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� NOTE! PRICE RISE IN APRIL! SEE PAGE 8 MUFON hotline, call: 298-0805. BIG Number2 4 24th Issue! Read world wide! CompiledM:a rch1 9,1 995 EditoCra:r olyDnu ce-Ash(e5 05-897-7075) ProduceDre:b byS tar(k5 05-242-6258) PO Box 2786, Corrales, NM 87048 611 Lead SW, #918, Albuquerque, NM 87102 UNDERGROUND BASES AND LIZARD LIES: EXPLORING THE THINGS TUNNELS--What is the Government THE ETS TELL US Trying to Hide? By Richard Rowlette Richard Sauder Speaks Out (This article first appeared in The View from By Carolyn Duce-Ashe Hennit's Peak, Vol 2, #1) For the purposes of this article, let's assume Richard Sauder, Ph.D., is an outspoken critic of that humans are having contact with, and are being the unconstitutional nature of secret underground abducted by real entities from outer space. Let's installations. A resident of Albuquerque, he recently also assume that these beings come from other (addressed NM MUFON. This article is based on� planets within our conventional three- or four­ that talk and a follow-up interview. dimensional space/time, that they have a technology Dr. Sauder has written a book on underground far superior to ours which allows them to overcome bases and tunnels. The 192-page tradepaper book our current perceived limitations of long-distance is fully documented with 50 pages of photos space travel, and that they have very valid reasons diagrams and illustrations. You may order it by sending $16.90 (which includes postage) to Richard to be so interested in ourpl anet (even though these reasons may be inscrutable to us). Sauder, PO Box 81543, Albuquerque, NM 87198. Now, one of the things that becomes quickly Dr. Sauder spent three years researching the clear to those of us who elect to study UFOs existence of underground bases and tunnels in the beyond the superficial level is that the aliens lie. United States. He maintains that all of his While an amateur can be forgiven for not recogniz­ information came from the public record and . he ing this fact, a surprising number of people who bases his conclusions on what can be definitely should know and accept this chose to ignore it. Our referenced. ''The information I discovered could be zeal- almost our need- to believe In the aliens and found in any good library," he said. (''That's what what they tell us causes many to accept what they academics do-they look things up," he quipped.) say at face value. If a UFO enthusiasts is not aware He is also adamant about the fact that he has no of the total literature in this field and the history of security clearance. "And I don't want one!" He alien interaction with us they may be too quick to explains that it is his (and our) First Amendment accept the messages coming from them. right to read information and write and talk about it. Most seasoned researchers will know that over He states that because of that right he isn't really the years the apparent occupants of UFOs have claimed to be from many places. In the earlier days continued on page 2 they stated they were from one of the other planets within our own solar system. When our science CONTENTS advanced to the point at which it could rule out the Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 possibility that there was life on the other planets of Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 our system, the aliens began to state that they were Limericks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 from other planetary systems beyond ours. They Out of the Blue! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 even began to often claim they were from other continued on page 4 concerned about what the government might think What Are They Used for and Who Builds Them? about his research or his message. Other uses of underground facilities include Why Unconstitutional? weapons research and development, weapons stor­ age (some nuclear), data processing, electronic The reason secret underground bases are surveillance, command and control, and survival unconstitutional, according to Dr. Sauder, is the centers for the President and other political, military unaccounted for billions of dollars spent on them. and economic elite. He has found scores of secret underground bases, Rumored uses may be exotic and secret scien­ all built with your tax money but without your know­ tific research and genetic engineering and, possibly, ledge or consent. These bases are funded through secret preparation for seizure of power by an black programs-covert operations, hidden in the unconstitutional dictatorship run by the Federal budgets of other projects, leaving no paper trail, and Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the for which no constitutionally mandated oversight is Pentagon! This is a chilling idea which has been in possible. This secret tier of government (the circulation among conspiracy buffs for years. Of "secret. . government) spends hundreds of billions of course, there is no real proof that this might be true. tax dollars on various agencies, policies and The list of federal agencies capable of building projects including underground bases and tunnels. secret bases is long: The Pentagon, the CIA, FEMA, NSA, the DOE, and others. An example is Is There an Alien Connection? the huge secret bunker that was revealed in 1992, built under the posh Greenbrier Hotel in White Are any of these underground installations alien Sulphur Springs, 'NV. This installation was kept bases, or alien/government run? "I'm not claiming secret for decades and, though it was supposed to any knowledge of alien involvement in underground be for Congressional use in the event of nuclear bases, .. he war, only a handful of lawmakers knew about it. "Big Brother is here and says. ..1 don't There is an underground complex beneath the his name is NSA" have any proof NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, MD. Within this that aliens are enormous complex (265,000 sq. ft) there are more living under­ than ten acres of supercomputers engaged in sur­ ground or collaborating with government or military veillance and communication. "This could include forces. .. What is the source of the rumors of alien surveillance of ordinary citizens, .. Dr. Sauder warns. underground bases then? Dr. Sauder thinks these ..B ig Brother is here and his name is NSA ... rumors could be disinformation. ''The government The Pentagon's North American Aerospace throws out disinformation balloons, .. he answered. Defense Command Combat Operation Center is burrowed into the hard rock of Cheyenne Mountain, Why Underground? just outside of Colorado Springs, CO. FEMA operates at least 100 bases, some What is the rationale in going underground? underground, all over the country. In 1980, there The number one use is for government agencies in were 96 known bases built in the mid-Atlantic and the event of nuclear war. But some of these bases upper southern states. Fifty were built for the were begun in the 1950s and they reflect a climate purpose of presidential survivability alone. It is of secrecy in general in the national security and rumored that ·there are FEMA installations (called cold war community. Peristroika notwithstanding, Federal Regional Centers) in Santa Rosa, CA, this secrecy has not lessened much today. Thomasville, GA, Maynard, MA, Battlecreek, Ml, But going underground for secrecy is not really Denton, TX, and Bothell, WA. ''The demarkation effective now with spy satellites world wide. The real between FEMA and the Pentagon is impossible to outcome is that ..t he unwashed masses are kept in know,. . Dr. Sauder says. the dark and the political and military elite of this The Federal Reserve has a center under Mount country and other countries have access to the Pony, near Culpepper, VA. Why does the Federal information ... Regular citizens don't know anything Reserve need a 140,000 sq. ft. underground facili­ while the high levels of US and other nations all ty? No one knows, but .. I've actually visited the know what is being done," warns Dr. Sauder. Be­ Mount Pony installation, .. he admits, "and I think the cause of this, he feels it is his duty to remind us to Fed has more than one. .. "take off our political blinders and check our political There are also a number of underground bases naivete at the door. .. which have been built by private corporations. ''The 2 list reads like the Fortune 500," Dr. Sauder points about this. but don't go home and say Richard says out. There's the well known Lockheed facility in there's an underground base in the Sandias. It's California. Other aerospace companies have secret speculation!" The same may be said for rumors of underground installations, too. United Tech makes an underground base in Dulce. He hasn't found any boring machines. Parson's, Brinkerhoff, Quade and documentation confirming a Dulce base. Douglas is another corporation with underground facilities, as is TRW, a huge credit corporation. What About Tunnels? Atomic Boring Machines? Are There Underground Bases in New Mexico? ''There's no problem with building tunnels," he says, as there are many conventional methods. Several underground installations exist in New "The question is, if, how many, and where covert Mexico. Here in Albuquerque Sandia National Lab­ tunnels have been built." oratory has a base in the Manzano Mountains, the Also, what is the situation with atomic boring Kirtland Munitions Storage Complex. It was begun machines? Do they exist and have they been used? in 1949 and is reputed to contain nuclear weapons. An atomic tunneling machine would eliminate the It is also known that a second underground facility need for materials to finish or support the inside was begun in 1989 in the same area.· "According to surface of the tunnel since it would "melt" the rock the Air Force, whatever used to be in the Manzano as it went along. Complex has now been transferred to the new During the 1970s and 1980s, LANL did a lot of underground bunker," says Dr. Sauder. work on new tunneling machines which resulted in There is a modest underground installation at several patents for tunneling and melting devices, Los Alamo.s National Laboratory (LANL). It was some nuclear powered. A NASA/Texas A&M report begun in the late 1940s and is a five-room climate­ states that nuclear tunneling devices are "almost controlled complex called "the ice house." There nonexistent." Have they been built? Does the have been some reports that new construction was machine exist? This also raises the question of done at LANL in the 1980s. whether they have been used. "It's 50-50 that they White Sand Proving Grounds is a huge area exist," he says. "I have copies of the patents but I and may include many underground facilities. There can't document that they have ever been built or is one known installation at White Sands-an used." (For information on tunnelers, see "Nuclear underground laser lab. Powered Tunnelers on the Moon," by Richard Sauder in UFO Magazine, Vol 10, Number 2, Taos Hum-Is There a Base Behind It? March/April, 1995, p. 29) Is there an underground base at Taos? Dr. Dr. Sauder's research is extensive and meti­ Sauder says he has no proof that anything was built culous and his perseverance is exemplary. That he or is being built there, but he does have documents has pointed out the unconstitutionality of under­ that show that Taos was singled out for a proposed ground bases is not surprising-his doctorate is in 5,000-ft-deep facility. "This is just speculation, but Political Science-though it could put some readers the fact of an existing base or one under construc­ off. \l\lhen asked to sum up his message, he said: tion there could explain the Taos Hum," he said. ''There is a literal, concrete, political · As for the rumors about something in the Datil/ underground in the U.S. It is not a radical fringe Pietown area of New Mexico, he pointed out that working against the government from the outside; AT&T has an installation north of Quemado, in the rather, it is a radical element corrupting the same general area. government from within." When asked about a rumored underground Dr. Sauder will be speaking at the March 19 base in the Sandia Mountains near Albuquerque, he Seattle Whole Life Expo and at the UFO Expo West said, "It's possible. I have five anecdotal stories in Los Angeles in June. Lizard Lies (continued) Changes or other types of cataclysmic events. But if the aliens lie to us so clearly, why should we believe galaxies beyond the Milky Way, statements our these warnings? While the overall theme is so science can neither verify or refute. Abductees have common, we find that the details about exactly what is also been told that the aliens come from "far into supposedly coming vary from one contactee or our future" or from other dimensions. abductee to the next. Let's look at this in more detail. Sometimes the aliens say they are from a place In her book Taken: Inside The Alien-Human which is clearly nonsense. They have been known Abduction Agenda, Karla Turner provides details · to say they are "from a galaxy near Jupiter' or "from about the experiences of eight abductees. She also a planet behind the moon," or something similar, in has included a chart, an excellent idea, which out­ the past. Anyone with a basic understanding of lines and breaks down the events in detail. Five of astronomy will recognize the absurdity of such the eight experiencers were given direct warnings of statements, but I suspect that many of those who future disasters, but all eight developed the desire claim contact with, or more recently abduction by, to live rurally and seven had dreams of great disas­ aliens may often be ignorant of these basic facts. ters according to the chart. This suggests that the humans involved may be Here is more detail: lying, not the aliens, or that the humans having One saw general destruction and some connec­ these experiences are being given a "snow job" of tion between Jesus and UFOs. classic proportions. But to merely write off alien One saw catastrophes and starvation and was experiences as humans lies or self-deception hardly told to prepare. explains· the overall phenomenon. This leaves us One saw a tilt of the planet and was told to with the idea that the aliens simply tell the human prepare. She also got the letters IRU and URI, experiencer something to satisfy their questions obviously a not too brilliant nor grammatical while they go about an agenda of their own. suggestion that "I are you" and "you are I." This But why tell us stories of their origin which person was given a job or task in conjunction with clearly are untrue? Are the aliens so ignorant of the catastrophe and was told ''The children must be humanity as to not know that we have the intelli­ protected," a message I was myself impressed with gence to see the silliness of their lies? This hardly in my earlier years of survival concerns. fits the facts. If they have the advanced technology One saw coming disaster and was told the to come here from other galaxies, and if they can aliens were here to avert a destructive process read our minds like a book, which the evidence which humans had started. shows is true, then they can't be so stupid as to One was told that within a decade all humans think we will accept these statements about their will think the same and had nuclear holocaust origins at face value. (Armageddon) nightmares. She also felt she was This means that we must look for other reasons one of, or one with, the aliens. for what the aliens tell us, specifically their places of One was told we face "the awakening." origin. Maybe they just don't care what we think as One was told we face "Armageddon," hardly the long as they accomplish their hidden agenda? But same as an awakening it seems. then why give us this obvious clue that they do One felt her purpose was to tell others about have a hidden plan? The UFO enigma becomes the aliens (maybe the subtle mission that abductees more complex than it first appears. · feel they have) and that she should go to an iso­ Now, here is my major point: If the aliens lie to lated place and store food. She was also told ''They us blatantly and routinely about their origins, as they are you and you are them." clearly do, how can we accept anything they tell us? It is plain that there is an obvious theme here How can we even trust what we are made to see but little agreement about the specifics of what is when the aliens communicate with us telepathically coming. This can be seen even more clearly in John which shows that they can project thoughts or Mack's book Abduction: Human Encounters With visions into our minds? Why accept at face value Aliens. From my count, 11 of Mack's 13 abductees anything they say, anything they show us, or had some kind of vision of approaching changes. anything that seems apparent on a superficial level? One saw a ''world trauma" and destruction to the planet, including shifting plates and geological Warnings of Catastrophe and meteorological convulsions and was told to "make safe havens." One of the most common themes in the abducion One saw diseases, especially a more communi­ literature is warnings about approaching Earth cable forms of AIDS, as the main threat. 4 One said the aliens are here to research and To add this to confusion, some aliens say they stop the "Damage from pollution." are here to replace us on this planet, or here to One saw "electromagnetic catastrophe" as what create a hybrid race (either to save us or supplant is coming. us-the story again varies), or here to move us to a One saw "polar and geomagnetic reversals" safer planet, or offer any number of other excuses with cataclysmic physical changes. for their behavior. Clearly, " .... these activities point One saw only general changes becoming faster to an agenda more complex than crossbreeding," as (as far as I could figure out from the book). Turner recognizes in her book. Other abductees are One received telepathic warnings about "the realizing that there must be far more to the alien danger to our survival and the fate of the earth. agenda that a simple breeding program. One saw a "subtle shift" occurring on Earth and So what can we really believe about the aliens? said 'We're heading toward cataclysm." He also Very little. The one thing we do know is that they saw nuclear explosions and Earth Changes, not so lie. Given this, there is not much we can take as subtle events. true about the whole contactee/abductee experience One seemed to have had no visions but devel­ except that it is in some sense real. The rest falls oped an acute ecological awareness. into a vast brew of confusion and uncertainty. The last abductee was warned of ozone deple­ Could this-the lies-be more than a small part tion and out of control population. of the UFO enigma? Could confusion be a central Granted that most of the things seen by abduc­ part of the plan? Since the UFOers are master mind tees are real dangers in our world today, where is manipulators, as we will explore in the future, this the agreement about exactly what is coming? The confusion and uncertainty must be by design. This alien message would be far easier to believe if superior intelligence--it is that--must work its secret there was some consistency in it. Or do we believe agenda with such a plan of purposeful confusion as that all these things are coming? All are present part of it. That, the why of this, I suspect, is what we dangers, but is it pollution or ozone depletion, must really come to understand. Whether we face nuclear war or shifting poles, ecological collapse or a super-intelligent race (or races since they appear magnetic reversals that we face? Clearly, some are in numerous costumes from outer space) or one more likely than others, but which exactly? that in some sense shares this planet with us, it is Why won't the aliens give us some statements vital for us to learn why they lie to us so which agree with each other? Even many abductees consistently. have recognized that the aliens lie or tell us little. And we must, in my opinion, accept that One of Turner's abductees said ''They have told us nothing the Lizard boys and girls tell us, or make us nothing." Another stated they ". ... don't give practical see, is likely to be true in the sense of being total information." Still another says 'Why should we reality. Many abductees are coming to this same believe they can fix our problems [as the aliens conclusion. Strangely, the aliens are even offering sometimes claim is their mission here] when they many clues to this fact. One of Mack's abductees can't even control the many abusive aliens among was led into what appeared to be a conference them?" Good question and good observations. Both room. Gradually, as he questioned in his mind the Turner's and Mack's abductees often feel or reality of the situation, the room turned into some­ recognize that the alien message is full of lies. thing more like an engine or parts room filled with Karla Turner was told by her aliens that they use pipes and junk. If the conference room was illusion, deception and manipulation of global events, including we must ask if the whole scenario and the UFO was weather phenomenon, "to make us believe that the illusion too. Is there anything about the experience planet is in imminent danger of cataclysm and that we can take as presented? I doubt it. destruction." This plus the tasks given to an abductee to perform are designed, in her opinion, to make us afraid and to make us accept when they appear and offer to save us, even if it means giving up our birthright. That's a chilling thought, but one we cannot just brush off. But I have several major problems with •A ,_, Dirn«Won this: If this is really the alien agenda why would they , eop, s.w.." tell Turner or anyone else this? And since the aliens VOULA CHRONIS o.n.r lie routinely how can we pick any one statement or 3916-E Carlisle N.E. group of statements made by them as true? The con­ Albuquerque, NM 87107 (505) 889-9556 fusion and complexity of the problem grows. Fax (505) 881-1553 5 CALENDAR The Mysterious Valley Report, a newsletter written by Colorado reseacher Chris O'Brien covers Remember! Regular NM MUFON meetings are cattle mutilations, Big Foot sightings, UFOs and held at the Sandia Center (formerly the other strange phenomena. For info write him at Discovery Bookstore) 1540 Juan Tabo NE in TMV, PO Box 223, Crestone, CO 81131. Albuquerque, at 7:30 pm, on the FOURTH Dr. Alexander lmich Prize Contest #5 was spon­ Thursday of each month. sored by the Society for Enlightenment and March 23: NM MUFON meeting. Our speaker will Transformation of the UN. The prize was be Gabe Valdez, formerly of Dulce, NM. He divided between Nicolas Reiter and Martin investigated many mutilation cases and other Kottmeyer for their papers on the interaction strange occurrences in the 1980s. Don't miss it. between the UFO phenomena and humankind. Dr. Alexander lmich Prize Contest No.6: Are All Crop Circles Merely Hoaxes? Michael Charest April 10 : SPECIAL EVENT!! Christopher won the $1 000 prize and his paper will be pub­ O'Brien, reseacher, and editor of the lished in Frontier Perspectives of the Center for newsletter The M-y'sterious Valley Report,. of Frontier Sciences at Temple University. For info Crestone, CO, will speak on catfle · on these and upcoming contests contact the mutilations, UFOs and other unexplained contest coordinator: W. P. LaParl, HC 77, Box phenomena. Chris has been on several 8820, N. Waterboro, Me 04061-9615. recent Sightings programs. Cost will be $5 Operation Right To Know: On March 29 Washing­ per person. Location has not been finalized ton, DC will see a demonstration to empha­ but will NOT be at the Sandia Center. size US GAO probe of UFOs. Contact: Elaine Watch for postcard with all the info. Douglass (202) 232-2410. Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference held at MIT, Cambridge, MA, June 13-17, 1992 are available. This hard-cover 684-page book April 27: NM MUFON meeting at 7:30 at the Sandia may be obtained by sending $50 (includes Center. Program has not yet been planned. postage) to Proceedings: North Cambridge April 28-May 1: Pikes Peak UFO and New Age Press, PO Box 241, Cambridge, MA 02140. Expo in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Keynote Local mute investigator Gail Staehlin announces the address by Budd Hopkins. Cost is $100. 24- FIRST MUTE of the 1995 season. It was found hour credit card hotline- (908)602-3407. March 3 in Del Norte, Colorado, near Alamosa. The one month old calf was missing the right leg, rib cage, backbone and brain. Both eyes May 4: SPECIAL EVENT!! Don't miss and ears and the digerstive tract were also hearing our special speaker from Florida, missing! Reseacher Chris O'Brien has video Jim Moseley, long-tirrie UFO reseacher and and photos of this case. · editor of Saucer Smear, an amusing and A mysterious outbreak of meningitis is occurring in, benignly skeptical newsletter. Time and you guessed it, northwest New Mexico. The place haven't yet been determined but outbreak is centered near Cuba, NM. There watch for postcard for updated info. have been about nine cases reported, including one fatality. Shades of hantavirus? Well, it's in the same general area of the state. .. We'll report more later. May 25: NM MUFON meeting AT 7:30 at the If you would like to receive a postcard reminder of Sandia Center. Program to be arranged. upcoming local MUFON events, send your name and adress to D. Stark at 611 Lead SW, #918, Albuquerque, NM 87102. ANNOUNCEMENTS The View From Hermit's Peak is a monthly news­ letter written and edited by R. Rowlette and C. Saucer Smear, a free "non-scheduled" newsletter Duce-Ashe. It presents advanced research on edited by Jim Moseley, is available by sending the UFO enigma. Subscriptions are $18 per a "love offering"- a check made out to Jim year. Send to Richmar Earthgate Group, PO Moseley (you become a non-subscriber!) Mail Box 14956, Albuquerque, NM 87191. to PO Box 1709, Key West, FL 33041. 6 FROM OUT OF THE BLUE! personally that to the best of his knowledge, no symbols were repeated on the 1-beam section. Fur­ Dear NM MUFON News, thermore, as he recalls, the 1-beam was fractured at each end, and there was no evidence as to either I read with some interest Miller Johnson's the length of the 1-beam before the fracture or the report on the 1-beam Replica Project. (NM MUFON total number of symbols, some of which may have News, #23) Researchers in other fields often recon­ been lost at each end as a result of the fracture. struct artifacts of ancient or lost cultures, why Mr. Endres mentioned my comment about the shouldn't ufology follow suit? Miller Johnson's number of characters and their correspondence to efforts should be applauded. the number of letters in the English alphabet. I must However, even with the best reconstructions, say here that because my wife is of Japanese caution should be applied to any conclusions they descent and is proficient in the language, I am well might suggest. For example, Mr. Johnson found it versed in the Chinese character count and its com­ necessary to design sixty extra characters to fill out plexity. My intent in designing the needed symbols the beam and surmises that the total of seventy are was simply to approximate Dr. Marcel's description "almost three times the letters in the English of the 1-beam, nothing more. alphabet and requires handwriting skills unknown on My account of the 1-beam replica project has the third planet." This rather broad statement been rewritten for the MUFON UFO Journal with the overlooks the Hindi alphabet of 44 intricate valuable assistance of both Kent Jeffrey (author of characters (see box below). the Roswell Declaration and my partner in repro­ Similarly, Johnson's conclusion tends to ducing the 1-beam) and Gayle Nesom (MUFON's disregard Chinese, a pictograph language of State Director for the Houston area and a pro­ thousands of complex characters, and the ancient fessional editor). This updated version is scheduled forms of Egyptian and Sumerian writing. to appear in the journal's March issue. Hopefully, Furthermore, it would be amazing if any of the this revised version will address some of Endres's fabricated figures would-by chance-correspond to very pertinent comments. I consider criticism such characters from the alien language. For that matter, as his a valuable tool from which to learn, and I we don't know if the symbols stand for letters, thank him for his comments. words or numbers. There is also no evidence to Miller Johnson conclude that the actual script would have to be comprised of seventy characters simply because it February 24, 1995 takes that many, assuming no repetition of symbols, to fill the 1-beam. Editor, "New Mexico MUFON News": Terry Endres, UFO Update Newsletter, 239 East State Rd., Cleves, OH 45002 Kevin Randle's letter in "New Mexico MUFON News" #23 utterly misrepresents the basis for my 16 March 1995 conclusion that what rancher Mac Brazel found was all but certainly something from Project Mogul and Dear Carolyn, repeats his denial that he ever considered this a viable possibility. I am writing in response to Terry Endres' letter My conclusion is based upon, among other dated 2/28/95. His applause is much appreciated things, the testimony of not 3, as Randle would and, as always, I am open for comments and feed­ have it, but 15 Roswell witnesses, 14 of them back. firsthand, and that of 6 men who worked on Project In creating the 1-beam replica, my intention was Mogul or were involved in the procurement of equip­ to fill a visual void that has perpetuated itself for ment used in the project. See, e.g., my letter and almost 48 years. The symbols, characters, words, related graphics in "News" #21 and my Roswell in numbers, etc. -however you care to describe them­ Perspective (orders placed with me-$25.00 to POB are based on the most accurate information avail­ 93338, Albuquerque, NM 87199-3338-will get you able, the memory of Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr., who held an inscribed copy and a $5.00 donation from me to the original 1-beam in his hands. Dr. Marcel told me New Mexico MUFON). 7 I am quite willing to take Randle at his word Judge for yourselves, gentle and thoughtful that he does not "endorse" the Mogul explanation readers. for Brazel's find, but here, in its entirety, is what he Karl T. Pflock, Placitas, NM wrote to me on July 6, 1994: "Mark [Rodeghier, scientific director, Center for Due to the rising prices of postage and UFO Studies] allowed me the opportunity to see your monograph about the case in Roswell. It is an printing, the NM MUFON News announces its first price increase since its inception. The impressive work and certainly supports the theory April issue will be $1.50 and subscriptions will that a Mogul balloon was responsible for the Brazel rise on March 31 to $1.50 per issue (or ten ranch find. The array of testimony and evidence issues for $15). You may wish to subscribe or does seem to lead to that conclusion. renew before then. Thanks for your support! - "As I say, it is an impressive work and one that CDA & DS, NM MUFON News, PO Box 2786, I believe will contribute to the overall picture of what Corrales, NM 87048 really happened outside of Roswell so long ago." Ltmmcks Here is a sampling of the limericks we ComboL imeri&c kD ittVye rse received over the last month. We will Ivy Dunn, Albuquerque, NM continue the contest and continue to publish them over the coming months. This lime might give you fits let us give it in little bits below is a little poem My AlieFnr ienBdi ll composed early one morn by Gail Aggen, Kansas City, MO open your ears listen to this I picked up my Alien Buddy named Bill 'cause his ponderous brain's never still. I Saw This alien stumbled up to the bar He said I need a coupla beers for my UFO Gleefully, Super String we'll propound And then He poured it in his saucer like car without meson around My God-far and away he did go! 'til entropy taps out to nil. In a second he was parked right on the Moon Abductiobny ,G ail Aggen The 2 bottles of Coors was just enough gas To let the alien leave earth not a moment too soon When they picked me up it was like deja vu­ Then we heard he was running from-the 1-R-S! and when I said so, they told me they knew we'd all been this way before HopeG rayC,o rraleNsM,: shared sperm and ovum galore and I'd remember it over and over again, too! There once was a lady named Carolyn who was always looking for an alien­ PottByr eakb,y Gail Aggen to Roswell she went reports to MUFON she sent There was a Pleidian Urologist named Sue that you're never quite sure what they fly in. who had 7 incontinent sisters who could never find a potty place **WINNER/** and warped through all of hyperspace EditPhu revicMho,r iartNyM,: on full-out antigravs on their way to the loa. Star CrosseLdo verb,y Gail Aggen This Limerick will not make the news to startle those with discordant views' ' There was a Reticulan named Red but I watch the sky who was a tiger in bed. and hope I will spy H� had half the Reptile Fleet a UFO's extraterrestrial hues. envying his feat and the other half wishing him dead. Send limericks to NM MUFON News, PO Box 2786, Corrales, NM 87048 8

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