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Non-linear Transport in Quantum-Hall Smectics A.H. MacDonald and Matthew P.A. Fisher Department of Physics, IndianaUniversity,Bloomington, IN 47405-4202 Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara CA 93106-4030 0 0 0 Abstract. Recent transport experimentshaveestablished that two-dimensional elec- 2 tron systems with high-index partial Landau level filling, ν∗ = ν −[ν], have ground n states with broken orientational symmetry. In a mean-field theory, the broken sym- a metry state consists of electron stripes with local filling factor [ν]+1, separated by J hole stripes with filling factor [ν]. Wehaverecently developed a theory of thesestates 3 in which the electron stripes are treated as one-dimensional electron systems coupled byinteractions and described by usinga Luttingerliquid model. Amongotherthings, 1 this theory predicts non-linearities of opposite sign in easy and hard direction resis- v tivities. In this article we briefly review our theory, focusing on its predictions for the 1 2 dependence of non-linear transport exponents on the separation d between the two- 0 dimensional electron system and a co-planar screening layer. 1 0 0 1 Introduction 0 / t a Recent transport experiments [1, 2, 3] have established that the resistivity of m a two-dimensional electron system with weak disorder and valence orbital Lan- - dau level filling ν∗ close to 1/2 is anisotropic when the valence orbital Landau d level index N ≥ 2. Apparently the ground state spontaneously breaks orienta- n tional symmetry, a property believed to be associated with the uni-directional o c charge-density-wave ground states predicted [4, 5] in this regime by Hartree- : Fock mean-field theory [7]. The charge-density-wave (CDW) state consists of v i electron stripes of width aν∗ with local Landau level filling factor ν = [ν]+1, X separatedbyholestripesofwidtha(1−ν∗)withlocalfillingfactorν =[ν].Here r a, the CDW period, is comparable to the Landau level’s cyclotron orbit diam- a eter. Because of symmetry properties shared with the smectic state of classical liquid crystals, emphasized by Fradkin and Kivelson [6], these states have been referred to as quantum Hall smectics, a practice we follow here. The most im- portant transport property of quantum Hall smectics is that dissipation occurs over a wide range of filling factors surrounding ν∗ =1/2 and is not activated at lowtemperatures.Thisbehavioris notconsistentwiththe propertiesofa CDW state,whichwouldbe pinnedbythe randomdisorderpotentialandhavealarge gap for mobile quasiparticle excitations, and suggests that, although Hartree- Fock theory hints at the energetic motivation for a ground state with broken orientationalsymmetry, the description which it provides of the ground state is flawed. 2 A.H.MacDonald and Matthew P.A. Fisher Several recent theoretical papers [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] have addressed the properties of quantum Hall smectics and the energetic competition between CDW states, compressible composite-fermion states, and paired incompressible quantum Hall states. In one recent paper [14] we have described a theory of quantumHallsmectics whichstarts fromthe Hartree-Focktheorygroundstate, recognizestheelectronstripesascoupledone-dimensionalelectronsystems,and treats residual interaction and disorder terms neglected by Hartree-Fock the- ory using the convenient bosonization techniques of one-dimensional electron physics. The most important conclusions of this work are the following: i) the quantum Hall smectic state is never the ground state but instead is always un- stable, for ν∗ close to 1/2 likely to an anisotropic electron Wigner crystal state; ii)for0.4< ν∗< 0.6the interactiontermsresponsibleforthe Wignercrystalcan ∼ ∼ beneglectedattemperaturesavailableinadilutionfridge;andiii)weakdisorder whichscatterselectronsfromstripetostripe,enablinghard-directiontransport, leadsto non-lineartransport.Inthis articlewe emphasizeandexpandonanex- perimentally importantprediction of this work,namely that the strength of the transportnon-linearityissensitivetothenatureoftheelectron-electroninterac- tion. In particular we predict that the transport non-linearity can be enhanced by placing a screening plane close to the two-dimensionalelectron system. In Section II we explain our theory of transport in quantum Hall smectics and discuss how the coefficients which govern the power-law behavior of the differentialresistivityforweakdisorderarerelatedtocorrelationsinthecoupled one-dimensional electron stripes. In Section III we briefly review our theory of these correlations and explain why long-range electron-electron interactions weaken transport non-linearities.In Section IV we present numerical results for thenon-lineartransportcoefficientsforamodelinwhichinteractionsinthetwo- dimensional electron layer are screened by a metallic layer co-planar with the electron system but separated from it by a distance d. We conclude in Section V with a brief summary. 2 Anisotropic Transport Properties Our transport theory [14] is built on a semiclassical Boltzmann-like approach; microscopicphysicsentersonlyinthecalculationofscatteringrates.Wechoosea coordinatesystemwherethexˆ(horizontal)directionrunsalongthestripeswhich are separated in the yˆ (vertical) direction. We assume that the charge density waveitself is pinnedandimmobilizedby boththe edges ofthe sampleandweak impuritieswhichcoupletotheelectronswithinthestripes.Inthiscase,collective sliding motion of the charge-density will be absent, and electrical transport will be dominated by single-electron scattering across and between electron stripes. An important property of electronic states in the quantum Hall regime, is the spatialseparationofstateswhichcarrycurrentinoppositedirections.Inthecase of the electron stripes in quantum Hall smectics, the Fermi edge states which carry oppositely directed currents along the stripes (left-going and right-going) Non-linearTransport in Quantum-HallSmectics 3 are located on opposite sides of the stripe. Translational invariance along the xˆ direction, allows us to use a Landau gauge where this component of wavevector ¯hk is a goodquantum number in the absence ofinteractions and disorder.The x single-particle states at the stripe edges have velocity magnitude v , the Fermi F velocity. In the Landau gauge, xˆ direction momenta are related to yˆ direction positions by k = y/ℓ2 where ℓ ≡ (h¯c/eB)1/2 is the magnetic length, so that x states on opposite sides of the same stripe differ in momenta by a ν∗a/ℓ2 and the adjacent sides of neighboring stripes differ in momenta by (1−ν∗)a/ℓ2. We now summarize the basic assumptions on which our semiclassical trans- porttheoryisbasedandquotetheexpressionsimpliedbytheseassumptions.For furtherdetailsseeRef.[14].Weassumethatinthesteadystate,eachedgeofeach stripe is characterizedby a local chemical potential. Translational invariance in the yˆdirection implies that the chemical potential drops across each stripe and between any two adjacent stripes are the same, mf µ is the chemical potential dropacrossanelectronstripe, it followsthat the potentialdropbetweenstripes iseE a−µ,whereE isthehard-directionelectricfield,thefieldwhichsupports y y a steady state transport across the stripes. The electric field in the xˆ direction produces a semiclassicaldrift inmomentum space whichdrivesthe systemfrom equilibrium.Weassumethatdisorderscatteringacrossandbetweenstripes,then attempts to reestablish equilibrium and that the drift and scattering processes are in balance in the steady state. The scattering currents in the hard-direction are characterized by relaxation times τ and τ respectively. The current along e h a stripe is analogous to the quantized current in a long narrow Hall bar and is proportional to the chemical potential difference across that stripe. Combining these ingredients leads [14] to the following expressions for the resistivities: h 1 a ρ = easy e2 τ ([ν]+1)2+τ [ν]2 v e h F h 1 v τ τ F e h ρ = hard e2 τ ([ν]+1)2+τ [ν]2 a e h h 1 ρ = ([ν]+1)τ +[ν]τ , (1) hall e2τ ([ν]+1)2+τ [ν]2 e h e h where ρ =ρ , ρ =ρ , and ρ =ρ . easy xx hard yy hall xy For ν∗ =1/2, this theory makes a parameter free prediction for the product ρ ρ whichhasbeenconfirmedexperimentally[15].Infact,asemphasized easy hard [13] by van Oppen et al., this feature of our results has a greater validity than wouldbesuggestedbyourassumptionoflargelyintactelectronstripes.Ourmain interestherehowever,isinexpandingonourpredictions[14]fornon-linearitiesin theeasyandharddirectiondifferentialresistivities.Thesepredictionsweremade onthe basis ofa simple lowestorder renormalizationgroupscheme for handling theinfrareddivergencewhichappearwhendisordertermswhichscatterelectrons either across or between stripes are treated perturbatively. This analysis leads to 1 ≡Γ ∼Γ(0)(V /E )2∆e−2 τ e e y c e 4 A.H.MacDonald and Matthew P.A. Fisher 1 ≡Γ ∼Γ(0)(V /E )2∆h−2 (2) τ h h y c h where Γ(0) and Γ(0) are Golden-rule scattering rates at the characteristic mi- e h croscopic energy scale E , Here ∆ is [14] the scaling dimension of the operator c e which scatters an electron across a stripe, which we discuss in the next sec- tion, and ∆ is the scaling dimension of the operatorwhich scatters an electron h between neighboring stripes. The values of ∆ and ∆ depend on correlations e h inducedbyelectron-electroninteractionbetweenstripes,andaresensitiveinpar- ticulartotherangeofthemicroscopicelectron-electroninteraction.Atν∗ =1/2, the case on which we will concentrate, ∆ =∆ . e h Given these expressions, it follows [14] that the non-linear differential resis- tivity in the hard direction ∂V y ∼Iα, (3) ∂I y y with anexponentα=2(1−∆ )/(2∆ −1).Similarconsiderationsapply for the e e easy direction current: ∂V x ∼Iβ (4) ∂I x x with an exponent β = 2(∆ −1). In the next section we show that both α and e β increase when the distance to the screening plane is comparable to or smaller than the CDW period. 3 Quantum Smectic Model The CDW state of Hartree-Fock theory [4, 5] is a single-Slater-determinant. In the valenceLandaulevel,groupsofLandau-gaugesingle-particlestateswithad- jacentk (adjacentyˆ)areoccupiedtoformstripesandseparatedbygroupswhich x areunoccupied.Smallfluctuationsinthe positionsandshapesofthe stripescan bedescribedintermsofparticle-holeexcitationsnearthestripeedges.Theresid- ualelectron-electroninteractiontermswhichscatterintotheselowenergystates are ignored in Hartree-Fock theory and fall into two classes: “forward” scatter- ing interactions which conserve the number of electrons on each edge of every stripe, and “backward” scattering processes which do not. The latter processes involve large momentum transfer and are unimportant [14] at accessible tem- peratures for ν∗ near 1/2.The quantum smectic model [14], briefly described in this sectionincludesforwardscatteringonly.Theinteractionsarebilinearinthe 1D electron density contributions from a particular edge of a particular stripe: ρ (x), withα=±.Since the densityofasinglefilledLandaulevelis (2πℓ2)−1, nα the displacement of an edge is related to its associated charge density contribu- tion by u (x)=α2πℓ2ρ (x). The quadratic Hamiltonian which describes the nα nα classical energetics for small fluctuations has the following general form: 1 ′ ′ ′ H0 = 2ℓ2 Zx,x′nX,n′unα(x)Dαβ(x−x;n−n)un′β(x) Non-linearTransport in Quantum-HallSmectics 5 1 = u (−q)D (q)u (q), (5) 2ℓ2 Z α αβ β q where ≡ d2q/(2π)2. Here the q integral is over the interval (−π/a,π/a) q y and a hRigh mRomentum cutoff Λ∼1/ℓ is implicit for q . x Symmetryconsiderationsconstrainthe formofthe elastickernel.Inposition space, the kernel must be real and symmetric so that D (q) = D∗ (−q) = αβ αβ Dβ∗α(q). This implies D−+(q) = D+∗−(q) and ImDαα(q) = 0. Parity invari- ance (under x,n,+ ↔ −x,−n,−), implies moreover D++(q) = D−−(q). Thus, the elastic kernel is fully specified by one real function, D (q), and one com- ++ plex function, D+−(q). It will be important for our present interest that the Hamiltonianmustbeinvariantunder:u (x)→u (x)+const.Forshort-range nα nα interactions this implies that at long wavelengths D(q =0,q )=K q2+...., (6) x y y y characteristic of classical smectic elasticity. As we will discuss, this conclusion must be modified in the case of long-range interactions. AquantumtheoryoftheQuantum-Hallsmectic[14]is obtainedbyimposing Kac-Moody commutation relations on the chiral densities: i ′ ′ [ρnα(x),ρn′β(x)]= αδα,βδn,n′∂xδ(x−x). (7) 2π Together with Eq.(5), this relationship fully specifies the quantum dynamics. Electron operators in the chiral edge modes are related to the 1D densities via the usual bosonic phase fields: ψnα ∼eiφnα with ρnα =α∂xφnα/2π. Quantumpropertiesofthesmecticcanbecomputedfromtheimaginary-time action, 1 S = iα∂ φ ∂ φ + H 0 Z 4π τ n,α x n,α Z 0 x,τ Xn,α τ 1 = φ (−q,−ω)M (q,ω)φ (q,ω), (8) 2Z α α,β β q,ω where in an obvious matrix notation, M(q,ω)=(iωq /2π)σz +(q ℓ)2D(q). (9) x x Correlation functions follow from Wick’s theorem and the momentum space correlator hφ φ i=M−1 with α β M−1(q,ω)=σ M(q,−ω)σ /detM(q,ω). (10) z z The effect of weak disorder on transport in quantum Hall smectics depends sensitively on the elastic constants at q = 0. In this limit the relevant excited x states are simply Slater determinants with straight stripe edges displaced from those of the Hartree-Fock theory ground state. By evaluating the expectation 6 A.H.MacDonald and Matthew P.A. Fisher value of the microscopic Hamiltonian in a state with arbitrary stripe edge loca- tions we find that a D (q =0,q )=δ D +αβ eiqyanΓ(y0 −y0 ), (11) αβ x y αβ 0 4π2ℓ2 nα 0β X n where the constantD is suchthat the condition D (q=0)=0,and the 0 αβ αβ positions y0 = a(n±ν∗/2) are the ground statPe stripe edge locations. Here, n± Γ(y)is the interactionpotentialbetweentwoelectronslocatedinguidingcenter states a distance y apart: Γ(y)=U(0,y/ℓ2)−U(y/ℓ2,0), (12) U(q,k)= dpe−(q2+p2)ℓ2/2VN(q,p)e−ipkℓ2. (13) Z 2π eff The two terms in Eq.(12) are direct and exchange contributions. In Eq.(13), VN(q,p) is the Fourier transform of the effective 2D electron interaction which eff incorporates form-factors [11] dependent on the Landau level index. N and the groundsubbandwavefunctionofthehostsemiconductorheterojunctionorquan- tum well. The smectic states have relatively long periods proportional to the cyclotronorbitradii.Explicitcalculations[4,10,11]showthata> 6ℓforN =2. ∼ It follows that the exchange contribution to Γ(y) is small and that Γ(y) de- creases with stripe separation in the relevant range. In this paper we address theinfluenceofametallicscreeningplanewhichcutsoffthisinteractionatlarge distances. For y< d, Γ(y) ∼ 2e2ln(d/y), decreasing extremely slowly with y. ∼ For separation y larger than the distance d to the screening plane, Γ(y)∼y−2, making the sum over n in Eq.11 convergent. 4 Screening Dependence of Scaling Dimensions The scaling dimension, ∆e, of the operator ei(φn,+−φn,−) which scatters an elec- tron across the n-th stripe is readily evaluated from Eq.(9). We find that π d(qa) ∆ = W(q =0,q). (14) e Z−π 2π x Here, W is the weight function, W(q)= [D++(q)+ReD+−(q)] . (15) [D+2+(q)−|D+−(q)|2]1/2 For 1D non-interacting electrons ∆ = 1, so that disorder is relevant and e eventually leads to localization. As discussed below, ∆ < 1 for quantum Hall e smectics.Disorderisevenmorerelevantthaninthenon-interactingelectroncase. Nevertheless, since the samples in which the quantum Hall smectic is observed are of extremely high quality, there should be a wide range of temperature over which its effects can be treated perturbatively. If ∆ = 1 both hard direction e Non-linearTransport in Quantum-HallSmectics 7 (α) and easy direction (β) non-linear transport exponents vanish. We see from Eq.(15) that ∆ = 1 if the average value of W(q ) is one. To understand the e y dependenceof∆ onscreening,wehavetounderstandthedependenceofW(q ) e y on both wavevector and d. Note that W is smaller than one, increasing the relevance of disorder, when D++ and ReD+− are opposite in sign and similar in magnitude. For each qy in Eq.14 the weighting factors are like those which enter in the calculation of the scaling dimension of the operator which describes backscattering from disorder in an isolated one-dimensional electron system. In continuum 1D models, D ++ hasacontribution,proportionaltotheFermivelocity,fromthebandenergyand a contributionproportionalto the interactionbetweenelectrons travelingin the same direction, while −D+− has only an interaction contribution. For a con- tinuum model, the effective interactions between electrons traveling in different directionsisthesameasthatbetweenelectronstravelinginthesamedirections. When the interaction term is much larger than the band term D++ and D+− are opposite in signand nearly equalin magnitude and W is very small.This is whathappens,for example,fora 1Delectronsysteminwhichlong-rangemakes the Coulombinteractionverystrongatlongwavelengths.When W is small,the 1Delectronsystemis veryclose[16]to anelectronWignercrystal,anddisorder is very strongly relevant. On the other hand when D+− is much smaller than D wehaveasituationanalogoustothatinaveryweaklyinteractingFermion ++ system, in which disorder is relevant but the resistivity is linear when disorder can be treated perturbatively. With this in mind we turn to a discussion of the quantum smectic, limiting our attention to the case ν∗ = 1/2. Useful insight comes from examining the value of W at the end points of the integration interval, q a = 0 and q a = π y y where both D++ and D+− are real. For qy = 0, invariance under a uniform translationof the smectic implies that D+++D+− =0,sothat W(qy =0)=0. When allthe electronstripes move together,the energetics is precisely like that of a single 1D system. In the quantum Hall regime, there is no band energy, only interaction contributions from electrons traveling in the same direction, which appear in D , and interaction contributions from electrons traveling in ++ opposite directions, which appear in D+−. The absence of a band contribution means that, for q =0, W vanishes independent of the interaction’s strength or y range. When q a=π, on the other hand, one has y (−1)na ∗ ∗ D+−(qya=π)= 4π2ℓ2 [Γ(an+a(1−ν ))−Γ(an+aν )]. (16) X n We see that D+−(qya=π) vanishes because the interaction between the top of one stripe and the bottom of the same stripe is identical to its interaction with the bottom of the next stripe up. The interactions between oppositely directed electrons effectively cancel out, and we obtain W = 1, just as we would for a non-interacting 1D system. Thus ∆ is determined by the average over q of a e y weightingfactorwhichinterpolatesbetweenthatofa1DelectronWignercrystal at q a=0 and that of a non-interacting 1D electron system at q a=π. y y 8 A.H.MacDonald and Matthew P.A. Fisher The averagevalue of W is determined by the rate at which W goes from its q = 0 limit to its q = π limit. To obtain insight into what controls this, we y y considerfirstthelimitofshort-rangeinteractions.SinceΓ(y =0)vanishesdueto the cancellations of its direct and exchange contributions, the short-range limit isobtainedbytakingonlyΓ(a/2)≡Γ∗ 6=0.Inthiscase,itfollowsfromEq.(11) that(4π2ℓ2)D+−(q)/a=−Γ∗(1+exp(−iqa))andthat(4π2ℓ2D++(q)/a=2Γ∗, and therefore that W(q)=|sin(qa/2)|. The numerator of Eq.(15) vanishes like q2 for q →0, andthe denominator,which is proportionalto the collective mode velocity, vanishes like |q|. Note that the expression for W(q) is independent of Γ∗. The average of W(q) may be evaluated analytically in this case, and we obtain for short-range interactions ∆ =2/π ≈0.6366. e For the realistic case, analytic calculations are no longer possible, but the behavior of W can be simplified, at least at small q if the exchange contri- bution to Γ(y) is neglected in constructing D (q). In this case Γ(y) is the α,β simply the 1D transform to coordinate space of the reciprocalspace interaction U(p)≡ exp(−p2ℓ2/2)VN (0,p), i.e. it is the Coulomb interaction between lines eff of charged smeared by N-dependent cyclotron orbit form factors. The compo- nents ofD (q), arethen Fouriertransformsbackto reciprocalspace,butwith α,β additional ‘umklapp’ terms because this transform is discrete. We find that ∞ −1 D+−(q)= 4π2ℓ2 exp(−iqa/2) (−)jU(q+2πj/a) j=X−∞ ∞ 1 D (q)=D + U(q+2πj/a) (17) ++ 0 4π2ℓ2 j=X−∞ and ∞ 1 D = U(2πj/a)[(−)j −1]. (18) 0 4π2ℓ2 j=X−∞ For the case of a Coulomb interaction, U(q) = [2πe2(1−exp(−2qd))]/q where d is the distance to a screening plane described by an image charge model. For large or infinite d, the j = 0 terms dominate the sums in Eqs.(17). The above expression for U(q) applies when qℓ< 1, and therefore is always valid for the ∼ j = 0 terms in Eqs.(17). Note that both D++(q) and D±(q) are proportional to d for larged anddiverge for d→∞. Onthe other handD remainsfinite for 0 d → ∞ because the j = 0 term is excluded from this sum. We emphasize that the numerical calculations whose results are shown below include the exchange contributions neglected in deriving Eqs.(17), and important at any value of a when d is not large. We now examine the large d, small q behavior of the numeratorand denom- inator of Eq.(15). For the numerator 1 e2 D++(q)+ReD+−(q)= 4π2ℓ2U(q)(1−cos(qa/2))∼ 2πℓ2q2da2/2, (19) Non-linearTransport in Quantum-HallSmectics 9 and for the denominator D++(q)2−|D+−(q)|2 ∝U(q)∝[d][q2a2]. (20) ThefirstfactorissquarebracketsinEq.(20)comesfromD++(q)+|D+−(q)|for whichthe j =0 termdominates.Thesecondfactoris proportionaltoD (q)− ++ |D+−(q)| for which only odd j terms survive, implying no dependence on d and analytic dependence on q. These formulas apply for qd < 1; for d → ∞, the small q behavior is obtained by replacing U(q = 0) = 4πe2d by U(q → 0) = 2πe2/q, i.e., by replacing d by 1/2q. We plot the square of the denominator, proportionalto the square of the collective excitation velocity for severalvalues of the screening length d in Fig.[1]. The velocity increases as d increases as expected. For d = 100ℓ, the quadratic small q behavior predicted in Eq.(20), applies only for qa< 0.02, and is not apparent in the plot. Instead we see the ∼ long range interaction behavior, in which the velocity is proportional to q1/2. As is apparent from Eqs.(17), screening is irrelevant except very close to q =0 0.08 d=l d=10l 0.06 d=100l 2h)] 2e/0.04 [v/( 0.02 0.00 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 qa y Fig.1. Square of the collective excitation velocity (in units of e2/(2πǫ¯h)) in the xˆ direction as a function of qy for d = ℓ, d = 10ℓ and d = 100ℓ. These calculations are forN =2andCDWperioda=5.8ℓ.ForthedielectricfunctionofGaAs,thisvelocity unit has thevalue 4.8×104m/s. when d is large. Fig.[1] shows that once d> a, the large d no-screening limit ∼ is approached. In Fig.[2] we show the weight functions for d = ℓ, d = 10ℓ and d = 100ℓ. At each value of d, the denominator of the weight function at small 10 A.H.MacDonald and Matthew P.A. Fisher q is proportional to d1/2|q| and the numerator proportional to dq2. The weight functionisthereforeproportionalto|q|withacoefficientwhichvariesasd1/2.A largervalueofd(lessscreening),leadstoaweightfunctionwhichincreasesmore rapidly with q and a scaling dimension for the scattering vertex which is closer toone.Inthe limitofunscreenedinteractions,whichappliesdowntosmallq for d=100ℓ, W(q)∝|q|1/2 1.0 0.8 0.6 q)y d=l W(0.4 d=10l d=100l 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 qa y Fig.2.Weightfunctionvs.qyaford=ℓ,d=10ℓandd=100ℓ.Thesecalculationsare for N =2 and CDW period a=5.8ℓ. InFig.[3]weshowthe dependenceofthe scalingdimension∆ andthenon- e linear transportexponents α and β on the distance d to the screening plan. For d → 0 the numerical result is very close to that from the analytic short-range interactionmodeldescribedabovewhichleadsto∆ =2/π.Ford→0,thescal- e ing dimension approaches ∆ =0.772,a value we have been able to obtain only e numerically. These relatively modest changes in the scaling dimension translate into relativelylarge changes in the transportexponents, particularlyin α which characterizes the hard-axis non-linearity. We predict that these non-linearities will be much stronger if a screening placed in close proximity to the electron layer.

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