Non-Additive Quantum Codes from Goethals and Preparata Codes Markus Grassl Martin Ro¨tteler Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information NEC Laboratories America, Inc. Austrian Academy of Sciences 4 Independence Way, Suite 200 Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Princeton, NJ 08540, USA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 8 0 Abstract—Weextendthestabilizerformalismtoaclassofnon- codes have the same parameters as the additive CSS codes 0 additive quantum codes which are constructed from non-linear that can be obtained using the same underlying binary codes. 2 classicalcodes.Asanexample,wepresentinfinitefamiliesofnon- In this paper, we extend the approach of combining unitary n additive codes which are derived from Goethals and Preparata images of stabilizer states to arbitrary stabilizer codes as a codes. startingpoint.Forastabilizercode[[n,k,d]],thesearchgraph J I. INTRODUCTION has only 2n−k vertices, and a clique of size K yields a 4 1 Recently,severalnewnon-additivequantumerror-correcting quantumcodeofdimensionK×2k.Whatismore,wepresent codes(QECCs)havebeenconstructedthathavehigherdimen- some infinite families of non-additive quantum codes which ] sionthanadditiveQECCswiththesamelengthandminimum are constructed using non-linear binary codes, avoiding the h p distance[5],[16],[17].Thefirstexampleofsuchacodeisthe NP-hard problem of finding a maximal clique in the search - code ((5,6,2)) of [11] which has been found via numerical graph. Finally, we show how to obtain encoding circuits for t n optimization. Afterwards, the code has been identified as the the resulting non-additive codes using encoding circuits for a span of a particular state and its image under five unitary the underlying stabilizer codes. u transformations (see also [7]). The recently discovered codes q ((9,12,3)) and ((10,24,3)) (see [16], [17]) start with a so- II. ABRIEFREVIEWOFTHESTABILIZERFORMALISM [ called graph state which corresponds to a stabilizer state, i.e., We start with a brief review of the stabilizer formalism for 1 a stabilizer code with parameters [[n,0,d]] (see [8], [13]). A quantumerror-correctingcodesandtheconnectiontoadditive v basis of the quantum code is obtained by this initial state codes over GF(4) (see, e.g., [4], [6]). A stabilizer code 4 4 together with its image under some tensor products of Pauli encoding k qubits into n qubits having minimum distance d, 1 matrices and identity (Pauli operators). The distance between denoted by C = [[n,k,d]], is a subspace of dimension 2k of 2 any pair of these states can be defined as the minimal weight thecomplexHilbertspace(C2)⊗n ofdimension2n.Thecode 1. of a Pauli operator transforming one state into the other (see is the joint eigenspace of a set of n−k commuting operators 0 below). The problem of finding a code of high dimension S ,...,S which are tensor products of the Pauli matrices 1 n−k 8 can be stated as finding a maximal clique in a search graph (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 0 1 0 −i 1 0 whose vertices are all images of the initial state. There is σ = , σ = , σ = , : x 1 0 y i 0 z 0 −1 v an edge between two states if their distance is at least the i prescribed minimum distance. Using the formalism of graph or identity. The operators S generate an Abelian group S X i states, Cross et al. show in [5] that it is sufficient to consider with 2n−k elements, called the stabilizer of the code. It is r a Z-only operators in order to define the search graph, but this a subgroup of the n-qubit Pauli group Pn which itself is has the disadvantage that the distance between two of these generated by the tensor product of n Pauli matrices and statesisnotnecessarilyequaltothenumberofZ operatorsin identity. We further require that S does not contain any non- the tensor product. Moreover, constructing a code ((n,K,d)) trivialmultipleofidentity.ThenormalizerofS inP ,denoted n requires to find a clique of size K in a search graph with byN,actsonthecodeC =[[n,k,d]].Itispossibletoidentify 2n vertices. Fixing one basis state, the graph can be slightly 2k logical operators X ,...,X and Z ,...,Z such that 1 k 1 k simplified. However, for the code ((10,24,3)) the simplified these operators commute with any element in the stabilizer S, graph still has 678 vertices and 149.178 edges. and such that together with S they generate the normalizer A different approach for constructing non-additive QECCs N of the code. The operators X mutually commute, and so i based on Boolean functions and projection operators has do the operators Z . The operator X anti-commutes with the j i been presented in [1]. Evaluating the Boolean function at the operator Z if i=j and otherwise commutes with it. j projectionoperators,thecodeisgivenasthesumoftheimage It has been shown that the n-qubit Pauli group corresponds of products of the projections. Finally, we mention the non- toasymplecticgeometryandthatonecanreducetheproblem additive QECCs obtained by the method given in [12]. Those of constructing stabilizer codes to finding additive codes over GF(4) that are self-orthogonal with respect to a symplectic As the elements of the normalizer N commute with all inner product [3], [4]. Up to a scalar multiple, the elements elements of the stabilizer S, two elements t and t define 1 2 of P can be expressed as σaσb where (a,b) ∈ F2 is a the same character if t−1t ∈N. Hence the set of characters 1 x z 2 2 1 binary vector. Choosing the basis {1,ω} of GF(4), where corresponds to the cosets of N in P . If T is a set of coset n ω is a primitive element of GF(4) with ω2+ω+1=0, we representatives, we can write the decomposition of the full get the following correspondence between the Pauli matrices, space as (cid:77) elements of GF(4), and binary vectors of length two: (C2)⊗n = tC. (2) operator GF(4) F2 t∈T 2 I 0 (00) Note that measuring the eigenvalues of the generators Si σ 1 (10) projects onto one of these space tC, corresponding to the x σ ω2 (11) character χt given by the sequence of eigenvalues. In terms y σ ω (01) of the classical codes, the eigenvalues correspond to an error- z syndrome which is obtained by computing the symplectic This mapping extends naturally to tensor products of n Pauli inner product of the received vector with the n−k vectors matrices being mapped to vectors of length n over GF(4) or correspondingtothegeneratorsofthestabilizer,i.e.,abasisof binary vectors of length 2n. We rearrange the latter in such a thecodeC.ForallvectorsofthedualcodeC∗ corresponding way that the first n coordinates correspond to the exponents tothenormalizerN,theinnerproductiszero.Sothedifferent of the operators σx and write the vector as (a|b), i.e., spaces tC correspond to cosets C∗+t of the code C∗. g =σa1σb1 ⊗...⊗σanσbn =ˆ (a|b)=(gX|gZ). (1) As for a fixed code C two spaces t1C and t2C are either x z x z identical or orthogonal, we can define the distance of them as Two operators corresponding to the binary vectors (a|b) and follows: (c|d) commute if and only if the symplectic inner product dist(t C,t C):=min{wgt(p):p∈P |pt C =t C}. (3) a · d − b · c = 0. In terms of the binary representation, 1 2 n 1 2 the stabilizer corresponds to a binary code C which is self- Here wgt(p) is the number of tensor factors in the n-qubit orthogonal with respect to this symplectic inner product, and Pauli operator p that are different from identity. Clearly, the normalizer corresponds to the symplectic dual code C∗. dist(t C,t C) = dist(t−1t C,C). The distance (3) can also 1 2 2 1 ThestabilizertogetherwiththelogicaloperatorsZi generatea be expressed in terms of the associated vectors over GF(4). self-dual code. In terms of the correspondence to vectors over Lemma 1: The distance of the spaces t C and t C equals 1 2 GF(4),thestabilizerandnormalizercorrespondtoanadditive theminimumweightinthecosetC∗+t −t ,whereweuset 1 2 i code over GF(4) and its dual with respect to an symplectic todenotebothann-qubitPaulioperatorandthecorresponding inner product, respectively, which we will also denote by C vector over GF(4). and C∗. The minimum distance d of the quantum code is Proof: Direct computation shows given as the minimum weight in the set C∗ \ C which is dist(t C,t C)=dist(C∗+t ,C∗+t ) 1 2 1 2 lower bounded by the minimum distance d∗ of C∗. If d=d∗, =dist(C∗+(t −t ),C∗) the code is said to be pure, and for d ≥ d∗, the code is said 1 2 to be pure up to d∗. =min{wgt(c+t1−t2):c∈C∗} =min{wgt(v):v ∈C∗+t −t }. 1 2 III. THEUNIONOFSTABILIZERCODES With this preparation, we are ready to present the general Note that we have defined a stabilizer code C as the joint construction of the union of stabilizer codes (see also [7]). eigenspace of the commuting operators S generating the i The quantum code will be defined as the span of some of the stabilizer S. The term stabilizer suggests that the code is summands in (2). the joint +1 eigenspace of the operators. However, for each Definition 2 (union stabilizer code): Let C = [[n,k,d ]] 0 0 of the generators S we may choose either the eigenspace i be a stabilizer code and let T = {t ,...,t } be a subset 0 1 K with eigenvalue +1 or the eigenspace with eigenvalue −1. of the coset representatives of the normalizer N of the code This gives rise to a decomposition of the space (C2)⊗n into 0 C in P . Then the union stabilizer code is defined as 2n−k mutuallyorthogonalspaceswhichcanbelabeledbythe 0 n (cid:77) eigenvalues of the n−k generators Si, or equivalently, by the C = tC0. characters χ of the stabilizer group S. Moreover, the n-qubit t∈T0 Pauli group Pn acts transitively on these spaces. WithoutlossofgeneralityweassumethatT0 containsidentity. From now on we fix the code C as the the joint +1 With the union stabilizer code C we associate the (in general eigenspace corresponding to the trivial character. Let t ∈ Pn non-additive) union normalizer code given by be an arbitrary n-qubit Pauli operator. Then we can define a (cid:91) C∗ = C∗+t={c+t :c∈C∗,i=1,...,K}, character of S on the generators Si as follows 0 i 0 (cid:40) t∈T0 χt(Si):= +1 if t and Si commute, where C0∗ denotes the additive code associated with the −1 if t and Si anti-commute. normalizer N0 of the stabilizer code C0. We will refer to SX SZ i=i(cid:48), we get 1 1 . . .. .. (cid:104)c |t†Et |c (cid:105)=±(cid:104)c |E|c (cid:105). (5) j i i j(cid:48) j j(cid:48) SnX−k SnZ−k As the code C0 is pure up to the minimum distance of C0∗ ⊂ ZX ZZ C∗, equation (5) vanishes as well. .1 .1 Remark 4: Wenotethatsimilartostabilizercodes,thetrue . . . . minimum distance of a union stabilizer code might be higher. ZX ZZ The true minimum distance is given by k k min{dist(c+ti,c(cid:48)+ti(cid:48)):ti,ti(cid:48) ∈T0, X Z X..1 X..1 c,c(cid:48) ∈C0∗|c+ti−(c(cid:48)+ti(cid:48))∈/ C(cid:101)0} . . =min{wgt(v):v ∈(C∗−C∗)\C(cid:101)0}, X Z X X k k where (C∗−C∗)={a−b:a,b∈C∗} denotes the set of all tX1.. tZ1.. dthifefeardednictievseocflovseucrtoerosfinCC∗.0∗, and C(cid:101)0 is the symplectic dual of . . tX tZ IansotardbeilrizteorccoondsetruCct uannidonusqeuaantsuemarcchodgersa,pwhewmhaoysestavretrtwicieths K K 0 are the mutually orthogonal translates {tC : t ∈ T } of the 0 0 Fig.1. Arrangementsofthevectorsassociatedwithaunionstabilizercode. stabilizer code. Two vertices are connected by an edge if and only if the distance between them is at least d, where d is the desired minimum distance. For simplicity, we also require both, the vectors t and the corresponding unitary operators, i that the code C is pure up to d ≥ d. The distance between 0 0 as translations. two translates can be computed using Lemma 1. This allows A union stabilizer code can be defined in terms of binary to use stabilizer codes C of arbitrary dimension, and hence 0 vectors as shown in Fig. 1. The first n−k rows correspond to allows to go beyond the case of stabilizer states (or graph the binary vectors (cf. (1)) associated with the generators S i states) as, e.g., in [5], [17]. We note that the construction of of the stabilizer S of the code C . They generate the classical 0 non-additive quantum codes of [2] is also based on taking the code C . The next k rows correspond to the logical operators 0 union of orthogonal images of a stabilizer code. Z , followed by the k logical operators X . The last K rows j i correspond to the K translations ti defining the cosets of the IV. UNIONSTABILIZERCODESFROMBINARYCODES classical code C∗ and the unitary images of the stabilizer 0 A. CSS-like codes code C , respectively. We use curly brackets to stress the fact 0 Given two linear binary codes C = [n,k ,d ] and C = that the set of operators T need not be closed under group 1 1 1 2 0 [n,k ,d ] with C⊥ ⊂ C , the so-called CSS construction operation. In general, the quantum code is not invariant under 2 2 2 1 (see, e.g., [14]) yields a quantum error-correcting code C = these generalized logical X-operators. On the other hand, if [[n,k +k −n,d]] with d ≥ min(d ,d ). Starting with this T is closed under group operation, the resulting code will be 1 2 1 2 0 CSS code, we consider unions of cosets of the binary codes a stabilizer code where a basis of T defines an additional set 0 C , i.e., of logical X-operators. i (cid:91) Theorem 3: LetC beaunionstabilizercodeasinDefinition C(cid:101)i = Ci+t(i) 2. The dimension of C is |T0|2k = K2k, and the minimum t(i)∈Ti distance is lower bounded by the minimum distance d of the such that the minimum distance of the codes C(cid:101)i is at least union normalizer code C∗. d(cid:101)≤ d. Using the translations {(t(1)|t(2)) : t(1) ∈ T1,t(2) ∈ Proof: As T0 is a subset of the coset representatives T } we obtain a CSS-like union stabilizer code of dimension 2 of the normalizer N0, the spaces tiC0, each of which has |T1|·|T2|·2k1+k2−n whose minimum distance is at least d(cid:101). doifmtheensuionnion2kc,oadreeims Kutu2akl.lyFioxritnhgogaonnoarlt.hHoneonrcmeatlhebadsiimse{n|csio(cid:105)n: If G1 = (cid:0)GH122(cid:1) and G2 = (cid:0)GH211(cid:1) are generator matrices of j the codes C , where H is a generator matrix of the dual code i i j = 1,...,2k} of the stabilizer code C0, the set {ti|cj(cid:105) : i = C⊥, the corresponding vectors are as shown in Fig. 2. 1,...,K, j =1,...,2k}isanorthonormalbasisoftheunion i stabilizercode.LetE ∈P beann-qubitPaulierrorofweight B. Enlargement construction n 0 < wgt(E) < d. For basis states |ci,j(cid:105) = ti|cj(cid:105) ∈ tiC0 and Steane has presented a construction that allows to increase |ci(cid:48),j(cid:48)(cid:105)=ti(cid:48)|cj(cid:48)(cid:105)∈ti(cid:48)C0 we consider the inner product the dimension of a CSS code [14]. For this, he starts with the (cid:104)c |E|c (cid:105)=(cid:104)c |t†Et |c (cid:105). (4) CSSconstructionappliedtoabinarycodeC =[n,k,d]which i,j i(cid:48),j(cid:48) j i i(cid:48) j(cid:48) contains its dual, yielding a CSS code C = [[n,2k−n,d]]. 0 Fori(cid:54)=i(cid:48),wehavedist(t C ,t C )=min{wgt(c+t −t ): Using a code C(cid:48) = [n,k(cid:48) > k+1,d(cid:48)] which contains C, he i 0 i(cid:48) 0 i i(cid:48) c ∈ C∗} ≥ d, and hence (4) vanishes for wgt(E) < d. For obtainsaquantumcode[[n,k+k(cid:48)−n,min(d,(cid:100)3d(cid:48)/2(cid:101))]].The 0 H 0 2 X Z 00 I0 00 I0 0 H1 Z 00 0I 00 0I −Q→1 −Q→c G 0 12 X 0I 00 0I 00 (cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:110) (cid:111) 0 G21 T0 T0Q1 c1...0 0...0 tt(1(1....11)) tt(K(1....222)) Fenigc.od3i.ngcTirracnusitfsorQm1ataionndoQfct.he union stabilizer code gcivKen0by th0e0inverse . . . . tt(K(...111)) tt((1...22)) fthroeSmteenRalnaeeregdhe-maMseucnlotlencrsotcnrousdctretuescd[t1iao5n]f.aomTfhil[ey1c4oo]fdteaosdtdahrieteivocehbatqaiuninaenodtfuacmpopdcleoysdinegs K1 K2 RM(r,m)⊂RM(r,m)⊥ =RM(m−r−1,m) Fig. 2. Arrangements of the vectors associated with a CSS-like union ⊂RM(m−r,m). stabilizercode. Inparticular,forr =2andm≥5thisyieldsadditiveQECCs C =[[2m,2m−(cid:0)m(cid:1)−2m−2,6]], while using only the CSS resulting code can also be considered as a union stabilizer co1nstruction, one o2btains C =[[2m,2m−2(cid:0)m(cid:1)−2m−2,8]]. code. If D is a generator matrix of the complement of C 0 2 in C(cid:48) and A is a fixed point free, invertible linear map, the AstheGoethalscodeG(m)istheunionofKG =2(m2)−2m+2 translations can be defined as cosets of R(m), we can construct a CSS-like union stabilizer code based on C . The minimum distance of the resulting T ={(vD|vAD):v ∈Fk(cid:48)−k}. 0 0 2 non-additive code is 8 and its dimension is K2 dim(C ) = G 0 The key observation [14] for proving the lower bound on 22m−6m+2. the minimum distance is that the weight of an operator g = Replacing the Goethals code by the Preparata code P(m), (gX|gZ) can be expressed in terms of the Hamming weight we have KP = 2(m2)−m+1 cosets of R(m). This results in a of the binary vectors and their sum: CSS-like union stabilizer code with minimum distance 6 and wgt((gX|gZ))= 1(wgt(gX)+wgt(gZ)+wgt(gX +gZ)). dimension KP2 dim(C0)=22m−4m. Both the union stabilizer codes based on Goethals codes 2 andthosebasedonPreparatacodesaresuperiortotheadditive As T is closed under addition and the properties of A ensure 0 that0(cid:54)=tX (cid:54)=tZ (cid:54)=0foranynon-zeroelement(tX|tZ)∈T , codesderivedfromReed-Mullercodes.Theparametersofthe 0 the weight of all three binary vectors is lower bounded by d(cid:48). first codes in these families are as follows: enlarged RM Goethals Preparata V. QUANTUMCODESFROMREED-MULLER,GOETHALS, ANDPREPARATACODES [[64,35,6]] ((64,230,8)) ((64,240,6)) UsingtheCSS-likeconstructionoftheprevioussection,we [[256,210,6]] ((256,2210,8)) ((256,2224,6)) now construct some families of non-additive quantum codes. [[1024,957,6]] ((1024,2966,8)) ((1024,2984,6)) For this, we use the Goethals codes G(m) and the Preparata codes which are nonlinear binary codes of length n=2m for However, applying the enlargement construction to extended m ≥ 4, m even. Some of the properties of these codes are primitive BCH codes results in stabilizer codes with parame- summarized as follows (see, e.g., [10]): ters [[2m,2m −5m−2,8]] and [[2m,2m −3m−2,6]] (see • Both the Goethals code G(m) and the Preparata code [14]). P(m) are unions of cosets of the Reed-Muller code VI. ENCODINGCIRCUITS R(m) := RM(m−3,m). Furthermore, they are nested In [9] we have shown how to compute a quantum circuit subcodes of RM(m−2,m), i.e., consisting of Cliffordgates only that transformsany stabilizer RM(m−3,m)⊂G(m)⊂P(m)⊂RM(m−2,m). S given by the binary (n−k)×2n matrix (X|Z) into the stabilizer of a trivial code given by (0|I0), where I is an • The parameters of the codes are identity matrix of size n−k. The corresponding trivial code RM(m−3,m)=R(m)=[2m,2m−(cid:0)m(cid:1)−m−1,8] corresponds to the mapping |φ(cid:105) (cid:55)→ |0...0(cid:105)|φ(cid:105). We denote 2 G(m)=(2m,22m−3m+1,8) the resulting quantum circuit that corresponds to the inverse P(m)=(2m,22m−2m,6) encoding circuit of (X|Z) by Q1. Note that we can apply Q1 to all the operators defining the code as illustrated in Fig. 3. RM(m−2,m)=[2m,2m−m−1,4]. Further note, that for the trivial stabilizer code, the “encoded” X Y Y X H • • • (cid:103) (cid:103) |0(cid:105) Z Z • H •(cid:103) (cid:103) (cid:103) |0(cid:105) |ψ (cid:105) Z P • H • • i Z••• P ••• HH • (cid:103) • • (cid:103) |i(cid:105),i=0,...,5 Fig.4. Inverseencodingcircuitforthenon-additivecode((5,6,2)).ThefirstsetofgatesincludingtheHadamardtransformationsimplementstheinverse encodingcircuitQ1 forthestabilizercode[[5,0,3]],followedby5CNOTand2ToffoligatesimplementingtheclassicalcircuitQc. X-andZ-operatorsareweight-onePaulioperatorsσx andσz, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS respectively, acting on the last k qubits. As the transformed We acknowledge fruitful discussions with Vaneet Aggarwal translations TQ1 define cosets of the normalizer, we may 0 and Robert Calderbank. Markus Grassl would like to thank choosethemsuchthattheyaretensorproductsofoperatorsσ x NEC Labs., Princeton for the hospitality during his visit. This andidentityactingonthefirstn−kqubitsonly.Thenwehave work was partially supported by the FWF (project P17838). the trivial union code spanned by a set of K2k basis states of the form |c (cid:105)|j(cid:105), where {|j(cid:105) : j = 0,...,2k −1} is the REFERENCES i computational basis of k qubits and {ci : i = 0,...,K −1} [1] V. Aggarwal and A. R. Calderbank, “Boolean Functions, Projection is a set of bit strings of length n−k. 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