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Non-Gaussian postselection and virtual photon subtraction in continuous-variable quantum key distribution Zhengyu Li1,2, Yichen Zhang3, Xiangyu Wang3, Bingjie Xu2, Xiang Peng1†, and Hong Guo1∗ 1State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Center for Computational Science and Engineering and Center for Quantum Information Technology, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2Science and Technology on Security Communication Laboratory, Institute of Southwestern Communication, Chengdu 610041, China and 3State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China (Dated: January 13, 2016) 6 Photonsubtractioncanenhancetheperformanceofcontinuous-variablequantumkeydistribution 1 0 (CV QKD). However, the enhancement effect will be reduced by the imperfections of practical 2 devices, especially the limited efficiency of a single-photon detector. In this paper, we propose a non-Gaussian postselection method to emulate the photon substraction used in coherent-state CV n QKDprotocols. Thevirtual photonsubtractionnotonlycanavoidthecomplexityandimperfections a of a practical photon-subtraction operation, which extends the secure transmission distance as the J idealcasedoes,butalsocanbeadjustedflexiblyaccordingtothechannelparameterstooptimizethe 2 performance. Furthermore, our preliminary tests on the information reconciliation suggest that in 1 thelowsignal-to-noiseratioregime,theperformanceofreconciliatingthepostselectednon-Gaussian data is better than that of the Gaussian data, which implies the feasibility of implementing this ] h method practically. p - PACSnumbers: 03.67.Dd,03.67.Hk t n a u I. INTRODUCTION imental techniques, quantum operations were also pro- q posed to improve the performance of CV QKD, such as [ the noiseless linear amplification (NLA) operation [20– Quantum key distribution (QKD) [1, 2] is the most 22]. It can increase the transmission distance roughly 1 applicable technology of quantum information, which by the equivalent of 20log g dB losses, where g is the v can allow two users (Alice and Bob) to establish se- 10 9 cure keys remotely through an insecure quantum chan- gain of the NLA. Furthermore, to avoid the difficulty 9 nel controlled by an eavesdropper (Eve). QKD has two of sophisticated physical NLA operations [23–26], non- 7 deterministicvirtual NLAviaGaussianpostselectionhas main branches, i.e., discrete-variable (DV) QKD and 2 been proposed [27, 28] and experimentally implemented continuous-variable (CV) QKD [3–5], in which the in- 0 formation is carried by the quadratures (xˆ and pˆ) of the [29]. . 1 Alternatively, a photon-subtraction operation [30–33] lightfield. CVQKDprotocolsusingGaussianmodulated 0 coherentstates[6–8]notonlyhavebeenprovedtobeun- is shown to be able to significantly improve the trans- 6 mission distance of CV QKD protocols using two-mode conditionally secure in theory [9–13], but also have the 1 : advantage of being compatible with standard telecom- squeezed vacuum (TMSV) states [34]. By exploiting v munication technology, which leads to an expectation of the equivalence between the entanglement-based (EB) Xi better application. However,limited by the practicalex- scheme and the prepare-and-measure (PM) scheme, it perimental techniques and the non-perfect reconciliation can also be employed in protocols using coherent states. r a efficiency, the transmission distances of early CV QKD However, the improvement will be reduced by the im- setupswerenotsufficiently longfornetworkapplications perfections of devices in a practical photon-subtraction operation, especially the single-photon detector (SPD), [14–16]. Thus, research on extending the transmission distance has attracted much attention in the past few which makes this method unfeasible (see Appendix A). years. Here, we propose a non-Gaussian postselection method to emulate the photon subtraction used in Recent major progressin CV QKD in experiment [17] coherent-state CV QKD protocols, which is employed was achieved with 80 km transmission distance using right before the emission of the coherent states. One coherent states by taking advantage of the multidimen- advantage of this virtual photon subtraction is that, it sionalreconciliationprotocol[18,19]inthelowsignal-to- can not only remove the complex physical operations, noise ratio (SNR) regime and the optimization of other butalsoemulatetheidealphoton-subtractionoperations. experimentalaspects. Besidestheimprovementofexper- Another advantageis thatthe postselectioncanbe post- poned after the parameter estimation, and therefore it can be adjusted flexibly to optimize the performance. ∗Correspondingauthor: hongguo@pku.edu.cn. Besides, the postselection filter function does not need †Correspondingauthor: xiangpeng@pku.edu.cn. a cutoff amplitude as does the one in virtual NLA [27– 2 29], because it is bounded. (a) Furthermore,ourpreliminarytests onthe information reconciliationofthepostselectednon-Gaussiandatasug- gest that the multidimensional reconciliation algorithm Het A TMSV B (cid:513)(cid:882)(cid:1767)T B2 (TC,e) B3 Het/Hom can be directly used for the virtual photon-subtraction B1 BS1 method. Especially in the low signal-to-noise ratio g=xA+ipA BS2 B3Ideal Channel regime, the performance of reconciliating the postse- Det lected non-Gaussian data is even better than that of Alice P(cid:513)r(cid:882)a(cid:1767)ctical detector Bob (cid:2015) the Gaussian data, which implies the feasibility of im- plementing this method practically. This paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II, we in- (b) troduce some basics of the photon subtraction and pro- pose the equivalent postselection method of the photon- A Gaussian B B subtraction operation in a coherent-state CV QKD pro- Q(g,l,T) Distribution: 2 (TC,e) 3 Het/Hom g=x +ip Output tocol. InSec. III, we presentthe performanceofthe vir- A A coherent state Channel ttuhaelopphtiomtoanl cshuobitcreacotfiotnhethpraoruagmhenteurmienricvairltusiaml uplahtoitoonn, Alice aB = 2Tlg2 Bob subtraction, and the tests of information reconciliation on the postselected non-Gaussian data. In Sec. IV, we FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) Entanglement-based (EB) scheme summarize the paper. of CV QKD with photon subtraction. (b) Prepare-and- measure (PM) scheme of CV QKD with equivalent post- selection as virtual photon subtraction. Het: heterodyne II. PHOTON SUBTRACTION AND ITS detection; Hom: homodyne detection; BS1(2): beams plit- EQUIVALENT POSTSELECTION IN CV QKD ter; γ: Alice’s measurement result; λ: parameter of TMSV; Q(γ,λ,T): postselection filter function; T(η): transmittance Photon subtraction can enhance the entanglement of of BS1(2); TC,ε: channel parameters. the TMSV state. Various scenarios were proposed, in- cluding applying photon subtraction on one mode or A andB will be keptonly when the POVMelement Πˆ both modes of the TMSV [32], directly or after a pure 2 1 lossychannel[35]. Tomakeourderivationself-contained, clicks. The kept state ρΠˆ1 is denoted as the photon- AB2 in this section, we first introduce the basics of photon subtracted TMSV state, subtraction on a TMSV state (noted as the photon- subtracted TMSV state), then propose its equivalent ρΠˆ1 = trB1(Πˆ1ρAB1B2) . (3) non-GaussianpostselectioninCVQKDprotocols(noted AB2 tr (Πˆ ρ ) AB1B2 1 AB1B2 as virtual photon subtraction). where tr () is the partial trace of a multimode quan- X · tum state, and PΠˆ1 =tr (Πˆ ρ ) is the success A. Photon Subtraction of a TMSV State probability of Πˆ clicks.AB1B2 1 AB1B2 1 Different Πˆ will lead to different types of photon- 1 TheTMSVstateinvolvestwomodesAandB. aˆ,aˆ† subtraction. A general photon subtraction operation is { } and ˆb,ˆb† denotetheannihilationandcreationoperator subtracting k photons, which refers to Πˆ = k k and of m{odes}A and B, respectively, where [aˆ,aˆ†] = [ˆb,ˆb†] = canbe realizedby aphotonnumberresolv1ing(|PiNhR|)de- 1. A TMSV state can be expressed by tector[36]. Anditisshownin[33]thattheentanglement will increase as more photons are subtracted. The pho- ∞ TMSV = 1 λ2 λn n,n , (1) ton subtraction can also be extended to the mixture of | i − | i subtracting different k photons, Πˆ = ∞ c k k and p nX=0 1 k=0 k| ih | c 0,1 , among which Πˆ = ∞ Pk k =I 0 0 where λ [0,1), m,n = m n , and n k ∈{ } on k=1| ih | −| ih | ∈ | i | iA ⊗| iB {| i}n∈N corresponds to an on-off detectPor. See Appendix B for denotes the Fock state. more details about the above two examples. The EB scheme of CV QKD with photon subtraction inside Alice is shown in Fig. 1(a). After generating the TMSV state, Alice uses a beams plitter (BS1), with B. Virtual Photon Subtraction in CV QKD via transmittanceT,tosplitthe modeB intomodesB1 and Postselection B , getting a tripartite state ρ , 2 AB1B2 ρ =U [TMSV TMSV 0 0]U† . (2) We suppose Alice uses the photon-subtracted TMSV AB1B2 BS | ih |⊗| ih | BS state as the source of a CV QKD system, and she will Then B will be measured by a positive operator-valued perform a heterodyne detection on mode A. As shown 1 measure(POVM)measurement Πˆ ,Πˆ ,andthemodes in Fig. 1(a), the measurement result of a single-photon 0 1 { } 3 detectorrepresentseitherkeepingthisstate(click)ornot andV = 1+λ2 1 λ2 is the variance ofthe TMSV − keeping this state (no click). Alice needs to record this state. (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:14)(cid:0) (cid:1) extradataforeachTMSV,andwillrevealittoBobafter In the case where Alice does not use any kind of Bob measures the mode B . photon-subtraction operation, the output mixed state is 3 According to the extemality of Gaussian quantum states [9, 10, 37], the secret key rate of the state ρΠAˆ1B3 ρB(G) =Z dxAdpAPxA,pA|αihα|. (7) isnolessthanaGaussianstateρG whichhasthesame AB3 covariancematrix, where K(ρΠˆ1 ) K(ρG ). Thus we Compared with the postselected state in Eq. (6), there AB3 ≥ AB3 aretwodifferences. Firstly,thereisanadditionalweight- will use ρG to derive the secret key rate. Besides, the AB3 ing function in Eq. (6), success probability of Alice’s POVM measurement PΠˆ1 should also be taken into account. Thus, for the reverse PΠˆ1(k xA,pA) W = | , reconciliation, the lower bound of the asymptotic secret PΠˆ1(k) key rate under collective attack is whichleadstoafilterfunction,oracceptanceprobability, K ρG =PΠˆ1 βIG(A:B) SG(E :B) , (4) of each pair of xA,pA , AB3 − { } (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Q(γ,λ,T)=PΠˆ1(k)W =PΠˆ1(k x ,p ). (8) where β is the reconciliation efficiency, IG(A:B) is the | A A mutualinformationbetweenAliceandBob,SG(E :B)is Second, the output coherent state needs to go through theHolevobound[38]ofthemutualinformationbetween the BS1 with transmittance T, which can be emulated Bob and Eve. The calculation method of K is shown in viageneratingacoherentstatewithasmallermeanvalue the Appendix C. √Tα. Next, we will present the equivalent virtual photon Thus, after exchanging Alice’s heterodyne measure- subtraction via postselection according to Alice’s mea- ment and the photon-subtraction operation, we get the surement results, which will benefit the system. First, equivalentvirtual photonsubtractionviapostselectionof it is not necessary to accomplish the practical photon Alice’s measurement results and scaling the mean value subtraction which reduces the complexity of the system. of output coherent state by a factor √T. The postselec- Second,ithasbetterperformancethanthepracticalpho- tion filter function is shown in Eq.(8). ton subtraction since one can emulate the ideal detector Insummary,the PMschemeofCVQKDusingvirtual case. photon subtraction, depicted in Fig. 1(b), is as follow: The heterodyne detection and the POVM measure- Step 1. Alice generates a coherent state α , where ment Πˆ0,Πˆ1 are commutable since they are con- α = √2Tλγ/2, γ = x + ip , and x ,p | iare cho- { } A A A A ducted on two different modes. Thus, Alice can per- { } sen randomly from a Gaussian distributed set with zero form the heterodyne detection on mode A first, and mean and variance V = V = (V +1)/2. T is the then the POVM measurement on mode B . It is xA xB 1 transmittanceof BS1andV is the varianceofthe equiv- known that heterodyne detection on one mode of the alent TMSV. Then she sends the coherent state to Bob. TMSV state will project the other mode onto a coher- Step 2. After receivingthe state,Bobwillperformho- ent state; thus after BS1, the state of modes B and B , 1 2 modyne or heterodyne detection, and the measurement given that Alice’s heterodyne measurement results are results are denoted by x ,p . B B {wxhAer,epAα},=is√2(cid:12)(cid:12)ϕλ((xxAA,pA−)(cid:11)iBpA1B)22.= T(cid:12)(cid:12)√he1−sucTcαes(cid:11)sB1p(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)r√obTaαbEilBit2y, laecccStetpeeptneod3u,.gahnSddteaprtesav.1eaAlaslnictdhee2wdilaelcreidseirocenipdseeatowtehBdicouhbn.dtiaTlthatehweayiclclceobple-- of subtracting k photons, g(cid:14)iven Alice’s heterodyne mea- tanceprobabilityforeachdataisQ(γ,λ,T)asinEq. (8). surement results, will be the function of x ,p , { A A} Then Alice and Bob use the accepted data to finish the postprocessingsteps,includingparameterestimation,in- PΠˆ1(k x ,p )= k √1 Tα 2 | A A − formation reconciliation and privacy amplification. =exp (1−T)λ2 (cid:12)(cid:12)x(cid:10)2 (cid:12)(cid:12)+p2 (1(cid:11)−(cid:12)(cid:12)T)λ2 x2 +p2 k k! Since Alice reveals her decision of whether or not she h− 2 (cid:0) A A(cid:1)i·h 2 (cid:0) A A(cid:1)i (cid:30) accepts each data after Bob’s measurement, the dis- (5) carded states can be seen as the decoy states, which are Thenthe mixed state outputfromAlice’s stationwillbe usedintheformernon-Gaussianprotocol[39]toenhance the security. ρ(k) = dx dp PΠˆ1(k|xA,pA)P √Tα √Tα , We note that for the practicalimplementation, the se- B2 Z A A PΠˆ1(k) xA,pA(cid:12) ED (cid:12) cretkeyrate,givenbyEq. (4),shouldbemodifiedtotake (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) finite-size effects into account [40], which indicates that weighting function the acceptance probability will influence the finite-size | {z } (6) analysis. However,thiswillnotaffecttheeffectivenessof where PxA,pA = π(V1+1)exp(cid:16)−x2AV++p12A(cid:17) is the Gaussian our method; therefore, we only consider the asymptotic distribution of Alice’s heterodyne measurement results, rate here for simplicity. 4 III. PERFORMANCE OF THE PROTOCOLS 101 Original Protocol 1−photon subtraction In this section,we firstpresentthe performanceof the se)100 23−−pphhoottoonn ssuubbttrraaccttiioonn protocolsusingphotonsubtractionintermsofsecretkey pul10−1 4−photon subtraction rualatetioannsd. tTolheeranbwleeedxicsecsusssnotihsee,ttrharnosumgihttnanucmeeroifcaAlliscime’s- ate (bit/10−2 BS1, and the reconciliation efficiency of the postselected key r10−3 non-Gaussian data. As described in Sec. II B, we will et use Eq.(4) as the asymptotic secret key rate. Since it Secr10−4 only involves the Gaussian state, the covariance matrix of ρ(k) will be sufficient to get the rate, which can be 10−5 AB3 gottenaccordingtoAlice’sandBob’saccepteddatawhen 10−6 implementing this protocol practically. Here in the sim- 0 50 100 150 200 250 Transmission distance (km) ulationwe assumethat the channelcan be characterized (a) by two parameters: the channel transmittance T and C 1 excess noise ε, which means if the covariance matrix of 1−photon subtraction ρ(k) is 0.9 23−−pphhoottoonn ssuubbttrraaccttiioonn AB2 4−photon subtraction 0.8 V I φ σ γ(k) = A AB Z , (9) AB2 (cid:18)φABσZ VBI (cid:19) 0.7 where I= diag(1,1) and σ = diag(1,-1), then, after the T 0.6 Z channel transmission, 0.5 V I √T φ σ γ(k) = A C AB Z , (10) 0.4 AB3 (cid:18)√TCφABσZ TC(VB +χ)I(cid:19) 0.3 0 50 100 150 200 250 where χ = (1 T )/T +ε. The explicit form of γ(k) Transmission distance (km) can be found i−n ACppenCdix D. And for the rest of theApBa2- (b) per, we assume Bob uses homodyne detection. We note FIG.2: (Coloronline)(a)Themaximalsecretkeyrateateach thatEve’soptimalattackforthis non-Gaussianprotocol transmission distance,whenchangingthetransmittanceT of is still an open question. Alice’s BS1. (b) The optimal T for the maximal secret key rate in (a). The uppermost black solid line in (a) represents thecaseoforiginalprotocol. Otherlinesrepresentone-photon A. Secret Key Rate and Tolerable Excess Noise subtraction (blue solid line), two-photon subtraction (green dashedline),three-photonsubtraction(pinkdottedline),and For the virtual k-photon subtraction, the transmit- four-photon subtraction (red dash-dotted line), respectively. The simulation parameters are as follows: the variance of tance T of Alice’s BS1 can be chosen arbitrarily from TMSV state is V =20, channel loss is a=0.2dB/km, excess 0 to 1, which will result in the change of overall accep- noise is ε=0.01, and reconciliation efficiency is β=0.95. tanceprobabilityPΠˆ1(k)andalsothe covariancematrix ofγ(k) . Thus,foreachtransmissiondistance, the secret AB2 key rate varies with different T, and there should exist isthe limitedacceptanceprobability,whichisbelow0.25 anoptimalchoiceofT foreachdistance tomaximizethe under the parameters we used here (see Fig. 6). secretkeyrate. Figure2(a)showsthemaximalsecretkey rate at each distance for all possible T. And Fig. 2(b) Fig. 2(a) also shows that the one-photon subtraction shows the optimal choice of T for each distance, specif- has the longest transmission distance compared to the ically, only for distances with secret key rate more than other cases. The main reason is that, when subtracting 10−6, respectively. more photons, the non-Gaussianity is higher [33], which The black solid line in Fig. 2(a) represents the case means the Gaussian state that has the same covariance of the original protocol, which is outperformed by the matrix, ρG , is more noisy. Thus, when employing the AB2 protocols of using photon subtraction at long-distance extremality of Gaussian quantum states to do the secu- range,especiallythecaseofusingone-photonsubtraction rity analysis, it gets a worse result. More specifically, we (blue solid line). This implies one of the advantages of rewrite the covariance matrix γ(k) as follows: AB2 usingphotonsubtraction,thatis,expandingthemaximal transmission distance. However, for the short-distance range, even for the optimal choice of T, the secret key γ(k) = VAI ηA(VA2−1)σZ , (11) rate is still worse than the original protocol. One reason AB2 (cid:18) η (V2 1)σ pη (V +χ )I (cid:19) A A− Z A A A p 5 nit) 100 Original Protocol noise at each distance for all possible T, and Fig. 3(b) se u 12−−pphhoottoonn ssuubbttrraaccttiioonn tsohoFwigs.t2h(eao),ptthimeacalscehooficoeriogfinTalfporroetaocchold(ibstlaacnkces.olSidimliinlae)r ot noi 10−1 34−−pphhoottoonn ssuubbttrraaccttiioonn is also outperformed by other cases at long transmission h distancerange,whichimpliesanotheradvantageofusing s e ( photon subtraction that increases the maximal tolerable s oi 10−2 excessnoise for distantusers. It is alsoshownthat when n s the channel is less noisy, for instance, ε 0.005, all four ces photon-subtraction operations will expa∼nd the maximal x e e 10−3 transmissiondistancetomorethan200km. Ontheother bl hand, one could notice that the optimal choice of T for a er themaximaltolerableexcessnoiseshowsadifferentform ol T 10−4 from the one for the maximal secret key rate. That is 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Transmission distance (km) because the tolerable excess noise is not affected by the (a) overall acceptance probability, while the secret key rate 1 is. 1−photon subtraction 2−photon subtraction 0.9 3−photon subtraction 4−photon subtraction B. The Transmittance of Alice’s Beamsplitter 0.8 0.7 In Step 1 of the PM scheme using virtual photonsub- traction described in Sec. II, it requires Alice to know T 0.6 the value of T in advance. For a relatively stable sys- tem and environment, Alice can use the data of the last 0.5 run to approximately estimate the optimal T for this run. However, when the system or environment changes 0.4 rapidly, the above method may not result in a suitable estimation. In this case, one can linearly scale Alice’s 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Transmission distance (km) heterodyne measurement results first and then accom- (b) plish the postselection. After the linearly scaling, Al- ice’s data follows a new Gaussian distribution P′ XA,PA FIG.3: (Coloronline)(a)Themaximaltolerableexcessnoise with a different variance V′, which can be regarded as at each transmission distance, when changing the transmit- the heterodyne measurement results of a new equivalent tance T of Alice’s BS1. (b) The optimal T for the maximal TMSV. We assume T is the estimated value accord- tolerableexcessnoisein(a). Theuppermostblacksolidlinein 0 ing to the data of the last run, and η is the real opti- (a)representsthecaseoforiginalprotocol. Otherlinesrepre- mal choice of this run. Let X = Gx , P = Gp , sentone-photonsubtraction(bluesolidline),two-photonsub- A A A A traction (green dashed line), three-photon subtraction (pink and αA = √2λ′(XA iPA) 2 = T0/η α, where − · dotted line), and four-photon subtraction (red dash-dotted G = √T0λ √ηλ′ and λ′2 =(cid:14)(V′ 1p)/(V′+1). Then − line), respectively. The simulation parameters are V = 20, the state Al(cid:14)ice initially sends out can be rewritten as a=0.2dB/km, ε=0.01, and β=0.95. ρ(k) = dx dp P √T α √T α where V =2V˜ 1, χ =(1 η )/η , and =B2 dXRAdPAAP′XAA,xPAA,pA√(cid:12)(cid:12)ηαA0 h(cid:11)√hηαA0| |, (13) A − A − A A R (cid:12) (cid:11) whereP′ =P G2(cid:12),withx andp substituted k+1 XA,PA xA,pA A A ηA =λ2Tk+λ2T. (12) byXA/GandPA/G,ist(cid:14)henew Gaussiandistributionof thescaleddata. ConsideringtheexplicitformofP′ , XA,PA This means, in the viewpoint of calculating the secret the variance V′ fulfills that V′ 1=T /η (V 1). 0 − · − key rate, the k-photon-subtracted TMSV can be seen After this linearly scaling step, Alice could do the as a source with an extra loss on the B mode before equivalent postselection according to the new data 2 being emitted into the channel. And η decreasesas the X ,P . By traversing all possible value of η, one could A A A photon-subtraction number k increases, especially when find the optimal value of it to optimize the secret key theoptimalT islowerforhigherkatlong-distancerange, rate at a certain distance. In this way, the key param- which implies that subtracting more photons will result eter of virtual photon subtraction, the transmittance of in more loss. Therefore, subtracting one photon shows Alice’s BS1, can be adjusted after Alice and Bob esti- better performance under the conditions of Fig. 2, i.e., mate the channel parameters, which makes this method the initial variance of TMSV is 20. more flexible. Tolerable excess noise represents another aspect of a Another problem about the choice of T is that if the protocol. Figure3(a)showsthemaximaltolerableexcess secret key rate varies significantly with T around its op- 6 100 SNR β Type S/T AIN Secret Key Rate (SKR) Optimal SKR (Ropt) R=0.1 0.1626 92.02% Gaussian 39/40 103 m)250 5900%%RRoopptt((LL)) 5900%%RRoopptt((UU)) 10−1 0.1613 92.71% NoGn-aGusasuiassnian 4303//4400 18324 ce (k200 10−2 0.1600 93.40% NoGn-aGusasuiassnian 2400//4400 115012 n sta Non-Gaussian 34/40 130 di150 10−3 R=0.02 0.0301 93.37% Gaussian 47/48 111 n o Non-Gaussian 47/48 101 si mis100 10−4 0.0296 94.97% Gaussian 37/48 190 s Non-Gaussian 37/48 174 n a 0.0293 95.94% Gaussian 18/48 157 Tr 50 10−5 Non-Gaussian 33/48 178 0 10−6 TABLE I: Performance comparison of the multidimensional 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 SKR reconciliation method between Gaussian and non-Gaussian T data. R: the rate of sparse check matrix; SNR: signal-to- FIG. 4: (Color online) Secret key rate vs transmission dis- noise ratio; β: reconciliation efficiency; Type: the type of tance and transmittance T of Alice’s BS1. The middle black tested data; S/T: the number of successfully decoded data solidlinerepresentstheoptimalT ofeachdistance,whenthe blocks/the number of total tested data blocks; AIN: average secret key rate approaches its optimal value (Ropt). The left iteration numberwhen thedecoding process succeeds. red dash-dotted (dashed) line represents the lower bound of T for each distance, when its secret key rate is 90% (50%) of its optimum at that distance. The right blue dash-dotted (dashed) line represents the upper bound of T for each dis- tance, when its secret key rate is 90% (50%) of its optimum at that distance. The simulation parameters are: V = 20, Gaussian noise channel (BIAWGNC). a=0.2dB/km, ε=0.01, and β=0.95. The two sparse check matrices used here are of two different rates: one is 0.1 and another is 0.02. For timal value, then we need to estimate it accurately to each signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we have tested more maintain a relatively high performance, which requires than 40 data blocks. Each data block contains 220 bits complicated implementations in a practicalsystem. For- (1Mbits). Therefore,thenumberofsuccessfullydecoded tunately, as shown in Fig. 4, the secret key rate varies data blocks and the average iteration number when the slowly with T at each distance around its optimal value decodingprocesssucceedswillrepresenttheperformance (black solid line). Specifically, the secret key rate can of the reconciliation method. maintain higher than 90% of its optimal value (R ), if opt the estimated T is in the areabetween the left red dash- TableIshowsourtestresultsinwhich,forthe0.1rate dotted line and the right blue dash-dotted line. If one matrix, non-Gaussian cases show a better performance only requiresthat the secret key rate is higher than one- than the Gaussian cases, on both the numbers of suc- half of its optimum, then the choice of T is much more cessfully decoded blocks and the average iteration num- flexible, i.e., within the area between the left red dashed ber, given the same SNR. For the 0.02 rate matrix, the line and the right dashed line. non-Gaussiancases show similar numbers of successfully decoded data blocks but less average iteration numbers compared to the Gaussian cases, except the last row. In the last row, the successful decoding probability of the C. Reconciliation Efficiency of non-Gaussian Data Gaussiancasedropssignificantly,whilethenon-Gaussian case only drops a little, provided there is more average In all of the above discussions, we assume the recon- iteration. ciliation efficiency β is 0.95, which is a pretty good ef- ficiency approached in the Gaussian case [17]. There- In short, from our test, when considering a high rec- fore, another thing one may be concerned about is, for onciliation efficiency 0.96, the 0.02 rate check matrix ≈ the non-Gaussiandata generated by virtual photon sub- shows a relatively high successful decoding probability, traction, whether or not the information reconciliation i.e., more than 60%. Besides, the two sparse check ma- still remains a relatively high efficiency as for the Gaus- trices were initially designed for Gaussian data, not spe- sian data. We have carried out a preliminary test on cially designed for the photon-subtraction case. Thus, the performance of the multidimensional reconciliation this result suggests that one may directly use the multi- method, proposed in [18], on both using one-photon dimensional reconciliation codes for photon subtraction. subtraction and not using any photon-subtraction cases If the check matrix is specially designed for the non- (non-Gaussian and Gaussian cases, respectively) with Gaussian data, the reconciliation efficiency may be even simulateddata,assumingthebinaryinputadditivewhite higher. 7 IV. CONCLUSION 101 Original Protocol e)100 1−photon subtraction,ηSPD=1 scuoblIsnt,rwatchhtiiicoshncpamanpetebhre,oadcwcioenmcpporlhiosephroeesdnetdb-syttanhtoeen-CGvViarutuQsasKilaDnpphpoorstototsnoe--- bit/puls10−1 11O−−Npp−hhOoottFooFnn dssuuebbtettrrcaaticcottniioo,nn,,ηηηSSSPPPDDD=== 000...851 lection accordingto Alice’s data. It cannot only remove e (10−2 at tidheealcoompeprlaetxiopnhsywsihciaclhooppetriamtiizoenss,thbeutpearlfsoormemanucleatoef tthhee ey r10−3 k CV QKD system. The main parameter, i.e., the trans- et mittanceofAlice’sBS1,ofthispostselectionmethodcan ecr10−4 S be adjusted flexiblyaccordingtothe channelparameters 10−5 tooptimizethesecretkeyrateortolerableexcessnoiseat a certain distance. The numericalsimulation shows that 10−6 0 50 100 150 200 250 by choosing the optimal transmittance of Alice’s BS1, Transmission distance (km) theuseofvirtualphotonsubtractionwilloutperformthe original protocol at long-distance regime. FIG. 5: (Color online) The detection efficiency of SPD will Furthermore,ourpreliminarytestsabouttheinforma- influencetheperformanceoftheschemeusingphotonsubtrac- tionreconciliationsuggestthatbyusingthemultidimen- tion. Thelinesfromtoptobottomareasfollows: theoriginal sionalreconciliationalgorithm,theperformanceofrecon- protocol without photon subtraction (black solid line), with ciliating the postselected non-Gaussiandata is even bet- one-photon subtraction under unit DE (blue solid line), 0.8 DE (green dashed line), 0.5 DE (pink dotted line), and with ter than that of the Gaussiandata. Specifically, for each on-off detector under 0.1 DE (red dash-dotted line), respec- SNR, either the successfully decoded blocks are higher tively. The simulation parameters are the variance V = 20, or the average iteration numbers are lower which saves channel loss a = 0.2dB/km, excess noise ε = 0.01, the decoding time. In our tests, the two sparse check ma- transmittance of BS1 T = 0.8, and reconciliation efficiency trices were initially designed for Gaussian data, not for β=0.95. the non-Gaussian case, which suggests that one can di- rectly use the multidimensional reconciliation method here. This implies the feasibility of implementing this we only consider the effect of the limited detection effi- virtual photon-subtraction method practically. ciency. As depicted in Fig. 1(a), an extra beam splitter (BS2)withtransmittance1 η isputinfrontofanideal d − detectortomodelthepracticaldetector’sfinitedetection Acknowledgement efficiency. Figure 5 shows how the SPD’s nonunit detec- tion efficiency will reduce the performance by numerical simulation. When the detection efficiency descends to WewouldliketothankR.G.Patro´nandF.Grosshans 0.8 (greendashed line), although it still outperforms the forthehelpfuldiscussions. Thisworkissupportedbythe originalprotocol, the maximal transmission distance de- National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars creases significantly. If the detection efficiency descends of China (Grant No. 61225003), the State Key Project to 0.5 (pink dotted line), although it is achievable using ofNationalNaturalScience FoundationofChina (Grant superconductingtransition-edgesensorsattelecomwave- No. 61531003), National Natural Science Foundation of length [36], the maximal transmission distance is worse China (Grant No. 61501414), and the National Hi-Tech than the original protocol. And it is even worse if one Research and Development (863) Program. uses the commercial on-off SPD with only 0.1 detection efficiency based on APD (red dash-dotted line). Appendix A: Influence of the imperfect single-photon detector Appendix B: Subtracting k photons The perfect one-photon subtraction will require an Here we use the same notation as depicted in Sec. II. ideal PNR detector. However, a practical PNR detec- After the BS1, the state is ρ = ψ ψ , where tor has imperfections, such as finite detection efficiency AB1B2 | ih | (DE) and dark count, which will reduce the maximal transmissiondistance. Becausetheaveragephotonnum- ψ =UBS TMSV 0 | i |∞ i⊗| i ber for a TMSV state used in CV QKD is usually sev- =√1 λ2 λn(U n,0 ) n eraltens,whichmeansthatthe numberofthe legitimate − BS| i ⊗| iA count of a well-demonstrated PNR is much greater than =√1 λ2nP∞=0 n λn ClTn−l(1 T)l n,l,n l the dark count, the finite detection efficiency (ηd) is the − nP=0lP=0 q n − | − iAB1B2 most significant factor. It is similar for the on-off detec- (B1) tor based on the avalanched photodiode (APD). Thus, and Cl is the combinatorial number. n 8 0.30 The final state is a mixed state, such that 1−photon subtraction 0.25 2−photon subtraction ∞ PΠˆ1(k) 3−photon subtraction ρon−off = ρ(k) . (B6) bility 0.20 4−photon subtraction AB2 Xk=1PΠˆ1(on) AB2 a b o Pr Appendix C: Calculation of the Secret Key Rate s 0.15 s e c Suc 0.10 Suppose the final state ρGAB is a Gaussian state with covariance matrix 0.05 V I φσ γG = 1 Z , (C1) AB (cid:18)φσZ V2I (cid:19) 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 where I is diag(1,1), and σ is diag(1,-1), and Alice al- T Z ways uses heterodyne detection. The secret key rate of reverse reconciliation is FIG.6: (Coloronline) Thesuccessprobabilityofsubtracting k photons of a TMSV with different transmittances T of Al- KHom =βIHom(A:B) SHom(E :B), (C2) ice’s BS. The lines from top to bottom represent one-photon − subtraction (blue solid line), two-photon subtraction (green dashedline),three-photonsubtraction(pinkdottedline),and where the superscript Hom means Bob using homodyne four-photon subtraction (red dash-dotted line), respectively. detection, and β is the reconciliation efficiency. The variance of TMSV is V =20, and Alice uses ideal SPD. Therefore, 1 V IHom(A:B)= log A , (C3) The success probability of Πˆ1 = |kihk| clicks on mode 2 2VAH|oBm B is 1 where V =(V +1)/2, V =V , and PΠˆ1(k)=tr Πˆ ρ A 1 B 2 AB1B2 1 AB1B2 ==(cid:0)11−λλ22(cid:1)nP∞=1−kTλ2nkC(cid:16)∞nkTnλ−2kT(1n−(cid:17)CTk)k . (B2) By assuVmAH|ioBnmg=EVvAe−ca2φnV2Bp=uriVfy12+th1e−w2φhV2o2l.e sys(tCem4), − T n (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) nP=k(cid:0) (cid:1) S(E :B) = S(E) S(E B) = S(AB) S(AB). And = 1−λ2 λ2(1−T) k S(AB)isafunctio−nofthe| symplecticeig−envalu|esλ of 1−Tλ2 1−Tλ2 1,2 h i γG , which is AB And its relationship with the transmittance of Alice’s BS1 is shown in Fig. 6. S(AB)=G[(λ1 1)/2]+G[(λ2 1)/2], (C5) − − Then the k-photon subtracted state is where k ρ k ρ(k) = h | AB1B2| i = ζ(k) ζ(k) , AB2 PΠˆ1(k) (cid:12) ED (cid:12) G(x)=(x+1)log2(x+1)−xlog2x, (C6) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where and (cid:12)(cid:12)ζ(k)E= hPkΠˆ|1ψ(ik) =nX∞=kqp(nk)|n,n−kiAB2, (B3) λ21,2 = 12h∆±p∆2−4D2i, (C7) (cid:12) q where we have used the notations and ∆=V2+V2 2φ2, λ2nCkTn D =V1V 2φ2−. (C8) p(nk) = ∞ n . (B4) 1 2− (λ2T)nCk n And SHom(AB) = G[(λ 1)/2] is a function of the nP=k symplectic eig|envalue λ o3f−the covariance matrix γb of 3 A As a comparison, for the on-off detector, the success theAmodeafterBob’shomodynedetection,whereλ = 3 probability is V V φ2 V . Thus, the secret key rate when Bob 1 1 2 q − PΠˆ1(on)=1 PΠˆ1(k =0) using(cid:0)homody(cid:14)ne d(cid:1)etection is =1−(cid:0)1−λ2−(cid:1)nP∞=0(cid:0)λ2T(cid:1)n = (11−−λT2)Tλ2 . (B5) KHom =IHom(A:B)−(cid:2)S(AB)−SHom(A|B)(cid:3). (C9) 9 AppendixsDu:bCtroavcateridanTcMe mSVatsrtixatoef k-photon asunbdstPitxu′,tpe′disbyPxAx,′p,Ap′in. Eq. (6) in which {xA,pA} are { } After simplifying Eq. (D2) by integrating the variable Supposeγ(k) representsthecovariancematrixofρ(k) , x, AB2 and it has the following formula, xˆ2 =2V˜ 1, γ(k) =(cid:18)hxˆA(cid:10)xˆxˆ2AB(cid:11)iIσZ hxˆAxˆxˆ2BBiIσZ (cid:19). (D1) (cid:10)hxˆxˆA2BAxˆ(cid:11)B=i2=T2λ−√2VT˜λ+V˜1,, (D4) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) Supposex′,p′ arethe heterodynemeasurementresults where V˜ = x′2 W Px′,p′dx′dp′, and further calcula- of mode A, and x is the homodyne measurement result tion shows R · · of mode B. Then, k+1 V˜ = . (D5) xˆ2 =2 x′2P (x′,p′,x)dx′dp′dx 1, 1 Tλ2 (cid:10)xˆAAxˆ(cid:11)B =·√R2 x′xP (x′,p′,x)dx′dp−′dx, (D2) − hxˆ2 =i x2P·(Rx′,p′,x)dx′dp′dx, B (cid:10) (cid:11) R where 2 P(x′,p′,x)=W Px′,p′ x √Tα , (D3) · ·(cid:12)D (cid:12) E(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) [1] N. Gisin, G. Ribordy, W. Tittel, and H. 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