based Hierarchical centered at 10°N and Segmentation 100°W, and complemented with imagery of different sources for areas not mapped by NALCMS. The Davood Akbari, Abdolreza Safari, and Saeid Homayouni close-ups indicate changes between the years 2005 A novel framework based on marker-based hierarchical segmentation for object-based and 2010 for Lake Manicouagan in Quebec, Canada classification of hyperspectral imagery using both spectral and spatial information. (top) with different stages of vegetation succession, forest loss due to a large fire in the Big Sur area in 971 Automatic Smoke Detection in MODIS Satellite Data Based on K-means Clustering and Fisher California, USA (middle), and different mean annual Linear Discrimination water levels of the Vicente Guerrero reservoir in Tamaulipas, Mexico (bottom). Xiaolian Li, Jing Wang, Weiguo Song, Jian Ma, Luciano Telesca, and Yongming Zhang For more information on the NALCMS project An automatic smoke detection algorithm by integrating K-means Clustering and Fisher including the legend, see the highlight article in this issue. All land cover maps and change products can be Linear Discrimination in MODIS data. dcweoecwb.onsrilgtoe aasdn, eded .fg fo.o rUr i nnthditeiev deid nSuttiarale tc ecosou:n nhtttirntipee:ns/ /tf lrfaornomdm ci onhvstettpirt.:u/t/iwonwawl . 9S8o3e EWxa. mMinyiinngt ,C Jhaanngeet FDreatencktiloinn ,A Mppircohaacehleas Bfour eTnroepmicaanl nM, aanngdro Wveo Mn oKn.i tKoriimng APPPLAICPAERTIONS usgs.gov and Mexico http://www.conabio.gob.mx/ Using Landsat imagery acquired over select sites in three tropical informacion/gis/. Data assimilation: René R. Colditz countries (Bangladesh, Burma, and Thailand), this study employed different change ([email protected]), design: Bernardo Terroba ([email protected]). We detection approaches and composite bands to determine the most effective approach to kindly acknowledge the Commission for Environmental monitor changes in mangrove forests. Cooperation (CEC) for covering all costs. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING October 2014 915 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING LETTER FROM CHANDRA P. GIRI, UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL Journal Staff SURVEY Publisher Dr. Michael Hauck Editor Russell G. Congalton Technical Editor Michael S. Renslow Assistant Editor Jie Shan Dear Readers, Assistant Director — Publications Rae Kelley Electronic Publications Manager/Graphic Artist Matthew Austin Land cover mapping and monitoring is one of the oldest and most popular applications of Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing is the official journal remote sensing. This is partly because timely of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It is devoted to the exchange of ideas and information about the applications of and accurate information on land cover and land photogrammetry, remote sensing, and geographic information systems. The cover change is needed for many and diverse technical activities of the Society are conducted through the following Technical applications at local, national, continental, and Divisions: Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetric Applications, Lidar, Primary Data Acquisition, Professional Practice, and Remote Sensing global levels. Although significant advancements Applications. Additional information on the functioning of the Technical have been made in producing better spatial and Divisions and the Society can be found in the Yearbook issue of PE&RS. thematic land cover data sets, quantifying the Correspondence relating to all business and editorial matters pertaining to land cover change on a regular basis remains a this and other Society publications should be directed to the American Society challenge. An additional challenge is to monitor for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144, including inquiries, memberships, sub- land cover change at a continental scale. The scriptions, changes in address, manuscripts for publication, advertising, back highlight article of this issue, “Detection of North American land cover issues, and publications. The telephone number of the Society Headquarters is change between 2005 and 2010 with 250m MODIS data,” addresses key 301-493-0290; the fax number is 301-493-0208; web address is www.asprs.org. issues of accurately characterizing and quantifying land cover and land PE&RS. PE&RS (ISSN0099-1112) is published monthly by the American cover change at a continental scale on an operational basis. Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, The North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS) is Maryland and at additional mailing offices. specifically needed for applications that require consistent continental land SUBSCRIPTION. For the 2014 subscription year, ASPRS is offering two cover information that transcends national boundaries. One example, and options to our PE&RS subscribers -- an e-Subscription and the print edition. a personal favorite, from the natural resource planning and management E-subscribers can plus-up their subscriptions with printed copies for a small arena is the fascinating migratory phenomenon of monarch butterflies, a additional charge. Print subscriptions are on a calendar-year basis that runs from January through December. Electronic subscriptions run for twelve nearly 2,000 mile journey from the United States and Canada to central months on an anniversary basis. We recommend that customers who choose Mexican forests. This paper, a culmination of the efforts of the most both e-Subscription and print (e-Subscription + Print) renew on a calendar-year distinguished remote sensing scientists in three countries and coordinated basis. The new electronic subscription includes access to ten years’ of digital back issues of PE&RS for online subscribers through the same portal at no by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) based in Montreal, additional charge. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions about our Canada, presents an excellent example of transboundary collaboration to journal subscriptions. address North American land change monitoring issues. Pre-processing The rate of the e-Subscription (digital) Site License Only for USA and For- and classification of remotely sensed data was performed using a scientific eign: $2000; e-Subscription (digital) Site License Only for Canada*: $2100; yet practical approach. Pre-processing was performed at a central location, Special Offers: e-Subscription (digital) Plus Print for the USA: $2,160; e-Subscription (digital) Plus Print Canada*: $2,273.25; e-Subscription (dig- and regionally tuned classification and change approaches were then used ital) Plus Print Outside of the USA: $2,175; Printed-Subscription Only for to capture specific changes in each country. Having realized the need for USA: $660; Printed-Subscription Only for Canada*: $762; Printed-Sub- quality pre-processed input data, the Canada Center for Remote Sensing scription Only for Other Foreign: $735. *Note: e-Subscription/Printed-Sub- scription Only/e-Subscription Plus Print for Canada include 5% of the total (CCRS) produced monthly composites from MODIS images using an amount for Canada’s Goods and Services Tax (GST #135123065). improved algorithm. Similarly, each country used different land cover change POSTMASTER. Send address changes to PE&RS, ASPRS Headquarters, 5410 methods to suit local conditions while retaining the product consistency Grosvenor Lane, Suite 210, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-2144. CDN CPM at the continental level. This is important because a single continental #(40020812) algorithm is unlikely to capture the details discerned in this study. Both MEMBERSHIP. Membership is open to any person actively engaged in the prac- abrupt and gradual changes were monitored. Major outcomes of the paper tice of photogrammetry, photointerpretation, remote sensing and geographic information systems; or who by means of education or profession is interested include: improvements to the 2005 base map, country-specific changes in the application or development of these arts and sciences. Membership is between this improved map and the updated land cover for the year 2010, for one year, with renewal based on the anniversary date of the month joined. class-specific changes, site-specific analysis of detected land cover changes, Membership Dues include a 12-month subscription to PE&RS. Subscription and preliminary results for accuracy assessment. Land cover change is rare. is part of membership benefits and cannot be deducted from annual dues. Beginning with the January 2014 issue of PE&RS, all members outside of the The paper revealed that only 1.2% of the North American continent changed USA will receive access to the full digital edition of the journal rather than the from 2005 to 2010. As expected, rates and types of change vary by country. printed copy. Dues for ASPRS Members outside of the U.S. will now be the The authors provided a detailed change analysis synopsis in three case study same as for members residing in the U.S. Annual dues for Regular members (Active Member) is $150; for Student members it is $50 for USA and Canada; sites for each participating country (Canada, U.S. and Mexico). The research $60 for Other Foreign (E-Journal – No hard copy for all Students); for Associate also highlights land cover change detection issues and opportunities using Members it is $100 (member must be under the age of 35, see description on MODIS 250-m resolution satellite data. Change detection issues include application in the back of this Journal). A tax of 5% for Canada’s Goods and Service Tax (GST #135123065) is applied to all members residing in Canada spectral differences in input data and small changes that are not discernible in MODIS data due to its coarse spatial resolution. However, high temporal COPYRIGHT 2014. Copyright by the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Reproduction of this issue or any part thereof (except frequency MODIS data have distinct advantages over other data sources, as short quotations for use in preparing technical and scientific papers) may be daily image acquisition increases the probability for cloud-free observations made only after obtaining the specific approval of the Managing Editor. The at various stages of ecosystem changes. Moving forward, the research team Society is not responsible for any statements made or opinions expressed in technical papers, advertisements, or other portions of this publication. Printed plans to produce annual land cover and land cover change products on an in the United States of America. operational basis. Recent advancement in satellite technology, computer PERMISSION TO PHOTOCOPY. The appearance of the code at the bottom of technology, free satellite data availability, and integration of science and the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner’s engineering will help achieve this goal. The research findings of this paper consent that copies of the article may be made for personal or internal use and planned research will contribute significantly to improve our scientific or for the personal or internal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per copy fee of $3.00 understanding of North American land cover and land cover change and its through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, implications to our nature and society. Massachusetts 01923, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of Chandra Giri copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional U.S. Geological Survey purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. 916 October 2014 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING INDUSTRYINSIGHT This is an open Letter to the Editor—Grids & Datums invitation to write a Dear Professor Mugnier, Letter to the Editor Often times I am working with historic map sources and in attempting to research What do you more about them I stumble across the Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote want to say in Sensing Journal online, which has proven quite resourceful a number of times. I am 250 words or contacting you after reading your May 2008 contribution to the journal -- Grids & fewer? You pick Datums: Kingdom of Cambodia. I was hoping to get your opinion/recommendation on the topic, but the correct datum for a 1907-08 map series of French Indochina, at 1:200,000 scale. keep it on point I am familiar with the use of Grads on these early 1900s French maps, however this Let me particular series does not use them, and shows graticule at 20 minute intervals. There start by is also a note beneath the scale bar -- Developpement sinusoidal suivant le meridien complimenting 101° 40’ which I have assumed refers to the map being in Sinusoidal projection with the PE&RS editors, namely Russ 101° 40’ central meridian. Based on grid labels I am also confident that this map uses Congalton, Mike Renslow, and Jie Paris as prime meridian. Shan. Our impact factor continues Do you have any recommendations on a datum the French may have used in this to climb and is now over 2.0. region at this time? I appreciate your time, and your contribution to PE&RS journal! The editors put great effort into offering authors quality feedback Best Regards, and support, so good job. Let me K. Danaher, International Mapping also compliment the editorial and the PE&RS production staff and columnists, namely Rae Kelley, Dear Mr. Danaher, Matt Austin, Jeannie Congalton, Since you think they likely used Paris as their prime meridian, my first guess would Jim Peters, Cliff Mugnier, and be Belvedere Datum in Vietnam. You can still find the origin point in Hanoi with Qassim Absullah. In addition to Google Earth at Mirador Tower at φ = 21º 01′ 57.27″N, λ =105º 50′ 23.33″E (WGS84 the regular columns like Grids and o Datum/Ersatz Google datum). Original ellipsoid was likely Clarke 1880 (IGN). Datums and Mapping Matters, I have been excited to see the Note that at 1:200,000 scale it’s pretty much impossible to identify datum and/or new columns, such as Member ellipsoid used. It DOES impress the clientele, though. Interviews, and Behind the Scenes. Best regards, I like having both peer-reviewed Clifford J. Mugnier, C.P., C.M.S. technical papers and increased Louisiana State University general interest content together in the same journal—more for all. Now let me ask a question. What do you think of the notion of ASPRS Attention Students Special Interest Groups (SIGs)? Right now, we have technical divisions, technical committees, committees of the bylaws, councils, regions, task forces, and working groups. Do we have too much structure encoded into the bylaws that makes it difficult for us to be n The ASPRS Scholarships application agile? What do members think is o the minimal structure that would deadline for the 2015 awards year is i be desirable for ASPRS to function t October 31, 2014. a as a society? c For details, go to: By the way, this letter to the u www.asprs.org/Asprs-Awards-And- editor is exactly 250 words, so as d Scholarships.html you can see, writers need to write e on point. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING October 2014 917 D n A etection of orth mericAn L c c AnD over hAnge B 2005 2010 etween AnD 250 moDiS D with m AtA By René R Colditz, Darren Pouliot, Ricardo M. Llamas, Collin Homer, Rasim Latifovic, Rainer A. Ressl, Carmen Meneses Tovar, Arturo Victoria Hernández, and Karen Richardson i ntroDuction L Land cover and land cover change data are needed for with 19 classes was derived from 250m Moderate Resolution climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem studies. Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) image composites and Consistent multi-temporal mapping and monitoring published in 2010 (Latifovic et al. 2012). Generating maps of land cover change over large regions remains to at the continental scale rather than using global products be a challenging task in remote sensing science. The ensures the best-available, consistently-produced map for this North American Land Change Monitoring System geographic extent (Latifovic et al. 2012, Colditz et al. 2012). (NALCMS) is a collaborative effort among governmental Since then, NALCMS has focused on change detection with institutions of Canada, the United States and Mexico the long-term goal to produce a consistent annual time series to monitor the state of land cover across the North of land cover data. NALCMS land cover products are designed American continent. The initiative is facilitated by the to meet the needs of communities that require consistent Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), an land cover change data at a continental scale. These include international organization created by the ministries of applications in climate change, weather service, hydrology, environment of Canada, Mexico, and the United States biodiversity and carbon sequestration. This paper presents to promote environmental collaboration among the three the NALCMS approach for change detection and results of countries. Participating institutions in NALCMS are the land cover change analysis between the years 2005 and Natural Resources Canada / Canada Centre for Remote 2010. Sensing (NRCan / CCRS), the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and for Mexico the National Institute Consistent multi-temporal mapping and for Statistics and Geography (INEGI), the National monitoring of land cover change over large Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity regions remains to be a challenging task in (CONABIO), and the National Forestry Commission remote sensing science. (CONAFOR). A 2005 land cover map of North America 918 October 2014 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING D m Additional post-processing steps involved evidence-based AtA AnD ethoDS spatial and contextual reasoning for Canada, localized GIS Change detection and labeling were both based on monthly modeling in the U.S., and a transition matrix to only allow continental composites of MODIS reflectance observations logical changes in Mexico. acquired for 2005 and 2010. The composites were produced by the CCRS following methodologies described in Khlopenkov and Identifying land cover change required a Trishchenko (2008), Luo et al. (2008), and Latifovic et al. (2012). two-step protocol: (1) detecting areas of Identifying land cover change required a two-step protocol: (1) detecting areas of potential change and (2) assigning a land potential change and (2) assigning a land cover class to those areas, similar to that described in Latifovic cover class to those areas. and Pouliot (2005), Xian et al. (2009), Fry et al. (2011), Pouliot et al. (2012), and Pouliot et al. (2014). Unlike other approaches r eSuLtS such as the global MODIS land cover maps (MCD12Q1; Friedl et al. 2010), this two-step approach assures high consistency Results are presented in the following four sections: (1) of mapping in a land cover time series, because areas where improvements to the 2005 base map, (2) country-specific change has not occurred remain unaffected and change areas changes between this improved map and the updated can be directly compared across time. land cover for year 2010, including preliminary results for Prior to change detection, the initial North America land accuracy assessment, (3) class-specific changes, and (4) site- cover map of 2005 (LC2005) was modified, and the improved specific analysis of detected land cover changes. The results version (LC2005V2) was used as baseline for generating the presented here were derived for classifications at level 2 (19 2010 land cover product. This was necessary because the classes) and a minimum mapping unit of 25ha. The state of updating procedure required an accurate baseline as only Hawaii was excluded from this analysis. areas of potential change will be altered and mislabeled Difference Between the Original and Improved Land patches or false detection would have negatively affected Cover Maps of 2005 change results in their spatial context. The actual implementation of the updating procedure varied A total area of 1,077,701km2 (5.06% of the North American among the countries because of existing prior approaches continent) was modified in the improved base line map and additional custom needs of each participating country. (LC2005V2). For Canada, further quality assessment and Country-specific procedures did not notably affect the overall input from users suggested modifications in some areas (in map consistency. For the first step of change detection, the total 638,963km2, 6.45% of the total area of Canada). The binary mask of change and no change for Canadian forests major changes included reduction of treed wetland along was derived using a regression tree procedure for abrupt the western and eastern coasts, correction of water/shadow disturbances (Guindon et al. 2011) and a multifaceted trend- confusion in mountain areas, enhanced shrub classification, based approach for detection of more gradual and subtle and some local improvements to wetland mapping. changes (Pouliot et al. 2014). The United States applied a Improvements in the United States entirely focused on the complex change vector approach mainly based on the NDVI state of Alaska, which involved a complete reprocessing due and red and near infrared bands (Jin et al. 2013). For Mexico, to a spatial mis-registration of the initial 2005 land cover map a data-driven process that uses difference images of all for this state (429,916km2, 4.55% of the total area of the U.S.), bands, the NDVI, and edge detection filters from all months while the land cover map of the lower 48 states was deemed was developed (Colditz et al. 2014). sufficient for map updating. In Mexico, improvements focused For the second step of change labeling, each country on two land cover classes (8,821km2, 0.45% of the total area also conducted its own specific classification approach yet of Mexico): urban and built-up areas were underestimated or followed the same general procedure: training data were omitted due to a low spectral contrast to sparse vegetation sampled from surrounding unchanged areas and the spectral in semi-arid northern Mexico and class Water, which was data set of 2010 served as features to generate a decision tree generally underestimated in the original map. that was subsequently applied to the potential change areas. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING October 2014 919 Country-specific Change and its Accuracy southern British Columbia (Bleiker et al. 2011). In the Unit- T Between 2005 and 2010 ed States, fire is also the greatest source of land cover change The total area of detected land cover changes between in this database, with the vast majority of areas occurring 2005 and 2010 was 259,285km2 which corresponds to in the western U.S. and Alaska. Other types of land cover 1.22% of the North American continent (Table 1). Al- change do occur, but are not as well represented as higher most 80% of all detected changes occurred in Canada, resolution databases have indicated (Fry et al., 2011). Expan- another 20% in the United States, and only 1.1% in sion of urban area and variations in water level of artificial Mexico. In Canada, forest fires are the major source of lakes are the most frequently detected changes in Mexico, change (NFD 2013) and are a natural process essential while forest loss due to fire or harvest was underestimated. to ecosystem functions (Weber and Stocks 1998). Most Smaller but economically important detected changes were fires in Canada are stand replacing and thus several expanding mining sites in northern Mexico and changes in stages of change are evident throughout a forest succes- rain-fed agricultural zones in northern and central Mexico. sion pathway. Forest The main limitation for change detection, besides harvesting is anoth- Table 1. Area of change in square a significant spectral difference in image data and an kilometers and percent between the er agent of change land cover map of 2005 and 2010. appropriate algorithm, was the size of the change object on as well as insect-in- the ground (Pouliot et al. 2009). In this respect this study Area km2 % duced mortality. The is limited by the moderate spatial resolution of 250m. While North America 259,285 1.22 mountain pine beetle this resolution was sufficient to detect large-area changes in Canada 204,049 2.06 infestation is respon- Canada (70-80% overall accuracy, Pouliot et al. 2014) and United States 52,294 0.55 sible for much of the the western United States, many changes in the complex Mexico 2,942 0.15 change observed in and small-patch landscapes of the eastern United States Table 2. Summary statistics from land cover maps and change matrix with area gain, loss, and balance. LC2005V2 LC2010 Gain Loss Balance km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % km2 % Temperate or sub-polar needleleaf forest 3,209,808 15.06 3,133,399 14.70 14,418 5.56 90,828 35.03 -76,410 -29.47 Sub-polar taiga needleleaf forest 522,951 2.45 518,359 2.43 9,637 3.72 14,230 5.49 -4,593 -1.77 Tropical or sub-tropical broadleaf evergreen forest 155,347 0.73 155,104 0.73 16 0.01 258 0.10 -242 -0.09 Tropical or sub-tropical broadleaf deciduous forest 162,700 0.76 162,627 0.76 23 0.01 96 0.04 -73 -0.03 Temperate or sub-polar broadleaf deciduous forest 1,617,791 7.59 1,641,647 7.70 34,490 13.30 10,634 4.10 23,856 9.20 Mixed forest 1,386,319 6.50 1,385,318 6.50 31,792 12.26 32,793 12.65 -1,001 -0.39 Tropical or sub-tropical shrubland 960,715 4.51 960,577 4.51 1,208 0.47 1,346 0.52 -138 -0.05 Temperate or sub-polar shrubland 2,615,944 12.27 2,640,422 12.39 69,784 26.91 45,306 17.47 24,478 9.44 Tropical or sub-tropical grassland 33,523 0.16 33,619 0.16 386 0.15 290 0.11 96 0.04 Temperate or sub-polar grassland 1,634,507 7.67 1,673,703 7.85 75,569 29.14 36,373 14.03 39,196 15.12 Sub-polar or polar shrubland-lichen-moss 433,470 2.03 432,423 2.03 167 0.06 1,215 0.47 -1,048 -0.40 Sub-polar or polar grassland-lichen-moss 1,239,877 5.82 1,241,231 5.82 1,926 0.74 572 0.22 1,354 0.52 Sub-polar or polar barren-lichen-moss 615,865 2.89 615,861 2.89 11 0.00 15 0.01 -4 0.00 Wetland 750,883 3.52 744,589 3.49 3,267 1.26 9,561 3.69 -6,294 -2.43 Cropland 2,947,602 13.83 2,944,167 13.81 7,901 3.05 11,337 4.37 -3,436 -1.32 Barren land 1,191,144 5.59 1,191,846 5.59 2,181 0.84 1,480 0.57 701 0.27 Urban and built-up 238,830 1.12 239,590 1.12 1,565 0.60 805 0.31 760 0.29 Water 1,292,067 6.06 1,294,890 6.07 4,924 1.90 2,101 0.81 2,823 1.09 Snow and ice 309,433 1.45 309,405 1.45 19 0.01 46 0.02 -27 -0.01 Note: Areas in square kilometers are rounded. Percentages of classes in the land cover maps are relative to the entire study area (21,318,777 km2) but for gain, loss and balance they are relative to the total change area (259,285 km2). 920 October 2014 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING & REMOTE SENSING

953 Integration of Lidar and Landsat to Estimate Forest Canopy Cover in Coastal British Using Landsat imagery acquired over select sites in three tropical .. Page 8 into Anatolia (present day Asian Turkey) from its the Middle East. Armenians were scattered across the empires of Ottoman.
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