Non-Linear Optical Properties of Matter CHALLENGES AND ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume 1 SeriesEditor: JERZY LESZCZYNSKI DepartmentofChemistry,JacksonStateUniversity,U.S.A. Non-Linear Optical Properties of Matter From Molecules to Condensed Phases Edited by Manthos G. Papadopoulos NationalHellenicResearchFoundation,Greece Andrzej J. Sadlej NicolausCopernicusUniversity,Poland and Jerzy Leszczynski JacksonStateUniversity,USA AC.I.P.CataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress. ISBN-101-4020-4849-1(HB) ISBN-13978-1-4020-4849-4(HB) ISBN-101-4020-4850-5(e-book) ISBN-13978-1-4020-4851-3(e-book) PublishedbySpringer, P.O.Box17,3300AADordrecht,TheNetherlands. Printedonacid-freepaper AllRightsReserved ©2006Springer Nopartofthisworkmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,microfilming,recording orotherwise,withoutwrittenpermissionfromthePublisher,withtheexception ofanymaterialsuppliedspecificallyforthepurposeofbeingentered andexecutedonacomputersystem,forexclusiveusebythepurchaserofthework. CONTENTS Preface ix Manthos G. Papadopoulos, Jerzy Leszczynski and Andrzej J. Sadlej Introduction xv Mark A. Ratner 1. Microscopic Theory of Nonlinear Optics 1 Patrick Norman and Kenneth Ruud 2. Accurate Nonlinear Optical Properties for Small Molecules 51 Ove Christiansen, Sonia Coriani, Jürgen Gauss, Christof Hättig, Poul Jørgensen, Filip Pawłowski, and Antonio Rizzo 3. Determination of Vibrational Contributions to Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties 101 B. Kirtman and J.M. Luis 4. SOS Methods in Calculations of Electronic NLO Properties 129 Wojciech Bartkowiak and Robert Zales´ny 5. Kohn–Sham Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory with Applications to Linear and Nonlinear Properties 151 Dan Jonsson, Olav Vahtras, Branislav Jansik, Zilvinas Rinkevicius, Paweł Sałek, and Hans Ågren 6. Non-Linear Pulse Propagation in Many-Photon Active Isotropic Media 211 A. Baev, S. Polyutov, I. Minkov, F. Gel’mukhanov and H. Ågren 7. Collective and Cooperative Phenomena in Molecular Functional Materials 251 Anna Painelli and Francesca Terenziani 8. Multiconfigurational Self-Consistent Field-Molecular Mechanics Response Methods 283 Kurt V. Mikkelsen v vi Contents 9. Solvatochromism and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Donor-Acceptor (cid:2)-Conjugated Molecules 299 Wojciech Bartkowiak 10. Symmetry Based Approach to the Evaluation of Second Order NLO Properties of Carbon Nanotubes 319 L. De Dominicis and R. Fantoni 11. Atomistic Molecular Modeling of Electric Field Poling of Nonlinear Optical Polymers 337 Megan R. Leahy-Hoppa, Joseph A. French, Paul D. Cunningham, and L. Michael Hayden 12. Nonlinear Optical Properties of Chiral Liquids 359 Peer Fischer and Benoît Champagne 13. Recent Progress in Molecular Design of Ionic Second-order Nonlinear Optical Materials 383 Paresh Chandra Ray 14. Characterization Techniques of Nonlinear Optical Materials 419 Inge Asselberghs, Javier Pérez-Moreno and Koen Clays 15. Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Response of Metal Nanoparticles 461 Bruno Palpant 16. From Dipolar to Octupolar Phthalocyanine Derivatives: The Example of Subphthalocyanines 509 Christian G. Claessens, Gema de la Torre and Tomás Torres 17. NLO Properties of Metal Alkynyl and Related Complexes 537 Joseph P.L. Morrall, Mark G. Humphrey, Gulliver T. Dalton, Marie P. Cifuentes and Marek Samoc 18. Ruthenium Complexes as Versatile Chromophores with Large, Switchable Hyperpolarizabilities 571 Benjamin J. Coe 19. Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Selected Rotaxanes and Catenanes 609 Jacek Niziol, Kamila Nowicka and Francois Kajzar Contents vii 20. Second Harmonic Generation from Gold and Silver Nanoparticles in Liquid Suspensions 645 Jérôme Nappa, Guillaume Revillod, Gaelle Martin, Isabelle Russier-Antoine, Emmanuel Benichou, Christian Jonin and Pierre-François Brevet Index 671 PREFACE Manyareasofscienceandtechnologyhavebenefitedfromthetremendousadvance in computational techniques over the last two decades. In a number of cases theo- reticalpredictionshavedirectlyimpactedthedesignofnewandimprovedmaterials withuniquecharacteristics.Anunderstandingofthedetailsofmolecularstructures andtheirrelationshipwiththedesiredpropertiesofsuchmaterialshasalwaysbeen a key factor for successful interplay between theory and experiment. Among such important characteristics are the non-linear optical (NLO) properties of matter. ThereiscurrentlyanimmenseinterestinNLOpropertiesofmaterials,sincethey provide valuable information about important aspects of matter. For example, they are related to electronic and vibrational structures as well as to intra- and inter- molecular interactions. On the other hand, NLO properties are of great practical importance for the design of materials and devices, which have numerous and important applications (e.g. optical devices for the transfer and storage of data). Taking into account the widespread interest in the NLO properties/materials and the rapid progress of both the scientific and technological aspects of this field, we believe that it is timely and useful to select some topics of particular interest (this issubjective,ofcourse)andinviteleadingexpertstoreviewcurrentprogress.This idea underlies the composition of the present volume. Obviously, the selection of topics was strongly influenced by our research interests. They may not cover all important areas of chemistry and physics of the NLO systems. However, in spite of the possible deficiencies, we believe that the reviews presented here cover a relativelywideclassofproblemsandwillbeofinterestforresearchersandstudents in this area. Particular care was taken to impartially address both theoreticians and experimentalists to increase the extent of the mutual interaction between them. ThisbookstartswithanintroductionwrittenbyM.A.Ratnerandthenthereisan openingchapterthatintroducesreaderstothetheoryoflinearandNLOproperties. Norman and Ruud review the basic physical processes and their connection with theformulasderivedfromtime-dependentperturbationtheory.Theybrieflydiscuss the vibrational properties as well as the connection between the microscopic and macroscopic NLO properties. Christiansen et al. review the coupled cluster (CC) response methods for the calculation of the electronic contributions to first and second hyperpolarizabilities and some magneto-optic NLO properties. The latter include the magneto-optical activity (Faraday effect, magneto-circular dichroism), Buckingham and Cotton– MoutoneffectsaswellasJonesandmagneto-electricbirefringence.Theydiscussed thebasissetconvergenceforthepropertiesofinterestaswellastheconvergenceof thepropertieswiththewavefunctionmodel.Christiansenetal.comparetheoretical ix x Preface with experimental results and show that the CC approaches, connected with the hierarchy of correlation-consistent basis sets, can lead to very accurate results for smallmolecules.Theyalsopointoutsomeofthepresentchallengesfortheaccurate calculationofthepropertiesofinterest(e.g.computationofNLOpropertiesofopen shell molecules). Kirtman and Luis review some of the theoretical/computational methods which have been proposed over the past fifteen years for the calculation of vibrational contributionstothelinearandNLOproperties.Theydiscuss:(i)thetime-dependent sum-over-statesperturbationtheoryandthealternativenuclearrelaxation/curvature approach, (ii) the static field-induced vibrational coordinates which reduce the number of nth-order derivatives to be evaluated, (iii) the convergence behavior of the perturbation series, (iv) an approach to treat large amplitude (low frequency) vibrations, (v) the effect of the basis set and electron correlation on the vibrational properties,and(vi)techniquestocomputethelinearandNLOpropertiesofinfinite polymers. BartkowiakandZales´nydiscussthesum-over-states(SOS)methodwhichisused for the calculation of NLO properties (electronic contribution) and multi-photon absorption. They comment on the various approximations, including the widely usedfew-statesmodels,andtheexactsum-over-statesformulas.Theyshowthatone of the main advantages of the many variants of this approach is the interpretation oftheNLOpropertiesintermsofcontributionsfromexcitedstates.Theycomment on the limited utility of the SOS technique for small molecules, aggregates and clusters, but they point out, that it is still a very attractive tool for large molecules. Jonsson et al. review the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) for time- dependent (TD) response functions. They describe the derivation of the working expressions.TheyalsoreviewrecentprogressintheapplicationofTD-DFTtoopen shell systems. They reported results on several properties: (i) hyperpolarizabilities (e.g. para-nitroaniline, benzene, C fullerene), (ii) excited state polarizabilities 60 (e.g. pyrimidine), (iii) three-photon absorption and (iv) EPR spin Hamiltonian parameters. Baev et al. review a theoretical framework which can be useful for simulations, design and characterization of multi-photon absorption-based materials which are usefulforopticalapplications.Thismethodologyinvolvesquantumchemistrytech- niques, for the computation of electronic properties and cross-sections, as well as classical Maxwell’s theory in order to study the interaction of electromagnetic fields with matter and the related properties. The authors note that their dynamical method, which is based on the density matrix formalism, can be useful for both fundamental and applied problems of non-linear optics (e.g. self-focusing, white light generation etc). Painelli and Terenziani discuss the cooperative and collective behavior resulting from classical electrostatic intermolecular interactions in molecular materials with negligible intermolecular overlap. The simple model they employ for clusters of push-pullchromophoresneglectsintermolecularoverlapanddescribesthemusinga two-state model. They comment on the excitonic approximation which is expected