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Non-collinearorderandgaplesssuperconductivityins-wavemagneticsuperconductors Madhuparna Karmakar and Pinaki Majumdar Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi, Allahabad 211 019, India (Dated:May26,2016) We study the behavior of magnetic superconductors which involve a local attractive interaction between electrons, and a coupling between local moments and the electrons. We solve this ‘Hubbard-Kondo’ model throughavariationalminimizationatzerotemperatureandvalidatetheresultsviaaMonteCarlobasedonstatic auxiliaryfielddecompositionoftheHubbardinteraction. Overamagneticcouplingwindowthatwidenswith increasing attractive interaction the ground state supports simultaneous magnetic and superconducting order. 6 Thepairingamplituderemainss-wavelike, withoutsignificantspatialmodulation, whilethemagneticphase 1 evolvesfromaferromagnet, throughnon-collinear‘spiral’states, toaNeelstatewithincreasingdensityand 0 magneticcoupling.Wefindthatatintermediatemagneticcouplingtheantiferromagnetic-superconductingstate 2 isgapless,exceptfortheregimeofNeelorder. Wemapoutthephasediagramintermsofdensity,magnetic y couplingandattractiveinteraction,establishtheelectrondispersionandeffective‘Fermisurface’intheground a state,provideanestimateofthemagneticandsuperconductingtemperaturescalesviaMonteCarlo,andcompare M ourresultstoavailabledataontheborocarbides. 5 2 I. INTRODUCTION mentsandthepairingisusuallyofthe‘offsite’d-wavetype. A simpler variety of coexistence is seen in the rare earth ] n Superconductivityandmagnetismaregenerallycompeting quaternary borocarbides26 (RTBC), where local moments al- o orderedstatesinamaterial,withsuperconductivitypreferring readyexistontherareearths,andKondocoupletoconduction c the pairing of time reversed states while magnetism breaks electrons,andtheelectronshaveaphononmediatedattraction - r thetimereversalsymmetry. Itwasarguedearlyonthatsuper- between themselves. This is traditional s-wave BCS physics p conductivityandferromagnetismcannotcoexist1. Externally playingoutinthebackgroundoff momentorder,andoffersa u appliedmagneticfieldsalsodestroysuperconductivity-either simpleentrypointtothecoexistenceproblem.Giventhesimi- s . throughthegenerationofavortexlatticeorthroughthePauli larstructureandvalence,membersofthisfamilyareexpected t a paramagnetic effect2. Magnetic impurities too have a dras- tohavethesamenominalcarrierdensity,andelectronicstruc- m ticeffect3,withincreasingconcentrationleadingquicklytoa ture. Whatdoesvaryarethe‘deGennesfactor’(DG),propor- - gaplesssuperconductorandthenthelossoforderitself.These tionaltoS(S+1),whereS istheeffectivemomentonthef d effectsseemedtoseverelyrestrictthepossibilityofsupercon- ion,andtheeffectivepairinginteraction,η,say. Allmaterials n ductivitycoexistingwithmagneticorder. withafiniteDGfactoraremagneticbutonlycompoundswith o arelativelylowDGfactorandlargerηaresuperconducting. c Thesituation,however,ismoreinterestingandsuggestions [ about the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism Coexisting magnetic and superconducting order27–35 have 3 alsodatefarback. In1963BaltenspergerandStrassler4 sug- been found in RNi2B2C where, R = Dy, Ho, Er and Tm, in v gested that superconductivity can actually coexist with an- reducingsequenceoftheDGfactorandincreasingη.Withre- 0 tiferromagnetic order. Signature of such coexistence was ducingDGfactorthemagnetictransitiontemperatureTAF de- 3 first observed in the ternary Chevrel phases5–7 RMo S and creases,from20KinGdto10KinDyto2KinTm,whilethe 6 8 7 RRh4B4 (where R is a rare earth element). In these materi- superconducting Tc increases from ∼ 6K in Dy to ∼ 11K in 5 als it is believed that magnetism and superconductivity arise Tm.TAF scalesroughlywiththeDGfactor,andthemagnetic 0 fromelectronswhichformdistinctsubsystems,andtheorder- stateinallcompoundsisprimarilya(0,0,q)spiral,whilethe 1. ingofthemagneticdegreesoffreedomallowsthesurvivalof Tc falls monotonically with increasing DG factor26. Despite 0 superconductivity8–11. muchexperimentalworkthedetailedsymmetryofthepaired 6 state,andthegapanisotropy,isnotsettledyet. Over the last three decades many more materials involv- 1 : ing the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity have Thereisalargetheoryeffortinunderstandingtheinterplay v been discovered. The high T cuprates arise from a doped ofmagnetismandsuperconductivity,bothintermsofgeneral c Xi antiferromagnetic insulator12, the parent compound of the phenomenology36–38 and specific microscopic models39–62. iron pnictide superconductors13,14 involves collinear antifer- Microscopic theories have addressed the role of magnetic r a romagnetism, the iron chalcogenides15,16 emerge from a bi- fluctuations in the cuprates49–51, the layered organics52–56, collinear antiferromagnetic state, and the iron selenides17,18 and the heavy fermions57–61, to name a few. We wish to alsoinvolveproximitytoanantiferromagneticinsulator.Over startwiththesimplersituation,pertinenttotheborocarbides, a large part of the phase diagram magnetic order coex- whereonecanemploya‘Kondolattice’,forthelarge4f mo- ists with superconductivity in these compounds19,20. Sev- ments,augmentedbyalocalattractiveinteractionbetweenthe eral heavy fermions also involve coexisting magnetic or- electrons63,64. der and superconductivity21,22, e.g, the Ce compounds23,24 Thelocalmomentsarisingfromthe4f shellcoupletothe CeCoIn (Cd ) andCeIr(In Cd ) ,andseveraluranium conductionelectronsthroughaKondocoupling. Theground 1−x x 5 1−x x 5 basedheavyfermions25. Inmanyofthesematerialselectron- state behavior of such a model has been addressed earlier in electron repulsion is responsible for emergence of local mo- one spatial dimension63 via density matrix renormalisation group(DMRG)treatingthelocalmomentsasS =1/2.There Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows,inSectionIIwe havealsobeenstudiesinhigherdimensions45,62,65–70aimedat discussourmodelandthenumericalmethods.SectionIIIdis- reproducingspecificfeaturesoftheborocarbidesbutageneral cussesourresultsonthephasediagramandspectralfeatures understandingoftheinterplayofpairingandmagneticcorre- obtainedwithinarestrictedvariationalschemeintwodimen- lations,eveninthissimplemodel,appearstobelacking. sions. SectionIVcomparestheseresultstothatfromaMonte Inparticularonewouldhavelikedtoknow(i)howthemag- Carlo based unrestricted minimization, comments on exten- neticgroundstateisaffectedbypairing,(ii)theattractionand sionstoawiderinteractionwindow,andcomparesourresults Kondo coupling window over which superconductivity co- toexperimentsontheborocarbides. exists with magnetic order, and (iii) the spectral features of the system, given that pairing now occurs between magnetic Bloch states, and not simply k ↑ and −k ↓, and can lead to anisotropicgaps,andevenagaplessstate. II. MODELANDMETHOD Inthispaperwereportonthegroundstateofamodelwith s-wave pairing tendency (local attractive interaction) in the We study the attractive Hubbard model in two dimension presenceofalocalmomentlattice. Theexistenceofmagnetic onasquarelatticeinpresenceofKondolikecoupling: momentsS ispredefined,itdoesnotdependontheitinerant i electronsandisindependentofthestrengthofU. Ifthemomentsarelarge(2S (cid:29) 1)theirquantumfluctua- (cid:88) (cid:88) H =H −|U| n n −J S .σ (1) 0 i↑ i↓ i i tionscanbeignoredtostartwithandtheKondoeffectitselfis i i notrelevant. SuchasystemcanbedescribedbyaKondolat- tice of ‘classical’ spins coupled to the conduction electrons. The parameter space of the problem is defined by electron with, H0 = (cid:80)ij,σ(tij −µδij)c†iσcjσ, where tij = −t for density (n), attractive pairing interaction (U), the ‘Kondo’ nearestneighborhoppingandiszerootherwise. Siisthecore coupling(J),andtemperature(T). Mostoftheresultsinthis spin, arising from f levels, for example, in a real material. paperpertaintothegroundstate,thefinitetemperaturephase σi is the electron spin operator. U is the attractive onsite in- competitionwillbediscussedelsewhere. Ourmainresultsare teraction(withaphysicalorigininlocalelectron-phononcou- thefollowing pling).MostofthedetailedresultsinthispaperareatU =4t, butwehavealsoshownsomeresultsatweakerU/t. 1. Magneticgroundstate: Themagneticgroundstatede- This paper focuses on the ground state, which can be rea- pendsonlyweaklyonthepairinginteractionandisde- sonably accessed within mean field theory (MFT), but we terminedmainlybytheelectrondensityandKondocou- want to set up a scheme that can also access the interplay of pling,consistentwiththesuggestionsofAndersonand magneticandpairingfluctuationsatfinitetemperatureinasit- Suhl71madeoriginallyintheweakcouplingcontext. uationwhereU andJ arecomparabletot. Whilemeanfield theory can be extended to finite temperature to access some 2. Superconducting order: At weak Kondo coupling the thermal effects we want a formulation which (i) retains the pairing order parameter increases monotonically as n effect of magnetic fluctuations on pairing, and (ii) the effect variesfrom[0,1]butbeyondacriticalcouplingthen= ofthechanginglowenergyelectronspectrumonmagnetism. 1statelosessuperconductivity,whileitsurvivesforn(cid:54)= Withthisinmindwesetupalatticefieldtheoryinvolvingthe 1toalmosttwicethecoupling. electronsandthemagneticandpairingdegreesoffreedomas follows. 3. Gapless state: Although the pairing amplitude is es- We apply a single channel Hubbard-Stratonovich decom- sentially homogeneous, for n (cid:54)= 1 the superconductor position to the attractive interaction in terms of an auxiliary becomesgaplessatacouplingJ (n,U)thatisroughly half of the critical coupling, J (gn,U), needed for de- complex scalar field ∆i(τ) = |∆i(τ)|eiθi(τ). This converts c the ‘four fermion’ term to quadratic fermions in an arbitrary stroyingsuperconductivity. Atn = 1thesuperconduc- spacetimefluctuating pairingfield. On themagnetic sidewe torremainsgappeddespitethemagneticorder. haveaquantum‘spinS’magneticmomentS coupledtothe i electrons. 4. Quasiparticlesanddensityofstates:Superconductivity Thisproblemcanbeexactlytreatedonlyviamethodslike inageneric‘spiral’magneticbackgroundleadstoadis- quantumMonteCarlo. Weattempttoretainthethermalfluc- persionwithuptoeightbranches, someofwhichcross the Fermi level for J > J . The associated density tuation effects by (i) dropping the τ dependence of ∆ but g keepingitsspatialfluctuations,and(ii)treatingS asaclassi- ofstatesshowsmultiplevanHovesingularitiesandthe i cal(largeS)spinbutretainingitsangularfluctuationsatfinite lowenergyspectralweightmapsouta‘Fermisurface’ temperature. Wewilldiscussthevalidityoftheseapproxima- eveninthesuperconductingstate. tionsinthediscussionsection. 5. Comparisonwithexperiments:Ourgroundstateiscon- Thepairingfieldisnow‘classical’,withanamplitude|∆ | i sistent with observations in the borocarbides and sug- and phase θ and the magnetic moment S is described in i i gest that the superconducting gap in DyNi B C and terms of its polar angle α and azimuthal angle φ . We set 2 2 i i HoNi B Ccouldbestronglyanisotropic. |S |=1,absorbingthemagnitudeofthespininthecoupling 2 2 i J. TheresultingeffectiveHamiltoniantakestheform: A. Variationalscheme H =H +(cid:88)(∆ c† c† +h.c)−J(cid:88)S .σ +(cid:88)|∆i|2 As T → 0 the classical fluctuations die off and the fields eff 0 i i↑ i↓ i i U S and∆ shouldbechosentominimizetheenergy. Anun- i i i i i restrictedrealspaceminimizationisstillanontrivialtaskbut wechoosetominimizetheenergyusingarestrictedfamilyof where, (cid:80) |∆i|2 is the stiffness associated with the pairing i U {Si,∆i}configurations,describedbelow,andcheckthequal- field. Theconfigurations{∆ ,S }thatneedtobeconsidered i i ity of the result via Monte Carlo based simulated annealing. follow the Boltzmann distribution, obtained by tracing over Specifically, we assume ∆ = ∆ , a site independent real i 0 theelectrons: quantity, and for the magnetic order we consider spiral con- figurationswherethepolarangleα =π/2andtheazimuthal i P{∆i,Si}∝Trc,c†e−βHeff (2) angle φi is periodic: Szi = 0, Sxi = cos(q.ri), Syi = sin(q.r ). Theallowedwavevectors{q ,q }areoftheform i x y Physically, the probability of a configuration {∆ ,S } is re- 2nπ/L,where(n = 1,2,3...). Weminimizetheenergyover i i latedtothefreeenergyoftheelectronsinthatconfiguration. {qx,qy}and∆0forafixedµ,J andU. Tocreatesomeinsightitishelpfultowritedowntheform Typicallyoneobtainsanuniqueminimum{∆0,q}min(µ). ofP{∆ ,S }expandedtoloworderin∆ andJS . On this background one calculates the density n(µ), and i i i i then generates the function {∆ ,q} (n). There are ex- 0 min ceptional µ, however, where the minimum is degenerate (for P ∝Tr e−βHeff{∆i,Si} ∼e−βFeff{∆i,Si} c,c† nosymmetryrelatedreason)andoneobtainstwosets,called {∆ ,q}+ (µ)and{∆ ,q}− (µ), say. Theseleadtoden- F =F +F +F 0 min 0 min eff ∆ J ∆,J sitiesn+(µ)andn−(µ),withadiscontinuityδn=n+−n−. (cid:88) (cid:88) The abrupt change in the background indicates a first order F = a ∆ ∆∗+ b ∆ ∆∗∆ ∆∗+O(∆6) ∆ ij i j ijkl i j k l transition, and the density discontinuity defines the window ij ijkl ofphaseseparationinthephasediagram. Aconstantnmini- FJ =(cid:88)Ji(j2)Si.Sj +(cid:88)Ji(j4k)l(Si.SjSk.Sj +..)+.. mizationwouldnothaveidentifiedit. ij ijkl (cid:88) Afurtherloweringofenergyispossibleifaperiodiccom- F = [c ∆ ∆∗S .S +h.c]+.. ∆,J ijkl i j k l ponentissuperposedon∆ butthisnon-uniformcomponent 0 ijkl is small in the parameter space we explore46. Also, in the ferromagneticwindow,wheretheexchangeJS generatesan i wherea ∼ −χP +(1/U)δ ,χP beingthenon-localpair- effective uniform internal field, a modulated FFLO state can ij ij ij ij ing susceptibility of the free Fermi system, and b arises arise. Wequantifythiseffectseparately. ijkl from a convolution of four free Fermi Green’s functions. The variational scheme was tested on sizes upto 30×30 Ji(j2) ∼ −J2χSij, where χSij is the nonlocal spin susceptibil- andgivestableresultsforU >∼2t. AlthoughtheVCisdoable ityofthefreeelectronsystem,leadingtotheRKKYinterac- forlargersizeswedidnotattemptthatsincewewantedcom- tion,andJ(4),likeb ,involvesafourFermicumulant.c ijkl ijkl parisonwithaMonteCarlobasedminimization(seebelow). canbeconstructedagainfromacombinationoffourGreen’s functions. The terms above define a relatively low order classical field theoryonalattice. H involvethefirsttwotermsinthesu- ∆ perconductingGinzburg-Landautheory,andH describesthe J B. Unrestrictedminimization leading interaction coupling magnetic moments. H indi- ∆,J cateshowthetwoordersmodifyeachother. Allofthisholds when∆iandJSiare<∼t. Inadditiontothevariationalschemewehaveemployedthe Monte Carlo technique as a simulated annealing tool to ob- Forlargeandrandom{∆ ,JS }thefermiontracecanonly i i tain the ground state, without imposing any periodicity on be evaluated numerically. We use two strategies: (i) When the spins or any homogeneity on the ∆ . For this the sys- consideringT = 0,asinthispaper,wecanrestrictourselves i tem is cooled down from an uncorrelated high temperature to periodic configurations of {∆ ,S } and in that case we i i state. Owing to the computational cost in diagonalizing the only need to estimate the energy of H for periodic pair- eff 4L2 ×4L2 matrix involved in this study most of the Monte ing/magneticbackgrounds,accomplishedreadilythroughthe Carlosimulationsaredoneonsystemsize16×16,andsome Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) scheme as we discuss below. on24×24. (ii) When considering finite temperature, where fluctuations are essential, we generate equilibrium configurations by us- Inthediscussionsectionwecomparethegroundstatephase ing the Metropolis algorithm for the {∆ ,S } and estimate diagram obtained through our restricted variational scheme i i the ‘update cost’ by diagonalizing the electron Hamiltonian withthatobtainedthroughthe‘unrestricted’minimizationvia H for every microscopic move. Needless to say this is a Monte Carlo. The agreement is reasonable and for the mo- eff numericallyexpensiveprocess. mentwefocusonthevariationbasedphasediagrams. C. Green’sfunctionforthespectrum A. Phasediagram Within the variational scheme the magnetic- 1. Energyminimization superconductingbackgroundhasatranslationalsymmetryso the corresponding electron problem can be diagonalised in We start with results on the dependence of the energy on momentum and spin space. For a given k the BdG problem ∆ for different choices of q. At a given U the optimized 0 in the periodic background involves a 8×8 matrix and it is ∆ (µ,J,U) is finite for J < J (µ,U) and falls monoton- 0 c difficulttoextractinformationabouttheeigenvalues,andthe ically as J increases from zero. At weak J the associated resultingdensityofstates,analytically. magneticorderingwavevectorQ(µ,J)almosttracksthefree However, if ∆ , J (cid:28) zt, where the coordination number bandRKKYresultevenifU islarge,exceptnearn=1. 0 z =4in2D,onecansetupausefulloworderapproximation Wewilldiscussthegeneralfeaturesfurtheronandforthe fortheGreen’sfunctionoftheelectron.Foranelectronpropa- momentfocusonE(∆ ,q)=(cid:104)H (∆ ,q)(cid:105)atatypicalpa- 0 eff 0 gatingwithmomentumkandspinup,themagneticscattering rameter point: U = 4t, J = t and µ = −2t (corresponding connectsittoanelectronstatewithk+Q,↓,whilethepairing roughly to n = 0.4), in Fig.1. The figure shows the vari- fieldconnectsittoaholewith−k,↓.Thematrixelementsare, ation of the energy with respect to ∆ for different choices 0 respectively,J and∆0.ThisleadstothetheGreen’sfunction: ofq(coveringpanels(a)and(b))andtheabsoluteminimum defines the appropriate magnetic-superconducting state. The 1 groundstatephasediagramisestablishedbycarryingoutthis G (k,iω )= ↑↑ n iωn−((cid:15)(k)−µ)−Σ↑↑(k,iωn) exercisefordifferentµ,J andU. Given our parametrisation of the variational state, we al- ∆2 J2 wayshavemagneticorderwithsomeQ(whereQdenotesthe Σ (k,iω )= 0 + ↑↑ n iω +((cid:15)(k)−µ) iω −((cid:15)(k+Q)−µ) optimizedvalueofq),whilesuperconductingorderisabsent n n iftheoptimum∆ =0. 0 where (cid:15)(k) = −2t(cos(k ) + cos(k )). The self en- x y ergy of course has higher order terms involving J2∆2, 0 etc, but the form above is surprisingly accurate except at 2. Variationofpairingfieldandmagneticorder n = 1. We can extract the spectral function A (k,ω) = ↑↑ −(1/π)Im G↑↑(k,ω + iη)|η→0. A similar expression can Tracking the minimum for varying µ and J leads to the be used for A↓↓(k,ω). We discuss the comparison of these ground state parameters shown in Fig.2. Over the J range resultswithfullBdGlateron. thatweexplorethedensityn(µ,J)(toanaccuracy∼0.01)is almostindependentofJ atfixedµ. Thatallowsustophrase theresultsintermsofn,althoughtheminimizationwasdone at fixed µ and J. Fig.2(a) shows the J dependence of the D. Computationofobservable pairingfieldamplitudeatseveralvaluesofn. Theresultshere are for U = 4t, we will discuss the phase diagram at other At T = 0 for a fixed choice of U, J and µ the state is characterizedbythepairingorderparameter∆ andthemag- 0 netic wavevector xˆQ +yˆQ . These are determined by en- x y ergy minimization. In this periodic background we compute the following: (i) the spin and momentum resolved spectral function, A (k,ω), from a knowledge of the BdG eigen- σσ values and eigenfunctions, (ii) the total electronic density of (cid:80) states N(ω) = A (k,ω), (iii) the overall gap, from k,ω σσ the minimum eigenvalue in the BdG spectrum, (iv) momen- (cid:80) tumdependenceoftheω =0spectralweight, A (k,0), σ σσ mappingoutthe‘Fermisurface’inthesuperconductor. Whilethenumericalresultsforthesearebasedonthefull BdGnumeric,weusethesimpleGreen’sfunctionschemeout- linedearliertoexplainthephysicalbasisoftheeffects. III. RESULTS FIG.1.Coloronline:Dependenceoftheenergyonthepairingfield, We organize the results in terms of the thermodynamic atU = 4t,J = 1.0tandn ∼ 0.4,formagneticwavevectorsq = phasediagram,mappingoutthemagneticorderandsupercon- (q ,q ). (a) q = {q,q} and (b) {q,π}. The optimized state is x y ductivity, and the quasiparticle properties which dictate the obtainedbycomputingtheenergyforallpossibleqintheBrillouin lowenergyspectralfeatures. zone. action, with thepeak inthe bandsusceptibility χ (q) dictat- 0 ing the ordering wavevector Q. At larger J the spiral states graduallygivewaytocollinearphasesandfinallytojusttwo phases,ferromagneticandNeel,withawindowofphasesep- arationinbetween. Inthepresenceofapairinginteractionit isnotessentialthatthesametrendbefollowedbut,aspointed out long back by Anderson and Suhl71, the presence of pair- ingaffectstheelectronicdensityofstatesonlyoverawindow 2∆ (cid:28) (cid:15) so except for q → 0 the spin susceptibility is 0 F mostlyunaffected. Our results are at U = 4t with the pairing field ∆ ∼ t 0 sothedensityofstatesisaffectedoverafairlywidewindow. Nevertheless,exceptnearn = 1,theRKKYtrendstillholds atsmallJ.ThephasediagramsinFig.3quantifythesefurther. 3. n−J phasediagrams Fig.3 shows the ground state phase diagram obtained through our variational calculations. The U = 0 situation, panel(a),correspondstojusttheclassicalKondolatticeintwo dimensions. With respect to this non superconducting refer- ence,(b)and(c)showtheimpactofincreasingpairinginterac- tiononthemagneticstateaswellastheincreasingwindowof superconductingorder. Wediscussthethreecasesseparately. (i) No pairing interaction (U = 0): In this case ∆ = 0 0 and the ground stateis characterized only by Q. Wediscuss theJ/t→0andtheJ/t>∼1limitsseparately. The small J/t limit is controlled by the RKKY interac- tionwiththeeffectivespin-spincouplingbeingJ ∝ J2χ0 , ij ij whereχ0 isthenonlocalbandsusceptibilityoftheconduc- ij tion electrons. The ordering wavevector is dictated by the maximum in χ0(q), the Fourier transform of χ0 . This de- ij pends on µ, or the filling n. The system evolves from a Q = {0,0} (ferromagnet) at low filling, to a {0,q} phase attheintermediatefilling. Furtherincreaseinfillingleadstoa {0,π} antiferromagnet, followed by a {q,π} phase and then toa{π,π}Neelantiferromagnetathalffillingn = 1. There FIG.2.Coloronline:Fillingdependenceoftheoptimized(a)pairing arenophaseseparationwindowsintheJ/t→0limitandall fieldamplitude∆ and(b)-(c)componentsofthemagneticwavevec- 0 transitionsaresecondorder. tUo/rtQ=, a4t.diFfoferrennt(cid:54)=ma1gtnheeticpaiinritnergacfiteioldnsunJd/etr,goanesdadesnecsiotnydno,rdfoerr For J/t >∼ 1 the sequence of magnetic phases, with in- creasingfilling,remainsthesameasatweakcouplingbutthe transitionwithincreasingJ,whileatn=1afirstordertransitionis windowofspiralstatesshrinkyieldingtotheFMstateatlow observed. density and a window of phase separation near n = 1. For J/t (cid:29) 1 (not shown in the figure) the only surviving states valuesofU later. are the ferromagnet and the n = 1 Neel state, separated by Increase in magnetic coupling suppresses the pairing field a phase separation window. The system heads towards the amplitude. At a scale J (n) the pairing amplitude vanishes, ‘doubleexchange’limit. c indicating the destruction of the superconducting phase. We (ii) Weak attraction (U ∼ t): On a finite lattice the finite makeafewobservations: (1)J (n)vanishesasn→0,andit sizegap∼t/L2(in2D)makesitdifficulttostabilizeasuper- c increaseswithnwithamaximumatn ∼ 0.6atU = 4. This conductingstatebelowaLdependentscale. Sinceweareus- maximum, Jmax, ∼ 1.5t. (2) The critical value at n = 1 is ingarealspaceframework,toconnectupwithfiniteT Monte c much smaller, with J (n = 1) ∼ 0.75t. (3) The transition Carlocalculationslater,wehaveonlylimiteddataatU <2t. c withincreasingJ isfirstorderatn = 1andsecondorderfor Fig.3(b) shows results at U = 2t as typical of ‘weak cou- n(cid:54)=1. pling’. Fig.2(b)and2(c)showsthecomponentsofthecorrespond- At U = 2t and J = 0 we have the usual k,↑, − k,↓ ing magnetic wave vectors. In the absence of pairing, and pairing. Atfinite J onewould(a)expectthe magneticorder at low J, the magnetic order is decided by the RKKY inter- tobemodifiedsincetheeffectivespin-spininteractionisnow FIG.3. Coloronline: Groundstaten−J phasediagramsshowingevolutionofthemagneticandsuperconductingphasesforthreevaluesof U. (a)ThepurelymagneticphasediagramatU = 0. Themagneticphasechangeswiththefillingbuttheorderoftheoccurrenceofphases remainsunchangedwithvaryingJ. (b)AtU = 2tsuperconductivityisseenoveraJ windowthatwidenswithincreasingn. Themagnetic phasesremainroughlyastheywereatU = 0. (c)AtU = 4tthesuperconductingwindowiswider,andthemagneticphasesnearn = 1 aremodifiedalthoughelsewhereitlooksroughlysimilartothesmallU picture. Thereisatinywindowofmodulatedsuperconductingorder (FFLO)state,inthebottomleftcornerofthefiniteU phasediagrams(seetext)buttheyarealmostinvisibleonthen−J scalesusedhere. inafinite∆ background,and(b)thesuperconductivitytobe |k ↑(cid:105) and |−k ↓(cid:105) states it would have led to a suppressed 0 weakenedsincethepairingisnolongerbetweenk,↑, −k,↓ BCS gap with the overall character of the density of states but the states k,↑ and −k+Q,↓, where Q is the magnetic (DOS)remainingunchanged. However,thepairingnowtakes orderingvector. place in a magnetic background, where the Bloch states are The first effect is weak since the maximum ∆ ∼ 0.4t, superposition of |k ↑(cid:105) and |k+Q ↓(cid:105). The combination of 0 openingonlyamodestgapinthedensityofstateswithlimited pairing and magnetic interaction now connect a larger set of impactonthespin-spininteraction.Sothemagneticcharacter states.Forexample|k↑(cid:105)connectsto|k+Q↓(cid:105),|−k−Q↑(cid:105), within the superconducting window, Fig.3(b), is very similar and|−k↓(cid:105). Theeigenspectrumthatemergesneednolonger totheU = 0case. The∆ howeverfallswithincreasingJ, look like the ‘BCS’ result. In the section below we describe 0 survivingtoascaleJ (n)showninthepanel. Themaximum the features that we observe and in the section after we try c ofJ occursatn ∼ 0.8andthevalueatn = 1islowerthan toanalyzethesefeaturesintermsoftheapproximateGreen’s c that. Intheregime∆ =0themagneticphasesareofcourse functiontheory. 0 asinpanel(a). (iii)Intermediateattraction(U (cid:29)t): Panel(c)showsdata at U = 4t and the ∆ at n ∼ 0.8 is now 1.4t, much larger 0 1. Densityofstates thanatU = 2t. Asaresult,theelectronicdensityofstatesis modifiedwithrespecttoitsbandcharacteroverawideenergy Fig.4showstheelectronicDOScomputedonbackgrounds window. obtainedthroughtheGreen’sfunctioncalculation. Thethree The changed density of states changes the spin-spin cou- panels comprise of DOS pertaining to three density regimes pling and the magnetic phases show clear differences with and varying J. The attractive interaction is U = 4t in all respect to the small U cases. These include changes in the cases. magneticphaseboundarieswithintheSCphaseandtheemer- Fig.4(a) shows the situation at filling n = 0.3. The spec- gence of a window of Neel order with Q = (π,π), close to trumremainsgappedatweakJ = 0.25t(moduloa‘tail’due n=1. tothelorentzianbroadening)andhastheusualgapedgesin- Superconductingordersurvivesoverawiderrangeofmag- gularities akin to the J = 0 case. At J = 0.75t, however, neticcouplingwiththemaximumJ being∼ 1.5t,occurring c thereisfiniteDOSatω =0andtheremnantofthe‘gapedges’ at n ∼ 0.6. Beyond n ∼ 0.6 there is a quick drop in J as c havemovedinward. Theinwardmovementoftheedgescan a phase separation window intervenes. The J at n = 1 is c beattributedtothereduced∆ asJ increasesbutthelowen- ∼0.75t,wellbelowthemaximumatn∼0.6. 0 ergyDOSinvolvesanewband.J =tshowsevenlargerDOS atω = 0andmakesvisiblenewvanHovesingularities. The understandingofthesefeaturescomefromananalysisofthe B. Quasiparticleproperties dispersion using the momentum resolved spectral functions. Wetakethatupinthenextsectionandjusthighlightthefea- Themagneticsuperconductingstateinvolvesasuppression turesinthechangingDOShere. of∆ asJ increases. Hadthepairingbeenbetweentheusual Atn = 0.5theobservationsarequalitativelysimilartothe 0 FIG.4. Coloronline: ElectronicdensityofstatesatdifferentfillingandmagneticcouplingatU = 4t,onmagnetic-superconductingback- groundsobtainedthroughthevariationalscheme.Forn=0.3(panel(a))andn=0.5(panel(b))theDOSshowstransitionfromagappedtoa gaplesssuperconductingstateatsomecouplingJ (n).Atn=1thesystemremainsgappedthroughout,however,thereisanonmonotonicity g inthebehaviorofthegapasonetransitsfromthemagneticsuperconductortothemagneticinsulatoratacriticalvalueJ ∼0.75t. c n = 0.3 case, with finite DOS at ω = 0 being visible at the 2. Gappedandgaplessregimes two upper values of J. The overall ‘gap structure’ within which the low energy features are seen is wider at n = 0.5 Fig.5(a)showstheJ dependenceofthegapatdifferentfill- duetothelarger∆ . 0 ing. Atweakmagneticcouplingthesuperconductinggapfol- lowsthebehaviorofthepairingfieldamplitudeandundergoes Thebehavioratn=1,Fig.4(c),isdistinctlydifferent. The suppressionwithincreasingJ. Athalffilling, tillacoupling presenceofsatellitepeakswithintheBCSlikegapissignif- of J ∼ 0.9t the behavior of the gap is the same as that of icant in this case. The spectrum is gapped at all magnetic its low filling counterpart. For J >∼ 0.9t the gap increases couplingbutthegapshowsnonmonotonicbehavior. Initially linearlywithJ. Thegapinthisregimearisesfromantiferro- increaseinmagneticcouplingpushesthesatellitepeakstolow magnetic(π,π)order. Forn (cid:54)= 1thegapvanishesatascale energynarrowingthegap. Howeverthepairingamplitudeit- wecallJ (n). g selfvanishesatacriticalJ ∼0.75t,beyondwhichthesystem Fig.5(b) shows the n−J phase diagram at U = 4t, now changestoamagneticinsulator-withthegapnowbeingpro- with the superconducting phase demarcated into gapped and portionaltoandsustainedbyJ. gapless regimes. The gapped regime is characterized by the presenceoflarge∆ whilethegaplesswindowhasrelatively 0 smaller ∆ . That by itself does not explain why the qualita- 0 tivecharacteroftheDOSchanges,soweexaminetheelectron dispersion in the magnetic superconductor to explore this is- sue. 3. Electrondispersion Fig.6 shows the momentum resolved spectral function (cid:80) A(k,ω) = A (k,ω) for three different n − J combi- σ σ nations. The momentum scan is along the diagonal of the Brillouin zone, k = (0,0) → (π,π). Since the spectra are computed on an ordered state there is no broadening of the linesandweessentiallymapoutthemulti-branchdispersion inthemagnetic-superconductingstate. We begin with n = 1, top row. At weak magnetic cou- FIG.5. Coloronline: (a)GapintheDOSplottedasafunctionof pling, J = 0.25t, the behavior is BCS like with the char- magneticcouplingfordifferentfillings. Atn = 1forJ ≤ 0.9tthe acteristic back bending feature in the dispersion curves. The superconductinggapgetsprogressivelysuppressedwithJ. Beyond effective gap is slightly reduced compared to its BCS value, J ∼ 0.9tthegapistheantiferromagneticgapwhichincreaseswith andthereisasmallbranchingvisiblefork∼(π/2,π/2). At J. Atn (cid:54)= 1,thegapreducesmonotonicallywithJ,inagreement J = 0.75t the branching feature is far more prominent and with∆0 (seeFig.2a). (b)n−J phasediagramatU = 4tshowing the separation between the inner branches, that sets the gap, thegappedandgaplesssuperconductingphases. ismuchsmallerthanatJ = 0.25t. kregionsassociatedwith FIG.6. Coloronline:Thespinsummedelectronspectralfunction,A(k,ω)forkvaryingfrom(0,0)to(π,π)atdifferentcombinationsofn andJ andU =4t. Atn=1(toprow)thegapnear(π/2,π/2)reducesfromJ =0.25ttoJ =0.75tbutincreasesagainatlargerJ. There arealsomultiplebandsvisibleatJ =0.25t, 0.75t.Atn=0.5andn=0.3thelowJresultisalmostBCSlike,withonlytwobandsvisible, whiletheJ =0.75tcaseshowsalargenumberofbands,withonecrossingω=0.AtlargerJ,as∆ becomesverysmall,thebandstructure 0 simplifiesagainandismostlydescribedbythe‘magneticmetal’limit.Theresultsareshownfor36×36lattice. ∂E (k)/∂k=0,whereE (k)arethedispersion,leadtothe havecrosscheckedthemwithrespecttothenumericalresults. α α vanHovesingularitiesobservedinFig.4(c). Atn=0.5,middlerow,weakJ essentiallyreproducesthe BCSresult,withasmallergapthann = 1duetothesmaller 4. Lowenergyweightdistribution ∆ -occurringatalowerkduetothelowerfilling. AtJ = 0 0.75t a very complex picture emerges, with in principle all In connection to the spectral features discussed above in the8bandsthatarisefromBdGbeingvisible(althoughasix Fig.7weshowthedistributionoflowenergyspectralweight band,Green’sfunctionbased,approachcapturestheessential across the Brillouin zone at low and intermediate filling (at features). Along the (0,0) → (π,π) scan one of the bands n = 1 the spectrum is always gapped). At weak magnetic seems to cross ω = 0. The multiple and prominent E (k) couplingthespectrumisgappedoutandthusthereisnolow α generate the van Hove singularity structure seen in Fig.4(b). energyweight. AtJ =1.25tthe∆ isverysmallandthefeaturesaresimilar We computed the k dependent spectral weight at ω = 0 (cid:80) tothatofamagneticmetal. 0, summed over spin channels, A(k,0) = A (k,ω), σ σσ At n = 0.3 the qualitative features are similar to n = 0.5 where: although the multiple bands are not all visible for the color 1 A (k,0)=−(1/π)Im | schemethatwehaveused.Thesuperconductingstatesurvives ↑↑ iη−((cid:15)(k)−µ)−Σ (k,iη) η→0 ↑↑ toJ ∼tandtheJ =1.25tresultisforamagneticmetal. c While it is difficult to extract useful analytic expressions ∆2 J2 forthethreebranchesofthedispersionfromeachGσσ(k,ω), Σ↑↑(k,iη)= iη+((cid:15)(k0)−µ) + iη−((cid:15)(k+Q)−µ) explicitfunctionalformscanbeobtainedinthegaplessphase when∆0 <∼J. WeprovidetheseresultsintheAppendix,and etc. The results in Fig.7 highlight the rather strange looking This suggests that the mean field treatment of U is a valid firstapproximation. Quantumfluctuationsofthepairingfield wouldbeimportantnearJ inthelargeU problem,wherethe c mean field amplitude vanishes, but correlation effects would besignificant. Wehavenotfocusedonthatregimehere. The treatment of the local moment as ‘classical’ is valid when 2S (cid:29) 1. For the borocarbides 4f shells for the mag- netic superconductors involve 2S ∼ 3−5 and the classical treatment again ought to be reasonable. There are, however, low moment, and non magnetic, superconductors involving TmandLuwhichcannotbecapturedwellwithinourscheme. 2. Single-vs-multichanneldecompositionofinteraction FIG.7. Coloronline: LowenergyspectralweightattheFermilevel fordifferentn−J crosssections. Theparametersarethesameas inFig. 6. AnweakJ/tgiverisetoagappedstateandconsequently WehaveconsideredtheeffectofU onlyinthepairingchan- thereisnolowenergyweightneartheFermilevel. IncreaseinJ/t nel, and the magnetic response arises from the Si. As a first leadstopileupofspectralweightneartheFermilevelwhosesym- approximation this is justified because the pairing and mag- metry is dictated by the underlying magnetic wave vector Q. The neticeffectsarise fromdifferentcouplingsin ourmodel(the distributionofthespectralweightneartheFermilevelisanisotropic, U isnotprimarilyresponsibleforthemagneticorder). How- indicativeofanodalFermisurface. ever,therewouldbearenormalisationinthemagneticsector arisingfromtheU,ifweweretoconsideranadditionalmag- neticdecouplingoftheHubbardterm. Wediscussthisbelow. ‘Fermisurface’thatemerge. ThelowJ panelsshownospec- tral weight since the system is gapped. J = t shows non DecomposingU inboththemagneticandpairingchannels trivial Fermi surfaces in the superconductor, dictated by the magneticwavevector,whileJ =1.25tissuperconductingfor n=0.5andamagneticmetalforn=0.3. IV. DISCUSSION This section covers some issues of method, related to the approximations that we have made in handling the model in Eqn.1, andthephasediagram, intermsofthemagneticcou- plingandattractiveinteraction. Wecommentonwhatitsug- gestsforspectralfeaturesintheborocarbides. A. Computationalissues 1. The‘classical’approximations ThemodelinEqn.1involvesanattractiveelectron-electron interaction U and the coupling J between the electron spin and a local moment of spin S. This describes interactions betweenquantumdegreesoffreedom,and,beyondweakcou- pling, is very non trivial. The treatment of the Hubbard in- FIG.8. Coloronline: MagneticstructurefactoratT ∼0fordiffer- teraction in terms of a classical pairing field, and of the spin entfillingandmagneticinteractionJ.Athalffilling(n=1)theMC S as classical, makes the model tractable by reducing it to a alwaysleadstoaQ=(π,π),Neel,state,asintheVC.Attheinter- variationalproblemdeterminingastatic{∆i,Si}background mediatefillingofn = 0.6a(0,π)anda(q,π)stateisrealizedfor thatminimizestheelectronenergy. theparticularchoiceofthemagneticcoupling,inagreementwiththe The mean field approximation for U makes qualitative VCresults. Atlowfillingofn = 0.3andintermediateandstrong sense as long as ∆ (cid:54)= 0. The presence of superconducting magnetic coupling the state as obtained through MC slightly devi- 0 orderatJ =0iswellknown,thepersistenceoforderatsmall ates from that obtained through the VC, with the (0,q) being now replacedby(0,π),theneighboringphaseintheVCphasediagram. J has also been established via numerically exact methods. leadtotheeffectiveHamiltonian, rameterspacethevariationalgroundstateiswellreproduced oncoolingdownfromahightemperaturestate. (cid:88) H =Hkin+Hpair− {(JSi+−h+i )σi−+h.c} TheresultinggroundstatephasediagramisshowninFig.9, i in comparison to the one obtained through the variational (cid:88) +|U| {|∆ |2+(cid:104)σ+(cid:105)(cid:104)σ−(cid:105)} scheme. The ground state as obtained through the Monte i i i i Carlo certainly agrees qualitatively with all features of the variational result, and also confirms that the ‘homogeneous’ where,h+i =U(cid:104)σi+(cid:105)andσi+ =c†i↑ci↓,etc. Forh+i =U(cid:104)σi+(cid:105) ∆iassumptionforthegroundstateisnotunreasonable. tobenonzerodoesnotrequiresymmetrybreakingdrivenby U.Thereisa‘sourceterm’,sinceJS−alreadyforces(cid:104)σ+(cid:105)=(cid:54) i i 0. So, the leading effect of the magnetic decoupling can be 4. Coexistenceofmodulatedpairingorderwithferromagnetism estimatedsimplybycalculatingU(cid:104)σ+(cid:105) ,wherethesubscript i 0 zeroreferstothemodelwithonlypairingdecomposition. We have checked that the ‘original’ exchange field JS+ Our variational calculation suggests that a homogeneous andtherenormalisedfieldJS+−U(cid:104)σ+(cid:105) havethesamespai- superconducting state cannot coexist with a large ferromag- i i 0 neticinternalfieldJS. However, itisknown72,73 thathomo- tial character, so the leading effect of the magnetic channel geneous superconducting order can exist in the presence of canbeincludedviaarenormalisationJ → J . Theeffec- eff a weak external magnetic field, beyond which there is a nar- tiveexchangefieldissmallerthanthebarefieldby15−20%, row regime of modulated Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov whichwethinkarisesduetothediamagnetictendencyofthe (FFLO)order,beforepairingislost. Thiseffectdoesexistin attractiveU term.TheweakerJ willexpandthedomainof eff ourphasediagramaswell,butoveraverynarrowwindowso superconductingordermarginallywithoutaffectinganyqual- it has not been given prominence in Fig.3. We comment on itativeconclusion. thisbelow. Forasuperconductorinanappliedfieldh,theFFLOstate existsoverawindowh (n)toh (n)72,73. Belowh thesys- 3. Comparisonwithunrestrictedminimization 1 2 1 tem remains a homogeneous superconductor, with zero spin polarization. This is traditionally called the ‘unpolarised su- Fig.8showsthemagneticstructurefactorcomputedatdif- perfluid’ (USF) state. Above h the system is a magnetized 2 ferent filling for three different regimes of the magnetic in- normal Fermi liquid. The equivalent in our model are two teraction. In the intermediate and strong coupling regimes, magnetic couplings J (n) and J (n). Knowing h (n) and 1 2 1 coolingdownthesystemfromanuncorrelatedhightempera- h (n)onecanjustsuperposetheseontheferromagneticwin- 2 turestatereproducesthemagneticorderashasbeenobtained dowofthen−J phasediagramtolocatetheUSFandFFLO through the variational calculations. In the weak interaction regimes. Fig.3 shows these tiny windows, virtually invisible regimehowever,thesystemfailstoattaintheglobalminimum at U = 2t. The reason the window is so small is due to the intheenergylandscapewithinthelimitedannealingtimeand tinydensitywindowoverwhichferromagnetismshowsupat finitesystemsize.Theconfigurationthusobtainedthroughthe small J, and the small J and J scales in the small n win- 1 2 Monte Carlo is often energetically unfavorable compared to dow. J andJ arerelatedtothepairinggapinthespectrum, 1 2 theoneobtainedvariationally. Nevertheless, overawidepa- andthisvanishesasn→0. Insummary,alocalmomentpolarizedhomogeneoussuper- conductor,andapairmodulatedferromagneticstate,canexist inourmodel,butoveratinydensityandJ window. 5. Sizelimitations Thevariationalcalculation,whencastinmomentumspace, doesnothavesignificantsizelimitations,exceptinthenumber ofqvaluesoverwhichtheenergyhastobeminimized. A more serious size limitation arises when Monte Carlo basedsimulatedannealingisusedfor‘unrestricted’minimiza- tion,andforaccessingfinitetemperatureproperties. Thisre- quiresiterativediagonalizationofa4N ×4N matrix(where FIG.9. Coloronline: Thegroundstaten−J phasediagramasob- N = L2) and even when a cluster algorithm is used for the tainedthroughMC(right)incomparisontotheoneobtainedthrough MC updates only sizes upto 24×24 can be accessed within the variational calculation (left) at U = 4t. Notice that the gap- reasonabletime. Wehavecheckedthatthermodynamicprop- lessregimeshrinksintheMCphasediagramascomparedtotheone ertiescanbeaccesseddowntoU =2treliablyonthesesizes, obtainedthroughVC.TheemergenceoftheNeel,(π,π)antiferro- but the subtle spectral features that one observes in the large magneticwindownearn=1isverifiedthroughtheMCaswell. sizegroundstatecalculationscannotberesolvedwellonthese

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