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Nolo’s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law: Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions PDF

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“ Practical examples, explanations of legal principles, and useful tips...” LIBRARY JOURNAL 45 YEARS OF 10th Edition LEGAL KNOW-HOW AT YOUR Nolo’s FINGERTIPS Encyclopedia Everyday of Law Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions Shae Irving, J.D. & the editors of Nolo Clear answers to more than 1,000 common legal questions 10th Edition Nolo’s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law Answers to Your Most Frequently Asked Legal Questions Shae Irving, J.D. & the editors of Nolo LAW for ALL TENTH EDITION JANUARY 2017 Editor MARCIA STEWART Cover design SUSAN PUTNEY Book design TERRI HEARSH Proofreader ROBERT WELLS Index SONGBIRD INDEXING SERVICE Printer BANG PRINTING Names: Irving, Shae, editor. | Nolo (Firm) Title: Nolo’s Encyclopedia of everyday law : answers to your most frequently asked legal questions / Shae Irving, J.D. & the editors of Nolo. Other titles: Encyclopedia of everyday law Description: 10th ed. | Berkeley, CA : Nolo, 2017. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016026441 (print) | LCCN 2016026493 (ebook) | ISBN 9781413323436 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781413323443 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Law--United States--Popular works. | Law--United States--Miscellanea. Classification: LCC KF387 .N65 2017 (print) | LCC KF387 (ebook) | DDC 349.73--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016026441 This book covers only United States law, unless it specifically states otherwise. Copyright © 1996, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2013, and 2017 by Nolo. All rights reserved. The NOLO trademark is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Printed in the U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written per- mission. Reproduction prohibitions do not apply to the forms contained in this product when reproduced for personal use. For information on bulk purchases or corporate premium sales, please contact the Special Sales Department. Call 800-955-4775 or write to Nolo, 950 Parker Street, Berkeley, California 94710. Please note We believe accurate, plain-English legal information should help you solve many of your own legal problems. But this text is not a substitute for personalized advice from a knowledgeable lawyer. If you want the help of a trained professional—and we’ll always point out situations in which we think that’s a good idea—consult an attorney licensed to practice in your state. Dedication For Edward F. Dolan Acknowledgments Thanks to Jake Warner for inspiring and Stephen R. Elias, author of numerous Nolo supporting this project. And thanks to all the books, including The New Bankruptcy, How Nolo editors and hardworking production to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 folks who keep the book on track. Bankruptcy, and Legal Research: How to Find & Understand the Law We’re also grateful to every Nolo author whose fine work has shaped these pages. Lisa Guerin, author of many Nolo books, We want to give special thanks to: including The Manager’s Legal Handbook, Create Your Own Employee Handbook, Paul Bergman and Sara Berman, authors Dealing With Problem Employees, The of Represent Yourself in Court and The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Criminal Law Handbook Laws, The Essential Guide to Workplace David W. Brown, author of Beat Your Ticket Investigations, The Essential Guide to Family and The California Landlord’s Law Book and Medical Leave, and Smart Policies for Workplace Technologies Denis Clifford, author of many Nolo titles, including Quick & Legal Will Book, Make Mimi Lyster Zemmelman, author of Building Your Own Living Trust, and Plan Your a Parenting Agreement That Works: Child Estate and coauthor of A Legal Guide for Custody Agreements Step by Step Lesbian & Gay Couples Anthony Mancuso, author of Incorporate Frederick W. Daily, author of Stand Up to the Your Business, How to Form a Nonprofit IRS and Tax Savvy for Small Business Corporation (national and California editions), Form Your Own Limited Liability Emily Doskow, author of many Nolo books, Company, The Corporate Records Handbook, including Nolo’s Essential Guide to Divorce, and LLC or Corporation? Nolo’s Essential Guide to Child Custody & Support, A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Joseph Matthews, author of How to Win Couples, The Legal Answer Book for Families, Your Personal Injury Claim, Long-Term The Sharing Solution, and Neighbor Law Care: How to Plan & Pay for It, and Social Security, Medicare & Government Pensions Peri Pakroo, author of The Small Business Richard Stim, author of many Nolo books, Start-Up Kit (national and California including Music Law: How to Run Your editions), The Women’s Small Business Start- Band’s Business; Patent, Copyright & Up Kit, and Starting & Building a Nonprofit Trademark: An Intellectual Property Desk Reference; and Profit From Your Idea Mary Randolph, author of several Nolo books, including The Executor’s Guide: Ralph (Jake) Warner Ralph, a cofounder Settling a Loved One’s Estate or Trust, 8 Ways of Nolo, is a lawyer who became fed up to Avoid Probate, and Every Dog’s Legal with the legal system and dedicated his Guide: A Must-Have Book for Your Owner professional life to making law more accessible and affordable to all Americans. Fred S. Steingold, author of Legal Guide for He is the author of many Nolo books, Starting & Running a Small Business and including Every Landlord’s Legal Guide, The Employer’s Legal Handbook Everybody’s Guide to Small Claims Court, Form a Partnership, and Get a Life: You Don’t Need a Million to Retire Well. Contributors Sachi Barreiro Sachi is a legal editor at Law and Taxes for Independent Contractors, Nolo, specializing in employment law Freelancers & Consultants, and Consultant and workers’ compensation law. After and Independent Contractor Agreements. graduating from the University of San Diana Fitzpatrick Diana worked at the San Francisco School of Law, Sachi practiced Francisco City Attorney’s office before law for several years in San Francisco. joining Nolo. She also worked at a law firm She has litigated a variety of employment in New York for several years before moving matters and advised businesses on their to the Bay Area. Diana is a graduate of New obligations to their employees. Sachi is York University School of Law and Barnard coauthor of The Manager’s Legal Handbook College. and The Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws. David Goguen  David is a legal editor at Nolo, focusing on claimants’ rights in Ilona Bray Ilona’s legal background includes personal injury cases. He is a member solo practice as well as experience in the of the California State Bar with over 15 nonprofit and corporate worlds. She has years of experience in litigation and legal written or coauthored over a dozen Nolo publishing. David is a graduate of the titles, including Effective Fundraising for University of San Francisco School of Law. Nonprofits, Becoming a U.S. Citizen, Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home, Lina Guillen  Lina joined Nolo as a legal Selling Your House, and First-Time Landlord. editor in 2012. Specializing in family law, Ilona is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and Lina writes and edits articles on a variety the University of Washington Law School. of topics including custody, visitation, support, and the financial aspects of Stephen Fishman Stephen has dedicated his divorce. She is the coauthor of Neighbor career as an attorney and author to writing Law: Fences, Trees, Boundaries & Noise and useful, authoritative, and recognized guides Divorce & Money: How to Make the Best on business, taxation, and intellectual Financial Decisions During Divorce. Before property matters for small businesses, arriving at Nolo, Lina practiced family law entrepreneurs, independent contractors, and civil litigation at several law firms in and freelancers. He is the author of many the San Francisco Bay Area. Lina received Nolo books, including Every Landlord’s Tax her J.D. from the University of California, Deduction Guide, Deduct It! Lower Your Hastings College of the Law and is an Small Business Taxes, Working for Yourself: active member of the California State Bar. Shae Irving Shae graduated from Berkeley Cara O’Neill Prior to joining Nolo, Cara Law (Boalt Hall School of Law) at the served as an Administrative Law Judge; University of California at Berkeley in 1993 taught undergraduate and graduate courses and began editing and writing for Nolo in the areas of employment law, business soon after. She has written extensively on law, and criminal law; and served as house durable powers of attorney, health care counsel for a large insurance company. She directives, and other estate planning issues. earned her law degree in 1994 from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School Bethany K. Laurence  Beth is a longtime of Law, where she graduated Order of the Nolo editor and author. She holds a law Barristers, an honor society recognizing degree from University of California, excellence in courtroom advocacy. Cara Hastings College of the Law, a B.A. degree maintains a bankruptcy practice in from Boston University (Phi Beta Kappa, Rosesville, California. magna cum laude), and is a member of the California State Bar. Beth is editor of Nolo’s Janet Portman Janet received under graduate Guide to Social Security Disability and Social and graduate degrees from Stanford Univer- Security, Medicare & Government Pensions, sity and a law degree from the University and the popular website Disability Secrets. of Santa Clara. She was a public defender She has also coauthored several Nolo books, before coming to Nolo. Janet is the author including Business Buyout Agreements: Plan of Every Landlord’s Guide to Finding Great Now for All Types of Business Transactions. Tenants, and the coauthor of many Nolo titles, including Every Landlord’s Legal John McCurley John is a legal editor at Nolo, Guide, Every Tenant’s Legal Guide, Renters’ focusing on DUI and driving law. He has Rights, and Negotiate the Best Lease for a degree in engineering physics from U.C. Your Business. San Diego and completed law school at the University of San Francisco School of Micah Schwartzbach Micah joined Nolo’s Law. Before joining Nolo, John practiced editorial staff in 2013. Beforehand he criminal defense and juvenile dependency practiced criminal defense law, specializing law, primarily doing writs and appeals. John in research and writing. He writes and maintains a small private practice in San edits content across a range of practice Diego, California. areas. Micah earned his B.A. from the University of California, Davis, where he Legal Guide, Renters’ Rights, Leases & Rental graduated with highest honors, and his Agreements, Nolo’s Essential Guide to Buying J.D. from the University of California, Your First Home, and First-Time Landlord. Hastings College of the Law, where he Stephen Stine As a research specialist and graduated cum laude. editor at Nolo, Stephen conducts legal Betsy Simmons Hannibal Betsy is a Nolo research and writes and edits content for editor specializing in estate planning books Nolo’s books and websites. Previously, and software. She graduated with The Stephen worked at the American Bar Honors Lawyering Program from Golden Association’s Legal Technology Resource Gate University School of Law where she Center, where he assisted attorneys with was research editor of the law review. Prior technology, performed research, and wrote to joining Nolo, she trained at two private and edited articles, blog posts, and the law firms as well as the San Francisco annual ABA Legal Technology Survey Superior Court and the Federal District Report. Stephen earned an undergraduate Court of Northern California. degree in Psychology from the University of California, Berkeley, and J.D. and Marcia Stewart Marcia is a long-time Nolo Master of Science in Information degrees editor and author of several books, including from the University of Michigan. Every Landlord’s Legal Guide, Every Tenant’s ● Table of Contents About Nolo’s Encyclopedia of Everyday Law ...............................................1 1 Houses ...........................................................................................................................................3 Buying a House ..............................................................................................................................4 Selling Your House .....................................................................................................................11 Deeds ...............................................................................................................................................17 2 Neighbors .................................................................................................................................21 Boundaries ....................................................................................................................................22 Fences .............................................................................................................................................23 Trees ................................................................................................................................................25 Views ...............................................................................................................................................26 Noise ...............................................................................................................................................29 3 Landlords and Tenants .................................................................................................33 Leases and Rental Agreements .............................................................................................34 Tenant (and Rental) Selection ..............................................................................................36 Housing Discrimination ...........................................................................................................37 Rent and Security Deposits ...................................................................................................39 Tenants’ Privacy Rights .............................................................................................................41 Roommates, Sublets, and Airbnb .........................................................................................42 Repairs and Maintenance ........................................................................................................43 Landlord Liability for Criminal Acts and Activities .......................................................45 Landlord Liability for Lead Poisoning ................................................................................48 Landlord Liability for Exposure to Asbestos, Mold, and Bedbugs ..........................49 Insurance .......................................................................................................................................50 Resolving Disputes .....................................................................................................................52 Tenancy Terminations and Evictions ..................................................................................53

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