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The Natural Penis Enlargement Guide How to add inches with as little as 7 minutes exercise a day Page 1 Table of Contents Tableof Contents Introduction ThePurposeof this Guide TheAnatomyof aPenis PsychologicalBenefits of aBigger Penis DoPenisEnlargementExercisesReallyWork? TestimonialsofSuccess BPEL: +2inches, EG:+ 1inch MethodstoAvoid AdviceforBeginners Measuring thePenis MeasuringtheFlaccidLength MeasuringtheErect Length MeasuringtheFlaccidGirth MeasuringtheErectGirth Tracking YourGains Recommended Routines BasicBeginnerRoutine RegularBeginnerRoutine ExtendedBeginnerRoutine The Exercises TheWakeUpCloth TheLongSchlong TheJelq Horizontal Movement ThePCFlexBasic PenisExercises -TheNextLevel ChoosingtheRightProgram A Comparisonof PenisExercisePrograms Page 2 Introduction The Purpose of this Guide Thefirst questionmost people ask when openingthisguidefor thefirst time is‘Whoor what isPenisHealthandwhy havetheyproducedthis e-book?’ Well, let ustell you.Penis Healthis anonline penis enlargement exerciseprogram thathas beendevelopedandimprovedover several years to produce oneof theleading andmostrespected penis exerciseprograms anywhere on theinternet. “Ok soyou have done this e-book as a clevermarketingployto get more sales?” Thisisnotentirelytrue,of course we wouldloveitif after readingthis book you decided thatyou wanted toinvestigatetheprogramfurtherand visited ourwebsite;however that is not our primaryaim.Most enlargement programs out thereexist foronlyone reason and that istomakemoney, atPenisHealth we do things alittledifferently. Ourcompanyvisionistodispelthemanymyths about penis enlargement being impossible, andwe recognisethereis onlyone wayto dothis.That isto educatethe commonman withthefacts and techniquesthat thousandsofmenhavebeen successfullyusingtoget abiggerpenis. Thousandsof men haveshown that penisenlargement exercises can: Wehavea passionfor penis enlargement because weknowit works,ourjobistolet the worldknowthatit worksand bringpenisenlargement intothe publiceye, much as breast enlargement hasbecome a common discussion topic aroundthedinner table,onthe bus, andevenatwork. This guideisthefirst stepin achieving our vision. Thenext sectionwill explain howtheexerciseswork to enlargetheir penis, you maybe surprised.PenisEnlargementis not somekindofmagical, unexplainableoccurrence;it is alogicaland scientificprocess. Page 3 Think of it thisway, what isthefirst thingyou do with aballoonbeforeyou blowit up? You stretchit andthismakestherubbermore supple andallows theballoon tohold moreair.Of coursethe penisisverydifferent to aballoonbutthe basicprinciples arethe same,if you can exercise your penisto holdmore bloodthenit willbecomelargerin size, simpleasthat! There aremanybenefitsto beenjoyedwhen you have a bigger penis, forstartersthe confidence it canbringcan literallyturnyour lifearound. Canyou rememberthelast time you wanted to approach a woman but didn’thave theconfidence?Oreventhelast time you went tothe gents andfelt insecure whilst standingat the urinals? Well, a bigger peniscanbringyou the confidencetoapproachthat womanyou have had your eye on, and you could bevisitingthe gentscompletelyrelaxedknowingthatyou are probablylargerdownstairsthan everyothermanin there. A bigger penismeansyou KNOW you cansatisfyanywoman andthatknowledge and confidencecanradiatethroughout yourentirelife. Don’t believeus?Carryon reading tofindout exactlyhowpenis enlargement exercises have helpedothers and howthey can helpyou! Ok, that’s enoughfrom us, therest ofthisguide will tell you exactlyhowthe exercises work, howto perform them andthemost effectiveapproachfor successfulgains.We hope that you enjoyreadingthis guide andthat the informationwe have provided you will beusefulinyour quest forabiggerpenis. Good Luck! Page 4 The Anatomy of a Penis Thepenisis ascomplexas anyother part of thehuman body, despite adeceivingly simpleappearance. Moreover,sincethetwofunctionsof the penis are well-known to men andwomenalike, thereis atendencyto think that everybodyknows everything worthknowing about it. However, therearealways afewquestionsleft unanswered or some obscure bit of informationthatnobodybotherstorememberand whichmaybecomeinterestingina certaincontext. Basically, the humanpenisismadeup of two parts: theshaft andthe glans (alsoknown as thehead). Theshaftis not amuscle as somehave suggested. It ismade of three columns of tissue, one ofwhich continuesforward toform theglans. Thesecolumns are calledthe CorpusSpongiosus, whichforms theundersideof the penis and theglans, and the CorporaCavernosa, which aretwo chambers of tissuelocated next to each other onthe upper sideofthe penis. Theshaftiscoveredin skin, whiletheglanssupportsthelooselyattachedfoldof skin known astheforeskin. Theforeskinis attachedtotheundersideof thepenis,in anarea calledthefrenum.And,lastly, thepenisistraversedfrom basetotip bythe Urethra.This canalserves asa passagefor both urine, produced inthebladder, andthe sperm, producedinthetestes. Erectionisachieved byfillingthetwo CorporaCavernosachamberswithblood.Unlike some othermammals,humans have noerectilebone and havetorelyinstead on engorgement withbloodtoreach erection. Whenthe erectionistriggered bysexual stimulation, the arteriesthat bringbloodtothe penis dilateinorder toincrease bloodflow. The sponge-likeCorporaCavernosafills up Page 5 with blood, whichmakesthe penisstiff.Thestiffer tissuesconstrict the veins that carry blood awayfrom thepenisinordertomaintainthe erection. Everymalebabyis bornwith afull setof reproductiveorgans. However, these organs are not fullydeveloped and remainsountilthe boyenters puberty. At puberty, usuallybetween theages of 10 and14,the pituitarygland starts secreting hormonesthat inducethe testiclestoproducetestosterone.Thisisthehormonethat controlsall the physicalandmanyof the psychologicaltraits that defineman. Itspresence ensuresthedevelopment of bigger bones and highermusclemassinmen. It is alsoresponsiblefor the increaseinpenis andtesticlessize, theapparition of pubic hairandthe deepertoneof themalevoice. Thepenis stops growingat the endof puberty, whichcomesaroundthe age of 18. However, therearemanyenvironmentalfactorsthatmaydelayor acceleratethe onset orthe endof puberty. Thismeansthat somemenmayexperiencepenis growth beyond the ageof 18. A common urbanmyththat almost everyone has heard, istheideathat penissize is linkedtothe size of another bodypart.Themost commonversions ofthismythfocus on the size of hands,feet, nose or overall heightto determinethe size of thepenis.Actually, thereisnosuchlink. Althoughthedevelopment ofthe penis intheembryo is controlledbythe same genes as thelimbs, penisgrowth at pubertyis entirelygoverned bytestosteroneandhas nothing to dowiththe other parts of thebody. Somemenare born withbigpenises.Thisis an undisputedfact of life whose causesare still amysteryto science.As statedabove,thereis no correlationbetween penisand bodysize. Studiesconducted onbats haveshown that the sexual organsandthe brainrequire largequantitiesof energyto develop.Atsomepoint, the developing embryo decides whether it wants abiggerbrain or abigger set of sexual organs.However,scienceisstill at alosstounderstandhowthe decisionismadeandwhy. Page 6 And,lastly, a word on penis exercises. Theexercises thatPenisHealthpromote are designedtoforcethecolumns of tissuetoexpandinbothlengthand girth.Thisis done byexerting pressureonthe shaft andhelpingthecellsthatmake upthetissues to multiply. Obviously, theaim of these exercisesistomakethe CorporaCavernosa holdmore bloodin ordertoincrease thesizeoftheerect penis. Contraryto whatmanyskeptics think,thecarefulandsustainedexercisingof thepenis isa safe and effective wayof increasinglength andgirth. Psychological Benefits of a Bigger Penis Thefaceof amanisusuallyanopen book tomost women.Theycan readpractically anythinginourfaces. I’veknown ladies who could tellthesize of mypenis, bank account andthe status of my sexlifebytaking onlyone look at me. Of course, thelook was followed bythe lady’s departureinthe opposite direction. Failure always leaves amark on yourface, just likesuccess does. Andwomen canread thosemarks awfullywell.It’s evenworse when you have asmall penisandfailuretends tofollowfailurein apatternthatgrows bigger everyday. Thefirst thing women noticeabout amanis hisconfidencelevel.A stoop-shouldered man withadowncast look hasverylittle chance of actuallygetting adatefrom a decent- lookinglady. Onthe other hand, abroad-chestedguywith aconfidentlook inhis eyes and a swagger in hisstepis sureto catch theeye of mostwomen.Hemaynot get everysingle pretty girl,buthe’llsureas hell be noticed byeach andeveryone. Trust me, nothing givesa manmoreconfidencethan a big penis.Amanwhoknows that theschlong danglingin his pants isbig enoughto satisfyanywomanwalksaroundwith an“I don’t have acare inthe world”kindof aura. You can bet your lifethatwomennoticethat.Women don’t care alot what amansays, sincemost menhavelittle tosaythatinterests awoman. But theypaystrict attentionto Page 7 the subtlesignsinaman’s attitude.Womenthink: “If helooksconfident, then theremust be something about himthatmakes him soconfident.Thiscould beinteresting”. Abigpenisis your ticket tothat showof confidence thatisnot an act or asham, but the real thing.Areyou sufferingfrom low-confidenceand anxiety? Areyou afraidthat womenmaylook downon you? Thenpenisenlargement isthesolutionfor you. The minute you stop worrying,it’stheirturnto beanxious. A bigpenishasalotof benefits andno downsidethatI canthink of.Well,maybe if you decidetoincreaseyourpenis size to9or 10inches; thatcould bea problem.But if you stickto anice 8inches, then you’llreap all the benefits.Increased confidence,greater staminain bed, bettercontrolof yourejaculation, longer sexsessions andmore pleasurefor you and the lady, allthesecanbeyours. Anxiety, depressionandlowself-esteem have nochance against a bigpenis androck- hard erectionsthat last muchlongerthan before.Women will beimpressed bythe hefty dick thatjustkeeps going andmen will eye the bulgein your pants with envy. Nowthat’s what I callturningthetables! Do Penis Enlargement Exercises Really Work? Manypeople arekeentodismiss penisexercisesasmyths eventhoughtheyare not familiar withthefacts. Penis exerciseshave beenaroundin oneform or other fora very longtime. Primitivetribes arestill using weights,variousobjects andexercisestoforce partsof thehuman bodyto changesize and achieve a newlook. Thewomenof thePaduang tribeusemetal ringstolengthentheirnecks, while the peoplefrom othertribes hang weightsfromtheirlips orear lobesin order to reachtheir own standards of beauty.With allthese goingon, whyshould it beso hardtobelieve thatthepenis was ignored? Especiallysince weknowthat it was not.Variouspenisenlargement techniques have also beenreported,especiallyamongthe nomadArabictribes. Bodyenhancement techniques performedbymaleswere always tiedtothe positionof theperson in questionwithinthetribeor withthemanhoodinitiationrites. Page 8 It seemsthatmenfoundearlyon thatthe humanbodycan bemodified using devices or exercises.The onlytraction devices at theirdisposal foralongperiod of time were weights, but stretchingthe penisusing one’sown hands was just asgoodas anydevice. Thebasic principle behind bodyenhancementisthe adaptabilityof the human bodyin responseto external stimuli.Everybodyknows thatthe extraphysical effortputinto workingout at thegym will trigger anincreaseinthe size ofthemusclesthat haveto sustainthe effort. Similarly, repeated exercisesfocusedonthepenis, will forcethe bodyto start multiplying the cellsthatmake upthepenistissues andto increaseboth thelengthandgirth of thepenisin order tocope withthe newsituation. Thebestknown penis enlargementexerciseistheJelq.Thisexerciseis designedto enlargethepenis usingmilkingmovementsin order toincreasethe bloodflowintothe corporacavernosa,the sponge-liketissuesof thepenis.Theincreasedbloodflowwill,in time,forcethetissues toexpand and increaseboth theflaccid anderectsizes of the penis. Dr. BrianRichardsconducted astudyof penis enlargementexercisesinthe 1970s and foundthat the jelqhelped nearly90 percent of patientsincreasetheirpenis size. The gainsrangedinsize of course,but itwas proventhatmencould add an inchormoreto their penises. Despitetherabidskepticism of those who cannotbe botheredto check thefacts, commonsenseandevidence point tothefact thatpenis enlargementexercisesdo work. Nomanwho could use anextrainchor two inlengthor girthshould writethem off until he’sactuallytriedthem.Manyskeptics havebeen pleasantlysurprised after embarkingon apenisexerciseprogram, sowhynot giveit ago?There’snothingtolose and awholeworldofsexualpleasureand self-respecttogain. Testimonials of Success If theinformationwe have provided you sofar isn’t enoughtoconvince you that penis enlargementis possiblethen readontofindout about the experiences ofmen who were inthe exact same position as you not thatlongago. For your reference: BPEL =Bone-Pressed Erect Length – Thestandardform of measurement taken by pressingaruleruptothepubicboneat thebaseof the penis andmeasuring tothetip of the headwhilstthe penisis100%erect EL =ErectLength– Measurement takenfrom the base of the penistothe tip ofthe head withoutexerting anypressure onthe pubicbone whilstthepenisis100% erect Page 9

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