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Non mean-field behavior of the contact process on scale-free networks Claudio Castellano1 and Romualdo Pastor-Satorras2 1CNR-INFM, SMC, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Roma “La Sapienza”, P.le Aldo Moro 2, I-00185 Roma, Italy and CNR, Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Roma, Italy 6 2Departament deF´ısicaiEnginyeriaNuclear, Universitat Polit`ecnicadeCatalunya, CampusNord B4,08034 Barcelona, Spain 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 We present an analysis of the classical contact process on scale-free networks. A mean-field 2 study, both for finite and infinite network sizes, yields an absorbing-state phase transition at a n finite critical value of the control parameter, characterized by a set of exponents depending on the a networkstructure. Sincefinitesizeeffectsarelargeandtheinfinitenetworklimitcannotbereached J in practice, anumerical studyof thetransition requirestheapplication of finitesize scaling theory. 0 Contrary to othercritical phenomenastudiedpreviously, thecontact process in scale-free networks 3 exhibits a non-trivial critical behavior that cannot be quantitatively accounted for by mean-field theory. ] h c PACSnumbers: 89.75.-k,87.23.Ge,05.70.Ln e m Recent years have witnessed an upsurge in the study the CP on generic networks, and solve it for SF net- - t of the structure and function of complex networks [1]. works, obtaining expressions for both infinite and finite a The interest in these systems has been driven by two networks. These expressions are compared with numer- t s motivations. First, a large amount of work has been de- ical simulations of the CP on SF networks, which are . t votedto the structuralcharacterizationofrealnetworks, analyzed applying a finite size scaling (FSS) theory [10]. a m the main contribution being the discovery of their seem- Our results show that the the critical exponents of CP ingly ubiquitous scale-free (SF) nature [2], characterized on SF networks cannot be accounted for by MF theory, - d by a probability P(k) that an element in the network and signal the presence of nontrivial fluctuation effects. n (a vertex) is connected to other k elements (has degree o We consider the classical CP on generic networks, de- k), scaling as a power-law, P(k) ∼ k−γ, with a certain c fined as follows [10]: An initial fraction ρ of vertices is 0 [ degree exponent γ usually in the range 2 < γ < 3 [2]. randomly chosen and occupied by a particle. The time 2 On the other hand, a great deal of attention has been evolution of the process runs as follows: At each time drawn by the profound effects that a heterogeneous SF v step t, a particle in a vertex v is chosen at random. i 5 connectivitypatterncanhaveondynamicalprocesseson With probability p, this particle disappears. With prob- 0 complexnetworks. Inparticular,modelsexhibitingcriti- ability1−p,ontheotherhand,theparticlemaygenerate 6 calphasetransitionssuchasferromagnets[3],percolation an offspring. To do so, a vertex v , nearest neighbor of 6 j [4]orepidemic models[5]havebeenstudiedonthisclass 0 the vertex vi, is randomly chosen. If vertex vj is oc- of networks. Present understanding of critical behavior 5 cupied by a particle, nothing happens; if it is empty, a 0 in complex networks is essentially based on the applica- new particle is created on v . In any case, time is up- j / tion of mean-field (MF) techniques [6]. In the study of t dated as t → t + 1/n(t), where n(t) is the number of a critical phenomena on regular substrates (lattices), MF particles present at the beginning of the time step [10]. m theory plays a prominent role. Despite its simplicity, In Euclidean d-dimensional lattices, the CP undergoes a - it describes qualitatively most phase transitions. More- continuoustransitionatacriticalpointp ,separatingan d c over,while in low spatialdimensions fluctuations cannot n absorbingphasefromanactiveone[10]. Thisphasetran- o be neglected, above the upper critical dimension MF is sitionis characterizedin terms ofthe orderparameterρ, c even quantitatively correct, providing exact expressions defined as the average density of particles in the steady : for critical exponents. In the case of complex networks, v state. For p > p , an absorbing phase with ρ = 0 is ob- c i since they usually fulfill the so-called small-world (SW) served. Forp<p thesystemsetsinanactivephasewith X c property [7], such systems can be viewed as infinite di- a nonzero order parameter, obeying ρ∼∆β for p→p−, r mensional, and therefore one can expect MF to provide c a where∆=p −p. Closetop ,thesystemisfurtherchar- c c an exactdescription of dynamical processestaking place acterizedbydivergingcorrelationlengthandtimescales, on networks, once degree heterogeneity has been taken namely ξ ∼ |∆|−ν⊥ and τ ∼ |∆|−νk. The critical expo- into account. Results obtained so far seem to validate nents β, ν and ν provide a full characterizationof the ⊥ k this idea, particularly for SF networks [8]. phase transition of CP in Euclidean lattices. Below the critical dimension d = 4, the exponents are nontrivial, Inthispaper weshowthe inadequacyofMFtheoryto c and depend explicitly on d. For d > d , the exponents describe some dynamical processes on SF networks, by c take the classical MF values β =ν =1, ν =1/2. considering the absorbing-state phase transition of the k ⊥ contact process (CP) [9]. We develop a MF theory for In order to gain analytical insight on the behavior of 2 the CP oncomplex networks,we consideras usuala MF a function of the control parameter λ we focus on the rate equation for the partial densities ρ (t) of occupied self-consistent equation for the order parameter ρ. By k vertices of degree k [5], from which the total density is combining Eq. (3) with the expressionfor ρ, one obtains obtained as ρ(t) = ρ (t)P(k). The rate equation k k for the partial densities in a network characterized by P λρ kP(k) a degree distribution P(k) and degree correlations given ρ= . (4) hki 1+λkρ/hki by the conditional probability P(k′|k) that a vertex of k X degreek is connectedto a vertexof degreek′ [11]canbe Thisequationdependsonthefulldegreedistribution. In thus written as [12] the case of SF networks, for which the degree distribu- tion in the continuous degree approximation is given by P(k′|k)ρ (t) ∂ ρ (t)=−ρ (t)+λk[1−ρ (t)] k′ . (1) P(k)=(γ−1)mγ−1k−γ, with m the minimum degreein t k k k k′ k′ the network, the solution will depend on the degree ex- X ponent γ. Substituting the summation by an integral in Thedestructionterm,duetothevanishingofparticles— Eq. (4), we obtain in the infinite network size limit (i.e. with probability p—at vertices of degree k, is propor- whenthedegreebelongstotherange[m,∞])theexpres- tional to the density of occupied vertices of degree k, sion ρ = F[1,γ−1,γ,−(λρm/hki)−1], where F[a,b,c,z] ρ (t). Thecreationterm,ontheotherhand,isduetothe k is the Gauss hyper-geometric function [13]. To evaluate generationof offsprings from particles located at nearest thecriticalbehaviorforsmallρ,weinvertthisexpression neighbor vertices of empty vertices of degree k. Thus, using the asymptotic expansion of the hyper-geometric it is proportional to the probability [1 − ρ (t)] that a k functionforz →−∞,obtaining[18]ρ(λ)∼(λ−1)1/(γ−2) vertex of degree k is empty, that it is connected to a for 2<γ <3 and ρ(λ)∼λ−1 for γ >3. Hence the MF vertex of degree k′, P(k′|k), that this one is occupied, solution in infinite networks gives the critical exponent ρ (t), that itgeneratesan offspring,1−p, andthat this k′ βMF = 1/(γ −2) for γ < 3, and βMF = 1 for γ > 3, neighbor chooses to create the offspring on the vertex of while the critical threshold is λMF = 1 (pMF = 1/2), degree k under consideration,(1/k′). In Eq. (1) we have c c independent of the degree exponent. performed a rescaling of time, introducing the new pa- The previous results, corresponding to networks of in- rameterλ=(1−p)/p. Foruncorrelatednetworks,where finite size, are however strongly affected by finite size P(k′|k) = k′P(k′)/hki [11], the rate equations take the effects. The difference between an infinite SF network form andone of finite size N is that the latter has a cut-off or k maximum degree kc, which is a function of the network ∂ ρ (t)=−ρ (t)+λ [1−ρ (t)]ρ(t). (2) t k k hki k size [14], and that, for uncorrelated networks, scales as k (N) ∼ N1/2 [15]. The presence of the cut-off restricts c The solution of Eq. (2) depends on the nature of the possible values of the degree to the range [m,k ]. c the degree distribution. For homogeneous networks, in For finite networks, Eq. (4) yields, in the continuous de- whichP(k)decaysexponentiallyforlargedegrees,allver- gree approximation, ρ = F[1,γ−1,γ,−(λρm/hki)−1]− tices are approximately equivalent. Therefore, we have (k /m)1−γF[1,γ − 1,γ,−(λρk /hki)−1]. To obtain the c c k ≃hki andρ (t)≃ρ(t), so that the rate equationreads MFcriticalbehaviorforafinitenetwork,weevaluatethis k ∂ ρ(t) =−λρ2(t)+∆˜ρ(t), where ∆˜ =λ−1. This equa- expression in the limit ρ→0 for generic ρk , obtaining t c tion describes the behavior of the CP in an infinite di- mensional system; the critical point λc = 1 (pc = 1/2) ρ= hkif hki∆˜kcγ−2 , (5) andtheexponentβ =1arethusimmediatelyfound[10]. λkc λmγ−1 ! Moreover, from the solution ρ(t) ∼ ∆˜/λ−e−∆˜t, we can identifytherelevantcharacteristictimeτ ∼∆˜−1 andthe wheref(x)istheinverseofthefunctiong(x)=(F[1,γ− 1,γ,−1/x]+ Γ(γ)Γ(2 − γ)xγ−1)/x. For x ≫ 1, f(x) corresponding exponent ν =1. k diverges as x1/(γ−2), in agreement with the infinite size Forheterogeneous networks,withadegreedistribution limit ρ∼∆˜βMF. For small arguments, the function f(x) exhibitinglargefluctuations,thesolutionofEq.(2)must vanishesforx→x+ withx >0. Therefore,forfiniteN, consider explicitly the k dependence of the partial den- 0 0 if ∆ is made smaller than a value proportional to k2−γ, sities. Information on the active phase is obtained by c thenρ=0. Thisindicatesthattheeffectivecriticalpoint imposing the steady state condition, ∂ ρ (t) = 0, which t k is shifted in the active phase in finite networks and that yields the nonzero solutions theconvergencetotheinfinitenetworklimitisslow,since λkρ/hki corrections vanish as N(2−γ)/2, i.e., with an exponent ρ = , (3) k smaller than 1. 1+λkρ/hki ¿From Eq. (5) we can ascertain when, in a system of where ρ is now independent of time. In order to de- N vertices,finite size effects startto playa relevantrole. k termine the critical behavior of the average density ρ as Itis clearthatfor x<1, i.e. ∆˜ <∆˜ ∼(k /m)2−γ such × c 3 effects start to appear, so that one expects deviations from the decay ρ ∼ ∆˜βMF. In terms of the order pa- 10-2 N) 0,134 rameter this implies that finite size effects are negligible p, 0,100 only if ρ ≫ ρ = hki/(λk ). This condition introduces ρ(a smearitoeuosfctohnestcrra×iitnictaslopnotihnet pwcrheecnisipoenrfoofrtmheednubymemriecaasluersintig- ρ(p,N)a10-3 p = 0.421 0,075103 104 1N05 106 107 the dependence of the ρ on p in the active phase. p = 0.4215 p = 0.422 This difficulty canbe overcomeby using the finite size 10-4 scaling (FSS) technique [10, 16]. The FSS technique is based on the observation that, even below the critical 103 104 105 106 107 N point, the density of active sites in surviving runs ρ¯ a reachesaquasi-steadystatewhoseaverageisadecreasing FIG. 1: ρ¯ (p,N) as a function of the network size N for the a function of the network size N [10]. The FSS ansatz CP on UCM networks with γ = 2.75, for values of p close assumesthedependenceofρ¯a asafunctionof∆=pc−p to pc. Solid lines are guides to the eye. Inset: ρ¯a(p,N) for and N p=0.36,showingthattheinfiniteN limitisnotreachedeven far from p . c ρ¯a(∆,N)=N−β/ν⊥ f(∆N1/ν⊥), (6) where the scaling function has the asymptotic behavior 10-2 γ = 2.75 f(x) → xβ for x → ∞, and f(x) → const. for x → γγ == 22..525 0. Compatibility with the theoretical behavior given in Eq. (5) for x ≫ 1 requires that the exponents assume N) 10-3 0, the MF values β = 1/(γ − 2) and ν⊥ = 2/(γ − 2) in ρ(a uncorrelatednetworkswithcut-offscalingasN1/2. Thus, 10-4 at p the function ρ¯ is expected to decay as c a ρ¯a(0,N)∼N−β/ν⊥. (7) 10-5 103 104 105 106 107 N This fact can be used to estimate the critical point, as the value of p yielding a power-law behavior for ρ¯a as FIG. 2: Scaling of ρ¯a(0,N) as a function of the network size a function of N. MF theory predicts in this case an for the CP on UCM networks for three values of γ. The exponent β/ν⊥ =1/2. critical points and exponents β/ν⊥ obtained are reported in In order to check these results, we have simulated nu- Table I. Solid lines are least squares fits. mericallytheCPontheuncorrelatedconfigurationmodel (UCM) [17], which generates uncorrelated SF networks with arbitrary degree exponent and cut-off kc(N) ∼ outthat,evenfarfrompc,itisnumericallyimpossibleto N1/2. We consider the particular cases γ =2.75,2.5and fulfill the condition ρ≫ρ× that guarantees the absence 2.25. Simulations were performed with at least 100 runs offinitesizeeffects. ThisisapparentintheinsetofFig.1, of the CP for each realizationof the network and no less where one can see that even for p=0.36 the value of ρ¯a than 100 such realizations for each value of γ and N. slightlydependsonN evenforlargesizes. Thisveryslow Wefocusfirstonthedeterminationofthecriticalpoint convergencehampersthedeterminationofβ intheusual and ofthe exponentratio β/ν via Eq.(7). In Fig.1 we way. ⊥ display the density of active sites in survivingruns ρ¯ as Thenumericalvalueofβ andν canbehoweverdeter- a ⊥ a function of the network size, for γ = 2.75 and several minedviatheFSSanalysis,bynoticingthatfromEq.(6) values of the control parameter p. The critical point is we expect data for the survivingdensity to collapseonto identified as the value of p such that the decay of ρ¯a vs a universal function f(x) when plotting Nβ/ν⊥ρ¯a(∆,N) N is a pure power-law, which for this particular value as a function of ∆N1/ν⊥. Using the values of β/ν⊥ ob- of γ corresponds to p = 0.4215. In Fig. 2 we show the tained from Fig. 1 we try the collapse for various values c decay of ρ vs N at criticality, for the three values of γ of β (and, as a consequence, of ν ). The best data col- a ⊥ considered. In all cases a very clear power-law behavior lapses, shown in Fig. 3, are obtained for the values of β is identified, yielding the exponent ratios β/ν = 0.63 and ν reported in Table I. The scaling function f(x) ⊥ ⊥ for γ = 2.75, 0.70 for γ = 2.50, and 0.76 for γ = 2.25. is expected to diverge as xβ for asymptotically large x. Notice that these values are in strong disagreementwith We measure how the numerical scaling functions go for the MF prediction β/ν =1/2. largexinFig.2,findingtheeffectivebehaviorf(x)∼xβ′ ⊥ In principle the exponent β should be determined by with β′ = 1.43, 1.70, and 1.79. The disagreement with thewaythesteadystatedensityofparticlesvanishesasa the valuesofβ providingthebestdatacollapseindicates functionofp −pinthe limitN →∞. However,itturns that the values of x that can be reached are not large c 4 104 101 γ = 2.75 N = 105 103 γγ == 22..5205 N = 106 N) ∆, ρk β/νρ⊥N(a102 ∆ ρ / k 101 100 100 10-2 100 102 100 101 102 103 N1/ν⊥∆ k F∆ING1./ν3⊥: fDorattahecoCllPaposneUofCMNβn/eν⊥twρ¯oar(k∆s.,ND)ataasaarefufonrctsiyosntemof tFiIoGn.o4f:tRheatdioenosfittyheofstoacncduaprideddevveriatitcioesno∆fρdkegorfetehke doivsetrribthue- size ranging from N = 103 to N = 107. For clarity the data averageρk,versusthedegreek,forγ =2.75,p=pc =0.4215 and two values of the system size N. forγ =2.25havebeenshiftedupwards. Thevaluesofν⊥ are those giving the best data collapses. The straight lines are least squares fitsto thebehavior f(x)→xβ′,for large x. fully capture the physics of collective phenomena on SF networks. enough to see the truly asymptotic xβ behavior. We thank Alessandro Vespignani for useful discus- sions. R.P.-S. acknowledges financial support from the We summarize the results obtained in Table I. The Spanish MEC (FEDER), under project No. FIS2004- conclusion of this analysis is that the CP in SF net- 05923-C02-01 and additional support from the MCyT works exhibits an absorbing-state phase transition at a and DURSI (Spain). C.C. acknowledges financial sup- non-zerocriticalpoint,whoseexponentsarenotcorrectly port from Azione Integrata Italia-Spagna IT1792/2004. predictedbyMF theory[19]. This resultis surprising: it is generally believed that dynamical models on SF net- works find in this formalism a correct description, once degreeheterogeneityhasbeentakenintoaccount[5]. The resultspresentedhere opentwoclearperspectivesforfu- [1] R. Albert and A.-L. Barab´asi, Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 47 turework. Thefirstisthe questforatheorybeyondMF (2002); S. N. Dorogovtsev and J. F. F. Mendes, Evolu- fortheCPonheterogeneousnetworks. 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