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369 Pages·2011·2.23 MB·English
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The NLP Comprehensive Training Team N L P THE NEW TECHNOLOGY OF ACHIEVEMENT Edited by Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Steve Andreas, M.A., Charles Faulkner, B.A., Kelly Gerling, Ph.D., Tim Hallbom, M.S.W., Robert McDonald, M.S., Gerry Schmidt, Ph.D., Suzi Smith, M.S. Dedicated to the joyful heart and soaring spirit of every child reaching for a greater world, especially in yourself Contents Cover Title Page Dedication CHAPTER ONE: Changing Your Mind CHAPTER TWO: What Is NLP? CHAPTER THREE: Getting Motivated CHAPTER FOUR: Discovering Your Mission CHAPTER FIVE: Achieving Your Goals CHAPTER SIX: Creating Rapport and Strong Relationships CHAPTER SEVEN: Powerful Persuasion Strategies CHAPTER EIGHT: Eliminating Your Fears and Phobias CHAPTER NINE: Building Self-Confidence CHAPTER TEN: Creating Self-Appreciation and Self-Esteem CHAPTER ELEVEN: Securing a Positive Mental Attitude CHAPTER TWELVE: Achieving Peak Performance Notes Bibliography Index The NLP 21-Day Unlimited Achievement Program Biographies Acknowledgments A A LSO VAILABLE About the Author Credits Copyright Permissions About the Publisher CHAPTER ONE Changing Your Mind The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. —WILLIAM JAMES, eminent American psychologist Entering a World of Change T his book will change your life. We know. What you’re about to read has already changed ours. We are the trainers and consultants of NLP Comprehensive, an organization of individuals dedicated to helping people reach their unlimited inner resources. The accounts of personal change you’ll read in these chapters happened to actual individuals. In many cases, their changes took place in the same amount of time it will take you to read about them. These transformations, which include changing fear into confidence, despair into desire, and worry over the past into goal-oriented action, are the result of specific and learnable techniques. We’ve taught them to counselors, consultants, coaches, managers, engineers, athletes, entrepreneurs, executives, and parents— all kinds of people interested in effective personal and professional change. Collectively, we have edited or authored almost a dozen of the key books on this transformational technology, and produced more than three times that many audio and videotape programs. Over the last ten years, through our books, tapes, and training sessions, we’ve introduced this new possibility for living to over a million people in situations ranging from corporate boardrooms to a one- room schoolhouse, from packed auditoriums to a cancertreatment hospital room. We didn’t start here. We set out, probably very much like you, with little more than our sincere desire and hope that deliberate change was possible. We spent years searching across the fields of psychology and personal development for ways to implement change that works. From university educations to the school of hard knocks, and from expensive training seminars to silent selfexamination, we measured what we found by the results it could produce. A number of us spent more than a decade searching for the keys to real and lasting change before we found them. Our motives were personal as well as professional. We wanted to assist our clients in transcending their past difficulties and self-imposed limitations, so they could get on with the adventure of their lives. We wanted to affect the bottom lines of businesses and the people who work for them, to increase their productivity, profit, and professional satisfaction. And we wanted something for ourselves. As agents of change, we wanted skills that could enhance those who were already achieving and increase what was already excellent. For our own satisfaction, we wanted to be able to move beyond fixing problems to creating possibilities. We’ve always believed we could do, be, have, and become more, and that you can too. Now, more than at any other time in human history, many approaches, old and new, are pointing toward improving human potential and increasing possibilities. Some of them are well known, with names like positive mental attitude, visualization, affirmations, inner child work, goal setting, and personal power. You may even have tried one or more of them at one time or another. If your experience was like ours, sometimes they worked and the results were truly marvelous. At other times, though, they didn’t. And when they didn’t, no matter how much we wanted or needed them to work, they wouldn’t. It was these erratic results that kept us searching even further for the real roots of change. We knew we were already part of the way there. We wanted to produce results consistently. We wanted to know the difference that made the difference between an occasional or temporary relief and a deep, lasting change. We wanted to be able to deliberately facilitate transformational change and teach others to do it for themselves as well. Creating Change Before we guide you into creating new possibilities of thinking, feeling, and acting for yourself and those you love, we would like to take just a moment to introduce ourselves and let you know a little bit about what we do and how we work. Steve Andreas, M.A., NLP Comprehensive cofounder, trainer, author, and NLP innovator, sits listening attentively to a woman as she describes how a shameful incident from her past resurfaces on occasion. She describes how this recurring memory has limited her feelings and life choices. Steve gently interrupts her story and asks how she would like things to be. She brightens and talks about a new career idea and a different kind of life. He asks some unusual questions about the first experience and then the second. At least she thinks they’re unusual. No one has ever asked her if her memories were black and white or in color before. He then guides her through what seems to be a simple visualization, only at the end, tears have filled her eyes, not of sorrow, but of joy. She feels released from her past. Less than thirty minutes has passed. She remains free of the memory. Charles Faulkner, trainer, author, and expert modeler, finishes his interview with the company’s best financial decision maker. Here is a man whose thoughts and opinions affect the movement of millions of dollars a day. Charles points to the notes he has made on the board. In a language of pictures, words, and feelings, he describes the details of this decision maker’s strategy in easy-to-understand terms. The members of the assembled team begin to realize that they can use these same steps to dramatically improve their own decisionmaking abilities. The rest of the morning is spent applying their new skills to a wide variety of problems and opportunities. Kelly Gerling, Ph.D., corporate trainer and leadership catalyst, enters the conference room and takes in the scene. He can see the tension and despair on their faces. The company’s direction is at stake, and the board has been deadlocked for weeks. He begins by asking for each executive’s perception of the situation. As he acknowledges their concerns, he asks them to talk about their values. The feeling in the room begins to shift. No one has talked with them this way. They can sense some change is stirring. Two days later, they are designing their new strategic plan. A year later, the values expressed at those meetings have spread throughout the company, improving morale, and transforming them back into market leaders. Tim Hallbom, M.S.W., trainer, author, and health-applications researcher, had just learned from NLP innovator Robert Dilts that allergic responses are comparable to a phobia of the immune system. While there’s no real danger from the outside, the body’s immune-system reaction is so strong that it becomes the danger. Tim mentions this to some seminar participants, and one of them announces he’s allergic to everything. It turns out he has so many food allergies he’s spending over two hundred dollars a week on a special diet. Applying Robert Dilts’s procedure for reducing allergic responses, Tim guides him to neutralize the food triggers for his allergies. Following extremely cautious and conservative testing, the participant finds over the next few days that all his allergic responses have vanished. They never return. Several years and thousands of successful cases later, Tim is participating in formal clinical studies at a Vail, Colorado, medical facility to scientifically test this new approach. Robert McDonald, M.S., trainer, author, and healer, believes that the deep connections of our lives are our relationships. The estranged couple before him wishes they did, too. Beginning with one and then the other, Robert draws them out. He helps them divide their disappointments from their dreams and rekindle what first brought them together. He then assists them in literally separating themselves from old co- dependent patterns and gaining a new sense of wholeness in and for themselves. Finally, he invites them to participate in a healing ritual in which they bring the fullness of each other together in a living, loving relationship. Tears come to Robert’s eyes as well as to the couple before him. Their marriage not only survives, it thrives. Gerry Schmidt, Ph.D., teacher, trainer, and psychotherapist, waits for the well-dressed executive to compose himself. It has been a year since he was blindsided in an automobile accident, yet he still finds himself panicking any time a car comes at him from that angle. He knows it’s not rational, and he’s only here on the recommendation of a friend. Gerry asks him where it happened, and how it might have looked from across the street, or the cab down the block, or from a traffic helicopter. Pretty soon the two are laughing about it, and without understanding why, the executive finds himself making up a joke about the incident. He drives home from the single one-hour session with ease. His fears never return. Suzi Smith, M.S., trainer, author, and health-applications researcher, has thought of herself as a lot of things: wife, mother, teacher, corporate trainer. Somehow, though, the idea of being an international authority in a new field had never come up, and it didn’t feel natural. As she traced her feelings back to their origin, she found a much earlier life experience. She realized her feelings belonged more appropriately to a student in her teens who was insecure in her knowledge. This was clearly not who she is now. Since this self-limiting belief would only hold her back from delivering the important discoveries that she and her colleagues have made, she decides to change it. Drawing to mind a memory of when she felt confident and competent, she literally uses those qualities to transform her old childhood memory into a resourceful one. She completes the process in less than ten minutes. These accounts probably seem like overstated, and unlikely incidents, or barring that, miracles. When we first heard similar accounts, they seemed like nothing less than miracles to us, too. Now, after ten or more years as NLP practitioners, trainers, consultants, and counselors, we know from the thousands of personal experiences like them that rapid, deep, and lasting change is a reality. As the contributing authors to this book, we know that NLP defies the usual expectations of what’s possible. It seems so grandiose and unlikely that some people will use that as an excuse to never examine it closely. Yet if you were to look back over this century of change, you might be surprised to discover that the airplane and the automobile are both less than 100 years old. The idea of sending voices and music through space to distant places without wires was thought impossible and therefore unworthy of serious investigation. Then radio was invented. Modern

NLP has already helped millions of people overcome fears, increase confidence, enrich relationships, and achieve greater sucess. Now the NLP Comprehensive Training Team has written a book that reveals how to use this breakthrough technology to achieve whatever you want.Short for neuro-linguistic pro
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