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Non-equilibrium electronic structure of interacting single-molecule nanojunctions: vertex corrections and polarization effects for the electron-vibron coupling PDF

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Preview Non-equilibrium electronic structure of interacting single-molecule nanojunctions: vertex corrections and polarization effects for the electron-vibron coupling

Non-equilibrium electronic structure of interacting single-molecule nanojunctions: vertex corrections and polarization effects for the electron-vibron coupling. L. K. Dash,1,2 H. Ness,1,2 and R. W. Godby1,2 1Department of Physics, University of York, York YO10 5DD, UK 2European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (Dated: January 13, 2010) Weconsidertheinteractionbetweenelectronsandmolecularvibrationsinthecontextofelectronic transportinnanoscaledevices. Wepresentamethodbasedonnon-equilibriumGreen’s functionsto calculatebothequilibriumandnon-equilibriumelectronicpropertiesofasingle-moleculejunctionin thepresenceof electron-vibron interactions. Weapply ourmethod toa model system consisting of asingleelectroniclevelcoupledtoasinglevibrationmodeinthemolecule, whichisincontactwith twoelectronreservoirs. Higher-orderdiagramsbeyondtheusualself-consistentBornapproximation 0 (SCBA)areincludedinthecalculations. Inthispaperweconsidertheeffectsofthedouble-exchange 1 diagramandthediagraminwhichthevibronpropagatorisrenormalizedbyoneelectron-holebubble. 0 We study in detail the effects of the first- and second-order diagrams on the spectral functions for 2 alargesetofparametersandfordifferenttransportregimes(resonantandoff-resonantcases),both n atequilibriumandinthepresenceofafiniteappliedbias. Wealsostudythelinearresponse(linear a conductance) of the nanojunction for all the different regimes. We find that it is indeed necessary J togo beyond theSCBA in order to obtain correct results for a wide range of parameters. 3 1 PACSnumbers: PACSnumbers: 71.38.-k,73.40.Gk,85.65.+h,73.63.-b ] ll I. INTRODUCTION ergy (bias) of the features correspond approximately to a thefrequencyofthevibration,asgivenbyotherspectro- h scopicdata(IR,Raman)obtainedonthesamemolecules - Single-molecule electronics has shown significant s in a different environment. progress in the recent years. A variety of interesting e m effects have been observed in the transport properties Therehavebeenmanytheoreticalinvestigationsfocus- of single (or a few) conjugated organic molecules in- ing on the effects of electron-vibron coupling in molecu- t. cluding rectification, negative differentialresistance, and lar and atomic scale wires16–59. Most of them have fo- a m switching1–6. In these quasi-one dimensional systems, cusedontheinterpretationofthefeaturesinIETS.How- which present well delocalised π-electrons,the electronic ever, most of these studies have been performed by us- - d currentflowingthroughthequiteflexiblebackboneofthe ing the lowest-order expansion possible for treating the n moleculeaffectsthe groundstatepropertiesofbothelec- effects of the electron-vibron interaction (i.e using the o tronicandmechanicaldegreesoffreedomofthemolecule. so-called self-consistent Born approximation SCBA). In c The importance of inelastic effects in the transport the language of many-body perturbation theory, it cor- [ properties has been demonstrated in several ground- respondstoaself-consistentHartree-Fockcalculationfor 1 breakingexperiments7–11; these effects arerelatedto the the electron-vibroncoupling. v interaction between electron and mechanical degrees of However, in analogy to what is obtained at the 5 freedom of the molecule. Hartree-Fock level for interacting electrons, there are 1 The interaction between an injected charge carrier good reasons to believe that this approximation is not 1 2 (electronorhole)and the mechanicaldegreesoffreedom enough to correctly describe the physics of the electron- . (phonon, vibron) in the molecular junctions is impor- vibron interacting system, especially beyond the weak 1 tant in order to understand energy transfer, heating and electron-vibroncoupling regime. For example, the limits 0 0 dissipation in the nanojunction12. The electron-vibron of SCBA have already been investigated in Ref.[60] but 1 interaction is also at the heart of inelastic electron tun- without introducing remedies to go beyond SCBA. : neling spectroscopy (IETS). IETS is a solid-state-based In this paper, we examine this using a v spectroscopywhichgivesinformationaboutthevibration true non-equilibrium Green’s-function (NEGF) i X modes (vibrons) of the molecules in the nanojunction13. technique20,25,26,28,30–34,38,44–46 which allows us to r Itisnowpossibletomeasuresuchvibrationalspectrafor study all the different transport regimes in the presence a single molecules by using scanning tunneling microscopy of electron-vibron interaction. Following the spirit (STM)9,14 to build IETS maps15, or by using other elec- of many-body perturbation theory and Feynman dia- tromigrated junctions or mechanically controlled break grammatics, we go beyond the commonly-used SCBA junctions7,8,10,11. approximation by introducing higher-order diagrams for At low applied bias (typically 100-400meV) the IETS the electron-vibroninteraction. show features (peaks, dips, or peak-dip-like lineshape) We study the simplest possible model system which whichhavebeenattributedtoselectiveexcitationofspe- nonetheless contains the relevant physics of the trans- cificvibrationmodesofthemolecule. Thepositioninen- port properties of the molecular junction39,60. Further- 2 more, because of the uncertainty of the exact geometry t0L t0R of the single-molecule junction in the experiments, there is a corresponding uncertainty about how to model the L ω0 R coupling between the molecule and the electrodes and correspondly for the potential drops at each molecule- V V LC CR electrode contacts. Hence we take the quantitites char- ε0 acterizing the potential drops at the contacts as phe- (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)µ(cid:0)(cid:1)L(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)=(cid:0)(cid:1)µ(cid:0)(cid:1)e(cid:0)(cid:1)q(cid:0)(cid:1)±(cid:0)(cid:1)η(cid:0)(cid:1)e(cid:0)(cid:1)V(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1) (cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)µ(cid:0)(cid:1)R(cid:0)(cid:1)=(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)µ(cid:0)(cid:1)eq(cid:0)(cid:1)∓(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)(1(cid:0)(cid:1)−(cid:0)(cid:1)(cid:0)(cid:1)η(cid:0)(cid:1))e(cid:0)(cid:1)V(cid:0)(cid:1) nomenological parameters24,61. 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properties in a forth- FIG. 1: Schematic representation of the single site single coming paper). Such properties are given by the density ofelectronic states andrepresentedby the spectralfunc- mode (SSSM) model. The single electronic level ε0 is broad- ened by the coupling to the leads; the electronic transport is tions, which are at the very heart of all physical proper- resonantiftheFermilevelsµL,R areveryclosetothisbroad- tiesofthesystem,suchasthechargedensity,thecurrent enedlevel,andoff-resonant(asshown)otherwise. Thesystem density, the total energy, etc. is shown in equilibrium, with µL = µR, non-equilibrium ef- fects are studied bymoving theFermi levels. Spectral functions are most closely related to photoe- mission and adsorption spectroscopies. To our knowl- II. MODEL edge such experiments have not yet been performed on single-molecule junctions, though photoemission spectra A. Hamiltonian havebeenmeasuredonquasione-dimensionalsupported atomic scale metallic wires (see for example Ref.[62] Our model is based on a system with an interact- showing interesting results on one-dimensionalcollective ing central regionconnected to two non-interacting elec- electronic excitations). trodes (see figure 1). The total Hamiltonian for the system is given by The paper is structured as follows. We start with H =H +H +H , (1) total e vib e-vib a description of our model system in Section IIA and a discussion of the relevant underlying theory of non- where H ,H and H represent the electronic, vi- e vib e-vib equilibrium Green’s functions in section IIB. Our cal- bron, and electron-vibron coupling parts of the Hamil- culated spectral functions are presented in Section III, tonian respectively. The electronic part of the Hamil- where we consider first the equilibrium case (Section tonian is broken into sections describing the left (right) IIIA) and then the non-equilibrium case (Section IIIB) electrode H (H ), the central interacting part He and L R C at the Hartree-Fock level. We discuss especially the ef- the potentials coupling the central region to the left and fects of including or not the Hartree diagram in the cal- right electrodes V +V respectively: LC CR culation. We also compare NEGF calculations with re- sults obtainedfrominelasticscatteringtechniques16,63,64 H =H +He +H +V +V . (2) e L C R LC CR for equivalent model systems in Section IIIC. We show that itis indeednecessaryto go beyondSCBAto obtain The Hamiltonians for the electrodes are given by correct results for the relevant range of electron-vibron coupling. We then present the effects of the second- H +H = ε c†c , (3) L R α α α orderdiagramsinthe spectralfunctions inSectionIIID. α=XL,R The second-order diagrams correspond to two classes of process; the first is related to vertex corrections of the where c† (c ) creates (annihilates) a non-interacting α α SCBA calculation and the second to polarisation effects electron with energy ε on electrode α. The electronic (i.e. partial dressing of the vibron propagator by the Hamiltonian for the central region and the coupling po- electron-hole bubble diagram). In Section IIIE we dis- tentials are given by cusstheeffectsofdifferentlevelsofapproximationforthe electron-vibroncouplingonthelinearconductanceofthe He =He({d†},{d }), (4) C C n n molecular junctions. Throughout the paper, we will use the term vibron to define a quantum of vibration of a VLC +VCR = Vαnc†αdn+Vα∗nd†ncα, (5) mechanical degree of freedom. n,αX=L,R 3 where the interacting electrons in the central region are B. Non-equilibrium electron Green’s functions and created (annihilated) on electronic level n by the opera- electron-vibron self-energies tors d† (d ). n n In principle, our Hamiltonian for the central region Non-equilibriumGreen’s functions(NEGF)withinthe may contain electron-electron interactions, and is built Keldysh formalism66–69 represent an extremely useful from a complete set of single-electroncreationand anni- toolforstudyingthenon-equilibriumpropertiesofmany- hilationoperators. Inourcurrentworkwedonotinclude particle systems. The Green’s functions are functions of any electron-electron interactions, and so the electronic twospace-timecoordinates,andareobviouslymorecom- part of the total Hamiltonian for the central region HC plicated than the one-particle density which is the main becomes ingredient of density-functional-based theories. One of He = ε d†d . (6) the great advantageof NEGF techniques is that one can C n n n improve the calculations in a systematic way by taking Xn into account specific physical processes (represented by Meanwhile, the vibron part of the Hamiltonian is rep- Feynmandiagrams)whichiswhatwedointhispaperfor resented by the electron-vibron interaction. The Green’s functions H = ~ω a†a , (7) provide us directly with all expectation values of one- vib λ λ λ Xλ body operators (such as the density and the current), and also the total energy, the response functions, spec- where a† creates (annihilates) a vibron in vibron mode λ tral functions, etc. λ with frequency ω . The electron-vibron coupling term λ In Appendix A, we provide more details about NEGF is taken to be linear in the vibron displacement and its and how to obtained the electron-vibron self-energies most general expression is then given by16 fromaFeynmandiagrammaticexpansionoftheelectron- H = γ (a† +a )d†d , (8) vibroninteraction. Wenowbrieflydescribehowweapply e-vib λnm λ λ n m the NEGF formalism to the SSSM model. λX,n,m The Green’s functions are calculated via Dyson-like where γ is the coupling constant for exciting the vi- λnm equations. For the retarded and advanced Green’s func- bron mode λ by electronic transition between the elec- tions Gr,a these are tronic levels n and m. We concentrate on the simplest version of the Hamil- Gr,a =gr,a+gr,aΣr,aGr,a, (11) C C tonian of the central part: the single-site single-mode SSSM model, in which one considers just one electron wheregr,a,isthenon-interactingGreen’sfunctionforthe C level coupled to one vibration mode. Despite the sim- isolated central region. plicity of this model, remarkably it not only contains all For the greater G> and lesser G< Green’s functions, thephysicswerequirebutalsoensuresthatweisolatethe we use a quantum kinetic equation of the form properties we are interested in without the complication G>,< =(1+GrΣr)g>,<(1+ΣaGa)+GrΣ>,<Ga. (12) of the added electronic levels. The reasons for this are C as follows. Firstly, when the Fermi energy of the leads is Here Σx,(x = r,a,>,<) is a total self-energy consisting pinned around the midgap, then at low and intermedi- of a sum of the self-energies from the constituent parts ate biases one of the frontier orbitals (either HOMO or of the system: LUMO) dominates the transport properties. Secondly in conjugated organic molecules (mostly used in single- Σx =Σx +Σx +Σx . (13) molecule junction experiments), it is knownthat the op- L R int tically relevant vibration modes are mostly coupled to Σx are the self-energies arising from the non- L,R either the HOMO or LUMO levels65. We can therefore interacting leads α = L,R and as such are simple to beconfidentthatourmodelcontainstherelevantphysics. calculate: The total Hamiltonian for the central region thus be- comes Σr =t2 gr (ω), (14) α 0α 0α HC =ε0d†d+~ω0a†a+γ0(a†+a)d†d, (9) Σaα =(Σrα)∗, (15) Σ> =2i ℑm[Σr(ω)] (1−f (ω)), (16) where we now havejust one electronic level εn →ε0 and α α α just one vibron mode a → a, coupled via the electron- Σ< =−2i ℑm[Σr(ω)] f (ω), (17) λ α α α vibroncouplingconstantγ . Theexpressionforthelead- 0 central-region coupling (equation (5)) also simplifies to wherefα is the Fermi-Diracdistributionfor leadα, with become Fermi level µα = µeq+ηαeV and temperature Tα. The fractionofpotentialdropattheleftcontactisη =±η VLC +VCR = t0α(c†αd+d†cα), (10) and η = ∓(1−η ) at the right contact61, henLce η −V R V L α=XL,R η =eV is indeed the applied bias, and η ∈[0,1]. R V wherewehavereplacedthe couplingpotentialsV with The component of the retarded Green’s function for αn hopping integrals t . theisolated(non-interacting)leadαcorrespondingtothe 0α 4 processes. The first of these is the double-exchange self- energy ΣDX given by Figure 3(a). In the many-body e-vib language, it is part of the vertex correction to the Fock diagram. The second is given by Figure 3(b) and cor- (a) ΣFock = (cid:1) (b) ΣHartree = (cid:1) e-vib e-vib responds to the dressed vibron (or GW-like) self-energy ΣDPH,whichconsistsofthevibronpropagatorrenormal- FIG. 2: The (a) Fock and (b) Hartreediagrams e-vib ized by a single electron-hole bubble (the polarization). ThisiswhywerefertotheeffectsofΣDPH aspolarization e-vib effectsinthefollowing. Thedetailsofhowweimplement these self-energies are given in appendix A. (a) ΣDX = (cid:1) (b) ΣDPH = (cid:1) e-vib e-vib C. Physical properties FIG. 3: The (a) double exchange DX and (b) vibron prop- agator dressed by the e-h bubble diagrams (dressed phonon, DPH) OncewehavecalculatedallthedifferentGreen’sfunc- tions, any of the physical properties of the system, such astheelectrondensity,theelectroniccurrentdenstiy,the sites (or energy levels, depending on the representation totalenergy,thecurrentnoise,theheattransfer,etc. can usedto the electrodes)connectedto the centralregionis be calculated. given by gr . For example, the electronic current passing through 0α In this paper, we have chosen a simple model, a semi- the α contact is given by infinite tight-binding chain with on-site energy ε and α 2ie nearest-neighbourhoppingintegralβα. Thismodelgives Iα(t)= ~ Vαnhc†α(t)dn(t)i−Vα∗nhd†n(t)cα(t)i, (19) a semi-elliptic density of states of the terminal lead Xn site connected to the central region, and so each lead’s i.e the first term describes the transfer of an electron Green’s function becomes fromthe interacting regionto electrode α, while the sec- gr (ω)=exp(ik (ω))/β (18) ond transfers an electron from electrode α to the central 0α α α region. withω =ε +2β cosk (ω). We havechosenthis model Wecanthenexpressthis intermsofGreen’sfunctions α α α because it is one of the most simple, although in prin- andderiveanexpressionfor the expectationvalue ofthe ciple and in practice there are no limitations for taking current70: any other more complicated or more realistic models for 2e dω the lead,suchasBethe lattices withz-coordination,ora Iα = ~ Z 2π Tr{Σ<α(ω) G>(ω)−Σ>α(ω) G<(ω)} nanotip supported by a semi-infinite surface as shownin i2e dω Ref 64) since all their electronic properties are wrapped = Tr{f (ω)Γ (ω)[Gr(ω)−Ga(ω)] up in the lead self-energies Σx (ω). ~ Z 2π α α L,R The self-energy for the interacting central region, Σ + Γ (ω) G<(ω) . int α is somewhat more complicated. It consists of the sum (cid:9) (20) of the self-energies due to interactions between the elec- trons and to interactions between the electrons and the All physical properties may be expressed in terms of quantum vibration modes (vibrons). In this paper we the spectral function A(ω) which is at the heart of this consider only the coupling between each electron and a paper. The spectral function is related to the imaginary single vibron of the central region (the molecule), hence part of the retarded or advanced electron Green’s func- the electron-vibron self-energy Σ . tions, as e-vib For the current work, it is necessary to calculate sev- A(ω)=−ℑm[Gr(ω)]=+ℑm[Ga(ω)] . (21) eral types of self energy. Firstly we have the Fock- like self-energy ΣF,r/a/≷(ω), which is a function of en- e-vib For non-interacting systems, it is simply proportionalto ergy, and is represented in diagrammatic form by Fig- thedensityofelectronicstatesn(ω)=A(ω)/π. Forinter- ure 2(a). We also have the Hartree-like self-energy actingsystems,itgivesinformationabouttheexcitations ΣHe-v,rib which is independent of energy, given by Figure (electron or hole) of the system. 2(b). Calculations using only the Hartree and Fock di- Furthermore,when the systemis at equilibrium(f = L agrams, and performed in a self-consistent way are usu- f = feq), there are some relationships between the R allyreferredtoastheself-consistentBornapproximation lesser (greater) and the advanced and retarded Green’s (SCBA)20,24,26,27,30–34,38,44–46. functions: However, as explained in the introduction, we also want to go beyond the SCBA, and thus we will also cal- G<,eq(ω)=−feq(ω)(Gr,eq(ω)−Ga,eq(ω)) (22) culate two further self-energies that include two-vibron =2ifeq(ω)A(ω), 5 and Actually ateachiterationofthe calculations,we use a simplemixingschemeoftheself-energiesobtainedatthe G>,eq(ω)=−(feq(ω)−1)(Gr,eq(ω)−Ga,eq(ω)) presentiterationandatthepreviousiteration. Thismix- (23) =2i(feq(ω)−1)A(ω). ingschemepermitsustoachievefullself-consistencyina maybe slightly longer but more stable iterative process. These relationships are at the centre of the fluctuation- Note finally that by using Eq. 26, instead of the more dissipationtheoremforequilibrium, whichalsobe recast general formulation given by Eq. 12, we assume that, asa relationshipbetweeenthe greaterandlesserGreen’s after switching on the interactions, there are no bound functions: statesinthesystem(i.e. therearenointeraction-induced G>,eq(ω) = −e(ω−µ0)/kT G<,eq(ω) (24) electron states located outside the spectral supports of the left and right leads)72,73 which is indeed the case. forstatisticalaveragesatfinitetemperatureinthe grand canonical ensemble. This equation is related to the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger boundary conditions66,71. For non-equilibrium conditions, there is no unique III. RESULTS: SPECTRAL FUNCTIONS Fermi level at finite bias (or no unique temperature if T 6= T ) in the whole system, and the relationships L R given by Eqs. (22-24) no longer hold. This is an impor- Inthissection,wepresentresultsforthespectralfunc- tant feature of the non-equilibrium formalism for which tions A(ω) for the different transport regimes and for conventional equilibrium statistics need to be reformu- different applied biases in the low vibron-temperature lated. regime. We divide the calculations into four types. Firstly, we calculate the spectral functions at equilibrium for two D. Computational aspects transport regimes. The first of these is where ε ≫ µeq 0 orε ≪µeq,knownastheoff-resonantregimeasinorder 0 The calculations start by constructing the non- to create a current between the left and right leads one interacting Green’s functions of the entire system Gx 0 puts an electron in the empty (for electron transport, with x being any three of the possible Green’s functions ε ≫µeq)orfull(forholetransport,ε ≪µeq)electronic x = {r,a,<,>,t,˜t}. The other Green’s functions are 0 0 level ε . 0 obtained by using the relationships between them as shown in Appendix A1. For example, the retarded The secondtransportregime is when ε0±linewidth∼ Green’s functionisgivenbyGr(ω)=[gr(ω)−1−Σr(ω)− µeq, known as the resonant transport regime. The 0 0 L Σr(ω)]−1. linewidthisthewidthofthepeakinthespectralfunction R One then calculates three “Keldysh components” for which arises from the electronic coupling of the central the self-energies corresponding to any of the diagrams region to the left and right leads. In this case the elec- ⋆ = {F,DX or DPH}: Σ⋆,<, Σ⋆,> and Σ⋆,t . The troniclevelε0 is,atequilibrium,half-filledbyanelectron e-vib e-vib e-vib (and thus also half-filled with a hole). HartreediagramhasonlyonecomponentΣH,r asshown e-vib above. For each of these transport regimes, we calculate the The advanced and retarded self-energies Σ⋆,{r,a} are spectral function both at equilibrium (applied bias V = e-vib then obtained by simple algebra using the relationships 0) and non-equilibrium at finite bias (V >0). between the different self-energies as explained in Ap- For each of these four groups (resonant/off-resonant pendix A1. transportregimes,at/outofequilibrium),alargeamount The new Green’s functions are then calculated by us- of different NEGF calculations have been performed for ing the Dyson equations for Gr,a different values of the relevant parameters and within different levels of approximation (Hartree Fock, Hartree Gr,a(ω)=[ω−ε −Σr,a (ω)]−1, (25) 0 total Fock+second-order, partially or fully self-consistent cal- culations). In the rest of this section, we present only a and the quantum kinetic equations for G<,> limited and selected number of results which we found themostrelevantforeachcase,andweanalyseandcom- G≷(ω)=Gr(ω)Σ≷ (ω)Ga(ω), (26) total pare in detail the effects of the different diagramson the spectral functions of the system at and out of equilib- where the total self-energies are given by rium. Σx (ω)=Σx(ω)+Σx(ω)+ Σ⋆,x (ω). (27) Wealso,insectionIIIC,compareperturbationexpan- total L R e-vib aXny⋆ sion based calculations (NEGF) to a reference calcula- tion which is exact in term of electron-vibron coupling The new self-energies are then recalculated and the pro- but which however is only valid for a specific transport cess re-iterates until full self-consistency is achieved. regime. 6 tron excitations. The main peak corresponds to adding (a) Electron transport regime Fock an electron in the single available level. This peak is 30 Hartree Fock broadened by the coupling to the leads, and its position in energy ε˜ is renormalised by the electron-vibron in- 0 teraction, i.e. ε˜ is close to the static the polaron shift 0 20 ε˜ ≈ε −γ2/ω . 0 0 0 0 w)A( The lesser peaks in the electron-transport spectral function are vibron side-band peaks arising from reso- nance with n = 1,2,3,... excitations in the vibration 10 mode. These peaks correspond to vibration excitation (vibron emission) only. At zero vibron temperature, these are the only available mechanisms for vibrational 0 excitations. Wenote,anddiscussfurtherinsectionIIIC, -1.5 -1 -0.5 w0 0.5 1 1.5 that these side-band peaks should occur at integer mul- (b) Hole transport regime Fock tiples of ω0 away from the main peak, but that for both 30 Hartree Fock our Fock-only and Hartree-Fock SCBA calculations the peak-peak separation is slightly wider than this. Inthisregime,theHartreeself-energyisnegligible,be- causemostofthespectralweightisabovetheFermilevel 20 andΣH ∝ µeqdωA(ω)∼0. This impliesthatthe po- w)A( laron seh-viifbt isRmainly due to the Fock-like self-energy. For the off-resonant hole-transport regime ( Fig- 10 ure4(b)),allthefeaturesinthespectralfunctionoccurat ω <0 and therefore correspond to hole excitations. The vibronside band peaks are at lowerfrequencies than the main peak because they correspond to the emission of 0 -1.5 -1 -0.5 w0 0.5 1 1.5 vibrons by holes rather than electrons. When we include just the Fock-like self-energy, the FIG. 4: Equilibrium (zero bias) spectral functions A(ω) for hole spectral function is symmetric (with respect to the the off-resonant (a) electron and (b) hole transport regime. equilibrium Fermi level µeq) with the electron spectral Calculations were performed with the Fock-like electron- function, as can be seen clearly in figure 5. Adding the vibron diagram (solid line) and with both the Hartree and Hartree self-energy, however, breaks this electron-hole Fock-like diagrams (symbols and dotted line). For the elec- symmetry. As most of the spectral weight is below µeq, trontransportregimetheinclusionoftheHartreeself-energy the expression for ΣH given in equation Eq.(A15) re- has no effect, but for the hole transport regime it shifts the duces to a constant 2e-γv2ib/ω (i.e. twice the polaron shift) entirespectralfunctiontolowerenergies. Theparametersare 0 0 as dωiG<(ω)∼1. Asaresultofthisthewholespectral ε0 =+0.5(−0.5)forelectron(hole)transportγ0=0.21,ω0 = 2π 0.3,t0L,R =0.15,η=0.005 and µL =µR =µeq =0. funRction is shifted to the left by this amount. 2. Resonant transport regime A. At equilibrium We now turn to the resonant transport regime, with Wefirstconsiderthespectralfunctionsatequilibrium, the spectral function shown in Figure 5. Here our elec- with no applied bias. Figure 4 shows A(ω) for the off- tronic level ε is broadened by the coupling to the leads resonantregime, and Figure 5 shows the resonanttrans- 0 andispartiallyfilledwithelectrons. Wecanseethatcal- port regime. culations performed with only the Fock-like self-energy In the equilibrium many-body language, the features preserve the electron-hole symmetry. The spectral func- in the spectral functions obtained at positive energies tionpresentspeakslocatedbothatpositiveandnegative (ω ≥ 0, above the Fermi level) correspond to electron energies,which correspondto the emission of vibrons by excitations, while the features at negative energies (ω ≤ electrons or holes respectively. As in the previous sec- 0, below the Fermi level) correspond to hole excitations. tion, the inclusion of the Hartree self-energy (equation (A15)) breaks down the electron-hole symmetry and the features are shifted to lower energies with a correspond- 1. Off-resonant transport regime ing modification of the spectral weights for each peak. We note here that the inclusion of the Hartree self- For the off-resonant electron transport regime (Fig- energy thus modifies so drastically the spectral function ure 4(a)) all the features in the spectral function are that it will also strongly affect the I-V characteristics above the Fermi level µeq and hence correspond to elec- of the junction in comparison to calculations performed 7 40 Fock (a) Fock mm L Hartree Fock 100 R 30 w)A(20 w)A( 50 10 0 0 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0w.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 w (b) Hartree Fock m FIG. 5: Equilibrium spectral function A(ω) for the resonant m L transportregime. CalculationswereperformedwiththeFock- 100 R like (solid line) and with both the Hartree and Fock-like di- agrams (dashed line). The parameters are identical to those used in Figure 4, except for the value of the electron level which is ε0 =0 for theresonant regime. w)A( 50 with only the Fock self-energy92. B. Non-equilibrium spectral functions 0 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0w.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1. Non-equilibrium off-resonant transport FIG.6: Non-equilibriumspectralfunctionfortheoff-resonant transport regime with applied bias for (a) the Fock diagram Inthissection,wepresentresultsforthespectralfunc- onlyand(b)bothFockandHartreediagrams. Thecurvesare tionsA(ω)fortheoff-resonanttransportregimes,fordif- offset vertically for clarity. The applied bias is given by the ferentappliedbiases,both withandwithoutthe Hartree chemicalpotentialsoftheleft(left-pointingarrows)andright contribution. We first present calculations for an asym- (right-pointingarrows)leadsrespectively. TheHartreepoten- metric potential drop with η = 1, i.e. µ = V and tial has a strong effect on the peak positions. The other pa- V L µR =0 (µeq =0). rameters are ε0 =+0.5,γ0 =0.21,ω0 =0.3,t0L,R =0.15,η= Figure6(a)showsthespectralfunctioncalculatedwith 0.005,ηV =1. just the Fock component at different applied biases. We then increase the bias V by increasing the chemical potential of the left contact while keeping that of the HartreeandFockdiagramsincluded. Aswehavealready right contact at zero. For low values of V (V ≤ ω ) noted,atzerobiasthereisnochangefromtheFock-only 0 there is little change in the spectral function. However, spectral function. For small biases (V . ω ) there is 0 once the value of V exceeds that of ω , the spectral little difference, but for larger biases the effect of the 0 function becomes increasingly modified, especially when Fock diagram becomes increasingly evident. This is be- thereissignificantspectralweightinsidethebiaswindow cause once the bias exceeds the vibronfrequency ω , the 0 µ < ω < µ . In particular, the lineshapes of both the non-equilibrium electron density becomes strongly per- R L main peak and the vibron side-band peaks become de- turbed. The main peak is more stable in position than formed, with a noticeable asymmetry of the main peak for the Fock-only spectral function, although it shifts for biases where the main peak, but not the right-hand slightly towards lower energies with increasing bias be- vibron side-band peak, lies within the bias window. fore stabilising. The righthand vibron side-band peak Thereisasaturationregimeoncethevibronsideband becomes strongly deformed, and moves to lower, rather peaks,andthusnearlyallofthespectralweight,iswithin than higher, energies as the bias is increased. The left- thebiaswindow(curvesforµ &1). Herethemainpeak handvibronside-bandpeakappearsatalowerbiasthan R becomes pinned around ω = 0.5 (effectively midway be- for the Fock-only spectral function, at a frequency just tweenµ andµ ),andasymmetriclineshapeisrestored. abovezero,thentendstowardszeroasthebiasincreases. L R We postulate that this is owing to the bias being large AsfortheFock-onlycasehowever,oncebothvibronside- enough to achieve simultaneous electron and hole trans- band peaks are within the bias window, saturation is port. reached and the peak positions stabilize. For both the Figure 6(b) shows the spectral function with both the Fock-onlyandHartree-Fockspectralfunctions,the sepa- 8 0 125 e = 0.50 (a) Fock m e00 = 0.65 100 m LR e = 0.55 0 al-0.05 enti 75 ot artree p -0.1 w)A( 50 H 25 -0.15 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 Bias (V) -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 w0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 125 FIG. 7: (color online) Hartree potential versus applied bias. (b) Hartree Fock m The Hartree potential is almost constant in the low bias m LR 100 regime, and hence it could be neglected in the calculations, becauseitjust correspondstoaglobalenergyreferenceshift. However for larger biases, it is much more influential as the 75 non-equilibriumelectrondensityvariesalotwiththeapplied bias. The parameters are thesame as in figure 6. w)A( 50 ration between both side-band peaks and the main peak 25 is ∼0.34,>ω for the parameters we used. 0 Figure7showsthe Hartreepotential(i.e.the realpart ofΣHe-v,rib)plottedagainstappliedbiasfordifferentvalues 0-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 w0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 of the electronic level ε . The solid line corresponds to 0 the value of ε used to calculate the spectral functions 0 FIG. 8: Non-equilibrium spectral function A(ω) for the reso- of the lower panel in Figure 6. The Hartree potential is nant transport regime for different applied biases for (a) the smallandalmostconstantinthe lowbias region. Hence, Fock diagram only, and (b) the Fock and Hartree diagrams. in the quasi-equilibrium regime, such a potential could The curves are shifted vertically (+10 in y-axis) for clarity, be neglected in the calculations,because it simply corre- withthevaluesoftheleftandrightchemicalpotentialsgiven sponds to an energy reference shift. However when the bythetriangularsymbols,herewehaveasymmetricpotential bias window [µ ,µ ] starts to encompass features in the drop. Adding the Hartree diagram breaks the electron-hole L R symmetry. The other parameters are the same as for Figure spectral functions (either the main peak or vibron side- bandpeaks),thecorrespondingnon-equilibriumelectron 6 except for ε0 =+0 and ηV =0.5. densitystartstovarysubstantiallywiththeappliedbias. ThustheHartreepotentialshowsastrongdependenceon tained from one element of the Green’s functions which the value of the bias (as also shown in Ref. [60]), until are themselves dependent on the values of the Hartree the saturation regime is reached and the Hartree poten- potential. tial is once again constant for very large biases. The asymptotic saturation value of the Hartree potential is dependent on the value of the electronic level ε as one 0 would expect. The first drop in the value of the Hartree 2. Non-equilibrium resonant transport potentialhappensatε˜ ,withthesubsequentsteps,which 0 becomeprogressivelysmallerandbroader,atε˜0+∼0.34 We now consider what happens when we apply a bias and then ε˜0+nω0. inthe resonanttransportregime. We apply a symmetric This behaviour indicates that one cannot in principle potential drop (i.e. the potential of the left electrode is neglect the Hartree diagram contribution in the calcu- raised by an amount ηeV while that of the right elec- lations, unless one is interested in calculating only the trodedropsbythesameamount). Thisallowsustokeep properties of the system for a bias range for which the the electron-holesymmetry andseeunder whichcircum- electron density is (almost) constant93. stances the electron-hole symmetry is broken. It is worth mentioning that it is not straightforward ThespectralfunctionsfortheFockdiagramareshown to relate the modification of the peak positions in the in figure 8(a). As we have no Hartree term, the spec- two panels in figure 6 to the Hartree potential alone. tral function is electron-hole symmetric at equilibrium. In self-consistent calculations, a highly non-linear sys- Moreover,as we havechosena symmetric potential drop temneedstobesolved,sincetheHartreepotentialisob- (η = 0.5) the spectral functions stay symmetric for all 9 applied biases. Constraining the symmetry in this way left and right leads only in an approximate manner. In allows us to concentrate on the effects of increasing the the languageofNEGF,this meansthat the results given bias, and we can see that the most important modifi- by MCIST are only valid for a specific transport regime cations of the spectral function are in the width of the (as we will see below). central and satellite peaks. The vibron side-band peaks In the case of the SSSM model, the retarded show only a very small change with increasing applied Green’s functionofthe centralregionhasthe usualform bias. Figure 8(b) shows the spectral function when we add Gr(ω)=[ g0r(ω)−1−Σrleads(ω)−Σre-vib(ω)]−1 . (28) in the Hartree term while keeping all other variables un- Within MCIST, the retarded electron-vibron self-energy changed. We note immediately that the electron-hole containing all orders of the electron-vibron coupling is symmetryisbroken,evenatequilibrium. Inadditionthe expressed as a continued-fraction as shown analytically main peak is shifted towards negative energies with re- in Refs. [64] and [76]: specttotheFock-onlycalculation,andtheright-handvi- bronside-bandpeakiscompletelysuppressed—thewhole Σr (ω)= spectral function takes on the qualitative appearance of e-vib a spectral function in the hole-dominated regime (com- γ2 0 pare with Figure 4). On increasing the bias, the width 2γ2 andshapeofthe left-handvibronside-bandpeaksisvar- Gr0(ω−ω0)−1− 0 3γ2 ied, and for higher biases new vibron side-band peaks Gr(ω−2ω )−1− 0 0 0 Gr(ω−3ω )−1−... appear above the main peak, until at high biases the 0 0 (29) spectral function is very similar in shape to that for the off-resonant spectral function (Figure 6). wherewerecallthatGr istheretardedGFofthecentral 0 region connected to the leads, i.e. Gr(ω) = [ gr(ω)−1− 0 0 Σr (ω)]−1, without electron-vibron coupling. C. A comparison with inelastic scattering leads As show in Ref. [64], the lowest Born approximation, techniques fullyconsistentwithSCBA(Hartree-Fockcalculationsas shown above), is given in MCIST by an electron-vibron In this section, we will check the validity of the self-energy equivalent to Eq. (29) but where the integer self-consistent Born approximation (SCBA), i.e. self- n factors at each level of the continued fraction are all consistent calculations using only the Hartree and Fock replaced by the integer n=1. diagrams, versus another method which gives more ex- Obviously, this approximate substitution is good actresultsasfaraselectron-vibroncouplingisconcerned. enough in the (very) weak electron-vibron coupling for SinceNEGFisamany-bodyperturbationexpansionthe- which only the first level of the continued fraction con- ory, by definition it does not contain all diagrams even tributes the most64. though self-consistency allows us to achieve a partial re- Below we compare the spectral functions obtained by summation of a subclass of diagrams. exact MCIST calculations, by MCIST approximated to As an alternative to NEGF, one can calculate the theSCBA(Hartree-Fock)level,andtoNEGF-SCBAcal- transport properties using an extension of conventional culations. scattering theory to include the interaction of incoming The spectral functions obtained from MCIST are single-particle states with some bosonic degrees of free- shown in figure 9 for the weak/intermediate electron- dom inside the central region of interest16,64,74. vibron coupling regime (γ /ω =0.5) and for the strong 0 0 This technique, termed the multi-channel inelastic electron-vibron coupling regime (γ /ω = 0.8). The 0 0 scattering technique (MCIST)16,64, has the advantageof overall lineshapes correspond to a main peak with vi- beinganexactlysolvableproblem,eveninthepresenceof bron side-band peaks located only above the main peak. many non-interacting electronic states coupled to many These are typical results fully consistent with an off- vibrationmodesinthecentralregion16. MCIST isbased resonant transport regime situation. Furthermore, the on many-body perturbation theory for polaron and it is spectral functions obtained with BA-based approxima- exactly solvable in the sense that MCIST is treating the tion (MCIST-SCBA and NEGF-SCBA) are virtually electron-vibroncouplingto allorders. Inthe languageof identical, especially in the intermediate (γ /ω = 0.5) 0 0 polaron theory, MCIST contains all the diagrams corre- to very weak (not shown here) electron-vibron coupling spondingtotheelectron-vibroninteraction(inthecorre- regime. For strong electron-vibroncoupling, one obtains spondingtransportregime). Tobemoreprecise,MCIST the same peak positions, however the amplitude of the containsallordersofcrossingandnon-crossingdiagrams peaks (especially the main peak) is slightly different. in terms of the bare vibron propagator64,75–77. In con- SinceMCISTcalculationswillalwaysgivesimilarline- ventional polaron theory for one electron, there are no shapes independent of the value of ε , one can con- 0 diagrams with electron-hole loops in them77. clude that MCIST calculations are only valid for the However, MCIST is a single-particle scattering tech- off-resonant transport regime at and near equilibrium. nique and treats the statistics of the Fermi seas of the MCIST is not able to reproduce the spectral features 10 40 side-band peak. This energy difference should be equal (a) g 0/w 0 = 0.5 MCIST - exact to the vibron energy ω , as it is given by exact MCIST MCIST - SCBA 0 calculations. Note that the limits of BA-based calcula- NEGF - SCBA 30 tions werealso been studiedby Lee et al. in a somewhat different context in Ref. [60]. In conclusion, this means that Hartree-Fock (or BA) w)(20 basedcalculationsforelectron-vibroninteractionareonly A valid for weak coupling, as can be expected from a perturbation-expansionbasedtheory. Henceoneneedsto 10 includehigher-orderdiagramsintheelectron-vibronself- energies to go beyond the commonly-usedself-consistent Born approximation (Hartree-Fock) in order to obtain correct results for a wide range of parameters. The ef- 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 w fectsofthehigher-orderdiagrams(heresecond-order-DX 40 and DPH diagrams) are explored in detail in the follow- (b) g 0/w 0 = 0.8 MCIST - exact ing sections. MCIST - SCBA Additionally, although MCIST calculations are only NEGF - SCBA 30 valid in the off-resonant transport regime at and near equilibrium, they include all possible higher-order dia- grams (with bare vibron propagator) and hence can be w)(20 usedasareferenceforanyperturbation-expansion-based A NEGF calculations performed at equilibrium or in the quasi-equilibrium regime. 10 D. Vertex corrections and polarization effects to the spectral functions 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 w Inthissection,wepresentresultsforthespectralfunc- FIG.9: (Coloronline)Equilibriumoff-resonantspectralfunc- tions when the second-order diagrams (see Figure 3) are tionscalculatedwiththeMCISTtechniqueandNEGF-SCBA includedinthecalculationsoftheGreen’sfunctions. The for the off-resonant regime. The upper panel shows results reader can find more information about the mathemati- for weak electron-vibron coupling (γ0/ω0 = 0.5), while the cal expressions for the self-energies corresponding to the lower panel shows results for strong electron-vibron coupling second-order diagrams in Appendix A. (γ0/ω0 =0.8). MCIST calculations give exact results in this These diagrams fall into two types—the double- case, and can also be performed at the same level of approx- imation as SCBA (see main text for details). MCIST-SCBA exchange DX diagram, corresponding to vertex correc- and NEGF-SCBA are virtually identical, but show large dis- tions, and the dressed vibron diagram, which includes crepancies for thepeak positions (main peak and more espe- a single electron-hole bubble, renormalizing the vibron cially for the vibron side-band peaks) in comparison to the propagator and hence giving rise to polarization effects. exact results. The parameters are ε0 =+0.5 (electron trans- We have used three different levels of approximation port), γ0 = 0.2 (upper panel) and γ0 = 0.32 (lower panel), to calculate these Green’s functions: Firstly, calcula- ω0 =0.4,t0L,R =0.15. tionswith noself-consistency—the Green’sfunctions are simply calculated using the diagrams in Figure 2 and Figure 3 using the bare propagator G as the electron 0 of the resonant transport regime (i.e. vibron side-band Green’s function. In our model, G is the Green’s func- 0 peaksonbothsidesofthemainpeak). Thisisessentially tion of the central region connected to the leads with no due to the fact that in MCIST, one does not take prop- electron-vibroninteractions. This is a first-order pertur- erly into account the statistics of the Fermi seas of the bation expansion for which ΣH,F,DX, and/or DP[G ]. We e-vib 0 left and right leads. See for example Eqs. (28) and (29), use the abbreviations BA (Born approximation for non there are no leads’ Fermi distributions in the retarded self-consistentHartree and Fock diagrams)and BA+DX component of the leads’ self-energies Σr . (DX for double exchange)and BA+DX+DPH (DPH for L,R Now,comparingBA-basedcalculationswiththe exact dressed vibron, for the GW-like diagram) in the follow- MCIST calculations, one can see from figure 9 that the ing. BA-based calculations give the wrong polaron shift, i.e. Secondly, we perform partly self-consistent calcula- the normalized position of the main peak ε , especially tions,wheretheGreen’sfunctionsarecalculatedwiththe 0 in the strong electron-vibron coupling regime. Further- first loop of self-consistent calculations with the Hartree more BA-based calculations also give the wrong energy and Fock diagrams. We use these Green’s functions as a separation between the main peak and the first vibron starting point to calculate new, corrected, Green’s func-

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