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NNLO real corrections to gluon scattering 0 1 0 2 n a J JoaoPires∗,E.W.N.Glover 6 2 InstituteforParticlePhysicsPhenomenology DepartmentofPhysics ] UniversityofDurham h p DH13LE - UK p e E-mail: [email protected],[email protected] h [ In this talk we describe a procedure for isolating the infrared singularities present in gluonic 1 v scatteringamplitudesatnext-to-next-to-leadingorder.Weusetheantennasubtractionframework 3 which has been successfully applied to the calculation of NNLO corrections to the 3-jet cross 1 7 sectionandrelatedeventshapedistributionsinelectron-positronannihilation. Hereweconsider 4 processeswithcolouredparticlesintheinitialstate,andinparticulartwo-jetproductionathadron . 1 colliderssuchastheLargeHadronCollider(LHC).Weconstructasubtractiontermthatdescribes 0 0 the single and doubleunresolvedcontributionsfrom gluonicprocesses using antenna functions 1 withinitialstate partonsandshownumericallythatthe subtractiontermcorrectlyapproximates : v thematrixelementsinthevarioussingleanddoubleunresolvedconfigurations. i X r a RADCOR2009-9thInternationalSymposiumonRadiativeCorrections(ApplicationsofQuantumField TheorytoPhenomenology) October25-302009 Ascona,Switzerland ∗Speaker. (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeLicence. http://pos.sissa.it/ NNLOrealcorrectionstogluonscattering JoaoPires 1. Introduction In hadronic collisions, the most basic form of the strong interaction at short distances is the scattering ofacolouredpartonoffanothercolouredparton. Experimentally, suchscatteringcanbe observed via the production of one or more jets of hadrons with with large transverse energy. In QCD,thescattering crosssection hastheperturbative expansion, ds =(cid:229) dsˆLO+ a s dsˆNLO+ a s 2dsˆNNLO+O(a 3) f(x )f (x )dx dx (1.1) Z (cid:20) ij 2p ij 2p ij s (cid:21) i 1 j 2 1 2 i,j (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) wherethesumrunsoverthepossible parton typesiand j. Thesingle-jet inclusive anddi-jetcross sections have been studied at next-to-leading order (NLO) [1] and successfully compared with datafromtheTEVATRON. The theoretical prediction may be improved by including the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) perturbative predictions. This has the effect of (a) reducing the renormalisation scale dependence and (b) improving the matching of the parton level theoretical jet algorithm with the hadronlevelexperimentaljetalgorithmbecausethejetstructurecanbemodeledbythepresenceof athirdparton. Theresultingtheoretical uncertainty atNNLOisestimatedtobeatthefewper-cent level[2]. Inthis talk, wewillfocus only on the NNLOcontribution involving gluons and will drop the partonlabels. AtNNLO,therearethreedistinctcontributionsduetodoublerealradiationradiation ds R , mixed real-virtual radiation ds V,1 and double virtual radiation ds V,2 , that are given NNLO NNLO NNLO by dsˆ = dsˆR + dsˆV,1 + dsˆV,2 (1.2) NNLO ZdF m+2 NNLO ZdF m+1 NNLO ZdF m NNLO where the integration is over the appropriate N-particle final state subject to the constraint that precisely m-jetsareobserved, = dF J(N). (1.3) N m ZdF N Z As usual the individual contributions in the (m+2), (m+3) and (m+4)-parton channels are all separately infrared divergent although, after renormalisation and factorisation, their sum is finite. Forprocesses withtwopartons inthe initial state, the parton level cross sections arerelated tothe interference ofM-particlei-loopand j-loopamplitudes [hM(i)|M(j)i] by M dsˆR ∼ hM(0)|M(0)i NNLO h im+4 dsˆV,1 ∼ hM(0)|M(1)i+hM(1)|M(0)i NNLO h im+3 dsˆV,2 ∼ hM(1)|M(1)i+hM(0)|M(2)i+hM(2)|M(0)i (1.4) NNLO h im+2 Inthis talk, wespecialise tothe gluonic contributions todijet production. Explicit expressions for theinterferenceofthefour-gluontree-levelandtwo-loopamplitudesisavailableinRefs.[3],while the self interference of the four-gluon one-loop amplitude is given in [4]. The one-loop helicity amplitudesforthefivegluonamplitudearegivenin[5]. Thiscontributioncontainsexplicitinfrared 2 NNLOrealcorrectionstogluonscattering JoaoPires divergences coming from integrating over the loop momenta and implicit poles in the regions of the phase space where one of the final state partons becomes unresolved. This corresponds to the soft and collinear regions of the one-loop amplitude that were analyzed in [6]. The double real six-gluon matrix elements were derived in [7]. Here the singularities occur in the phase space regionscorresponding totwogluonsbecomingsimultaneously softand/orcollinear. The“double” unresolved behaviour isuniversalandwasdiscussed in[8,9]. 2. The antenna subtraction formalism There have been several approaches to build ageneral subtraction scheme for the double real contribution at NNLO [10, 11, 12]. We will follow the antenna subtraction method which was derived in[13]for NNLOprocesses involving only (massless) finalstate partons. Thisformalism isbeingextendedtoincludeprocesses witheitheroneortwoinitialstatepartons [14,15,16]. Torenderthecontributions withdifferent finalstatesseparately finite,thegeneralstructure of thesubtraction termsatNNLOis dsˆ = dsˆR −dsˆS + dsˆS NNLO NNLO NNLO NNLO ZdF m+2(cid:0) (cid:1) ZdF m+2 + dsˆV,1 −dsˆVS,1 + dsˆVS,1 ZdF m+1(cid:16) NNLO NNLO(cid:17) ZdF m+1 NNLO + dsˆV,2 , (2.1) ZdF m NNLO wheredsˆS (dsˆVS,1 )isthesubtractiontermforthedoubleradiation(real-virtual)contributions NNLO NNLO respectively. Inthistalk,weconcentrate onthedoubleunresolvedsubtraction termdsˆS relevantforthe NNLO six-gluon contribution two-jet production inhadronic collisions. Itismade upof several different contributions, thatdependonhowtheunresolved partonsareconnected incolourspace, dsˆS =dsˆS,a +dsˆS,b +dsˆS,c +dsˆS,d +dsˆA NNLO NNLO NNLO NNLO NNLO NNLO (a) Oneunresolved parton buttheexperimental observable selects only mjetsfrom the(m+1) partons. (b) Twocolour-connected unresolved partons(colour-connected). (c) Two unresolved partons that are not colour connected but share a common radiator (almost colour-unconnected). (d) Twounresolved partons thatare wellseparated from each other inthe colour chain (colour- unconnected). (A) Correction fortheoversubtraction oflargeanglesoftradiation. Contribution (a) is precisely the same subtraction term as used for the NLO (m+1)-jet rate, and is the product of a three-parton antenna and reduced (m+1)-particle matrix elements. Con- tributions (b)–(d) are derived from the product of double unresolved factors and reduced (m+2)- parton matrixelements. Subtraction termsfortheseconfigurations canbeconstructed usingeither 3 NNLOrealcorrectionstogluonscattering JoaoPires 6000 double soft limit for ggfigggg xx==1100--45 5000 #PS points=10000 x=10-6 i 1487 outside the plot x=(s-sij)/s 317 outside the plot 4000 59 outside the plot l # events 3000 1 2 2000 k 1000 0 j 0.99997 0.99998 0.99999 1 1.00001 1.00002 1.00003 R (a) (b) Figure1:(a)Exampleconfigurationofadoublesofteventwiths ≈s =s. (b)DistributionofRfor10000 ij 12 doublesoftphasespacepoints. single four-parton antenna functions [17] or products of three-parton antenna functions. For glu- onicprocesses, oneencountersthefour-gluonantennaF0forthefirsttime. Finally,thelarge-angle 4 soft subtraction terms(A)contains soft antenna functions which precisely cancel the remnant soft behaviour associated with the antenna phase space mappings for the final-final [18], initial-final and initial-initial configurations. Explicit formulae for the various contributions to dsˆS are NNLO available in[19] Note that the subtraction terms are also needed in integrated form. When both radiators are in thefinal state, asneeded for electron-positron annihilation, theintegrated antennae aregiven in ref.[13]. Forprocesseswithonehardradiatorintheinitialstate,theintegralsareknown[15]while theworkisstillinprogress forprocesses withtwohadronic initialradiators [16]. 3. Numerical results Tonumericallytestthatthesubtraction termcorrectlyreproduces thesameinfraredbehaviour as the matrix element, wegenerate a series of phase space points that approach a given double or singleunresolved limit. Foreachgenerated pointwecomputetheratio, dsˆR R= NNLO (3.1) dsˆS NNLO whichshould approachunityaswegetclosertoanysingularity. Asanexample,weconsiderthedoublesoftlimit. Adoublesoftconfigurationcanbeobtained by generating a four particle final state where one of the invariant masses s of two final state ij particles takesnearlythefullenergyoftheeventsasillustrated infigure1(a). Infigure1(b)wegenerated 10000randomdoublesoftphasespacepointsandshowthedistri- bution of the ratio between the matrix element and the subtraction term. We show three different valuesofx=(s−s )/s[x=10−4(red),x=10−5(green),x=10−6 (blue)]andwecanseethatfor ij smallervaluesofxthedistribution peaksmoresharply aroundunity. Forx=10−6 weobtained an average of R=0.9999994 and a standard deviation of s =4.02×10−5. Also in the plot wegive 4 NNLOrealcorrectionstogluonscattering JoaoPires 5000 4500 triple collinear limit for ggfigggg xx==--1100--89 x=-10-10 4000 #PS points=10000 i 3500 1107170 o ouutstisdide et hthe ep plolott x=s1jk/s 3000 54 outside the plot j # events 22050000 1 2 k 1500 1000 500 0 l 0.995 0.996 0.997 0.998 0.999 1 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 R (a) (b) Figure2:(a)Exampleconfigurationofatriplecollineareventwiths →0.(b)DistributionofRfor10000 1jk triplecollinearphasespacepoints. the number of outlier points that lie outside the range of the histogram. As expected this number decreases asweapproach thesingular region. As a second example, we perform a similar analysis for the triple collinear limit with three hard particles sharing a collinear direction as shown in figure 2 (a). In this case the variable that controls the approach to the triple collinear region is x=s /s. We show results for x=−10−7 1jk (red), x=−10−8 (green), x=−10−9 (blue). For 10000 phase space points with x=−10−9, we obtained an average value of R=0.99954 and a standard deviation of s =0.04. As before, the numberofoutliers systematically decreases asweapproach thetriplecollinear limit. Similarbehaviour isobtained foralloftheremainingdoubleunresolved limits. 4. Conclusions In this contribution, we have discussed the application of the antenna subtraction formalism toconstruct thesubtraction termrelevantforthegluonic double realradiation contribution todijet production. The subtraction term is constructed using four-parton and three-parton antennae. We showedthatthesubtractiontermcorrectlydescribesthedoubleunresolvedlimitsofthegg→gggg process. The construction of similar subtraction terms for processes involving quarks should in principle be straightforward. Together with the integrated forms of the antenna functions (see Refs. [15]for the initial-final and Ref. [16] for the initial-initial configurations), these double real subtraction terms willprovide amajor step towards the NNLOevaluation ofthe dijet observables athadroncolliders. 5. Acknowledgements ThisresearchwassupportedinpartbytheUKScienceandTechnologyFacilitiesCounciland by the European Commission’s Marie-Curie Research Training Network under contract MRTN- CT-2006-035505 ‘Tools and Precision Calculations for Physics Discoveries at Colliders’. EWNG gratefully acknowledges the support of the Wolfson Foundation and the Royal Society. JP grate- 5 NNLOrealcorrectionstogluonscattering JoaoPires fully acknowledges the award of a Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT - Portugal) PhD studentship. References [1] S.D.Ellis,Z.KunsztandD.E.Soper,Phys.Rev.Lett.62(1989)726;ibid64(1990)2121;ibid69 (1992)1496–1499; W.T.Giele,E.W.N.GloverandD.A.Kosower,Nucl.Phys.B403(1993)633–670 [hep-ph/9302225];Phys.Rev.Lett.73(1994)2019–2022[hep-ph/9403347]. 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