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NMR and Neutron Scattering Experiments on the Cuprate Superconductors: A Critical Re-Examination PDF

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by  Y. Zha
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Preview NMR and Neutron Scattering Experiments on the Cuprate Superconductors: A Critical Re-Examination

NMR and Neutron Scattering Experiments on the Cuprate Superconductors: A Critical Re-Examination Y. Zha(a), V. Barzykin(b) and D. Pines(a) (a) Department of Physics and Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1110 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 (b)Department of Physics, University of British Columbia, 6224 Agricultural Rd., Vancouver, B. C. V6T 1Z1, Canada (February 6, 2008) We show that it is possible to reconcile NMR and neutron scattering experiments on both La2−xSrxCuO4 and YBa2Cu3O6+x, by making use of the Millis-Monien-Pines mean field phe- nomenologicalexpressionforthedynamicspin-spinresponsefunction,andreexaminingthestandard Shastry-Mila-Rice hyperfine Hamiltonian for NMR experiments. The recent neutron scattering re- 6 9 sults of Aeppli et al [1] on La1.86Sr0.14CuO4 are shown to agree quantitatively with the NMR 9 measurements of 63T1 and the magnetic scaling behavior proposed by Barzykin and Pines. [2] The 1 reconciliationofthe17Orelaxationrateswiththedegreeofincommensurationinthespinfluctuation spectrum seen in neutron experiments is achieved by introducing a new transferred hyperfine cou- n plingC′ between17OnucleiandtheirnextnearestneighborCu2+ spins;thisleadstoanear-perfect a J cancellation of the influence of the incommensurate spin fluctuation peaks on the 17O relaxation 5 rates of La2−xSrxCuO4. The inclusion of the new C′ term also leads to a natural explanation, within the one-component model, the different temperature dependence of the anisotropic 17O re- 1 laxationratesfordifferentfieldorientations,recentlyobservedbyMartindaleetal.[3]Themeasured v significant decrease with doping of the anisotropy ratio, 63R=63 T1ab/63T1c in La2−xSrxCuO4 sys- 6 tem, from 63R=3.9 for La2CuO4 to 63R≃3.0 for La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 is made compatible with the 1 doping dependence of the shift in the incommensurate spin fluctuation peaks measured in neutron 0 experiments, by suitable choices of the direct and transferred hyperfinecoupling constants Aβ and 1 B. 0 6 9 / t a m I. INTRODUCTION - d n The magnetic behavior of the planar excitations in the cuprate superconductors continues to be of central concern o to the high temperature superconductivity community. Not only does it provide significant constraints on candidate c theoretical descriptions of their anomalous normal state behavior, but it may also hold the key to the physicalorigin : v of high temperature superconductivity. Recently two of us have used the results of NMR experiments to determine i the magnetic phase diagramfor theLa Sr CuO andYBa Cu O systems.[2]We foundthat forboth systems X 2−x x 4 2 3 6+x bulk properties, such as the spin susceptibility, and probes in the vicinity of the commensurate antiferromagnetic r a wave vector (π,π), such as 63T1, the 63Cu spin relaxation time, and 63T2G, the spin-echo decay time, display z = 1 scaling and spin pseudogap behavior over a wide regime of temperatures. On the other hand, the neutron scattering experimental results of Aeppli et al [1] on La Sr CuO which probe directly χ′′(q,ω), the imaginary part of 1.86 0.14 4 the spin-spin response function, while supporting this proposed scaling behavior, at first sight appear incapable of explaining NMR experiments on this system. This apparent contradictionbetween the results of NMR and neutron scattering experiments, both of which probe χ(q,ω)inLa Sr CuO ,isbutoneofaseriesofsuchapparentcontradictions. Forexample,intheYBa Cu O 1.86 0.14 4 2 3 6+x system,NMRexperimentson63Cuand17OnucleiinbothYBa Cu O [4]andYBa Cu O [5]requirethepresence 2 3 7 2 3 6.63 of strong antiferromagnetic correlations between the planar Cu2+ spins, and a simple mean field description of the spin-spin response function with a temperature dependent magnetic correlation length ξ >∼ 2, was shown to provide a quantitative description of the measured results for 63T and 17T in YBa Cu O , [6] and YBa Cu O . [7] 1 2 3 7 2 3 6.63 Yet neutron scattering experiments on YBa Cu O [8–10] and YBa Cu O , [11] find only comparatively broad, 2 3 7 2 3 6.63 temperature-independent,peaksinχ′′(q,ω),correspondingtoaquiteshort(ξ <∼1)temperature-independentmagnetic correlation length. The apparent contradiction is especially severe for the La Sr CuO system, where neutron 2−x x 4 scatteringexperimentsshowatlowtemperaturesfour incommensuratepeaksinthe spinfluctuationspectrum, whose position depends on the level of Sr doping, [12] while the quantitative explanation (using the same one-component phenomenological description which worked for the YBa Cu O system) of the measurements of 63T and 17T 2 3 6+x 1 1 1 in this system requires that the spin fluctuations be peaked at (π,π), or nearly so. [13,14] Viewed from the NMR perspective, there are two major problems with four incommensurate spin fluctuation peaks. First, the Shastry- Mila-Rice (SMR) form factor, [15,16] which, provided the peaks are nearly at (π,π), effectively screens neighboring 17O nuclei from the presence of the strong peaks in the nearly localized Cu2+ spin spectrum required to explain the anomalous temperature-dependence behavior of 63T , fails to do so for the considerable degree of incommensuration 1 inthepeaksat(π,[π±δ])and([π±δ],π)seeninLa Sr CuO .[14,17,18]As aresult17T picksupasubstantial 1.86 0.14 4 1 anomaloustemperature dependence whichis notseenexperimentally. Second, with the doping-independentvalues of thehyperfinecouplingswhichappearintheSMRformfactorsforacommensuratespectrum,thecalculatedanisotropy of63T fortheincommensuratepeaksseenbyneutronsisinsharpvariancewithwhatisseenintheNMRexperiments. 1 [14] Two ways out of these apparent contradictions have been proposed. One view is that the spin fluctuation peaks seen in the neutron scattering experiments reflect the appearance of discommensuration, not incommensuration; on thisview,theLa Sr CuO systemcontainsdomainsinwhichthespinfluctuationpeaksarecommensurate(sothat 2−x x 4 there are no problems with 17T ), but what neutrons, a global probe, see is the periodic array of the domain walls. 1 [19] A second view is that a one-component description of χ(q,ω) is not feasible; rather, the transferred hyperfine couplingbetweenthe nearlylocalizedCu2+ spins andthe17O nucleiispresumedtobe veryweak,andthe 17O nuclei are assumedto be relaxedby a different mechanism, whence the nearly Korringa-likebehavior of 17T . [18]A further 1 challenge to a one-component description has come from the very recent work of Martindale et al, [3] who find that their results for the temperature-dependence of the planar anisotropy of 17T for different field orientations appear 1α incompatible with a one-component description. In the present paper we present a third view: that the one-component phenomenological description is valid, but whatrequiresmodificationare the hyperfine couplings whichappearin the SMRHamiltonianwhich describesplanar nuclei coupled to nearly localized Cu2+ spins. We find that by introducing a transferred hyperfine coupling C′, between the next nearest neighbor Cu2+ spins and a 17O nucleus, the nearly antiferromagnetic part of the strong signalsemanatingfromtheCu2+spinscanbefarmoreeffectivelyscreenedthanispossiblewithonlyanearestneighbor transferredhyperfine coupling, so that the existence of four incommensurate peaks in the La Sr CuO system can 2−x x 4 be made compatible with the 17T results. We also find that by permitting the transferred hyperfine coupling, B, 1 betweenaCu2+ spinanditsnearestneighbor63Cunucleustovarywithdoping,wecanexplainthetrendwithdoping of the anisotropy of 63T in this system. We then use these revised hyperfine couplings to reexamine the extent to 1 which the recent results of Aeppli et al [1] on La Sr CuO can be explained quantitatively by combining the 1.86 0.14 4 Millis-Monien-Pines (hereafter MMP) response function [6] with the scaling arguments put forth by Barzykin and Pines. [2] We find that they can, and are thus able to reconcile the neutron scattering and NMR experiments on this member of the La Sr CuO system. 2−x x 4 We present as well the results of a reexamination of the NMR and neutron results for the YBa Cu O system. 2 3 6+x Here we begin by making the ansatz that it is the presence of incompletely resolved incommensurate peaks which is responsible for the broad lines seen in neutron experiments. We follow Dai et al, [9] who suggest the increased line width for YBa Cu O seen along the zone diagonal directions reflects the presence of four incommensurate peaks, 2 3 7 located at Q = (π±δ,π±δ), a proposal which is consistent with the earlier measurements of Tranquada et al for i YBa Cu O [11]. We then find that incommensuration can be made compatible with NMR experimental results 2 3 6.6 provided the transferred hyperfine coupling constant, B, is doping dependent in this system as well. Moreover, on considering 17T for YBa Cu O , we find that the anomalous temperature dependence of the planar anisotropy of 1 2 3 7 17T measuredby Martindaleet al [3]constitutes a proofof the validity ofour modified one-componentmodel. Thus 1 incommensuration combined with the presence of the next nearest neighbor coupling, C′, leads to results which are consistent with experiment, and we are able to preserve the one-component description of the planar spin excitation spectrum. Theoutlineofourpaperisasfollows: InSectionIIwereviewtheSMRdescriptionofcoupledCu2+ spinsandnuclei as well as the mean field description of χ(q,ω), and examine the modifications brought about by incommensuration andnextnearestneighborcouplingbetweenCu2+ spinsanda17O nucleus. InSectionIII wereviewthe experimental constraints on the hyperfine coupling parameters, and present our results for their variation with doping in both the La Sr CuO andYBa Cu O systems. WeshowinSectionIVhowthe63CuNMRresultscanbereconciledwith 2−x x 4 2 3 6+x neutron scattering results on La Sr CuO , while in Section V we present a quantitative fit to the 17T results 1.86 0.14 4 1c for the La Sr CuO based on the four incommensurate peaks in the spin fluctuation spectrum expected from 1.85 0.15 4 neutron scattering. We show in Section VI how the anomalous results of Martindale et al [3] for the YBa Cu O 2 3 6+x system can be explained using our modified one-component model, and in Section VII we present our conclusions. 2 II. A GENERALIZED SHASTRY-MILA-RICE HAMILTONIAN On introducing a hyperfine coupling C′ between the the 17O nuclei and their next nearest neighbor Cu2+ spins, α,β we can rewrite the SMR hyperfine Hamiltonian for the 63Cu and 17O nuclei as: nn H = 63I (r ) A S (r )+B S (r ) hf α i α,β β i α j hXβ Xj i nn nnn +17I (r ) C S (r )+C′ S (r ) (1) α i α,β β j α,β β j h Xj,β Xj,β i where A is the tensor for the direct, on-site coupling of the 63Cu nuclei to the Cu2+ spins, B is the strength α,β of the transferred hyperfine coupling of the 63Cu nuclear spin to the four nearest neighbor Cu2+ spins, C is the α,β transferred hyperfine coupling of the 17O nuclear spin to its nearest neighbor Cu2+ spins, and C′ its coupling to α,β the next nearest neighbor Cu2+ spins. The indices “nn” represent nearest neighbor electron spins to the specific nuclei, “nnn” the next nearest neighbor Cu2+ spins. As we shall see below, inclusion of the C′ term enhances the α,β cancellation of the anomalous antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations seen by the 17O nucleus, and therefore reduces the leakage from incommensurate spin fluctuation peaks to the 17O relaxation rates. It thus enable us to reconcile the measured 17O relaxation rates with the neutron scattering experiments for both La Sr CuO and YBa Cu O . 2−x x 4 2 3 6+x The spin contribution to the NMR Knight shift for the various nuclei are: [6] (A +4B)χ 63K = c 0 c 63γ γ ¯h2 n e (A +4B)χ 63K = ab 0 ab 63γ γ ¯h2 n e 2(C +2C′)χ 17K = β β 0 (2) β 17γ γ ¯h2 n e Here, we have incorporated the new C′ term into the 17O Knight shift expression for 17K , while the others remain β β their standard form as in Ref. [6], γ are various nuclei gyromagnetic ratios, γ is the electron gyromagnetic ratio, n e and χ the static spin susceptibility. The indices c and ab refer to the direction of the applied static magnetic field 0 along the c-axis and the ab-plane. The spin-lattice relaxation rate, (αT )−1, for nuclei α responding to a magnetic 1 β field in the β direction, is: k T αT−1 = B αF (q)χ′′(q,ω →0) (3) 1β 2µ2¯h2ω β B q X where the modified SMR form factors, αF (q), are now given by: β 63F =[A +2B(cosq a+cosq a)]2 c ab x y 1 63F = [ 63F +63Feff] ab 2 c ab 63Feff =[A +2B(cosq a+cosq a)]2 ab c x y 17F =2 cos2 qxa C +2C′ cosq a 2, (4) α 2 αi αi y αi=Xα′,α′′ (cid:0) (cid:1) Here, α′ and α′′ are the directions perpendicular to α. The form factor 63Feff is the filter for the 63Cu spin-echo ab decay time 63T [20]: 2G 2 .69 1 1 63T−2 = Feff(q)2[χ′(q,0)]2− Feff(q)χ′(q,0) (5) 2G 128h¯2µ4 N ab "N ab #  B  Xq Xq  The values of the hyperfine constant C and C′ can be determined by the various 17O Knight shift data. In fact, α α we may obtain these new values fromthe “old” values of the hyperfine coupling constant, Cold, which have been well α 3 established from fitting the Knight shift data. [2] Note we use C to represent the new nearest neighbor hyperfine α coupling constant, while the old hyperfine coupling constant is written explicitly as Cold throughout the paper. In α order not to change the Knight shift result of the previous analysis [2], the new hyperfine coupling constants should satisfy the following requirement: C +2C′ =Cold =ζ Cold (6) α α α α c where ζ = Cold/Cold, and c denotes the case of a magnetic field along the c-axis. For YBa Cu O , from the α α c 2 3 6+x previous analysis of Yoshinari [21] and Martindale et al [3], we have for a field parallel to the Cu-O bond, ζ =1.42, k and ζ = 0.91 for a field perpendicular to the Cu-O bond direction, while ζ = 1. On introducing r ≡ C′/C we ⊥ c α α c obtain: 2r C =Cold(ζ − α ) α c α 2r +1 c r C′ =Cold α (7) α c 2r +1 c Substituting these values of C and C′ into Eq.(4), we obtain the new 17O form factor in terms of Cold: α α α 2(Cold)2 q a 17F = c cos2 x [ζ (1+2r )−2r +2r cosq a]2 (8) α (1+2r )2 2 αi c αi αi y c αi=Xα′,α′′ AlthoughC′ maywellbe anisotropic(asC is), inthe absenceofdetailedquantumchemistry calculations,(which α α lie beyond the purview of the present paper) we assume C′ to be isotropic for illustrative purposes, in which case α r = r = r ≡ r ≡ C′/C . In Fig.1, we compare our modified form factor 17F , Eq(8), with the standard ⊥ k c c c SMR form. It is seen that with a comparatively small amount of next nearest neighbor coupling, corresponding to r ≡C′/C =0.25,the new formfactoris reducedsignificantlynear(π/a,π/a),andis some30%narrowernearq=0. c This indicates that the oxygen (17T T)−1 is less likely to pick up the anomalous antiferromagnetic contribution near 1 (π/a,π/a), even when the anomalous spin fluctuation is slightly spread away from (π/a,π/a). We adopt the phenomenological MMP expression for the spin-spin correlation function, modified to take into account the presence of four incommensurate peaks at Q near (π/a,π/a) [2], i 1 αξ2µ2 χ (T) χ(q,ω)= B + 0 (9) 4 1+(q−Q )2ξ2−iω/ω 1−iπω/Γ i SF i X Here the first term, often called χ , represents the anomalous contribution to the spin spectrum, brought about by AF the close approach to antiferromagnetism of the Fermi liquid in the vicinity of the peaks at q = Q determined by i neutron scattering experiments [1,23]. For La Sr CuO , Q =(π/a,[π±δ]/a),([π±δ]/a,π/a),with δ =0.245π. 1.86 0.14 4 i In Eq.(9), ω is the characteristic frequency of the spin fluctuations, ξ is the correlation length, and α is the scale SF factor (in units of states/eV,where µ is the Bohr magneton),whichrelates χ to ξ2; thus the heightof eachof the B Qi four peaks is, α χ = ξ2µ2. (10) Qi 4 B The second term on the right-hand side of Eq.(9), usually called χ , is a parameterized form of the normal Fermi FL Liquidcontribution,whichis wave-vectorindependentovermostofthe Brillouinzone; Γis oforderthe Fermienergy. The static bulk susceptibility χ , which is generally temperature dependent, has been determined for La Sr CuO 0 2−x x 4 and YBa Cu O from copper and oxygen Knight shift experiments. [2] For a system with any appreciable antifer- 2 3 6+x romagnetic correlations (ξ >∼ a), the normal Fermi liquid contribution is small compared to χAF for wave vectors in the vicinity of Q , and plays a negligible role in determining (63T T )−1; however, because of the filtering action of i 1 c 17F , it makes a significant contribution to (17T T)−1. Note that because the MMP expression for χ is a good α 1 AF approximation only for wave vectors in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic wave vector Q , the above expression i should not be used in calculating long wavelength properties, such as the Knight shift of 17O. For the frequently encountered case of long correlationlengths (ξ >∼2a), in calculating the various 63Cu relaxation rates one can approximate χ′′(q,ω) by χ′′(Q ,ω)δ(q−Q ). One can then replace Eq.(3) and (5) by the following i i analytic expressions: 4 1 k α ≃ B 63F (Q ) (11) 63T T 8π¯h β i ¯hω 1β SF .69 63Feff(Q )2α2ξ2 (1/63T )2 ≃ ab i . (12) 2G 512 π¯h2 Anotherimportantquantity,theanisotropyratioofthe63Cuspin-latticerelaxationrates,whichhasbeenmeasured for La Sr CuO andYBa Cu O atvariousdoping concentrations,providesa directconstraintonthe hyperfine 2−x x 4 2 3 6+x coupling constants, Aα and B. For ξ >∼2, this anisotropy ratio, 63R can be written as, T 63F (Q ) 63R≡ 1c ≃ ab i . (13) T 63F (Q ) 1ab c i For the case of La Sr CuO , where the peaks are located at Q =(π/a,[π±δ]/a),([π±δ]/a,π/a), we then have 2−x x 4 i 2 A −2B(1+cosδ) 1 c 63R≃ 1+ . (14) 2 (cid:16) (cid:17)2 A −2B(1+cosδ) ab    (cid:16) (cid:17)  ForYBa Cu O ,asindicatedintheIntroduction,onassumingthebroad(π/a,π/a)peakseeninneutronscattering 2 3 6+x experiments [8–11] reflects the presence of four unresolvedoverlappingincommensurate peaks located along the zone diagonal directions, [9,11] we may write Q =([π±δ]/a,[π±δ]/a), (15) i and the anisotropy ratio becomes, 1 (A −4Bcosδ)2 63R≃ 1+ c . (16) 2 (A −4Bcosδ)2 (cid:20) ab (cid:21) Numericalcalculationsofthe17Orelaxationratesshowthattheseratescandeviatesignificantlyfromthoseobtained byapproximatingtheχ′′ byaδ(q−Q )function. Wethereforecalculatethe17Orelaxationratesnumerically,using AF i Eqs.(3) and (4). III. THE DIRECT AND TRANSFERRED HYPERFINE CONSTANTS Seven years of NMR experiments on aligned powders and single crystals of the cuprates have produced a signif- icant number of constraints which must be taken into account in selecting the hyperfine constants which enter the SMR Hamiltonian. Thus experiments which determine the 63Cu nuclear resonance frequency in the AF insulators, YBa Cu O [24]andLa CuO [25],yieldsimilarresultsfortheproductof(4B−A )andµ ,theeffectivemoment 2 3 6 2 4 ab eff of the localized Cu2+ spins, [26] µ (4B−A )=79.65±0.05 kOe (YBa Cu O ) (17) eff ab 2 3 6 µ (4B−A )=78.78 kOe (La CuO ) (18) eff ab 2 4 On using the value, µ =0.62µ , determined by Manousakis [27] for the 2D spin 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet, eff B we then find 4B−A =128.5 kOe/µ (YBa Cu O ) (19) ab B 2 3 6 4B−A =127 kOe/µ (La CuO ) (20) ab B 2 4 A second set of constraints comes from 63Cu Knight shift experiments. To a high degree of accuracy, in the YBa Cu O system the 63Cu Knight shift in a magnetic field along the c-axis is temperature independent in both 2 3 6+x the normaland superconducting state, and hence reflects only the chemical shift. The absence of a spin contribution means that for this system, A +4B ≃0, (21) c 5 independent of doping level. A third set of constraints is obtained from measurements of the anisotropy of the 63Cu spin-lattice relaxation rates; for YBa Cu O one finds 63R = 3.7±0.1. [28] To the extent that A , A , and B are 2 3 7 ab c independent of doping level in YBa Cu O , and the spin fluctuation peaks are commensurate (or nearly so) for 2 3 6+x this system, one then finds from Eqs. (16), (19), and (21), that B =40.8 kOe/µ B A =−163 kOe/µ c B A =34 kOe/µ (22) ab B in agreement with the analysis of Monien, Pines, and Takigawa. [7] These values are consistent with the constraint on (4B+A ) obtained by Ishida et al for La Sr CuO ; from the slope of a plot of their direct measurement of ab 1.85 0.15 4 χ (T) against their measured value of 63K (T), they found [29] o ab 4B+A =189 kOe/µ . (23) ab B ItseemednaturalthereforetoconcludethatnotonlywereA ,A ,andBindependentofdopingfortheYBa Cu O ab c 2 3 6+x system, but that the corresponding values for the La Sr CuO system were likewise doping independent and were 2−x x 4 virtually identical with those deduced for YBa Cu O . 2 3 6+x If, however,the spin fluctuation peaks in the La Sr CuO system are incommensurate, the assumption that the 2−x x 4 hyperfine constraints for this system are doping independent is no longer tenable for this system, as may be seen by comparing the measured values of 63R for the La Sr CuO system shown in Table I with the values calculated 2−x x 4 using Eqs(22),andusing the doping dependence ofthe degreeof incommensurationdetermined inneutronscattering experiments [12], δ ∼ 1.75x, where x is the Sr doping level. As may be seen in Table I, the calculated trend with doping is opposite to that seen experimentally. Since the quantum chemical environment responsible for the direct hyperfine interaction A is not expected to vary substantially with doping, the most likely culprit in Eqs.(22) is the α assumption that the transferred hyperfine coupling constant does not vary appreciably with doping; indeed, if B increases sufficiently rapidly with doping, with A and A fixed, one can find a doping dependence of 63R which ab c is more nearly in accord with experiment. This means abandoning for the La Sr CuO system the constraint, 2−x x 4 A ≃−4B, which works so well for the YBa Cu O system. c 2 3 6+x Suppose then one starts anew with the insulator, La CuO . On making use of Eqs. (14) and (23) and taking 2 4 63R=3.9, in accord with the result of Imai et al [30] at 475K, one finds readily that A −A =203 kOe/µ . (24) ab c B On turning next to La Sr CuO , taking 63R = 3.0, in accord with the recent measurement of Milling and 1.85 0.15 4 Slichter, [31] using the result of Ishida et al, [29] Eq.(23), and assuming that A is independent of doping, one then αβ finds B = 48 kOe/µ and A = −3 kOe/µ . This result is, however, unrealistic. A straightforward calculation B ab B using the expressions adapted by Monien et al [26] from the work of Bleaney et al [32], 4 62 A =395[−κˆ− − γ] kOe/µ c B 7 7 2 11 A =395[−κˆ− − γ] kOe/µ (25) ab B 7 7 In Eqs.(25), γ ≡ λ/E is the dimensionless ratio of the spin-orbit coupling for a Cu2+ ion, λ ∼ −710cm−1, to the xy excitation energy from the ground state of the 63Cu dx2−y2 orbital of the various 63Cu d states, Exy ∼Exz ∼Eyz ∼ 2eV; with these typical values, γ =0.044±0.009; h 1 i which enters as a multiplicative factor in Eq. (25) is taken to r3 be 6.3a−3. With the value of γ =0.0469 obtained using Eq. (24), o A =(−395κˆ+142) kOe/µ . (26) ab B On taking the core polarization κˆ = 0.26±0.06 [26], we then get, for κˆ in the vicinity of its plausible upper limit, 0.32, A ≥16 kOe/µ . (27) ab B In order to satisfy the above constraints, we next assume that the anisotropy, 63R, for La Sr CuO is at 1.85 0.15 4 the upper end of the range quoted by Milling and Slichter, and take 63R = 3.2; we next take A = 18 kOe/µ ab B 6 (corresponding to κˆ = 0.316), a value close, but not at, the estimated minimum value for A . We then have, from ab Eq. (24),A =−185kOe/µ and,fromEq.(14)for63R,B =51kOe/µ ,whilefortheinsulator,wefindfromEq. c B 0.15 B (20),B =36.1kOe/µ . WiththesehyperfineconstantswefindforLa Sr CuO that4B+A =222kOe/µ , o B 1.85 0.15 4 ab B some 17% above the value obtained by Ishida et al [29] while for this system, the ratio of the spin contributions to the Knight shift for fields parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis is 63K 4B+A c c = =8.6% (28) 63K 4B+A ab ab The slight temperature variation of 63K which follows from this choice of parameters would not be detectable, c consistent with the measurements of Ohsugi et al. [33] For intermediate levels of Sr doping, if we assume that the change in B induced by doping scales with the doping level, we obtain the results for La Sr CuO and La Sr CuO given in Table III. Also given there are the 1.9 0.1 4 1.86 0.14 4 corresponding results for 63T and 63T and related quantities of interest in analyzing NMR experiments. We note 1 2G that to obtain 63R = 3.5 for La Sr CuO , one needs a transferred hyperfine coupling, B = 37.8 kOe/µ , which 1.9 0.1 4 B is considerably lower than that obtained by direct interpolation. We turn nextto the YBa Cu O system. ForYBa Cu O ,the onlyconstraintonthe hyperfine constantsis the 2 3 6+x 2 3 6 AF resonance result, Eq. (19). However,as noted above,for YBa Cu O one has two further constraints: 4B =A , 2 3 7 c and63R=3.7±0.1.[28]Moreover,asis the caseforYBa Cu O ,neutronscatteringexperimentsonYBa Cu O 2 3 6.63 2 3 7 suggest that one has four incommensurate and largely unresolved peaks along the zone diagonal direction whose positions, Q , are given by Eq.(15). On taking δ =0.1, a value consistent with the experimental results of Dai et al, i [9] we then find, on making use of Eq. (16), that A =0.721B. (29) ab If now we assume that the spin orbit coupling of a Cu2+ ion in YBa Cu O is little changed from that found for 2 3 7 La CuO , γ =0.471, we have a third relation between the coupling constants, 2 4 A −A =4.721B =203 kOe/µ (30) ab c B from which we find B =43 kOe/µ B A =31 kOe/µ ab B A =−172 kOe/µ (31) c B while from the AF resonance constraint, Eq. (19), we find for the insulator YBa Cu O , that B =39.8 kOe/µ . 2 3 6 B Confirmationof this choice of parameterscomes by determining the slope from the linear temperature dependence found in a plot of 63K versus χ (T) for O . We find 4B +A ∼ 200 kOe/µ , in agreement with Eq. (30). ab o 6.63 ab B Moreover,Shimizuetal[34]find,fromasimilarplotforYBa Cu O ,thatforthissystem,4B+A ≃200kOe/µ . 2 3 6.48 ab B We adopt these values in our subsequent calculations. We note that the value of B we obtain for YBa Cu O 2 3 6 is some 10% larger than that found for LaCuO , while the doping dependence of B is considerably smaller in the 4 YBa Cu O system than in the La Sr CuO system. Both effects may plausibly be attributed to the presence 2 3 6+x 2−x x 4 of chains in the YBa Cu O system. The core polarization parameter, κˆ = 0.281 we find for the YBa Cu O 2 3 6+x 2 3 6+x systemis some10%smallerthanthatinferredforthe La Sr CuO system. We tabulate inTableIVourresultsfor 2−x x 4 the YBa Cu O system at three doping levels; we estimate B =40.6 kOe/µ for YBa Cu O by interpolating 2 3 6+x B 2 3 6.63 between an assumed value, B =39.8 for YBa Cu O , and that we found above for YBa Cu O . 2 3 6.5 2 3 7 IV. RECONCILING NEUTRON SCATTERING AND 63Cu NMR MEASUREMENTS IN La2−xSrxCuO4 We nowexplore whether,with the revisedhyperfine constantsproposedabove,we canreconcilethe recentneutron scattering results of Aeppli et al [1] for La Sr CuO with the NMR measurements of Ohsugi et al [33] on the 1.86 0.14 4 two adjacent systems, La Sr CuO , and La Sr CuO . We assume that χ(q,ω) takes the MMP form, Eq. 1.87 0.13 4 1.85 0.15 4 (9), in which case χ (ω/ω ) χ′′(q,ω)= Qi SF (32) [1+(Q −q)2ξ2]2+(ω/ω )2 i SF i X 7 where χ is given by Eq.(10). There are three undetermined parameters; α, ξ, and ω . We begin by deducing χ Qi SF Qi and ω from the results of Aeppli et al for χ′′(Q ,ω) at 35K; as may be seen in Fig.2, a good fit to their results is SF i foundwithχ (35K)=350states/eVandω =8.75meV.Todetermineα, andhenceξ(35K),weturnto the NMR Qi SF results ofOhsugiet al; [33]oninterpolatingbetween their results for the adjacentsystems, asshowninFig.3, we find 63T T =34(10−3sK), while according to Table III, one has 1 63T T =94.2(ω /α)sK/(eV)2. (33) 1 SF Equating these results, we obtain α=23.9states/eV and ξ =7.6. AfirstcheckthenonouruseofEq. (32)tofitbothNMRandneutronscatteringresultsisto comparethis valueof ξ with the measurementsofthe intrinsicline width ofeachpeak by Aeppli et al. [1]We findonconvertingunits, that at 35K the linewidth parameter of Aeppli et al corresponds to a correlation length, ξ = 7.7 in the low (ω = 0meV) frequency limit. The agreement is quite good. Having determined α, we can then use our interpolated NMR results to obtain ω (T) for 35K ≤T ≤300K from SF Eq. (33). That leaves only one parameter, χ (or ξ) to be determined over this temperature range. As a first step Qi towardits determination,we usethe resultsofAeppli et al forχ′′(Q ,ω)at80K. As showninFig.2,a goodfit to the i experimental data is obtained with χ (80K)=175 states/eV. From Eq. (10), we then get ξ(80K)=5.41. Qi WenextmakeuseoftheBarzykin-Pinesmagneticphasediagram. FromtheiranalysisofNMR,transportandstatic susceptibility experiments, they conclude that the La Sr CuO system will, like its YBa Cu O counterpart, 2−x x 4 2 3 6+x exhibitnon-universalscalingbehavior,perhapsbestdescribedaspseudoscaling,betweentwocross-overtemperatures, T∗ and T . In this regime, the system exhibits apparent z =1 dynamic scaling behavior, with ω varying linearly cr SF with temperature and ω =c′/ξ (34) SF where c′ depends on the doping level. They propose that the upper cross-over temperature, T , which marks the cr onsetofpseudoscalingbehavior,canbeidentifiedasthemaximuminthemeasuredvalueofχ (T),andcorrespondsto o a magnetic correlation length, ξ ∼2. The lower temperature T∗ is determined from 63T measurements as the lower 1 limitofthelinearvariationofω (or63T T)withtemperature. InspectionofFig. 3showsthatforLa Sr CuO , SF 1 1.86 0.14 4 one has a comparatively weak cross-over at T∗ ∼ 80K. Since ω (T) has already been determined, a knowledge of SF c′, obtainedatone temperaturebetweenT∗ andT ,enables oneto fix ξ(T)overthe entiretemperature range. From cr our fit to the neutron data at 80K, we find c′ =52.9meV, and use this result to conclude that T ∼325K,and that cr 1 T =0.0828+0.128( ) 80K <T <325K (35) ξ 100 Wecaninterpolatebetweenthisresultforξ(T)andourresultat35Ktoobtainξ(T)overtheregion,35K ≤T ≤300K. The result of that interpolation, which is very nearly a continuation of the linear behavior found above 80K, is given in the inset of Fig. 4. A first check on the correctness of this procedure is to compare our “NMR” derived results at 300K, shown in Table II, with the neutron scattering results at this temperature. As may be seen in Fig.2, the slope, obtained from the NMR results, [χ′′(Q,ω)/ω] = χ /ω = 1.10 µ2/(eV ·meV) is in good agreement with experiment. A second Qi SF B check is to compare our results for ξ(T) with the values deduced from half-width of the incommensurate peaks in Imχ(q,ω) observed in neutron scattering over the entire temperature domain (35 ≤ T ≤ 300K); that comparison is given in the main portion of Fig.4. Finally, we can compare the predictions of Eqs. (34) and (35) (the parameters being specified in Table II) with the combined frequency and temperature dependence of the half-width found by Aeppli et al in Fig.5. In obtaining this figure, we calculatedthe theoreticalinversecorrelationlength κ from the ξ(T) shown in Fig.4, by matching the full width at half maximum of the incommensurate peaks of Eq.(32) to those of the experiments of Ref. [1]. Our comparison of the calculated κ(ω,T) to the experimental values is shown in Fig.5. The extent of the agreement between our calculations and experiment suggests that we have succeeded in reconciling the 63Cu NMR results with the neutron scattering results, and it suggests as well that the neutron scattering results are consistentwithz =1 pseudoscalingbehaviorfortemperaturesless than300K.The latterconclusionwasalsoreached by Aeppli et al from their analysis of their neutron scattering experiments. 8 V. 17O RELAXATION RATES FOR La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 We now demonstrate that by choosing a reasonable next nearest neighbor hyperfine coupling contribution C′, we can reconcile the incommensurate peaks in χ′′(q,ω) with the measured NMR relaxation rates (17T T)−1 for 1 La Sr CuO . 1.85 0.15 4 In calculating (17T T)−1 for La Sr CuO , we simply use the previously determined parameters as inputs to 1c 1.85 0.15 4 Eqs.(4)and(9),wherethe nextnearestneighborCu-oxygenhyperfinecouplingC′ isincludedintheformfactor17F . c For La Sr CuO materials, there is still not enough experimental data to determine the exact values of Cold for 2−x x 4 α different field orientations; we therefore assume that these values are the same as those of the YBa Cu O family. 2 3 6+x Following Monien et al [7] and Yoshinari et al [21], we take Cold = 33 kOe and ζ = 1.42, ζ = 1 and ζ = 0.91. c k c ⊥ We further assume an isotropic C′, with r = C′/C = 0.25, and obtain χ (T) by modifying the results of Ref. [2] c 0 to reflect the new values of A and B presented in Sec.III. We use the α for La Sr CuO obtained from the ab 1.86 0.14 4 neutron scattering fits from the last section, and obtain ω , and ξ(T) from NMR data of Ohsugi et al. [33] These SF numbers are almost the the same as those of La Sr CuO . The remaining parameter in Eq.(9), Γ, is chosen to 1.86 0.14 4 get the best fit to the experimental results for (17T T)−1. It is important to point out that our choice of Γ does not 1c affect (63T T)−1 and 1/63T , because the Fermi Liquid contribution to these quantities is negligible compared to 1c 2G that of the anomalous antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations. InFig.6wecompareourcalculated17ONMRrelaxationrate(17T T)−1,usingΓ=345meV,withtheexperimental 1c data of Walstedt et al [18]. The agreement is quite good. Note, however, the choice of r and Γ is not unique in our calculations; fits of the same quality can be obtained by choosing other values for r and Γ. The inset of Fig.6 shows the substantial leakage of the anomalous spin fluctuations (the first term only in Eq(9)) to (17T T)−1, calculated 1c withthestandardSMRformfactor(r =0). The(17T T)−1 thuscalculatedhasatemperaturedependencesimilarto 1c that of the 63Cu relaxation rates, much faster than seen experimentally. Also shown in the inset is the substantially smaller AF leakage calculated from the present hyperfine coupling 17F with r =0.25. c VI. NEUTRON SCATTERING LINE WIDTHS AND 17O SPIN-LATTICE RELAXATION RATES IN YBa Cu O 2 3 6+x We turn now to the neutron scattering and NMR experiments for the YBa Cu O system. As noted in the 2 3 6+x introduction, one apparent problem here has been that the large q-width of the antiferromagnetic peak, as observed in the neutron scattering experiments [8–11], appeared to be in contradiction with size of the correlation length (ξ >∼ 2) required to explain the 17O NMR experiments. As Thelen and Pines demonstrated [20], the half-width at half maximum for the antiferromagnetic peak in χ′′(q,ω) should have been q1/2 <∼ 0.4/a in order to be consistent with the Mila-Rice-Shastry model and the oxygen relaxation data for YBa Cu O . They found that in order to 2 3 7 be consistent with experiment the leakage from the antiferromagnetic peak should account for no more than 1/3 of the total measured oxygen rate. This upper bound from NMR is much smaller than the actual q-width of the antiferromagnetic peak, q ≃ 0.7/a, observed in the neutron scattering experiments [9]. Assuming the measured 1/2 width is produced by incommensuration, we plot the antiferromagnetic “leakage” contribution (i.e., that from the antiferromagnetic part of Eq. (9)) to the 17O relaxation rate in Fig.7, using the incommensuration δ = 0.1π, which providesafittotheneutronscatteringexperiments[9]. Obviously,asintheLa Sr CuO material,thetemperature 2−x x 4 dependence of the measured NMR relaxation rate is remarkably different, and the amplitude of the “leakage” term is too large. This problem can be avoidedby introducing C′, as we have done on the La Sr CuO system. In fact, 2−x x 4 the much smaller degree of presumed incommensurability in the YBa Cu O system than that measured directly 2 3 6+x for the La Sr CuO system makes it almost evident that any problem produced by AF leakage can be reconciled 2−x x 4 by the samemethodas usedabove. We show,inFig.7,thatthe AF leakagecontributionforr =C′/C =0.25indeed c becomes negligible. If we assume the same ratio of the AF part to the total rate as Thelen and Pines [20] did, we obtaina constrainton C′. We note that the oxygenformfactors Eq.(8)are quadraticin δq=(q−Q) in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic wave vector Q: (Cold)2 17F =(δq )2 c [(2r +1)ζ −4r ]2 =η(δq )2 (36) α x 2(1+2r )2 c αi αi x c αi=Xα′,α′′ As a result, the antiferromagnetic contribution to the oxygen relaxation rate (which we keep as a constant when we change the form factor) is 9 1 ∝η(Q −Q)2, (37) 17T T i (cid:18) 1 (cid:19)AF and a change of the oxygen form factor, which alters η, produces a new constraint on the acceptable width (or incommensurability) of the neutron scattering peak. Since Thelen and Pines [20] used the isotropic form of the Mila-Rice-Shastry Hamiltonian, with C =Cold, we easily obtain from Eq.(36): iso c 1+2r q1/2α <∼0.4/a c , (38) 1 [(2r +1)ζ −4r ]2 2 αi=α′,α′′ c αi αi q where we have neglected possible slow (logarithmPic) dependence. In particular, with r = 0.25, Eq.(38) gives the αi upper limit: q1/2 <∼ 0.7/a. This crude estimate shows that indeed, our hyperfine Hamiltonian is consistent with both NMR and neutron scattering experiments. However, the antiferromagnetic leakage contribution to the oxygen relaxation rate in YBa Cu O can become important, and should therefore be calculated numerically, since the 2 3 6+x spin-spin correlation length is very short. For our numerical calculation of the antiferromagnetic peak contribution to the 17O relaxation rates we assume, as indicated in the Introduction, that the neutron scattering data of Tranquada et al [11] and Dai et al [9] can be interpretedasindicatingthatthemagneticresponsefunctionχ(q,ω)possessesfourincommensuratepeakslocatedat Q =(π±δ,π±δ),andtakeδ ≃0.1π,anincommensurationconsistentwiththemeasuredexperimentalwidths. Wealso i assumethatthetemperature-dependentspectralweightfortheseincommensuratepeaks,asincaseofLa Sr CuO , 2−x x 4 comes from the temperature dependence of the correlation length, and adopt the MMP form Eq.(9) for each of the four peaks. It should be emphasized, however, that accord between the inelastic neutron scattering and the oxygen NMR can be reached for any bell-shaped curve for χ′′(q,ω) which has the characteristic width measured in the neutron scattering experiments, and a sufficiently abrupt fall-off at large (q−Q). In Fig.7, we show our calculated antiferromagneticleakagetotheoxygenrelaxation17W /T ≡1.5(17T T)−1,forthecaseofbothr =0andr =0.25; 1c 1c again, we see that the new form factor with r = 0.25 greatly reduces the AF leakage. Also shown in Fig.7 is our calculated 17W /T plotted againstthe experimental data of Martindale et al. [3] In obtaining our theoreticalresult, 1c we have used as an input to Eq.(9), χ (T) deduced from the Knight shift K (T) data on the same sample, provided 0 c by Martindale et al [22] and used the ξ and α from Ref. [2]. Again, we take Cold = 33 kOe/µ for YBa Cu O c B 2 3 6+x system. By assuming r =0.25,we obtain a goodfit to the experimentaldata with Γ∼308meV. These parameters αi are listed in Table IV. Another problem with the one-component Shastry-Mila-Rice picture has been pointed out recently by Martindale et al [3], who measured planar 17O relaxation rates for different magnetic field directions. They have found that the temperature dependences of the relaxationrates for magnetic fields parallel and perpendicular to the Cu-O bond axis directions were different, in contradiction with the predictions based on the MSR hyperfine Hamiltonian for which the oxygen form factor is given by Eq.(4), without C′: q a 17F =2 cos2 x C2 . (39) α 2 αi αi=Xα′,α′′ From Eq.(39) it follows that the ratios of the oxygen relaxation rates for different magnetic field orientations should be temperature-independent, and determined only by the Hyperfine C-couplings: 17(1/T1,αi) = Cα2′i +Cα2′i′ (40) 17(1/T ) C2 +C2 1,αj α′ α′′ j j Experimentally,asshownbyMartindaleet al, [3]theseratiosturnouttobe mildly temperature-dependent,although numerically close to the values of Eq.(40) . This apparent contradiction can, in fact, be turned into a proof of the validity of the modified one-component modelEq.(1). Itcaneasilybeseenthatforouroxygenformfactors,Eq.(8),the17Orelaxationratesfordifferentfield directionsdo nothavethe sameq-dependence forthe wholeBrillouinzone. As a result,ratiossuchasEq.(40)should indeed become temperature-dependent. Since we do not know the precise values of the couplings once we go beyond the nearest-neighborMila-Rice-Shastryapproximation,weuseherethe expressionsforthe oxygenform-factorsinthe most general form. To derive the form of the temperature dependence, we separate the antiferromagnetic and the Fermi liquid or short wave-length (χ ) contributions to (1/17T ), according to Eq.(9): 0 1α 1 1 1 = + (41) 17T T 17T T 17T T 1α (cid:18) 1α (cid:19)χ0 (cid:18) 1α (cid:19)AF 10

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