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Nomenclatural changes in the treehopper tribes Hoplophorionini, Smiliini, and Talipedini (Homoptera: Membracidae) PDF

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Preview Nomenclatural changes in the treehopper tribes Hoplophorionini, Smiliini, and Talipedini (Homoptera: Membracidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(1), 1991, pp. 193-196 NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES IN THE TREEHOPPER TRIBES HOPLOPHORIONINI, SMILIINI, AND TALIPEDINI (HOMOPTERA: MEMBRACIDAE) Stuart H. McKamey' and Lewis L. Deitz Department ofEntomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7613. Abstract.—The following nomenclatural changes are made in the family Membracidae (Homoptera): Aconophoroides Fowler, 1894, is reinstated as ajunior synonym ofPotnia StM, 1866; Microschema StM, 1869, is considered to be ajunior synonym ofPotnia St^l, 1866, New Synonymy; Talipes Deitz, 1975, is considered to be a junior synonym of Trinarea Coding, 1926 (elevated to generic status). New Synonymy. Also nine New Combinations are given: Metcalfiella spreta (Coding, 1893), Platycotisfuscata (Fowler, 1897), Potnia dubia (Fowler, 1894), Potnia orthosoma (Fonseca and Diringshofen, 1974), and Potnia straminicolor (St^l, 1862) (Membracinae: Hoplophorionini); Trinarea appen- diculata (Fonseca, 1936), Trinarea carinata (Funkhouser, 1922), and Trinareafenestrata (Striimpel, 1974)(Membracinae: Talipedini); and Ophidermagloveri(Coding, 1893)(Smi- liinae: Smiliini). A lectotype is designated for Platycotis spreta Coding, 1893. Key Words: Hexapoda, Insecta, generic synonymy, new combination While revising selected genera in the A female specimen in the NMNH (Na- membracid tribe Hoplophorionini, we tional Museum of Natural History, Wash- found several species misplaced at the ge- ington, D.C.) is here designated lectotype of neric level, including three assigned to the Platycotis spreta Coding. It bears the fol- wrong tribe. Some ofthe consequent trans- lowing labels in which vertical lines ( | ) fers of species affect generic synonymy. are used to separate individual lines: Based on examination oftype material (ex- "FWCoding Collection" and "Platycotis | | cept as noted), nine new combinations are (Microschema) spretaCodg. Mex. (Ash) | | presented here under the higher categories type" [underside with "Hoplophora Cdg. | | to which the species are newly assigned. Mex. (Ash) Type."] and "Type No. 27388 1 lU.S.N.M." [on red card] and "Platycotis Subfamily Membracinae spreta Codg. Det.W.D. Funkhouser" [on| Tribe Hoplophorionini red-bor| dered |card] and| "LECTOTYPE | Metcalfiella Coding, 1929 Platycotis|spreta|Coding,1893 |L.L. Deitz 1989" [on red-bordered card supplied by Metcalfiella spreta (Coding, 1893), New Deitz]. A second specimen (without an ab- Combination domen) from Coding's collection (NMNH) is now labeled as a paralectotype. These specimens belong to the genus Metcalfiella ' Currentaddress: DepartmentofEcologyand Evo- lutionary Biology, Box U-43, University ofConnect- Coding, 1926, based on the narrow head icut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3043. and the presence of many more pale setae 194 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON than pits on the pronotum (McKamey and 1975)longerthancell R5;metathoracictibia Deitz 1991). with cucuUate setae in row I (sensu Deitz 1975). Platycotis Sihl 1869 Prior to the work by Fonseca and Di- New Platycotis fuscata (Fowler, 1897), ringshofen (1974), the genus Aconopho- Combination roides (type species: Thelia gladiatorWalk- The lectotype of Ochropepla fuscata er, 1857) was considered to be a junior Fowler (BMNH: British Museum (Natural synonym o{Potnia (Goding 1929, Metcalf History), London, England), most recently and Wade 1965). Based on examination of placed in thegenus Hoplophorion Kirkaldy, the holotype of T. gladiator Walker 1901 (Metcalfand Wade 1965), has a wide (BMNH), we confirm this synonymy. head and contrasting pale and dark bands Although the type material oiAconopho- across veins Sc and R on the forewing base, roidesorthosomaFonsecaandDiringshofen butlacksanr-m crossveinonthehindwing. was not examined, the original description This combination of features is diagnostic and illustrations (1974) indicate member- for the genus Platycotis St^l, 1869 (Mc- ship in the genus Potnia. Likewise, exami- Kamey 1989). nationsofthelectotypeo{Ochropepladubia Fowler (BMNH), a species formerly placed PotniaSxkl 1866 in Hoplophorion (Metcalfand Wade 1965), PotniaStM, 1866 [StM 1866b,notSt^l 1866a and of the holotype of Hoplophora stra- asHstedby Deitz (1975)] minicolor St^l (NHRS: Naturhistoriska Aconophoroides Fowler, 1894, Reinstated Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden), the type Synonymy species o^Microschema St^l, led to the con- Microschema St^l, 1869, New Synonymy clusion that these two species are also con- Potnia dubia (Fowler, 1894), New Combi- genersoiPotnia venosa. Thus, welistabove nation threenewcombinationsandthenewgeneric Potnia orthosoma (Fonseca and Diringsho- fen, 1974), New Combination synonymy ofMicroschema, which was pre- Potnia straminicolor (StSl, 1862), New viouslyconsidereda subgenusoiPlatycotis. Combination The only otherspecies formerly included in Microschema, Platycotis spreta, is trans- The type species ofPotnia StM is Mem- ferred to Metcalfiella, above. bracis venosa Germar, 1821. Based on ex- Hoplophora straminicolor was described amination oftwo probable syntypes ofM. MLUH from Brazil. Such a distribution for Platy- venosa, one from (Martin-Luther- cotis would involve a geographic disjunc- Universitat Halle, Halle, German Demo- ZMUH tion and a host shift, because the families cratic Republic) and one from (Zoologisches Museum, Universitat von Fagaceae (including Quercus spp.) and Bet- Hamburg, Hamburg, Federal Republic of ulaceae, which encompass all known hosts Germany), in conjunction with a review of ofPlatycotis, do not occur in Brazil (Hey- generic limits in the tribe Hoplophorionini wood 1985). This information alone sug- (McKamey 1989), the following combina- gested that the species was placed incor- tion offeatures appears to be diagnostic for rectly, and also suggests that a similar Potnia: head narrow; pronotum extending taxonomic error may be involved with the posteriorly nearly to apex offorewing in re- Brazilian species Platycotis sordida (Ger- pose;hindwingwithr-mcrossveinandwith mar, 1821), type material ofwhich was not cell R3 (thecell posteriorto vein R, ofDeitz examined. VOLUME 93, NUMBER 1 195 Subfamily Membracinae Coding (1893) described Hoplophora gloveri by reference to an illustration by Tribe Talipedini Clover (1878), and no specimen could be Trinarea Coding, 1926 located at either AMNH (American Mu- Trinarea Coding, 1926, elevated to generic seum of Natural History, New York) or status. New Status NMNH, known depositories of Coding's Talipes Deitz, 1975, to Trinarea Coding, type specimens. H. gloveri was placed most 1926, New Synonymy recently (Metcalfand Wade 1965) as ajun- Trinarea appendiculata (Fonseca, 1936), ior synonym ofHoplophorion monogram- New Combination ma (Cermar, 1835). Although the illustrat- Trinareacarinata (Funkhouser, 1922), New edspecimenwasidentifiedinClover'sfigure Combination legend as ''Hoplophora n.s.," its forewing Trinareafenestrata (Strumpel, 1974), New has a preapical confluence ofthe radial and Combination medial veins, which is characteristic ofthe Smiliinae and absent from Hoplophorioni- Trinarea was formeriy placed as a sub- genus ofHoplophorion (Metcalfand Wade ni. Forewing venation and pronotal color- 1965). Although Metcalfand Wade (1965: ation and contour, in lateral view, indicate 578) attributed the designation of a type the specimen illustrated is best referred to wspreoctiees"ttoyCpoed"ibnegfo(1r9e29t)h,eCnoadmiengc(a1r9i2n6a:t3a05i)n tSmhielgiienniu)s. OTphheipdreercimsaeFiadierntmiatiyreof(/S/m,ilgilionvaeer:i hiskeyto subgenera. Thus, Ochropepla car- is likely to remain uncertain in the absence inata Funkhouseristhetype ofTrinarea by ofthe original material on which Clover's original designation (International Com- figure was based. mission on Zoological Nomenclature 1985: Acknowledgments Articles 68b, 67c). The holotype ofO. car- inata (NMNH) and the holotype and para- We thank the following people and insti- tutionsforloaningspecimensandproviding types of Tylopelta fenestrata Striimpel (ZMUH) were examined and found to be other assistance: M. Schwartz (AMNH); P. congeneric with Talipes appendiculata S. Broomfield, W. J. Knight, and M. D. Webb (BMNH); M. Dom and Schuh (Fonseca, 1936), the type species ofTalipes J. Deitz, 1975. Members ofthe genus Talipes (MLUH);P. Lindskog(NHRS);T.J. Henry, differ from other membracids in having fo- JA.gPr.icK,ra%merN,MaNnHd)M;.RB.. SCt.oeFtzreoles(cU.hSn.erDeapntd. liaceous pro- and mesothoracic tibiae but C. H. Hevel (NMNH); and H. Strumpel metathoracic legs with clavate tibiae and (ZMUH). We also thankC. H. Dietrich, M. reduced tarsi (Deitz 1975). Trinarea is therefore given generic status, with Talipes H. Farrier,J. W. Hardin,andH. H. Neunzig as itsjunior synonym, but the tribal name (allofNorthCarolinaStateUniversity)who provided many helpful suggestions relating TaHpedini Deitz, 1975, is retained (Inter- national Commission on Zoological No- to this work. menclature 1985: Article 40a). This is paper No. 12521 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Subfamily Smiliinae Research Service, Raleigh, N.C. 27695- 7643; an earlier version formed part of a Tribe Smiliini thesis submitted by S. H. McKamey in par- Ophiderma FairmairQ, 1846 tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ophiderma gloveri (Coding, 1893), New M.S. degree in entomology, North Carolina Combination State University at Raleigh. Funding for 196 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON McKamey was provided by the NCSU De- . 1929. The Membracidae ofSouth America partment of Entomology and Alumni As- and the Antilles. IV. Subfamilies Hoplephorioni- nae, Daminae, Smiliinae, Tragopinae (Homop- sociation duringtheyear 1986-1987 and by tera). Transactions ofthe American Entomologi- a National Science Foundation Graduate cal Society 55: 197-330, plates 10-11. Fellowship during the period 1987-1989. Heywood, V. H. (ed.). 1985. FloweringPlantsofthe World. 1985. Prentice-Hall Inc., NewJersey. 335 Literature Cited pp. Deitz, L. L. 1975. Classification ofthe higher cate- International Commission on Zoological Nomencla- goriesoftheNewWoridtreehoppers(Homoptera: ture. 1985. InternationalCodeofZoologicalNo- Membracidae). North Carolina Agricultural Ex- menclature. 3rd ed. International Trust for Zoo- periment Station Technical Bulletin 225. [iv] + logical Nomenclature, London, University of 177 pp. California Press, Berkeley, xx + 338 pp. Fonseca, J. P. da. 1936. Contribui^ao para o con- McKamey, S. H. 1989. Revision ofthe GenusMet- hecimento dos membracideos neotropicos. Ar- calfiella(Homoptera: Membracidae)with Review chives [sic] do Institute Biologico (Sao Paulo) 7: oftheNomenclatureandSystematicsoftheTribe 157-166. Hoplophorionini and Description ofa New Ge- Fonseca, J. P. da and R. von Diringshofen. 1974. nus. UnpublishedM.S. thesis, DepartmentofEn- Contribui^aoaoconhecimentodosmembracideos tomology, North Carolina State University, Ra- neotropicos(Homoptera:Membracidae,VII).Ar- leigh, viii + 315 pp. quivos do Institute Biologico (Sao Paulo) 41(4): McKamey, S. H. and L. L. Deitz. 1991. Synonymy 151-160. in the treehopper genera Hoplophorion, Metcal- Fowler, W. W. 1894. Order Rhynchota. Suborder fiella, and Ochropepla (Homoptera: Membraci- Hemiptera-Homoptera[continued].BiolegiaCen- dae). Proceedingsofthe Entomological Societyof trali-Americana 2: 25-56, plates 3^. Washington 93: 159-162. ter. a-1H8o97m.optOerrdaer[cRohnytnincuheodt]a..BSiuobloogridaerCeHnetmrailpi-- Metcaolff,thZe.HP.omaonpdtVe.raW.adAe.Su1p9p6l5e.meGnetnetroaFlaCscaitcalleogIu—e Americana 2: 169-184, plate 11. MembracidaeoftheGeneralCatalogueofHemip- Funkheuser, W. D. 1922. New records and species tera. Membracoidea. In two sections. North Car- ofSouth American Membracidae. Journal ofthe olina State University, Raleigh, vi + 1552 pp. New York Entomological Society 30(1): 1-35, StM,C. 1862. BidragtillRioJaneiro-traktensHemip- plates 1-3. ter-fauna.II.Kongliga[Svenska]Vetenskaps-Aka- Glover,T. 1878. [Manuscriptnotesfrommyjournal demiens Handlingar 3(6): 1-75. andillustrationsofinsectsnativeandforeign. Or- . 1866a. HemipteraHomopteraLatr. Hemip- der Hemiptera: suborder Homoptera. Washing- tera Africana 4. Norstedt, Stockholm. 276 pp. + ton, D.C.]. Plates 1-2 + 5 pp. [apparentlydistrib- 1 plate. uted in very limited numbers; titleaboveascited . 1866b. Analecta hemipterologica [contin- byMetcalfandWade's(1963)"ABibliographyof ued].BerlinerEntomologischeZeitschrift 10:381- the Membracoidea and Fossil Homoptera (Ho- 394. moptera:Auchenorhyncha),"NorthCarolinaState . 1869. Hemiptera Fabriciana. Fabricianska [University], Raleigh, iv + 200 pp.] Hemipterarter, efter de i Kopehnhamn och Kiel Coding, F. W. 1893. Bibliographical and synonym- fbrvaradetypexemplarengranskadeochbeskrifne. ical catalogue of the described Membracidae of 2. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens North America. Illinois State Laboratory ofNat- Handlingar 8(1): 1-130. ural History Bulletin 3: 391-482. Striimpel, H. 1974. BeitragzurKenntnisderneotro- . 1926. Classification ofthe Membracidae of pischen Membraciden Gattung Tylopelta Fowler, America.JournaloftheNewYorkEntomological 1894. Entomologische MitteilungenZoologisches Society 34(4): 295-317. Museum, Hamburg4(88): 531-540.

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