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Nobel Lecture: From weak interactions to gravitation* Martinus J. G. Veltman† DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor,Michigan48109-1120 [S0034-6861(00)00602-4] INTRODUCTION bosonvertexshowedadisappearanceofmanydivergen- cies for a properly chosen vector-boson magnetic This lecture is about my contribution to the proof of moment. In studying Yang-Mills theories I noted that renormalizability of gauge theories. There is of course those theories automatically produced this particular no perfectly clear separation between my contributions magnetic moment. I therefore concluded that Yang- and those of my co-laureate ’t Hooft, but I will limit Mills theories are probably the best one can have with myself to some brief comments on those publications respect to renormalizability. Thus I was led to the study that carry only his name. An extensive review on the of renormalizability of these theories. subjectincludingmoredetailedreferencestocontempo- (III) Technical progress. Starting then on the study of rary work can be found elsewhere (Veltman, 1992a). diagrams in a Yang-Mills theory I established the van- Asiswellknown,theworkontherenormalizabilityof ishing of many divergencies, provided the external legs gauge theories caused a complete change of the land- of the diagrams were on the mass shell. That by itself is scapeofparticlephysics.Theworkbroughtcertainmod- not enough with respect to renormalizability, because els to the foreground; neutral currents as required by those models were established and the discovery of the that requires diagrams and Feynman rules of a renor- J/C was quickly interpreted as the discovery of charm, malizable type. I was thus led to search for a transfor- part of those models as well. More precisely, we refer mationofthetheorysuchthatnew,renormalizable-type here to the model of Glashow (1961), the extension to Feynman rules were derived, without changing the S include quarks by Glashow, Iliopoulos, and Maiani matrix. In this I succeeded up to one loop. (GIM; 1970) and the model of Weinberg and Salam None of these points is trivial, as can be shown easily (Weinberg, 1967; Salam, 1968) for leptons including a by considering work in that period. For example, Wein- Higgs sector. The GIM paper contained discussions on berg (1979) in his 1979 Nobel lecture reports that he the required neutral hadron currents and also the inclu- interpretedthesuccessoftheAdler-Weisbergerrelation sionofcharmassuggestedfirstbyHara(1964).Afteran as a property of strong interactions, namely, the validity analysis by Bardeen, at a seminar in Orsay (see also of chiral SU23SU2. Consequently he continued work- Bardeen, 1969), the work of Bouchiat, Iliopoulos, and ing on things such as p2p scattering. Feynman is re- Meyer(1972)establishedthevanishingofanomaliesfor puted to have exclaimed that he never thought of inves- three color quarks. Without going into details, subse- tigating the renormalizability aspect of Yang-Mills quentlyquantumchromodynamicscametobeaccepted. theories when he heard of that development. Finally, InthiswaytheStandardModelwasestablishedinjusta there existed several papers where the non- few years. renormalizability of Yang-Mills theories was ‘‘proven,’’ for example one by Salam (1962). In the following I will discuss these three points in ESSENTIALSTEPS detail as they developed historically. Let me review here what I consider as my contribu- tion to the subject. It can be described in three separate parts. I will try to simplify things as much as possible. (I) The physics argument. In 1965 Adler (1965b) and THEPHYSICSARGUMENT Weisberger(1965)establishedwhatisnowknownasthe Adler-Weisberger relation. This relation, numerically In 1965 Adler and Weisberger derived their famous agreeing with experimental data, was interpreted by me relation between the axial-vector coupling constant of b as a consequence of a Ward identity of a non-Abelian decay in terms of a dispersion integral for pion-nucleon gauge theory (also called Yang-Mills theories), and as scattering. This relation, agreeing well with experiment, such guided me to take up the study of such theories. was based on Gell-Mann’s current commutator rules (II) The renormalizability argument. Earlier calcula- (Gell-Mann, 1964). Subsequently an extensive discus- tions on the radiative corrections to the photon-vector- siondevelopedintheliteratureconcerningtheso-called Schwinger terms that could invalidate the argument. I decided to try to derive these same results starting from *The 1999 Nobel Prize in Physics was shared by Gerard ’t another assumption, and as a starting point I took the Hooft and Martinus J. G. Veltman. This lecture is the text of well-known conserved-vector-current (CVC) and ProfessorVeltman’saddressontheoccasionoftheaward. partially-conserved-axial-vector-current (PCAC) equa- †Electronicaddress:[email protected] tions for the weak currents: ReviewsofModernPhysics,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 0034-6861/2000/72(2)/341(9)/$16.80 ©TheNobelFoundation1999 341 342 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation ]mJmV50, tons. The paper of Lee and Yang mainly concentrated on deriving the Feynman rules for vector bosons. The ]mJmA5iap. troubleatthattimewasthatindoingtheusualcanonical These equations do not include higher-order electro- derivationoneencounteredcertaincontacttermsforthe magnetic(e.m.)orweakeffects.AsafirststepItriedto vector-boson propagator. I will not delve any further include electromagnetic effects by using the well-known into this; later I found a simple way to circumvent these substitution]m!]m2iqAm, whereq isthechargeofthe problems. In those days, however, these were consid- object on which ]m operates. Since the currents were ered serious problems. isovectors, that could be done easily using isospin nota- Subsequently Lee started a complicated calculation, tion. For the vector current the equation became namely, the lowest-order radiative corrections to the ~]m1ieAWm3!JWmV50, ]vemc!to]rm-b2oiseoAn–mphinottohnecvoeucptloinr-gb.oTsohne Lusaugarlanrgeipalnaceismneontt treating the e.m. field as the third component of an is- sufficient to determine the vector-boson magnetic mo- ovector. Next I used the idea that the photon and the ment; it remains an arbitrary parameter. This is because chargedvectorbosonsmaybeseenasanisotriplet,thus oftheoccurrenceoftwoderivativessuchas]m]n; when generating what I called divergency conditions (Velt- making the minimal substitution it matters whether one man, 1966). For the axial-vector current this gave writes ]m]nor ]n]m, and this causes the arbitrariness in ]mJWmA5iapW1ieAWm3JWmA1igWWmV3JWmA1igWWmA3JWmV. the magnetic moment. Anyway, Lee, concentrating on theelectricquadrupolemomentofthevectorboson,cal- As a matter of technical expedience two vector culated the appropriate triangle diagram using a cutoff bosonswereusedtodenoteavectorbosoncouplingtoa procedure called the j-limiting process. vector current and a vector boson coupling to an axial I was very interested in this calculation, because like current. This equation turned out to be adequate to de- many physicists I strongly believed in the existence of rivetheAdler-Weisbergerrelation.Anaddedbenefitof vector bosons as mediators in weak interactions. This this derivation was that no difficulties with respect to belief was based on the success of the V-A theory, sug- Schwinger terms arose, and the axial vector coupling gestingavectorstructurefortheweakcurrents.Indeed, constantwasrelateddirectlytothepion-nucleonscatter- this led Glashow to his famous 1961 paper. I decided ing length. The Adler-Weisberger relation evidently that Lee’s work ought to be extended to other situa- used an additional relation in which the pion-nucleon tions, but it was quite obvious that this was no mean scatteringlengthwasgivenintermsofadispersioninte- task. Given the j method, and the occurrence of the gral. magneticmomentasanarbitraryparameter,thetriangle In response, John Bell, then at CERN, became very diagram if calculated fully (Lee limited himself to parts interested in this derivation. He investigated what kind relevant to him) gives rise to a monstrous expression of field theory would generate such divergency condi- involving of the order of 50000 terms in intermediate tions, and he found that this would happen in a gauge stages. There was simply no question of going beyond theory (Bell, 1967). the triangle diagram. Subsequentdevelopmentsweremainlyaboutthecon- At this point I decided to develop a computer pro- sequencesofthoserelationsinvolvinge.m.fieldsonly.It gram that could do this work. More specifically, I con- is clear that specializing to the third component of the centratedonthetrianglegraph,butIwrotetheprogram axialdivergenceconditiontherearenoe.m.corrections. Following Adler, reading ]mJmA05ap0 in the opposite insuchawaythatotherprocessescouldbeinvestigated. In other words, I developed a general-purpose symbolic wayimposedaconditiononthepionfieldincludinge.m. manipulation program. Working furiously, I completed effects. This was an extension of earlier work by Adler thefirstversionofthisprograminaboutthreemonths.I (1965a), known under the name of consistency condi- called the program SCHOONSCHIP, among other reasons tions for processes involving pions. In this case one of toannoyeverybodynotDutch.Thenamemeans‘‘clean the conclusions was that p0 decay into two photons was ship,’’ and it is a Dutch naval expression referring to forbidden, and without going into a detailed description clearing up completely a messy situation. In January this led to the work of Bell and Jackiw (1969) on the 1964,visitingNewYorkinconnectionwithanAmerican anomaly. Simultaneously Adler (1969) discovered the Physical Society meeting, I visited Lee and told him anomaly and in fact used precisely my (unpublished) about the program. He barely reacted, but I heard later derivation to connect this to p0 decay. Later I became that after I left the office he immediately wanted one of quiteworriedbythisdevelopment,asIsawthisanomaly the local physicists to develop an analogous program. as a difficulty with respect to renormalization. In toying with the calculation I tried to establish what would be the best value for the vector-boson magnetic THERENORMALIZABILITYARGUMENT moment with respect to the occurring divergencies. There was one value where almost all divergencies dis- Here I must go back to 1962. In that year Lee and appeared,butIdidnotknowwhattodowiththisresult. Yang(1962)andlaterLee(1962)alonestartedasystem- It remained in my memory though, and it played a role atic investigation of vector bosons interacting with pho- as explained below. Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation 343 TECHNICALPROGRESS sum of all diagrams that can be obtained by cutting the initial diagram in all possible ways. Toexplainthedevelopmentrequiressomebacktrack- The importance of this work was twofold. Not only ing. In 1959 I took up the study of the problem of un- did unitarity become a transparent issue, I also learned stable particles. The problem is of a nonperturbative toconsiderdiagramsdisregardingthewaytheywerede- character, because a particle is unstable no matter how rived,forexampleusingthecanonicalformalism.Given small the coupling constant of the interaction that pro- that it is not easy to derive Feynman rules for a Yang- duces the decay. Thus the (unstable) particle will not Mills theory in the canonical way, that gave me an ad- appearintheinandoutstatesoftheS matrix.However, vantage in studying that theory. For considering Yang- for zero value of the coupling constant the particle is Mills theories, the path-integral formalism is quite stableandmustbepartoftheinandoutstates.Thusthe adequate; there is only one point, and that is that this limit of zero coupling constant does not reproduce the formalism does not guarantee unitarity. In 1968 the zero-coupling-constant theory. path-integral formalism had all but disappeared from It was in principle well known at the time how to the literature, although students of Schwinger did still handle an unstable particle. Basically one did what is learnfunctionalmethods.Imyselfdidnotknowthefirst called a Dyson summation of the propagator, and that thing about it. indeed removed the pole in the propagator. From the In 1968 I was invited by Pais to spend a month at Ka¨lle´n-Lehmann representation of the propagator one RockefellerUniversity.Ihappilyacceptedthisinvitation knows that every pole corresponds to an in or out state, and decided to try to think through the present situa- so the summation indeed seemed to correspond to re- tion. For two weeks I did nothing but contemplate the moving the particle from the in and out states. whole of weak interactions as known at the time. I fi- However, when performing the Dyson summation nally decided to take Bell’s conclusion seriously and one found that the theory became explicitly nonpertur- therefore assumed that the weak currents were those of bative, as self-energy diagrams and with them factors g a gauge theory. Thus I started to learn Yang-Mills (the coupling constant of the destabilizing interaction) theory and tried to find out how that would work in appeared in the denominator of the propagator of the some simple weak processes. In the process of writing unstable particle. That propagator looked like this: down the Feynman rules I noted that this theory gave precisely the ‘‘best’’ vertex (with respect to divergen- 1 . cies) as I had found out doing the work reported above k21M21g2F~k! on the photon–vector-boson interaction. This encour- Obviously, this propagator cannot be expanded as a aged me to concentrate on the renormalizability aspect function of g in the neighbourhood of k21M250 if the of the theory. imaginarypartofF(k) isnonzerointhatpoint(thereal AsfarasIrememberIstartedbyconsideringtheone- part is made zero by mass renormalization). So, instead loop corrections to neutrino-electron scattering. Here ofapropagatorwithapoletheDysonsummationmade the situation became quickly quite complicated. The it into a function with a cut in the complex k2 plane. At verticesoftheYang-Millstheoryweremuchmorecom- this point it is no longer clear that the S matrix is uni- plicated than those that one was used to, and even the tary, because the usual equation for the S matrix, S simplestdiagramsgaverisetoveryinvolvedexpressions. 5T@exp(iH)#, is no longer valid. In other words, to es- IntheendIdecidedtodropeverythingexceptthebasic tablish unitarity one had to consider the diagrams by theory of vector bosons interacting with each other ac- themselves. cordingtoaYang-Millsscheme.Inaddition,ofcourse,I ThusIattackedthisproblem,essentiallyfinishingitin gavethesevectorbosonsamass,sincethevectorbosons 1961. This was for my thesis, under the supervision of ofweakinteractionswereobviouslymassive.Istartedin Leon van Hove. The article went its ponderous Dutch blissfulignoranceofwhateverwaspublishedonthesub- thesiswayandwaspublishedin1963(Veltman,1963),in ject, which was just as well or I might have been con- a somewhat unusual journal (Physica) for high-energy vinced that Yang-Mills theories are non-renormalizable. physics.Curiously,aboutthesametimeFeynman(1963) As Feynman said in his Nobel lecture as presented at considered the same problem, in connection with estab- CERN, ‘‘Since nobody had solved the problem it was lishing unitarity for the massless Yang-Mills theory, a obviously not worthwhile to investigate whatever they theory whose diagrams include ghosts. These ghosts had done.’’ I want to mention here that at that time I make unitarity nonevident. Moreover, the derivation by started to get worried about the anomaly, but I decided Feynman, done with path integrals, did not guarantee to leave that problem aside for the moment. unitarity. I am quite sure that he never saw my article, Consider the propagator for a massive vector field: andIneverdiscusseditwithhimeither.Hetriedtodoit dmn1kmkn/M2 some other way, quite complicated, initially succeeding . k21M2 onlyuptooneloop.Later,DeWitt(1964,1967a,1967b) extended Feynman’s proof to any number of loops, but The source of all trouble is of course the kmknterm. So my proof is much simpler and moreover connects quite anyone starting at this problem tries to eliminate this directly to physical intuition. In fact, my proof had as a term. In quantum electrodynamics that can indeed be result that the imaginary part of a diagram equals the done,butforYang-Millsfieldsthisisnotpossible.There Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 344 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation is always some remnant. Now here a simple observation oftherenormalizabletype.Nomatterthatghostsoccur; canbemade:thisbadtermcomeswithafactor1/M2. In those do not get in the way with respect to the renor- fact, one can trace the worst divergencies in a diagram malization program. simplybycountingfactors1/M2. Butgiventhattheywill There is a bonus to this procedure: one can write an not ever completely cancel, as they indeed do not for a amplitude involving one such scalar field. Because the Yang-Mills-type theory, then one will never get rid of scalar field is a free field, that amplitude must be zero if these divergencies unless somehow these factors 1/M2 all other external lines are on the mass shell. That then cancel out. But where should the necessary factors M2 gives an identity. Using Schwinger’s source technique come from? There is only one way, and that is through one can extend this to the case in which one or more of external momenta that are on the mass shell, meaning the other external lines are off the mass shell. I later that the momentum p of such an external line satisfies called the resulting identities generalized Ward identi- p252M2. And here is the problem. ties. Renormalizationmeansthatforadivergentgraphone Thereisanotheraspecttothisprocedure.Becausethe cannot take the external momentum on the mass shell final diagrams contain a vector-boson propagator that and then do the necessary subtractions, because the hasnokmknpart,thattheoryisnotevidentlyunitary.At graph may occur as part of a more complicated graph. that point one would have to use the cutting rules that I For example, in a box diagram there may be a self- hadobtainedbeforeandshow,usingWardidentitiesfor energy insertion in one of the internal lines. There mo- thecutscalarlines,thatthetheorywasunitary.Allinall menta of the lines attached to the self-energy insertion quite a complicated affair, but not that difficult. are not on the mass shell, thus it is not sufficient to sub- Here the miracle occurred. On the one-loop level al- tract only those divergencies that remain if those mo- mostalldivergenciesdisappeared.Itwasnotasstraight- menta are on the mass shell. You would still have to forward as I write it here, because even with the new showthattheextradivergenciesarisingwhenthoselines rules one needed to do some more work using Ward are not on the mass shell actually cancel, a gruesome identities to get to the desired result. In any case, I ar- task. What to do? rived at Feynman rules for one-loop diagrams that were Well, what I did was to reformulate the theory such by ordinary power-counting rules renormalizable rules. thatsomehowallcancellationswereimplementedinthe For those who want to understand this in terms of the rules. In the first instance I took the Stu¨ckelberg tech- modern theory: instead of a Faddeev-Popov ghost (with nique (Stu¨ckelberg, 1938; see Veltman, 1992a for other a minus sign for every closed loop) and a Higgs ghost references): I added a scalar field and made couplings (no minus sign, but a symmetry factor) I had only one involvingderivativessuchthatitappearedtogetherwith ghost, and on the one-loop level that was actually the the vector-boson propagator difference of the two ghosts as we know them now. No one will know the elation I felt when obtaining dmn1kmkn/M21kkmkn/M2. this result. I could not yet get things straight for two or k21M2 k21M2 more loops, but I was sure that that would work out all right. The result was for me a straight and simple proof The second term would be due to the exchange of the scalar particle. The parameter kwas introduced to keep that my ideas were correct. A paper presenting these track of the counter term. Eventually kwas taken to be results was published (Veltman, 1968; see also Veltman, 21. Now this new field is physically undesirable, be- 1992b). The methods in that paper were clumsy and far from cause to have k521 is actually impossible. The scalar transparentorelegant.Theideas,however,wereclear.I field would have to have indefinite metric, or some such cannot resist quoting the response of Glashow and Il- horrible thing. In an Abelian theory it is easy to show iopoulos (1971). After my paper appeared they decided that the field is noninteracting, but not in the non- to work on that problem as well, and indeed, they Abelian case. Then I had an idea: introduce further in- showed that many divergencies cancelled, although not teractions of this new scalar field in such a way that it anywhere to the renormalizable level. For example, the becomes a free field. The result, hopefully, would be a one-loopboxdiagramisdivergentlikeL8 intheunitary new theory, involving a well-behaved vector-boson gauge; their paper quoted a result of L4. I of course propagator and furthermore an interacting scalar field obtained the degree of divergence of a renormalizable that would then be a ghost. Indeed, being a free field it theory, i.e., log(L). Here then is a part of the footnote could appear in the final state only if it was there in the theydevotetothispoint:‘‘ThedivergenciesfoundbyM. initialstate.AtthispointonewouldhavenewFeynman Veltman go beyond the theorem proven in this paper, rules, presumably much less divergent because of the but they only apply to on-mass-shell amplitudes... .’’ improvedvector-bosonpropagator.Itwasallamatterof Indeed! what Feynman rules would result for this scalar field. If In present-day language one could say that I made a they were those for a renormalizable field, then we transformation from the unitary gauge to a ‘‘renormal- would be in business! izable’’ gauge. As I had no Higgs the result was not So here is the important point: the theory must be perfect.Buttheideaisthere:theremaybedifferentsets formulatedintermsofdiagramswhichwouldhavetobe of Feynman rules giving the same S matrix. Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation 345 INTERIM workwithVanDamwasactuallymyfirstexerciseinthe quantum theory of gravitation. Intheyears1969–1971Iexpendedconsiderableeffort So, by the end of 1970 I was running out of options. I trying to go beyond the one-loop result. There were started to think of studying the difference between the many open problems, and they had to be considered. In masslessandmassivecases,moreexplicitly,totrytosort thebeginningof1970Istreamlinedthederivationtothe ofsubtractthemasslesstheoryfromthemassivetheory, point that it became transparent. This was done by de- diagramwise. That would have produced a hint to the riving Ward identities using Schwinger’s source tech- Higgs system. Indeed, the theory with a Higgs particle niques(Veltman,1970).Thisisreallymuchliketheway allows a continuous approach to the massless theory one derives Ward identities today, now called Slavnov- with, however, four extra particles. Furthermore, I was Taylor identities. The Becchi-Rouet-Stora transforma- toyingwiththeideatoseeiftheremaininginfinitieshad tion is a sophisticated form of the free-field technique a sign that would allow subtraction through some fur- (using anticommuting fields). I remember being upset ther interactions. Conceivably, all this could have re- when I first heard a lecture by Stora on what he called sultedintheintroductionofanextraparticle,theHiggs, the Slavnov-Taylor identities. I told him that they were withinteractionstunedtocancelunwanteddivergencies, anothervariantofmygeneralizedWardidentities.How- or to readjust the one-loop counter terms to be gauge ever, Stora is not a diagram man, and I am sure that he invariant (in my paper the four-point counter terms never understood my paper. werenot).Theresultwouldhavebeenintheworstkind Another issue was the limit of zero mass of the mas- of ‘‘Veltmanese’’ (a term used by Coleman to describe siveYang-Millstheory.InJanuary1969therewasacon- the style of ’t Hooft’s first article). However, that devel- ference at CERN and I announced that two-loop dia- opment never happened, and hindsight is always easy. That kind of work needed something else: a regulariza- gramsforthemassiveYang-Millstheorydidnotgoover tion procedure. Not only was the lack of a suitable into those of the massless theory, in other words, the method impeding further investigation or application of massless theory is not the limit of zero mass of the mas- the results obtained so far to practical cases, but there sive theory (Veltman, 1969). This argument was spelled wasalsothequestionofanomalies.Itisatthispointthat outinanarticlewithJ.Reiff(ReiffandVeltman,1969). ’t Hooft entered into my program. Themainpartofthatarticlewastotieupanotherloose ’t Hooft became my student somewhere in the begin- end: the Feynman rules for vector bosons in the unitary ningof1969.Hisfirsttaskwaswritingwhatwascalleda gauge. The argument is quite elegant and superseded ‘‘scriptie,’’asortofpredoctoralthesis,orthe`setroisie`me the article by Lee and Yang mentioned before. This cycle(inFrance).Thesubjectwastheanomalyandthes made it clear to me that spurious contact terms related model.Thatbeingfinishedinthecourseof1969hethen to that part of the theory were not responsible for the started on his Ph.D. work. At the same time he took two-loop problems. part in my path-integral enterprise, so let me describe Somewhere in the first half of 1970 I heard via that. Zumino that Faddeev (and Slavnov, as I learned later; Ispenttheacademicyear1968–1969attheUniversity SlavnovandFaddeev,1970)hadestablishedthatalready at Orsay, near Paris. During the summer of 1968 I was at the one-loop level the massless theory was not the already there for the most part and met Mandelstam, limitofthemassivetheory.Thedifferencewashidingin who had been working on Yang-Mills theories as well. a symmetry factor for the one-loop ghost graphs: they He had his own formalism (Mandelstam, 1968), and we have a factor of 1 as compared to the Faddeev-Popov compared his results with mine. We did not note the 2 ghost loops of the massless case. In the summer of 1970 notoriousfactorof2mentionedabove:Mandelstamhad H. Van Dam and I reproduced and understood the ar- studiedthemasslesscase,whilemyresultsappliedtothe gument and went further to consider gravitation (Van massive theory. Boulware was also there. As a student Dam and Veltman, 1970). Here we found one of the ofSchwingerheknewaboutfunctionalintegrals,andhe more astonishing facts in this domain: for gravity the laterappliedhisskillstothesubject(Boulware,1970).It limit from massive gravitons to zero mass is not the became clear to me that there was no escape: I had to sameasthemasslesstheory(ofEinstein).Thusatheory learn path integrals. At the end of my stay at Rock- of gravitation with a massive spin-2 particle of exceed- efeller University somebody had already told me that inglysmallmass(forexample,oftheorderofaninverse therewasworkbyFeynman(1963)andalsoFaddeevon galactic radius) would give a result for the bending of the massless theory. The article by Faddeev and Popov lightbythesunthatwasdiscreetlydifferent(byafactor (1967) was, as far as I was concerned, written in Vol- of 3)fromthatofthemasslesstheory.Thusbyobserving apuk. It also contained path integrals, and although I 4 thebendingoflightinoursolarsystemwecandecideon had accepted this article in my function as editor of the range of the gravitational field on a galactic scale PhysicsLetters,Ihadnoinklingwhatitwasaboutatthe and beyond. Many physicists (I may mention Kabir time (summer 1967). I accepted it then because of my here) found this result hard to swallow. The discontinu- respect for Faddeev’s work. Just as well! ity of the zero-mass limit as compared to the massless My method of learning about path integrals was lec- case has always been something contrary to physical in- turing on it, in Orsay. Ben Lee happened to be there as tuition. Indeed, for photons there is no such effect. The well, and he was also interested. With some difficulty I Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 346 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation obtainedthebookofFeynmanandHibbs.(Thiswasnot are perhaps useful in doing quantum electrodynamics, easy; the students were busy making revolution and had but completely impractical for a Yang-Mills theory. I notimeforsuchfrivolousthingsaspathintegrals.Ithus needed a good tool. sentaroundanoteaskingthemtoreturnthebookprior Inanappendixtohispaper’tHooftpresented,within to making revolution, which indeed produced a copy. the path-integral scheme, a gauge-choosing method. I This gave me the reputation of an arch reactionary, did not recognize this at all, but later, backtracking, I which I considered a distinction, coming as it did from discovered that this was an evolved version of my origi- Maoists.) Somewhere during these lectures a Polish nal attempt at a change of gauge, including the ‘‘free- physicist (Richard Kerner, now in Paris) produced an- field’’ technique. Russian physicists (Faddeev, Slavnov, otherarticlebyFaddeev,inRussian,andIaskedhimto Fradkin, and Tyutin) took it over into the path-integral translateit.Ihaveneverreadthatarticle;BenLeetook formalism, mangled, cleaned, and extended the method, it with him. I was simply not up to it and I still felt that mainly applying it to the massless case as well as (mass- I did not understand path integrals. So, returning to the less) gravitation. The actual scheme proposed by ’t Netherlands I decided to do it once more, and in col- Hooft in the quoted appendix is the method that is laboration with Nico Van Kampen we did set up a mostly used today. courseinpathintegrals(autumn1969).Mythenstudent I am not going to describe the (substantial) Russian ’t Hooft was asked to produce lecture notes, which he contributions here. This despite the fact that, as almost did. I would say that then I started to understand path everywhereelse,doingfieldtheorywasnotverypopular integrals, although I have never felt comfortable with in the Soviet Union in that period. I believe that a fair them. I distrust them. ’t Hooft had no such emotional account has been given in Veltman (1992a). ballast, and he became an expert in the subject. So, by I am also skipping a description of the second paper the end of 1969 ’t Hooft had been educated in the s of ’t Hooft (1971b), introducing spontaneous symmetry model, anomalies, and path integrals. breakdownandthusarrivingattherenormalizabletheo- ries with massive vector bosons as known today. There are only two points that I would like to mention: I in- sisted that as much as possible the results should not ’tHOOFT depend on the path-integral formalism, i.e., that unitar- ity should be investigated separately, and secondly, that At this point ’t Hooft showed unhappiness with the theissueoftherebeingsomethinginthevacuumnotbe provisional subject that I had suggested, namely, the made into a cornerstone. Indeed, once the Lagrangian double-resonance peak of Maglic. He wanted to enter including spontaneous symmetry breaking has been into the Yang-Mills arena. I then suggested that he in- written down you do not have to know where it came vestigatethemasslesstheory,withemphasisonfindinga from. That is how I wanted the paper to be formulated. regulator method. This was so decided during a dinner, Isuspectedthattheremightbetroublewiththisvacuum also attended by Van Kampen. field, and I still think so, but that does not affect in any In studying the massless case ’t Hooft used combina- way ’t Hooft’s second paper. He sometimes formulates torialmethods(diagrammanipulation)toestablishvari- this as me opposing the cosmological constant, but at ous identities (’t Hooft, 1971a). He could have used the thattimeIdidnotknoworrealizethatthishadanything Ward identities of my earlier paper, but I think he todowiththecosmologicalconstant.ThatIrealizedfor wantedtoshowthathecoulddobetter.Thusitcameto the first time during a seminar on gravitation at Orsay, pass that he never wrote the Slavnov-Taylor identities, at the beginning of 1974 (see Veltman, 1974, 1975). anoversightthatthesetwogentlemenquicklycorrected Soletmegoontotheautumnof1971.’tHooftdived (Taylor, 1971; Slavnov, 1972). ’t Hooft derived mass- into massless Yang-Mills theory studying the issue of shell identities, presumably enough for renormalization asymptotic freedom; I think that Symanzik put him on purposes. that track. I devoted much attention to the dimensional Perhaps the main point that we argued about was the regularization scheme (’t Hooft and Veltman, 1972a). necessityofagauge-invariantregularizationscheme.He Again I refer the interested reader to Veltman (1992a) took the point of view that no matter what scheme one for details, including the independent work of Bollini usesonesimplyadjuststhesubtractionconstantssothat and Giambiagi. the Ward identities are satisfied, and that is all that is After dimensional regularization was developed to an neededtorenormalizethetheory.Well,thatistruepro- easily workable scheme I decided that it would be a vided there are no anomalies, and after some time he good idea to write two papers: (i) a paper clearly show- accepted the point. He developed a gauge-invariant ing how everything worked in an example, and (ii) a method that worked up to one loop. A fifth dimension reasonably rigorous paper in which renormalizable wasused.Later,tryingtogobeyondoneloopwedevel- gauge theories were given a sound basis, using diagram opedthedimensionalregularizationscheme;inthesum- combinatorial techniques only. The result was two pa- mer of 1971 we had a rough understanding of that pers, one entitled ‘‘Example of a gauge-field theory’’ (’t method. I should say that at all times I had an ulterior Hooft and Veltman, 1972b), the other ‘‘Combinatorics motive: I very much wanted an actually usable scheme. of gauge-field theories’’ (’t Hooft and Veltman, 1972c). The existing methods (such as the Pauli-Villars scheme) The first was presented at the Marseille conference, Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation 347 summer1972,whereapreliminaryversionofthesecond I will not enter into the argument on the number of paper was also presented. I have no idea how many neutrinos from astrophysics. Such arguments are less physicists read the ‘‘Example’’ paper; I think it is a pity than airtight, because they build on the whole body of that we published it only in the conference proceedings our understanding of the big bang and evolution of the and not in the regular literature. In that paper all one- Universe. Concerning the third generation, an interest- loop infinities of the simple SU2 model with a two- ing argument developed: what is the mass of the top parameter gauge choice were computed, and the in- quark? It would fill an amusing article to list all articles formed reader may without any trouble use the counter that made claims one way or the other, but I leave that Lagrangian given in that paper to deduce the bparam- to someone else. I realized that without a top quark the eter for that theory (including a Higgs). That is the pa- theory would be non-renormalizable, and therefore rameter relevant for asymptotic freedom. The calcula- thereoughttobeobservableeffectsbecominginfiniteas tions for this paper were fully automated and done by the top-quark mass goes to infinity. To my delight there SCHOONSCHIP.When’tHooftaskedmeaboutthediver- was such a correction to the rparameter and further- gencies of the massless theory as a check on his own more it blows up proportional to the top-quark mass calculations there was no problem doing that. I did not squared (Veltman, 1977a). This is the first instance in knowaboutasymptoticfreedomanddidnotunderstand particle physics in which a radiative correction becomes the relevance of this particular calculation at that mo- largerasthemassofthevirtualparticlesincreases.That ment.HereportedhisresultattheMarseilleconference. is our first window to the very-high-energy region. This radiative correction became experimentally better RADIATIVECORRECTIONS knownandeventuallyproducedapredictionforthetop- quark mass of 175 GeV, which agrees with the result Much of my effort after 1972 was directed towards foundwhenthetopwasdiscovered.Thisagreementalso applying the theory, i.e., towards radiative corrections. seems to indicate that there are no more generations, In1975therewasstillconsiderableargumentaboutneu- because there is little or no room for any quark mass tral currents. Most people thought that the precise con- differencesin(hypothetical)newgenerations.Giventhe figuration contained in the Weinberg model was a must, patternofmassesthatweobservenow,thatappearsun- not knowing that by choosing another Higgs sector one likely, although it is strictly speaking not impossible. couldadjusttheZ masstoanyvalue.Thiswasclearlya FromthebeginningIwasveryinterestedintheHiggs 0 critical point, and Ross and I set out to investigate this sector of spontaneously broken theories. I started to issue (Ross and Veltman, 1975). This led to the intro- look for a way to establish a limit on the Higgs mass; ductionofanewparameter,nowcalledtherparameter, after all, if the Higgs is an essential ingredient of renor- thattakesonthevalueof1forthesimplestHiggssector malization there must be terms in perturbation theory as chosen by Weinberg. The rparameter is essentially that cannot be renormalized away and that would be thesquareoftheratioofthechargedvector-bosonmass sensitive to the Higgs mass. It can easily be argued that to the neutral vector-boson mass, with a correction re- the place to look for that is in the radiative corrections lated to weak mixing. This parameter has become an to the vector-boson masses, and the relevant parameter important part of today’s physics, because it is the most there is the rparameter, introduced in the paper with sensitivelocationforradiativeeffectsofheavyparticles, Rossmentionedbefore.Asithappens,whiletherecould quarksorHiggs.AttheParisconferenceonneutralcur- have been an effect proportional to the square of the rents of 1974 or 1975 I presented a very short contribu- Higgsmass,itturnedoutthatthatpiececancelsoutand tion,consistingof,Ibelieve,onlytwotransparencies.All only a logarithmic dependence remains (Veltman, I said was this: the neutral vector-boson mass can be 1977b).ThismakesitverydifficulttoestimatetheHiggs anything. Here is a convenient way to parametrize that. mass on the basis of radiative corrections, and I have To this day I am flabbergasted that nobody, but nobody introduced the name ‘‘screening theorem’’ in this con- at that conference seemed to have gotten the message. nection.Natureseemstohavebeencarefulinhidingthe They kept on thinking that finding the precise quantita- Higgsfromactualobservation.Thisandotherfactshave tive amount of neutral-current effects as predicted by led me to believe that something else is going on than the Weinberg model (extended to quarks according to the Higgs sector as normally part of the Standard Glashow, Iliopoulos, and Maiani) was crucial to the ap- Model. plicability of gauge theories. In reality, had they found After that I started to set up a systematic scheme for deviantresults,theonlyconsequencewouldhavebeena the calculation of radiative corrections, together with different Higgs sector. Passarino. As he, together with Bardin, has written a In 1976 it became reasonably clear that the Standard bookthathasjustcomeoutIrefertheinterestedreader Model including the simplest possible Higgs sector was to that book (Bardin and Passarino, 1999). the right model. Meaningful calculations on radiative There was another motive in doing the radiative cor- correctionswerenowpossible,andIsetouttodothem. rections. I wanted ultimately to compute the radiative It appeared that there were at least three families. The corrections to W-pair production at the Large Electron- following issues were of immediate importance to me: Positron collider (LEP), because it was clear to me that (i) How many generations are there? those corrections would be sensitive to the Higgs mass. (ii) Is there an upper limit on the Higgs mass? This then would suggest a value for the LEP energy: it Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 348 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation should be high enough that radiative corrections to theory. The precise meaning of that will become clear W-pair production were sufficiently large and could be shortly. However, there is trouble at the two-loop level, studiedexperimentally.OnewouldeitherfindtheHiggs soatthetimeIthoughtthattherehadtobesomecutoff or see important radiative corrections. That calculation mechanism that would control the (observable) diver- was done together with Lemoine (Lemoine and Velt- gencies occurring beyond the one-loop level. Actually, man, 1980) and finished in 1980. I did not succeed in the Higgs system can be seen as such a cutoff mecha- making the case sufficiently strong: no one understood nism. The Higgs mass becomes the cutoff parameter, theimportanceofsuchconsiderationsatthattime.Thus and indeed this cutoff parameter is observable (which is the LEP energy came out at 200 GeV, too low for that the definition of non-renormalizability of the theory purpose.Asthevectorbosonswerestilltobefound,few withoutaHiggssystem).Thisparameterenterslogarith- were prepared to think beyond that. Also, I have no micallyincertainradiativecorrections(theZ mass,for 0 ideaifa250-to300-GeVLEPwouldhavebeenpossible example), and from the measurement of these correc- from an engineering point of view, let alone financially. tions follows some rough estimate of the value of this parameter. However, part of the input is that the Higgs sector is the simplest possible; without that assumption PRESENTSTATUS thereisnosensitivityattheone-looplevel(becausethen the Z mass is not known and the radiative correction The Higgs sector of the Standard Model is essentially 0 becomes a renormalization of that mass). That is the untested. Customarily one uses the simplest possible meaning of one-loop renormalizable. Let us, however, Higgs system, one that gives rise to only one physical assumethatfromasymmetrypointofviewthingsareas Higgs particle. With that choice the Z mass is fixed to 0 be equal to the charged W mass divided by cos(u), if the Higgs system were the simplest possible. Then where uis the weak mixing angle. Let us first establish from the radiative corrections the cutoff parameter (the Higgs mass) can be estimated. here a simple fact: by choosing the appropriate Higgs Fromthispointofviewthequestionistowhatextent sectoronecanensurethattheZ massisunconstrained. 0 we can be sure today that the cutoff system used by Furthermore the photon mass need not be zero and can Nature is the Higgs system as advertised. Evidence be given any value. would be if there is indeed a particle with a mass equal In the early days a considerable amount of verbosity totheestimatefoundfromtheradiativecorrections.But was used to bridge the gap between the introduction of if there is none, that would simply mean that Nature the models in 1967 and the later-demonstrated renor- uses some other scheme, to be investigated experimen- malizability. Two of the terms frequently used to this tally. day are ‘‘electroweak unification’’ and ‘‘spontaneous In all of this discussion the notion of spontaneous symmetrybreakdown.’’AsIconsiderthesetermshighly symmetry breakdown does not really enter. In the be- misleading, I would like to discuss them in some detail. ginningthiswasaquestionthatIkeptonposingmyself. Towhatextentareweakandelectromagneticinterac- Spontaneous symmetry breakdown usually implies a tions unified? The symmetry used to describe both is SU23U1, and that already shows that there is really no constant field in the vacuum. So I asked myself: is there any way one could observe the presence of such a field unification at all. True unification, as in Maxwell’s in the vacuum? This line of thought led me to the ques- theory, leads to a reduction of parameters; for example, tionofthecosmologicalconstant(Veltman,1974,1975). in Maxwell’s theory the propagation velocities of mag- Indeed, if nothing else, surely the gravitational interac- netic and electric fields are the same, equal also to the tionscanseethepresenceofafieldinthevacuum.And speedoflight.Intheelectroweaktheorythereisnosuch here we have the problem of the cosmological constant, reduction of parameters: the mixing angle can be what- as big a mystery today as 25 years ago. This hopefully ever, and that makes the electric coupling constant e 5gsin(u) a free parameter. If the Higgs sector is not alsomakesitclearthat,withtheintroductionofsponta- neous symmetry breakdown, the problem of the cosmo- specified,thentheZ massandthephotonmassarealso 0 logicalconstantentersanewphase.Ihavearguedthata free parameters. There is really no unification (apart solution to this problem may be found in a reconsidera- from the fact that the isovector part of the photon is in tionofthefundamentalrealityofspace-timeversusmo- the same multiplet as the vector bosons). mentum space (Veltman, 1994), but this is clearly not However, if one specifies the simplest possible Higgs the place to discuss that. Also, the argument has so far system then the number of free parameters diminishes. not led to any tangible consequences. The Z mass is fixed if the weak mixing angle and the 0 So,whiletheoreticallytheuseofspontaneoussymme- charged vector-boson mass are fixed, and the photon try breakdown leads to renormalizable Lagrangians, the massisnecessarilyzero.Soherethereseemstobesome question of whether this is really what happens in Na- unification going on. It seems to me, however, utterly ture is entirely open. ridiculous to speak of ‘‘electroweak unification’’ when choosing the simplest possible Higgs system. The question of spontaneous symmetry breakdown is CONCLUSION more complicated. From my own perspective the situa- tion is as follows. In 1968 I showed what I termed the The mind-wrenching transition of field theory in the one-loop renormalizability of the massive Yang-Mills sixtiestopresent-daygauge-fieldtheoryisnotreallyvis- Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.72,No.2,April2000 MartinusJ.G.Veltman: NobelLecture:Fromweakinteractionstogravitation 349 ible anymore, and is surely hard to understand for the Salam, A., 1968, in Elementary Particle Theory: Relativistic present generation of field theorists. They might ask: Groups and Analyticity, edited by N. Svartholm (Coronet, why did it take so long? Perhaps the above provides Philadelphia). some answer to that question. Slavnov, A.A., 1972, Teor. Mat. Fiz. 10, 153 [Theor. Math. Phys.10,99(1972)]. Slavnov,A.A.,andL.D.Faddeev,1970,Teor.Mat.Fiz.3,18. REFERENCES Stu¨ckelberg,E.C.G.,1938,Helv.Phys.Acta11,299. Taylor,J.C.,1971,Nucl.Phys.B33,436. Adler,S.L.,1965a,Phys.Rev.137,B1022. ’tHooft,G.,1971a,Nucl.Phys.B33,173. Adler,S.L.,1965b,Phys.Rev.Lett.14,1051. ’tHooft,G.,1971b,Nucl.Phys.B35,167. 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