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NOISE AND THE BRAIN NOISE AND THE BRAIN Experience Dependent Developmental and Adult Plasticity J J. E OS GGERMONT EmeritusProfessorofPhysiology&Pharmacology,andPsychology UniversityofCalgary Calgary,Alberta,Canada AMSTERDAM(cid:129)BOSTON(cid:129)HEIDELBERG(cid:129)LONDON NEWYORK(cid:129)OXFORD(cid:129)PARIS(cid:129)SANDIEGO SANFRANCISCO(cid:129)SINGAPORE(cid:129)SYDNEY(cid:129)TOKYO AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK 225WymanStreet,Waltham,MA02451,USA 525BStreet,Suite1800,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA Copyrightr2014ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemor transmittedinanyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying, recordingorotherwisewithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher. 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While we are slowly becoming aware of its potentially damaging consequences for hearing, we should also appreciate the necessity of sound for normal development of the auditory system and for keeping the central audi- torysystemfinelytuned.Environmentalnoisehaslongbeenrecognized as underlying psychosomatic problems such as sleeplessness, annoy- ance, stress and hypertension. We are now in a position to trace the brain structures involved in this process, which may lead to better understanding of how these sounds affect us and how the effects can be ameliorated. The emotional factors that distinguish our attitudes to noise and music should also be put in perspective by elucidating the good and bad parts of making music and listening to it. In this book I bring together the varied types of sound and how they not only can affect our hearing but also how they may promote maladaptive changes in our brains, even in theabsence of hearing loss. The topics in this book reflect the effects of different types of noise (occupational, recreational, and environmental), and the noise levels, which rangefromthosethatDON’Tresultindamagetotheeartothose thatresultinpermanenthearingloss.Thesesoundshaveincommonthe fact that they do affect auditory as well as nonauditory brain areas. The auditory brain changes accompany perceptual changes in humans and animals, whereas nonauditory brain areas are also involved in the psy- chosomaticeffectsofnoise.Havingstudiedtheaspectsofnoiseonhear- ing and deafness for more than four decades, I wanted to relate them to their often co-occurring psychosomatic aspects. This required delving into the psychological aspects of sound experiences, from pleasurable (music)toannoying(environmentalnoise),andintosomaticreactionsto sound ranging from the emotional (annoyance and stress) to the poten- tially bodily harmful (sleeplessness and hypertension). I learned a lot from studying this BOTH abundant and very specialized literature. In thisbook,Iintegratethepsychosomaticeffectsofnoisewiththeirneuro- physiological and pharmacological substrates in auditory and nonaudi- tory brain areas. These substrates reflect the mechanisms that link environmental noise to changes in emotion, stress and sleep that may evenleadtocardiovascularproblems. The composition of five chapters is to a large part driven by four unexpected findings, two in animal research and two from human ix x PREFACE electrophysiology recordings. During my entire research career, I have been fortunate to be able to combine basic animal and human research, both on developmental aspects of hearing and on the consequences of hearing loss and deafness in infancyand childhood. Let’s start with the surprise findings in humans: when working on auditory evoked potentials (AEP) in cochlear implant children some unusual AEP waveform morphology was found and this prompted a detailed investigation of the age-related changes in cortical auditory evoked potentials in normal-hearing children. We (Curtis Ponton, Manny Don, and I working at the House Ear Institute in Los Angeles) found to our surprise that the morphology of the AEPs changed dra- matically around 9(cid:1)11 years of age, from a dominant positive peaked AEP to a dominant negative peaked AEP, and that the AEP properties were not mature until the very late teens. We then looked again at the results obtained in cochlear-implant patients. We found that their age- dependent AEP properties following implantation were only compara- ble with those of the controls when the age of the implanted child was corrected by the duration of its deafness. Thus the “time-in-sound” or “hearing age” was the determining factor for cortical maturation, illus- trating that sound exposure is needed for normal development of the auditory brain.Thesefindings take upthe majority ofChapters 4 and5. In our animal experiments, we found unexpectedly that a moderate- level sound, termed enhanced acoustic environment (EAE), applied for three weeks immediately after an acoustic trauma, reduced the amount of hearing loss compared to recovery in quiet. Furthermore, we found the hypothesized abolishment of trauma-induced changes in cortical tonotopic maps, in spontaneous firing rates, and in neural synchrony found after recovery in quiet, although appreciable noise-induced hear- ing loss remained. When applying this moderate level EAE exposure for 5 months to normal hearing adult cats, basically a control study, we found that the neurons in auditory cortex that normally would respond to the frequency range of the EAE were now mostly unresponsive, but that they fired strongly to sounds outside that frequency range. This finding was reminiscent of the tonotopic-map reorganization in auditory cortex that resulted from noise trauma. However, our cats exposed to the EAE showed no hearing loss as measured by auditory brainstem responses. This prompted a large parametric study on these new effects of EAEs presented at levels B70dB SPL on the auditory cortex. Thesefindings feature prominently inChapters 3, 4, and7. These purely auditory chapters are put into broader perspective by an introductory chapter covering early animal research on hearing and hearing loss in the late 1800s and the first half of the 1900s, the discov- ery that occupational noise exposure can be harmful to humans, and the slow introduction of legislation to protect workers’ hearing from the xi PREFACE effects of occupational noise. The second chapter covers some of the important epidemiology and etiology of noise-induced hearing loss. Here, I also introduce the reader to the fact that music making can be considered a form of occupational noise and carries some of the same harmful elements as industrial noise. In Chapter 6 we cover the effects of background noise on speech, in normalhearing,hearingimpairedandagingpeople.Basedonsomesem- inalresearchinthe1970sand1980s,itbecomesclearthatlossofsensitiv- ity barely explains the problems of hearing in the background of noise, and points to effects of changes in the auditory brain itself. In Chapter 8 weexplorethecombinedeffectsofnoiseandaginguponthecochleaand auditory brain. Whether the noise exposure is the cause of age-related hearing impairment or contributes to it is explored in detail. Chapter 9 covers the good and bad aspects of music making and listening to loud music.Thegoodaspectsofactivemusicmakingincludeenhancedcogni- tive strengths, memory, and language ability, potentially identifying music making as an antidote against the decreasing cognitive abilities experiencedduringaging.Thebadaspectsarefullycomparabletothose fromexposuretoloudoccupationalnoise.Theseharmfulresultsoccurin classicalmusicians,popstarsanddiscjockeys,aswellasfromattending loudconcertsandexcessivelisteningtoloudmusicfromMP3players. Chapter10considersthenonauditoryaspectsofenvironmentalnoise. I cover the brain pathways that lead from sound perception to annoy- ance,stress,sleepproblemsandcardiovasculardisorders.Onthewayto that sound(cid:1)brain network, some of the aspects of transportation noise and wind-turbine sound that are important for brain-safe environments are presented. One of the more troublesome effects of noise exposure is tinnitus;thereforeIincludedChapter11on“noiseinthebrain,”andelu- cidate that this internal noise can result in the same set of psychological andpsychosomaticproblemsasenvironmentalnoise.Allthisculminates in Chapter 12, which may be important for promoting general human health in our current noisy environment. It does so by pointing to ways forpreventing noise-inducedhearing loss,problemswithspeechunder- standing,andarangeofpsychosomaticdisturbances. I wish to thank my collaborators at the University of Calgary on this project: Greg Shaw, Arnaud Noren˜a, Boris Goure´vitch, and Martin Pienkowski, for feeding my interest in the effects of noise on and in the brain.IalsowanttoextendmyappreciationtoCurtisPontonandManny DonattheHouse-EarInstituteinLosAngelesforallowingmetotakepart intheirexcitingresearch.ThankstomywifeMarywhoreadallthechap- ters,withatranslator’sandauthor’seye,andcorrectedandshapedother- wise unreadable sentences. I also want to thank April Graham, my Editorial Project Manager at Academic Press, for prompt advice when I neededit,andformakingwritingthisbookasmoothprocess. Abbreviations A1 primary auditory cortex AAF anterior auditory field (cat) ABR auditory brainstem response ACC anterior cingulate cortex ACh Acetylcholine ACTH Adreno-CorticotropinHormone AD adenosine ADHD attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder AEF auditory magnetic field AEP auditory evoked potential AF arcuatefasciculus AI primary auditory cortex (cat) AII secondaryauditorycortex (cat) AIT auditory injury threshold, asymptoticthresholdshift AM amplitude modulation amHG anteromedialHeschl’s Gyrus AMPA 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid ANF auditory nerve fiber ANS autonomous nervous system ARHI age-related hearing impairment ASSR auditory steady-state response AVCN anterior part ofthe ventral cochlear nucleus BA Brodmann area BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor BMF best modulation frequency BOLD blood oxygen level(cid:1)dependent CA conceptional age cAMP Cyclicadenosine monophosphate CAP compound action potential CF characteristic frequency ChAT Cholineacetyltransferase CI confidence interval,also cochlearimplant CN cochlearnucleus CNS central nervous system CP critical period xiii xiv ABBREVIATIONS CREB cyclicadenosinemonophospateresponseelementbinding CRF corticotropin-releasing factor CRH Corticotropin-releasing hormone CS conditioned stimulus CSD currentsource density CSE cystathionine-c-lyase CTL community tolerance level dB decibel dBA A-weighted average sound level dBC C-weighted average sound level DBP diastolicblood pressure DCN dorsal cochlear nucleus DENL day-evening-night level DJ Disc jockey DNL day-night level DPOAE distortionproduct OAE DTI diffusiontensor imaging EABR electrically evokedABR EAE enhancedacoustic environment ECD equivalent currentdipole EEG electroencephalography ELAN early left anterior negativity eMLR electrically evokedMLR EPSP excitatory post-synaptic potentials ER estrogenreceptor ERAN early right anterior negativity ERK extracellular signal-regulated kinase ERP event relatedpotential EU European Union FFR frequency-following response FGF Fibroblast growthfactor FM frequency modulation fMRI functional MRI FS fast spiking FTC frequency tuning curve GABA gamma-aminobutyricacid GAD glutamate decarboxylase GAP growth-associated protein GM gray matter GR glucocorticoid receptor GST Glutathione-S-transferase HA hearing aid HG Heschl’sgyrus HL hearing level, alsohearing loss xv ABBREVIATIONS HPA hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HR hazardratio HRP horse radishperoxidase HSP heat-shock protein Hz Herz IC inferiorcolliculus ICC central nucleus ofthe IC ICMS intracortical microstimulation IDT intensitydisciminationthreshold IEG Immediate earlygene IFG inferiorfrontal gyrus IHC inner hair cell IPSP inhibitory post-synapticpotentials JNK c-Jun N-terminal kinase kHz kilohertz LA lateral nucleus of the amygdala LC locus coeruleus Lden see DENL Ldn see DNL LDT laterodorsal tegmentalnuclei LFP local field potential LOCB lateral olivocochlearbundle LORETA low resolution brain electromagnetictomography MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase MEG magnetoencephalogram MGB medialgeniculate body MGBm magnocellularpart of theMGB MGBv ventral part of the MGB MGN see MGB MIHI music-induced hearing impairment MLR middle-latency response MMN mismatch negativity MMR mismatch response MP3 MovingPicture (Experts Group Code)3 MRI magnetic resonance imaging MSO medialsuperiorolive MSQ Mini SleepQuestionnaire mtDNA mitochondrial DNA MTF modulation transferfunction MTG medialtemporal gyrus MUA multi-unit activity MW megaWatt NAc nucleusacumbens NAC N-acetylcysteine xvi ABBREVIATIONS NHANES NationalHealth andNutritional Examination Surveys NHCA NationalHearing Conservation Association NICU neonatalintensive care unit NIHL Noise-induced hearing loss NIOSH NationalInstitute of Occupational Safety &Health NMDA N-Methyl-D-aspartate OAE oto-acoustic emission OCB olivocochlear bundle OHC outer hair cell OR odds ratio OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration PC pyramidal cell PCC posterior cingulated cortex PCR polymerase chain reaction PET positronemission tomography PFC prefrontal cortex PNE pulse-noise exposed PNS parasympathetic nervoussystem PPG DLpropargylglycine PPI pre-pulseinhibition PPT pedunculopontine tegmentalnuclei PT planumtemporale PTA pure-toneaverage PTS permanent threshold shift PVCN postero-ventral cochlear nucleus PVN paraventricularnucleus RAS reticularactivatingsystem REM rapid eye movement RMS root mean square RNS reactive nitrogenspecies ROI region of interest ROS reactive oxygenspecies RR relativerisk, seeHazard ratio SBP systolic blood pressure SD standarddeviation SFR spontaneousfiring rate SG spiral ganglion SII speech intelligibilityindex SLF superiorlongitudinal fasciculus SNHL sensorineural hearing loss SNP single nucleotidepolymorphism SNR signal to noiseratio SNS sympathetic nervous system SOC superiorolivary complex

In our industrialized world, we are surrounded by occupational, recreational, and environmental noise. Very loud noise damages the inner-ear receptors and results in hearing loss, subsequent problems with communication in the presence of background noise, and, potentially, social isolation. There is
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