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Nomenclatural changes in pteromalidae, with a description of the first new world species of Ormocerus walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) PDF

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Preview Nomenclatural changes in pteromalidae, with a description of the first new world species of Ormocerus walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)

PROC. ENTOMOL.SOC. WASH. 105(3). 3()()3.pp. ?35-541 NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES IN PTEROMALIDAE, WITH A DE:SCRIPTI0N of the first new world SPECIES OF ORMOCERUS WALKER (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) K. A. DZHANOKMBN AND E. E. GrISSELL (KAD) Institute of Zoology, Akademgorokok. Almaty, 480060. Republic of Kazakh- stan; (EEC) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service.U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History. Washington. D.C. 20560-0168. U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. The new species Ormoceriisamericaniis Dzhanokmenand Grissell isde- scribed based on specimens reared from cynipid galls on oak in Texas. The following new synonymies are proposed: Ahyrsoinele Dzhanokmen 1975a = Halticopterimi Erdos 1946: Halticopterinapeiithoconiie Dzhanokmen 1975a = H. luoczariErdos 1954; Hom- oporiis longiventris Dzhanokmen 1999 = H. cupreus Erdos 1953; Phaenocytiis hepta- potamiciis Dzhanokmen 1990 = P. glechomue (Fcirster 1841); Pseudocatolacciis aine- golliis Dzhanokmen 1989 = P. iiitescens (Walker 1834); Pteromalus inaculatits Dzhan- okmen 1998 = P. vopisciis Walker 1839; Stenoselma luiplogcistra Dzhanokmen 1975a = S. nigmm Delucchi 1956; Stenoselma armeniaca Dzhanokmen and Herthevtzian 1990 = S. nigrum Delucchi 1956; Stirogeniiim Dzhanokmen 1985 = Paracarotomus Ashmead 1894; Stirogeniiim asiaticiim Dzhanokmen 1985 = Paracarotomus cephalotes Ashmead 1894. The following are new combinations: Chlorocytusarkansensis(Girault)fromHa- lirocytus Thomson; C. languriae (Ashmead) from Habrocytus Thomson; C. rhodobaeni (Ashmead) from Habrocytus: C. simillinuis (Gahan) from Habrocytus: C. vassiliefi(Ash- mead) from Homoporus Thomson; Halticopterina lauta (Dzhanokmen) fromAbyrsomele Dzhanokmen; Mesopolobuselymi (Dzhanokmen) from Platneptis Boucek:Neocatolaccus carinatus (Howard) from Catolaccus Thomson. Key Words: Chalcidoidea. Pteromalidae. cynipid galls, oak The family Pteromalidae is worldwide in amination of the types and collection ma- distribution and is numerically the third terial from the Canadian National Collec- largest family within the superfamily Chal- tion. Ottawa (CNC); The Natural History cidoidea (Noyes 2001). Currently there is Museum, London (NHM.London); Nation- virtually no worldwide consensus of opin- al MuseumofNatural History.Smithsonian ionontheranksoftaxacomposingthefam- Institution.WashingtonD.C. (USNM);Nat- ily or of the definition of subfamilies that ura! History Museum, Budapest (NHM, should be recognized. The status ofa great Budapest); Zoological Institute, St. Peters- many higher level taxahave not been eval- burg (ZI);and InstituteofZoology,Almaty, uated and most of the genera and species Kazakhstan.Wealsodescribeanewspecies remain unstudied. We take this opportunity of Ormocerus Walker, reared from cynipid to make some changes in the nomenclature gallsonoak. which isthe firstreportedspe- of Holarctic pteromalids based upon ex- cies ofthe genus in the New World. PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON New Synonymies Phaenocytus heptapotamicus Dzhanokmen Hahicopterimi Erdos 1990: 65-67. New synonymy. (ZI. ex- amined.) Hcilticopteriiui Erdos 1946; 160. ThegenusPhaenocytusGrahamwascre- Type species: Halticopterina trinumilatci ated forPteromalusglechomae Forster. Al- Erdos. Original designation. (NHM, Buda- though we have not seen thetype, wecom- pest, examined.) paredP. heptapotamicuswith specimensof Abyrsomele Dzhanokmen 1975a: 627. New P. glechomaehoused in theNHM, London. synonymy. The two are identical and we consider the former a subjective junior synonym of P. Type species: Abyrsomele lauta Dzhan- glechonuie. okmen. Original designation. (ZI, exam- ined.) Pseudocatolaccus nitesceiis (Walker) The type species ofAljyrsomeledoes not Amhlymerus nitescens Walker 1834: 347. differ from Halticopterina in generic char- (NHM, London, examined.) acters and is herein considered a subjective Pseudocatolaccus nitescens: Graham 1969: junior synonym of the latter genus. 694-696. Pseudocatolaccus amegallus Dzhanokmen Halticopterina moczari Erdos 1989: 45-46. New synonymy. (ZI. ex- Halticopterina moczari Erdos 1954: 153- amined.) 154. (NHM. Budapest, examined.) Halticopterina penthocoryne Dzhanokmen Examination of the type and additional 1975a: 625-627. New synonymy. (ZI. series of Pseudocatolaccus nitescens examined.) (Walker) convinces us thatitis the sameas P. amegallus. Pseudocatolaccus nitescens Examination of the type specimens is a rather variable species (Graham 1969), leaves no doubt that H. penthocoryne is a anditseemsthatP. amegallusisjustaform subjectivejunior synonym ofH. moczari. of P. nitescens having the postmarginal vein shorterthan normal. Thuswe consider Honioporus cupreus Erdos P. amegallus a subjective junior synonym Honioporus cupreus Erdos 1953: 245. ofP. nitescens. (NHM. Budapest, examined.) Honioporus longiventris Dzhanokmen Pteromcdus vopiscus Walker 1999: 183-185. Newsynonymy. (ZI,ex- Pteromalus vopiscus Walker 1839: 274. amined.) (NHM, London, examined.) Honioporus longiventris was distin- Pteromalus maculatus Dzhanokmen 1998: guished from H. cupreus chiefly by having 494-496. New synonymy. (ZI, exam- lightercoloredantennaeand legs andby its ined.) narrower gaster. These differences, based Examination of the type of Pteromalus upon an examination of several series of vopiscus Walker showed that P. maculatus specimens, now appear to occur within the is almost certainly the same species. It dif- range of variation of a single species and fers from the latter in small details that we we considerH. longiventrisasubjectiveju- considerto fall within the range ofindivid- nior synonym ofH. cupreus. ual variability of P. vopiscus. For this rea- son we place P. maculatus as a subjective Phaenocytusglechomae (Forster) junior synonym ofP. vopiscus. PPtheareonmoaclyutsugslegclheocmhaoemaFeo:rstGerra1h8a4m1: 1291.69: Paracarotomus Ashmead 562-563. Paracarotoimis Ashxnead 1894: 335-336. VOLUME 105. NUMBER3 Typespecies: Paracarotomuscepludoles New Combinations Ashmead. Monobasic. (USNM. examined.) As a result of the examination of the Stiroi>eiuiiin Dzhanokmen 1985: 152. New types of additional pteromalid species, we synonymy. propose the following new combinations: Type species: Stirogenium asiaticiim Chloiocytus arkan.sensis (Girault 1917), n. Dzhanokmen. Originaldesignation. (ZI,ex- comb, from HabrocytusThtimson amined.) Chlorocytus Icmguriae (Ashmead 1896), n. Based upon an examination of the type comb, from Habrocytus Thomson species ofParacarotomusandStirogeiuuin. Chlorocytus rhodobaeni (Ashmead 1896), the latter differs in no moiphological way n. comb, from Habrocytus Thomson andsoisnowconsideredasubjectivejunior Chlorocytus simillimus (Gahan 1919), n. synonym ofParacarotomus. comb, from Habrocytus Thomson Chlorocytus rassiliefi (Ashmead 1903), n. Paracarotomus ceplialotes Ashmead comb, from Homoporus Thomson Paracarotomus ceplialotes Ashmead 1894: Halticopterina lauta (Dzhanokmen 1975a), 335. (USNM. examined.) n. comb, from Abyrsomele Dzhanokmen Stirogenium asiaticitm Dzhanokmen 1985: Mesopolobuselymi(Dzhanokmen 1984). n. 152-153. New synonymy. (ZI, exam- comb, from Platneptis Boucek Neocatolaccuscarinatus(Howard 1897),n. ined.) comb, from Catolaccus Thomson After comparing the type specimens of Stirogenium asiaticum and Paracarotomus The genus Chlorocytus. established by ceplialotes we found that they differ in no Graham (1956). was not formally reported way. Therefore we consider Stirogenium in the Nearctic until 1997 (Boucek and asiaticum a subjective junior synonym of Heydon 1997). No described species were Paracarotomus ceplialotes. included at that time, and the above new combinations are the first species reported Stenoselma nigrum Delucchi forthe Nearctic. These taxaweredescribed much earlier when such important charac- Stenoselma nigrum Delucchi 1956: 66-68. teristics as the shape and structure of the Ste1n97o5sbe:lm1a096h-a1p0l9o7g.aNsterwasyDnzohnaymnyo.km(eZIn. lpyreapneacltyuzseda.ndInpCrholpoordoecyutmuswetrheepnroetpcercittuiscali-s examined.) large and uniformly reticulate, the propo- SteHneortsheelvmtaziaanrme19n9i0a:ca13D9-z1h4a2n.okNmeewn saynnd- daseulomngisanseatrhleysacluwtealylsuml)argaend(mwoirtehtihrarenghulaalrf onymy. (ZI, examined.) carinae and shallow spiracular sulci. Addi- We examined all the determined speci- tionally, in Chlorocytus the antennal clava mens of S. nigrum in NHM, London. The in profile is often asymmetrical, its upper differencesbetweenStenoselmanigrumand edge strongly curved. Thesecharactersdis- S. haplogastra appear to fall within the tinguish Chlorocytus from the morphologi- range of variation of a single species, and cally similar genus Pteromalus Swederus we have no hesitation in placing S. haplo- (and its synonym Habrocytus, which some gastra as a subjectivejuniorsynonym ofS. may regard as a subgenus). nigrum. The differences given in the de- Ormocerus Walker scription ofarmeniaca also fall within the range of variation ofnigrum and we place Burks (1979) placed the genus Ormoce- S'. armeniaca as a subjective junior syno- rus Walker in the subfamily Miscogasteri- nym of.S'. nigrum. nae. tribe Ormocerini and included O. flora PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON (Girault) and O. vulgaris (Ashmead) in the li, anellus barely as wide as first funicle genus. Heydon and Boucek (1992) exam- segment; first funicle segment shorter and ined the types ofthese two species and de- narrowerthansecond;secondandthirdseg- termined that neither belonged to Ornioce- ments slightly transverse; following seg- riis. For O.flora they established the genus ments strongly transverse. Both mandibles Ficicola Heydon and Boucek; they trans- with three teeth (Fig. 2). Maxillary palp4- ferred O. vulgaris to the genus Seladenna segmented. labial palp 3-segmented. Walker. As a result of these actions, none Mesosoma about 1.4X as long as broad. ofthe described Nearctic species remained Mesoscutum with reticulate sculpture, in- in thegenus Onnoceriis. IntheirkeytoNe- terspersed with numerous minute pits from arctic genera of Pteromalidae, Boucek and which arise setae, which cover mesoscu- Heydon (1997) cited Ormocerus as having tum. Notaulus complete and deep, not in- "at least 4 spp." based apparently on their terrupted by sculpture. Scutellum distinctly knowledgeofundescribedspecies inthere- longer than broad, convex, sculptured like gion. Frankie et al. (1992; Table 17.6) list- mesoscutum though with moreconspicuous ed, butdid notdiscuss, '^Ormocerusn. sp." pits among reticulation on lateral sides and as a parasitoid of the sexual generation of base. Frenumweaklydelimited. Propodeum a cynipid gall on oak in Texas. It is this medially nearly !4scutellum length, weakly material, representing the first known spe- alutaceous, almost smooth, with distinct cies ofthe genus from the New World, that median carina, without plicae. Callus with we describe herein. several hairs; spiracles subcircular, separat- ed by nearly % theirgreatestdiameterfrom Ormocerus ainericaniis Dzhanoknien metanotum. Upper mesopleuron large, pol- and Gri.ssell, new species ished and smooth. Prepectus finely reticu- (Fig—s. 1-4) late. Spurofmidtibialongerthan firsttarsal Female holotype. Body length 2.1 mm. segment. Forewing with speculum closed Head, mesosoma, and coxae dark green below, notextending fartherthanbeginning with metallic gloss. Metasoma dark ful- of marginal vein; disc beyond speculum vous. Antenna dark; scape dark with me- densely setose. Lowersurface ofcostalcell tallic tinge, pedicel dark brown, flagellum with only a few setae in distal Vi. Basalcell brown. Femora mainly brown toblackwith with some setae proximally and distally metallic green tinge, tibiae fuscous except alongcubital vein;basalveinaconspicuous at apices, remaining parts of legs testa- transparenttract, withonlyoneortwosetae ceous, apicesoftarsi fuscous. Forewingap- atjunctiondorsally withparastigma.Apical pearing hyaline, but with slight fuscous margin of wing with fringe. Postmarginal cloud below stigmal vein extending below vein slightly longer than marginal, latter marginal to parastigmal vein; venation I.2X longer than stigmal (Fig. 3). brownish testaceous. Metasoma about as long as mesosoma, Head in dorsal view 2.3 times as broad I.8X as long as broad, acute apically, nar- as long. POL about 2.3 OOL. head trans- rower than mesosoma. Basal tergite occu- verselyovalinfrontalview.Genarelatively pying Vi total length, its hind margin me- short (Fig. 4), very slightly curved, con- dially emarginate. Caster ventrally keeled, verging strongly towards mouth. Anterior hypopygium extending nearly Vi distance margin of clypeus (Fig. 2) evenly curved from base of gaster to tips of ovipositor forward. Eyes relatively large, height about sheath, w—hich project slightly at most. 2.5X height ofgena (Fig. 4). Antennae in- Male. Body length 2.0 mm. Agreeing serted low on face, toruli at or slightly with female except as follows; forewing abovelevelofventraleyemargin.Antennal completely hyaline; stigmal veinelongately flagellumclavate(Fig. 1);2transverseanel- triangular(insteadoflinear),wideningfrom — VOLUME 10?. NUMBER3 539 Figs. 1-6. Ormocerus spp. 1—1. Ontiocerus americainis. female. 1, Antenna. 2. Mandibles and anterior marginofclypeus.3,Forewing venation.4,Head,lateral view. 5-6, Onitoccnislams, female. 3. Head,lateral view.6. Antenna. marginal vein to junction with stigma (USNM); 15 9, 1 (5 paratypes same data where it is subequal in width; flagellumcy- as holotype; 3 $ paratypes same data ex- lindrical, clothed with dense, semierect se- cept collected 29-III-1974 (no emergence tae, funicular segments strongly transverse date) (USNM; 1 9 paratype in ZI, 2 9 and nearly t—wice width ofanellus. paratype—s in CNC). Variation. Female specimens varyfrom Host. The species was reared from the 1.8 to 2.1 mm in length. There is little var- bisexual generation of Disholcaspis cine- iation in color except the general metallic rosa on Quercus virginiana. green tinge of the femora may disappear, Discussion. Ormocerus americanus leavingthemdarkbrownincolor.Thefore- differs from the two European species. O. wing infuscation isobscureatbest; insome latiisWalkerand O. venuilisWalkerchiefly specimens it is little more than a slight in its shorter gena and larger eye (Fig. 4). darkening posterior to the stigma; in others The eye is 2.5 to 3 times the genal length it is barely visible but extends to the par- in O. americanus. whereas in O. latiis and astigma. The eye height ranges from 2.5 to O. vernalis it is about 2 times the genal 3 times the genal length. Only one male is length (Fig. 5). Both O. americanusand O. known. — latus differ from O. vernalis in several fea- Type material. Holotype ?. Dallas. tures including: the presence of an apical Dallas County, Texas, coll. 2-IV-1974, em. wing fringe (absent from O. vernalis), the 1-15-V-1974, coll. Gordon Frankie, ex bi- basalcell hasmany setaeandthebasal vein sexual generation Disholcaspis cinerosa is relatively bare (basal cell bare but the (Bassett) [Hymenoptera: Cynipidae] on basal vein with several rows ofsetae in O. Qiierciis virginiana Mill [Fagaceae] vernalis), forewing with pale infuscation 1 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON sometimes seen only with difficulty (darkly andB. D. Burks,eds.CatalogofHymenopterain infuscated in O. venmlis). the stigmal vein America north ofMexico, Vol. 1. Symphytaand is curved (straight in O. vernalis). and the APrpeoscs,ryWtaash(mPgatraosni.ticDaC).. Smithsonian Institution propodeum is lightly reticulate(coarselyru- Delucchi, V. 1956. Pteromalidae et Eulophidac nou- gulose in O. vernalis). Ormocerus ameri- veauxd'Europe.Entomophaga I: 65—75. caniisdiffers from O. latusby thebasal fla- D/hanokmen. K. A. 1975a. [New Palaearctic species gellomeres being wider than long (Fig. 1) of parasitic Hymenoptera of the Family Ptero- (longer than wide in O. latus. Fig. 6); the malidae (Chalcidoidea)]. Entomologicheskoe notauli shaiply defined as nearly smooth Obozrenie 54: 625-635. (In Russian.) |Engli.sh translation 1975 Entomological Review 54: 625- grooves (ill-defined and interrupted by 636. sculpture in O. latus): and the median area . 1975b. [A new species ofthe genus Steno- of the propodeum less reticulately sculp- si'lina (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) from Ka- tured (almostalutaceous)thanthelateralar- zakhstan]. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 54: 1095- eas (nearly uniformly sculptured in O. la- 1097. (InRussian.) tus). . 1984. [AnewspeciesofthegenusFlatneptis (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) from Kazakhstan.] The three known species of this genus ZoologicheskiyZhurnal63: 1434-1435. (InRus- attack cynipid gall-formers on oak. sian.) Acknowledgments idae. 1(9H8y5.me[nAopnteerwa)genfursomofthteheAsfiamainlypaPrtteroofmatlh-e We acknowledge The Royal Society USSR.]ZoologicheskiyZhurnal64: 151-153.(In Russian.) ((WLaosnhdionng)toann.dDTCh)efoSrmifitnhasnocniailansuIpnpsotrittudtuiro-n opte.ra1,989C.haJlNceidwoisdpeeac,iesPtoefropmtaelriodmaael)idsfr(oHmymeKna-- ing much ofthis research. ThehelpofJohn zakhstan.] Trudy Zoologicheskogo InstitutaAka- Noyes and Zdenek Boucek, The Natural demii NaukSSSR 191:42-49. (InRussian). History Museum, London, is greatly appre- . 1990. [New species ofsubfamily Pteromali- ciated by the seniorauthor. We thank Gary nae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae)]. Gibson, Systematic Entomology Section. TsrkouydySISnRsti4t5u:ta6Z5o-o7l1o.gi(iInARkuasdseimain.i)Nauk Kazakh- Ottawa, for donating the only known male . 1998. [Areviewofpteromalidsofthegenus specimen ofOrmocerus americanus to our Pteromahis Swederus (Hymenoptera, Pteromali- study. In addition we thank Michael Pogue, dae) ofKazakhstan. I.] EntomologicheskoeObo- David Smith, Steve Heydon,andGaryGib- zrenie77:483-496. (InRussian.) [Englishtrans- son for reviewing the manuscript and mak- lation 1998EntomologicalReview78:706-717.] ing many helpful suggestions for its im- gen.us199H9a.mo[pNoenwisspe(cHieysmeonfopptteerrao,malCihdaslcfirdooimdetah,e provement. Pteromalidae)andanillustratedkeytospeciesof this genera from Kazakhstan.] Zoologicheskiy Literature Cited Zhurnal78:181-190.(InRu.ssian.)[Engli.shtrans- A.shmead, W. H. 1894. Descriptions ofnew parasitic Dzhalnaotikomnen1,999K.EnAt.omaonldogYiec.alK.ReHveiretwhe7v9t:zi2a2n.5-213949.0]. HtoymmoelnoogpitcearlaS.ocTireatnysa2c1t:io3n1s8-o3f44th.e American En- [New species ofSrenoselma and Pseudocatolac- opte.ra1.89T6r.anDseascctriiopntsioonfstohfenAemewripacraansitEinctoHmyomleong-- tcihies(faHuynmaenoofptUeSrSaR,.C]haZlocoildoogiidcehae.sPktieyroZmhaulrindaale)69i:n ical Society23: 179-234. 145-150. (In Russian.) [English translation 1990 Can.a1d9i0a3n.EAntnoemwoljoogiintstwo35r:m3p3a2r-a3si3t3e.fromRussia. ErdosE,ntJ.om1o9l4o6g.icGaelneRreavineowva69e:ts1p3e9c-i1es45n]ovaeChalci- Boucek.Z.andS.L.Heydon. 1997.Pteromalidae.pp. doidarum (Hym.). Annales Historico-Naturales 541-692. InGibson,G.A. P..J.Huber,andJ. B. Musei NalionalisHungarici 39: 131-165. WooUey,eds.AnnotatedkeystothegeneraofNe- . 1953. Pteromalidae hungaricae novae. Acta arcticChalcidoidea(Hymenoptera).Monograph 1. BiologicaHungarica4: 221-247. National ResearchCouncil,Ottawa,Canada. . 1954.SpeciesnovaHungarica:Halticnpterina Burks,B.D. 1979.FamilyPteromalidae,pp.768-835. nioczari (Hym., Miscogast.). FoliaEntomologica In Krombein, K V. R D. HurdJr. D. R. Smith, Hungarica7: 153-154. VOLUME lOS. NUMBER3 Forster, A. 1841. Beitrage zurMonographicdcrPter- . 1969.ThePteromalidaeofnorth-westernEu- omalinenNees.H. 1.46S.,Aachen. rope(Hymenoptera:Chalcidoidea).Bulletinofthe Frankie,G.W..D.L.Morgan,andE.E.Grissell. 1992. British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. Influenceofurbanizationontheecologyofcyni- .Supplement 16: 1-908. pid galls, pp. 258-279. //; Shorthouse.J. D. and Heydon,S.L.andZ.Boucek. 1992.Taxonomicchang- O.Rohfritsch.eds.TheBiologyofInsect-Induced es in Nearctic Pteromalidae. with thedescription Galls. Oxford University Press. New York. Ox- ofsome new taxa (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). ford. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Gahan. A. B. 1919. New reared parasitic Hymenop- Washington94:471-489. tera. with some noteson synonymy. Proceedings Howard.L.O. 1897.OntheChalcididaeoftheIsland ofthe United States National Museum 55: I1.^- of Grenada. Journal of the Linnean Society of 128. London,Zoology 26: 129-178. Girault, A. A. 1917. The North American species of Noyes, J. S. 2001. Interactive Catalogue of World Hahrocylus (chalcid-fliesl. Canadian Entomolo- Chalcidoidea (2001—second edition). CD-ROM. gist48: 178-182. Taxapad andThe Natural History Museum. Lon- Graham.M.W.R.deV. 1956.ArevisionoftheWalk- don. er types of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Walker. F 18.^4. Monographia Chalciditum. The En- Part I (including descriptions ofnew genera and tomologicalMagazine 2: 340-369. species). Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 92: . 1839. MonographiaChalciditum, I. London. 76-98. 333 pp.

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