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NON-FERROUS METALS 2012 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS including XVIII International Conference «Aluminium of Siberia» VI Conference «Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals» VIII Symposium «Gold of Siberia» Edited by Gennadiy L. Pashkov Peter V. Polyakov September 5–7, 2012 Krasnoyarsk, Russia УДК 669.2.8 ББК 65.305 Ц 27 Edited by: Gennadiy L. Pashkov Peter V. Polyakov Issuing officer: Marina Moiseyeva Ц 27 Non-Ferrous Metals–2012: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress. – Krasnoyarsk: Verso, 2012. – 645 p. Proceedings contain the materials of the Fourth International Congress «Non-Ferrous Metals». They consist of the ten parts: «Economy, finance and projects in metallurgy and mining», «Mineral and raw materials sources of non-ferrous metals», «Non-ferrous and rare metals production», «Alumina pro- duction», «Aluminium reduction technology», «Precious metals production», «Casting of non-ferrous metals and alloys & Thermal and pressure metal treatment», «Metallurgy of semiconductors and ma- terials technology», «Carbon. Carbon matherials», «Scientific and technical achievements». Each part includes the information about the recent technical solutions and the latest developments in global min- ing, metallurgical and manufacturing industries. The volume is intended for engineers, masters and technologists of mining, metallurgical and manufacturing industries, nature conservation specialists, teaching staff of higher education institutes, graduates and post-graduates. ISBN 978-5-85981-344-5 The reports maintain the author’s style. All rights reserved by the authors. Liability for the contents shall be borne solely by the authors. © Light Metals Ltd., 2012 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» HISTORY OF CHAIR OF NON-FERROUS METALS METALLURGY, SIBERIAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY The history of the Chair originates from the year 1930, when the Decree of Supreme Soviet of the National Economy of USSR was issued about establishment of Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold on the basis of Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, which was separated from Metallurgical Faculty of Moscow Min- ing Academy in 1928. In 1958 the Decree of Council of Ministers of USSR No. 1371 dated 20.12.1958 was issued about transfer of Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold to Krasnoyarsk and about its rebranding into Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold. In 1962 in the institute the Chairs of heavy and noble met- als metallurgy and of light and rare metals metallurgy were established. The first Head of the Chair of heavy and noble met- als metallurgy was Nikolai Ivanovich Utkin, candidate of technical Nikolai Ivanovich sciences, associate professor (1962–1965). He was one of the devel- Utkin opers of melting of non-ferrous metals in liquid bath, now known as Vanyukov melting. He was one of the students of A. V. Vanyukov, and issued numerous guidebooks on metallurgy of copper and nickel for students of higher and vocational educa- tional establishments. Then the Chair was headed by Gennady Nikolaevich Shivrin, associate professor, candi- date of technical sciences (1965–1968), who was the head of the Chair after presentation of doctoral thesis in 1972, and Boris Petrovich Blednov, associate professor, candidate of techni- cal sciences (1968–1972). From 1962 to 1963 Lidia Ivanovna Ivanova, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences was acting head of the Chair of light and rare metals metallurgy. In June, 1964 Oleg Andreevich Lebedev was appointed as the Head of the Chair, he was transferred here from Leningrad (All-Union Institute of Aluminum and Magnesium). Gennady Nikolaevich Boris Petrovich Lidia Ivanovna Shivrin Blednov Ivanova Teaching staff of the Chair consisted of three persons: O. A. Lebedev, L. I. Ivanova and Vitaly Dmitrievich Syomin, associate professor. In December, 1964, after postgraduate educa- tion in Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Peter Vasilyevich Polyakov came to Krasnoyarsk, and the new personnel of the Chair began to arrange laboratories of the Chair from the scratch. In 1966 O. A. Lebedev departed to Leningrad passing the Chair to P. V. Polyakov, candi- date of technical sciences. In 1969 A. M. Orlov presented the first candidate thesis titled Formation of liquid metal phase upon electrolysis of melts, which was performed at the Chair. 3 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» In 1974 the chairs of metallurgy were reorganized and restructured with subsequent establishment of chairs of noble and rare metals metallurgy, light metals metallurgy and alumina production, and heavy non-ferrous metals metallurgy. The first of them was headed by a student of Igor Nikolaevich Plaksin, a prominent So- viet metallurgy scientist, corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of USSR: Professor, Doctor of technical sciences Vladimir Semyonovich Strizhko (1974–1980), who became the Rector of Krasnoyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals. Then the Chair was headed by Valery Valentinovich Mechev, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor (1980–1984), Rector of Kras- noyarsk Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals, Igor Ivanovich Smironov, Doctor of technical scienc- es, Professor (1984–1986), who also was the Rector of KITsM, Albert Dmitrievich Mikhnev, corresponding member of International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Science s, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor (1986–2007), Natalia Viktorovna Belousova, Doctor of chemical sciences (2008). Albert Dmitrievich Prof. G. N. Shivrin near the map Valery Valentinovich Igor Ivanovich Mikhnev of employment scheduling Mechev Smirnov The Chair of light metals metallurgy and alumina production from 1974 to 2008 was headed by Peter Vasilyevich Polyakov, Honorable Metallurgist of RSFRS, corresponding mem- ber of Academy of technological sciences, corresponding member of Siberian Branch of Inter- national Academy of Sciences of higher school, Professor, Doctor of chemical sciences. In 1987 the Chair entered the international scene. Professor P. V. Polyakov delivered lec- tures on problems of mass transfer upon electrolysis of melts and self-organization in some universities and institutes of United States and China, aluminum companies of United States, Norway, Australia, and Switzerland. Personnel of Chair of Non-Ferrous Metals Metallurgy and Alumina Production in 1981. Left to right: 1st line: R. K. Popkova, junior scientist; T. V. Filonenko, technician; P. V. Polyakov, Head of the Chair; E. M. Popova, lab assistant; L. P. Arskaya, junior scientists; 2 nd line: Yu. G. Mikhalev, senior scientist; V. S. Shestitko, associate professor; Z. F. Syomina, junior scientist; A. A. Filonenko, technician; A. N. Neroda, Head of laboratory; V. M. Shestakov, senior scientist; Yu. N. Rogozin, junior scientist; 3 rd line: G. P. Medve- dev, senior lecturer; V. D. Syomin, associate professor; V. V. Urvantsev, lab assistant; V. N. Burnakin, associ- ate professor, E. A. Pankov, junior scientist. 4 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» Personnel of Chairs of Noble and Rare Metals Metallurgy and Non-Ferrous Heavy Metals Metallurgy in 1986. Left to right: line 1st: G. V. Kuzmichov, candidate of technical sciences, senior scientist; V. S. Ermolina, Head of laboratory; Prof. I. I. Smirnov, head of Chair of Noble and Rare Metals Metallurgy; T. S. Makarova, as- sociate professor, candidate of technical sciences; N. M. Dergachev, associate professor, candidate of tech- nical sciences; V. E. Dulneva. senior lecturer; L. N. Golovko, technician; M. L. Blokhina, senior scientist; N. V. Yakimova, postgraduate student; 2nd line: V. A. Vostrikov, postgraduate student; L. V. Chvertko, scien- tist; G. S. Shchipova, officer for precious metals: L. P. Kolmakova, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences; T. S. Petrova, typist clerk; L. K. Govorova, lab assistant; L. G. Sadilova, associate professor, candi- date of technical sciences, L. I. Savelyeva, scientist; O. V. Spektor, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences; T. Moseenok, junior scientist; V. S. Chekushin, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences; 3rd line: А. А. Kolmakov, Head of Chair of Non-Ferrous Heavy Metals Metallurgy, associate professor, can- didate of technical sciences, N. I. Konnova, postgraduate student, N. S. Perfilyeva, scientist; G. A. Sorkinova, scientist, V. G. Kovgan, candidate of technical sciences, senior scientist; S., lab assistant; N. M. Vostrikova, postgraduate student; L. P. Chebotarev, scientist; A. I. Blokhin. senior scientist; A. I. Ryumin, candidate of technical sciences, senior scientist In 1992–1993 associate professors L. A. Isaeva, Yu. G. Mikhalev and senior scientist V. A. Blinov underwent training in Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trond- heim, Norway), at the same time a Norwegian postgraduate student, Naas Tyke trained in Krasnoyarsk in the scope of exchange program. Professor P. V. Polyakov and associate professors L. A. Isaeva and Yu. G. Mikhalev (now the Professor of Chair of physical and inorganic chemistry) participated in the Norwegian aluminum courses. The Chair of non-ferrous heavy metals metallurgy from 1974 was headed by G. N. Shivrin, then Anatoly Alexanderovich Kolmakov, associate professor, candidate of technical sciences (1986–1988), and Vladimir Semenovich Chekushin, Doctor of technical sciences, professor (to 2008). Peter V. Polyakov Vladimir Semyonovich Natalia Viktorovna Chekushin Belousova 5 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» In 2008 the Chair of noble metal metallurgy was combined with the Chair of light met- als metallurgy and alumina production and the Chair of non-ferrous heavy metals metal- lurgy, the new name of the chair is Chair of non-ferrous metals metallurgy. From then and up till now the Chair is headed by N. V. Belousova, Doctor of chemical sciences. Veterans of the Chair, who have worked more than 25 years and work at present, are as follows: 1. Dulneva Vera Efimovna – senior lecturer; 2. Isaeva Lyubov Alekseevna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor; 3. Kolmakova Lyudmila Petrovna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor; 4. Perfilyeva Nadezhda Sergeevna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor; 5. Polyakov Peter Vasilyevich– Doctor of chemical sciences, Professor, Consultant; 6. Ryumin Anatoly Innokentyevich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor; 7. Sorkinova Galina Anatolyevna – senior lecturer. List of specialties (trainings) Currently the Chair trains experts in the field of Metallurgy, 150100. Specialties: 150102 – ferrous metals metallurgy, 150109 – metallurgy of technogenic and secondary resources. Specialties: – copper and nickel metallurgy, – lead and zinc metallurgy, – noble metals metallurgy, – metallurgy of hard-melting and rare metals, – electrometallurgy of aluminum and magne- sium. From 2011 bachelors were admitted for special- ties 150400.62 – metallurgy, 150400.62.00.02 – non- ferrous metals metallurgy. In order to train qualified lecturers and scien- tists in the field of metallurgy the Chair opened postgraduate training by specialty 05.16.02 – metallurgy of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals. Strategic partners The Chair of non-ferrous metals metallurgy trains engineering and scientific experts for metallurgical en- terprises, R&D and academic institutions, which oper- ate in the field of primary and secondary processing of metallurgical raw stuff. The student undergo studies in OAO RUSAL-Krasnoyarsk, OAO Krastsvetmet, Ger- maniy (Krasnoyarsk), ZAO ZDK Polyus, OOO Sovrud- nik, OAO RUSAL-Sayanogorsk, ZAO Karabashmed (Karabash), OOO Sorsky FMZ (Sorsk), OAO Polyus- Zoloto, OAO KrAMZ, OOO Novosibirsk Tin Plant and others. The enterprises and companies, which are major employers of graduates with specialty 150102 – non-ferrous metals metallurgy are as follows: ZAO ZDK Polyus, OAO RUSAL, ZF OAO GMK Norilsk Nickel. R&D activity: The main fields of R&D activity of the Chair at present are as follows:  Development of processing technologies of ore and technogenic raw stuff containing non-ferrous heavy metals,  Testing of innovative materials for high-temperature electrolysis,  Physical and mathematical simulation of high-temperature electrolysis,  Improvement of leaching technology of resilient gold ores,  Development of processing technologies of depleted industrial products of refineries,  Search and improvement of processing methods of resilient secondary and techno- genic raw stuff, containing noble and rare meals,  Preparation of samples of resilient ores and concentrated products for express analy- sis of valuable components. 6 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» The activities are supported both by Federal budget and by commercial contracts. The major contractors are ZAO ZDK Polyus, OAO RUSAL, OAO Krastsvetmet. The most prominent graduates, who within recent years occupied and occupy pres- ently the positions of senior managers of metallurgical enterprises: 1. Akhmetov Ilay Uzbekovich – General Director of Achinsk Alumina Refinery, General Direc- tor of KrAZ, General Director of Yenisei Pulp and Paper plant, Major of the City of Achinsk, 2. Buzunov Victor Yuryevich – Director of Directorate for Technology, OOO RUS-Engineering, Krasnoyarsk, 3. Burkatsky Oleg Vladimirovich – Director for development of industrial system of RUSAL at Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant (KrAZ), 4. Volvenkin Aleksey Yuryevich – General Director of KraMZ, 5. Gordeev Gennady Alexanderovich – Director of Novosibirsk Refinery; 6. Gulidov Vladimir Nicolaevich – Director of KZTsM, 7. Dugelny Alexander Petrovich – General Director of OAO Novosibirsk Tin Plant, 8. Zvantsev Vladimir Andreevich – General Director of ZAO Vailyevsky Mine, 9. Kishinevsky Evgeny Arkadyevich – Technical Director of OAO Dalpolimetall, 10. Kryukovsky Vasily Andreevich – Professor, Doctor of technical sciences, Councilor of RUS- AL Company, 11. Lee Pavel Alexanderovich – Director of OAO Dalpolimetall, 12. Maltsev Edward Vladimirovich – Technical Director of OAO Krastsvetmet, 13. Pankov Evgeny Alekseevich – Deputy Director of non-ferrous metals plant, Podolsk, 14. Orlov Anatoly Mikhailovich, Professor, Doctor of technical sciences, Chair Head, Uly- anovsk, 15. Pingin Vitaly Valeryevich – Director of department of technologies, Engineering and tech- nological center, OOO RUS-Engineering, 16. Sinani Mikhail Fedorovich – Director of Tajik aluminum plant, 17. Sinichkin Anatoly Grigoryevich – Deputy General Director of Angara Mining Plc, 18. Sukhobaevsky Yury Yakovlevich – Director of Nadezhdinsky metallurgical plant, NGMK, winner of State award of RF, 19. Sysoev Anatoly Vasilyevich – General Director of Bogoslovsk aluminum plant (BAZ, Sverd- lovsk Region), 20. Tikhomirov Sergey Nicolaevich – Deputy Director of Bratsk aluminum plant, 21. Filatov Yury Mikhailovich – director of copper plant, Norilsk Nickel Mining and Metallurgi- cal Company, 22. Chuvashov Evgeny Gennadyevich – Director of Department of ETC RUSAL, 23. Shulgin Dmitry Romanovich – Deputy General Director of OAO Krastsvetmet (on develop- ment and external trading relations), 24. Shukhovtsev Vladimir Ivanovich – Deputy General Director of OAO Krastsvetmet (on qual- ity and analytical support). 7 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» METAL FORMING DEPARTMENT IN KRASNOYARSK INSTITUTE OF NON-FERROUS METALS CELEBRATES 50-YEARS ANNIVERSARY Moscow Institute of nonferrous metals was moved in Krasnoyarsk in 1959 and renamed in Krasnoyarsk Institute of nonferrous metals named after М. I. Kalinin. The date of MFD (metal forming department) establishment in Krasnoyarsk territory is considered to be on 23 January 1962. The first graduates from the metal forming department took place in1964 (32 gradu- ates), 2 in-service teachers meanwhile had been working in the department that time. Since then the department is studying for already 50 years high-skilled specialists for needs of the national economy. In 1970 the Institute had been awarded with the Order of Red Banner for engineering personnel training and improved science and technology research. 7 faculties had been preparing specialists that time: mining, electromechanical, metallurgical, techno- logical, mechanical and technological, evening and correspondence courses. The quantity of students has been increasing every year, new departments and specialties had appeared, highly skilled lecturers and tutors had been actively invited to teach in the Institution of higher education, had pursued training of its own graduates. Among them are: Candidates of technical sciences А. D. Prokof’ev, L. М. Gaidar», А. М. Starykh, V. I. Brabets, V. N. Istomin, V. К. Romashov, V. S. Isupov, Е. А. Goryachev, V. А. Kuz’menko, А. D. Latokhin, G. I. Safonov, А. М. Zhukov, S. V. Dranishnikov, G. Ju. Vostokov, V. А. Oslo- novich, V. I. Novozhenov, I. G. Rusov, О. G. Shishkanov, V. М. Sergeev, А. А. Katareva, D. Ju. Gorbunov; Doctors of technical sciences Yu. А. Zhuravlev, V. G. Sherkunov, V. N. Kornilov et al. The tutors and employees should be also noted, who had been working in the depart- ment at different times and contributed in its development and progress. The tutors: А. G. Zaigraikin, S. B. Pershin, V. Е. Sinitsyn, А. К. Voevodin, V. М. Igna- tova, V. I. Nepomnyashchij, А. S. Pletjukhin, I. S. Gogol, V. А. Antich, М. В. Tolstopyatova, V. А. Krasnikov et al; The scientists: М. G. Gorbunov, P. V. Elistratov, N. B. Lavrova, V. А. Zhdanovskaya, V. Z. Suleimanov, N. К. Zinishkin, V. I. Lysykh, Ju.V.Shalaev, М. I. Kishmereshkin, V. М. Kuz’min, V. N. Nikolaev, B. V. Dranishnikov, P. V. Popov, А. V. Eshkin, Е. G. Kluev et al.; Academic support personnel: V. G. Klimov, О. М. Kashnikov, N. N. Semenov, А. М. Struk, S. М. Jakovlev, P. I. Bondarenko, А. I. Kashkin, V. G. Galaburda, М. I. Antonchik, S. N. Zaglyadov, М. Sh. Ibragimov, S. V. Naumov, N. P. Blinova, G. P. Gudkov, V. P. Nikulin, V. V. Gubarevich, N. М. Kaplichenko, Е. N. Boronova et al.. The department’s organizer and founder on land of Kras- noyarsk was the professor, d. t.s. Vasily Zakharovich Zhilkin, who was born on 3 July 1926. He was at the head of the depart- ment within the period from 1959 to 1975. He is a renowned scientist in the field of hardly wrought alloy drawing. He is the author of more than 330 scientific papers, including 3 monogra- phies, 2 workbooks, 25 copyright certificates. He was awarded to the certificates of honour by the Ministry, to decorations «For high success of work», to the Great Patriotic War order and six medals. Already from the first days of work in Krasnoyarsk Institute of nonferrous metals V. Z. Zhilkin was assigned as a technological faculty dean and as the head of a chair of metal technology. Here in Krasnoyarsk he had shown his unordinary managerial abili- ties, together with the tutors and the officials he had established a new department – MFD (metal forming department), which had become 5 years later one of the leading department in 8 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» the country with annual entrance of 250 entrants. Having worked for 18 years in the Institute, and having defended his doctor’s thesis, professor V. Z. Zhilkin moved to Voronezh, where he placed himself at the head of MiTOMD department in Voronezh Polytechnical Institute. In 1996 he was titled of honour «Honoured Science Worker of Russian Federation» for merits in scientific efforts. His learned works such as «Fundamentals of theory and technology of tita- nium and its alloys drawing», «Aluminum alloy granules forming», «Metal mashining» et al are well-known. In 1965 c. t.s. Dmitry Il’ich Suyarov was appointed as the department professor. He was at the head of the MFD (chairman of the commission) within the period from 1970 till 1972. He was a renowned scientist-metallurgist in the field of ferrous, nonfer- rous metal and special alloys processing. He was the author of more than 140 scientific works, including more than 100 scien- tific papers, 14 copyright certificates, 7 monographies and work- books. He was awarded to many charters, to medals: «For victory over Germany», «30 years of the USSR Armed Forces», to a deco- ration «25 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War « et al. D. I. Suyarov was born in 1912 in Kharkov. He had graduated from Rostov Institute of agricultural engineering and was working at Motovilikhinsky works (Perm). After the war had terminated, he entered the postgraduate study, defended his thesis and started to work as a senior scientist at USSR AS, Ural branch, in Sverdlovsk. Tin-plate production recov- ery and organization at metallurgical works of Ural, mastering of new strip rolling mills were connected with his name production arrangement of white tin is connected with his name. Under the leadership of D. I. Suyarov 7 candidate theses had been prepared and defended, he was a manager of the most up-dated trends of researches in the field of modern engineering processes of hardly wrought aluminum alloys, and at the same time, he had been carrying out substantial work on improvement of teaching process and upbringing of the department’s stu- dent groups. Over the years D. I. Suyarov was an active member of the metallurgist society, one of the first experimental works on hereditary properties of metals during hot plastic working had belonged to him. D. I. Suyarov’s scientific activity was always notable for the vital link with the industry. While working in the department, he had been taking an active part in develop- ment of advanced methods of aluminum alloys rolling at various works of the branch, that allowed to increase the productive cost efficiency. He was an author of such monographies and workbooks, as «Plastic medium mechanics», «Hardening and weakening of metals and alloys during hot plastic deformation», «Optimum behavior calculation during wide sheet hot roll- ing at reversing mills», «Physical and mechanical grounds of plastic metal working parameter calculations’ et al. Within the period 1976–77 professor, c. t.s. Arkady Sergee- vich Kon’kov had been managing the department (chairman of the commission «Press-die forging»). He was a renowned scien- tist in the field of press-die forging. He was an author of more than 30 books (monographies, workbooks, reference books), pub- lished both in our country and abroad. His scientific works were published in Bulgarian, Hungarian, Czech, Chinese and other languages. He was the known inventor and rationalizer. He was awarded to many charters, diplomas and government awards. А. S. Kon’kov was born in 1914 and had passed a long length labor way from an engineer to a chief of the technical depart- ment, working at one of the Ural’s military defence enterprises. Having defended his candidate thesis after the war in Gorki poly- technical Institute, he had been working for more than 3 years as a docent in Chelyabinsk polytechnical Institute. At the end of 60th he had moved to Kras- noyarsk and began teaching in MFD (metal forming department) in Krasnoyarsk Institute of nonferrous metals. He was engaged in the matter or forging quality improvement and stan- dardization of metal consumption in press-die forging. He had written such textbooks and monographies as «Metal saving in forging», « standardization of materials consumption in engineering industry», «Forging», « Reference book for an inventor and a rationalizer» et al. 9 TTHHEE FFOOUURRTTHH IINNTTEERRNNAATTIIOONNAALL CCOONNGGRREESSSS ««NNOONN--FFEERRRROOUUSS MMEETTAALLSS––22001122»» The representative of a new Siberian generation of metal workers had become the professor, d. t.s. Nikolaj Vasiljevich Shepel’skij, who had been working in the capacity of a head of a chair in MFD (metal forming department) from 1978 till 1986. His scientific activity had been connected with development of a new scientific trend to production of granular material of alumi- num alloys and technologies of its working with methods, used by MFD. He is an author of more than 200 publications, including papers, monographies, workbooks, copyright certificates and pat- ents. He was awarded to certificates of honour and to decorations of Ministry of Education of Russia and Ukraine, to commemora- tive medals. N. V. Shepel’skij was born in 1936. On graduation from Sibe- rian metallurgical institute in Novokuznetsk, he had been work- ing at Siberian heavy engineering works (Sibtjazhmash). After successful defence of his master’s thesis in 1978, he was appointed as a head of a chair in MFD (metal forming department) of Krasnoyarsk Institute of nonferrous metals. He had shown himself as an active organizer, a supervisor of the most important research scientific works, as a teacher of talent. Thanks to him a personnel potential of high skilled lecturers from MFD’s graduates, who had been studying in special-purpose post-graduate courses of such leading Institutions of higher education of our country as Moscow Institute of steel and alloys, Uralsk polytechnical Institute, Chelyabinsk polytechnical Institute and at the other, had been created in the metal forming department. The most close link and the scientific work had being carried out at Krasnoyarsk metallurgical works, where the key engineering ideas of aluminum granules processing had been implemented and new materials for aircraft engineering had been produced. In 1982 N. V. Shepel’skij had defended a doctoral thesis and had got a status of a professor. He had published such books as «Granule rolling», «Aluminum alloy granules forming «, «Rolling production of granulated aluminum alloys’ et al. In 1986 Franz Sabinovich Gilevich, one of the first gradu- ates from the metal forming department in 1964, docent, c. t.s., was appointed as a head of a chair. He was defending his master’s thesis on sheet rolling of non- ferrous metals and alloys. He worked as a deanship in mechani- cal-technological faculty. He was an organizer of a new scientific trend, connected with studies of continuous extrusion process- es by Conform method, which became the subject of 2 master’s theses, prepared and defended under his supervision. For devel- opments in this field, he was awarded in 1988 a silver medal at VDNKh (The Exhibition of National Economy Achievements). He was the author of more than 100 scientific publications, 5 workbooks, 15 inventions. He was a supervisor of a special sub- ject «Nonferrous metals and alloys forming». He was awarded to medals «Labour veteran» and «For valorous work», to a honorary breastplates «For excellent success of work», «Honorary worker of higher vocational training of Russia». In 1992 Nikolaj Nikolaevich Dovzhenko, had been ap- pointed as a head of a chair, who was assigned in several months as a pro-rector on a scientific work in the institute. He was a grad- uate from the metal forming department, he had passed the way from an assistant to a professor. He is a doctor of technical sciences at present, a professor, director of the Institute, he has been working for many years as pro-rector on a scientific and innovative activity, he is a corre- sponding member of SAS HS, a scientific head in the field of non- ferrous metals and alloys extrusion and drawing. The doctoral thesis’s theme was dedicated to improvement of production ef- ficiency of long-length items of nonferrous metals and alloys. The total quantity of scientific papers is more than 200, including 3 published monographies, more than 40 copyright 10

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