PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 100(3). IW8. pp. 449-457 NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES IN THE PENTATOMOIDEA (HEMIPTERA- HETEROPTERA: CYDNIDAE, PENTATOMIDAE). H. SPECIES LEVEL CHANGES D. A. Rider ND Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, 58105, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]). — Abstract. Numerous species level nomenclatural problems in the Pentatomoidea (Het- eroptera) are discussed and corrected. These corrections have necessitated nine specific replacement names: Carbula linnavuorii for C. litigatrix: Linnavuori, 1975 (not Kirkaldy 1909); C. nigricornis schoutedeni for C. n. ohtusangiila Schouteden, 1916; Dalpada neoclavata for Cimex clavatus Fabricius, 1798; Diploxys cachani for D. bimaciilata Ca- chan, 1952; Eysarcoris distant! for Neocarbiila capitatus Distant, 1918; Menida parva for Rhaphigaster pan'uhts Signoret, 1858; Menida versicoloratus for Peutntanui versi- color Palisot de Beauvois, 181 1; Pentatoma zhengi for P. vetwsa Zheng and Ling, 1983; and Riinibea dallasi for Pentatoma pro.xima Dallas, 1851. Key Words: nomenclature, systematics, Heteroptera, Pentatomoidea, Pentatomidae,Cyd- nidae While preparing a catalog of the Penta- Cydnid.^e: Cydninae tomidae of the World, I have found many Pangaeus serripes (Westwood 1837), nomenclatural problems. Interestingly, a re- revised status viewer of an earlier paper concerning no- menclatural changes in the Pentatomidae Cimex aethiops Fabricius 1787: 296 (pri- (Rider and Rolston 1995) commented that mary junior homonym of Cimex aethiops his biggest surprise was that there were not Goeze 1778, Scutelleridae) more problems to be corrected. Since the Cydiitis serripes Westwood 1837: 19; Stal above paper, another paper on nomencla- 1876: 26. Aethiis margo Dallas 1851: 116. tural changes already has been published (Rider 1997); two others soon will appear Pangaeus aethiops: Stal 1868: 7. Pangoeiis [sic] serripes: Signoret 1882: in print (Rider 1998, Rider and Fischer 247, pi. 8 fig. 106. n19u9m8b).erInofthsepepcrieessentlevpealpern,omIenacdldarteusrsala Pangaeus serripes: Uhler 1886: 3; Lethier- ry and Severin 1893: 70. problems. Pangaeus (Pangaeus) aethiops: Froeschner The problems dealt with in this paper are 1960: 479, 504-507, figs. 14, 24, 46, strictly of a nomenclatural nature. I do not 103, 127, 155, 177, 235. intend to validate the taxonomy involved with the current problems. If current work- Goeze's 1778) description of Cimex ae- ( ers are cortect taxonomically in their recent thiops predates Fabricius' (1787) usage of papers, then the names should be as pro- the same name by nine years. Cimex ae- posed herein. thiops Goeze currently is considered to be 450 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON a junior synonym of the scutellerid Eury- A. V. tibialis Horvath. Horvath's name, ti- gaster austriaca (Schrank), a species oc- bialis, has, in the past, only been used as a curring throughout much of Europe. The varietal name, which actually may be its C next available name for aethiops Fabri- proper status. cius is Cydnus serripes Westwood; there- fore, the proper name for this tropical Antestiopsis thunbergii (Gmelin 1790), American cydnid is Poiigoeus serripes. revised status Cimex variegatus Thunberg 1783: 48-49, Pentatomidae: Pentatominae pi. 2 fig. 62; Thunberg 1822: 3 (primary Agonoscelis versicoloratus (Turton 1802), junior homonym of Cimex variegatus revised status Poda 1761, Stenocephalidae) Cimex versicolor Fabricius 1794: 120 (pri- Cimex thunbergii Gmelin 1790: 2158; Tur- mary junior homonym of Cimex versi- ton 1802: 652 (new name for Cimex var- color Gmelin 1790; Menida) iegatus Thunberg 1783) Cimex versicoloratus Turton 1802: 648 Cimex olivaceus Thunberg 1822: 2-3. (pri- (new name for Cimex versicolor Fabri- mary junior homonym of Cimex oliva- cius 1794) ceus Fabricius 1777, Miridae) Cimex pubescens Thunhexg 1822: 2. Pentatoma orbitalis Westwood 1837: 8, 35. Aelia infuscata Westwood 1837: 8, 32. Cimexfacetus Germar 1838: 172. Cimex acinorum Germux 1838: 177-178. Pentatoma lineaticollis Stal 1853: 220. Agonoscelis versicolor: Dallas 1851: 179; Strachia pentatomoides Walker 1867: 325. Stal 1865: 178; Lethierry and Severin Antestiopsis faceta: Leston 1952: 269. 1893: 151. Antestiopsis orbitalis: Leston 1953: 58. Agonoscelis pubescens: Kirkaldy 1909: 98. Antestiopsis lineaticollis: Le Pelley 1959: 54, 185. Gmelin's (1790) usage of the binomen Antestiopsis orbitalis orbitalis: Greathead Cimex versicolor precedes Fabricius" 1966: 520, 521-525, figs. 2, 8, 14-16, (1794) by four years. Turton (1802) recog- 34, pi. 19 figs. 1, 2. nized this case of homonymy and proposed the replacement name C. versicoloratus. No This taxon was first described by Thun- one used Turton's name, although Kirkaldy berg in 1783 as Cimex variegatus. This (1909) also realized that C. versicolor Fa- name, however, is a junior primary hom- bricius was preoccupied; he used the next onym of Cimex variegatus Poda, 1761, a available name, Agonoscelis pubescens species in the heteropteran family Steno- (Thunberg). Virtually no one has followed cephalidae. Gmelin (1790), realizing that Kirkaldy in usingA. pubescens; most work- Cimex variegatus Thunberg was preoccu- C ers are still using A. versicolor as the valid pied, proposed thunbergii as a replace- name. Agonoscelis versicoloratus is a rela- ment name. Owing to the great variability tively common species, occurring through- in the dorsal coloration, this species has out much ofAfrica south ofthe Sahara des- been redescribed a number of times by dif- ert. Gmelin's (1790) C. versicolor is a ferent authors. In his relatively recent re- member of the pentatomid genus Menida visionary work on the group, Greathead (see also discussion below). (1966) settled upon Antestiopsis orbitalis There currently are four subspecies of (Westwood) as the proper name for this tax- Agonoscelis versicoloratus that are affected on. Even so, other authors continue to use by this name change. Along with the nom- the other specific epithets (A. faceta [Ger- inate form, their correct combinations are: marj, A. lineaticollis [Stal], A. variegatus), Agonoscelis versicoloratus fallaciosa Lin- and Greathead used these other names for navuori, A. v. gambiensis (Westwood), and the various forms. Cimex thunbergii is VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 451 clearly the oldest valid name for this spe- resembled most closely (genitalia were cies. identical) specimens earlier (Kerzhner There currently are three subspecies of 1972) described by himself as Antheminia this taxon recognized. Besides the nominate eurxnota tamininii. Kerzhner did not com- form, there also is Antestiopsis tbunbergii ment on A. sulcata, which needs to be re- bechitaua (Kirkaldy) and A. t. ghesqiiierei examined as it is also closely related. Carayon. Carbula limpoponis (Stal 1853), Antheminia eurynota remota (Horvath revised status 1908) Cime.x marginellus Thunberg 1822: 4-5 Carpocoris remotus Horvath 1908: 296; (primary junior homonym of Cime.x mar- McDonald 1966: 21-22, 50, figs. 148- ginellus Fabricius 1781, Miridae) 154, 448. Pentatoma limpoponis Stal 1853: 219; Carpocoris (Antheminia) remains: Kirkaldy Walker 1867: 296. 1909: 57; Van Duzee, 1917: 37. Pentatoma (Carbula) marginella: Stal Antheminia eurynota tamaninii Kerzhner 1865: 143. 1972: 369, figs. 57-60. Pentatoma (Carbula) limpoponis: Stal Codophila (Antheminia) remota: Thomas 1865: 143-144. 1974: 441. Carbula limpoponis: Stal 1876: 83; Leth- Codophila remota: Froeschner 1988: 573. ierry and Severin 1893: 143; Kirkaldy Antheminia eurynota remota: Kerzhner 1909: 88; Cachan 1952: 412. 415-416. 1993: 103-104. Carbula marginella: Stal 1876: 83; Leth- ierry and Severin 1893: 143; Kirkaldy Tamanini (1958, 1962) worked exten- 1909: 88; Linnavuori 1982: 93, 96-97. sively on four closely related pentatomid Carbula pedalis Bergroth 1891: 203-204; genera: Antheminia Mulsant and Rey, Car- Lethierry and Severin 1893: 143; Kirkal- pocoris Kolenati, Codophila Mulsant and dy 1909: 88. Rey, and Dolycoris Mulsant and Rey. He Carbula litigatri.x Kirkaldy 1909: 88 (un- concluded that Antheminia should be rec- necessary new name for Cime.x margi- ognized as a subgenus of Codophila, a fact nellus Thunberg, 1822) reported on by Thomas (1974). Thomas also diagnosed the two American species, This species has had a long and confus- C. remota (Horvath) and C sulcata (Van ing taxonomic history. Thunberg (1822) Duzee), placing them both in Codophila first described this species as Cime.x mar- (Antheminia). Most Old World workers, ginellus. a combination used previously by however, still recognize both Antheminia Fabricius (1781) for a new species of Mir- and Codophila as valid genera, including idae. This species was described twice in even Tamanini in 1981. This generic re- subsequent years, once by Stal (1853) as alignment also results in the new combi- Pentatoma limpoponis and once by Ber- nation Antheminia sulcata (Van Duzee). groth (1891) as Carbula pedalis. Most Because many New World workers may workers considered these three names to have missed the synonymical note pub- represent three valid species until Linna- lished by Kerzhner (1993), this information vuori (1975) placed C. limpoponis and C. C is repeated here. Kerzhner concluded that pedalis as junior synonyms of margi- remota is conspecific with the Old World nellus. Linnavuori, however, mistakenly species A. euiynota Horvath; both taxa recognized C. litigatrix as a separate spe- were described by Horvath (1908) with A. cies. Carbula litigatrix was proposed by eurynota having page priority. Moreover, Kirkaldy (1909) as a replacement name for Kerzhner found that the American species Cime.x marginellus Thunberg, 1822, recog- 452 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON nizing that it was preoccupied by C. mar- to be a valid species and has been reported ginellus Fabricius, 1781. As such, C. liti- from China, Japan, and Okinawa. No sub- C gatrix and margiuellus must represent sequent workers have even mentioned the same species, which leaves C. litigath.x Schouteden's variety, so it must still be sensu Linnavuori, 1975, without a name treated as a valid subspecific name, thus re- (see below). At any rate, C. margiuellus quiring a new name; I propose schoutedeni. Thunberg, 1822, is preoccupied; if C. lim- poponis and C. pedalis are indeed syn- Dalpada neoclavata Rider, new name onyms of C. margiuellus (per Linnavuori Cimex clavatus Fabricius 1798: 532 (pri- 1975), then both would have priority over mary junior homonym of Cimex clavatus Kirkaldy's replacement name (C litigatrix). Linnaeus 1767, Miridae; Cimex clavatus The problem is compounded by the fact Thunberg 1783, Alydidae; and Cimex that Linnavuori (1982) described a new clavatus Reich 1795, Alydidae) subspecies of this species as C. marginella Dalpada clavata: Dallas 1851: 184; Stal sindouana. This subspecies should be ten- 1876: 43; Lethierry and Severin 1893: tatively represented by the new combina- 98; Kirkaldy 1909: 193. tion C. limpoponis sindouana. Carbula Stal is a large and important genus badly in need The binomen Cimex clavatus already had of a thorough revision. Only then will the been used for three other hemipterans when true status ofthe above species be resolved. Fabricius (1798) used it in describing his new species of Pentatomidae. Linnaeus Carbula linnavuorii Rider, new name 1767) used this name for a new species of ( Carbula litigatrix: Linnavuori 1975:51, 62- Miridae, and Thunberg (1783) and Reich 63, figs. 37a-f. (1795) both used it to describe two separate species of Alydidae. Distant 1893) consid- Linnavuori (1975) recognized Carbula ( C ered both D. bulbifera Walker and D. con- litigatrix as being distinct from margi- sobrina Walker to be junior synonyms of nella (Thunberg). Carbula litigatrix was, D. clavata (Fabricius, 1798), but Ghauri however, originally proposed as a replace- (1982) resurrected both names, considering ment name for the preoccupied Ciniex mar- them both to represent valid species. This ginella Thunberg, 1822; the two names leaves Cimex clavata without any known must stand for the same species (see above discussion). This leaves Carbula litigatrix junior synonyms; thus 1 propose Dalpada neoclavata as a replacement name. This psernospuosLeinnCaavrubouril,a 1l9i7n5nawviutohroiuit aasnaamen.ewI species is known to occur in China, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. name. Carbula nigricornis schoutedeni Rider, Diploxys cachani Rider, new name new name Diplo.xys bimaculata Cachan 1952: 382, Carbula nigricornis var. obtusangula 383-384. figs. 362-364. pi. 12 fig. 3 (sec- Schouteden 1916: 305 (primary junior ondary junior homonym of Gonopsis bi- homonym of Carbula obtusangula Ren- maculata Stal 1858, Diploxysbipunctata) ter 1881, Carbula) In 1858, Stal described Gonopsis bima- Schouteden (1916) described C. obtusan- culata. a species that he himself (Stal 1865) gula as a new variety of Carbula nigricor- later placed as ajunior synonym ofDiplox- nis Schouteden, evidently unaware that ys bipunctata Amyot and Serville. Cachan Renter (1881) had used C. obtusangula for (1952) subsequently described Diploxys bi- a new species of Carbula from the Oriental maculata from Madagascar, thus creating a region. Reuter's species still is considered secondary junior homonym, which still ex- VOLUME 100. NUMBER 3 453 ists. I propose cachani as a replacement Eysarcoris venustissimus (Schrank 1776), name. revised status Cimex melanocephalus Fabricius 1775: Eunis rotundatus Dallas. 1851, 716-717 (primary junior homonym of revised status Cimex melanocephcdus Linnaeus 1767, Miridae) Cime.x dilatatus Thunberg 1822:5 (primary junior homonym of Cimex dilatatus Tur- Cimex venustissimus Schrank 1776: 80. Eysarcoris melanocephalus: Hahn 1835: ton 1802, Miridae) Eiiriis rotundatus Dallas 1851: 190, pi. 7 130, fig. 211; Lethierry and Severin 1893: 140. figs. 2a, b. Eusarcoris venustissimus: Autran and Reu- Brachyinenum circuliventre Mayr 1864: ter 1888: 199. 909. Eysarcoris fabricii Kirkaldy 1904: 281; Burns dilatatus: Stal 1865: 109-110; Kir- Kirkaldy 1909: 84. 379 (unnecessary kaldy 1909: 201; Linnavuori 1982: 57, new name for Cimexmelanocephalus Fa- figs. 71c-f, 72a. bricius 1775) Turton ( 1802) proposed Cimex dilatatus Cimex melanocephalus Fabricius, 1775, as a replacement name for the preoccupied is preoccupied by C melanocephalus Lin- name Cimex pictiis Gmelin, a member of naeus, 1767, a species in the heteropteran the heteropteran family Miridae. This usage family Miridae. Kirkaldy (1904) proposed precedes Thunberg's name by twenty years. Eysarcoris fabricii as a replacement name, The next available synonym is Eurus ro- but an availablejunior synonym already ex- tundatus Dallas. This species occurs in isted, Cimex venustissimus Schrank, 1776. South Africa. Eysarcoris venustissimus should be the val- id name used for this common Old World Eysarcoris distanti Rider, new name species. Neocarbula capitata Distant 1918: 134- Menida parva Rider, new name 135, fig. 68 (secondary junior homonym Rhaphigaster parx'ulus Signoret 1858: 289 of Eusarcocoris capitatus Distant 1902, (primary junior homonym of Rhaphigas- Eysarcoris) terparvulus Dallas 1851, Acrosternum) Stollia capitata: Kiritshenko 1961: 443. Antestia parx'ula: Stal 1865: 211; Walker 1867: 281. itaDtiusstanitn (1E9u0s2a)rcdoecsocrriibse,d tahne supnejcuisesticfaipe-d Menida parx'ula: Stal 1876: 99; Lethierry emended form of the genus Eysarcoris and Severin 1893: 174; Kirkaldy 1909: Hahn. This Indian species still is regarded 133; Linnavuori 1982: 158, 160, figs. as a valid species in the genus Eysarcoris. 258e, f, 261c; Linnavuori 1986: 131, 135, figs. 5a, 12c-f, 13a-f. In 1918, Distant described another Indian Menida signoreti Rider and Rolston 1995: species as Neocarbula capitata. This spe- 849 (primaryjunior homonym ofMenida cies has only been referred to one other signoreti Stal 1876, Menida; new name time as Stollia capitata (Kiritshenko 1961). for Menida parvula Signoret 1858) Both Neocarbula Distant and Stollia Ellen- rieder now are regarded asjunior synonyms Rider and Rolston (1995) proposed Men- of Eysarcoris. Transferral of Distant's 1918 ida signoreti as a replacement name for species into Eysarcoris creates a secondary Menida pan'ula Signoret, 1858. They did homonym, which I propose to correct with not realize that Stal (1876) already had used the new name distanti. this binomen in describing a species of 454 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Menida Motshulsky, questionably from In- Most recent workers consider Pentatoma dia. I herein propose Menida par\>a as an- versicolor Palisot de Beauvois, 1811, to be other replacement name. a valid species in the genus Menida. This creates a case of secondary homonymy (see Menida versicolor (GmsWn 1790), above discussion), which I propose to cor- revised status rect by proposing versicoloratus as a re- Cimex histrio Fabricius 1787: 296 (primary placement name. This species occurs in junior homonym of Cimex histrio Lin- tropical Africa. naeus 1758; Dinocoris) Pentatoma zhengi Rider, new name Cimex versicolor Gmelin 1790: 2155. (new Pentatoma venosa Zheng and Ling 1983: name for Cimex histrio Fabricius 1787) Pentatoma bengalensis Westwood 1837: 8, 236-237, 238, figs. 16-23; Ling and 36-37. Zheng 1987: 41, 43-45, 48; Zheng et al. 1987: 217 (primary junior homonym of Rhaphigaster conciniuis Dallas 1851: 285- Pentatoma venosa Forster 1891, Penta- 286. tomidae) Rhaphigaster strachioides Walker 1867: 365. Zheng and Ling (1983) apparently were Menida histrio: Stal 1876: 98. unaware that the binomen Pentatoma ven- Menida cevlanica Breddin 1909: 280-281, osiim already had been used for a fossil spe- fig. 19. cies of Pentatomidae (Forster 1891) when Menida bengalensis: Kirkaldy 1909: 131, they used that name for an extant species 381. occurring in the Yunnan Province ofChina. 1 propose zhengi as a replacement name. Fabricius (1787) described the taxon Ci- mex histrio for a species currently contained Runibia dallasi Rider, new name in the genus Menida. He apparently did not Pentatoma!proximo Dallas 1851: 255 (pri- realize that this binomen had been used first mary junior homonym of Pentatoma 29 years previously by Linnaeus (1758) for proximo Westwood 1837, Nezara viri- a pentatomid species now residing in the dula) genus Dinocoris Burmeister. Several other Runibia proximo: Stal 1861: 141; Lethierry workers realized this and adopted West- and Severin 1893: 160; Kirkaldy 1909: wood's (1837) name C. bengalensis as the 111; Van Duzee 1917: 57; Rolston 1976: valid species name. They apparently did not 4; Froeschner 1988: 591. realize that Gmelin (1790) had proposed C. Dallas (1851) described proximo, tenta- versicoloras a replacement name for C. his- trio Fabricius. Menida versicolor occurs tively placing it in the genus Pentatoma Olivier (note question mark) thereby creat- throughout the Indo-Pakistan and Oriental ing a junior primary homonym with Pen- regions, whereas Dinocoris histrio Linnae- tatoma proximo Westwood, 1837. West- us occurs in the Neotropics. wood's species is a junior synonym of Ne- Menida versicoloratus Rider, new name zara viridula (Linnaeus). Stal (1861) trans- ferred Dallas's species to Runibia Stal Pentatoma versicolor Palisot de Beauvois where it still is considered to be a valid spe- 1811: 114, pi. 8 fig. 8 (secondary junior cies. It has been reported from Cuba, Ja- homonym of Cimex versicolor Gmelin maica, and the U.S. (Texas). I propose R. 1790, Menida) dallasi to eliminate the case of homonymy. Menida versicolor: Stal 1876: 98: Lethierry Acknowledgments and Severin 1893: 175; Kirkaldy 1909: 133; Leston 1956: 625; Schouteden My sincere thanks to all those individuals 1964: 94. who have helped in the acquisition of per- VOLUME 100, NUMBER 3 455 tinent literature for this work and the up- adjecta mantissa specierum nuper Detectarum. coming World Catalog. I especially am Mich. Friedr. Bartschii, Chilonii. xiv -1-310 pp. grateful to L. H. Rolston whose encourage- Fabricius. J. C. 1781. Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas. synonyma aucto- ment and guidance were vital to the success rum, loca natalia. metamorphosin adjectis obser- of this project. The work of the staff at the vationibus. descriptionibus. Tom. II.Carol. Ernest. North Dakota State University Interlibrary Bohnii. Hamburgi et Kilonii. 517 pp. Loan Service also has been essential to this Fabncus, J. C. 1787. Mantissa insectorum sistens spe- cies nuper detectas adjectis synonymis, observa- project. tionibus, descriptionibus. emendationibus. Tom. "This material is based upon work sup- II. Christ. Gottl. Proft. Hafniae. 382 pp. ported by the National Science Foundation Fabricius. J. C. 1794. Entomologia systematica emen- under Grant No. BSR-9024584. The gov- data et aucta, secundum classes, ordines. genera, ernment has certain rights in this material. speciesadjectissynonymis, locis.observationibus, Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or rec- descriptionibus. Tom. IV C. G. Proft, Hafniae. vi ommendations expressed in this material Fabri-ct-iu4s9,2J.ppC.. 1798. Entomologia systematica emen- are those of the author and do not neces- data et auct, secundum classes, ordines, genera, sarily reflect the views of the National Sci- species, adjectis synonymis, locis, observationi- ence Foundation." bus. Supplementum. Proft et Storch, Hafniae. ii + 572 pp. Literature Cited Forster, B. 1891. Die Insekten des plattigen Steinmer- gels von Brunstatt. Abhandlungen zur Geolo- Autran, E. and O. M. Reuter. 1888. Hemiptcra Amu- gischen Spezialkarte von Elsass-Lothringen 3: rensia. Revue d'Entoniologie 7: 199-202. 527. Bergroth, E. 1891. Contributions a 1'etude des penta- Froeschner, R. C. 1960. Cydnidae of the Western tomides. Revue d'Entomologie 10: 200-235. Hemisphere. Proceedings ofthe United States Na- Breddin, G. 1909. Rhynchoten von Ceylon gesammelt tional Museum 111: 337-680. von Dr. Walter Horn. Annales de la Societe En- Froe.schner, R. C. 1988. Family Pentatomidae Leach. Cachat(noH,memoilP.potgei1rq9eu5s2e.HdeeLteeBrseolpPgteiernqetusae)t.5o3mM:ied2ma5oe0i-rd3ee0s9M.daedIa'glansstcitaurt eJ1.r8o1ap5nt.derTaR,h.eoCr.sttFirnrukoeebsbucughgsns.e,rp,po.fedsC5.4a.4nC-aa6dt0aa7l.aong/d/;oftHhetenhercyoH.nettiT-.- SVcli-eXnItiVt.iquede Madagascar(E)l(2): 231-462,pis. nental United States. E. J. Brill. Leiden, New,ectLiSoopnnedcooifmnteh2nespBtrso.if.tiH5se9h2mMipupp--. GermaYCtor.orr,ikiF.,EB.DoxrinFexagee-1t.-8S39pR85ee.8ivuHpneepo.mniEdpnuttemormadoelsHocegrtiiepqrtuaoe.ptq(euSriaalebpecrroomUmaeongnni-t) Distasnty.noWn.ymLi.c1a8l93n.otOesn.sAonmnealasllaienddPMeantgaatzoimniedeoef,wNiatth- Ghaur5i:,1M2.1-1S.92K..(11893872..)New genera and new species ural History (6)11: 389-394—. oPfenHtaaltyoinmii,damea,inlPyenftraotmomSionuateh).IndiRae(iHcehteenrbopatcehriaa, Distapnpt., Wxx..wLi.ii19+02.438R.hyInnchBoltaanforVdo.l.W.I. HTe.teerdo,p.teTrhae. 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