Description:*Army of One* is the story of Harry Markopolos, the whistleblower who discovered that crimes against investors were being committed by Bernie Madoff, whose Ponzi scheme would ultimately become the biggest and longest-running financial investment fraud ever. Madoff's impact, both financially on individuals and institutions, continues to send shockwaves across the financial system and represents perhaps the biggest failure to investigate by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the nation's top market copy. The unraveling of the Madoff investment fund will likely go down in history as the crowning failure of an era that has ended with the most troubled, turbulent, and uncertain global economy in world history. How Madoff was enabled, by investors and fiduciaries alike, is nothing short of breath-taking and spell-binding. But how Madoff was allowed to operate by the SEC, despite repeated written and verbal warnings by whistleblower Harry Markopolos, is something that can only be told Harry himself and his team of financial sleuths.