Fractional quantum statistics T. H. Hansson, Stockholm University Thanks to: Anders, Eddy, Emil, Jainendra, Jon-Magne, Juha, Maria, Susanne, ....... Outline: • What is fractional statistics? • Where does the quantum Hall effect enter? • What is non-Abelian fractional statistics? • Anyons and Topological Field Theory • Why does Microsoft care - topologically protected quantum computing. • What are the experiments? NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 1 Wave function for identical particles: P !x . . .x! . . .x! . . .x! eiθ !x . . .x! . . .x! . . .x! Ψ( ) = ij Ψ( ) 1 1 ij i j N j i N The particles are identical since an overall phase is not observable. But changing back amounts to nothing! 2 P !x . . .x! . . .x! . . .x! !x . . .x! . . .x! . . .x! Ψ( ) =Ψ( ) 1 1 ij i j N i j N 2 P = 1 ⇒ eiθ = ±1 ij So there are only two alternatives: ! P = 1 ; θ = 0 Bosons! T ij ij U P − θ π B = 1 ; = Fermions ij ij NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 2 Permutations and braidings: The basic idea: ⇥x ⇥x The permutation : � , sgn(P ) = 1 i j ij ± can also be viewed as a !x !x the exchange : i j i� e , � = 0, ⇥ � !x !x i j For general θ, the particles are ANYONS! Leinaas & Myrheim, 77 NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 3 But what is meant by “exchange”? In a path integral description, different classical exchange paths corresponds to different braids. All paths that are described by the same braid, are assigned the same exchange phase! In a Hamiltonian description, we can imagine to “pin down” and move the particles around. In such a real exchange process, the wave function picks up a Berry phase! NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 4 Pathintegral for identical particles (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi !x !x i j !x !x i j i� e i� e � i� e (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x ⇥x in in in in in in in in � = (3 4)� = � � = (6 1)� = 5 � br br � � (�) (�) �x =�x fi (�) (�) i i⇥ (�) S A(⌅x ⌅x ) = e br [⌅x ]e � in fi � D (�) �x(�)=�x braids ⇥ in � NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 5 Why are two dimensions special ? ≡ d > 2 d = 2 ≡| So there are no braids for d>2, and we are back to just having the permutation symmetry, and thus only bosons and fermions! NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 6 Wave functions for identical particles • “Pin down” the particles • Move them around • Calculate the statistical phase We can pin down a particle by putting it in a box: 2 p − − ! H = V (!x R) box 2m ! The particle can now be moved by R ! R changing . NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 7 Question: What happens when two particles are exchanged, ? or alternatively, one encirles the other: Answer: The w.f. “picks up” a phase factor: → iθ Ψ(!x,x! ) e Ψ(!x,x! ) Abelian i j j i a → iθ T Ψ (!x,x! ) e a αβ Ψ (!x,x! ) Non-Abelian α i j β j i NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 8 But how do we calculate? Michael Berry’s phase: Assume: H(R )� (⇥r; R ) = E (R )� (⇥r; R ) i n i n i n i How will � (⇥r; R ) evolve under adiabatic time evolution n i if the parameters become timedependent: R R (t)? i i � i T eiγ dtE (R(t)) Nbuott � (⌥r, T ; R ) = B e n � (⌥r, 0; R ) n i � � 0 n i R T ∂ ˙ where the Berry phase is given by, = a γ i dt R !ψ | |ψ " B n n ! ∂R 0 a can be calculated from the wave function! NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 9 For a closed path, in parameter space Berry’s phase is a geometric property - i.e. it does not depend on |ψ (R )! any arbitrary choices of phase of . n i Example: Particle in a magnetic field ! B Φ BA = = γ A B φ φ 0 0 ¯ h h = 2 = where φ π is the elementary flux quantum. 0 e e This result is independent of gauge choice!! NA quantum statistics Anyon School T. H. Hansson Berlin, 2013 tisdag 24 september 13 10